I go on this belief firmly.. people should not have to be recruited, but rather look to join themselves..
If you have to persuade someone to fight a battle, that battle is not worth fighting..
You want recruits? Fight a real unfabricated war.. people would line up, guarunteed.
So screw the people that have to fight this current fabricated war and wait for an unfabricated one? Let their health, will, and numbers wilt and wait for a unfabricated war to sign up? Let the families of the current troops wait a couple more years to see them because no one is signing up? I wish we didn't have to worry about how many troops we need, but we do. Its just one screwed up situation. Damned if you do damned if you dont.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
So screw the people that have to fight this current fabricated war and wait for an unfabricated one? Let their health, will, and numbers wilt and wait for a unfabricated war to sign up? Let the families of the current troops wait a couple more years to see them because no one is signing up? I wish we didn't have to worry about how many troops we need, but we do. Its just one screwed up situation. Damned if you do damned if you dont.
Would you send your own 18 year old daughter or son?
It really isn't making an immediate impact, but if more people thought like Ed it would. You don't see how lower troop numbers can make the US a more dangerous place? Another reason it make more of a danger is because here we have people making assumptions for us and it adds to the number of people who do not think for them selves. Thats how the leaders we have now get away with all the crap they do. And as for the UNAUTHORIZED SOLICITATION the band doesn't own the venue. It's not fear mongering just a discussion. Take care.
First, If more people thought like Ed it would be progress. Second, the size of a nations army does not dictate its safety. Technology, intelligence, and training provided of the army does. This is where our nation is lacking, well at least in some areas. Our technology is advanced, but why aren't our troops properly equipped? Intelligence is slowly decreasing in many areas, 1. initial test scores for the armed forces has been decreasing. 2. our defense intelligence is also decreasing. Finally, proper training requirements have been expedited as well as decreasing standards.
Also, we always have people making assumptions for us...they're called politicians. That's how politicians work. Frankly, I still don't understand how Eddie voicing his opinion would make this country in more danger.
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
One thing I can tell you is, don't be such a hypocrite. You talk of great ol' America and then think Ed has no right to speak his mind. You are contradicting yourself. Ed can and has proved he will say what he wants, when he wants and if people don't like it ( in Ed's own words ) FUCK EM!
It's Pearl Jam's concert, so we'll go by Pearl Jam's rules. No videotaping is a rule they have and obviously no recruiters is a rule they have. Kaboom, I love it and I can't quit laughing at the thought of them packing up there shit and hitting the exit gate. If anyone has this on tape, can I do a B&P?
Ed loves his country. It's like when you love your kids, if they do something wrong, you tell them. You don't sit quite and let them hurt themselves and others. You try and do something to help. America is wrong for this war. If you can't see that by now, you are either dumb, or your trying to save face.
For the record I have relatives in Iraq, and I support them. The only reason to be against a war is so people don't die. So how could I not be for the troops? I don't want them to die. That makes me the bad guy, how wierd is that?
I never said Ed doesn't have the right to speak his mind. I applaud that. He could of let them stay and let people decide for themselves while expressing his opnion. I never stated or insinuated your a bad guy. And as for being a hypocrite I believe I heard a popular guy around these parts who spews "peace' telling someone "if you dont agree with me, Fuck you"
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
First, If more people thought like Ed it would be progress. Second, the size of a nations army does not dictate its safety. Technology, intelligence, and training provided of the army does. This is where our nation is lacking, well at least in some areas. Our technology is advanced, but why aren't our troops properly equipped? Intelligence is slowly decreasing in many areas, 1. initial test scores for the armed forces has been decreasing. 2. our defense intelligence is also decreasing. Finally, proper training requirements have been expedited as well as decreasing standards.
Also, we always have people making assumptions for us...they're called politicians. That's how politicians work. Frankly, I still don't understand how Eddie voicing his opinion would make this country in more danger.
I agree the post title was a bit over the top. I do support peace. i pray for it every night, but we still need them for when the next Hurricane, earthquake, terrorist attacks hit among many other things. If we where not involved in a bullshit war would Ed have them removed???
Probably not but then his feelings that our American troops are dying for a war he doesn't support would not exist either. Does that make sense? As I stated above, I am unbiased to this. I still stand by my belief that "We can support our troops and peace all in the same".
If we where not involved in a bullshit war would Ed have them removed???
LOL, honestly? Probably...
But don't take it personally. We should all hope for the day when we don't need an army - my guess is the soldiers will be the first in line for that ride. We need to have Eddie and the gang preaching peace, always.
Wouldn't it be great if we never had to use the military? If we actually relied on diplomacy (you know, actually talking to our enemies)? If we led the world by example instead of by force?
Would you send your own 18 year old daughter or son?
If that was "THEIR" desire or goal to join the military, then yes. I would not like it but they are adults and I would support their goals. I would ensure they knew the risks and benefits of joining and have them research and develop their own decisions.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
But don't take it personally. We should all hope for the day when we don't need an army - my guess is the soldiers will be the first in line for that ride. We need to have Eddie and the gang preaching peace, always.
Wouldn't it be great if we never had to use the military? If we actually relied on diplomacy (you know, actually talking to our enemies)? If we led the world by example instead of by force?
Well said, as stated before I pray for the day.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
I never said Ed doesn't have the right to speak his mind. I applaud that. He could of let them stay and let people decide for themselves while expressing his opnion. I never stated or insinuated your a bad guy. And as for being a hypocrite I believe I heard a popular guy around these parts who spews "peace' telling someone "if you dont agree with me, Fuck you"
I know, isn't it great. Ed has the freedom to say FUCK YOU. Thats America, now your getting it. Ed didn't say those people should shut up, he's saying he'll say what he wants. See fuck em in that context means I'll say what I want. Pearl Jam has the right to bounce the recruiters aswell as give a speech about it, it's Pearl Jam's concert. You noticed they bounced em' didn't you.
Conversation over - you just compaired someone telling someone fuck you to people dropping bombs on other people. I'm outta this thread. lame.
if this happened at a gig i was playing, i would have been furious. i would have voiced my opinion loudly and strongly. ed said fuck 'em?? good for him. i would have too.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I know, isn't it great. Ed has the freedom to say FUCK YOU. Thats America, now your getting it. Ed didn't say those people should shut up, he's saying he'll say what he wants. See fuck em in that context means I'll say what I want. Pearl Jam has the right to bounce the recruiters aswell as give a speech about it, it's Pearl Jam's concert. You noticed they bounced em' didn't you.
I wasn't refering to you saying I'm a bad guy, everyone says that if you say your country is wrong for a war. I think thats so wierd.
So Ed's right to have an opinion the great but mine is shit?? You agreed to a post that said we should talk about our differences as a government. But its ok for Ed to say fuck you I dont care what you think or what you believe? Ok I agree Ed had the right to discuss the fact that he didn't want the recruiter being there, I even agree with Ed wanting to "bounce" them. I am just saying its a shame that Ed doesn't want people to sign up for the military, bullshit war or not we need them. I'm sure current troops wouldn't like Ed removing them. They dont need anything else to worry about.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
I know I will probably receive some slack for this but it been on my mind for a few days so here it goes. A few days ago i got the Mansfield 2(great show!). I found what Ed said after whipping to be a bit out of line and it sort of pissed me off. If you do know what he said here is a abbreviated summary. After rocking out whipping he talks about a marine recruiting person being at the first Mansfield show. He then states how some of his best friends are marines and ex-marines and how he supports their work. He goes on to say that he has a relationship with the people there to see the gig and he felt that the marine recruiter there was trying to get them to "bite a poison apple" and "these are our people and we're trying to take care of them", "so there is no marine recruiting center out there, its gone". Ok now I am sure theres a good chance that the marines where not going to get anyone to sign up for the marines at a Pearl Jam concert but what was the harm in having them there? Its those marines and other armed forces branches that fight and die so that Ed can verbally criticize the leaders of the country he lives in. Go to Iran Ed and say some shit about their leaders in front of 15,000 of their citizens, see how that works out for ya. Its those great people that helped rescues victims of hurricane Katrina. Its those great people that keep our country safe ect ect. Now why would Ed want to prevent people from signing up for the marines? (no matter how small the contribution) The armed forces of today rely on future personnel to relieve them in time of war and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts, and to make them more stronger and safer in the numbers ect. Low recruiting numbers effect the troops of today in a very negative way and it angers me Ed contributes to that. Its like we should all thank him for the marine recruiter removal because we all agree with what Eddie thinks. Are there really that many puppets at the shows that Eddie can assume we all wanted the removal? If he felt that bad about a recruiter being there, fine, have them removed for the 2nd show, but dont announce it and assume we all think your a hero for doing so. I think Ed needs to lay off the bottles of wine and watch what he says at shows. It may come back to him some day. I applaud and respect the men and women who want to join the armed forces. I hope the keep doing it, in great numbers. They are the only reason our country safe with leaders like this.
Wait!!! Are you saying that marine recruitment set up a recruitment stand outside the venue? WTF?????
Because I would liken that to being as offensive as those idiots from Westboro protesting at funerals for gay marines and about as useful as those that feel the need to protest about Jesus and the devil outside a Marilyn Manson concert or those truly charming individuals that protest outside abortion clinics. Or all those uninformed and badly behaved individuals that booed and hissed at the Vietnam vets when they returned. There's a time and a place. If this is true, then I have even less respect for the practices of Marine Recruitment Officers than I had before and I didn't think that was possible.
Wait!!! Are you saying that marine recruitment set up a recruitment stand outside the venue? WTF?????
Because I would liken that to being as offensive as those idiots from Westboro protesting at funerals for gay marines and about as useful as those that feel the need to protest about Jesus and the devil outside a Marilyn Manson concert or those truly charming individuals that protest outside abortion clinics. Or all those uninformed and badly behaved individuals that booed and hissed at the Vietnam vets when they returned. There's a time and a place. If this is true, then I have even less respect for the practices of Marine Recruitment Officers than I had before and I didn't think that was possible.
No inside the venue! Ed got rid of them for the second night.
No inside the venue! Ed got rid of them for the second night.
Ok, I'm just....well I'm flabbergasted really. So there were Marine Recruitment Officers IN THE VENUE, touting for business? And that's all Ed said, all he did?
Ok, I'm just....well I'm flabbergasted really. So there were Marine Recruitment Officers IN THE VENUE, touting for business? And that's all Ed said, all he did?
I should verify. Inside the gates I guess, like it was a concession stand. I did not see it, I am going by word of mouth.
I know I will probably receive some slack for this but it been on my mind for a few days so here it goes. A few days ago i got the Mansfield 2(great show!). I found what Ed said after whipping to be a bit out of line and it sort of pissed me off. If you do know what he said here is a abbreviated summary. After rocking out whipping he talks about a marine recruiting person being at the first Mansfield show. He then states how some of his best friends are marines and ex-marines and how he supports their work. He goes on to say that he has a relationship with the people there to see the gig and he felt that the marine recruiter there was trying to get them to "bite a poison apple" and "these are our people and we're trying to take care of them", "so there is no marine recruiting center out there, its gone". Ok now I am sure theres a good chance that the marines where not going to get anyone to sign up for the marines at a Pearl Jam concert but what was the harm in having them there? Its those marines and other armed forces branches that fight and die so that Ed can verbally criticize the leaders of the country he lives in. Go to Iran Ed and say some shit about their leaders in front of 15,000 of their citizens, see how that works out for ya. Its those great people that helped rescues victims of hurricane Katrina. Its those great people that keep our country safe ect ect. Now why would Ed want to prevent people from signing up for the marines? (no matter how small the contribution) The armed forces of today rely on future personnel to relieve them in time of war and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts, and to make them more stronger and safer in the numbers ect. Low recruiting numbers effect the troops of today in a very negative way and it angers me Ed contributes to that. Its like we should all thank him for the marine recruiter removal because we all agree with what Eddie thinks. Are there really that many puppets at the shows that Eddie can assume we all wanted the removal? If he felt that bad about a recruiter being there, fine, have them removed for the 2nd show, but dont announce it and assume we all think your a hero for doing so. I think Ed needs to lay off the bottles of wine and watch what he says at shows. It may come back to him some day. I applaud and respect the men and women who want to join the armed forces. I hope the keep doing it, in great numbers. They are the only reason our country safe with leaders like this.
You know what............. there is no other way to say this: FUCK YOU
and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts
I think Ed criticises because he wants to avoid these future conflicts. he, like all of us wants peace. He wants to stop the deaths of so many peoople. It's not just the U,.S that feel these deaths, it's the Aussies, the brits and even the Iraqis. Did you know that the population of Iraq has gone down a total of 2% since the war started? Not all of them were bad guys either. Some were inocent children. It's not the troops he talks down, Its the conflict.
God bless all of them, they are doing a great job.
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
You know what............. there is no other way to say this: FUCK YOU
A shame to get that kind of a reaction. I was just stating a thought. I'm sorry the title of the read as it did. I agree it was not the smartest thing to state and it was a bit strong. But to tell me to fuck off? Sounds like you have had better days, resorting to that kind of hate. I hope things get better for you. Take care.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
I think Ed criticises because he wants to avoid these future conflicts. he, like all of us wants peace. He wants to stop the deaths of so many peoople. It's not just the U,.S that feel these deaths, it's the Aussies, the brits and even the Iraqis. Did you know that the population of Iraq has gone down a total of 2% since the war started? Not all of them were bad guys either. Some were inocent children. It's not the troops he talks down, Its the conflict.
God bless all of them, they are doing a great job.
God bless indeed.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
If anyone is making this country more dangerous by discouraging people to sign up for the military, it's the politicians. They tell us we're going to fight the good fight and go after the people who did 911. Alright. So that's what we do...at first. Then they pull out the smoke and mirrors and tell us Iraq are a huge threat that must be dealt with immediately. They hold news conferences that details the arsenal that Iraq has. The news runs reports on how unstable the region is, and how all their hate is directed at us. What nobody fucking told us was that they cherry picked the information that indicated Iraq and Saddam were a threat. Then they said Saddam had a hand in 911. Once again, misinformation that targeted the publics emotions. And the whole time the secrecy of this administration is pushing everyone away, making it hard for anyone to trust them. After all this blows up they expect people to put their lives on the line for a government that lies to them? Then they decide that a good thing to do is discriminate so intensely against (gays and atheists) that those people don't want to join. The politicians are the real WMDs.
If anyone is making this country more dangerous by discouraging people to sign up for the military, it's the politicians. They tell us we're going to fight the good fight and go after the people who did 911. Alright. So that's what we do...at first. Then they pull out the smoke and mirrors and tell us Iraq are a huge threat that must be dealt with immediately. They hold news conferences that details the arsenal that Iraq has. The news runs reports on how unstable the region is, and how all their hate is directed at us. What nobody fucking told us was that they cherry picked the information that indicated Iraq and Saddam were a threat. Then they said Saddam had a hand in 911. Once again, misinformation that targeted the publics emotions. And the whole time the secrecy of this administration is pushing everyone away, making it hard for anyone to trust them. After all this blows up they expect people to put their lives on the line for a government that lies to them? Then they decide that a good thing to do is discriminate so intensely against (gays and atheists) that those people don't want to join. The politicians are the real WMDs.
I agree. I think people join up because the love and care for their country not the morons that run it.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
A shame to get that kind of a reaction. I was just stating a thought. I'm sorry the title of the read as it did. I agree it was not the smartest thing to state and it was a bit strong. But to tell me to fuck off? Sounds like you have had better days, resorting to that kind of hate. I hope things get better for you. Take care.
You know what is funny about this whole thing is that I tried to let you off easy by saying FUCK YOU. You dont want to know what I really think about you, and every time I have written a detailed deconstruction of who and what it is to be and live a life like you do, it gets ignored. So, it was both easier for me and for you since you wouldnt have to read so much to get to the same spot of confusion and bliss. You havent opened up anything other than a large window into your hollow brain. Wrestle with yourself for a while and then we can talk at the end of it; once you have recognized and walked away from the shallow end of a brain that has yet to have an original thought flow through it. My best days are filled with everything that you are not..............so, no, this is not my best day.
Not to ruin the vibe of this thread, but I just love going to the shows to listen to some good music. His five minute rants/speeches is not what I take away with me.
So screw the people that have to fight this current fabricated war and wait for an unfabricated one? Let their health, will, and numbers wilt and wait for a unfabricated war to sign up? Let the families of the current troops wait a couple more years to see them because no one is signing up? I wish we didn't have to worry about how many troops we need, but we do. Its just one screwed up situation. Damned if you do damned if you dont.
Love ya Punkinfur
Would you send your own 18 year old daughter or son?
First, If more people thought like Ed it would be progress. Second, the size of a nations army does not dictate its safety. Technology, intelligence, and training provided of the army does. This is where our nation is lacking, well at least in some areas. Our technology is advanced, but why aren't our troops properly equipped? Intelligence is slowly decreasing in many areas, 1. initial test scores for the armed forces has been decreasing. 2. our defense intelligence is also decreasing. Finally, proper training requirements have been expedited as well as decreasing standards.
Also, we always have people making assumptions for us...they're called politicians. That's how politicians work. Frankly, I still don't understand how Eddie voicing his opinion would make this country in more danger.
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
I never said Ed doesn't have the right to speak his mind. I applaud that. He could of let them stay and let people decide for themselves while expressing his opnion. I never stated or insinuated your a bad guy. And as for being a hypocrite I believe I heard a popular guy around these parts who spews "peace' telling someone "if you dont agree with me, Fuck you"
Love ya Punkinfur
what he said
Probably not but then his feelings that our American troops are dying for a war he doesn't support would not exist either. Does that make sense? As I stated above, I am unbiased to this. I still stand by my belief that "We can support our troops and peace all in the same".
LOL, honestly? Probably...
But don't take it personally. We should all hope for the day when we don't need an army - my guess is the soldiers will be the first in line for that ride. We need to have Eddie and the gang preaching peace, always.
Wouldn't it be great if we never had to use the military? If we actually relied on diplomacy (you know, actually talking to our enemies)? If we led the world by example instead of by force?
If that was "THEIR" desire or goal to join the military, then yes. I would not like it but they are adults and I would support their goals. I would ensure they knew the risks and benefits of joining and have them research and develop their own decisions.
Love ya Punkinfur
Well said, as stated before I pray for the day.
Love ya Punkinfur
I know, isn't it great. Ed has the freedom to say FUCK YOU. Thats America, now your getting it. Ed didn't say those people should shut up, he's saying he'll say what he wants. See fuck em in that context means I'll say what I want. Pearl Jam has the right to bounce the recruiters aswell as give a speech about it, it's Pearl Jam's concert. You noticed they bounced em' didn't you.
Conversation over - you just compaired someone telling someone fuck you to people dropping bombs on other people. I'm outta this thread. lame.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
So Ed's right to have an opinion the great but mine is shit?? You agreed to a post that said we should talk about our differences as a government. But its ok for Ed to say fuck you I dont care what you think or what you believe? Ok I agree Ed had the right to discuss the fact that he didn't want the recruiter being there, I even agree with Ed wanting to "bounce" them. I am just saying its a shame that Ed doesn't want people to sign up for the military, bullshit war or not we need them. I'm sure current troops wouldn't like Ed removing them. They dont need anything else to worry about.
Love ya Punkinfur
Not seeing where I made that comparison. I did not mean to offend.
Love ya Punkinfur
Because I would liken that to being as offensive as those idiots from Westboro protesting at funerals for gay marines and about as useful as those that feel the need to protest about Jesus and the devil outside a Marilyn Manson concert or those truly charming individuals that protest outside abortion clinics. Or all those uninformed and badly behaved individuals that booed and hissed at the Vietnam vets when they returned. There's a time and a place. If this is true, then I have even less respect for the practices of Marine Recruitment Officers than I had before and I didn't think that was possible.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
No inside the venue! Ed got rid of them for the second night.
Ok, I'm just....well I'm flabbergasted really. So there were Marine Recruitment Officers IN THE VENUE, touting for business? And that's all Ed said, all he did?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Alright, it's cool. I can see your not the type of person I originally thought from reading your first post. We just disagee, all is cool.
I should verify. Inside the gates I guess, like it was a concession stand. I did not see it, I am going by word of mouth.
Thanks, take care.
Love ya Punkinfur
no more (of this) war
You know what............. there is no other way to say this: FUCK YOU
Oh wow, that's just rude, plain rude really.
I'm assuming they were in uniform and doing something that indicated they were recruiting?
I can't believe it. Just cannot. The lengths that people will go to to further their agenda.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I think Ed criticises because he wants to avoid these future conflicts. he, like all of us wants peace. He wants to stop the deaths of so many peoople. It's not just the U,.S that feel these deaths, it's the Aussies, the brits and even the Iraqis. Did you know that the population of Iraq has gone down a total of 2% since the war started? Not all of them were bad guys either. Some were inocent children. It's not the troops he talks down, Its the conflict.
God bless all of them, they are doing a great job.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
A shame to get that kind of a reaction. I was just stating a thought. I'm sorry the title of the read as it did. I agree it was not the smartest thing to state and it was a bit strong. But to tell me to fuck off? Sounds like you have had better days, resorting to that kind of hate. I hope things get better for you. Take care.
Love ya Punkinfur
God bless indeed.
Love ya Punkinfur
I agree. I think people join up because the love and care for their country not the morons that run it.
Love ya Punkinfur
You know what is funny about this whole thing is that I tried to let you off easy by saying FUCK YOU. You dont want to know what I really think about you, and every time I have written a detailed deconstruction of who and what it is to be and live a life like you do, it gets ignored. So, it was both easier for me and for you since you wouldnt have to read so much to get to the same spot of confusion and bliss. You havent opened up anything other than a large window into your hollow brain. Wrestle with yourself for a while and then we can talk at the end of it; once you have recognized and walked away from the shallow end of a brain that has yet to have an original thought flow through it. My best days are filled with everything that you are not..............so, no, this is not my best day.
You fucking cock loving saladface......... You hate everything not you and we hate you for how you hate, and nothing else.........