I get bands cancelling shows in the heavily affected areas like Asia and Northern Italy but that being said, it seems a little premature to call for cancellations when such a tiny subset of 2 massive countries is infected. People are acting like cancelling all shows will stop the spread of the virus entirely - it won't. Until you put every single person in quarantine the virus will continue to spread as people go about their daily lives - whether that be going to work, going grocery shopping, going to the gym, seeing a movie, hanging out with friends, attending class, etc... You're interacting with just as many people during the course of a normal day as you would in your particular section of a rock concert. Until this thing starts to infect a significant portion of the population, say .5%-1% (being conservative there), then I don't see any reason why things shouldn't go on as scheduled while at the same time messaging to people to take proper precautions (stay home if you're sick, wash hands regularly, see a doctor if you start showing symptoms or recently traveled to one of the affected areas).
I am not one to panic, but I have been stocking up on things like tp, rice, beans, pasta, canned sauces, frozen veggies (which we never buy), vitamins, advil and a few other things. Not huge amounts, but enough in case things go sideways for a few weeks. Basically every day this week I've made a run for some items. Nothing we won't use or eat, but if we are quarantined or things get bad, I want to be at least a bit prepared. I'm in CA and I'm guessing schools will be closed by the end of the month and people won't be commuting to work, so a panic mindset will set in and I want to be a bit ahead of it. I hope I'm wrong, of course. I also hope we all get to see PJ this spring.
This is what I don't get. Why? I guarantee you hundreds, probably thousands of kids in California have the flu right now and are sitting in class spreading it. If these measures aren't an over reaction for coronavirus because 1 person has now died and a few dozen are infected, then why not do it for the flu too? Shutting down schools and public events seems very extreme at this point. I would imagine who thinks this is worth shutting down a school now probably doesn't leave their bubble-house during the months of November-April to be safe.
The CDC and doctors have been telling the population to prepare for *possible* severe normal everyday life changes. If you or others want to ignore their advice, then do that. But other people are probably better off listening to doctors and experts over some random dude on the internet who isn't qualified to give advice about these things.
Okay, so explain to me why we don't do the same thing every year when we know 100% for sure 20 million people will get the flu and 20,000 will die from it? I've asked several times and haven't seen one answer.
My answer is is because this is something new. People freak out when it is new. We are used to the flu, so it doesn't concern us. You don't have to be an expert to know that 20 million is a bigger number.
I think I saw that someone who gets the flu has a 1 in 800 chance of dying? The coronavirus thus far, as far as we know is somewhere in the 1 in 30 to 1 in 40 people die range. That makes it sound about 20x more lethal than the standard flu that we all know and have probably had at some point.
Now there's obvious variables...did a lot more people get coronavirus than we know, thus the mortality rate is lower than is being reported? Maybe...hopefully. It's odd how some countries have very high death rates (China, Iran, Italy), while South Korea has a less than 1% death rate the last I heard. That might be explained by South Korea testing massive amounts of people, thus possibly flagging people with the virus who aren't getting all that sick. Where maybe the other countries are only testing people in bad shape already? Who knows.
Now this new virus its just starting to spread everywhere. Obviously we hope it doesn't spread as much as the flu, but this is an unknown as you said.
I do like one thing about the people panicking. You can't find sanitizing wipes or hand sanitizers anywhere near where I live. But if people are using these items, then good. That is the type of behavior that can get us past thing whole thing.
But in the end. I'm not an expert. I'm just spewing crap I've read or seen. People should get their advice from doctors, not people like you or I.
I get that 1 in 30. But that doesn’t matter to me. That’s like saying bazookas are the main gun problem because 100% of the people shot with a bazooka die, but only 30% of those shot with a hand gun die. So guns aren’t the problem, bazookas are.
If you catch corona you have a higher likelihood of dying. But still more people got the flu and more people died from it. In my book that makes it more deadly.
1 in 30 should matter to you. Say you get infected but are healthy and fight it off with no ill effects. But let's also say you don't know you're contagious for two weeks and infect 100 more people. The odds are that a certain percentage of those 100 people may have underlying conditions, are elderly or will come into close contact with immuno suppressed people or elderly parents and pass it on. It's like that old shampoo commercial - she told two friends and so on and so on and so on.... Unfortunately we have no way of knowing who we might pass it on to and who they might pass it on to and so on....
And this is why they will cancel the tour. And schools will close and you'll work from home and stores will only be open limited hours, etc. Sucks, but our lives will be disrupted greatly and very soon.
Unfortunately, I see that as a distinct if not likely possibility. Unless our flights to YYZ get cancelled, we are still planning to go. Just hoping that PJ kicks off the tour there.... they are still promoting the Apollo gig - not yet on the list but hoping to be, so that's a glimmer, albeit a tiny one, of hope.
I've settled on letting the NBA, NHL and MLB be my canary in the coal mine for these upcoming US shows. I'll deal with the EU in July when I need to, but for fucks sakes, if they can hold basketball and hockey games IN MANY OF THE SAME FUCKING ARENAS during the same fucking time frames, then I honestly don't know how they can cancel these shows. Same basic principle for MLB games.
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
Otherwise, let's fucking do this.
Post edited by Saltzy23 on
'I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine.'
I've settled on letting the NBA, NHL and MLB be my canary in the coal mine for these upcoming US shows. I'll deal with the EU in July when I need to, but for fucks sakes, if they can hold basketball and hockey games IN MANY OF THE SAME FUCKING ARENAS during the same fucking time frames, then I honestly don't know how they can cancel these shows. Same basic principle for MLB games.
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
I am not one to panic, but I have been stocking up on things like tp, rice, beans, pasta, canned sauces, frozen veggies (which we never buy), vitamins, advil and a few other things. Not huge amounts, but enough in case things go sideways for a few weeks. Basically every day this week I've made a run for some items. Nothing we won't use or eat, but if we are quarantined or things get bad, I want to be at least a bit prepared. I'm in CA and I'm guessing schools will be closed by the end of the month and people won't be commuting to work, so a panic mindset will set in and I want to be a bit ahead of it. I hope I'm wrong, of course. I also hope we all get to see PJ this spring.
This is what I don't get. Why? I guarantee you hundreds, probably thousands of kids in California have the flu right now and are sitting in class spreading it. If these measures aren't an over reaction for coronavirus because 1 person has now died and a few dozen are infected, then why not do it for the flu too? Shutting down schools and public events seems very extreme at this point. I would imagine who thinks this is worth shutting down a school now probably doesn't leave their bubble-house during the months of November-April to be safe.
The CDC and doctors have been telling the population to prepare for *possible* severe normal everyday life changes. If you or others want to ignore their advice, then do that. But other people are probably better off listening to doctors and experts over some random dude on the internet who isn't qualified to give advice about these things.
Okay, so explain to me why we don't do the same thing every year when we know 100% for sure 20 million people will get the flu and 20,000 will die from it? I've asked several times and haven't seen one answer.
My answer is is because this is something new. People freak out when it is new. We are used to the flu, so it doesn't concern us. You don't have to be an expert to know that 20 million is a bigger number.
I think I saw that someone who gets the flu has a 1 in 800 chance of dying? The coronavirus thus far, as far as we know is somewhere in the 1 in 30 to 1 in 40 people die range. That makes it sound about 20x more lethal than the standard flu that we all know and have probably had at some point.
Now there's obvious variables...did a lot more people get coronavirus than we know, thus the mortality rate is lower than is being reported? Maybe...hopefully. It's odd how some countries have very high death rates (China, Iran, Italy), while South Korea has a less than 1% death rate the last I heard. That might be explained by South Korea testing massive amounts of people, thus possibly flagging people with the virus who aren't getting all that sick. Where maybe the other countries are only testing people in bad shape already? Who knows.
Now this new virus its just starting to spread everywhere. Obviously we hope it doesn't spread as much as the flu, but this is an unknown as you said.
I do like one thing about the people panicking. You can't find sanitizing wipes or hand sanitizers anywhere near where I live. But if people are using these items, then good. That is the type of behavior that can get us past thing whole thing.
But in the end. I'm not an expert. I'm just spewing crap I've read or seen. People should get their advice from doctors, not people like you or I.
I get that 1 in 30. But that doesn’t matter to me. That’s like saying bazookas are the main gun problem because 100% of the people shot with a bazooka die, but only 30% of those shot with a hand gun die. So guns aren’t the problem, bazookas are.
If you catch corona you have a higher likelihood of dying. But still more people got the flu and more people died from it. In my book that makes it more deadly.
1 in 30 should matter to you. Say you get infected but are healthy and fight it off with no ill effects. But let's also say you don't know you're contagious for two weeks and infect 100 more people. The odds are that a certain percentage of those 100 people may have underlying conditions, are elderly or will come into close contact with immuno suppressed people or elderly parents and pass it on. It's like that old shampoo commercial - she told two friends and so on and so on and so on.... Unfortunately we have no way of knowing who we might pass it on to and who they might pass it on to and so on....
It doesn’t matter in terms of saying it’s deadlier than the flu or not. At the end of the season I’m confident in saying less than 20 million will be infected in the US and less than 20,000 will die. Therefore it will infect less and kill less. I don’t know how you would argue it’s going to be worse than the flu.
There’s never been a pancreatic cancer panic (Wolverines!), but thats much deadlier than 1 in 30.
Thats my opinion, in 3 months I could be proven wrong. I don’t see that happening though.
Im not saying this isn’t serious and we shouldn’t care at all. I was just saying I think the level of panic is getting crazy. Entire isles of Costco are empty. That’s ridiculous. Whatever you’re doing for corona you should be doing for the flu. If you don’t, you’re over reacting. Don’t buy out toilet paper for the flu, so don’t do it for corona. And what’s with people buying pallets of water bottles? Is the water company going to shit off water when someone calls in sick!
I've settled on letting the NBA, NHL and MLB be my canary in the coal mine for these upcoming US shows. I'll deal with the EU in July when I need to, but for fucks sakes, if they can hold basketball and hockey games IN MANY OF THE SAME FUCKING ARENAS during the same fucking time frames, then I honestly don't know how they can cancel these shows. Same basic principle for MLB games.
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
Otherwise, let's fucking do this.
Play Ball!!
Spring Training Baseball - Angels vs Royals... right now.. (3/6/20)
"The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh
I've settled on letting the NBA, NHL and MLB be my canary in the coal mine for these upcoming US shows. I'll deal with the EU in July when I need to, but for fucks sakes, if they can hold basketball and hockey games IN MANY OF THE SAME FUCKING ARENAS during the same fucking time frames, then I honestly don't know how they can cancel these shows. Same basic principle for MLB games.
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
Otherwise, let's fucking do this.
God bless you. Seriously. (well, not 'seriously" in the religious sense but let's indeed fucking do this!!!)
I've settled on letting the NBA, NHL and MLB be my canary in the coal mine for these upcoming US shows. I'll deal with the EU in July when I need to, but for fucks sakes, if they can hold basketball and hockey games IN MANY OF THE SAME FUCKING ARENAS during the same fucking time frames, then I honestly don't know how they can cancel these shows. Same basic principle for MLB games.
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
Otherwise, let's fucking do this.
My feeling is, if the Leafs play the Devils on St. Paddy's Day, we are good to go. Flying to YYZ anyway, unless of course, they cancel early. I love Toronto and really want to see PJ in Canada. Fingers crossed. Hoping that the tour happens. I am so ready.
I've settled on letting the NBA, NHL and MLB be my canary in the coal mine for these upcoming US shows. I'll deal with the EU in July when I need to, but for fucks sakes, if they can hold basketball and hockey games IN MANY OF THE SAME FUCKING ARENAS during the same fucking time frames, then I honestly don't know how they can cancel these shows. Same basic principle for MLB games.
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
The NBA has started advising teams that they should be prepared to play games without fans and asked that they start determining which staff are considered essential.
1993 - Toronto 1996 - Toronto 1998 - Barrie 2000 - Toronto 2003 - Buffalo, Toronto 2005 - Hamilton, Toronto 2006 - Toronto I, Toronto II 2008 - EV solo Toronto I 2010 - Buffalo, Newark 2011 - Toronto I, Toronto II, Hamilton 2013 - London, Chicago, Buffalo, Brooklyn I, Brooklyn II, Philadelphia I, Philadelphia II 2014 - Detroit 2016 - Philadelphia I, Philadelphia II, New York I, New York II, Ottawa, Toronto I, Toronto II, Chicago I, Chicago II 2018 - Boston I, Boston II
I am not one to panic, but I have been stocking up on things like tp, rice, beans, pasta, canned sauces, frozen veggies (which we never buy), vitamins, advil and a few other things. Not huge amounts, but enough in case things go sideways for a few weeks. Basically every day this week I've made a run for some items. Nothing we won't use or eat, but if we are quarantined or things get bad, I want to be at least a bit prepared. I'm in CA and I'm guessing schools will be closed by the end of the month and people won't be commuting to work, so a panic mindset will set in and I want to be a bit ahead of it. I hope I'm wrong, of course. I also hope we all get to see PJ this spring.
This is what I don't get. Why? I guarantee you hundreds, probably thousands of kids in California have the flu right now and are sitting in class spreading it. If these measures aren't an over reaction for coronavirus because 1 person has now died and a few dozen are infected, then why not do it for the flu too? Shutting down schools and public events seems very extreme at this point. I would imagine who thinks this is worth shutting down a school now probably doesn't leave their bubble-house during the months of November-April to be safe.
The CDC and doctors have been telling the population to prepare for *possible* severe normal everyday life changes. If you or others want to ignore their advice, then do that. But other people are probably better off listening to doctors and experts over some random dude on the internet who isn't qualified to give advice about these things.
Okay, so explain to me why we don't do the same thing every year when we know 100% for sure 20 million people will get the flu and 20,000 will die from it? I've asked several times and haven't seen one answer.
My answer is is because this is something new. People freak out when it is new. We are used to the flu, so it doesn't concern us. You don't have to be an expert to know that 20 million is a bigger number.
I think I saw that someone who gets the flu has a 1 in 800 chance of dying? The coronavirus thus far, as far as we know is somewhere in the 1 in 30 to 1 in 40 people die range. That makes it sound about 20x more lethal than the standard flu that we all know and have probably had at some point.
Now there's obvious variables...did a lot more people get coronavirus than we know, thus the mortality rate is lower than is being reported? Maybe...hopefully. It's odd how some countries have very high death rates (China, Iran, Italy), while South Korea has a less than 1% death rate the last I heard. That might be explained by South Korea testing massive amounts of people, thus possibly flagging people with the virus who aren't getting all that sick. Where maybe the other countries are only testing people in bad shape already? Who knows.
Now this new virus its just starting to spread everywhere. Obviously we hope it doesn't spread as much as the flu, but this is an unknown as you said.
I do like one thing about the people panicking. You can't find sanitizing wipes or hand sanitizers anywhere near where I live. But if people are using these items, then good. That is the type of behavior that can get us past thing whole thing.
But in the end. I'm not an expert. I'm just spewing crap I've read or seen. People should get their advice from doctors, not people like you or I.
I get that 1 in 30. But that doesn’t matter to me. That’s like saying bazookas are the main gun problem because 100% of the people shot with a bazooka die, but only 30% of those shot with a hand gun die. So guns aren’t the problem, bazookas are.
If you catch corona you have a higher likelihood of dying. But still more people got the flu and more people died from it. In my book that makes it more deadly.
I am not one to panic, but I have been stocking up on things like tp, rice, beans, pasta, canned sauces, frozen veggies (which we never buy), vitamins, advil and a few other things. Not huge amounts, but enough in case things go sideways for a few weeks. Basically every day this week I've made a run for some items. Nothing we won't use or eat, but if we are quarantined or things get bad, I want to be at least a bit prepared. I'm in CA and I'm guessing schools will be closed by the end of the month and people won't be commuting to work, so a panic mindset will set in and I want to be a bit ahead of it. I hope I'm wrong, of course. I also hope we all get to see PJ this spring.
This is what I don't get. Why? I guarantee you hundreds, probably thousands of kids in California have the flu right now and are sitting in class spreading it. If these measures aren't an over reaction for coronavirus because 1 person has now died and a few dozen are infected, then why not do it for the flu too? Shutting down schools and public events seems very extreme at this point. I would imagine who thinks this is worth shutting down a school now probably doesn't leave their bubble-house during the months of November-April to be safe.
The CDC and doctors have been telling the population to prepare for *possible* severe normal everyday life changes. If you or others want to ignore their advice, then do that. But other people are probably better off listening to doctors and experts over some random dude on the internet who isn't qualified to give advice about these things.
Okay, so explain to me why we don't do the same thing every year when we know 100% for sure 20 million people will get the flu and 20,000 will die from it? I've asked several times and haven't seen one answer.
My answer is is because this is something new. People freak out when it is new. We are used to the flu, so it doesn't concern us. You don't have to be an expert to know that 20 million is a bigger number.
I think I saw that someone who gets the flu has a 1 in 800 chance of dying? The coronavirus thus far, as far as we know is somewhere in the 1 in 30 to 1 in 40 people die range. That makes it sound about 20x more lethal than the standard flu that we all know and have probably had at some point.
Now there's obvious variables...did a lot more people get coronavirus than we know, thus the mortality rate is lower than is being reported? Maybe...hopefully. It's odd how some countries have very high death rates (China, Iran, Italy), while South Korea has a less than 1% death rate the last I heard. That might be explained by South Korea testing massive amounts of people, thus possibly flagging people with the virus who aren't getting all that sick. Where maybe the other countries are only testing people in bad shape already? Who knows.
Now this new virus its just starting to spread everywhere. Obviously we hope it doesn't spread as much as the flu, but this is an unknown as you said.
I do like one thing about the people panicking. You can't find sanitizing wipes or hand sanitizers anywhere near where I live. But if people are using these items, then good. That is the type of behavior that can get us past thing whole thing.
But in the end. I'm not an expert. I'm just spewing crap I've read or seen. People should get their advice from doctors, not people like you or I.
I get that 1 in 30. But that doesn’t matter to me. That’s like saying bazookas are the main gun problem because 100% of the people shot with a bazooka die, but only 30% of those shot with a hand gun die. So guns aren’t the problem, bazookas are.
If you catch corona you have a higher likelihood of dying. But still more people got the flu and more people died from it. In my book that makes it more deadly.
Coronavirus is new. Needs time to spread.
100% true. Maybe in the future it will dwarf the flu. But it doesn’t explain the behavior we are observing right now.
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
Someone mentioned insurance earlier and that’s proving to be true.
Yeah that was me. At the end of the day, money makes the world go round (why do you think flights haven't been grounded?).
That said, most of the show cancellations I've seen so far are Europe/Japan/Hawaii. I think how things progress in the next week will be a big factor. The Canadian dates might happen if the infection rates there are still low but the US is up in the air if things get worse.
Someone mentioned insurance earlier and that’s proving to be true.
Yeah that was me. At the end of the day, money makes the world go round (why do you think flights haven't been grounded?).
That said, most of the show cancellations I've seen so far are Europe/Japan/Hawaii. I think how things progress in the next week will be a big factor. The Canadian dates might happen if the infection rates there are still low but the US is up in the air if things get worse.
Wait, I'm confused by the wording of this tweet -- why would an artist cancel a show if the insurance will NOT cover the cancellation? Somebody explain this to me. It would seem you would only cancel because you have coverage. What am I missing?
It won't be the artist doing the cancelling... the local authority be it city/ county will be the one to call it off. My BF lives in Coachella Valley in LaQuinta and the loss of revenue to the locals wil be devastating (2 weekends of Coachella + Stagecoach). Sad... usually the festival season income carries them through low tourist desert summers.
Someone mentioned insurance earlier and that’s proving to be true.
Yeah that was me. At the end of the day, money makes the world go round (why do you think flights haven't been grounded?).
That said, most of the show cancellations I've seen so far are Europe/Japan/Hawaii. I think how things progress in the next week will be a big factor. The Canadian dates might happen if the infection rates there are still low but the US is up in the air if things get worse.
Wait, I'm confused by the wording of this tweet -- why would an artist cancel a show if the insurance will NOT cover the cancellation? Somebody explain this to me. It would seem you would only cancel because you have coverage. What am I missing?
My guess is there is a window where if they cancel now they recoup some losses just because it’s far enough out. But cancel last minute due to corona they’re out everything. But doesn’t seem right they can add that now. Sort of like if I cancel now I’m only out flights. If I cancel last minute I’m out that plus my Airbnb, dog boarding, prepaid airport parking, and more.
Thanks for the much-needed levity!
If I start to hear hear rumblings that the NBA or NHL seasons might have to be paused, or that MLB is looking to postpone Opening Day I'll accept that these shows are porked.
Otherwise, let's fucking do this.
At the end of the season I’m confident in saying less than 20 million will be infected in the US and less than 20,000 will die. Therefore it will infect less and kill less. I don’t know how you would argue it’s going to be worse than the flu.
Thats my opinion, in 3 months I could be proven wrong. I don’t see that happening though.
Im not saying this isn’t serious and we shouldn’t care at all. I was just saying I think the level of panic is getting crazy. Entire isles of Costco are empty. That’s ridiculous. Whatever you’re doing for corona you should be doing for the flu. If you don’t, you’re over reacting. Don’t buy out toilet paper for the flu, so don’t do it for corona.
And what’s with people buying pallets of water bottles? Is the water company going to shit off water when someone calls in sick!
Play Ball!!
Spring Training Baseball - Angels vs Royals... right now.. (3/6/20)
07-09-95 Milwaukee
10-07-96 Ft. Lauderdale
06-29-98 Chicago
09-22-98 West Palm Beach
07-19-13 Wrigley Field
10-14-14 Memphis
04-26-16 Lexington
08-20-16 (Wrigley I)
08-22-16 (Wrigley II)
08-18-18 (Wrigley I)
08-20-18 (Wrigley II)
1996 - Toronto
1998 - Barrie
2000 - Toronto
2003 - Buffalo, Toronto
2005 - Hamilton, Toronto
2006 - Toronto I, Toronto II
2008 - EV solo Toronto I
2010 - Buffalo, Newark
2011 - Toronto I, Toronto II, Hamilton
2013 - London, Chicago, Buffalo, Brooklyn I, Brooklyn II, Philadelphia I, Philadelphia II
2014 - Detroit
2016 - Philadelphia I, Philadelphia II, New York I, New York II, Ottawa, Toronto I, Toronto II, Chicago I, Chicago II
2018 - Boston I, Boston II
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
I guess every player, ref, and coach is gonna be tested on the way in and out of every game too.
The world is losing its goddamn mind.
That said, most of the show cancellations I've seen so far are Europe/Japan/Hawaii. I think how things progress in the next week will be a big factor. The Canadian dates might happen if the infection rates there are still low but the US is up in the air if things get worse.
But doesn’t seem right they can add that now.
Sort of like if I cancel now I’m only out flights. If I cancel last minute I’m out that plus my Airbnb, dog boarding, prepaid airport parking, and more.