When my son was 1+ and toddling around we got a kitten... He wanted in the worst way to get near the cat and pet it and grab it... So anytime he got near the poor thing we would say "easy, easy... be easy..."
He grew up thinking the cat's name was "Easy" and always called it that...
That is fricken PRECIOUS!!! awww!!
Sidenote: I think this is one of my all-time favorite threads!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Our family is sitting at the dinner table last night.
My wife reminds my 6 year-old son that he has to bring something to school tomorrow that starts with the letter "Y"...Right on cue, he starts singing "WHY GO HOME, WHY GO HOME..!"..
His two sisters (8 and 10) joined in ...(I get an evil stare from the wife)..
**proud PJ addict / parent moment**
SOOOO cute!!
I had "Why Go Home" on in the car the other day and Julia (4) was singing along to the chorus. When it was over she said, "Meredith, why doesn't Eddie Vedduh want to go home?" I burst out laughing.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
This evening when I asked my 7 year old son if he wanted to play a "matching game" (i.e., help me match socks that never stay together after laundry), he replied "I'd rather eat my foot" and when I told him that he would have to do laundry and match socks when he grew up, his response was "My wife will do that stuff!" :eek:
That sounds about right!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I work with kids aged 18 months to 2.5 years..... I'd say just about every day someone says something that leaves me laughing hysterically
So lets see....
First a few nephew ones. At age three or so, I visited my sister, and helped get my nephew ready for bed. We were getting him out of the bathtub, when my nephew got that famous "watch this" sly grin on his face. He stood up, and in his best opera voice screamed "SSSSSHHHHHHIIIIITTTT", at the TOP of his lungs, as he wrapped the towel around himself.
My brother in law, without missing a beat, asked me what I'd taught my nephew (in fairness, I do find swearing kids hysterical). My nephew covered my sisters ears, winked at me and said "I've been waiting all life to say that, and I thought you were the only one who knew what it ment!".
One little boy has a favorite toy, its a small plastic fox. He can't say fox, it comes out fucks. Cracked me up the first time. The more I tried to get him to say fox, the louder the said the other word.
He was so proud of himself when he got it right, he ran to tell his mom when she picked him up for the day.
"Mommy, miss heather taught me about fucks today!"
Last year, my nephew (age 6 at the time) went to key west. There is apparently a meteorite somewhere down there, which he has proudly described as a Meat Eater ever since.
When said nehpew was about 3, we took him as a family to a christmas lights display. Afterwords, my sister and I went to target or somewhere with him to finsh christmas shopping. As we approached the store, Nathan noticed all of the store lights and said (loud!) "God damn! Look at those lights!"
I was helping Julia (4) brush her teeth. She has new Shrek toothpaste and when I squeezed it on the brush it came out an icky green color. She looked at me HORRIFIED and said, "Is that toothpaste actually worm juice?" (I guess being that it was Shrek and all it made sense.)
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
When said nehpew was about 3, we took him as a family to a christmas lights display. Afterwords, my sister and I went to target or somewhere with him to finsh christmas shopping. As we approached the store, Nathan noticed all of the store lights and said (loud!) "God damn! Look at those lights!"
"This here's a REQUEST!"
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
Yesterday was another cute one. They have landscapers here working on the patio/yard. They were really loud during naptime (cutting tiles, leaf blower etc) and Julia came downstairs and said, "What's the ruckus?"
Wonder where she heard that one!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
My mom is a kindergarten teacher so she has had a few good story. My favorite was always about a kid that was telling his class about a trip to South Carolina, but he kept calling it Florida. Everytime he said Florida, she would correct him and say, "You mean South Carolina". He seemed to be fine with it the first couple of times until he said Florida again, my mom interjected, and he stopped telling the story, looked at her and said "God damn it, I said Florida!!!!!!"
My mom is a kindergarten teacher so she has had a few good story. My favorite was always about a kid that was telling his class about a trip to South Carolina, but he kept calling it Florida. Everytime he said Florida, she would correct him and say, "You mean South Carolina". He seemed to be fine with it the first couple of times until he said Florida again, my mom interjected, and he stopped telling the story, looked at her and said "God damn it, I said Florida!!!!!!"
Geez, I see anger management classes in his future!!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Yesterday was another cute one. They have landscapers here working on the patio/yard. They were really loud during naptime (cutting tiles, leaf blower etc) and Julia came downstairs and said, "What's the ruckus?"
Wonder where she heard that one!
I dunno, but that is CUTE!
One of "my" kids once asked me what it felt like to be old. I belive the quote went something like "So you are old right Miss Heather? Does it hurt? " He was a kindergartener, at the time I was 22. I must be ancient now!
my son couldn;t pee the other night ... he decided the poop was probably blocking it, so he pooped, then pee'd. "see daddy, i can now pee because i pooped."
I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
my son couldn;t pee the other night ... he decided the poop was probably blocking it, so he pooped, then pee'd. "see daddy, i can now pee because i pooped."
ok, you're officialy banned from posting again in this thread..
The "buttsex" commenter can stay.. THAT was funny!
"This here's a REQUEST!"
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
I was at the Mall and I saw this woman breast feeding and the baby must have gotten annoyed 'cuz he said, "As soon as I'm done sucking on this tit... I'm going to come over there and kill you".
I was with my cousin who was five at the time and his stomach wasn't feeling too well so I let him sleep in my room and he wakes up at about three in the morning and wakes me up and says, "Mikey? I just farted and stuff came out."
Beavis: All my friends are brown and red? What does that mean?
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Just now when I went to get my one year old out of her crib after her nap, she looked up at me with this fierce look in her eyes and said very loudly and very clearly "RAAAA TAAAAA!!!!" I'm not sure what means, but I'm a little worried.
I can't wait until she starts saying more actual words.
Just now when I went to get my one year old out of her crib after her nap, she looked up at me with this fierce look in her eyes and said very loudly and very clearly "RAAAA TAAAAA!!!!" I'm not sure what means, but I'm a little worried.
I can't wait until she starts saying more actual words.
AWWWWW So cute! One of the girl's I take care of is 1...such a fun age.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Sidenote: I think this is one of my all-time favorite threads!
SOOOO cute!!
I had "Why Go Home" on in the car the other day and Julia (4) was singing along to the chorus. When it was over she said, "Meredith, why doesn't Eddie Vedduh want to go home?" I burst out laughing.
She told you! *SNNNNNNNNNNAP*
someone missed the "equality" briefing at school..!
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
Yup, sure did. I have no problem doing a guy's laundry.
So lets see....
First a few nephew ones. At age three or so, I visited my sister, and helped get my nephew ready for bed. We were getting him out of the bathtub, when my nephew got that famous "watch this" sly grin on his face. He stood up, and in his best opera voice screamed "SSSSSHHHHHHIIIIITTTT", at the TOP of his lungs, as he wrapped the towel around himself.
My brother in law, without missing a beat, asked me what I'd taught my nephew (in fairness, I do find swearing kids hysterical). My nephew covered my sisters ears, winked at me and said "I've been waiting all life to say that, and I thought you were the only one who knew what it ment!".
He was so proud of himself when he got it right, he ran to tell his mom when she picked him up for the day.
"Mommy, miss heather taught me about fucks today!"
When said nehpew was about 3, we took him as a family to a christmas lights display. Afterwords, my sister and I went to target or somewhere with him to finsh christmas shopping. As we approached the store, Nathan noticed all of the store lights and said (loud!) "God damn! Look at those lights!"
I was helping Julia (4) brush her teeth. She has new Shrek toothpaste and when I squeezed it on the brush it came out an icky green color. She looked at me HORRIFIED and said, "Is that toothpaste actually worm juice?" (I guess being that it was Shrek and all it made sense.)
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
Wonder where she heard that one!
Geez, I see anger management classes in his future!!
I dunno, but that is CUTE!
One of "my" kids once asked me what it felt like to be old. I belive the quote went something like "So you are old right Miss Heather? Does it hurt? " He was a kindergartener, at the time I was 22.
what does a cow say? mooo
what does a cat say? meow
what does a duck say? afflac
it was pretty funny.
My daughter, 8 jrs at the time making a statement: " i'm an vegetarian "
Lois, 6 yrs: "oh, im am an Aquarius".....
A little girl sees the colors of some oil in a puddle pool : "aaaah, the rainbow died..."
The team is mostly made up of older kids in the first and second grade so he got lots of praise from his teamates..
On the ride home, I congratulating him on the goal as well and he replied..
"Hey, that's what I do!..."
modesty becomes him...!
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
" Oh man, I think my brain just moved up a level!!"
Me: Whew...it's hot in here!
J: But, it's not hot....it just smells hot.
M: How can it 'smell' hot?
J: Well, it's just hot in my nose.
She said, "its so dark out there you can't even see the clouds in the sky!~"
(you can't make these lines up!)
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
No wait, that's what I said. Nevermind.
Why would you start was has no end?
ok, you're officialy banned from posting again in this thread..
The "buttsex" commenter can stay.. THAT was funny!
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
I was with my cousin who was five at the time and his stomach wasn't feeling too well so I let him sleep in my room and he wakes up at about three in the morning and wakes me up and says, "Mikey? I just farted and stuff came out."
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
I can't wait until she starts saying more actual words.
AWWWWW So cute! One of the girl's I take care of is 1...such a fun age.