


  • vedderwood wrote:
    Does anyone know where I can find the Dilana original lyrics? I've heard such bashing and bad hype about this that I'd love to see/hear them! Thanks!

    you can read her blog on the rockstar space, where she admits that after seeing the clinic and listening to the song that it was really bad. she said she wished she'd taken it more seriously and had devoted more time to it.
  • lukas is finally in the bottom three! this point anyway :)

    i was sitting there trying to get through his "performance" i love "lithium", so it was tough. the whole time i'm thinking there is no way they are going to like this...then, of course, they praise him for what was truly one of the worst performances of the season. terrible. i hope he stays in the bottom three because it's been a long time coming and he definitely deserves it. :)

    thought storm and toby were both not memorable performances.

    magni had a great performance, i thought, but stress seems to be taking a strain on his voice. i thought maybe it was showing a bit in that one. good on him for remaining solid though. could have been the fact that he's still getting over his illness.

    ryan's performance was better than i thought it would be, although he sounded like he missed a lot of notes he was trying to reach, particularly in the beginning. kudos for his jumping on the piano though. the best part of that one for me was newkid's stare down with the balcony at the end when he said that ryan kind of "loses the plot" when he jumps out from behind his comfort zone of the piano. don't fuck with the newkid. he is too fucking metal, man! :D

    finally, dilana was still by far my favourite of the night. to see her on the flying V and truly rocking was outstanding, for me. her vocals were great as always...and she totally blew jill's version of "mother mother" away. the only one to do so this week i thought, of all the people doing songs previously done by other competitors. i was kind of hoping she would let the band tkae it for a minute so she could smash the guitar, but magni might have been cut ;) so better to be safe than sorry. best performance of the night, one of her best of the season and definitely worthy of an encore.

    i'm happy they addressed all that bullshit from last week right away, as it wasn't the big deal the show wanted it to be in the first place. she is speaking about competitors..NOT bandmates...something lost on just about everyone who was criticizing her on the show. i guess it's the recency effect because most of us remember the shit talking by ryan and lukas in the beginning, and that was broadcast for all to hear...not just said to a fake media clinic. she didn't even say anything that bad for fuck's sakes.

    anyway, moving on, i hope to see some more great performances from dilana. the only one there (aside from magni) who truly deserves to be on a stage as a rock star. ryan should be doing his own piano thing and storm is there to promote her own band, so i hope they both do well with that.
  • r2g2r2g2 Posts: 66
    I thought the performances tonight were pretty good. I think the fans picked better suited songs for the specific performers than they usually pick for themselves.

    Lucas: I liked it.

    Magni: I liked

    Ryan; Pretty good

    Storm: eh

    Toby: scored points with Tommy pulling the hookers up on stage. It's all he has left

    Dilana: I don't get the appeal, though I did like the leg kick while she had the guitar
    I said Yeaaaaaaah!
  • pjalive21pjalive21 Posts: 2,818
    i think the performances tonight were pretty damn good....

    i even have to give it to Storm that she did good with the Evanescence song for not knowing it and she got criticized and i dont know why and im a Storm-hater!!!

    why is Lukas getting all the love, he butchered Lithium IMO....

    nice to see Dilana rebound she took alot more shit than she should have and she kicked ass at the end

    nice piano jump by Ryan and i think Newkid doesnt like him at all
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    I liked everyone to an extent besides Dilana. Cant stand her, never could. "Best performance out of both seasons" Bullshit, dave, bullshit.

    Ryan and Magni did great with their songs and I also liked Lukas' take on "Lithium" as most Nirvana covers on this show are so boring.

    Storm's performance I liked a bit BUT I do agree that when Toby came on he stole the show just by being more of a presence than her....I figured she would have somebody come up for that vocal part actually.

    My thinking is that Ryan is too different for them, too alternative for their bar rock type of sound. Id almost just like to see him continue on as a solo artist. Same thing with Magni. Surprisingly, I could actually see Lukas or Toby winning just cuz they fit the band more.

    I think Storm is going home tonight
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    Interesting that fan voting picked the "wild card" song for each performer, so nobody got to sing something they had already sung. Kudos to the fans for being smarter than the producers.

    On to the show.

    Once again, the bottom 3 this week should be Storm, Storm and Storm.
    Have the 3 of them song and boot one of them off.

    I was a bit surprised at Newkid's comment to Ryan, I thoroughly enjoyed his performance of a normally bland Coldplay tune. The jumping on the piano was cool, but the slide over the piano back to the bench towards the end of the song (which idiot producers panned away from so you only saw part of it) was much cooler. I thought Ryan deserved an early exit from the show, but he has improved week to week.

    Magni looked the part of Ed Kowalczyk singing "I Alone".

    Toby was good, and you knew T-Bone was gonna enjoy the chaste young ladies from the audience being pulled on stage.

    Dilana was decent, I too enjoyed the leg kick.

    Lukas was pretty good, not best of the night, but as I've stated from the beginning and don't care what Davey N. says, he has been hired by Tommy Lee (the sole decision maker of Supernova), so he must get heaps of praise for mediocre and average performances.

    Storm...I said as soon as she finished to my wife, "She sung the song better than Zarex, but nowhere near as well as Jill" and then Gilby made a similar comment. She just needs to go. Hopefully she'll end up bottom 3 finally and get the boot, but somehow I see bottom 3 being Ryan, Magni and Toby based on the past history of idiotic voting and then Ryan may end up gone.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • civ_eng_girlciv_eng_girl Posts: 2,001
    I finally pegged what bugs me about Lucas.... (only now, you ask?)..... he looks and sounds like a Muppet. I liked his arrangement of Lithium, but the faux-growl in his voice is starting to sound a little "Grover-esque"... :rolleyes:

    I thought Magni was strong, as usual.... that guy's got some pipes! I honestly think he deserves better than fronting anything with Tommy Lee in it....

    Ryan's slide was pretty badass... for a piano player... ;) hahaha j/k... i agree that he's a better solo artist though.

    Storm has a nice voice, but she's not Supernova material.

    I think Toby jumped into the running last night, with his groupie stunt. He's got a strong voice too... I think, personality wise, he's the best fit for the group.

    Dilana's performance was cool.... my favorite part was when she head-butted the mic at the end.... hahaha... :D
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • m0jorisenm0jorisen Posts: 516
    I wan Dilana to make it to the finals and lose

    then i want a crazed fan to run on stage and hit her in the face with a crow bar

    talk about ratings
    Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse
    Of my innocence... got back my inner sense...
  • CrazyJDCrazyJD Posts: 103
    icarus wrote:
    i liked lukas and magni, they both did great. i dont care if lukas rearranges a nirvana song, theyve been done to death. they need new life in them. its like toby's version of layla, some people might say he butchered it but i think its nice hearing something new for once.

    I agree, I love hearing them re-arrange songs, ESPECIALLY when they have already been done before multiple times. I don't care that Layla wasnt sung exactly the same, and I was very happy to see Lithium changed up, who knew you could do a piano startup to it? Considering he said in advance he needed to put his own spin on it, I thought he did it very well and actually SANG on alot of it rather than speak/growl it out.

    I was impressed with everyone. At this point, all 6 are strong performers and singers.

    Dilana's performances dont give me goosebumps like early on, but this was similar to earlier tunes where she brought presence and an intense rocker chick delivery. I always loved her voice and she sang it great. Best performance in two seasons? No. But its been said that on TV the songs lose alot of the "feel" they have when done LIVE. Navaro said Lukas's song LAST week didnt come across great on TV but live it was amazing.

    Ryan has improved immensely, great variety in his performances... He is still too intense and serious for this band and would probably be very uncomfortable with the HEY HEY HEY HO HO HO style songs... lol

    Storm sang it great, rocked out... Toby boosted the songs energy.... but she knows she is probably next to go as her style is more cabaret.

    Magni started out the exact same for a few minutes, had me thinking "NOT AGAIN!" but he went to the SN guys and rocked the crowd. The guy can sing rock, no doubt. Might still be a bit too bland though.

    Toby seems to be a late contender, he has put some creativity into his performances lately and has a ganeric "rocker" sound and look to him that might work with SN's music and TLee in particular. I dont really care for him but after hearing SN, he might be a good fit.
    Halifax, Summer 2008... they return!
  • BrainOfJDBrainOfJD Posts: 242
    Poncier wrote:
    Lukas was pretty good, not best of the night, but as I've stated from the beginning and don't care what Davey N. says, he has been hired by Tommy Lee (the sole decision maker of Supernova), so he must get heaps of praise for mediocre and average performances.

    It's obvious that this guy already won. They might as well stop the show now. Lukas could walk up there and fart the Star Spangled Banner and they'd tell him he blew everybody away. Maybe Newsted would tell him he should have opened his sphincter more but that would be it. At first I didn't believe in the Dliana "conspiracy" theory but now I'm thinking that's exactly what it was - she probably gets the most votes but for whatever reason the band wants skunkboy to win so they're trying to make Dilana look bad and Puke-ass look good. That's why they had that ridiculous segment out of nowhere last night where they tried to make him look like a "regular guy," where he's shooting baskets (that looked like the first time he ever touched a basketball BTW), drinking beer, shooting pool, and talking about how he worked at Hooters. Oh, and putting on eyeliner (?)

    But hopefuly Storm will get kicked off this week and our long natiional nightmare will finally come to a close. The dewy-eye look was getting on my last nerve last night, holy cripes. "Caveman stance" - LOL!
    10 million dune buggies comin' down the mountain
  • I think they are going to pick Toby. He has the perfect cheese factor to go along with what they are looking for. Especially after last night and pulling the women up on stage.
  • vedderwoodvedderwood Posts: 2,029
    Lukas: I actually have been liking him better and better each week! I don't love him, but the last two weeks I've liked his performances! Also, did anyone pick up on Dave Navarro's loserishness??? When he said "You took a classic song and rearranged it to that? That was awesome"....ah, sorry Dave, but you already used that line on Dilana when she sang "Ring of Fire"...get some new lines..haha!

    Storm: As annoying as her facial expressions are and that she always seems completely wacked out, she gets MAJOR credit for singing "Bring Me To Life" last night! That is a hard song to sing and other than the opening lyrics that she sang to deep, the rest of it was actually pretty good! She did show great effort and I think she did pull it off okay! Toby was great with the backups!

    Toby: Really, really hot! I agree that he has a cheese factor, but he is really good to look at! He did a pretty good job last night!

    Ryan: I'm sorry to all of you that are Ryan-fans, but he is by far the nerdiest, cheesiest contestant between the two seasons! It's like he's only doing "spontaneous" things to look spontaneous when you know that he was alone in his room the night before practicing his piano slide...haha! His voice has gotten better, but he basically is just doing all of the cheesy, hoaky things that Tommy Lee keeps suggesting (smashing the guitar for example) and not really being spontaneous on his own! And why does he have such dark, black circles under his eyes? Sorry, but he must go tonight!

    Dilana: I still like her a lot! As someone already stated, I do totally agree that I don't get the chills I got the first couple of episodes, but I'm not ready for her to leave yet!

    Magni: I love Magni and he might be my favorite, but I didn't think he was great last night! He was good, but not great! It is weird how much he's like Ed from Live....I've met Ed several times, so it's funny to see someone else kind of look/act like him!

    Zayra: I want her to come back to the competition! :D
    DC 6/14/98
    NJ 8/28 & 8/29/98
    NJ 9/1 & 9/2/00
    PA 4/28/03
    NJ 7/5 & 7/6/03
    NY 7/8/03
    PA 7/12/03
    PA 10/1/04
    DC 10/11/04
    NJ 9/30 & 10/1/05
    PA 10/3/05
    NJ 5/27 & 5/28/06
    DC 5/30/06
    NJ 6/1 & 6/3/06
    WA 7/22 & 7/23/06
    IL 8/5/07
    NJ 6/19 & 6/20/08
    DC 6/22/08
    NY 6/24 & 6/25/08
    NY 7/1/08
    PA 10/27, 10/28, 10/30 & 10/31/09
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    BrainOfJD wrote:
    Maybe Newsted would tell him he should have opened his sphincter more but that would be it.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • So who is going to get the "honor" to sing the new song with Supernova tonight?
  • PJ PookPJ Pook Posts: 109
    I agree with most on here that Storm will be heading home tonight. I actually don't mind her and was suprised at how many Storm-haters there were out there. But I definitely don't think she is well suited for the band. Seriously, we all knew from the start Storm won't be fronting Supernova.

    I still think Lukas will make it to the finals and it will probably be Dilana right there beside him. Toby's hot so looking at him isn't bad but seriously, earlier it was taking off his shirt and now bringing chicks up on stage, just not what I want to see. If that's what people want to see, they would just go to see Motley Crue!
  • edvedder913edvedder913 Posts: 1,810
    My guilty little embarassing pleasure in life is this show.....

    Anyway - I agree - I think Storm is heading home. Loved her in the beginning but now I want to punch her. She gets under my skin big time.

    Dilana - great job last night. Well suited for this band. Big deal about what she said. Last season JD pissed on everyone and won it. Get over it and move on Dave N. - who i really swear is gay.

    Toby - awww he's so cute. That's about it. Back up on Storm's song was good.

    Lucas - hate him. He needs to pull something out of his throat - whatever it may be. I swear he is Dr. Neo Cortex from the Crash Bandicoot video games come to life. I think there was ONE song he did this entire show that I thought was well done and I dont even remember which one it was. Bottom 3 tonight PLEASE - very LONG overdue.

    Ryan - like him a lot. The underdog. He is really starting to shine. Don't know if he is the man to front this band of dirtbags though. He seems too kind.

    Magni - what can I say? I am smitten. I adore him but know he's not winning this thing.

    Face it - it is either Lucas or Dilana.

    And week after week I dont know who I dislike more. Navarro or Gilby. Annoying.
  • offigooffigo Posts: 81
    I am actually starting to feel completely dupped by this show. I think Lukas is downright horrible. Everytime he finishes I am completely astounded by Supernovas comments. I sit there with my mouth hanging open. He has no range, no stamina he just basically sucks. I have some favorites and I would hate to see any of the rest go but I know one will tonight. It will probably be Storm even though (annoying or not) she sings rings around Lukas.
    "Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

    My words but a whisper -- your deafness a SHOUT.
    I may make you feel but I can't make you think."
  • edvedder913edvedder913 Posts: 1,810
    offigo wrote:
    she sings rings around Lukas.

  • definately, I like Storm but she is going tonight. Which won't be that bad because then I can go down to Portland to see her play with her band
    she sings rings around Lukas.
  • offigooffigo Posts: 81
    icarus wrote:
    may be true, but its still not a singing competition. the winner is the best performer/singer/personality/songwriter(?) that fits the band. you could be the best singer or performer and the world and it doesnt mean you would be a good fit in supernova.

    Also true, and I do not think that Storm would fit. I also think if you really want a successful band you need to start with some talent. I also feel that have to be kidding with the praise after he sings, did they already sign a contract and they are just pushing him?
    "Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

    My words but a whisper -- your deafness a SHOUT.
    I may make you feel but I can't make you think."
  • pjalive21pjalive21 Posts: 2,818
    Ryan goes home but not Storm???

    WTF were they thinking?????
  • caifan82caifan82 Posts: 321
    Fucking hell!?!

    Stupid show has lost all credibility.
    Well, actually this might be better for Ryan. I just can't see him singing in Supernova. Would be like Thom Yorke singing with Bon Jovi or something.
    Mexico City - July 17th 2003
    Mexico City - July 18th 2003
    Mexico City - July 19th 2003
    Monterrey - December 7th 2005
    Mexico City - December 9th 2005
    Mexico City - December 10th 2005
    Mexico City - November 24th 2011
  • CrazyJDCrazyJD Posts: 103
    caifan82 wrote:
    Would be like Thom Yorke singing with Bon Jovi or something.

    Thats the thing.... Ryan was too intense and "piano driven" to lead this pop-rock band... he is talented, MIGHT make a career out of it... his parting comments sort of reinforced my feeling he is pretty arrogant and was purely in this to boost his solo career. As much as he improved, nobody could see him as the lead singer of a party band with Tommy Lee...

    Storm has no shot either, but at least she is a bit crazy, outspoken and will party the guys under the table...

    Dilana's song and performance was very blah tonight IMO.
    Halifax, Summer 2008... they return!
  • Kinda bummed Ryan was sent home :( Enjoyed watching him grow from week to week. Storm needs to go bye bye!

    Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"

    Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.

    "Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
  • My brother watches this show religiously and I can't understand why. I think its total crap... watching all these people piss all over these great songs. WTF was with that dude crapping all over Baba.
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    imagine this...there is nothing on basic cable and when there is it's usually According To Jim.

    so ok, i watch the show. maybe i should have waited to watch tonight before posting, because now i know.

    never thought Ryan was that good like some people say here. he's just got this cheezy look on his face when he's trying too hard.

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • I finally pegged what bugs me about Lucas.... (only now, you ask?)..... he looks and sounds like a Muppet. I liked his arrangement of Lithium, but the faux-growl in his voice is starting to sound a little "Grover-esque"... :rolleyes:

    I thought Magni was strong, as usual.... that guy's got some pipes! I honestly think he deserves better than fronting anything with Tommy Lee in it....

    Ryan's slide was pretty badass... for a piano player... ;) hahaha j/k... i agree that he's a better solo artist though.

    Storm has a nice voice, but she's not Supernova material.

    I think Toby jumped into the running last night, with his groupie stunt. He's got a strong voice too... I think, personality wise, he's the best fit for the group.

    Dilana's performance was cool.... my favorite part was when she head-butted the mic at the end.... hahaha... :D

    you can go visit lukas at hooters in T.O. when the show is over ceg! it would be fun to meet a muppet in person. :D

    i agree with you about 95% on your points...haha...i was also liking the mic head butt at the end of dilana's performance. :)
  • BrainOfJD wrote:
    It's obvious that this guy already won. They might as well stop the show now. Lukas could walk up there and fart the Star Spangled Banner and they'd tell him he blew everybody away. Maybe Newsted would tell him he should have opened his sphincter more but that would be it. At first I didn't believe in the Dliana "conspiracy" theory but now I'm thinking that's exactly what it was - she probably gets the most votes but for whatever reason the band wants skunkboy to win so they're trying to make Dilana look bad and Puke-ass look good. That's why they had that ridiculous segment out of nowhere last night where they tried to make him look like a "regular guy," where he's shooting baskets (that looked like the first time he ever touched a basketball BTW), drinking beer, shooting pool, and talking about how he worked at Hooters. Oh, and putting on eyeliner (?)

    But hopefuly Storm will get kicked off this week and our long natiional nightmare will finally come to a close. The dewy-eye look was getting on my last nerve last night, holy cripes. "Caveman stance" - LOL!

    i would say you're probably right about the lukas thing.
  • offigo wrote:
    I am actually starting to feel completely dupped by this show. I think Lukas is downright horrible. Everytime he finishes I am completely astounded by Supernovas comments. I sit there with my mouth hanging open. He has no range, no stamina he just basically sucks. I have some favorites and I would hate to see any of the rest go but I know one will tonight. It will probably be Storm even though (annoying or not) she sings rings around Lukas.

    totally agree. i feel the same way...after each horrible performance, i go...ok, they are finally going to say something negative, and it's always praise. it makes no sense.
  • can't say that i was surprised to see ryan go tonight. i have to say i have enjoyed some of his performances, but they are usuualy the ones that are more serious and usually involve the piano. anything where he is out of that comfort zone for him always seems contrived. good luck to him on the solo career.

    the guys from supernova didn't seem interested in any of the three performances at the end. didn't even seem like they were paying attention.

    i do agree with gilby saying that dilana kind of got lost in the middle of the talking heads tune, but otherwise i really ejoyed it. nice to hear somebody sing something different for a change. her performance of mother, mother certainly didn't warrant a bottom three vote, so it just goes to show how fickle the voters are, i guess, and how gullible they are to buy into the spin from the last couple of shows.

    i really only started watching this show because i'm a big fan of the newkid...since he was with flotsam & jetsam, when he joined metallica, and his involvement with voivod. i was pleasantly surprised to see dialana on the show and so i kept watching.

    at this point, though, i'm almost hoping she doesn't get the job and goes out and does her own stuff. she is obviously the most talented performer this season. i would remain interested in the supernova thing if she does get the lead and i'd definitely give it a shot, but i get the feeling as many have said that they have made their choice in lukas for whatever reason, i don't know?!?!?! so they will make a with lukas' bad attitude, his alcoholism, and his "voice" blowing out after a few shows and start cancelling tour dates.
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