Ed making the U.S a more dangerous place for you and I



  • IAmMyselfIAmMyself Posts: 671
    gtrplyr7 wrote:

    Living it, did you miss my signature line, try again ghost!
    "Please help me to help you, help yourself." EV
  • gtrplyr7gtrplyr7 Posts: 36
    irieinindy wrote:
    Living it, did you miss my signature line, try again ghost!

  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    irieinindy wrote:
    You started a thread with a statement of: Ed making the US a more dangerous place for you and I.

    There is no better place for an "Educate yourself" comment then right there, because that is the stupidest thing I have read in a really long time.

    You could have just as easily said, I am concerned with what Ed said at a show I was at or something not so insulting to Ed, but no, you made your statement now deal with it!

    As for what's old, I'll give you my opinion on what is getting old. People judging ED! People feeling like their opinion matters when it comes to what someone else does in their life, like ED, that's REALLY getting fucking old.

    You made your comment to ruffle feathers, and then act all insulted when someone's feathers actually got ruffled, so really go .... ........! :(
    irieinindy wrote:
    How about threads like the one you started, what do you think Ed would think about that?

    Well if you would take the time to "educate yourself" you would have seen 2 of my replies where I stated the title of the thread was a poor judgment and that i regret posting that as a title. I tried to change it, but the changes only show in my 1st thread not the title on the porch main. I did not write this to ruffle feathers. I wrote it because it was something on my mind and I didn't think so many would have so many terrible things to say about the subject and myself. And a simple "I dont agree at all with you" would of done just fine. I would have gotten the point. There is no need to tell me to "fuck off". All I am doing is what Eddie does every show and that is to speak my thoughts. I dont disagree with what he said I just disagree while having them removed. Would tell Ed fuck off if he said something you disagree with, I think not. It makes no sense to me that people applaud Eddie for speaking his mind, speaking out, and sharing his opinion but as soon as some one opposes or has different ones than he does out come the fuck offs. You can tell some one to fuck off by hearing ONE of his beliefs or feelings on a subject?? ONE thought, ONE belief. So unless every person you meet agree with every one of your beliefs FUCK THEM? Man I bet if we met you would find me to be a general nice person. Its a shame you make that assumption based on 1 statement. How ever if that is how things are I am cool with that and can only hope you could see that I am a decent person and do not deserve to be told "Fuck Off"
    As for the the second quote i truly ed wouldn't have a problem with some one saying an honest opinion about what he says. Considering he promotes that all the time.
    Again I did not mean to offend but if I did I truly am sorry. Maybe I should of not posted it on here. But I thought given what Pearl Jam stands for it would of be tolerated in a mature respect manner.
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    gtrplyr7 wrote:

    I do agreed.
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
    Its a bit sad the attitude you have recieved a lot of abuse for your thread
    sure I dont agree with your view on this subject and stated my thoughts on page 2. but really do we really need all of this angst against somebody who shared their opinion.
    By sharing our thoughts/ ideas we can all grow.
    people who want to tell others to FUCK off for sharing their thoughts are more narrow minded than GWB and his cronies.
    you defend Ed for expressing his right of opinion but abuse this person for the same thing
    SAD :(
  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    Its a bit sad the attitude you have recieved a lot of abuse for your thread
    sure I dont agree with your view on this subject and stated my thoughts on page 2. but really do we really need all of this angst against somebody who shared their opinion.
    By sharing our thoughts/ ideas we can all grow.
    people who want to tell others to FUCK off for sharing their thoughts are more narrow minded than GWB and his cronies.
    you defend Ed for expressing his right of opinion but abuse this person for the same thing
    SAD :(

    Refreshing, thank you.
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
    Vedder316 wrote:
    I have acknowledge the title is poor. I do it again. Sorry every one the title i chose for this post is misleading and was a poor choice. I do how ever believe the more troops we have the safer we are in some aspects and bad in others.
    what you needed was donald rumsfield letting the generals planning their wars instead of a carreer pencil pusher like don- he is the sole reason Iraq went to shit.
    The Us could have done the job properly instead of the light mobile infantry that rummy wished for, pressed for and got.
    Vedder316 wrote:
    Yes I have learned that very quickly, lol. But you have to admit that some people just go to far. Ed constantly urges people to speak their mind and challenge things you believe in, even if it differs from his opinion. I just question one of the mans actions. I love EV and PJ. I think Ed would be happy to have one of his fans speak their mind just as he does. Not hard feeling.....all love

    see I reckon Ed would love to sit down and discuss this sort of stuff, If you sit down with a bunch of people who believe exactly what you believe what will you learn. NOTHING
    Ed seems to be an intelegent searching soul, an opertunity to get into somebodies head and the chance for somebody to get into yours is a great learning oppertunity
  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    see I reckon Ed would love to sit down and discuss this sort of stuff, If you sit down with a bunch of people who believe exactly what you believe what will you learn. NOTHING
    Ed seems to be an intelegent searching soul, an opertunity to get into somebodies head and the chance for somebody to get into yours is a great learning oppertunity

    well said, i agree
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
  • ambrasjesambrasjes Posts: 124
    The main reason I opened this thread was to tell you that your subject is wrong. It should be "a more dangerous place for you and me." Not you and I. If you take out either the you or the I, the sentence still has to make sense, and the way it is written you would not say "a more dangerous place for I." I have seen and heard so many people doing this lately, it's like it's getting worse. People think they are being fancy and correct saying "I" instead of me and they just sound like morons. "Give your money to John or I." Stuff like that.

    I know, I'm a dork.

    Find the fault!

    ..here's A Place In
    Your Heart
    And I Know That It Is Love
    And This Place Could
    Be Much
    Brighter Than Tomorrow
    And If You Really Try
    You'll Find There's No Need
    To Cry
    In This Place You'll Feel
    There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

    There Are Ways
    To Get There
    If You Care Enough
    For The Living
    Make A Little Space
    Make A Better Place...

    Heal The World
    Make It A Better Place
    For You And For I
    And The Entire Human Race
    There Are People Dying
    If You Care Enough
    For The Living
    Make A Better Place
    For You And For Me

    Ed doesn't make the US a more dangerous place for you and I, unless he is buying enriched uranium again on ebay under his codename Zion.
    Michael Jackson on the other hand... deserves a thread like this.

    Longtime ghost
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    morgie2 wrote:
    The government of Saudi Arabia wants us in the "Holy Land". The only people we are "pissing off" are the terrorists and extremists. It's similar to Northern Ireland. The IRA (a very small minority of the people) say England should get out, yet the majority of the "commonfolk" don't mind England's presence there.
    :confused: Huh? I think you'll find that quite a few people wanted the British presence gone... probably at least half of the population (the other half consider themselves British anyway). The IRA went about it a different way to how the majority would have liked... but I'm sure that's what you wanted to say :rolleyes:
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    finnannie wrote:
    Sorry to hear your emotions were hurt, but sometimes that happens with freedom of speech. I generally try to avoid conversations like this, but when you said I must be living in "fantasyland" with my thoughts of peace - I just felt I needed to respond. I'm not going to apologize of what I said, because I meant every word.

    Could you be more specific about that comment you made about bailing our asses every 40 years?

    I think the view amongst some people is that, if you're not American, America saved your ass in WWII. It's an interesting and laughable theory and kinda cute :D bless em... I wonder have history books in the states been replaced by movies? :confused:
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    morgie2 wrote:
    Specifically I was talking about the fact the big bad U.S. has to come over to Europe and re-instate your "freedom of speech" for you because one of your peace loving neighbors has decided to take over the world again. Is that specific enough? BTW, take you apology and shove it, or should I say go to Hell-sinki.
    :D That's funny! Read some history books morgie :rolleyes:
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    lets take advantage of drunk kids by putting a recruiting station next to a beer stand- assholes-..
    THAT'S what I find fucking disgusting. It's not like signing up for a job. A job you can change your mind the next day or quit after a couple of weeks, years, whatever... you sign up drunk for the marines (maybe even as a dare, who knows?) and you've just made a life choice right there. As we saw with the Iraq war how they made everyone who ever signed anything go to war :mad: fucking filthy disgusting bastards!
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • IAmMyselfIAmMyself Posts: 671
    Vedder316 wrote:
    Well if you would take the time to "educate yourself" you would have seen 2 of my replies where I stated the title of the thread was a poor judgment and that i regret posting that as a title. I tried to change it, but the changes only show in my 1st thread not the title on the porch main. I did not write this to ruffle feathers. I wrote it because it was something on my mind and I didn't think so many would have so many terrible things to say about the subject and myself. And a simple "I dont agree at all with you" would of done just fine. I would have gotten the point. There is no need to tell me to "fuck off". All I am doing is what Eddie does every show and that is to speak my thoughts. I dont disagree with what he said I just disagree while having them removed. Would tell Ed fuck off if he said something you disagree with, I think not. It makes no sense to me that people applaud Eddie for speaking his mind, speaking out, and sharing his opinion but as soon as some one opposes or has different ones than he does out come the fuck offs. You can tell some one to fuck off by hearing ONE of his beliefs or feelings on a subject?? ONE thought, ONE belief. So unless every person you meet agree with every one of your beliefs FUCK THEM? Man I bet if we met you would find me to be a general nice person. Its a shame you make that assumption based on 1 statement. How ever if that is how things are I am cool with that and can only hope you could see that I am a decent person and do not deserve to be told "Fuck Off"
    As for the the second quote i truly ed wouldn't have a problem with some one saying an honest opinion about what he says. Considering he promotes that all the time.
    Again I did not mean to offend but if I did I truly am sorry. Maybe I should of not posted it on here. But I thought given what Pearl Jam stands for it would of be tolerated in a mature respect manner.

    You do all of the things you are criticizing everyone else for; you insulted me, you assumed I wouldn't tell Ed to fuck off, if I disagreed with him, and you're wrong. I just happen to agree with him.
    I'm not mad, I expect people to be complete and total assholes on this board, my expectations are not high, ie~gtrplyr7, I mean simply said, there are a lot of really stupid people on here. So even when someone tells you to fuck off, still hear the point. Just understand, that you really pushed one of their buttons, and not you got a debate on your hands. ;)

    If you are going to respond to me, could you please separate you points, otherwise it's just too hard to read.
    "Please help me to help you, help yourself." EV
  • Gonzo1977Gonzo1977 Posts: 1,696
    Jesus Christ this is such a non issue for me. I'm completly baffled at how people that follow this band can continually be surprised, up in arms, and pissy about Eddie's views and politics.

    I'm neither upset bothered or pissed off at this and I can't see why anyone would be. The man is merley speaking his mind...just the same as you and me. It's our freedom to do such and Eddie Vedder can say whatever he wants, whenever he wants, whether you agree with it or not.

    There's nothing your going to do to change this...so simply...get over it !!

    Now just to further piss you off... I'm going to throw my 2 cents in too

    I agree with Eddie on this and don't think the Army, Navy, Star Fleet Command of the USA have any fucking business showing up at a rock concert to recruit kids. They should just fuck off back to their bases and leave the kids alone. The kids are there to see their favorite band play and in some cases forget about the horrbile shit that is going on in the world outside of that arena.
  • CupofjoeCupofjoe Posts: 557
    And on not one of those pages will you find a post saying it should be illegal for Ed to say what he said.

    Which is all "freedom of speech" means. Freedom of speech doesn't mean "you can say whatever you want, and nobody gets to disagree with it." It means the government -- the GOVERNMENT -- can't abridge your right to say what you want to say. You've read all 12 pages (right?). Show me anyone who thinks the government should step in and punish ed for speaking out against the Marine recruitment?

    Otherwise, you've got no "freedom of speech" argument.
  • I actually had a problem with what he said about the recruiting tents at Boston I as well, but you know what I did??? Just didn't clap. If I agree about something I clap and I will cheer but in this case I just put my hands down and left it at that. Just thought it was ignorant commentary on his part. For the most part I agree with most of his views about the war and our administation.

    Kind of funny how people who freak out about having the right to free speech are usually the ones who are more vocal about others who don't share there same opinion.
  • Yellow LedbellyYellow Ledbelly Posts: 3,749
    irieinindy wrote:
    You just can't insult Ed that way, and not expect to get attacked.
    Wow, I didn't realize Ed had a message board posse. That's pretty cool
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • EvilRabbitEvilRabbit Posts: 286
    The IRA went about it a different way to how the majority would have liked...

    Bombs in English shopping malls. Paid for by Americans.

    Are you a screenwriter?
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    EvilRabbit wrote:
    Bombs in English shopping malls. Paid for by Americans.

    which English shopping mall?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • smile05smile05 Posts: 600
    which English shopping mall?
    manchester arndale centre
    warrington town centre
    brighton tory party
    1:Black 2:Corduroy 3:All Those Yesterdays 4:I Got ID 5:Smile

    They can buy but cant put on my clothes
    Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~

    Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton

  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    irieinindy wrote:
    You do all of the things you are criticizing everyone else for; you insulted me, you assumed I wouldn't tell Ed to fuck off, if I disagreed with him, and you're wrong. I just happen to agree with him.
    I'm not mad, I expect people to be complete and total assholes on this board, my expectations are not high, ie~gtrplyr7, I mean simply said, there are a lot of really stupid people on here. So even when someone tells you to fuck off, still hear the point. Just understand, that you really pushed one of their buttons, and not you got a debate on your hands. ;)

    If you are going to respond to me, could you please separate you points, otherwise it's just too hard to read.

    Yea....... I asked IF you would tell Ed to fuck off if you disagreed with you. I DID NOT assume. I am sorry if I loose respect for some one who tells me to fuck off based on ONE of his opinions. And i believe ONCE DEVIDED has summed things up quite nicely in previous posts. In case you miss them I have added them below. Sorry for the message being hard to read. I get going and and my grammar and message construction becomes poor.
    On a side note Manny is adorable!!!! Take care.

    Its a bit sad the attitude you have recieved a lot of abuse for your thread
    sure I dont agree with your view on this subject and stated my thoughts on page 2. but really do we really need all of this angst against somebody who shared their opinion.
    By sharing our thoughts/ ideas we can all grow.
    people who want to tell others to FUCK off for sharing their thoughts are more narrow minded than GWB and his cronies.
    you defend Ed for expressing his right of opinion but abuse this person for the same thing
    SAD :(

    see I reckon Ed would love to sit down and discuss this sort of stuff, If you sit down with a bunch of people who believe exactly what you believe what will you learn. NOTHING
    Ed seems to be an intelligent searching soul, an opportunity to get into somebodies head and the chance for somebody to get into yours is a great learning opportunity
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
  • IAmMyselfIAmMyself Posts: 671
    Wow, I didn't realize Ed had a message board posse. That's pretty cool

    Now you know. ;)
    "Please help me to help you, help yourself." EV
  • IAmMyselfIAmMyself Posts: 671
    Vedder316 wrote:
    Yea....... I asked IF you would tell Ed to fuck off if you disagreed with you. I DID NOT assume. I am sorry if I loose respect for some one who tells me to fuck off based on ONE of his opinions. And i believe ONCE DEVIDED has summed things up quite nicely in previous posts. In case you miss them I have added them below. Sorry for the message being hard to read. I get going and and my grammar and message construction becomes poor.
    On a side note Manny is adorable!!!! Take care.

    Thanks for the Manny compliment, she is actually more important to me than Ed, lol.
    I think message boards, email, texting, sucks because you read what someone else wrote and you put your own emphasis on what their words mean, and you react very quickly, if that makes any sense. At least that is what I do.

    I'm not taking back the fuck you remarks because that is just me, I say it all the time and I know I need to clean my mouth up. I think fuck you hurts you a lot more then I ever intended it to, and that I am sorry for. And I thank you for bringing it to my attention, I like to learn new things about myself and I really don't like to affect anyone so negatively.

    I think if we ever met and set down and had a conversation and you made the exact same comment as the original title of this thread and I came back with fuck you and this is my op, I bet it would have ended up a lot different because I would have understood what you meant, it wouldn't have come across so blunt to me and when I would have said fuck you back you would know that I have a smile on my face and it's just my way of letting you know I disagree. I flip my mom off all the time when we are joking around, it's in love., she's my best friend. I just was not raised to not use bad words.(double negative, i know)
    And I am very passionate about what I do believe it, as are you. I think we would probably get along pretty well.
    So peace to you! ;)
    "Please help me to help you, help yourself." EV
  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    irieinindy wrote:
    Thanks for the Manny compliment, she is actually more important to me than Ed, lol.
    I think message boards, email, texting, sucks because you read what someone else wrote and you put your own emphasis on what their words mean, and you react very quickly, if that makes any sense. At least that is what I do.

    I'm not taking back the fuck you remarks because that is just me, I say it all the time and I know I need to clean my mouth up. I think fuck you hurts you a lot more then I ever intended it to, and that I am sorry for. And I thank you for bringing it to my attention, I like to learn new things about myself and I really don't like to affect anyone so negatively.

    I think if we ever met and set down and had a conversation and you made the exact same comment as the original title of this thread and I came back with fuck you and this is my op, I bet it would have ended up a lot different because I would have understood what you meant, it wouldn't have come across so blunt to me and when I would have said fuck you back you would know that I have a smile on my face and it's just my way of letting you know I disagree. I flip my mom off all the time when we are joking around, it's in love., she's my best friend. I just was not raised to not use bad words.(double negative, i know)
    And I am very passionate about what I do believe it, as are you. I think we would probably get along pretty well.
    So peace to you! ;)

    Thanks I agree. No hard feelings. Thanks for being passionate in what you believe in. And peace to you my "if we met friend" lol I would probable take a beatin for Ed and the Band, I love em. I didn't mean to insinuate I don't have a great deal for respect for them. I just used a poor method to disagree. Take care.
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
  • Vedder316Vedder316 Posts: 205
    Can you see the real me nindy..... NINDY? Now you see the reeeeeeal me Nindy....NINDY sorry That song F'N rocked and cannot get it out of my head. Takes care
    Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
    Love ya Punkinfur
  • IAmMyselfIAmMyself Posts: 671
    I know.
    "Please help me to help you, help yourself." EV
  • IndifferenceIndifference Posts: 2,742
    I think the view amongst some people is that, if you're not American, America saved your ass in WWII. It's an interesting and laughable theory and kinda cute :D bless em... I wonder have history books in the states been replaced by movies? :confused:

    I guess you read the history books that says everything was going the way everyone wanted before December 7, 1941.

    SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
    Mexico=1, Colombia=1 

  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    I think the view amongst some people is that, if you're not American, America saved your ass in WWII. It's an interesting and laughable theory and kinda cute :D bless em... I wonder have history books in the states been replaced by movies? :confused:
    why you ungrateful mcbastard! ;)

    USA! USA!
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

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