^^^ I thought about that same thought for a second. Then I remembered that PJ_Soul has a very good point. I can't stand people that don't believe facts. (not you directly FoxyRedLa if you're reading this, although you are now posting in AMT). It is time for the believers to give proof. Not the other way around.
^^^ I thought about that same thought for a second. Then I remembered that PJ_Soul has a very good point. I can't stand people that don't believe facts. (not you directly FoxyRedLa if you're reading this, although you are now posting in AMT). It is time for the believers to give proof. Not the other way around.
Haha, coming from a Trump fan.
Doesn't believe in god or science. It's a head scratcher
^^^ I thought about that same thought for a second. Then I remembered that PJ_Soul has a very good point. I can't stand people that don't believe facts. (not you directly FoxyRedLa if you're reading this, although you are now posting in AMT). It is time for the believers to give proof. Not the other way around.
Haha, coming from a Trump fan.
He's not a Trump fan.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Your posts above come off angry. Before those no there weren't angry posts but hateful ones. And why can't an opinion just be that? Why always the negative bs? There is no longer a discussion going on in this thread.
I do not know which thread the full blown racist is in. And I don't feel anyone in this thread is racist. I'm just tired of reading post after post with intentions of bringing people down. There is a difference between fun humor and what I feel when I read some of these posts. But again it was an opinion.
I can't keep up with all of the different threads. There are so many. I did not randomly pick this thread to say anything. I've been following this thread.
My only point was I hate reading the bully type posts here on this site. I do understand it's all over the different places here. I see the closed threads. It is not possible for me to keep up with all on each differ section.
I think that is a real misuse of the term "bullying".
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Just had to make a minor adjustment there RYME!
Creationist people supposedly somehow did the "math" and determined this stupid young Earth theory - some say 12,000, I've heard more say 6,000. Either one is equally ludicrous obviously. I really can't wrap my brain around how anyone actually thinks this.... But hey, we've got people now calling themselves "flat-Earthers" too (yes, they really think that the idea of the round Earth is a conspiracy theory). So yeah, apparently there is a niche for literally everyone these days, now that they can all find each other on the internet. I think it's one of the worst things about the internet. Before, crackpots with loony ideas were islands unto themselves for the most part. But now they can all find each other, convince each other of new crazy ideas, band together and actually form a movement so that even more jokers can join their ranks. This is how stupid bullshit grows into something dangerous now..... Of course, the internet is great for the same kind of reason, when people come together for sane, awesome things. One step forward, one step back!
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Most say more like six and they did it by tracking the genealogy which is presented in the Bible. Count the generations from the fictitious characters Adam and Eve to historically placeable characters like Abraham and Jacob. Either the Bible is wrong/very incomplete, or the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Which is it?
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
I liked your story, thanks for sharing ! The other day I was going in my car and thinking about this thread, We stopped for a red light. The car in front of us had the registration plate GOD, that made me smile.
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Most say more like six and they did it by tracking the genealogy which is presented in the Bible. Count the generations from the fictitious characters Adam and Eve to historically placeable characters like Abraham and Jacob. Either the Bible is wrong/very incomplete, or the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Which is it?
Excellent question.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
I liked your story, thanks for sharing ! The other day I was going in my car and thinking about this thread, We stopped for a red light. The car in front of us had the registration plate GOD, that made me smile.
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Most say more like six and they did it by tracking the genealogy which is presented in the Bible. Count the generations from the fictitious characters Adam and Eve to historically placeable characters like Abraham and Jacob. Either the Bible is wrong/very incomplete, or the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Which is it?
Some Churches teach that the world is only 12,000 years old. That's just false. Science and the Bible actually go hand-in-hand on this one. You've got wooly mammoths in the tundra up in Alaska buried beneath the tundra with buttercups still in their mouth. As we all know nothing grows up in the tundra now so that was millions of years ago. I used to work on a cattle ranch in Texas. There's an area called Big Lake Texas but there is no lake there not near any ocean. But while horseback and working cattle there, occasionally I'd find seashells in the middle of the desert pretty wild, I kept a few for souvenirs. It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom. There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here. The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old. And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago. The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old. So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Most say more like six and they did it by tracking the genealogy which is presented in the Bible. Count the generations from the fictitious characters Adam and Eve to historically placeable characters like Abraham and Jacob. Either the Bible is wrong/very incomplete, or the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Which is it?
Many think that Adam and Eve were the first 2 people created, and that humanity expanded from there. God created all the races on the 6th day of creation. And He looked & said what? It is very good Populate the Earth. These creation "days" were long periods of time, not 24 hour days. God rested on the 7th Day. Then on the 8th day He needed a farmer to till the ground and created Adam pronounced Eth ha a Dom.
^^^ I cant' believe there is still a discussion about how old the earth is.
Easy answer: 4.54 billion years old, with an error range of 50 million years.
Yes it is an easy answer. Hopefully in my lifetime humans will spit that answer out immediately when asked how old the earth is. With an error range of 1-2 hundred yrs.
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
It's not worth it PJ_Soul. No longer must a platform be given to flat-earthers, 2000yr old earth believers, god believers etc. It is time for them to provide the truth. Not us. I am w/ you 100% on your thoughts about god and religion. (whether you like it or not I'm not sure)
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
It's not worth it PJ_Soul. No longer must a platform be given to flat-earthers, 2000yr old earth believers, god believers etc. It is time for them to provide the truth. Not us. I am w/ you 100% on your thoughts about god and religion. (whether you like it or not I'm not sure)
I like it just fine PJfan. And I agree, the burden of proof is absolutely on them... I just don't know how to convince them of that. I want to, because I would like to see them actually try. Like try for real, lol. Quoting the Bible obviously doesn't cut it. And I am very secure in my Atheism, so I don't expect believers actually trying to find evidence to produce any proof of the existence of God obviously ... but I think it would be extremely interesting to see what they came up with in the effort!
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
No that was the point of my last post. The races are 6th day creation. God rested on the 7th day. Adam & Eve were during the 8th day. Again these "days" aren't 24 hour periods. There were lots of people around by the time Adom & Eve arrived. Cane eventually slew Abel and went to the Land of Nod which had already been populated. At the end of the 6th day Genesis 1 vs 31 And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That word very is very significant. He's talking about the races. He created the different races because He wanted it that way. And He called it very good. Now, Genesis chapter 2 vs 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (You can't have Generations without people around) 5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew; the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 7 and the Lord God formed man (Adam) (to till and farm the ground) of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and the man became a living soul. (Adam) pronounced (Eth ha adom) Took him to the Garden of Eden and it goes on from there.
I don't understand how you get "races" out of the word "very". Isn't that just an assumption? Also, you can have generations without people around. Non-human animals have generations too. Sorry, but I feel like that interpretation is a stretch. I understand why someone made the stretch... because someone had to do something to try and make it seem logical. But really, why would the Bible not even mention humans while they were created and then thrived? I mean, I'm not saying that your interpretation of the literary work is wrong... But as a book that is true, it makes no sense. As a book that isn't true, it makes a lot of sense.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
No that was the point of my last post. The races are 6th day creation. God rested on the 7th day. Adam & Eve were during the 8th day. Again these "days" aren't 24 hour periods. There were lots of people around by the time Adom & Eve arrived. Cane eventually slew Abel and went to the Land of Nod which had already been populated. At the end of the 6th day Genesis 1 vs 31 And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That word very is very significant. He's talking about the races. He created the different races because He wanted it that way. And He called it very good. Now, Genesis chapter 2 vs 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (You can't have Generations without people around) 5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew; the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 7 and the Lord God formed man (Adam) (to till and farm the ground) of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and the man became a living soul. (Adam) pronounced (Eth ha adom) Took him to the Garden of Eden and it goes on from there.
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
No that was the point of my last post. The races are 6th day creation. God rested on the 7th day. Adam & Eve were during the 8th day. Again these "days" aren't 24 hour periods. There were lots of people around by the time Adom & Eve arrived. Cane eventually slew Abel and went to the Land of Nod which had already been populated. At the end of the 6th day Genesis 1 vs 31 And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That word very is very significant. He's talking about the races. He created the different races because He wanted it that way. And He called it very good. Now, Genesis chapter 2 vs 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (You can't have Generations without people around) 5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew; the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 7 and the Lord God formed man (Adam) (to till and farm the ground) of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and the man became a living soul. (Adam) pronounced (Eth ha adom) Took him to the Garden of Eden and it goes on from there.
Generations, in this case, is obviously a synonym to "creations".
The case that the "days" aren't 24 hour periods is incredibly flimsy, and it's taking quite a bit of liberty with interpreting the meaning. The Bible is specific about evenings and mornings, why would it specify "days" if it didn't mean days?
I don't understand how you get "races" out of the word "very". Isn't that just an assumption? Also, you can have generations without people around. Non-human animals have generations too. Sorry, but I feel like that interpretation is a stretch. I understand why someone made the stretch... because someone had to do something to try and make it seem logical. But really, why would the Bible not even mention humans while they were created and then thrived? I mean, I'm not saying that your interpretation of the literary work is wrong... But as a book that is true, it makes no sense. As a book that isn't true, it makes a lot of sense.
I didn't post the whole Chapter 1 of Genesis. The word very is about how pleased He was at the end of that 6th day after He had created all the different races. He had created cattle and every land animal, every fish, & great whales of the seas. He had created all the fruit bering trees with the seeds of their kind in the fruit, and every herb. He had created fishermen, hunters & gathers but not a farmer yet. That's what Adam was. Eth ha adom means Rudy complected which is to say to show blood in the face. What race blushes? Nothing superior about it. But that's what it was, the white race to till the ground. Other races at the time had spacific things to do based on their region. Again He looked and said it was very good. Which is why no one has to apologise for their ethnicity. You had fishermen, & rice growers in one region, hunters and gathers in another, and then the upland farmers. Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden hadn't even occured yet. Adom & Eve came later. My point of this whole thing is to show that Adam & Eve were not the first 2 people, & incest wasn't necessary.
I don't understand how you get "races" out of the word "very". Isn't that just an assumption? Also, you can have generations without people around. Non-human animals have generations too. Sorry, but I feel like that interpretation is a stretch. I understand why someone made the stretch... because someone had to do something to try and make it seem logical. But really, why would the Bible not even mention humans while they were created and then thrived? I mean, I'm not saying that your interpretation of the literary work is wrong... But as a book that is true, it makes no sense. As a book that isn't true, it makes a lot of sense.
I didn't post the whole Chapter 1 of Genesis. The word very is about how pleased He was at the end of that 6th day after He had created all the different races. He had created cattle and every land animal, every fish, & great whales of the seas. He had created all the fruit bering trees with the seeds of their kind in the fruit, and every herb. He had created fishermen, hunters & gathers but not a farmer yet. That's what Adam was. Eth ha adom means Rudy complected which is to say to show blood in the face. What race blushes? Nothing superior about it. But that's what it was, the white race to till the ground. Other races at the time had spacific things to do based on their region. Again He looked and said it was very good. Which is why no one has to apologise for their ethnicity. You had fishermen, & rice growers in one region, hunters and gathers in another, and then the upland farmers. Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden hadn't even occured yet. Adom & Eve came later. My point of this whole thing is to show that Adam & Eve were not the first 2 people, & incest wasn't necessary.
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
No that was the point of my last post. The races are 6th day creation. God rested on the 7th day. Adam & Eve were during the 8th day. Again these "days" aren't 24 hour periods. There were lots of people around by the time Adom & Eve arrived. Cane eventually slew Abel and went to the Land of Nod which had already been populated. At the end of the 6th day Genesis 1 vs 31 And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That word very is very significant. He's talking about the races. He created the different races because He wanted it that way. And He called it very good. Now, Genesis chapter 2 vs 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (You can't have Generations without people around) 5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew; the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 7 and the Lord God formed man (Adam) (to till and farm the ground) of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and the man became a living soul. (Adam) pronounced (Eth ha adom) Took him to the Garden of Eden and it goes on from there.
So Adam and Eve's kids all had sex with each other. Incest is best!.
No that was the point of my last post. The races are 6th day creation. God rested on the 7th day. Adam & Eve were during the 8th day. Again these "days" aren't 24 hour periods. There were lots of people around by the time Adom & Eve arrived. Cane eventually slew Abel and went to the Land of Nod which had already been populated. At the end of the 6th day Genesis 1 vs 31 And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That word very is very significant. He's talking about the races. He created the different races because He wanted it that way. And He called it very good. Now, Genesis chapter 2 vs 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (You can't have Generations without people around) 5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew; the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 7 and the Lord God formed man (Adam) (to till and farm the ground) of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and the man became a living soul. (Adam) pronounced (Eth ha adom) Took him to the Garden of Eden and it goes on from there.
Generations, in this case, is obviously a synonym to "creations".
The case that the "days" aren't 24 hour periods is incredibly flimsy, and it's taking quite a bit of liberty with interpreting the meaning. The Bible is specific about evenings and mornings, why would it specify "days" if it didn't mean days?
Flimsy? GOD prepares the earth And God said, Let there be light:" and there was light. First Day - Darkness and Light. Night and Day Second Day - Waters. Division between them. Third Day - Dry land. Fruit from it. Fourth Day - The Sun, moon and stars. Fifth Day - Waters - Life from the waters, fowl and cattle and every creeping critter. Sixth Day - Mankind: all races. That can't be done in 144 hours.
I don't understand how you get "races" out of the word "very". Isn't that just an assumption? Also, you can have generations without people around. Non-human animals have generations too. Sorry, but I feel like that interpretation is a stretch. I understand why someone made the stretch... because someone had to do something to try and make it seem logical. But really, why would the Bible not even mention humans while they were created and then thrived? I mean, I'm not saying that your interpretation of the literary work is wrong... But as a book that is true, it makes no sense. As a book that isn't true, it makes a lot of sense.
I didn't post the whole Chapter 1 of Genesis. The word very is about how pleased He was at the end of that 6th day after He had created all the different races. He had created cattle and every land animal, every fish, & great whales of the seas. He had created all the fruit bering trees with the seeds of their kind in the fruit, and every herb. He had created fishermen, hunters & gathers but not a farmer yet. That's what Adam was. Eth ha adom means Rudy complected which is to say to show blood in the face. What race blushes? Nothing superior about it. But that's what it was, the white race to till the ground. Other races at the time had spacific things to do based on their region. Again He looked and said it was very good. Which is why no one has to apologise for their ethnicity. You had fishermen, & rice growers in one region, hunters and gathers in another, and then the upland farmers. Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden hadn't even occured yet. Adom & Eve came later. My point of this whole thing is to show that Adam & Eve were not the first 2 people, & incest wasn't necessary.
I don't understand how you get "races" out of the word "very". Isn't that just an assumption? Also, you can have generations without people around. Non-human animals have generations too. Sorry, but I feel like that interpretation is a stretch. I understand why someone made the stretch... because someone had to do something to try and make it seem logical. But really, why would the Bible not even mention humans while they were created and then thrived? I mean, I'm not saying that your interpretation of the literary work is wrong... But as a book that is true, it makes no sense. As a book that isn't true, it makes a lot of sense.
I didn't post the whole Chapter 1 of Genesis. The word very is about how pleased He was at the end of that 6th day after He had created all the different races. He had created cattle and every land animal, every fish, & great whales of the seas. He had created all the fruit bering trees with the seeds of their kind in the fruit, and every herb. He had created fishermen, hunters & gathers but not a farmer yet. That's what Adam was. Eth ha adom means Rudy complected which is to say to show blood in the face. What race blushes? Nothing superior about it. But that's what it was, the white race to till the ground. Other races at the time had spacific things to do based on their region. Again He looked and said it was very good. Which is why no one has to apologise for their ethnicity. You had fishermen, & rice growers in one region, hunters and gathers in another, and then the upland farmers. Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden hadn't even occured yet. Adom & Eve came later. My point of this whole thing is to show that Adam & Eve were not the first 2 people, & incest wasn't necessary.
I'll try one more time. You don't recall any of this in Genesis. It's the first & second chapter. It's all there. But there are certain words there that need to be translated to Hebrew so you can fully understand what it's saying. This man, "the man", which in the Hebrew is "eth-ha'adham", (The ruddy-complexioned, liable to blush red in the face, man), was formed by God for a spacific purpose. God did not have a man to till the ground, in other words, a farmer. He already had men which He created to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, (these are the different races) and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. This "man, Adam", He placed in a special garden. He formed this man. He created the males and the females, and the races on the sixth day, and then rested on the seventh day. He did not form "the man , Adam, until after He rested.
I'll try one more time. You don't recall any of this in Genesis. It's the first & second chapter. It's all there. But there are certain words there that need to be translated to Hebrew so you can fully understand what it's saying. This man, "the man", which in the Hebrew is "eth-ha'adham", (The ruddy-complexioned, liable to blush red in the face, man), was formed by God for a spacific purpose. God did not have a man to till the ground, in other words, a farmer. He already had men which He created to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, (these are the different races) and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. This "man, Adam", He placed in a special garden. He formed this man. He created the males and the females, and the races on the sixth day, and then rested on the seventh day. He did not form "the man , Adam, until after He rested.
Just so I'm clear - you say "translated to Hebrew". Are you sure you mean this? Because the original texts were not written in English, to be translated to Hebrew; they were written in Hebrew and Aramaic (OT) and Greek (NT), going through many iterations before being translated to English.
If you're going to claim scholarship here, please be accurate.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,655
I'll try one more time. You don't recall any of this in Genesis. It's the first & second chapter. It's all there. But there are certain words there that need to be translated to Hebrew so you can fully understand what it's saying. This man, "the man", which in the Hebrew is "eth-ha'adham", (The ruddy-complexioned, liable to blush red in the face, man), was formed by God for a spacific purpose. God did not have a man to till the ground, in other words, a farmer. He already had men which He created to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, (these are the different races) and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. This "man, Adam", He placed in a special garden. He formed this man. He created the males and the females, and the races on the sixth day, and then rested on the seventh day. He did not form "the man , Adam, until after He rested.
Humans began the practice of agriculture in various regions of the world (around 9,500 to 11,000 BC). That eventually led to our ability to sustain an over-bloated population- for a time. It's how we live today. But some good arguments have been made that suggest humans were doing quite well in pre-agricultural times. Richard Manning presents an excellent argument along these lines in his fine book, Against the Grain: How Agriculture Has Hijacked Civilization. Manning actually asserts that humans were at our most human, that we were smarter stronger and more in tune with nature as hunter gatherers. If God made us agriculturalists, I would have to assume that was not necessarily done in our best interest. But of course I don't believe any god gave us agriculture. Sadly, cultivation and animal husbandry have done much to separate us from nature's path and the its cycles and balances.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
And a three.... Hallelujah!
The best part of seeing Pearl Jam is when that is sung.
Or as Paul Westerberg once said, "Hallefuckinlujah!"
It's nothing there but mesquite trees and pricker bushes everywhere and lots of rocks and an occasional nasty dust storm. But it hasn't been wet there or able to support sea life of any kind in a long long time. There's no question that this Earth is millions if not billions of years old. I live in Wisconsin and it is not a tropical place, well it can be in the summer. But if fossilized palm trees can be found in the Wisconsin River that says a lot about how old are Earth is. Take a trip down the Grand Canyon and you can see the layers upon layers of Earth you drop down through I think it's five different climate zones from top to bottom.
There are a horse fossils that are at least 60 million years old that's why I love horses. Some ancestors of horses were here when the dinosaurs were here.
The meteor crater in North East Arizona is about 50,000 years old.
And if you go to Ash Falls Nebraska you'll see an amazing collection of fossils of animals that got suffocated by a major major eruption that occurred about 12 million years ago. You find zebras and camels and animals that weren't thought to be associated with North America, suggesting that the continents weren't that far apart long time ago.
The unique thing about the animal fossils in Ash Falls Nebraska is that they're intact the ash flew over from they think Idaho and suffocated them very very quickly but it's an interesting place to go if you haven't been there. Just more evidence that this planet is indeed millions of years old.
So I don't know where these people get the idea that the Earth is only 12,000 years old.
Creationist people supposedly somehow did the "math" and determined this stupid young Earth theory - some say 12,000, I've heard more say 6,000. Either one is equally ludicrous obviously. I really can't wrap my brain around how anyone actually thinks this.... But hey, we've got people now calling themselves "flat-Earthers" too (yes, they really think that the idea of the round Earth is a conspiracy theory). So yeah, apparently there is a niche for literally everyone these days, now that they can all find each other on the internet. I think it's one of the worst things about the internet. Before, crackpots with loony ideas were islands unto themselves for the most part. But now they can all find each other, convince each other of new crazy ideas, band together and actually form a movement so that even more jokers can join their ranks. This is how stupid bullshit grows into something dangerous now..... Of course, the internet is great for the same kind of reason, when people come together for sane, awesome things. One step forward, one step back!
Either the Bible is wrong/very incomplete, or the Earth is only a few thousand years old.
Which is it?
I cant' believe there is still a discussion about how old the earth is.
The other day I was going in my car and thinking about this thread, We stopped for a red light. The car in front of us had the registration plate GOD, that made me smile.
God created all the races on the 6th day of creation. And He looked & said what?
It is very good Populate the Earth. These creation "days" were long periods of time, not 24 hour days. God rested on the 7th Day. Then on the 8th day He needed a farmer to till the ground and created Adam pronounced Eth ha a Dom.
Yes it is an easy answer. Hopefully in my lifetime humans will spit that answer out immediately when asked how old the earth is. With an error range of 1-2 hundred yrs.
It's not worth it PJ_Soul. No longer must a platform be given to flat-earthers, 2000yr old earth believers, god believers etc. It is time for them to provide the truth. Not us. I am w/ you 100% on your thoughts about god and religion. (whether you like it or not I'm not sure)
The races are 6th day creation. God rested on the 7th day. Adam & Eve were during the 8th day. Again these "days" aren't 24 hour periods.
There were lots of people around by the time Adom & Eve arrived. Cane eventually slew Abel and went to the Land of Nod which had already been populated.
At the end of the 6th day
Genesis 1 vs 31
And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That word very is very significant. He's talking about the races. He created the different races because He wanted it that way. And He called it very good. Now,
Genesis chapter 2 vs 4
These are the generations of the heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (You can't have Generations without people around)
5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew; the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth and there was not a man to till the ground.
6 but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
7 and the Lord God formed man (Adam) (to till and farm the ground) of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and the man became a living soul.
(Adam) pronounced (Eth ha adom)
Took him to the Garden of Eden and it goes on from there.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The case that the "days" aren't 24 hour periods is incredibly flimsy, and it's taking quite a bit of liberty with interpreting the meaning. The Bible is specific about evenings and mornings, why would it specify "days" if it didn't mean days?
Again He looked and said it was very good. Which is why no one has to apologise for their ethnicity.
You had fishermen, & rice growers in one region, hunters and gathers in another, and then the upland farmers. Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden hadn't even occured yet.
Adom & Eve came later.
My point of this whole thing is to show that Adam & Eve were not the first 2 people, & incest wasn't necessary.
I still laugh when I watch it.
GOD prepares the earth
And God said, Let there be light:" and there was light.
First Day - Darkness and Light. Night and Day
Second Day - Waters. Division between them.
Third Day - Dry land. Fruit from it.
Fourth Day - The Sun, moon and stars.
Fifth Day - Waters - Life from the waters, fowl and cattle and every creeping critter.
Sixth Day - Mankind: all races.
That can't be done in 144 hours.
This man, "the man", which in the Hebrew is "eth-ha'adham",
(The ruddy-complexioned, liable to blush red in the face, man), was formed by God for a spacific purpose. God did not have a man to till the ground, in other words, a farmer.
He already had men which He created to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, (these are the different races) and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
This "man, Adam", He placed in a special garden. He formed this man. He created the males and the females, and the races on the sixth day, and then rested on the seventh day. He did not form "the man , Adam, until after He rested.
Just so I'm clear - you say "translated to Hebrew". Are you sure you mean this? Because the original texts were not written in English, to be translated to Hebrew; they were written in Hebrew and Aramaic (OT) and Greek (NT), going through many iterations before being translated to English.
If you're going to claim scholarship here, please be accurate.