9/11 Truth: Bush Admin. sets the towers to fall, raises military budget, Iraq for OIL

Instead of me blabbing for an entire page, how about you all just watch the videos I've just spent a good amount of time watching.
Theres pages among pages about everything you need to know about the TRUTH about the Bush administration. Heres some main points you all need to know (and are in this guys massive video files):
*Bush fraudulently won the 2000 and 2004 elections by linking innocent people's names (mostly african americans, who mostly vote democratic) with people who had commited crimes, thus putting up a "block" on their ability to vote (at least in Florida). Who to thank? Jeb Bush and others.
*Three drills, 2 performed and 1 "canceled", were performed in the pentagon months and years before 9/11 that outlined what to do if someone hijacked a plane and flew it into the Pentagon. Yet Bush and others claim planes crashing into buildings is something they never thought could happen.
*Planes crashing into buildings do not cause buildings (even skyscrapers) to collapse (example: Milan [?] fire). The collapse of the twin towers (and the less talked about but more important world trade center building 7) was caused by controlled demolitions.
*The owner of all of the World Trade center buildings acquired the buildings months before the attacks and put a hefty insurance policy on them. He turned an initial investment of millions of dollars into a 7 billion dollar profit.
*Bush used the 9/11 attacks to raise the military budget and to begin the war on Iraq
*The US air defense did nothing to offset the plane flying for the Pentagon (although a large base is 20 MILES from the Pentagon) and other military planes were either not scrambled or had delayed scrambling to go and stop the hijacked planes
*The NY fire department was close to putting out the flames in both towers when they suddenly heard "popping" sounds (aka detonators like for controlled demolitions) and the buildings started to collapse.
*Bin Laden's family was allowed to be flown out of the United States while the rest of the nation was grounded
Ok, I'm sick of typing, theres SO MUCH MORE, just watch the videos; if you don't already know this stuff, its astounding. And the "best" part is is that it's not just Bush; Johnson/Nixon did the same thing for Vietnam, and Roosevelt/Eisenhower (?) did the same thing for WWII.
Theres pages among pages about everything you need to know about the TRUTH about the Bush administration. Heres some main points you all need to know (and are in this guys massive video files):
*Bush fraudulently won the 2000 and 2004 elections by linking innocent people's names (mostly african americans, who mostly vote democratic) with people who had commited crimes, thus putting up a "block" on their ability to vote (at least in Florida). Who to thank? Jeb Bush and others.
*Three drills, 2 performed and 1 "canceled", were performed in the pentagon months and years before 9/11 that outlined what to do if someone hijacked a plane and flew it into the Pentagon. Yet Bush and others claim planes crashing into buildings is something they never thought could happen.
*Planes crashing into buildings do not cause buildings (even skyscrapers) to collapse (example: Milan [?] fire). The collapse of the twin towers (and the less talked about but more important world trade center building 7) was caused by controlled demolitions.
*The owner of all of the World Trade center buildings acquired the buildings months before the attacks and put a hefty insurance policy on them. He turned an initial investment of millions of dollars into a 7 billion dollar profit.
*Bush used the 9/11 attacks to raise the military budget and to begin the war on Iraq
*The US air defense did nothing to offset the plane flying for the Pentagon (although a large base is 20 MILES from the Pentagon) and other military planes were either not scrambled or had delayed scrambling to go and stop the hijacked planes
*The NY fire department was close to putting out the flames in both towers when they suddenly heard "popping" sounds (aka detonators like for controlled demolitions) and the buildings started to collapse.
*Bin Laden's family was allowed to be flown out of the United States while the rest of the nation was grounded
Ok, I'm sick of typing, theres SO MUCH MORE, just watch the videos; if you don't already know this stuff, its astounding. And the "best" part is is that it's not just Bush; Johnson/Nixon did the same thing for Vietnam, and Roosevelt/Eisenhower (?) did the same thing for WWII.
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"Behave like rock stars - not like the President." (live - Noblesville, IN - 8/17/98)
"Yeah, I was gonna learn to play it (Breath) but somebody slipped me a bottle of viagra and was busy doing something else six times last night" (live - New York, NY - 9/10/98)
Speaking of shot down...that's what they should have done to all three planes that hit their targets!
I won't bother to discuss them all, but the statement that the firefighters were close to putting out the flames is ridiculous. We all saw those flames and smoke pouring out of those buildings all the way until they fell.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I'm not going to address all your points but I will say that the thing about the firefighters hearing "popping" sounds like detonations is ridiculous. The building was on fire with buring jet fuel, hot enough to melt steel! uh...I'm sure there was lots of noise going on as the building fucking melted! come on!
i agree. not one demolition expert has said that they could successfully bring down the towers with controlled demolition.
why not watch the ghostbusters video. it proves ghosts exist. it's right there on video.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Instead of actually investigating what happened, why it happened, what went wrong with the response, how do we fix those issues, people continue to believe in the great myth of an all powerful George W that is dumb as rocks but can pull off the biggest consiracy since the moon landing (that's a joke).
And a lot of people want people wasting their time on this junk because it keeps them from asking the real questions.
No one thinks GW masterminded this but continure on saying it if makes ya feel better.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Make me feel better?
COntinue to think that the government knocked the building down if it makes you feel better.
The theory revolves around a group of powerful people including some govt officials. And no, it doesn't make me feel better but I'm not going to ignore it either.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm pretty glad that you ignored my whole post except the GW portion. The jist is personally I think people are wasting their time with the consipracy theories that we knocked down our own buildings. And I think the government WANTS people to waste their time on this so we don;t ask them questions about what the hell where they doing before it happened to protect us from this type of event.
quick questions
why werent the planes shot down? why did bush read to a class? how do you fly a 747 at 500 mph 20 feet off the ground and hit the pentagon with limited training at a flight school that uses single wing planes? why would "W" stone wall the investigation, and then refuse to be sworn under oath after the greates tragedy in american history?
good luck
I read it and I disagreed. If you think it's a waste then by all means you're free to think that. You act as if that all people do is spend their time on this and never have questioned the events before the attacks which we have.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
When can you ever remember a plane being hijacked and then shot down by any government. They didn't shoot it down because it was full of citizens and they didn't know that they were going to fly it into buildings.
1) People were too afraid to shoot down planes full of innocent people. I don't think they thought they would be flown into buildings...probably assumed it was going to be like most airline hijackings. That would have been a very difficult call to make.
2) He was scheduled to read to the class. He was in the middle of doing so. I believe he misjudged the situation and thought that him remaining calm and finishing was hte right move to try and help the rest of America stay calm. It was a dumb decision.
3) Don't know, not a pilot. But things can and do happen. Maybe Allah helped.
4) Every president would refuse to be sworn in under oath for ANYTHING so long as they can avoid it. As for stonewalling the investigation, he was being political when he shouldn;t have been. He didn;t want public finding of where his administration failed in protecting Americans. That's a political death sentence and would have been for the entire party. It was about politics.
What about the last plane that hit the pentagon? It hit an hour and half after the ones that hit the towers.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yep, that's what I think. This board is nothing but opinions.
I act like what? Far from it, I know that many people here spend time questioning everything.
While your questioning...I'm finding answers.
So, what answers have you gotten?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
oh really?
FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.
Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.
The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt.
Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September.
His photograph was released, and has since appeared in newspapers and on television around the world.
He told journalists there that he had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and Washington, and had been in Morocco when they happened. He has contacted both the Saudi and American authorities, according to Saudi press reports.
Mistaken identity
Abdulaziz Al Omari, another of the Flight 11 hijack suspects, has also been quoted in Arab news reports.
He says he is an engineer with Saudi Telecoms, and that he lost his passport while studying in Denver.
FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.
Yes really! Maybe the govt doesn't have the identities 100% but it doesn't change the fact that whoever was piloting those planes is responsible for the attacks.
Things happened relatively quickly and it was difficult for air traffic control/the military to tell which planes were/were not hijacked. I'm not sure how many planes were in the air at the time, but there were many, especially along the east coast.
I do think it is quite possible that United 93 (the PA one) was shot down, and that was covered up. I think that's more probable than the whole "Let's roll!" thing.
For God's sake research your sources:
so why are we so quick to blame arab, or "al-qaeda", terrorists for 9/11, when there's no proof who the hijackers were? the only "proof" offered was the repeated display of pictures of 19 men, some of whom are still alive.
why is there not a single arab name on any of the passenger lists from any of the 4 flights?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm sure they didn't use their real names...why are we quick to blam al-qaeda? Well for one they took responsibility for it, they sent out videos of them cheering and prasing god and talking about their mission being a success. Yes, a few of the people's identities might not be right but the majority of them are right and their is video of some of the men in the airports at the time the flights were to leave.
we are all safer from them there a-rabs...