My school district voted this week to open K-4 with the jacked up hybrid (5-2 vote) and keep 5-12 virtual for the remainder of the year (4-3 vote).
I'm in the middle of our persuasion unit, so in the two weeks leading up to the vote, students wrote letters to the school board expressing their opinion. I couldn't require them to send it, but four volunteered. It was 3-1 expressing a desire to continue online. Common refrains -- kids don't take this seriously and won't wear their masks and they don't want to bring it home. I was proud when one of the school board members addressed all of them directly at the meeting and encouraged them to continue to use their voices, that their voices were important. I played that clip in class the next day.
I'm still working through the grading and will be curious as to where the final count lands. At the pre-writing stage, a Zoom poll revealed one third wanted to go back, one third wanted to stay home, and one third wasn't sure. More people need to start listening to what kids actually say, not what we want them to say.
When we get the surveys from the district, we always have our children take them with us and go with their answers.
If they’re not comfortable with their surroundings, constantly measuring their classmates’/educators’ proximity to them, etc., how are they supposed to focus on learning?
The rush shouldn’t be to get certain grade levels back to school—our district/state seems to be heading in this direction as well—it should be to get those who are falling behind academically because of a lack of in-person learning.
Many kids are doing just fine academically and happy to wait until their loved ones (and possibly themselves) are vaccinated before returning to classrooms in person, likely next school year.
Others, of course, need help ASAP. Focus there. But that requires a minor restructuring that is likely way overdue anyway. And fuck that, right? Why improve when we can return to the status quo?
To me, the push to get all children in classrooms before the more vulnerable among us have been vaccinated (many of them parents, grandparents, guardians) seems to go against everything we’ve been doing for nearly a year and comes from a place of privilege.
South Carolina has lifted all curfews, alcohol sale restrictions, gathering and large event attendance limits as of Tomorrow. Basically they're just "encouraging" mask wearing and thats it.
South Carolina has lifted all curfews, alcohol sale restrictions, gathering and large event attendance limits as of Tomorrow. Basically they're just "encouraging" mask wearing and thats it.
Yeah, I wouldn't use SC as an example. I used to live there and have many best friends there, in Charleston. Even the reasonable ones among them are going to clubs maskless and having backyard parties galore. The food and beverage industry especially has been crushed with cases. Hospitality is a big part of their culture in general and their biggest economic driver. Not having parties for a year hasn't really been a thing they could do successfully.
If I asked my kid if he wanted to go to school pre covid he would have said no. If we are polling them are we taking that into account where a lot of kids just don't want to go to school unless they are forced? That muddies the results for sure.
If I asked my kid if he wanted to go to school pre covid he would have said no. If we are polling them are we taking that into account where a lot of kids just don't want to go to school unless they are forced? That muddies the results for sure.
If their academic performance hasn’t suffered from remote learning, then I’d say absolutely they should be permitted to continue to learning remotely.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see private remote learning programs become more popular post-pandemic among parents who’ve observed their children thriving in/preferring this model.
If I asked my kid if he wanted to go to school pre covid he would have said no. If we are polling them are we taking that into account where a lot of kids just don't want to go to school unless they are forced? That muddies the results for sure.
If their academic performance hasn’t suffered from remote learning, then I’d say absolutely they should be permitted to continue to learning remotely.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see private remote learning programs become more popular post-pandemic among parents who’ve observed their children thriving in/preferring this model.
I agree it should definitely be an option through the rest of the school year. They have it set up still finish the year off with a hybrid with some at home and some at school and revisit it this fall. I am really hoping fall 2021 can have some normalcy in the schools. Safely of course.
And just like that, one week after February break ends, we get a positive case letter from one of the schools. I hope it's just a one-off thing, but I wouldn't be surprised to see several more over the coming weeks.
You really need to be more specific. The school made you aware of someone that had covid, caught it elsewhere and was at school?
I would be more specific but HIPAA and all.
The schools here have to inform parents if a member of their community (student body, educators, administrators, facilitators) tests positive for Covid-19. We were getting these letters daily for a while since we have kids in two of the schools (elementary and middle), but I hadn’t seen one in my inbox for a couple of weeks at least. Until yesterday.
(I should mention that the schools will send a second letter if your child is determined to have been in close contact with the positive case, which is still anonymous, of course, because HIPAA).
Most students in my region had a week off during Prez Day week. I fear that the combination of better data leading to complacency, school break, and fresh powder may have fucked us again.
Honestly, my kids are better off if we get more cases because that might shut down all this talk of an April school reopening. As mentioned earlier, our children (and many in a similar situation) cannot go back to school in person full time in April because our entire household has comorbidities and the vaccine rollout here (not a red state but a red-led state) has been pretty atrocious (improving now).
Good luck to you ongoing.
HIPPA doesn’t prevent sharing the data of if covid was deemed transmitted at school or elsewhere. My school district is providing that info.
As far as I can recall, we have not received one letter all year regarding in-school transmission. That would surprise me.
It won’t surprise me at all, however, to see shloads of such letters if they rush into the April reopening.
My son’s school was built in 1911. Kids were passing out because of poor ventilation pre-Covid-19.
This town needs an enema.
Yeah you mentioned the poor ventilation. Obviously part of safe protocols. Not all schools are created equal. Many can be fine and many shouldn’t open if they can’t meet the protocols
It seems like the key to keeping our schools safe is (at least in our district): socially distance as best as you can (sometimes impossible with 22 students in my class) don't switch classes (kids stay in the same classroom all day) mask up
Helpful. Like I’ve said before though my daughter has had an entire school year in class with some classes 20. They switch classes. They wear masks, keep 3-6’ apart, plexiglass in lunchroom, hallways are 1 way, and they manage the times grips of kids can go to lockers.
If I asked my kid if he wanted to go to school pre covid he would have said no. If we are polling them are we taking that into account where a lot of kids just don't want to go to school unless they are forced? That muddies the results for sure.
If their academic performance hasn’t suffered from remote learning, then I’d say absolutely they should be permitted to continue to learning remotely.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see private remote learning programs become more popular post-pandemic among parents who’ve observed their children thriving in/preferring this model.
Academics is one (a major one) aspect of school. So much more to it that is beneficial. I hope this doesn’t lead to more home schooled or online schooled kids. I personally think that would be a huge mistake for many.
hippiemom = goodness
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Some kids would no doubt do better at home....some kids better in school. Depends on the kid.
South Carolina has lifted all curfews, alcohol sale restrictions, gathering and large event attendance limits as of Tomorrow. Basically they're just "encouraging" mask wearing and thats it.
Man that's crazy to read. I'm moving into month 5 of no socializing outside of household unless on a walk.
As for the school chat, I'm gathering the data must be that it's the best place for the kids, because I'm doing all the aforementioned restrictions to keep them in class.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
If I asked my kid if he wanted to go to school pre covid he would have said no. If we are polling them are we taking that into account where a lot of kids just don't want to go to school unless they are forced? That muddies the results for sure.
I would have thought the same thing pre-covid. My teaching experience this year has shattered almost every assumption I've held about kids and learning for over two decades.
If it's true that a lot kids wouldn't come unless forced, then I wouldn't have an almost perfect attendance rate in a 100% virtual environment with my at-risk population. Almost all of my students have no adult supervision during the day (7th grade). If they didn’t want to come, they wouldn't sign in, but they are. Some of them are babysitting with their younger siblings sitting on their lap during class. Some are hanging out with their friends in each other's houses and helping each other/keeping company [edit: probably giving each other covid]. One signed in on her phone from a hammock in some mountain village in El Salvador when she visited family for a few weeks [edit: probably bringing back covid]. The only kid I can tell is being forced is the spoiled white boy who regularly throws tantrums on the kitchen floor with his mom in the background.
What my school has discovered in studying the attendance data is that kids are picking and choosing their classes. There are patterns for certain students and certain teachers. I feel blessed that my class is one of the consistently well-attended ones, and I feel pretty confident in my polling. I didn’t ask "do you want to go back to school?" I asked "should the school board vote to reopen on April 6 with the proposed hybrid concurrent plan?" which they needed explaining because none of the adults even talked to them about what that means.
So, the government now decided that if you have a café or restaurant in a galleria without "it's own door" or whatever that only a company of one (1) person is allowed to eat there. NO ONE GOES INTO A FUCKING RESTAURANT IN A GALLERI -- WHETHER TO EAT WHEN SHOPPING IT OR GOING THERE TO EAT LUNCH DURING WORK HOURS -- AND EATS BY THEMSELVES.
So my mom, 62 years old, has been fired. And will never get another job. And the restaurant is ready to shut down.
Sweden sucks. Why can't we just New Zealand this pandemic like normal countries.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
So, the government now decided that if you have a café or restaurant in a galleria without "it's own door" or whatever that only a company of one (1) person is allowed to eat there. NO ONE GOES INTO A FUCKING RESTAURANT IN A GALLERI -- WHETHER TO EAT WHEN SHOPPING IT OR GOING THERE TO EAT LUNCH DURING WORK HOURS -- AND EATS BY THEMSELVES.
So my mom, 62 years old, has been fired. And will never get another job. And the restaurant is ready to shut down.
Sweden sucks. Why can't we just New Zealand this pandemic like normal countries.
Really sorry to hear that. Stories like this are why I'm all for distancing, wearing a mask, getting vaccinated and taking precautions, but strongly against the lock downs and the restrictions that force so many thousands of businesses and families to be unable to survive
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
So, the government now decided that if you have a café or restaurant in a galleria without "it's own door" or whatever that only a company of one (1) person is allowed to eat there. NO ONE GOES INTO A FUCKING RESTAURANT IN A GALLERI -- WHETHER TO EAT WHEN SHOPPING IT OR GOING THERE TO EAT LUNCH DURING WORK HOURS -- AND EATS BY THEMSELVES.
So my mom, 62 years old, has been fired. And will never get another job. And the restaurant is ready to shut down.
Sweden sucks. Why can't we just New Zealand this pandemic like normal countries.
Really sorry to hear that. Stories like this are why I'm all for distancing, wearing a mask, getting vaccinated and taking precautions, but strongly against the lock downs and the restrictions that force so many thousands of businesses and families to be unable to survive
Don’t have enough data to know. But it seems the restrictions are more than has been proven very effective.
Sweden, like the US, was late to the game of some pretty easy measures. Hold your leaders accountable.
Johnson & Johnson intends to study their covid vaccine in children, initially between the ages of 12 to 18 and then expanding to study younger children and infants. Study of the vaccine in pregnant women is also planned.
The J&J vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine, but rather an older technology adenovirus carrier vaccine, which is already in use for some vaccines that have been tested in children and infants.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
Some folks tried that and died.
Some of their friends and families too.
Even strangers.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
1) Masks don’t just make people feel better. If that’s all you think they do you are ignoring the data or just being argumentative.
2) My daughter is 13 and could kick your sexist pansy ass tough guy.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
If some variants are more transmissible, I wonder when they will stop reporting on "affected rows" on flights with covid?
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
South Carolina has lifted all curfews, alcohol sale restrictions, gathering and large event attendance limits as of Tomorrow. Basically they're just "encouraging" mask wearing and thats it.
Yeah, I wouldn't use SC as an example. I used to live there and have many best friends there, in Charleston. Even the reasonable ones among them are going to clubs maskless and having backyard parties galore. The food and beverage industry especially has been crushed with cases. Hospitality is a big part of their culture in general and their biggest economic driver. Not having parties for a year hasn't really been a thing they could do successfully.
Use NYC as an example. We are 12th on that list. NYS cases are down barely 50% from the January peak while the country is down over 70%. NYS is among the worst states in the country, which should be puzzling since most New Yorkers respect science and masks are worn by almost all.
Yes it is believed the worst variant of all is in NY. What else is different here? NYC was the first big city to have widespread school openings, and in the near suburbs where I am, schools have been open for the entire school year, and now most schools are at nearly 100% building capacity 4 days a week.
yet unlike the Trump years, there is no media check here. Outside of the news last week about this new variant and nursing homes, the media never mentions that Cuomo and the state have done a horrible job on covid safety since September. The state rewrites the rules here to keep schools open, and cases are even starting to tick up this week. NY is middle of the pack in vaccine rollout, yet getting an appointment here is almost always impossible to find.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
Why don’t you keep quiet and turn on the lights and the heat. If it works. And read my comment earlier about schools in NY. Schools here have been open far longer than states that can’t figure out winter will hit them every ten years.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
From what I can tell, the daisiest bunch of daisies are the "I just can't wear a mask; it's uncomfortable" crowd. I mean, it is uncomfortable, but what kind of a wussy can't deal with discomfort as a way to 1) help their fellow humans and 2) help move us closer to where we can actually do things?
Early on I envisioned that after we had our "flatten the curve" period that we'd get to start doing some stuff and the price folks would pay would be wearing masks. Man, did I underestimate the wussiness of my fellow Americans.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Most antimaskers seem to walk around with this "say something" type attitude. That's gotta be a heavy load to bear, gotta mess with your psyche. A simple task like getting your children milk and eggs can become complicated.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
Ok big man
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
So, the government now decided that if you have a café or restaurant in a galleria without "it's own door" or whatever that only a company of one (1) person is allowed to eat there. NO ONE GOES INTO A FUCKING RESTAURANT IN A GALLERI -- WHETHER TO EAT WHEN SHOPPING IT OR GOING THERE TO EAT LUNCH DURING WORK HOURS -- AND EATS BY THEMSELVES.
So my mom, 62 years old, has been fired. And will never get another job. And the restaurant is ready to shut down.
Sweden sucks. Why can't we just New Zealand this pandemic like normal countries.
Really sorry to hear that. Stories like this are why I'm all for distancing, wearing a mask, getting vaccinated and taking precautions, but strongly against the lock downs and the restrictions that force so many thousands of businesses and families to be unable to survive
I am not against restrictions that are "needed".
But saying "You are free to have open, but you can only serve people coming in alone and sitting by themsleves" is the same as saying "we do not allow you to keep open" because de facto no one goes and eats alone.
While other places (even resturants outside of Gallerias/malls) do not have such restrictions, or even close to them.
So it's just fucked. And my mom has to be let go because of the fuckiness.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
The rush shouldn’t be to get certain grade levels back to school—our district/state seems to be heading in this direction as well—it should be to get those who are falling behind academically because of a lack of in-person learning.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see private remote learning programs become more popular post-pandemic among parents who’ve observed their children thriving in/preferring this model.
Man that's crazy to read. I'm moving into month 5 of no socializing outside of household unless on a walk.
As for the school chat, I'm gathering the data must be that it's the best place for the kids, because I'm doing all the aforementioned restrictions to keep them in class.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
If it's true that a lot kids wouldn't come unless forced, then I wouldn't have an almost perfect attendance rate in a 100% virtual environment with my at-risk population. Almost all of my students have no adult supervision during the day (7th grade). If they didn’t want to come, they wouldn't sign in, but they are. Some of them are babysitting with their younger siblings sitting on their lap during class. Some are hanging out with their friends in each other's houses and helping each other/keeping company [edit: probably giving each other covid]. One signed in on her phone from a hammock in some mountain village in El Salvador when she visited family for a few weeks [edit: probably bringing back covid]. The only kid I can tell is being forced is the spoiled white boy who regularly throws tantrums on the kitchen floor with his mom in the background.
What my school has discovered in studying the attendance data is that kids are picking and choosing their classes. There are patterns for certain students and certain teachers. I feel blessed that my class is one of the consistently well-attended ones, and I feel pretty confident in my polling. I didn’t ask "do you want to go back to school?" I asked "should the school board vote to reopen on April 6 with the proposed hybrid concurrent plan?" which they needed explaining because none of the adults even talked to them about what that means.
So my mom, 62 years old, has been fired. And will never get another job. And the restaurant is ready to shut down.
Sweden sucks. Why can't we just New Zealand this pandemic like normal countries.
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
The J&J vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine, but rather an older technology adenovirus carrier vaccine, which is already in use for some vaccines that have been tested in children and infants.
Some of their friends and families too.
Even strangers.
If you don't, you're a girl.
Or a flower, apparently.
2) My daughter is 13 and could kick your sexist pansy ass tough guy.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Certainly have been there!
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
yet unlike the Trump years, there is no media check here. Outside of the news last week about this new variant and nursing homes, the media never mentions that Cuomo and the state have done a horrible job on covid safety since September. The state rewrites the rules here to keep schools open, and cases are even starting to tick up this week. NY is middle of the pack in vaccine rollout, yet getting an appointment here is almost always impossible to find.
Early on I envisioned that after we had our "flatten the curve" period that we'd get to start doing some stuff and the price folks would pay would be wearing masks. Man, did I underestimate the wussiness of my fellow Americans.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
A simple task like getting your children milk and eggs can become complicated.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
But saying "You are free to have open, but you can only serve people coming in alone and sitting by themsleves" is the same as saying "we do not allow you to keep open" because de facto no one goes and eats alone.
While other places (even resturants outside of Gallerias/malls) do not have such restrictions, or even close to them.
So it's just fucked. And my mom has to be let go because of the fuckiness.