the 2011 mid-year diet resolution thread



  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885 week into no alcohol, hard workouts 3x a week and eating healthy and.....i'm up a half pound. :? hmmmmmm. hahaha. i am sure it's just where i am in my cycle, whatever. bit bummed not to see any progress on the scall BUT, i know i am doing my body good, so it's ok. i am going to try and watch the food intake a bit more carefully this week, and hopefully with the momentum of being in my 2nd week, hopefully i'll start to see the scale and the tape measure move down even just a wee bit.

    happy to read how well most of you are doing! :D

    cbg - sounds like you are doing fabulously!
    i'd love to read about your routine and how you altered your diet.
    every little bit of information is a help for us all.
    Sounds like you're doing great! The scale is not always your friend when it comes to losing weight. It's frustrating to work hard and not see a change in the right direction, but so much can account for that. It doesn't sound like it's an accurate reflection of everything you've been doing.

    I think I'm a handful of vanity pounds away from my goal. Soooo close, but not there yet. I work out 5-6 days per week (this part I've been doing for years, it's the nutrition part I've struggled with!) Usually 3 days of cardio/strength intervals and 2-3 days of straight up cardio. I started throwing some barre classes in there too. As for diet, I've cut out all sugar and processed foods. I pretty much eat lean protein (chicken, fish, turkey, egg whites), all the veggies I want, limited amounts of fruit, greek yogurt, some nuts, lots and lots of water, and green tea. I'll have an occasional glass of wine (once a month or so). I was eating way to many processed foods and carbs (lean cuisines, sandwiches, etc) because of my schedule and had a wicked sweet tooth. Eliminating sugar was easier than I thought... after the first 3 days passed anyway :? :lol: This way of eating takes a bit more work and planning on my part. I miss throwing a lean cuisine in my bag and calling it a day. It's still hard to find time to eat a proper meal during the work week, but I'm managing. I wasn't really sure if I was going to be able to lose weight because I was eating low-calorie to begin with, but it seems like cutting out the sugar and processed foods was key for me.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • LizardLizard Posts: 12,091
    Thx for the info, CBG. I have been working out for a little over a year now and try to at least 4 x/week but like you, I have not really changed my diet. I NEED to cut out sugar!

    what do you usually do for lunch? Cut up some meat and veges and take? I agree how easy it is to just grab a lean cuisine on the way out the door.
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    Lizard wrote:
    Thx for the info, CBG. I have been working out for a little over a year now and try to at least 4 x/week but like you, I have not really changed my diet. I NEED to cut out sugar!

    what do you usually do for lunch? Cut up some meat and veges and take? I agree how easy it is to just grab a lean cuisine on the way out the door.
    I really didn't think I'd be able to cut out sugar. I'd really rather have ice cream or cookies than real food. But after I got in the habit of not having it, it really wasn't that hard. One night I split a piece of cake and it literally made me sick. I woke up ill that night and felt hungover the next morning. Really made me not want to eat it anymore :lol:

    For lunch I usually bring salad with either tuna, salmon or grilled chicken. Sometimes I'll bring grilled chicken and steamed veggies.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    while i'd have liked to see the scale move, i am really not too concerned. i know this is the right way, so i am pleased. and yes lizard, i truly do believe it's b/c i am building muscle and sure, that time of the month just ending. i can honestly say i have never worked out so hard in my life, and i have in the past joined a gym, took classes, etc. this bootcamp really is the shit. :P i am hoping to be able to keep it up after my 6 weeks are up.

    overall i eat pretty damn healthy, tho the occasional dip into mr dream's potato chip bag :x some chips and salsa, whatever. i DO try and keep myself to A portion - yes, literally count out the chips....but i also believe all the salt in that shit does me no good. i am pretty good with the sugar - just what might lurk in my food, like cereal and the like. i used to have an ice cream fetish as well, but pretty much broke that, and cookies/cakes...while i can occasionally enjoy, were never a 'big' thing for me, so not too bad. i do allow myself a square of ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate a couple times a week - but that is actually healthy to do. i think i've been eating too much cheese lately. so i think that's where i need to cut back.

    i've kept a food diary for the past 1.5 years, and it's helpful to me to look back and see what i was eating when i was losing weight. january thru may last year, lost 25 pounds, minimal exercise, and still drinking wine (one glass a month?! never! i am hoping to keep it to one bottle a weekend :lol:...tho right now, trying for the 6 weeks sans alcohol). my diet wasnt too different, tho more fruit intake, less cheese and a bit more fish and actually more sandwiches - funny how different our bodies can be. hubby is not loving salmon anymore, i don't care for tuna, so shrimp really is it. we do eat a lot of chicken, and yes, i do have beef burgers during the summer, the occasional hot dog, etc. to me, if i can't live/sustain, it ain't gonna work. outside of deli meats/hot dogs on occasion, and sure, cereal...i really don't eat many processed foods, so not much to change there.

    i'd love to read a sample daily menu cbg if you care to share. :)
    i know you work out at home, DVDs and such....would love to know some of your fave titles - while i plan on keeping up the bootcamp as long as possible, good to have a list of things that down the line i may want to turn to, b/c i see now, i never pushed myself physically as much as i should.

    xman, i get that mens/womens health daily email too...the eat this, not that...i like it. :) week into no alcohol, hard workouts 3x a week and eating healthy and.....i'm up a half pound. :? hmmmmmm. hahaha. i am sure it's just where i am in my cycle, whatever. bit bummed not to see any progress on the scall BUT, i know i am doing my body good, so it's ok. i am going to try and watch the food intake a bit more carefully this week, and hopefully with the momentum of being in my 2nd week, hopefully i'll start to see the scale and the tape measure move down even just a wee bit.

    happy to read how well most of you are doing! :D

    cbg - sounds like you are doing fabulously!
    i'd love to read about your routine and how you altered your diet.
    every little bit of information is a help for us all.
    Sounds like you're doing great! The scale is not always your friend when it comes to losing weight. It's frustrating to work hard and not see a change in the right direction, but so much can account for that. It doesn't sound like it's an accurate reflection of everything you've been doing.

    I think I'm a handful of vanity pounds away from my goal. Soooo close, but not there yet. I work out 5-6 days per week (this part I've been doing for years, it's the nutrition part I've struggled with!) Usually 3 days of cardio/strength intervals and 2-3 days of straight up cardio. I started throwing some barre classes in there too. As for diet, I've cut out all sugar and processed foods. I pretty much eat lean protein (chicken, fish, turkey, egg whites), all the veggies I want, limited amounts of fruit, greek yogurt, some nuts, lots and lots of water, and green tea. I'll have an occasional glass of wine (once a month or so). I was eating way to many processed foods and carbs (lean cuisines, sandwiches, etc) because of my schedule and had a wicked sweet tooth. Eliminating sugar was easier than I thought... after the first 3 days passed anyway :? :lol: This way of eating takes a bit more work and planning on my part. I miss throwing a lean cuisine in my bag and calling it a day. It's still hard to find time to eat a proper meal during the work week, but I'm managing. I wasn't really sure if I was going to be able to lose weight because I was eating low-calorie to begin with, but it seems like cutting out the sugar and processed foods was key for me.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    while i'd have liked to see the scale move, i am really not too concerned. i know this is the right way, so i am pleased. and yes lizard, i truly do believe it's b/c i am building muscle and sure, that time of the month just ending. i can honestly say i have never worked out so hard in my life, and i have in the past joined a gym, took classes, etc. this bootcamp really is the shit. :P i am hoping to be able to keep it up after my 6 weeks are up.

    overall i eat pretty damn healthy, tho the occasional dip into mr dream's potato chip bag :x some chips and salsa, whatever. i DO try and keep myself to A portion - yes, literally count out the chips....but i also believe all the salt in that shit does me no good. i am pretty good with the sugar - just what might lurk in my food, like cereal and the like. i used to have an ice cream fetish as well, but pretty much broke that, and cookies/cakes...while i can occasionally enjoy, were never a 'big' thing for me, so not too bad. i do allow myself a square of ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate a couple times a week - but that is actually healthy to do. i think i've been eating too much cheese lately. so i think that's where i need to cut back.

    i've kept a food diary for the past 1.5 years, and it's helpful to me to look back and see what i was eating when i was losing weight. january thru may last year, lost 25 pounds, minimal exercise, and still drinking wine (one glass a month?! never! i am hoping to keep it to one bottle a weekend :lol:...tho right now, trying for the 6 weeks sans alcohol). my diet wasnt too different, tho more fruit intake, less cheese and a bit more fish and actually more sandwiches - funny how different our bodies can be. hubby is not loving salmon anymore, i don't care for tuna, so shrimp really is it. we do eat a lot of chicken, and yes, i do have beef burgers during the summer, the occasional hot dog, etc. to me, if i can't live/sustain, it ain't gonna work. outside of deli meats/hot dogs on occasion, and sure, cereal...i really don't eat many processed foods, so not much to change there.

    i'd love to read a sample daily menu cbg if you care to share. :)
    i know you work out at home, DVDs and such....would love to know some of your fave titles - while i plan on keeping up the bootcamp as long as possible, good to have a list of things that down the line i may want to turn to, b/c i see now, i never pushed myself physically as much as i should.
    The bootcamp sounds awesome! Your body is definitely getting in shape whether the scale is moving right now or not. I bet you're already seeing the changes.

    I agree - you really have to do what works for your body. You see how it responds and then you know if it's working. As far as a menu, here's what I had/will have today:
    Breakfast: Egg white omelet with spinach and mushrooms
    Snack: Kefir smoothie with blueberries and strawberries
    Lunch: Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, grilled salmon and balsamic vinegar
    Snack: baby carrots and cherry tomatoes
    Dinner: Balsamic chicken with mushrooms and onions
    Dessert: Greek yogurt

    I love the Jillian Michaels videos - 30 day shred, Banish fat Boost Metabolism, No more Trouble Zones and Ripped in 30. I also like Michelle Dozois Peak 10 videos and Breathless Body by Amy Dixon . I like the Cardio Barre and Booty Barre workouts too. Sometimes I'll use the gym at work (when students aren't on campus :D) and use the treadmill and use the free weights. Go to - you can see clips, read reviews and sort them by workout type and fitness level.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Sounds good....thanks for sharing!
    What's a kefir smoothie?I've heard of kefir, but really don't know what it is. Is it pre made or make yourself? Merely curious. As to the grilled salmon, iyou make in advance and then reheat, or eat cold? Again, just pure curiosity. When I worked I basically alternated salad days and sandwich days, with healthy snacks/accompaniments such as fresh berries and nuts. As i said, i do keep a food jounral, but i think I need to tweak my food intake some. I am going to make note of the DVDs for future reference. 8-) Or probably just ask you again if I ever decide to buy.... :lol:

    And HE'LL YEAH I know it's making a difference, I've never been SO aware of my muscles, and sure, the ache! :mrgreen: tho this week better than last, so I know I am already doing better. I am also writing down what we do each class, in case I can't keep it up and want to tryi and replicate somewhat at home. I think the toughest part of that is the timing, because he does short and long burst intervals, so hard to keep time on your own...and sure, being willing to push yourself that hard, on your own, I well, not so easy....haha.

    while i'd have liked to see the scale move, i am really not too concerned. i know this is the right way, so i am pleased. and yes lizard, i truly do believe it's b/c i am building muscle and sure, that time of the month just ending. i can honestly say i have never worked out so hard in my life, and i have in the past joined a gym, took classes, etc. this bootcamp really is the shit. :P i am hoping to be able to keep it up after my 6 weeks are up.

    overall i eat pretty damn healthy, tho the occasional dip into mr dream's potato chip bag :x some chips and salsa, whatever. i DO try and keep myself to A portion - yes, literally count out the chips....but i also believe all the salt in that shit does me no good. i am pretty good with the sugar - just what might lurk in my food, like cereal and the like. i used to have an ice cream fetish as well, but pretty much broke that, and cookies/cakes...while i can occasionally enjoy, were never a 'big' thing for me, so not too bad. i do allow myself a square of ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate a couple times a week - but that is actually healthy to do. i think i've been eating too much cheese lately. so i think that's where i need to cut back.

    i've kept a food diary for the past 1.5 years, and it's helpful to me to look back and see what i was eating when i was losing weight. january thru may last year, lost 25 pounds, minimal exercise, and still drinking wine (one glass a month?! never! i am hoping to keep it to one bottle a weekend :lol:...tho right now, trying for the 6 weeks sans alcohol). my diet wasnt too different, tho more fruit intake, less cheese and a bit more fish and actually more sandwiches - funny how different our bodies can be. hubby is not loving salmon anymore, i don't care for tuna, so shrimp really is it. we do eat a lot of chicken, and yes, i do have beef burgers during the summer, the occasional hot dog, etc. to me, if i can't live/sustain, it ain't gonna work. outside of deli meats/hot dogs on occasion, and sure, cereal...i really don't eat many processed foods, so not much to change there.

    i'd love to read a sample daily menu cbg if you care to share. :)
    i know you work out at home, DVDs and such....would love to know some of your fave titles - while i plan on keeping up the bootcamp as long as possible, good to have a list of things that down the line i may want to turn to, b/c i see now, i never pushed myself physically as much as i should.
    The bootcamp sounds awesome! Your body is definitely getting in shape whether the scale is moving right now or not. I bet you're already seeing the changes.

    I agree - you really have to do what works for your body. You see how it responds and then you know if it's working. As far as a menu, here's what I had/will have today:
    Breakfast: Egg white omelet with spinach and mushrooms
    Snack: Kefir smoothie with blueberries and strawberries
    Lunch: Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, grilled salmon and balsamic vinegar
    Snack: baby carrots and cherry tomatoes
    Dinner: Balsamic chicken with mushrooms and onions
    Dessert: Greek yogurt

    I love the Jillian Michaels videos - 30 day shred, Banish fat Boost Metabolism, No more Trouble Zones and Ripped in 30. I also like Michelle Dozois Peak 10 videos and Breathless Body by Amy Dixon . I like the Cardio Barre and Booty Barre workouts too. Sometimes I'll use the gym at work (when students aren't on campus :D) and use the treadmill and use the free weights. Go to - you can see clips, read reviews and sort them by workout type and fitness level.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    Sounds good....thanks for sharing!
    What's a kefir smoothie?I've heard of kefir, but really don't know what it is. Is it pre made or make yourself? Merely curious. As to the grilled salmon, iyou make in advance and then reheat, or eat cold? Again, just pure curiosity. When I worked I basically alternated salad days and sandwich days, with healthy snacks/accompaniments such as fresh berries and nuts. As i said, i do keep a food jounral, but i think I need to tweak my food intake some. I am going to make note of the DVDs for future reference. 8-) Or probably just ask you again if I ever decide to buy.... :lol:

    And HE'LL YEAH I know it's making a difference, I've never been SO aware of my muscles, and sure, the ache! :mrgreen: tho this week better than last, so I know I am already doing better. I am also writing down what we do each class, in case I can't keep it up and want to tryi and replicate somewhat at home. I think the toughest part of that is the timing, because he does short and long burst intervals, so hard to keep time on your own...and sure, being willing to push yourself that hard, on your own, I well, not so easy....haha.
    Kefir is like a liquid yogurt. It comes in flavors, but I get the unflavored kind, throw in some berries, a few ice cubes and blend. The salmon I eat cold.

    I bet you can feel it! And that ache means your muscles are changing. The timing of intervals and pushing yourself on your own is hard. That's why I like the videos. I just can't fit the gym in on work days, the the videos serve the purpose of doing all that for me.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    Yay I only gained .5 pound after the weekend in seattle :D
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    Seeing "The Pizza Thread" every time I get on here isn't helping my resolve. :lol:
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    EmBleve wrote:
    Seeing "The Pizza Thread" every time I get on here isn't helping my resolve. :lol:

    speaking of, the NIN song should be my anthem for potato chips.
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    haffajappa wrote:
    EmBleve wrote:
    Seeing "The Pizza Thread" every time I get on here isn't helping my resolve. :lol:

    speaking of, the NIN song should be my anthem for potato chips.
    Thank you!! I have made the word 'discipline' the banner now on my phone (which I will now see a hundred times a day when I look at my phone). I had to have pizza last night, incidentally. I had a big ole' tooth pulled last thursday, and I had lost 3 pounds since I had it out, but I haven't been able to eat normally (or work out), and I was starving. So, now....discipline it is!! It is the word. :D
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    haffajappa wrote:
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    Wow!! Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! woot. :D You're one of my heroes.
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    haffajappa wrote:
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    That is awesome! :clap:

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    EmBleve wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    Wow!! Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! woot. :D You're one of my heroes.
    haffajappa wrote:
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    That is awesome! :clap:

    Lol thanks.... too bad i ate terribly yesterday as a reward and went back up 1.5 pounds this morning LOL
    Oh well :x
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    haffajappa wrote:
    EmBleve wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    Wow!! Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! woot. :D You're one of my heroes.
    haffajappa wrote:
    As of this morning i am down 16.2 pounds :D
    That is awesome! :clap:

    Lol thanks.... too bad i ate terribly yesterday as a reward and went back up 1.5 pounds this morning LOL
    Oh well :x
    well if you are gonna lose it, you have to do it in a way that's realistic and that you can sustain long term, so that means some ups and downs along the way. It's a marathon, not a sprint! Sounds like whatever you are doing, you are doing it right!

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    wow haffa, that IS awesome!!!
    may i ask, in what time frame did you lose all that?

    i look back at my food journal last year, and i managed to lose 25 pounds in about 4 months, minimal exercise, eating well 90% of the time with indulgences, and sure, drinking wine....but not too crazy. idk why i am having such difficulty this time round.

    that said, 2 weeks into my fitness bootcamp, no alcohol :wtf: and eating well and.....i weigh exactly what i did 2 weeks ago. :lol: sooooo, idk....looks like i have to rethink some things. maybe i should drink wine? :P hahaha. i will, eventually, that was/is more about being healthy than weight loss, but i just cant believe ive not lost so much as a half pound. eh well. it WILL happen.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    wow haffa, that IS awesome!!!
    may i ask, in what time frame did you lose all that?

    i look back at my food journal last year, and i managed to lose 25 pounds in about 4 months, minimal exercise, eating well 90% of the time with indulgences, and sure, drinking wine....but not too crazy. idk why i am having such difficulty this time round.

    that said, 2 weeks into my fitness bootcamp, no alcohol :wtf: and eating well and.....i weigh exactly what i did 2 weeks ago. :lol: sooooo, idk....looks like i have to rethink some things. maybe i should drink wine? :P hahaha. i will, eventually, that was/is more about being healthy than weight loss, but i just cant believe ive not lost so much as a half pound. eh well. it WILL happen.
    i am on roughly my 8th week...
    although today i was horrible... sushi, popcorn, rootbeer... you name it. i had 2 apples but i don't think that'll help any :D
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    haffajappa wrote:
    wow haffa, that IS awesome!!!
    may i ask, in what time frame did you lose all that?

    i look back at my food journal last year, and i managed to lose 25 pounds in about 4 months, minimal exercise, eating well 90% of the time with indulgences, and sure, drinking wine....but not too crazy. idk why i am having such difficulty this time round.

    that said, 2 weeks into my fitness bootcamp, no alcohol :wtf: and eating well and.....i weigh exactly what i did 2 weeks ago. :lol: sooooo, idk....looks like i have to rethink some things. maybe i should drink wine? :P hahaha. i will, eventually, that was/is more about being healthy than weight loss, but i just cant believe ive not lost so much as a half pound. eh well. it WILL happen.
    i am on roughly my 8th week...
    although today i was horrible... sushi, popcorn, rootbeer... you name it. i had 2 apples but i don't think that'll help any :D
    8 weeks--that's great! Incentive. :) Sushi and popcorn aren't necessarily that bad...depending on what kind. :D
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    EmBleve wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    wow haffa, that IS awesome!!!
    may i ask, in what time frame did you lose all that?

    i look back at my food journal last year, and i managed to lose 25 pounds in about 4 months, minimal exercise, eating well 90% of the time with indulgences, and sure, drinking wine....but not too crazy. idk why i am having such difficulty this time round.

    that said, 2 weeks into my fitness bootcamp, no alcohol :wtf: and eating well and.....i weigh exactly what i did 2 weeks ago. :lol: sooooo, idk....looks like i have to rethink some things. maybe i should drink wine? :P hahaha. i will, eventually, that was/is more about being healthy than weight loss, but i just cant believe ive not lost so much as a half pound. eh well. it WILL happen.
    i am on roughly my 8th week...
    although today i was horrible... sushi, popcorn, rootbeer... you name it. i had 2 apples but i don't think that'll help any :D
    8 weeks--that's great! Incentive. :) Sushi and popcorn aren't necessarily that bad...depending on what kind. :D
    dynamite roll and movie popcorn........ definitely bad!!!!!!!!
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    haffajappa wrote:
    dynamite roll and movie popcorn........ definitely bad!!!!!!!!
    :lol: :oops: okay. Oh well, it's a new day. And you're already on a dynamite roll!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    EmBleve wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    wow haffa, that IS awesome!!!
    may i ask, in what time frame did you lose all that?

    i look back at my food journal last year, and i managed to lose 25 pounds in about 4 months, minimal exercise, eating well 90% of the time with indulgences, and sure, drinking wine....but not too crazy. idk why i am having such difficulty this time round.

    that said, 2 weeks into my fitness bootcamp, no alcohol :wtf: and eating well and.....i weigh exactly what i did 2 weeks ago. :lol: sooooo, idk....looks like i have to rethink some things. maybe i should drink wine? :P hahaha. i will, eventually, that was/is more about being healthy than weight loss, but i just cant believe ive not lost so much as a half pound. eh well. it WILL happen.
    i am on roughly my 8th week...
    although today i was horrible... sushi, popcorn, rootbeer... you name it. i had 2 apples but i don't think that'll help any :D
    8 weeks--that's great! Incentive. :) Sushi and popcorn aren't necessarily that bad...depending on what kind. :D

    tho now reading your description of said foods, yea, not so great. tho, if you ate a small movie popcorn w/o butter, while not great...not so bad either. in any case, so you lost 16 pounds in 8 weeks, basically when i started this tread....KUDOS to you! very impressive!!! exactly the best way, 2 lbs/week. that was my plan, but here i am 8 weeks later, down a half pound. :P c'est la vie. it DOES get harder the older you get, thus why i want to be THIN again soon....i want to be smokin' at 45. 8-) ive got 2 years, haha. id love to be my goal weight by my birthday the end of november. definitely need to start losing consistently for that to happen.

    as to *bad* foods, or being bad, i hate reading that...theres no such thing! you have to allow for reality and indulgences, or else its impossible to maintain long term. i think cbg touched on it earlier, and i fully agree. tonight i am going out for pizza. :) and ya know what? it's not bad! it's super thin crust, margherita, and an awesome, awesome salad......honestly, fairly healthy except for the fact that not whole wheat crust. c'est la vie.

    and holy shit, i looked into continuing the body bootcamp after my 6 week deal os over :shock: bloody expensive!!! $200 a month for 3x a week if you only make a 3 month commitment. first month is half off. while it's uber pricey, if i can get hubby to agree, i am going to do it. after that, see how i feel/look, and then may make a year commitment for 2x a week. if you pay in full it's a grand for the year. not terrible, tho still a lot. we'll see. the 3x a week for a year, still just too much. only real bummer is the location is changing and i wont be able to walk there anymore. :( definitely sad about that. i am going to see if i can hitch a ride with someone, otherwise i will have to switch to an evening class. once i am working again ill have to do that anyway, but while im not id rather do daytime. we'll see.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • rollingsrollings Posts: 7,124


    I have two weeks to lose 39 pounds
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    in any case, so you lost 16 pounds in 8 weeks, basically when i started this tread....KUDOS to you! very impressive!!! exactly the best way, 2 lbs/week. that was my plan, but here i am 8 weeks later, down a half pound. :P c'est la vie. it DOES get harder the older you get, thus why i want to be THIN again soon....i want to be smokin' at 45. 8-) ive got 2 years, haha. id love to be my goal weight by my birthday the end of november. definitely need to start losing consistently for that to happen.
    YES!! 16 pounds since the start of the thread!! That's awesome. I, too, have lost about 2 pounds total. :lol: As you say, c'est la vie. We are trying! And yes, it does get harder as you get older. I never wanted to believe that's true, but I'm finding out it is. I want to smoking again by 42! ( a few years)..but, still..I lost 40 pounds when I was 28...granted, it became an obsession to the point of being unhealthy (and got too skinny), but it was relatively easy. I switched from soda to water, and joined a gym, counted calories, and the weight melted off. Kept it off for about 5 years, then had some life events, emotional eating, gained the weight back (over like 2 years). It's terrible!! Now, my water habit hasn't changed since I was 28. I go to the gym and do the same exercises I did then....the scale isn't moving much. The age 35 mark seemed to happen. Uber frustrating.
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    Dang Dang wrote:


    I have two weeks to lose 39 pounds
    :lol::lol: me too.
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    EmBleve wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    dynamite roll and movie popcorn........ definitely bad!!!!!!!!
    :lol: :oops: okay. Oh well, it's a new day. And you're already on a dynamite roll!
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • haffajappahaffajappa Posts: 5,955
    Since I had a terrible week of eating out / eating bad I made lunch today (and dinner technically)
    Apparently Borscht (or this recipe anyways) is a great meal low on all the bad stuff :D
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    so, week 3 of body bootcamp behind me and...i still weigh exactly the same. :P
    honestly, i was consistently losing a half pound a day last week, was down 2 pounds - finally! yay! - BUT, all that out the window, today gained it all back. so, right where i started. idk what's with me, i had vowed back in january to get moving on all this, i should be at my goal weight by now, and instead....exactly what i weighed january 1st. :? so sure, this all would be awesome if i were simply trying to maintain my weight. :lol:

    i will admit, yesterday i caved and drank wine. i did go 3 weeks sans all alcohol, so happy about that. yesterday was such a day! we went to one of our fave parks, caumsett park...and walked 2 miles each way, carrying picnic supplies/chairs/umbrella....down to LI sound. was a killer hike with the heat, hills and carrying stuff. and we ATE! i packed mostly healthy stuff, but also some salami, cheese & crackers. i planned out portions tho, so really should've been fine but...we had a good breakfast beforehand and then...we went out for dinner. i believe i mentioned i had wine. 5 glasses. oops. hahaha. and then 2 slices of carvel ice cream cake! so yea. i KNEW i'd regain some, i just didn't think the whole 2 pounds. eh well.

    today at the bootcamp the instructor told me how well i was doing, so that felt good. i DO see changes in my muscles, even if the scale and tape measure haven't moved at all yet. i've reviewed my food journal from early last year, and i am now going to try and emulate the same eating patterns.

    hope the rest of you are doing better!
    yesterday i was so psyched, thinking i'd have a pound loss to report.....hahahaha. c'est la vie.
    i seriously need to get SERIOUS..
    cmon people, tell me what you're up to, help me get motivated!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    so i slipped for a few weeks and i can definitely tell. managed to stay the same weight but feel very sluggish. Thank heavens I got some time ahead of me before PJ20.

    Back to eating healthy, whole, and organic and none of this crap that i've been eating.

    Better days ahead of me. :)
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    so, week 3 of body bootcamp behind me and...i still weigh exactly the same. :P
    honestly, i was consistently losing a half pound a day last week, was down 2 pounds - finally! yay! - BUT, all that out the window, today gained it all back. so, right where i started. idk what's with me, i had vowed back in january to get moving on all this, i should be at my goal weight by now, and instead....exactly what i weighed january 1st. :? so sure, this all would be awesome if i were simply trying to maintain my weight. :lol:

    hope the rest of you are doing better!
    yesterday i was so psyched, thinking i'd have a pound loss to report.....hahahaha. c'est la vie.
    i seriously need to get SERIOUS..
    cmon people, tell me what you're up to, help me get motivated!
    ONE day won't make you keep the 2 pounds. give it a few days. And maybe once you start aggressively exercising (as you have), it takes a few weeks for your body to get the boost, and suddenly you may start dropping weight. You're doing good!!! :D
    My update is similar to yours. lol. lost 1 pound. Lost the will power one day on Friday, but maintained it over the weekend. And what I have found to be true about the wine thing is it's not so much the wine that makes you gain weight, but it's about the alcohol lessening your resolve and making you famished after drinking so it's what you eat after. I once read a long time ago by Oprah's trainer that the best option for alcohol on a diet is vodka...a little stronger than wine. yowza.
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