


  • tafomtafom Posts: 47
    In the beginning I really liked Dilana but over the weeks I'm starting to dislike her... and her song writing ability stinks. I thought her performance tonight was boring (then again what more can you expect from someone with use of only one leg), her original wasn't great but didn't suck as much as I had expected it to.

    Magni's performances are pretty boring, but I do like his voice and I liked his original, but he needs to step up his stage performance.

    Storm's performances were great. I really like Storm but don't think she's right for Supernova. Her original was awesome, and it would have been so much better had they not edited it.

    I can't stand Lukas. Everything he does annoys me. I hate the way he sings, moves and dresses. In my opinion, it sounds like his mouth is full of spit when he sings. I thought his version of Living on a Prayer was horrible (not that the original is much better) and I found his original to be boring.

    I have neutral feelings for Toby. I don't particularly like him, but I definitely don't dislike him either. I thought his first performance was okay but nothing overly special. His original was an okay song, but the way he performed it made it great! He definitely knows how to entertain a crowd.

    Bottom three... I'm hoping Lukas, Magnia and Dilana
    "I got this shirt for 35 cents"-Eddie Vedder

    Toronto 2000
    London 2005
    Hamilton 2005
    Toronto 2006
  • I think Lucas did an amazing job, he has been blowing everyone away for the last few weeks! His original and cover could not have been better..

    I feel it is time to get rid of the women.. as much as I hate to say it.. I do not feel either of the two women left are right for the group.
    ~If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention...~
  • lol @ Dilana not knowing the Who again


    i want that song then not knowing what song it was!
    Run to the hills
    run for your life
  • lol @ Dilana not knowing the Who again


    i want that song then not knowing what song it was!

    I don't think she did a bad job for not knowing the song. Though how does one have any interest in music whatsoever and not know who The Who is?

    Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"

    Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.

    "Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    Clearly the producers of the show are editing clips to turn the viewers against Dilana cause she isn't getting the gig (remember kids, Lukas was hired by T-Bone months ago). She must have been getting overwhelming majorities of fan votes so they had to sabotage (best said in a James T. Kirk voice) her. First the reporter stuff, now the clips showing Gilby knocking her lyric writing and saying "what do I need you for?" and the clip of the dude from the house band saying that rearranging a song she doesn't know is coming from a position of ignorance. Did you see the look on her face as that clip finished?

    As for the performances:

    Dilana...didn't seem like a rearrangement of Behind Blue Eyes to me, must have scrapped the idea. Original was decent, but probably 5th best.

    Magni...great vioce, I really liked his original, to me the best of the night. His stage performance is fairly generic, if he could get the crowd amped like Toby and sing and write like he does, he'd be a star. Surprised nobody made mention of the fact that he just translated the song from Icelandic to English quickly for the show.

    Storm...OK, proof...when singing Suffragette City with Davy, she kept grabbing her inner thigh just below her croth, clearly to me grabbing her penis as it hung down along her thigh in those tight pants. Her original was pretty good, obviously "What the what..." was really "What the f*ck"

    Lukas...rearrangement of Bon Jovi was not bad. His original was pretty good, though seemed to lack another verse of lyrics. He can work on that with Gilby at band practice this morning.

    Toby...decent singer, OK original, but catchy, clearly the best at working the room and the crowd, seems to enjoy performing. T-Bone obviously likes his presence and may be regretting hiring Lukas.

    Of the 5 originals, Magni's was the one that appealed most to me, like Navarro noted, had a great riff, and he has a strong, aggressive voice. Toby's would make a good party song.

    I wonder if they'd dare send Dilana home tonight? My assumption was Storm would go, but they loved her last night and are clearly trying to discredit Dilana.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    Oh, one more thing...what about the House band and some of the losing contestants opening for Suoernova on tour?
    Reeks of American Idol.

    Though The House Band rocks. Maybe some folks will attend the show and leave after the opener. ;)
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • i am believing more and more that you are right poncier. lukas must have this job, because once again praise was given where it wasn't due. he kind of reminds me of bob dylan if bob dylan was a bad writer, lacked talent, grew up in the 90's and was hired to be the lead singer for good charlotte.

    i liked a couple of the originals, but as usual the only cover i liked was dilana's. i don't think she's really into it anymore and i think she's just ready to get the hell out of there. i'm a little disappointed in some of her lyric writing, as she seemed to be a bit more of a creative person and artist...but with her voice and collaborating with a good songwriter i think she could do very well. some people don't like the sound of her each his or her own, but i like it a lot.

    after seeing the thousands of negative posts of people calling her names based on the now infamous "interview test"...where it seemed as though she and lukas were the only ones interviewed ;) ...i would say she's probably had enough. after starting off so well and having so much support...then to lose it in an instant and be cut off from your family i'm sure is quite a stressful situation. for her sake, i kind of hope she gets to go home. she's been hinting at it in her blogs. best of luck to her.

    best of luck to the newkid as well...the only reason i started watching the show (dilana being the only reason i kept watching the show). i hope he can get back to voivod as soon as possible and they can get the band sorted after the tragic passing of denis d'amour (piggy)...
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Worst original tune last night: Dilanna
    Best hook on the guitar: The bald guy
    Best energy: The blond chick
    Same as ever: Skunk Head
    Growing on me to win: The Aussie
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • i am believing more and more that you are right poncier. lukas must have this job, because once again praise was given where it wasn't due. he kind of reminds me of bob dylan if bob dylan was a bad writer, lacked talent, grew up in the 90's and was hired to be the lead singer for good charlotte.

    LMAO!! a very apt description, mooks! it's weird... Lukas seems to speak clearly, but as soon as he starts singing, he sounds like he's got cotton in his mouth!! lol... i think this confirms my suspicion that he is indeed made of foam-rubber, has ping-pong balls for eyes, and a hand up his Muppet rear-end! :rolleyes: ;):D
    best of luck to the newkid as well...the only reason i started watching the show (dilana being the only reason i kept watching the show). i hope he can get back to voivod as soon as possible and they can get the band sorted after the tragic passing of denis d'amour (piggy)...

    of all the guys on the show, i think i have the biggest crush on Jason... :o
    something about the lines on his face that are kinda sexy... *swoon*
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • LMAO!! a very apt description, mooks! it's weird... Lukas seems to speak clearly, but as soon as he starts singing, he sounds like he's got cotton in his mouth!! lol... i think this confirms my suspicion that he is indeed made of foam-rubber, has ping-pong balls for eyes, and a hand up his Muppet rear-end! :rolleyes: ;):D

    of all the guys on the show, i think i have the biggest crush on Jason... :o
    something about the lines on his face that are kinda sexy... *swoon*

    i was trying to think of what he reminded me of ceg :) muppet indeed! haha

    i can ask my friend if she still has jason's number for you ;)

    ..also, you just reminded me of some blue rodeo lyrics there, you probably know the ones i mean...:)
  • I think Dilana is going tonight. But I still believe Toby has this thing locked up. He has that drunk frat boy sensibility that they are looking for. He original song was simple with an annoying hook, just like the Supernova songs we have been hearing.
  • ...also, you just reminded me of some blue rodeo lyrics there, you probably know the ones i mean...:)

    really? i'm not too familiar with blue rodeo lyrics, besides Lost Together... :o

    will you sing 'em for me, mook? :D:p
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • really? i'm not too familiar with blue rodeo lyrics, besides Lost Together... :o

    will you sing 'em for me, mook? :D:p

    haha! i would sound better than lukas at know "five days in may"...

    They met in a hurricane
    Standing in the shelter out of the rain
    She tucked a note into his hand
    Later on they took his car
    Drove on down where the beaches are
    He wrote her name in the sand
    Never even let go of her hand

    Somehow they stayed that way
    For those 5 days in May
    Made all the stars around them shine
    Funny how you can look in vain
    Living on nerves and such sweet pain
    The loneliness that cuts so fine
    To find the face you've seen a thousand times

    Sometimes the world begins
    To set you up on your feet again
    It wipes the tears from your eyes
    How will you ever know
    The way that circumstances go
    Always going to hit you by surprise
    I know my past
    You were there
    In everything I've done
    You are the one

    Looking back it's hard to tell
    Why they stood while others fell
    Spend your life working it out
    All I know is one cloudy day
    They both just ran away
    Rain on the windshield heading South
    She loved the lines around his mouth

    Sometimes the world begins
    To set you up on your feet again
    It wipes the tears from your eyes
    How will you ever know
    The way that circumstances go
    Always going to hit you by surprise
    I know my past
    You were there
    In everything I've done
    You are the one
  • all i have to say is LUCK-ASS (Lucas) sucks and the show has to be fixed.
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • lol the shows fixed? because the guy you hate is still there?

    then get voting you knob :P
    Run to the hills
    run for your life
  • lol the shows fixed? because the guy you hate is still there?

    then get voting you knob :P

    votes dont matter because ultimately the band has the final decision. votes just put you in the bottom 3. lucas does seem to be losing some popularity - FINALLY.
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    I have been following this and I just don't get the hype over Lukas, I don't see where he is that good and don't particularly care for his voice, my daughter said she thought he sounded like a sheep...perhaps I am missing something but I would put him in the bottom 3
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you know how to LIVE!
  • Uh Ohhh Uh Ohhh ohh ohhh! I know you guys hate it, but damn it was catchy. Still buzzing around in my head, and I have ony watched the show 2 times.
    "F**K you, I have laundry to do" -ed
  • chris05chris05 Posts: 347
    I watch the show, and i think Toby is goin to win, but that being said i think this band is going to suck big time. I never liked one of the original Supernova songs yet.

    And i wish someone would punch that Gilby in the head, he really gets on my nerves.
    Who cares if the world is going down the toilet? Eddie Vedder got his mojo back!
  • headspin is the worst song of this year. lucas - you make my ears bleed. and if you don't get voted off tonight, i'm going to throw my tv off the balcony. :D
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • pjalive21pjalive21 Posts: 2,818
    yeah i was a lukas believer at the beginning but he has been stale as of late...right now its the Aussie's to win, of course for the Crocodile Hunter!! with Magni a close second
  • Where's everyone's reviews and opinions from tonite's show???

    Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"

    Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.

    "Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
  • I didnt really listen too much to the SN song...seemed okay....still not great though...hope they collaborate on better material. I wish Star was still around, because they really need his lyrical abilities.

    I thought all three singoffs were great.

    Not a big fan of Storm, and when she picked wish you were here I was a bit of the best songs of all time IMO. She did an amazing job of it.

    I rather liked Dilanas song. It was a great all around performance.

    Lucas did better than last night, but still the weakest of the 3 song wise.
    The only thing I enjoy is having no feelings....being numb rocks!

    And I won't make the same mistakes
    (Because I know)
    Because I know how much time that wastes
    (And function)
    Function is the key
  • so who went home?
  • Storm...about time imo

    Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"

    Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.

    "Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
  • Storm...about time imo

    i definitely agree.
  • i think lukas fits in the best with them and don't see them making it anywhere without him
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • I am with Toby, he really interacts with the crowd. But I think that Magni really fits the image that they are looking for.
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    After this week Ive concluded that I miss Ryan......I know he wasnt right for their band but its gotten so much more boring without him....Still like Magni, Id like to see him get big on his own....
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    aBoxOfFear wrote:
    headspin is the worst song of this year. lucas - you make my ears bleed. and if you don't get voted off tonight, i'm going to throw my tv off the balcony. :D
    Was that the loud crash I heard around 8:55PM?

    Head Spin isn't too bad a song. Plus remember they can't vote off the guy who already has the job.

    Damn I knew Brooke was preggers, said it to my wife weeks ago when her clothes became a little baggier.
    This weekend we rock Portland
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