Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
Haha, I thought the same thing over the last days. Was wondering how everyone‘s doing, especially Rob, having had a fever. Then I saw him posting elsewhere and figured he’s fine.
Rob, I‘m glad it has turned out fine (apparently, hopefully).
Yes, some updates on how people are doing would be great! Maybe everybody's just exhausted from watching all those "We're in this together" commercials. I know I am. If I was home right now I would take a nap to celebrate staying awake for 4 hours.
Yes, some updates on how people are doing would be great! Maybe everybody's just exhausted from watching all those "We're in this together" commercials. I know I am. If I was home right now I would take a nap to celebrate staying awake for 4 hours.
I've increased my anti-anxiety dosage for the past 2 weeks. I'm not sure if I feel much of a difference, or if there will be one. A lot of my stressors are involving the pandemic and how my voice at my job wasn't really heard. I get sick of the "We're in this together" here in the states, because it doesn't feel like a unified effort at all.
I wish I was a sacrifice, but somehow still lived on.
I've increased my anti-anxiety dosage for the past 2 weeks. I'm not sure if I feel much of a difference, or if there will be one. A lot of my stressors are involving the pandemic and how my voice at my job wasn't really heard. I get sick of the "We're in this together" here in the states, because it doesn't feel like a unified effort at all.
That's the way I feel, thank you! I don't know that I feel better now that I have work to concentrate mom said I seem happier since returning to work, but I think it is just because I feel the need to fake being okay. These are such strange times. Also, thank you for asking J, how are you doing?
I've increased my anti-anxiety dosage for the past 2 weeks. I'm not sure if I feel much of a difference, or if there will be one. A lot of my stressors are involving the pandemic and how my voice at my job wasn't really heard. I get sick of the "We're in this together" here in the states, because it doesn't feel like a unified effort at all.
That's the way I feel, thank you! I don't know that I feel better now that I have work to concentrate mom said I seem happier since returning to work, but I think it is just because I feel the need to fake being okay. These are such strange times. Also, thank you for asking J, how are you doing?
Looking from the outside the situation in the US sure doesn’t look unified. It’s pretty good here so far, even with the stupid anti-everything protests. I’m lucky with my company taking a really careful approach, with the government rules and so on. So I’m doing absolutely fine luckily. I hope it gets better for you guys!!
I’m doing alright, much like normal. Ha. Whatever that means. Living, mostly happy, sometimes sick, trying not to worry about things out of my control.
So, I’m okay. Also tired of the together thing. I get it’s for hope and all but between that and the accompanying “tender”music, it feels somewhat over the top for me.
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
Forgive me if i posted this in here already, but i was talking to a guy i know who works for psych health for the province. we asked him how things were going. he said it's actually very normal for some people with anxiety, in times of great societal stress, like war, or this, for their symptoms to actually subside somewhat or totally. he explained that a big part of anxiety/depression is the feeling of isolation and that no one understands (which I know all too well). now that EVERYONE is isolated and somewhat anxious and depressed, we feel like everyone is on our level now, which gives us comfort.
unfortunately, when this is over, things can get worse. much much worse.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,770
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
I was just thinking about this last night. Here we are, in what surely must be the most troubling times in all of our lives as far as society and the world at large goes. Surely most of us are struggling emotionally/mentally with what is going on around us. We know from things we've read that many, many people are struggling with depression and anxiety.
I think when these emotions are suppressed or we don't talk about them, that might mean they are actually quite strong and this is the time to be talking it out. One suggestion I read early on was to start a journal which I have done. But, strangely, I find that when I am at my lowest emotionally, I am less likely to write in it. I'm trying to remember to write more often.
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
Forgive me if i posted this in here already, but i was talking to a guy i know who works for psych health for the province. we asked him how things were going. he said it's actually very normal for some people with anxiety, in times of great societal stress, like war, or this, for their symptoms to actually subside somewhat or totally. he explained that a big part of anxiety/depression is the feeling of isolation and that no one understands (which I know all too well). now that EVERYONE is isolated and somewhat anxious and depressed, we feel like everyone is on our level now, which gives us comfort.
unfortunately, when this is over, things can get worse. much much worse.
This is an interesting perspective, it does make some sense.
My own anxiety was very elevated when this all started. I think lately it has been fairly normal for me but my depression is definitely worse. Having to give up my job, having to go through all kinds of shenanigans just to go to the post office or anywhere in public (even as infrequently as I do), wondering what the latest "opening up" is going to do to bring on a second, possibly worse wave of pandemic- all of that at times leaves me feeling useless, vulnerable, and inadequate. It's all so hard to deal with at times.
I'm not sure the idea that "everyone is on our level now" helps me. If anything, I worry about everybody I know and wonder which one of them (or me) might not survive this pandemic. Stress, loss of job, lack of motivation, disrupted sleep patterns, increased drinking and smoking- not of that is helping. I feel like I'm in an accelerated rate of aging.
In any case, I'm grateful for us being able to share our thoughts and concerns by way of the internet. Without it, many would feel so much more isolated. It helps to look at the little things that make this whole thing a little more tolerable.
I hope you're all doing as well as possible. And I'm grateful you're all here.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I am doing ok , my opinion is the US is a shit show with fucking morons with guns showing up to state house , people fighting over having to wear mask and trump just stoking the flames to make it worse.
I think I have gone away from this board because its just like " well it sucks for everyone right now " , my anxiety has been bad at times and I really only feel safe when I am home , still going into work 4 days a week with three of us here two days a week and the two of us here two days a week. So I do feel safe here and this office can hold up to 10 so we certainly have our space.
I am afraid of re-opening ( will not be until June at the earliest but still ) people not following rules , we will have a mask policy and having to enforcing is going to suck since there are fights everywhere about it.
The worst part for me has been going back to catastrophizing everything. I hear my wife cough and my brain runs thru her dying then my mom dying and then me being along ( I know grim stuff but just being honest ) , that said I am working on that. I used to do it all the time and thru years and years of therapy I was able to be done with catastrophizing , however Covid basically just wiped that out.
That said I am healthy , my family and friends are ( a few have lost a grandparent to the virus ) and I just have to be thankful for that.
I hope I am wrong but I really see this going on for the rest of the year , I hope I am wrong but at least in the US I feel like we are going to easy up and a month or two from now its just going to be so out of control that March and April will look like they were a cakewalk.
I echo your sentiment Matts. I'm not as concerned about the businesses being responsible in re-opening or trying to place measures to minimize spread, as I am about the consumer. There have already been stories in the news here-and-there about violence occurring when someone tries to enforce PPE rules at businesses and some restaurants immediately became overcrowded. I don't trust the general public to do the right thing and that's what scares me the most. I just don't get why someone wouldn't take the measure of covering their face. Seriously, does anyone in 10C oppose to face covering so that they can try to prevent COVID spread through coughing, etc.? Is there a legitimate reason why someone wouldn't do it, or is it simply defiance against being told what to do?
I wish I was a sacrifice, but somehow still lived on.
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
I was just thinking about this last night. Here we are, in what surely must be the most troubling times in all of our lives as far as society and the world at large goes. Surely most of us are struggling emotionally/mentally with what is going on around us. We know from things we've read that many, many people are struggling with depression and anxiety.
I think when these emotions are suppressed or we don't talk about them, that might mean they are actually quite strong and this is the time to be talking it out. One suggestion I read early on was to start a journal which I have done. But, strangely, I find that when I am at my lowest emotionally, I am less likely to write in it. I'm trying to remember to write more often.
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
Forgive me if i posted this in here already, but i was talking to a guy i know who works for psych health for the province. we asked him how things were going. he said it's actually very normal for some people with anxiety, in times of great societal stress, like war, or this, for their symptoms to actually subside somewhat or totally. he explained that a big part of anxiety/depression is the feeling of isolation and that no one understands (which I know all too well). now that EVERYONE is isolated and somewhat anxious and depressed, we feel like everyone is on our level now, which gives us comfort.
unfortunately, when this is over, things can get worse. much much worse.
This is an interesting perspective, it does make some sense.
My own anxiety was very elevated when this all started. I think lately it has been fairly normal for me but my depression is definitely worse. Having to give up my job, having to go through all kinds of shenanigans just to go to the post office or anywhere in public (even as infrequently as I do), wondering what the latest "opening up" is going to do to bring on a second, possibly worse wave of pandemic- all of that at times leaves me feeling useless, vulnerable, and inadequate. It's all so hard to deal with at times.
I'm not sure the idea that "everyone is on our level now" helps me. If anything, I worry about everybody I know and wonder which one of them (or me) might not survive this pandemic. Stress, loss of job, lack of motivation, disrupted sleep patterns, increased drinking and smoking- not of that is helping. I feel like I'm in an accelerated rate of aging.
In any case, I'm grateful for us being able to share our thoughts and concerns by way of the internet. Without it, many would feel so much more isolated. It helps to look at the little things that make this whole thing a little more tolerable.
I hope you're all doing as well as possible. And I'm grateful you're all here.
Yes, for sure, this isn't a one-size-fits all phenomenon. all i was saying is that, while you'd think the psych health departments of any given area would be taxed to the maximum right now, they actually see a decrease. it doesn't completely fall off, it's just a noted decrease. but once it's over is when they see the fallout, from both current patients and new ones.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I echo your sentiment Matts. I'm not as concerned about the businesses being responsible in re-opening or trying to place measures to minimize spread, as I am about the consumer. There have already been stories in the news here-and-there about violence occurring when someone tries to enforce PPE rules at businesses and some restaurants immediately became overcrowded. I don't trust the general public to do the right thing and that's what scares me the most. I just don't get why someone wouldn't take the measure of covering their face. Seriously, does anyone in 10C oppose to face covering so that they can try to prevent COVID spread through coughing, etc.? Is there a legitimate reason why someone wouldn't do it, or is it simply defiance against being told what to do?
So on point , I mean its political at this point and not science. This is a very blanket statement and I know it will not be true in ever case but if you were to walk around a store and ask those wearing mask who they voted for and those who do not I think we have a good idea on the answer. This is what is so upsetting that Trump seems too live off this divide and just feeds into it.
My company is doing everything in their power to keep us safe ( our doors have been locked since 3/11 and again will not open until June unless other states all go to shit after re-opening and then we are back in a closed office )
It is the person coming in that scares me , those who think it is a joke , or a hoax or get their news from infowars or Facebook , a college of mind from another state asked me if I knew about how Dr. Fucci would not release the AIDS vaccine because he wanted to make more money and I was just so taken back like one " he is not making the vaccine" , two WTF seriously !!!!!!
I did read a study about how people don't like being told what to do and that is part of the issue , however again dude your savings your life or possible someone else if you are A-symptomatic.
Strange all these people seem to think having children doing school drills for shootings and all the shootings are acceptable for their second amendment rights but putting a mask on means you are weak and dumb.
I echo your sentiment Matts. I'm not as concerned about the businesses being responsible in re-opening or trying to place measures to minimize spread, as I am about the consumer. There have already been stories in the news here-and-there about violence occurring when someone tries to enforce PPE rules at businesses and some restaurants immediately became overcrowded. I don't trust the general public to do the right thing and that's what scares me the most. I just don't get why someone wouldn't take the measure of covering their face. Seriously, does anyone in 10C oppose to face covering so that they can try to prevent COVID spread through coughing, etc.? Is there a legitimate reason why someone wouldn't do it, or is it simply defiance against being told what to do?
So on point , I mean its political at this point and not science. This is a very blanket statement and I know it will not be true in ever case but if you were to walk around a store and ask those wearing mask who they voted for and those who do not I think we have a good idea on the answer. This is what is so upsetting that Trump seems too live off this divide and just feeds into it.
My company is doing everything in their power to keep us safe ( our doors have been locked since 3/11 and again will not open until June unless other states all go to shit after re-opening and then we are back in a closed office )
It is the person coming in that scares me , those who think it is a joke , or a hoax or get their news from infowars or Facebook , a college of mind from another state asked me if I knew about how Dr. Fucci would not release the AIDS vaccine because he wanted to make more money and I was just so taken back like one " he is not making the vaccine" , two WTF seriously !!!!!!
I did read a study about how people don't like being told what to do and that is part of the issue , however again dude your savings your life or possible someone else if you are A-symptomatic.
Strange all these people seem to think having children doing school drills for shootings and all the shootings are acceptable for their second amendment rights but putting a mask on means you are weak and dumb.
I had a "Fauci-like" situation at my job, where I spoke up about something that was not right to do, mainly due to the lack of science backing it. It initially made it's way up the food chain to the CEO, but at the end of the day it doesn't look like anything will change. It's the mindset of moving forward until shit happens and learning the hard way. I don't advocate the reactive mode of handling situations. That's something that will get my anxiety up big time, when I feel someone or many are just going in head first and thinking they can figure it out as they go.
I wish I was a sacrifice, but somehow still lived on.
I echo your sentiment Matts. I'm not as concerned about the businesses being responsible in re-opening or trying to place measures to minimize spread, as I am about the consumer. There have already been stories in the news here-and-there about violence occurring when someone tries to enforce PPE rules at businesses and some restaurants immediately became overcrowded. I don't trust the general public to do the right thing and that's what scares me the most. I just don't get why someone wouldn't take the measure of covering their face. Seriously, does anyone in 10C oppose to face covering so that they can try to prevent COVID spread through coughing, etc.? Is there a legitimate reason why someone wouldn't do it, or is it simply defiance against being told what to do?
So on point , I mean its political at this point and not science. This is a very blanket statement and I know it will not be true in ever case but if you were to walk around a store and ask those wearing mask who they voted for and those who do not I think we have a good idea on the answer. This is what is so upsetting that Trump seems too live off this divide and just feeds into it.
My company is doing everything in their power to keep us safe ( our doors have been locked since 3/11 and again will not open until June unless other states all go to shit after re-opening and then we are back in a closed office )
It is the person coming in that scares me , those who think it is a joke , or a hoax or get their news from infowars or Facebook , a college of mind from another state asked me if I knew about how Dr. Fucci would not release the AIDS vaccine because he wanted to make more money and I was just so taken back like one " he is not making the vaccine" , two WTF seriously !!!!!!
I did read a study about how people don't like being told what to do and that is part of the issue , however again dude your savings your life or possible someone else if you are A-symptomatic.
Strange all these people seem to think having children doing school drills for shootings and all the shootings are acceptable for their second amendment rights but putting a mask on means you are weak and dumb.
I had a "Fauci-like" situation at my job, where I spoke up about something that was not right to do, mainly due to the lack of science backing it. It initially made it's way up the food chain to the CEO, but at the end of the day it doesn't look like anything will change. It's the mindset of moving forward until shit happens and learning the hard way. I don't advocate the reactive mode of handling situations. That's something that will get my anxiety up big time, when I feel someone or many are just going in head first and thinking they can figure it out as they go.
my company has had a massive change over in executive over the past 5 years, mostly due to retirements. the old guard were very secretive and reactive. this new regime is super progressive, transparent; it's like night and day and takes so much stress off the average employee (like me). it's unbelievable how horrible so many people at the top really are. they have no clue.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I echo your sentiment Matts. I'm not as concerned about the businesses being responsible in re-opening or trying to place measures to minimize spread, as I am about the consumer. There have already been stories in the news here-and-there about violence occurring when someone tries to enforce PPE rules at businesses and some restaurants immediately became overcrowded. I don't trust the general public to do the right thing and that's what scares me the most. I just don't get why someone wouldn't take the measure of covering their face. Seriously, does anyone in 10C oppose to face covering so that they can try to prevent COVID spread through coughing, etc.? Is there a legitimate reason why someone wouldn't do it, or is it simply defiance against being told what to do?
So on point , I mean its political at this point and not science. This is a very blanket statement and I know it will not be true in ever case but if you were to walk around a store and ask those wearing mask who they voted for and those who do not I think we have a good idea on the answer. This is what is so upsetting that Trump seems too live off this divide and just feeds into it.
My company is doing everything in their power to keep us safe ( our doors have been locked since 3/11 and again will not open until June unless other states all go to shit after re-opening and then we are back in a closed office )
It is the person coming in that scares me , those who think it is a joke , or a hoax or get their news from infowars or Facebook , a college of mind from another state asked me if I knew about how Dr. Fucci would not release the AIDS vaccine because he wanted to make more money and I was just so taken back like one " he is not making the vaccine" , two WTF seriously !!!!!!
I did read a study about how people don't like being told what to do and that is part of the issue , however again dude your savings your life or possible someone else if you are A-symptomatic.
Strange all these people seem to think having children doing school drills for shootings and all the shootings are acceptable for their second amendment rights but putting a mask on means you are weak and dumb.
I had a "Fauci-like" situation at my job, where I spoke up about something that was not right to do, mainly due to the lack of science backing it. It initially made it's way up the food chain to the CEO, but at the end of the day it doesn't look like anything will change. It's the mindset of moving forward until shit happens and learning the hard way. I don't advocate the reactive mode of handling situations. That's something that will get my anxiety up big time, when I feel someone or many are just going in head first and thinking they can figure it out as they go.
my company has had a massive change over in executive over the past 5 years, mostly due to retirements. the old guard were very secretive and reactive. this new regime is super progressive, transparent; it's like night and day and takes so much stress off the average employee (like me). it's unbelievable how horrible so many people at the top really are. they have no clue.
Yep, I'm part of the new regime at my company. I really thought they would wake up on this issue and make a change since it could adversely effect worker safety. People like me are just crying wolf until it's too late. Hopefully, this doesn't end up with someone's health coming into question.
I wish I was a sacrifice, but somehow still lived on.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,770
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
I was just thinking about this last night. Here we are, in what surely must be the most troubling times in all of our lives as far as society and the world at large goes. Surely most of us are struggling emotionally/mentally with what is going on around us. We know from things we've read that many, many people are struggling with depression and anxiety.
I think when these emotions are suppressed or we don't talk about them, that might mean they are actually quite strong and this is the time to be talking it out. One suggestion I read early on was to start a journal which I have done. But, strangely, I find that when I am at my lowest emotionally, I am less likely to write in it. I'm trying to remember to write more often.
Does anybody else feel weirded out that no one is posting in this thread? I feel like my words are echoing in here as I type this. Helloo. Helllooo Helloooo
Forgive me if i posted this in here already, but i was talking to a guy i know who works for psych health for the province. we asked him how things were going. he said it's actually very normal for some people with anxiety, in times of great societal stress, like war, or this, for their symptoms to actually subside somewhat or totally. he explained that a big part of anxiety/depression is the feeling of isolation and that no one understands (which I know all too well). now that EVERYONE is isolated and somewhat anxious and depressed, we feel like everyone is on our level now, which gives us comfort.
unfortunately, when this is over, things can get worse. much much worse.
This is an interesting perspective, it does make some sense.
My own anxiety was very elevated when this all started. I think lately it has been fairly normal for me but my depression is definitely worse. Having to give up my job, having to go through all kinds of shenanigans just to go to the post office or anywhere in public (even as infrequently as I do), wondering what the latest "opening up" is going to do to bring on a second, possibly worse wave of pandemic- all of that at times leaves me feeling useless, vulnerable, and inadequate. It's all so hard to deal with at times.
I'm not sure the idea that "everyone is on our level now" helps me. If anything, I worry about everybody I know and wonder which one of them (or me) might not survive this pandemic. Stress, loss of job, lack of motivation, disrupted sleep patterns, increased drinking and smoking- not of that is helping. I feel like I'm in an accelerated rate of aging.
In any case, I'm grateful for us being able to share our thoughts and concerns by way of the internet. Without it, many would feel so much more isolated. It helps to look at the little things that make this whole thing a little more tolerable.
I hope you're all doing as well as possible. And I'm grateful you're all here.
Yes, for sure, this isn't a one-size-fits all phenomenon. all i was saying is that, while you'd think the psych health departments of any given area would be taxed to the maximum right now, they actually see a decrease. it doesn't completely fall off, it's just a noted decrease. but once it's over is when they see the fallout, from both current patients and new ones.
That's interesting. I am surprised because off-hand, one would think people seeking mental health care would be on the rise. Maybe that's partly because we were like deer caught in the headlights. It all happened so fast and now we're in this kind of dead zone of uncertainty. That's how I feel anyway. Kind of in this shitty limbo that I see no end to. I have to pull myself together better. I feel like I haven't gotten as good a grip as I would like to say I have.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Hello everyone . Sorry i havent posted. Im scared to death and im scared to scare anyone else. Im not coping and didnt want to repeat myself and maybe annoy anyone.lots of things have happened its hard to type .
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Hey Rob, sorry to hear that you’re struggling so much. We’re all thinking of you. If you think that you would feel better sharing, then you should. We’re not trying to “fix” you, we just want you to have a safe place to vent your fears and frustrations. (((Hugs)))
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
Hello everyone . Sorry i havent posted. Im scared to death and im scared to scare anyone else. Im not coping and didnt want to repeat myself and maybe annoy anyone.lots of things have happened its hard to type .
No need to apologize, Rob. You know we're always pulling for you. Hang and there good man.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Hello everyone . Sorry i havent posted. Im scared to death and im scared to scare anyone else. Im not coping and didnt want to repeat myself and maybe annoy anyone.lots of things have happened its hard to type .
Definitely no reason to apologize. I'm always willing to hear what you have to say on here.
I wish I was a sacrifice, but somehow still lived on.
Hello everyone . Sorry i havent posted. Im scared to death and im scared to scare anyone else. Im not coping and didnt want to repeat myself and maybe annoy anyone.lots of things have happened its hard to type .
You are good and you are loved.
Please know if I felt I would be scared from reading comments I would not come to the this thread , we are all here for each other. Everyone is coping in different ways and struggling in different ways. That said lending a helping hand is what we are here for.
Hugedillion ( I know you like it ) is right though constant apologizing is part of depression , I have been there and I am sure will be there again. Our emotions just go haywire and at least I become very sensitive as if I am upsetting people and apologize to everyone and my wife has to tell me that is when I am slipping deeper down.
Love to you and everyone on this board.
Last Rob , I know it will not help but remember that you were this scared months ago and so far as I know you are still good , again I know in the debts of depression it can be hard to see that light or that you made it thru something but you are still here.
Im stuck with symptoms again.I cant not have symptoms for even a week. Ive obsessively purchased so may vitamins. Amino acids and pro biotics plus more. Im making life miserable for my partner and added pressure of her 18 year old who has a 5 month old who is alone and not behaving properly to make me feel in more danger. I am sober and hate it. I want out
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
That’s a rough go Rob. I wish you weren’t struggling so. The same for your partner. Being a new parent is scary enough; I couldn’t imagine having to do it without family support as well. Know that there are “strangers” around the world sending out warm thoughts to you all. Keep screaming out into the void and know that you are not alone.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
Im very grateful for support of any kind i just don't want to be that guy banging on with no real answer to whats happening. I feel like im laying in the sea and the tide is dragging me towards the beach then pulling me back out to sea with no way of it stopping
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
I hope it gets better for you guys!!
So, I’m okay. Also tired of the together thing. I get it’s for hope and all but between that and the accompanying “tender”music, it feels somewhat over the top for me.
unfortunately, when this is over, things can get worse. much much worse.
-EV 8/14/93
This is an interesting perspective, it does make some sense.
I am doing ok , my opinion is the US is a shit show with fucking morons with guns showing up to state house , people fighting over having to wear mask and trump just stoking the flames to make it worse.
I think I have gone away from this board because its just like " well it sucks for everyone right now " , my anxiety has been bad at times and I really only feel safe when I am home , still going into work 4 days a week with three of us here two days a week and the two of us here two days a week. So I do feel safe here and this office can hold up to 10 so we certainly have our space.
I am afraid of re-opening ( will not be until June at the earliest but still ) people not following rules , we will have a mask policy and having to enforcing is going to suck since there are fights everywhere about it.
The worst part for me has been going back to catastrophizing everything. I hear my wife cough and my brain runs thru her dying then my mom dying and then me being along ( I know grim stuff but just being honest ) , that said I am working on that. I used to do it all the time and thru years and years of therapy I was able to be done with catastrophizing , however Covid basically just wiped that out.
That said I am healthy , my family and friends are ( a few have lost a grandparent to the virus ) and I just have to be thankful for that.
I hope I am wrong but I really see this going on for the rest of the year , I hope I am wrong but at least in the US I feel like we are going to easy up and a month or two from now its just going to be so out of control that March and April will look like they were a cakewalk.
-EV 8/14/93
So on point , I mean its political at this point and not science. This is a very blanket statement and I know it will not be true in ever case but if you were to walk around a store and ask those wearing mask who they voted for and those who do not I think we have a good idea on the answer. This is what is so upsetting that Trump seems too live off this divide and just feeds into it.
My company is doing everything in their power to keep us safe ( our doors have been locked since 3/11 and again will not open until June unless other states all go to shit after re-opening and then we are back in a closed office )
It is the person coming in that scares me , those who think it is a joke , or a hoax or get their news from infowars or Facebook , a college of mind from another state asked me if I knew about how Dr. Fucci would not release the AIDS vaccine because he wanted to make more money and I was just so taken back like one " he is not making the vaccine" , two WTF seriously !!!!!!
I did read a study about how people don't like being told what to do and that is part of the issue , however again dude your savings your life or possible someone else if you are A-symptomatic.
Strange all these people seem to think having children doing school drills for shootings and all the shootings are acceptable for their second amendment rights but putting a mask on means you are weak and dumb.
-EV 8/14/93
That's interesting. I am surprised because off-hand, one would think people seeking mental health care would be on the rise. Maybe that's partly because we were like deer caught in the headlights. It all happened so fast and now we're in this kind of dead zone of uncertainty. That's how I feel anyway. Kind of in this shitty limbo that I see no end to. I have to pull myself together better. I feel like I haven't gotten as good a grip as I would like to say I have.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
No need to apologize, Rob. You know we're always pulling for you. Hang and there good man.
-EV 8/14/93
You are good and you are loved.
Please know if I felt I would be scared from reading comments I would not come to the this thread , we are all here for each other. Everyone is coping in different ways and struggling in different ways. That said lending a helping hand is what we are here for.
Hugedillion ( I know you like it ) is right though constant apologizing is part of depression , I have been there and I am sure will be there again. Our emotions just go haywire and at least I become very sensitive as if I am upsetting people and apologize to everyone and my wife has to tell me that is when I am slipping deeper down.
Love to you and everyone on this board.
Last Rob , I know it will not help but remember that you were this scared months ago and so far as I know you are still good , again I know in the debts of depression it can be hard to see that light or that you made it thru something but you are still here.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -