So at what point do we do all we can to protect the elderly, the only population the virus truly harms, and move on with life?
I considered throwing them under the bus from day one, or shortly after Trump declared this thing was gonna wash over us. I mean, it must have been designed for a good reason, right?
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
The idiotic "because of Trump" theory.....what about the rest of the world? Europe must have really wanted Trump gone.
I'm skeptical of how accurate this tracing proves to be -- but these numbers are not really subject to any +/- concern when the data NY shared points definitively to 1-2 causes beyond 2%.
I still think the right thing to do was to shut things down and enforce the message that people needed to stay home -- not so much because restaurants were where people would get them, but because the American citizens proved we are selfish assholes who were going to Grandma's house OR having a 3rd birthday party for Little Ginny OR whatever bullshit reasons people cited to get together.
This whole thing sucks. If people could just be responsible this would have been so different -- and, I would like to think that things could have been approached differently in December or whenever these numbers were back in to make people feel that there was actual data to support safe ways to do things previously locked down.
All comes back to people being such idiots. Anti-Maskers. Gotta Have Thanksgiving-ers.
This does make me feel better about the prospect of things being different in 2021 -- keep at distance, wash, keep the masks up...and be able to do many more things. They need to allow enforcement of mask / occupancy / distance rules. Still too many among us who will fight to protect their so called freedoms, putting others at risk at the same time.
A couple of things... First, you ask for the data and the guy provides the data and you question it immediately and are skeptical. No agenda at all here, right?
In their own words, "We were very shocked by it because we’ve been extremely closed-down. We have not gone anywhere to speak of, and we haven’t had visitors,”. Read the story and draw your own conclusions. I have some theories. Also interesting that all of the ladies who tested positive (28 total), only two in their nineties passed from it.
Finally, you say, "All comes back to people being such idiots. Anti-Maskers.". So with Lord Fauci's latest recommendation that everyone double-mask, surely you are double masking correct? Because if you do not put two masks to your face EVERY time you are around someone, you are part of the problem you speak against. But who am I kidding, as much as you preach about those still trying to protect what liberties they have left, surely you are doing your part in stopping the spread.
Here is a thread on all the "mis" or "dis" information Lord Fauci has spread since the beginning.
Pay close attention to this part, "As an addendum, since these tweets have become popular.
I come from the Left. Or at least I did, before the Left sacrificed human and civil rights in favor of a public health autocracy. It’s not lost on me this crisis was used as an election year battering ram."
The tweets above are part of a series of tweets. I encourage each of you to click on the names and read them all. Some doozies in there. I report, you decide.
Just for fun, because I had a few minutes to kill, I looked into the claim that SC “closed almost nothing”
For the time period relevant to the tweet, ie April 2020, SC was under a stay at home order and all nonessential businesses were closed
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Biggest lie we have been told the past year? What's your vote? Feel free to add your own... 1. Super spreaders 2. New variants, even scarier than the original 3. Masks work 4. Two weeks to flatten the curve 5. Once the vaccines are here, life can go back to normal 6. Masks actually do not work as good as we thought, so wear two masks because "common sense" 7. Dying "with" Covid vs Dying "from" covid 8. Covid relief bills actually provide relief to the ones who need it (This is true for Trumps bills and this new one which shows 9% of the 2 trillion goes to the people)
What makes me go hmmmmmmm, is why anyone would rely on a tweet, from a former conservative radio show host who defended pedophiles, about a theory posited by a plagiarizing former sports columnist for their covid information. But that might just be me? And based on the date of the tweet regarding Kobe’s memorial being a super spreader event, it would have been held in February 2020. I wasn’t kept from work, nor college kids sent home in my state until March 13, 2020. I don’t think that “super spreader events” were a thing yet? But you be you.
Biggest lie we have been told the past year? What's your vote? Feel free to add your own... 1. Super spreaders 2. New variants, even scarier than the original 3. Masks work 4. Two weeks to flatten the curve 5. Once the vaccines are here, life can go back to normal 6. Masks actually do not work as good as we thought, so wear two masks because "common sense" 7. Dying "with" Covid vs Dying "from" covid 8. Covid relief bills actually provide relief to the ones who need it (This is true for Trumps bills and this new one which shows 9% of the 2 trillion goes to the people)
What makes me go hmmmmmmm, is why anyone would rely on a tweet, from a former conservative radio show host who defended pedophiles, about a theory posited by a plagiarizing former sports columnist for their covid information. But that might just be me? And based on the date of the tweet regarding Kobe’s memorial being a super spreader event, it would have been held in February 2020. I wasn’t kept from work, nor college kids sent home in my state until March 13, 2020. I don’t think that “super spreader events” were a thing yet? But you be you.
Again, each one of you comes in with an aha moment, I gotcha you this time you tin foil hat wearing meanie you, but you have further proved my point.
Evidence has pointed to the coronavirus being here all the way back in December of 2019, we had a packed house memorial two months later so you would think people would be falling dead in the streets right, hospitals over ran, etc. Yet, none of that happened to this virus that spreads so easily. Again, maybe we shouldn’t have did anything other than wash and protect the elderly.
Care to argue any of the other biggest lies this pandemic... Surely all of you can agree all this stimulus is complete bullshit right? I’ve seen numbers saying as low as 9% of the 2 trillion dollar current stimulus goes directly to those in need, the American people.
Care to argue any of the other biggest lies this pandemic... Surely all of you can agree all this stimulus is complete bullshit right? I’ve seen numbers saying as low as 9% of the 2 trillion dollar current stimulus goes directly to those in need, the American people.
I agree that more money should be going to actual people.
Care to argue any of the other biggest lies this pandemic... Surely all of you can agree all this stimulus is complete bullshit right? I’ve seen numbers saying as low as 9% of the 2 trillion dollar current stimulus goes directly to those in need, the American people.
$1400 a month for up to 15 months for govt employees though. That’s relief! The swamp takes care of the swamp.
edit- it’s 1400 a week. Edit 2- it’s 1400 a week for up to 15 weeks.
Don’t drink and type, children. Things get screwed up. That’s a nice perk though if you have kids who couldn’t go to school and you work for the govt. what about the rest of us peasants, though? It’s like feudal times these days. I’ll farm your land and pay you to do it too.
Biggest lie we have been told the past year? What's your vote? Feel free to add your own... 1. Super spreaders 2. New variants, even scarier than the original 3. Masks work 4. Two weeks to flatten the curve 5. Once the vaccines are here, life can go back to normal 6. Masks actually do not work as good as we thought, so wear two masks because "common sense" 7. Dying "with" Covid vs Dying "from" covid 8. Covid relief bills actually provide relief to the ones who need it (This is true for Trumps bills and this new one which shows 9% of the 2 trillion goes to the people)
Probably your posts. Especially those saying masks don’t work.
It’s the worst year in a long time for manufacturers of tissues, cold medicine. Just a coincidence huh? Please stop the nonsense.
So my posts are the biggest lies? Gotcha.
Explain the last part to me? Are you saying they didn't sell a lot and it was hard on their bottom line OR that they did sell a lot and it was hard to keep up with demand? I think you are referring to the latter and I do not think this means what you think it means. The pandemic so scary that..... I couldn't blow my nose in a kleenex and I couldn't find any cough medicine? Sounds rough.
The former. Lots of other items way up. Tissues, cold medicine etc way down. No one needing it, cause you know, masks work.
OK, I misread what you are saying. So are we ready as a group to wear masks for eternity? Seeing as how it has cured the common cold and the flu. And with all the technological advances over the past hundred years, one would think we would have discovered that masks could cure illnesses. I don't know, seems like we want to be masked forever which seems.... dystopian. Scary indeed.
It didn’t cure anything. It stopped the spread though. Cause you know, masks work.
Biggest lie we have been told the past year? What's your vote? Feel free to add your own... 1. Super spreaders 2. New variants, even scarier than the original 3. Masks work 4. Two weeks to flatten the curve 5. Once the vaccines are here, life can go back to normal 6. Masks actually do not work as good as we thought, so wear two masks because "common sense" 7. Dying "with" Covid vs Dying "from" covid 8. Covid relief bills actually provide relief to the ones who need it (This is true for Trumps bills and this new one which shows 9% of the 2 trillion goes to the people)
What makes me go hmmmmmmm, is why anyone would rely on a tweet, from a former conservative radio show host who defended pedophiles, about a theory posited by a plagiarizing former sports columnist for their covid information. But that might just be me? And based on the date of the tweet regarding Kobe’s memorial being a super spreader event, it would have been held in February 2020. I wasn’t kept from work, nor college kids sent home in my state until March 13, 2020. I don’t think that “super spreader events” were a thing yet? But you be you.
Again, each one of you comes in with an aha moment, I gotcha you this time you tin foil hat wearing meanie you, but you have further proved my point.
Evidence has pointed to the coronavirus being here all the way back in December of 2019, we had a packed house memorial two months later so you would think people would be falling dead in the streets right, hospitals over ran, etc. Yet, none of that happened to this virus that spreads so easily. Again, maybe we shouldn’t have did anything other than wash and protect the elderly.
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
Again, if we didn't get brow beat about how big and scary this virus is, if we took off the masks and opened everything back up, and lived our normal lives, do you think we would even know the coronavirus existed? I tend to believe we would have no clue this virus even existed.
Some of you guys have become predictable so I will answer what comes next...
"You retard, why would I trust a tweet from a guy named Jewish Deplorable."
Well, you see, it is a tweet but it is also a video about the Leader of the Free World showing just how important masks are by walking around and greeting people..... without a mask! And yes, while Jewish Deplorable probably leans right, what does it matter if it came from him or some guy named catturd (who by the way is a fantastic follow! ) because it is actually a VIDEO.
Not going to posts the links again (they are within the past couple of this thread documenting the motorcycle crash victim and the victims who died of gunshot wounds), but I will post the video of the Illinois Director of Public Health explaining how Illinois counts covid deaths. Excuse me for not believing that number.
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
Again, if we didn't get brow beat about how big and scary this virus is, if we took off the masks and opened everything back up, and lived our normal lives, do you think we would even know the coronavirus existed? I tend to believe we would have no clue this virus even existed.
Yes we would know. We’d be thinking “wtf is up with flu season this year, it’s awful...500,000 people in the US dead!”
The better question is if Q didn’t tell you what to think would you be able to know what real things to pretend are imaginary and what fake things to pretend are real?
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
Again, if we didn't get brow beat about how big and scary this virus is, if we took off the masks and opened everything back up, and lived our normal lives, do you think we would even know the coronavirus existed? I tend to believe we would have no clue this virus even existed.
Yes we would know. We’d be thinking “wtf is up with flu season this year, it’s awful...500,000 people in the US dead!”
The better question is if Q didn’t tell you what to think would you be able to know what real things to pretend are imaginary and what fake things to pretend are real?
Well, except that number would be much, much higher.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
Again, if we didn't get brow beat about how big and scary this virus is, if we took off the masks and opened everything back up, and lived our normal lives, do you think we would even know the coronavirus existed? I tend to believe we would have no clue this virus even existed.
Yes we would know. We’d be thinking “wtf is up with flu season this year, it’s awful...500,000 people in the US dead!”
The better question is if Q didn’t tell you what to think would you be able to know what real things to pretend are imaginary and what fake things to pretend are real?
Well, except that number would be much, much higher.
So by this line of thinking, we will be counting covid deaths for 50-100 years to come. You guys realize the way we count covid deaths (just have to have the virus when I die). So again I ask, what was and is the point of all these measures? I already know the answers that will come, it is not to overwhelm the hospital system. Forgive me for not believing that any hospitals were overwhelmed when we have countless examples of tik tok dances from hospitals all over the country.
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
Again, if we didn't get brow beat about how big and scary this virus is, if we took off the masks and opened everything back up, and lived our normal lives, do you think we would even know the coronavirus existed? I tend to believe we would have no clue this virus even existed.
Yes we would know. We’d be thinking “wtf is up with flu season this year, it’s awful...500,000 people in the US dead!”
The better question is if Q didn’t tell you what to think would you be able to know what real things to pretend are imaginary and what fake things to pretend are real?
Well, except that number would be much, much higher.
So by this line of thinking, we will be counting covid deaths for 50-100 years to come. You guys realize the way we count covid deaths (just have to have the virus when I die). So again I ask, what was and is the point of all these measures? I already know the answers that will come, it is not to overwhelm the hospital system. Forgive me for not believing that any hospitals were overwhelmed when we have countless examples of tik tok dances from hospitals all over the country.
You've asked to be excused and forgiven. Nope.
And TikTok. Really? Ask yourself why you must consistently validate and prove the credibility of your sources. Oh vey.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Keep trolling, sooner or later you are bound to get someone to bite.
Keep trolling, sooner or later you are bound to get someone to bite.
Yeah, umm, not really trolling. Actually trying to get honest debate about all of this. As I stated when I started posting a couple of months ago, I read and watch sources from both sides. I have formed my opinion around that. This place becomes an echo chamber, you need reasonable debate on both sides. And your comment is weird in the sense that you literally bite every single time.
I will try to say this once and for all, the links and things that I post are twitter posts, but every single one I have posted has hard data, articles, or actual videos. As far as the comment above about tik tok, again, there are videos everywhere of tik tok dances of hospital staff all over the country.
I am actually begging all in here to change my mind. Show me the science. Help me be scared of this virus. Please!
It's obvious the mask debate went nowhere and we are all stuck on our opinions there. Let's try a new question that I would love debate on:
If this virus is as bad as we are lead to believe, how come all 50 states did not enact the same measures and really try to get rid of this virus all at once? Further, going back to my theory that it's all about the political science, how come red states and blue states had vastly different measures and ultimately ended up in the same situation?
What was the spread in February during the Kobe memorial? How many cases, rates of infection, deaths, etc.? How would you classify the attendees as representatives of society at large? What do you think or how would you rate their average exposure risk? Did either of your two “journalistic” covid sources have a list of attendees and follow up with any of them 10-14 days after the event to determine whether they, or anyone they’re close to, contract covid? I sincerely doubt that level of investigative reporting took place. But you be you.
Again, if we didn't get brow beat about how big and scary this virus is, if we took off the masks and opened everything back up, and lived our normal lives, do you think we would even know the coronavirus existed? I tend to believe we would have no clue this virus even existed.
Yes we would know. We’d be thinking “wtf is up with flu season this year, it’s awful...500,000 people in the US dead!”
The better question is if Q didn’t tell you what to think would you be able to know what real things to pretend are imaginary and what fake things to pretend are real?
Well, except that number would be much, much higher.
I have a co-worker who had many discussion Re: masks and other measures during this year. Good guy, but didn’t believe the data and always found “alternative data” to justify.
His mom passed the end of January due to covid. He went through it with her, she was older and died pretty quickly after getting it.
I feel terrible for him. And I think he wished he had a do-over year.
People looking in good faith for honest debate definitely say things like "I am actually begging all in here to change my mind" and "Help me be scared of this virus. Please!"
Today Canada approved the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine, giving us a third option, though we won’t get delivery until the third quarter. It’s good to have an option that is easier to transport and store.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Europe must have really wanted Trump gone.
For the time period relevant to the tweet, ie April 2020, SC was under a stay at home order and all nonessential businesses were closed
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Evidence has pointed to the coronavirus being here all the way back in December of 2019, we had a packed house memorial two months later so you would think people would be falling dead in the streets right, hospitals over ran, etc. Yet, none of that happened to this virus that spreads so easily. Again, maybe we shouldn’t have did anything other than wash and protect the elderly.
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
edit- it’s 1400 a week.
Edit 2- it’s 1400 a week for up to 15 weeks.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Some of you guys have become predictable so I will answer what comes next...
"You retard, why would I trust a tweet from a guy named Jewish Deplorable."
Well, you see, it is a tweet but it is also a video about the Leader of the Free World showing just how important masks are by walking around and greeting people..... without a mask! And yes, while Jewish Deplorable probably leans right, what does it matter if it came from him or some guy named catturd (who by the way is a fantastic follow! ) because it is actually a VIDEO.
In her own words, "even if you died of a clear alternate cause and had covid at the same time that is counted as a covid death".
The better question is if Q didn’t tell you what to think would you be able to know what real things to pretend are imaginary and what fake things to pretend are real?
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
And TikTok. Really? Ask yourself why you must consistently validate and prove the credibility of your sources. Oh vey.
I will try to say this once and for all, the links and things that I post are twitter posts, but every single one I have posted has hard data, articles, or actual videos. As far as the comment above about tik tok, again, there are videos everywhere of tik tok dances of hospital staff all over the country.
I am actually begging all in here to change my mind. Show me the science. Help me be scared of this virus. Please!
It's obvious the mask debate went nowhere and we are all stuck on our opinions there. Let's try a new question that I would love debate on:
If this virus is as bad as we are lead to believe, how come all 50 states did not enact the same measures and really try to get rid of this virus all at once? Further, going back to my theory that it's all about the political science, how come red states and blue states had vastly different measures and ultimately ended up in the same situation?
His mom passed the end of January due to covid. He went through it with her, she was older and died pretty quickly after getting it.
I feel terrible for him. And I think he wished he had a do-over year.
People looking in good faith for honest debate definitely say things like "I am actually begging all in here to change my mind" and "Help me be scared of this virus. Please!"