Ok I changed the title of the post. I realize that it was way over the top and I apologize to Ed and the readers for the original title. To the people telling me to "fuck off" and the hand full of malicious jabs that where made. I was just sharing an opinion. The same thing that Ed did. So show the same respect that you show Ed and the other that agree with him. I never questioned Eds love for his country, patriotism, or his right to say what he wants. It was just an opinion of what he said and did. Edward is a great American for expressing his opinion how ever I dont agree with him having them removed. Wasn't it Ed that had a big problem when he was censored at lollapalooza? I know that may be a stretch comparison. I just wish people would have a little more respect for someone who shares an opinion. No one is wrong here. We are all right to have our independent thoughts. To be insulted for that is just saddening. I have loved this band since its beginnings and will continue to do so. I was just throwing out a thought or 2 of the situation. So please if you can not reply with insults or nastiness please dont, I didn't intend for this to be a place to bash other peoples thoughts. And as for Tackalac I do not hate people who dont share my opinion, I welcome and respect opposition. The words you have typed are hurtful and uncalled for. I not once expressed hate for anyone. If I implied that i did please enlighten me. The statement you made in post #60 is unfortunate and uncalled for. I did not intend for this to be a bashing session and apologize if my comments led the conversation astray. Take care.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
Oh really? Fuck, I'm glad I don't live anywhere near USA - I mean, it's nice to stop by every now and then, but no way in hell would I ever move there when things are the way they are right now - and I'm not just talking about the war, freedom-issues, fucked up healthcare, education -system(s), etc. Sorry to bash your country, but thats the way it is. Fantasyland? Well, maybe it's hard for you to believe that people can actually live without wars, have democracy, freedom of speech and all that, shit - we are doing quite well here in Finland btw. If you need people like Saddam, Hitler, Bin Laden etc. to blame all the shit that's happening in the world, you really don't dig too deep in issues do you. And you think censorship is okay? Fine, but some people don't like it when their freedom is being restricted and controlled in the name of safety - SAFETY? Your own leaders are a much bigger threat to you americans than any middle eastern oil-country. But I guess it all comes down to what you value in life. Nothing personal, but if most americans are thinking like you - the future surely doesn't look too bright for you guys. Again, nothing personal - there's so much good, generous, intelligent people over there - it just makes me really sad to see your fine country falling down in flames, economically/peoples rights-wise/etc. I believe peace could work, but there's just too much fucking dumb people in this world.
Ed has every right to speak out his opinions, and I, personally admire him for that.
Must be nice to live in a spectator country. Probably why every 40 years or so we have to bail your asses out. Convenient memory. I'm glad you don't live anywhere near here either. I love how you close with "respectfully". Your post was anything but. I'm on the site to exchange views, ideas, maybe learn something from people that have at least one thing in common with me, PJ. This is why politics can never be talked about in a civil manner. Too emotional.
Boston II 94 Boston II 06 Mansfield I 08 Mansfield II 08 Seattle I 09 Seattle II 09
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Ok I changed the title of the post. I realize that it was way over the top and I apologize to Ed and the readers for the original title. To the people telling me to "fuck off" and the hand full of malicious jabs that where made. I was just sharing an opinion. The same thing that Ed did. So show the same respect that you show Ed and the other that agree with him. I never questioned Eds love for his country, patriotism, or his right to say what he wants. It was just an opinion of what he said and did. Edward is a great American for expressing his opinion how ever I dont agree with him having them removed. Wasn't it Ed that had a big problem when he was censored at lollapalooza? I know that may be a stretch comparison. I just wish people would have a little more respect for someone who shares an opinion. No one is wrong here. We are all right to have our independent thoughts. To be insulted for that is just saddening. I have loved this band since its beginnings and will continue to do so. I was just throwing out a thought or 2 of the situation. So please if you can not reply with insults or nastiness please dont, I didn't intend for this to be a place to bash other peoples thoughts. And as for Tackalac I do not hate people who dont share my opinion, I welcome and respect opposition. The words you have typed are hurtful and uncalled for. I not once expressed hate for anyone. If I implied that i did please enlighten me. The statement you made in post #60 is unfortunate and uncalled for. I did not intend for this to be a bashing session and apologize if my comments led the conversation astray. Take care.
Unfortuantly that is happening on this board more and more. Don't let it bother you.....a lot of people are hypocrites and only follow their values if it benefits themselves. Baaa Baaa
Fuck, see....I'm still on here.....I have so much shit to get done.
Like a word misplaced...nothing said...what a waste
Must be nice to live in a spectator country. Probably why every 40 years or so we have to bail your asses out. Convenient memory. I'm glad you don't live anywhere near here either. I love how you close with "respectfully". Your post was anything but. I'm on the site to exchange views, ideas, maybe learn something from people that have at least one thing in common with me, PJ. This is why politics can never be talked about in a civil manner. Too emotional.
Sorry to hear your emotions were hurt, but sometimes that happens with freedom of speech. I generally try to avoid conversations like this, but when you said I must be living in "fantasyland" with my thoughts of peace - I just felt I needed to respond. I'm not going to apologize of what I said, because I meant every word.
Could you be more specific about that comment you made about bailing our asses every 40 years?
Won't let the light escape from me.
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
I've thought about this some more. The reason I don't like military recruiters is that for the most part, they prey on the young. They go to high schools and try to get kids college aged to sign up by telling them all sorts of benefits (and in reality we know how the govt treats veterans...not very well). "You can see the world...we pay for college..."
Yeah that's all well and good if you don't die or if you want to see the world and go to college with artificial limbs because you got blown up when we sent you to Iraq.
18 year olds and people of that age just don't really have the life experience to make decisions for themselves. That's why recruiters are dangerous. They don't (as far as I know) send out guys in wheelchairs to recruit people. They send out these guys that make it sound like having a "cool" job with all these benefits, and yeah, you might be asked to serve your country by being thrown into the most dangerous situation you can imagine, but hey...we pay for your college!!!! Don't you like video games and computers? You can do the same thing with us!
You could just as well have a table up for Mafia Recruiters and have some Italian Americans going "Ehh, you ever think about joining up the life of organized crime? We get free TVs, lots of good friends to hang out with, chicks dig you, you'll be set for life. Lots of money. No funny business. Fuggedaboutit. Come with us." And kids would say "Hey, that DOES sound cool, where do I sign up?"
ABQ 93, Las Cruces 95, ABQ 98, Bridge School 10/30/99, Lubbock 00, ABQ 00, Denver 03, State College 03, San Diego 03, Vegas 03, PHX 03, D.C. 03, Camden 7/5/03, NYC 7/8/03 + 7/9/03, Vegas 06, San Francisco 7/15/06 + 7/16/06 + 7/18/06, Kansas City 10, [EV:ABQ 11/6/12], Chicago 13, PHX 13, Denver 14--PJ24!, Telluride 16, Chicago 8/20/16, Chicago 8/18/18, Phoenix 22, Denver 22, Vegas 5/16/24
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
Could you be more specific about that comment you made about bailing our asses every 40 years?
America did not enter WW2 for any other reason that to shift the power to their corner, not to save the jews, not to and not because they cared that much about the european nations who first cam under attack by the nazi's. They sensed thir interest at home and abroad were threatened, now think they made a selfless sacrifice. How long was the holocaust in action before they entered the war? How long do you think the States would have gone on unmolested by the kaiser in ww1 or if Hitler had conquered Europe? This and not the safety of Sweden was undoubtadley the rational behind uS activity in either of those two conclicts.
Sorry to hear your emotions were hurt, but sometimes that happens with freedom of speech. I generally try to avoid conversations like this, but when you said I must be living in "fantasyland" with my thoughts of peace - I just felt I needed to respond. I'm not going to apologize of what I said, because I meant every word.
Could you be more specific about that comment you made about bailing our asses every 40 years?
Specifically I was talking about the fact the big bad U.S. has to come over to Europe and re-instate your "freedom of speech" for you because one of your peace loving neighbors has decided to take over the world again. Is that specific enough? BTW, take you apology and shove it, or should I say go to Hell-sinki.
Boston II 94 Boston II 06 Mansfield I 08 Mansfield II 08 Seattle I 09 Seattle II 09
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Iraq isn't a bully any more. Whose to say that unchecked we wouldn't have had another Hitler on our hands. That's where history helps us when we don't make the same mistakes. Unfortunately history didn't help Bush. He seems to be using the same "exit Strategy" we used in Vietnam. Anyway, with everything this country does in the way relief efforts whether they be foo, clothing shelter, education, money etc. I have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM COMFORTABLY CALLING THIS COUNTRY "GOOD".
GOOD for you. Join the club of black and whiters who are taking us down. Too bad you are unable to step outside the box and see things from both sides, the first step in understanding and resolving any conflict.
Wow, Anni say what you say, but to claim to look at ourselves in the mirror because of the likes of Hitler. So what did we put into his head in order for him to kill millions?
Wow, Anni say what you say, but to claim to look at ourselves in the mirror because of the likes of Hitler. So what did we put into his head in order for him to kill millions?
Enlighten this stupid American.
Wasn't speaking about american people in general; what I meant is, ask yourself a question - is Hitler alone guilty of all the horrible deaths that happened during "his era" - shouldn't we be pointing a finger to all those people (civilians included) who blindly followed him and his ideologies? And gave him the power? I think people who don't use their own brains and think for themselves - and don't live up to their OWN beliefs, are as much to blame as the leader. This goes for Saddam, Bin Laden and others as well -- it's very unfortunate that people follow each other and their leaders "eyes closed".
Won't let the light escape from me.
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
Wasn't speaking about american people in general; what I meant is, ask yourself a question - is Hitler alone guilty of all the horrible deaths that happened during "his era" - shouldn't we be pointing a finger to all those people (civilians included) who blindly followed him and his ideologies? And gave him the power? I think people who don't use their own brains and think for themselves - and don't live up to their OWN beliefs, are as much to blame as the leader. This goes for Saddam, Bin Laden and others as well -- it's very unfortunate that people follow each other and their leaders "eyes closed".
That mind set would lead me to believe you agree with what is going on in Iraq then.
Like a word misplaced...nothing said...what a waste
Wasn't speaking about american people in general; what I meant is, ask yourself a question - is Hitler alone guilty of all the horrible deaths that happened during "his era" - shouldn't we be pointing a finger to all those people (civilians included) who blindly followed him and his ideologies? And gave him the power? I think people who don't use their own brains and think for themselves - and don't live up to their OWN beliefs, are as much to blame as the leader. This goes for Saddam, Bin Laden and others as well -- it's very unfortunate that people follow each other and their leaders "eyes closed".
Blaming those that follow of course is worthy. Now would you turn a blind eye and guarantee your safety or speak up and go burn in an oven?
I speak only of Hitler, because IMO he should not be characterized with the likes of the others you spoke of.
Blaming those that follow of course is worthy. Now would you turn a blind eye and guarantee your safety or speak up and go burn in an oven?
I speak only of Hitler, because IMO he should not be characterized with the likes of the others you spoke of.
This is like the question "would you jump into a lion pit to rescue Eddie Vedder?"
And yes, it would definitely be difficult to jump off from "a burning ship that has already sailed" and far from the shore - people should have realized the direction things were going long before and let that boat sail without them. Many people fled the Nazi Germany to other countries.
This thread is going pretty much off road.
What more can I say - people have the right to stand up for their freedom of speech, beliefs ..etc, among other things - Eddie has that right too (and PJ). People who don't have the brains or courage to stand up for themselves and their OWN thoughts, deserve every bit of the shit that flies their way.
Won't let the light escape from me.
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
Well, that and to keep from getting bombed (again) by the Japanese ...
That was part of my point. To save thier own skin. Not Europes freedom or anyone elses instrisically, but instrumentally in light of protecting their own. Another poster suggested America selflessly charges to the aid of countires like sweden (every40 years apparently).
I'm sorry but I disagree- I respect and appreciate what our military does for us- no doubt about that... I grew up an inch away from West Point and have many happy memories there... but the recruiters are lying- bold faced lie to them by saying "Oh we won't we in Iraq that much longer" or "Oh you'll be fine and this is what's best for you..."
Screw the ones who are tricking our young men and women into joining. Be honest- be straight up. But don't be another Bush.
Up here so high I start to shake...
Up here so high the sky I scrape...
I'm so high I hold just one breath here within my chest...
Just like my innocence...
the point of all his rants is to express how ridiculous their mission is. You sign up because you want to do some good for your country (not all), but now it seems you're signing up for something that is in fact hurting your country...so why would you sign up for that?.........on another note, I know several guys who signed up because of the benefits they receive when they come back, so I wouldn't go so far as to call all the US soldiers great people....willing to kill someone for their own benefits...please.
I know I will probably receive some slack for this but it been on my mind for a few days so here it goes. A few days ago i got the Mansfield 2(great show!). I found what Ed said after whipping to be a bit out of line and it sort of pissed me off. If you do know what he said here is a abbreviated summary. After rocking out whipping he talks about a marine recruiting person being at the first Mansfield show. He then states how some of his best friends are marines and ex-marines and how he supports their work. He goes on to say that he has a relationship with the people there to see the gig and he felt that the marine recruiter there was trying to get them to "bite a poison apple" and "these are our people and we're trying to take care of them", "so there is no marine recruiting center out there, its gone". Ok now I am sure theres a good chance that the marines where not going to get anyone to sign up for the marines at a Pearl Jam concert but what was the harm in having them there? Its those marines and other armed forces branches that fight and die so that Ed can verbally criticize the leaders of the country he lives in. Go to Iran Ed and say some shit about their leaders in front of 15,000 of their citizens, see how that works out for ya. Its those great people that helped rescues victims of hurricane Katrina. Its those great people that keep our country safe ect ect. Now why would Ed want to prevent people from signing up for the marines? (no matter how small the contribution) The armed forces of today rely on future personnel to relieve them in time of war and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts, and to make them more stronger and safer in the numbers ect. Low recruiting numbers effect the troops of today in a very negative way and it angers me Ed contributes to that. Its like we should all thank him for the marine recruiter removal because we all agree with what Eddie thinks. Are there really that many puppets at the shows that Eddie can assume we all wanted the removal? If he felt that bad about a recruiter being there, fine, have them removed for the 2nd show, but dont announce it and assume we all think your a hero for doing so. I think Ed needs to lay off the bottles of wine and watch what he says at shows. It may come back to him some day. I applaud and respect the men and women who want to join the armed forces. I hope the keep doing it, in great numbers. They are the only reason our country safe with leaders like this.
Althought I don't agree with the marines setting up at a rock concert where alot of people are going to be thrashed, I agree with the concept of your whole message. I agree that we should pull all the troops out and just fortify our country and feed our homeless, etc. etc. Without the troops, eddie wouldn't be able to do what he does..The armed forces are just doing their jobs they are told what to do. I almost joined the military as an officer because they would have paid for my medical school and they are giving great signing bonuses, but I chose against it. This would have been nothing like the front lines that the marines must deal with but at least I could have helped our bravest troops on the front lines. To summarize our everyday life only exists because of OUR TROOPS...and eddie should be thankful that people fight for him so he can maintain his way of life...
Wasn't at the concert, but heard it on tape and YOU TOTALLY MISSED THE POINT! That is why before he made the comment he separated marines for RECRUITERS. If you don't know, educate yourself, right now we have recruiters promising kids the world and then sending them to IRAQ, that being the poison apple. :(
Eddie's not a dumb fuck regardless of what you think, or how many bottles of wine he may drink, and he can say whatever the fuck he wants, that is what marines fight for, right? OUR FREEDOM!
You have a choice to, don't go to the show!
I LOVE my country but I hate it's leaders!
I do not support the war, but I do support our troops, so you can't label me!
I know I will probably receive some slack for this but it been on my mind for a few days so here it goes. A few days ago i got the Mansfield 2(great show!). I found what Ed said after whipping to be a bit out of line and it sort of pissed me off. If you do know what he said here is a abbreviated summary. After rocking out whipping he talks about a marine recruiting person being at the first Mansfield show. He then states how some of his best friends are marines and ex-marines and how he supports their work. He goes on to say that he has a relationship with the people there to see the gig and he felt that the marine recruiter there was trying to get them to "bite a poison apple" and "these are our people and we're trying to take care of them", "so there is no marine recruiting center out there, its gone". Ok now I am sure theres a good chance that the marines where not going to get anyone to sign up for the marines at a Pearl Jam concert but what was the harm in having them there? Its those marines and other armed forces branches that fight and die so that Ed can verbally criticize the leaders of the country he lives in. Go to Iran Ed and say some shit about their leaders in front of 15,000 of their citizens, see how that works out for ya. Its those great people that helped rescues victims of hurricane Katrina. Its those great people that keep our country safe ect ect. Now why would Ed want to prevent people from signing up for the marines? (no matter how small the contribution) The armed forces of today rely on future personnel to relieve them in time of war and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts, and to make them more stronger and safer in the numbers ect. Low recruiting numbers effect the troops of today in a very negative way and it angers me Ed contributes to that. Its like we should all thank him for the marine recruiter removal because we all agree with what Eddie thinks. Are there really that many puppets at the shows that Eddie can assume we all wanted the removal? If he felt that bad about a recruiter being there, fine, have them removed for the 2nd show, but dont announce it and assume we all think your a hero for doing so. I think Ed needs to lay off the bottles of wine and watch what he says at shows. It may come back to him some day. I applaud and respect the men and women who want to join the armed forces. I hope the keep doing it, in great numbers. They are the only reason our country safe with leaders like this.
1) Nice paragraph. try to split it into two or three next time so it's readable.
2) If he doesn't want marine recruiters there, they shouldn't be there. It's his concert.
3) Marine recruiters should go to high school cafeterias to talk to 18 year olds. they have no business at a rock concert.
I actually said to myself at mansfield 1 that the recruiter station has every right to be there. But a part of me thinks that they were there specifically because PJ was playing. I have never been a to a show at great woods where there has been a recruiter in the past or maybe I just never paid attention but I have to say that I have been to at least 100 shows there. So in my eyes, I'm glad they got the boot. If I want to sign up I'll know where to find them.
I support the troops but not the cause. Anytime I see a military person I thank them for what they do.
I wish I could quote all of the awesome replies, but there's just too many... Glad I'm not the only one that supports the troops but not the cause. Thanks ya'll for backing this up
Up here so high I start to shake...
Up here so high the sky I scrape...
I'm so high I hold just one breath here within my chest...
Just like my innocence...
I know I will probably receive some slack for this but it been on my mind for a few days so here it goes. A few days ago i got the Mansfield 2(great show!). I found what Ed said after whipping to be a bit out of line and it sort of pissed me off. If you do know what he said here is a abbreviated summary. After rocking out whipping he talks about a marine recruiting person being at the first Mansfield show. He then states how some of his best friends are marines and ex-marines and how he supports their work. He goes on to say that he has a relationship with the people there to see the gig and he felt that the marine recruiter there was trying to get them to "bite a poison apple" and "these are our people and we're trying to take care of them", "so there is no marine recruiting center out there, its gone". Ok now I am sure theres a good chance that the marines where not going to get anyone to sign up for the marines at a Pearl Jam concert but what was the harm in having them there? Its those marines and other armed forces branches that fight and die so that Ed can verbally criticize the leaders of the country he lives in. Go to Iran Ed and say some shit about their leaders in front of 15,000 of their citizens, see how that works out for ya. Its those great people that helped rescues victims of hurricane Katrina. Its those great people that keep our country safe ect ect. Now why would Ed want to prevent people from signing up for the marines? (no matter how small the contribution) The armed forces of today rely on future personnel to relieve them in time of war and relief, learn new things and ways to aid them in future conflicts, and to make them more stronger and safer in the numbers ect. Low recruiting numbers effect the troops of today in a very negative way and it angers me Ed contributes to that. Its like we should all thank him for the marine recruiter removal because we all agree with what Eddie thinks. Are there really that many puppets at the shows that Eddie can assume we all wanted the removal? If he felt that bad about a recruiter being there, fine, have them removed for the 2nd show, but dont announce it and assume we all think your a hero for doing so. I think Ed needs to lay off the bottles of wine and watch what he says at shows. It may come back to him some day. I applaud and respect the men and women who want to join the armed forces. I hope the keep doing it, in great numbers. They are the only reason our country safe with leaders like this.
You answered your own question....he was drunk
Good bad or indifferent everyone has there own opinion
For me Eddie holds up our Freedom of speech rights. Everyone has the right to say what they want when they want. I think we need to look at that more than what this topic is about. SEEMS WE HAVE FORGOTTEN
For me Eddie holds up our Freedom of speech rights. Everyone has the right to say what they want when they want. I think we need to look at that more than what this topic is about. SEEMS WE HAVE FORGOTTEN
Huh? Nobody is saying ed should be arrested for saying what he said. Nobody is denying his freedom of speech.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Love ya Punkinfur
(just postin this link, if anyone missed my previous post)
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
This place is a fucking trap.
Must be nice to live in a spectator country. Probably why every 40 years or so we have to bail your asses out. Convenient memory. I'm glad you don't live anywhere near here either. I love how you close with "respectfully". Your post was anything but. I'm on the site to exchange views, ideas, maybe learn something from people that have at least one thing in common with me, PJ. This is why politics can never be talked about in a civil manner. Too emotional.
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Fuck, see....I'm still on here.....I have so much shit to get done.
Sorry to hear your emotions were hurt, but sometimes that happens with freedom of speech. I generally try to avoid conversations like this, but when you said I must be living in "fantasyland" with my thoughts of peace - I just felt I needed to respond. I'm not going to apologize of what I said, because I meant every word.
Could you be more specific about that comment you made about bailing our asses every 40 years?
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
Yeah that's all well and good if you don't die or if you want to see the world and go to college with artificial limbs because you got blown up when we sent you to Iraq.
18 year olds and people of that age just don't really have the life experience to make decisions for themselves. That's why recruiters are dangerous. They don't (as far as I know) send out guys in wheelchairs to recruit people. They send out these guys that make it sound like having a "cool" job with all these benefits, and yeah, you might be asked to serve your country by being thrown into the most dangerous situation you can imagine, but hey...we pay for your college!!!! Don't you like video games and computers? You can do the same thing with us!
You could just as well have a table up for Mafia Recruiters and have some Italian Americans going "Ehh, you ever think about joining up the life of organized crime? We get free TVs, lots of good friends to hang out with, chicks dig you, you'll be set for life. Lots of money. No funny business. Fuggedaboutit. Come with us." And kids would say "Hey, that DOES sound cool, where do I sign up?"
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
America did not enter WW2 for any other reason that to shift the power to their corner, not to save the jews, not to and not because they cared that much about the european nations who first cam under attack by the nazi's. They sensed thir interest at home and abroad were threatened, now think they made a selfless sacrifice. How long was the holocaust in action before they entered the war? How long do you think the States would have gone on unmolested by the kaiser in ww1 or if Hitler had conquered Europe? This and not the safety of Sweden was undoubtadley the rational behind uS activity in either of those two conclicts.
just my thought
Specifically I was talking about the fact the big bad U.S. has to come over to Europe and re-instate your "freedom of speech" for you because one of your peace loving neighbors has decided to take over the world again. Is that specific enough? BTW, take you apology and shove it, or should I say go to Hell-sinki.
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
GOOD for you. Join the club of black and whiters who are taking us down. Too bad you are unable to step outside the box and see things from both sides, the first step in understanding and resolving any conflict.
Enlighten this stupid American.
Wasn't speaking about american people in general; what I meant is, ask yourself a question - is Hitler alone guilty of all the horrible deaths that happened during "his era" - shouldn't we be pointing a finger to all those people (civilians included) who blindly followed him and his ideologies? And gave him the power? I think people who don't use their own brains and think for themselves - and don't live up to their OWN beliefs, are as much to blame as the leader. This goes for Saddam, Bin Laden and others as well -- it's very unfortunate that people follow each other and their leaders "eyes closed".
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
Well, that and to keep from getting bombed (again) by the Japanese ...
for the least they could possibly do
Blaming those that follow of course is worthy. Now would you turn a blind eye and guarantee your safety or speak up and go burn in an oven?
I speak only of Hitler, because IMO he should not be characterized with the likes of the others you spoke of.
I wonder how you came to that conclusion - quite the contrary...
I'm very much against that war, for many reasons - already said in this thread. I'm very much of an ANTI-war person.
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
This is like the question "would you jump into a lion pit to rescue Eddie Vedder?"
And yes, it would definitely be difficult to jump off from "a burning ship that has already sailed" and far from the shore - people should have realized the direction things were going long before and let that boat sail without them. Many people fled the Nazi Germany to other countries.
This thread is going pretty much off road.
What more can I say - people have the right to stand up for their freedom of speech, beliefs ..etc, among other things - Eddie has that right too (and PJ). People who don't have the brains or courage to stand up for themselves and their OWN thoughts, deserve every bit of the shit that flies their way.
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
That was part of my point. To save thier own skin. Not Europes freedom or anyone elses instrisically, but instrumentally in light of protecting their own. Another poster suggested America selflessly charges to the aid of countires like sweden (every40 years apparently).
Screw the ones who are tricking our young men and women into joining. Be honest- be straight up. But don't be another Bush.
Up here so high the sky I scrape...
I'm so high I hold just one breath here within my chest...
Just like my innocence...
06-Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Zagreb
08-NYC I/II, Hartford, Mansfield I/II
Althought I don't agree with the marines setting up at a rock concert where alot of people are going to be thrashed, I agree with the concept of your whole message. I agree that we should pull all the troops out and just fortify our country and feed our homeless, etc. etc. Without the troops, eddie wouldn't be able to do what he does..The armed forces are just doing their jobs they are told what to do. I almost joined the military as an officer because they would have paid for my medical school and they are giving great signing bonuses, but I chose against it. This would have been nothing like the front lines that the marines must deal with but at least I could have helped our bravest troops on the front lines. To summarize our everyday life only exists because of OUR TROOPS...and eddie should be thankful that people fight for him so he can maintain his way of life...
Eddie's not a dumb fuck regardless of what you think, or how many bottles of wine he may drink, and he can say whatever the fuck he wants, that is what marines fight for, right? OUR FREEDOM!
You have a choice to, don't go to the show!
I LOVE my country but I hate it's leaders!
I do not support the war, but I do support our troops, so you can't label me!
P.S. watch storytellers!
1) Nice paragraph. try to split it into two or three next time so it's readable.
2) If he doesn't want marine recruiters there, they shouldn't be there. It's his concert.
3) Marine recruiters should go to high school cafeterias to talk to 18 year olds. they have no business at a rock concert.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Yeah, I agree with Ed, let them prowl for cannon fodder elsewhere.
I support the troops but not the cause. Anytime I see a military person I thank them for what they do.
Up here so high the sky I scrape...
I'm so high I hold just one breath here within my chest...
Just like my innocence...
You answered your own question....he was drunk
Good bad or indifferent everyone has there own opinion
8/25/00 8/27/00 8/29/00 8/30/00 9/01/00 9/02/00
4/28/03 4/29/03 4/30/03 5/02/03 7/05/03 7/06/03
7/08/03 7/09/03 7/14/03 <---front row shook hands with ed.
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5/21/10 9/7/11
Sorry for the paragraph, I to support the troops but not the war but I just think Ed shouldn't of had them removed. We're on the same side.
Love ya Punkinfur
Huh? Nobody is saying ed should be arrested for saying what he said. Nobody is denying his freedom of speech.
for the least they could possibly do