In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
According Dr Osterholm's quote on your chart, a new surge would start in mid March, so we are not there yet.
As great as the case reductions have been the last 7 weeks, the down curve has hit a wall the past week, which doesn't make sense considering the majority of the vulnerable have been mostly vaccinated.
Maybe this is just a blip and the down curve will resume. Some variants are expected to be more resistant to the vaccines, why take that risk? Why not wait it out another month, see if this new variant is a real threat, and the bonus is 60 million will be vaccinated (at least one dose) in the interim. Or be impatient like TX, allow the variant to spread and mutate further and increase the risk the vaccines will not work?
6-8 weeks he said. We are at 6.5. Not fully there, but we are there.
The beauty of some of these states starting to open up... The people who are scared of the virus can continue to stay at home, those who feel a mask is enough to stop the virus can continue to wear a mask, and those who are ready to move on, can move on. It's pretty simple. We were never going to stop the virus. We have to learn to live with it.
No mask = more virus = more mutation = less vaccine effectiveness = more risk of death.
We are so close, why blow it now? Impatience?
Ok, now do the past year of masking, lockdown measures, etc... If those measures worked so great in the first place, why did it take a year to get there? People are ready to move on.
In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
You could at least try to be honest about the sources of information that you post. This chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and not the “Biden Covid Response Team” or “whatever they’re called.” I’ll let you figure out who the Covid Tracking Project belongs to.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Reading this forum is like listening to a pile of people who need a safe space. Sad as hell, and it’s exactly why we’re in the lame ass position we’re in. Man up, go to your jobs and go back to school. Masks? Cool, if that makes you feel better, no problem there. Just stop being daisies and get on it, merica. Don’t be like the drawer of girls in this forum, what a bunch of sassiebunnies.
In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
You could at least try to be honest about the sources of information that you post. This chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and not the “Biden Covid Response Team” or “whatever they’re called.” I’ll let you figure out who the Covid Tracking Project belongs to.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Are the quotes from Biden’s advisors wrong? Are the dates of those quotes wrong? Is the data on the chart wrong? The mental gymnastics you guys perform to get around stuff I post is so incredible the Russian judge even gives you a 10!
In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
You could at least try to be honest about the sources of information that you post. This chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and not the “Biden Covid Response Team” or “whatever they’re called.” I’ll let you figure out who the Covid Tracking Project belongs to.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Are the quotes from Biden’s advisors wrong? Are the dates of those quotes wrong? Is the data on the chart wrong? The mental gymnastics you guys perform to get around stuff I post is so incredible the Russian judge even gives you a 10!
Why did you purposely misrepresent your “source?” I won’t expect an answer.
And, it seems your source remembers the “variants.”
In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
You could at least try to be honest about the sources of information that you post. This chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and not the “Biden Covid Response Team” or “whatever they’re called.” I’ll let you figure out who the Covid Tracking Project belongs to.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Are the quotes from Biden’s advisors wrong? Are the dates of those quotes wrong? Is the data on the chart wrong? The mental gymnastics you guys perform to get around stuff I post is so incredible the Russian judge even gives you a 10!
You doubled down on your misinformation comrade. Only one of the four names you attached to your misrepresented chart is an active member of Biden’s Covid Advisory Board. I’ll let you tell us who it is. Say hello to Navalny, eh.
In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
You could at least try to be honest about the sources of information that you post. This chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and not the “Biden Covid Response Team” or “whatever they’re called.” I’ll let you figure out who the Covid Tracking Project belongs to.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Are the quotes from Biden’s advisors wrong? Are the dates of those quotes wrong? Is the data on the chart wrong? The mental gymnastics you guys perform to get around stuff I post is so incredible the Russian judge even gives you a 10!
You doubled down on your misinformation comrade. Only one of the four names you attached to your misrepresented chart is an active member of Biden’s Covid Advisory Board. I’ll let you tell us who it is. Say hello to Navalny, eh.
Ahh, sorry man. Didn’t realize only one of those four were on the Board. I do know they are some of the hottest names in the panic porn circles. Got to keep the panic going as long as they can.
Care to talk about how wrong he was in his prediction or are we still in the wait two weeks camp? I think the triple mask is slowing oxygen to your brain, try the two that is recommended.
In this graph, we show just why people are tired of following the science and the experts... This bit of panic porn produced by the Biden Covid Response Team or whatever they are called... Variants? Remember those? I do...
You could at least try to be honest about the sources of information that you post. This chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and not the “Biden Covid Response Team” or “whatever they’re called.” I’ll let you figure out who the Covid Tracking Project belongs to.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Are the quotes from Biden’s advisors wrong? Are the dates of those quotes wrong? Is the data on the chart wrong? The mental gymnastics you guys perform to get around stuff I post is so incredible the Russian judge even gives you a 10!
You doubled down on your misinformation comrade. Only one of the four names you attached to your misrepresented chart is an active member of Biden’s Covid Advisory Board. I’ll let you tell us who it is. Say hello to Navalny, eh.
Ahh, sorry man. Didn’t realize only one of those four were on the Board. I do know they are some of the hottest names in the panic porn circles. Got to keep the panic going as long as they can.
Care to talk about how wrong he was in his prediction or are we still in the wait two weeks camp? I think the triple mask is slowing oxygen to your brain, try the two that is recommended.
I'm not interested in discussing anything with someone who purposely misrepresents information. You have no credibility IMHO. I will ask, however, if you'll be attending the inaugural on Thursday?
Honestly, no clue what you are talking about. I googled and got Inauguration Day which has happened. Dunno.
I have no credibility in your words, yet you and that single masker F Me always seem to find your way to my post, like Covid to the unmasked, to leave a response. It’s appreciated.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Honestly, no clue what you are talking about. I googled and got Inauguration Day which has happened. Dunno.
I have no credibility in your words, yet you and that single masker F Me always seem to find your way to my post, like Covid to the unmasked, to leave a response. It’s appreciated.
Just calling out your BS. Or is it 3D? You posted a chart, attributing the data and the source to the Biden Administration, made some snark comment and when called out on it, doubled down. Further, your "source," the one that spoke to the "variant" clearly states 6-8 weeks but the end date is only 5 weeks and 2 days from the 6-8 week declaration. And you want to be given credence? What a circus.
Since you are so good at reading charts, can you show me on the chart where the variants took control? Can you also show me that fourth surge? The panic porn will ramp up in the coming weeks as the MSM and all these public health officials do all they can to hold onto this dempanic, I mean pandemic, a little while longer. Don’t know about y’all but I’ve got my two masks on and lube ready!
BC's provincial health office also announced that they will be treating the expected doses of Astra-Zeneca vaccine differently than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Since the health care staff and nursing home residents have been vaccinated, BC's roll out is by age, starting with the 85+ individuals, then 80+, and so on down the line. However, we are expecting to start receiving Astra-Zeneca within a couple of weeks, and currently there is caution about giving this to the over-65 crowd, since there is insufficient data there. BC has decided instead to offer the A-Z vaccine to essential workers in the community who are younger than 65, though I haven't yet seen who is included in the "essential worker" category. Basically, younger people can elect to take the A-Z vaccine early, or wait until their age group is eligible for either Pfizer or Moderna. I'm curious as to how popular the A-Z vaccine will be, given the overall lower efficacy (though still good, particularly at protecting against hospitalizations and deaths).
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
The Dems caused the pandemic to get rid of Trump is the dumbest claim out of all of the dumb Trump suckers' dumb claims.
What about the rest of the world, idiots?
The whole world did this to get rid of one obese 🤡?
Dude, who are you telling?! It’s even dumber than only wearing one mask for the first 10 months of this thing before realizing two masks were better... Completely idiotic and not based in science at all.
BC's provincial health office also announced that they will be treating the expected doses of Astra-Zeneca vaccine differently than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Since the health care staff and nursing home residents have been vaccinated, BC's roll out is by age, starting with the 85+ individuals, then 80+, and so on down the line. However, we are expecting to start receiving Astra-Zeneca within a couple of weeks, and currently there is caution about giving this to the over-65 crowd, since there is insufficient data there. BC has decided instead to offer the A-Z vaccine to essential workers in the community who are younger than 65, though I haven't yet seen who is included in the "essential worker" category. Basically, younger people can elect to take the A-Z vaccine early, or wait until their age group is eligible for either Pfizer or Moderna. I'm curious as to how popular the A-Z vaccine will be, given the overall lower efficacy (though still good, particularly at protecting against hospitalizations and deaths).
The efficacy is very good in all vaccines liscensed. The rubbish over the over 65s is just not showing to be true with Scottish and English real time data. Europe dropped the ball and cost lives wasting the astrazenica doses. The aim is to stop hospitalisation and death and they all do that. Its time to use all available and save our parents i say, then all of our age group . This could be the most successful thing the world has ever collaborated on. If people listen and do what science says.
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
BC's provincial health office also announced that they will be treating the expected doses of Astra-Zeneca vaccine differently than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Since the health care staff and nursing home residents have been vaccinated, BC's roll out is by age, starting with the 85+ individuals, then 80+, and so on down the line. However, we are expecting to start receiving Astra-Zeneca within a couple of weeks, and currently there is caution about giving this to the over-65 crowd, since there is insufficient data there. BC has decided instead to offer the A-Z vaccine to essential workers in the community who are younger than 65, though I haven't yet seen who is included in the "essential worker" category. Basically, younger people can elect to take the A-Z vaccine early, or wait until their age group is eligible for either Pfizer or Moderna. I'm curious as to how popular the A-Z vaccine will be, given the overall lower efficacy (though still good, particularly at protecting against hospitalizations and deaths).
The efficacy is very good in all vaccines liscensed. The rubbish over the over 65s is just not showing to be true with Scottish and English real time data. Europe dropped the ball and cost lives wasting the astrazenica doses. The aim is to stop hospitalisation and death and they all do that. Its time to use all available and save our parents i say, then all of our age group . This could be the most successful thing the world has ever collaborated on. If people listen and do what science says.
Your “real time data” is not yet peer reviewed. It may prove valid, or it might not. We can’t say “do what science says” while ignoring important principles of scientific research.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
“I think that that obliteration of the flu epidemic, which was seen globally, tells us that the way that influenza is transmitted from one person to another might really have been impacted by the use of masks, more than anything else,” said Flor Munoz, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ infectious-diseases committee.
Widespread mask-wearing may be particularly helpful because face coverings limit the spread of the droplets that carry influenza, Munoz said.
Adults are also experiencing a dramatic drop in influenza deaths, with about 450 so far this season, compared with roughly 22,000 last year.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Awful news at multiple states trying to cause a spike in cases.
Fucking idiots.
Doesn’t answer questions + misrepresenting “information” posted = not credible.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And, it seems your source remembers the “variants.”
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I have no credibility in your words, yet you and that single masker F Me always seem to find your way to my post, like Covid to the unmasked, to leave a response. It’s appreciated.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Biden the real deal maker.
What about the rest of the world, idiots?
The whole world did this to get rid of one obese 🤡?
No it's true. We did. Mission Accomplished
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -