Ed making the U.S a more dangerous place for you and I



  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,100
    one of the most stupid message threads I've ever read......your sentiment is fair comment, but for the love of god, change the title of your thread.
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    I just don't understand why he feels the need to justify his actions. Its their show.. they are entitled to do as they wish. I think its pretty cool. Least they care enough about us to not see us get mixed up in this whole mess? Scary times man.... (believe me , the military is a fucked up world despite what good it has done)
  • As I service member, I may not agree with everything the military is, and I sure as hell don't agree with the war or my commander in chief, but I also don't believe that it is the place of a military recruiter to be placed in a concert...I mean, it's just not the time or place, it's not proper. But most of the time, recruiters are told by their chain of command where they have to recruit at, so it's most likely not the recruiter himself that decided to try and recruit at a pj show, but then again, when they are told to recruit in schools, most of them don't believe that's the right place to be either...but it gets people recruited, and that's all that matters to the khakis (upper chain of command)
    "I feel the same way about disco as I do about herpes." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, 1977
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    oh and i forgot to mention how stupid and misleading the title of this thread is ..

    Sheesh, i'm not the ed police but give the guy a break..
  • smile05smile05 Posts: 600
    Bush is only keeping the war going to piss Eddie off, petrol prices will drop when Eddie stops ranting!!!!! ha ha
    1:Black 2:Corduroy 3:All Those Yesterdays 4:I Got ID 5:Smile

    They can buy but cant put on my clothes
    Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~

    Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton

  • mozettimozetti Posts: 95
    I didn't read the whole thread, just the first post. So, this is directed at him.

    If you think that keeping recruiters away from concerts is going to stop people from joining the services, you're delusional.

    If someone wants to join, they will. In reality, the likelihood that someone would have joined the military if only there were a recruiter at the concert is slim to none.

    Get a grip.
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    Vedder316 wrote:
    I know I will probably receive some slack for this but it been on my mind for a few days so here it goes. A few days ago i got the Mansfield 2(great show!). I found what Ed said after whipping to be a bit out of line and it sort of pissed me off. If you do know what he said here is a abbreviated summary. After rocking out whipping he talks about a marine recruiting person being at the first Mansfield show. He then states how some of his best friends are marines and ex-marines and how he supports their work. He goes on to say that he has a relationship with the people there to see the gig and he felt that the marine recruiter there was trying to get them to "bite a poison apple" and "these are our people and we're trying to take care of them", "so there is no marine recruiting center out there, its gone". Ok now I am sure theres a good chance that the marines where not going to get anyone to sign up for the marines at a Pearl Jam concert but what was the harm in having them there? Its those marines and other armed forces branches that fight and die so that Ed can verbally criticize the leaders of the country he lives in. Go to Iran Ed and say some shit about their leaders in front of 15,000 of their citizens, see how that works out for ya. Its those great people that helped rescues victims of hurricane Katrina. Its those great people that keep our country safe ect ect. Now why would Ed want to prevent people from signing up for the marines? (no matter how small the contribution) The armed forces of today rely on future personnel to relieve them in time of war and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts, and to make them more stronger and safer in the numbers ect. Low recruiting numbers effect the troops of today in a very negative way and it angers me Ed contributes to that. Its like we should all thank him for the marine recruiter removal because we all agree with what Eddie thinks. Are there really that many puppets at the shows that Eddie can assume we all wanted the removal? If he felt that bad about a recruiter being there, fine, have them removed for the 2nd show, but dont announce it and assume we all think your a hero for doing so. I think Ed needs to lay off the bottles of wine and watch what he says at shows. It may come back to him some day. I applaud and respect the men and women who want to join the armed forces. I hope the keep doing it, in great numbers. They are the only reason our country safe with leaders like this.
    How would it come back to him some day? :confused:

    You said he supports the work of the marines... perhaps he simply doesn't want more people being encouraged to sign up so they too can be sent away to die! Concerts, alcohol and recruitment do NOT go together. It's ridiculous.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    mfc22 wrote:
    i hate the cause but love the troops.
    Isn't Ed saying the same thing?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    Vedder316 wrote:
    It really isn't making an immediate impact, but if more people thought like Ed it would. You don't see how lower troop numbers can make the US a more dangerous place? Another reason it make more of a danger is because here we have people making assumptions for us and it adds to the number of people who do not think for them selves. Thats how the leaders we have now get away with all the crap they do. And as for the UNAUTHORIZED SOLICITATION the band doesn't own the venue. It's not fear mongering just a discussion. Take care.
    Ok, you don't seem to like the leaders... so why do you think giving them MORE troops to have at their disposal and send them off to whatever war they think is a good idea today a good thing?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • vest71vest71 Posts: 239
    No soldiers = No wars
    Burn my eyes and try to blind me
    Bury me so they won't find me
    Try to suck my power empty
    Got no crown of thorns on me
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    vest71 wrote:
    No soldiers = No wars
    Exactly! It's pretty simple really. These fuckers can't go creating wars if they've nobody else to fight them for them.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • skyeriverwinterskyeriverwinter Posts: 1,894
    People need to relax a little on Ed. He speaks his opinion like everyone else. The only difference is the size of his circle of friends. If I was hanging out with my friends in a party like atmosphere and a recruiter came around I don't think my words would have been as gentle or as kind. I have great compassion for the young men and women who were mislead into signing up to go to THIS war. I don't think I am against ALL wars... but this one ...I don't know. The puzzle pieces Mr. Bush put in front of me don't seem to fit. Others may not have a problem smashing the pieces together, it just doesn't work for me. I love Ed for his unabashed opinions, I may not always agree (wait...yes I do) but I think he holds his head high and stays true to his beliefs. You honestly can't fault a man for that! DON'T WORRY ED... I LOVE YOU!!!!
  • HinnyHinny Posts: 1,610
    Straws. Over there. Must clutch at it. Can't reach. Must. Clutch. Harder.

    How you get from the point about an Ed speech in the middle of a show and your country being at a greater threat, this kind of logic is just so absurd, it parodies itself.
    Binary solo..000000100000111100001110
  • gibbitsgibbits Posts: 512
    Vedder316 wrote:
    You don't see how lower troop numbers can make the US a more dangerous place?

    No sir, but I do see how being recruited to become a trained killer could make your country a more dangerous place.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    damn it...I'm scared now...

    Looks like I have to dig out the duck tape and plastic...
  • HermanBloomHermanBloom Posts: 1,764
    Ed's political views are just about wrong on every front; it's just something I have to grin and bear. NO MORE sucks. He's getting more and more off the deep and an I have a feeling the rest of the band do not feel as strongly with him and probably disagree with a lot. He needs to stop reading the New York Times and moveon.org and other smear sites that spew nothing but lies and hate.
    SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
    I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
  • skyeriverwinterskyeriverwinter Posts: 1,894
    Ed's political views are just about wrong on every front; it's just something I have to grin and bear. NO MORE sucks. He's getting more and more off the deep and an I have a feeling the rest of the band do not feel as strongly with him and probably disagree with a lot. He needs to stop reading the New York Times and moveon.org and other smear sites that spew nothing but lies and hate.

  • notradebaxxnotradebaxx Posts: 198
    I admit when I walked into the venue I had to do a double take that the station was even there, I was kind of surprised, plus it was making the "Pearl Jam brought to you by Verizon" tent look bad......

    What I thought was messed up is that there is a lot of people getting beyond Vedder wasted in the parking lot then stumbling in and there is the recruiting station....I wonder how many people signed up at the Godsmack show??
    by nine he had deciphered the illusion, trading magic for a fact...

    32 shows since 2001 and counting ..
  • billybob7088billybob7088 Posts: 114
    ajedigecko wrote:
    all due respect......and i am making a guess. i would venture to say that the recuiter simply dislikes pearl jam and this was his way of displaying his discourse. i may be horribly incorrect though. it just seems to be the only logical reason.
    has anyone witnessed the same activity at any other "anti-war" music bands?

    My bet is that the recuiter had no idea what or who was Pearl Jam. If he did he would know most of the fans are over the age of 30 now. Well above the prime age to recruit a Marine.
    St Pete '92...Orlando '92...St Pete '94...FL '96...WPB 2 '98...WPB 1 '00...Tampa '00... Tampa '03...Kissimmi '04...WPB '08...Tampa '08...Camden 1 '08...KC 10...Clearwater 1 '12 (EV)...Wrigley '13...Tampa '16...Fenway 2 '16
  • billybob7088billybob7088 Posts: 114
    Ed's political views are just about wrong on every front; it's just something I have to grin and bear. NO MORE sucks. He's getting more and more off the deep and an I have a feeling the rest of the band do not feel as strongly with him and probably disagree with a lot. He needs to stop reading the New York Times and moveon.org and other smear sites that spew nothing but lies and hate.

    Dude you need to stop watching FOX news.
    St Pete '92...Orlando '92...St Pete '94...FL '96...WPB 2 '98...WPB 1 '00...Tampa '00... Tampa '03...Kissimmi '04...WPB '08...Tampa '08...Camden 1 '08...KC 10...Clearwater 1 '12 (EV)...Wrigley '13...Tampa '16...Fenway 2 '16
  • Pats54Pats54 Posts: 276
    Dude, Eddie isn't telling people they can't or shouldn't join the military. He's voicing his personal opinion of things and just not allowing them to recruit in an unauthorized manner at his concert. See, that would imply an endorsement by the band and/or the venue. That's not cool. That could be construed as the recruiter using deceipt to sign those very people you claim "do not think for themselves."

    Every business operating at a venue has gone to great lengths to do so...the concessionaires, any charity booths, Verizon, etc. You can't just set up shop because you want to.

    What he's saying about taking care of his people...fans come to the show to enjoy the band, not be solicited by a recruiter that isn't following rules. If they want to join the military, they can still do so. We'll all be ok even if this guy can't convert a Lib Pearl Jam fan or two at a concert. :)

    Actually they weren't unauthorized. An article I read on boston.com had the concert listed as Pearl Jam (Sponsored or Presented by the US MArines). The must of really pissed Ed off. It does raise an interesting question though. How would a Christian band feel if planned parenthood or NARAL set-up shop at one of their concerts. Probaly the same as Ed.
    Ed's comment that he has several friends that are Marines was quite funny as well. It was kind of like saying I have several friends who are African American.
  • We are not unsafe if we sign less Marines. it is a sign that the general public does not support this war or it's intentions. We have a very large armed forces and are certainly capable of protecting ourselves. Not to mention that invading Iraq brought no added security as Iraq was not a threat.

    WMD people, where were they? they didn't exist. Many great Americans were killed and maimed for no reason.
    9/7/98, 8/3/00, 9/4/00, 4/15/03, 7/1/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 6/17/08, 6/22/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 5/17/10, 10/15/13, 10/16/13.
  • billybob7088billybob7088 Posts: 114
    As a Vet myself I been apart of a few conflicts in my time as a AF medic. It really disturbs me when people make these kind of coments about freedom, securtiy, and patriotism and they never serverd themselves. I have seen what war does its not a pretty site. As a medic I had a very different persepective on war and violence so my opion is much different then the grunt side.

    If the orginal post servered himself then great if not then 1. How about you go and join the Marines or 2. Shut the fuck up Ed can say whatever he wants.

    Peace and Love
    St Pete '92...Orlando '92...St Pete '94...FL '96...WPB 2 '98...WPB 1 '00...Tampa '00... Tampa '03...Kissimmi '04...WPB '08...Tampa '08...Camden 1 '08...KC 10...Clearwater 1 '12 (EV)...Wrigley '13...Tampa '16...Fenway 2 '16
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,573
    boy you can tell when a newbee post about ed's stance on war & political issues get with it dude it's ben like this since 92" .....gezzzzzz
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Ed's political views are just about wrong on every front; it's just something I have to grin and bear. NO MORE sucks. He's getting more and more off the deep and an I have a feeling the rest of the band do not feel as strongly with him and probably disagree with a lot. He needs to stop reading the New York Times and moveon.org and other smear sites that spew nothing but lies and hate.

    Not being mad at the administration is like not being mad at your uncle and mom for producing you. There are certain things that specific people should not try to create or take care of......the outcome is always something retarded.
  • I'd guess that recruitment for the armed forces is hampered much more so by the fact that potential recruits are keenly aware of where they are going if they sign up (i.e., Iraq) than anything Eddie Vedder could possibly say.
    "Goddamn Romans. Sure know how to make a ... drum room." --Matt Cameron
  • eduardoeduardo Posts: 151
    What's difficult to understand about that?

    Stupid war that has wasted lives, money, and goodwill around the world, all because a bunch of fat government fucks had a brain-dead fantasy about controlling the Middle East's oil reserves.

    Yet the troops are there to fight for our freedom and safety. They are people just like me and you, mostly courageously doing what they think is right and necessary, for little pay and less acknowledgement and support.

    Our soldiers' lives are being wasted. Having a recruiting station is like saying "the Iraq war is great".

    That's what I heard Eddie saying that night.
    support this, dont be blind
    11.09.05 Kitchener
    22.11.05 Santiago
    23.11.05 Santiago
    11.06.08 West Palm Beach
  • CityMouseCityMouse Posts: 1,010
    It's not the marines the give us freedom of speech, it's the ideals of the constitution. it's a delusion to believe that when violence is exerted it's "to protect american rights." that's just rhetoric.

    I don't think the marines (or any other military branches) should be out recruiting anywhere, especially not a pearl jam concert or any other rock concert. People know the military exists, why do they have to be everywhere "recruiting"? Going to a rock concert is supposed to be a few things: fun, enjoyment, community, even activism as is that case at some pj shows. It is NOT about "sign this piece of paper so you can go to iraq and die."

    we had marines in my high school. we were the first school in the state to have jr. ROTC. I thought it was pretty sick to be promoting violence and asking kids to sign their own death papers in a place that is supposedly about scholarship.
  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    What's difficult to understand about that?

    Stupid war that has wasted lives, money, and goodwill around the world, all because a bunch of fat government fucks had a brain-dead fantasy about controlling the Middle East's oil reserves.

    Yet the troops are there to fight for our freedom and safety. They are people just like me and you, mostly courageously doing what they think is right and necessary, for little pay and less acknowledgement and support.

    Our soldiers' lives are being wasted. Having a recruiting station is like saying "the Iraq war is great".

    That's what I heard Eddie saying that night.

    I couldn't have said this any better than you just did.
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • falconfalcon Posts: 163
    Interesting thread...

    Ed has every right to say what he wants to say about that Marine recruiting station. Iraq is about as dangerous as it gets, and it was our war that made it dangerous. As bad as Saddam was, at least he had control of his country, so from a U.S. standpoint, he pretty much prevented anti-U.S. terrorists from gaining strength in his country. Now it's chaos. A terrorist breeding ground.

    MANSFIELD 7/3/03, 7/11/03
    BOSTON 9/28/04, 9/29/04
    HARTFORD 5/13/06
    BOSTON 5/24/06
    MANSFIELD 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    EV BOSTON 8/1/08, 8/2/08
    CHICAGO 8/24/09
    HARTFORD 5/15/10
    BOSTON 5/17/10
    EV PROV 6/15/11
    WORCESTER 10/15/13, 10/16/13
    HARTFORD 10/25/13
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