Kids say the darndest things : Part 2



  • imspinnin wrote:
    My five year old has been hounding me for the past hour, asking me over and over again if he can go on (while I've been in the Message Pit)
    I just keep on telling him, "when Mom's through..."
    He just came up to me and snapped his finger's in front of my face and said "Mom snap out of it!"

    :D hilarious!

    I'm waiting for the moment my son does that to me! He is always trying to kick me off the computer so he can watch videos via Itunes.

    a little funny ....he started yelling from the other end of the house "Mom, I need a BLESSyou, my nose is running". that's what he calls tissue.
    "you shall be released" ~ EV
  • I gave my 5-year-old god son a few books for christmas. he opened the present, got extremely mad, ruffled eyebrows and all, and yelled, "BUT I CAN'T READ!!!!"
  • given2fly78given2fly78 Posts: 404
    coachchris wrote:
    When I was four my mom said I threw a terrible tantrum and so she sent me to my room. My mom always had a rule of however old you are that's the amount of time you're punished for. So I was in my room a total of four minutes when she came back to talk to me. Apparently my room was trashed, dresser drawers emptied of clothes, bed sheets ripped off, pictures broken etc. and last but not least my name written in crayon on the wall :) She asked me what the hell happened to which I replied...

    "Mom, a giraffe just climbed in to the room from the window and messed everything up"

    Even at age four I was a very bad liar :)

    Speaking of bad liars....When I was around 11 or so, I wanted to wear makeup SO BAD - every other girl was but my mom wouldn't let me. So I decided to try her Mascara one morning. We were up at the end of our driveway where the bus would pick us up and my mom asked me what was on my eyelashes. I of course, wouldn't say it was Mascara, I told her a BIRD POOPED on my eyelashes!!!!!

    How bad is that? She made me go back home and wash it off. I missed the bus, got grounded for lying. That was the end of my makeup experiments for a few years. LOL. At least it's funny now.
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "
    Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
  • sk8nshoot1sk8nshoot1 Posts: 722
    When my son was 1+ and toddling around we got a kitten... He wanted in the worst way to get near the cat and pet it and grab it... So anytime he got near the poor thing we would say "easy, easy... be easy..."

    He grew up thinking the cat's name was "Easy" and always called it that...
    1996: Randall's Island I, Hartford
    1998: MSG I, Hartford
    2000: Jones Beach I
    2003: Albany, MSG II, Mansfield II & III, Homdel
    2004: Boston (VFC) I & II
    2006: Albany, Hartford, Boston I and E. Rutherford I
    2008: MSG I & II, Hartford, Mansfield II (saw BostonLou in the FRONT ROW!!) EV-NYC II
    2010: Hartford
    2013 Worcester II, Hartford
    2016 Fenway I
    2018 Wrigley II, Fenway II
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    My 6 year old twin boys are into growing their hair this summer, they also love Pearl Jam. (My husbands had enough of me and my love for PJ)
    Soooo anyway....the other night at the dinner table while we're eating and having "family time" my husband looks at the boys and says, you boys need a hair cut, and their response was, "but Dad I want as long as Eddie's"
    I almost choked...:o
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    imspinnin wrote:
    My 6 year old twin boys are into growing their hair this summer, they also love Pearl Jam. (My husbands had enough of me and my love for PJ)
    Soooo anyway....the other night at the dinner table while we're eating and having "family time" my husband looks at the boys and says, you boys need a hair cut, and their response was, "but Dad I want as long as Eddie's"
    I almost choked...:o

    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    I gave my 5-year-old god son a few books for christmas. he opened the present, got extremely mad, ruffled eyebrows and all, and yelled, "BUT I CAN'T READ!!!!"

    another classic LMAO!l
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • Hands boundHands bound Posts: 534
    My 5 year old cousin went in to have his tonsils taken out yesterday.
    Before he went to the hospital he looked at my grandma (his great-grandma) and said, "Mama, I am having my lungs taken out today".

    And when the nurse was taking him back to the operating room, he looked up at her and said, "I'm nervous, I've never done this before".

    So cute..he will be 6 in September...which is amazing...I remember the day he was born..
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
  • _Crazy_Mary__Crazy_Mary_ Posts: 1,299
    Last week we went to a renaissance festival that featured a real-life fire breathing dragon (made of recycled materials). I asked my 3-yr-old if she wants to see it and she looked scared and asked, "Is it in a cage?" As if that wasn't funny enough, when I told her no she said she didn't want to see it because it might eat her baby sister. lol
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    i know sometimes people tell this story about grownups as a joke, but i swear to god i really said this as a kid:

    i was about 4 or 5 and we were riding in the car... my parents were big rockers and we were always listening to the "classic rock" station in the car (this was the 80s). they talked a lot about music and i was exposed to a lot of the greats at a very young age. anyway, "band on the run" or "maybe i'm amazed" came on, and the announcer was like, "that was paul mccartney and wings," and i said, "mom, wasn't paul mccartney in a band before wings?"

    my parents had to pull over they were laughing so hard.
    My daughter has been raised on Pearl Jam, and we listen to a lot of old bootlegs, so she's heard them do "I've Got A Feeling" about a million times. So one day I was in the kitchen and I had the Beatles "Let It Be" on, she came in and heard "I've Got A Feeling" and said "Who is this? They're doing a pretty good job!"
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • _Crazy_Mary__Crazy_Mary_ Posts: 1,299
    here's one with potty humor, sorry.

    When we were helping my 2 year old potty-train, we would call it yellow peeps and brown peeps. So one day, she went on the potty and I asked her if she made brown or yellow peeps and she was so excited, "I made brown peeps! ...Like brownies!" I said to her, "Oh, but you wouldn't want to eat these brownies." She just shook her head and said, "No, they're toilet brownies." We still call them toilet brownies sometimes. lol
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    My 9 year old daughter was having melt downs after a week's vacation with the family up in New Hampshire..

    She complained so much, I told her I was going to buy her a tee shirt with "No fair!" written on the front...

    She told me, "Oh yah, and I'm going to get you a t-shirt that says 'I LOOOVE Pearl Jam'"...

    (I think its starting to show, huh?)
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • chipboychipboy Posts: 137
    A 10 year old neighbor kid said "fuck you" to my 5 year old son so my son retorted with "fuck you you fuckin fuck." Sometimes it pays to have older brothers.
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    Okay six year old found my pack of smokes the other day, he came up to me with the pack open's it up and says, "Mom can I use your chalk?" I was f*ckin' rollin'!!!!!:D
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • MCGMCG Posts: 780
    When I was in grade 7 or something like that I was at a friends who had a little brother. He couldn't say his r's so we'd call him over and say "John, if you're thirsty what do you want to put in your mouth?" and of course he would answer "A Dink!". It was quite humerous.
    Which came first,
    the bad idea or me befallen by it?
  • When I was a little kid, we got given these little books that gave instructions on what to do if there was a fire, and I thought it would be a good idea to question my dad, I said "Dad, what do you do if you smell gas???" and my dad being dad, said "Tell a jew" (Typical) I was like "Oh" because I thought my dad was always right.

    A few months later, we were at someplace and I thought I heard someone say Juice and my dad says "Not juice, JEWS" I started panicing and I shouted "I think I can smell gas! Get all the Jews out of the area!!!"

    The jewish people were not amused.
    no matter where you go,
    there you are.

    - brain of c
  • When I was a little kid, we got given these little books that gave instructions on what to do if there was a fire, and I thought it would be a good idea to question my dad, I said "Dad, what do you do if you smell gas???" and my dad being dad, said "Tell a jew" (Typical) I was like "Oh" because I thought my dad was always right.

    A few months later, we were at someplace and I thought I heard someone say Juice and my dad says "Not juice, JEWS" I started panicing and I shouted "I think I can smell gas! Get all the Jews out of the area!!!"

    The jewish people were not amused.

    Is Mel Gibson your daddy? ;)


    This evening when I asked my 7 year old son if he wanted to play a "matching game" (i.e., help me match socks that never stay together after laundry), he replied "I'd rather eat my foot" and when I told him that he would have to do laundry and match socks when he grew up, his response was "My wife will do that stuff!" :eek:

    that boy has now entered my Laundry 101 course....

    "you shall be released" ~ EV
  • BinGnarlyBinGnarly Posts: 508
    My brother is 5 years older then me and my sister is three years older then me. So when they were growing up before my time and even while i was like 1- 3 my sister couldnt talk but for some reason the mumbled words that she did say my brother understood. So my parents would just have my brother translate this went on for quite sometime. Then one day they asked him what she said and he crossed his arms and just yelled "IM NOT TELLING ANYMORE" and walked away. My sister ended up in speech class for the next year.

    Then when it was just my brother around back when he was learning to talk he called water bokum. My parents figured it out so they just let him call it that. But then the day came when he had a babysitter and he wanted some water. So he said "Bokum please" and she didnt understand so I guess my brother just started at her and yelled "BOKUM BOKUM BOKUM" over and over and till she just had to call my parents.
    San Diego 2003
    Grand Rapids 2004
    Grand Rapids 2006
    Detroit 2006
    Columbus 2010

    "With my own two hands I can change the world."
  • I'm 6 years younger than my brother and 7 than my sister, So, lets just say, that when i was ~8 I was saying their 15-16 year old expressions... It got me in... well... for lack of a better word, deep shit in elementary school.

    When I was 4 or so, whenever someone was shocked at someone doing something, i.e. mario andretti's abillity to drive a formula car, I would say,

    "I used to drive indy cars in mommy's tummy"

    the other one i can remember is,

    "I used to wrestle alligators in mommy's tummy"
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    my 4.5 year old son
    You know, tomorrow they are going to be 4.51.. kids grow up so fast. :p;)
  • I was watching Mary Tyler Moore on Nick years ago and my then-5 year old nephew said that Mary was wearing "fluffy pants". I still refer to elephant pants as fluffy pants.
  • mwachsmanmwachsman Posts: 474
    " A big fat doo doo head"
    "So, you must really love Led Zeppelin. That’s the oldest shirt I’ve ever seen on someone who wasn’t a bum."
    "Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
  • drivingrl wrote:
    Ew. Doritos are the devil.

    One day when I was 5 or 6 my mom packed doritos in my lunch despite the fact that I didn't like them. It just so happened that on the bus ride home I threw up everywhere...all over myself and my friend who was sitting next to me (he never sat near me ever again.) When I arrived home my mom found me standing in the foyer covered in vomit and asked me what happened. I said,"You shouldn't have given me those Doritos!"
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
  • My six year old has always wanted a PJ tshirt, so I bought him one the other day online. He was all proud this morning, as he's getting on the bus he looks back at me and point's to his shirt and gives me a thumbs up with a huge grin:D
    Soooo...this afternoon I ask him how his day was, and he just starts, flaring his arms all around..."Ma, can you believe not one person in my class knew who Pearl Jam was? Then, I started saying, yeah you know Eddie Vedder?!? And all the kids just kept on saying noooo...Can you believe it Ma? I even asked my teacher and she didn't even know!!"

    I've created a monster:eek:
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    my 6 year old son gets sporadic headaches, which we have discussed with him as possibly being migraine headaches...

    He knows he gets extra attention when he is having one.

    Now when he gets in trouble for being mean to his sisters , he says:

    " Leave me alone, I have a "MyBrain"!...

    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • I'll post one more...
    I had my glasses on the other day and my son has never seen me with them on (usually don't were them) and he was all puzzle when he saw me with them on, so he asks...."Mommy, so all this time you've been wearing eyetacks??"
    I just thought it was so cute!
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • I had on Lost Dogs this morning and YL came on, my not yet 2 year old daughter looks at me with a slightly puzzled look and she said"Eddie Vedder", in the cutest little voice! She's had some exposer I'd say.

    Every singer she sees or hears she thinks it's Ed! My husband had a Zak Wilde DVD on and she goes up to him and and points and says Ed! So cute!
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    My son, while chomping on his Cheerios this am, started singing the chorus to "Life Wasted", ( haven't listened to PJ in a month) it just made my day!!:)
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    Had to post this before I forgot..

    Our family is sitting at the dinner table last night.
    My wife reminds my 6 year-old son that he has to bring something to school tomorrow that starts with the letter "Y"...Right on cue, he starts singing "WHY GO HOME, WHY GO HOME..!"..

    His two sisters (8 and 10) joined in ...(I get an evil stare from the wife)..

    **proud PJ addict / parent moment**
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    I love this post from Imspinnin!
    imspinnin wrote:
    My six year old has always wanted a PJ tshirt, so I bought him one the other day online. He was all proud this morning, as he's getting on the bus he looks back at me and point's to his shirt and gives me a thumbs up with a huge grin:D
    Soooo...this afternoon I ask him how his day was, and he just starts, flaring his arms all around..."Ma, can you believe not one person in my class knew who Pearl Jam was? Then, I started saying, yeah you know Eddie Vedder?!? And all the kids just kept on saying noooo...Can you believe it Ma? I even asked my teacher and she didn't even know!!"

    I've created a monster:eek:
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
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