it actually happened to my family. our first dog turned out to be a vicious one (we suspect it was beaten-it was a vicious BEAGLE for christ's sake). We gave it away. No death.
If it were my kid, which it wouldn't, because I'd never own a vicious dog, but if it happened, then I'd do my best to give it away.
If one of my daughter's killed the other, would I want the killer daughter to be put to death? Of course not. Why would I kill a daughter because she killed the other one?
not all killers deserve execution.
torture, rape and murder is different than shooting a dude in a bad drug deal in east st. louis.
one crack freak blowing away another crack freak is very far from torturing a 2 year old for a week while molesting them.
gang members shooting and killing other gang members is not skinning women alive and wearing their flesh.
torturing, raping and murdering women for entertainment purposes is not a random act.
extreme evil = death penalty.
wake the fuck up.
no L.A. gang banger is executed in my prison for selling crack and shooting some other gang banger to death.
they can rot in prison.
um, I don't twist anything. someone else said it and you cheekily admitted it. the picture you paint is directly from fucking movies. Your "inmates throwing (ejaculate) at the guards" thing was directly from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not saying it didn't happen. But we all know to take your statements with a grain of salt.
what would you do with it than?
and if it was your child and your dog?
It depends on the circumstances and I'm sure it would be a tough situation regardless. I'd probably give the dog away. But thankfully I don't have a kid or a dog so I'm not going to be in that situation.
I actually do have a somewhat vicious cat though. (I know, it's not the same.) The vets refuse to see him for their own safety. He once "attacked" my best friend's 3-year-old. Nearly got his eye (but he's fine now, without even a scar). You know what I did? I told my friend to teach her kids to not crawl face-first under small tables with animals and block them into corners.
For the record, I avoid killing bugs, slugs, snails, and chipmunks. Hell, I would even rather let a flower grow than pick it.
I agree with Scb, I would put down a dog if it was in pain and inevitably dying. That's it.
So I answered your questions.
Here's some for you:
1. Are you aware of the case of the West Memphis 3? Will you be so happy if/when Damien Echols is executed?
if you arent aware of the story, answer here first, then google it. He and three others were convicted of murdering and torturing 3 eight year old boys.
2. Lets say you are in a convenience store buying something, when all of a sudden someone comes in and strangles the clerk and kills him. You are left standing there and someone calls the police. Then you are implicated. Then some old person with poor vision says you matched the description of the person entering the store. Holy shit, now you're on Death Row! Still like the Death Penalty? I doubt it.
not all killers deserve execution.
torture, rape and murder is different than shooting a dude in a bad drug deal in east st. louis.
one crack freak blowing away another crack freak is very far from torturing a 2 year old for a week while molesting them.
gang members shooting and killing other gang members is not skinning women alive and wearing their flesh.
torturing, raping and murdering women for entertainment purposes is not a random act.
extreme evil = death penalty.
wake the fuck up.
no L.A. gang banger is executed in my prison for selling crack and shooting some other gang banger to death.
they can rot in prison.
So if the murdered person had it coming then it's okay?
ok dude, i paint a false picture.
whatever you want.
you admitted not 5 minutes ago to using words for dramatic effect because you "are a writer".
sure, why not use one's own mind to create an intelligent sentence?
so should i type out a paragraph like an uneducated moron, is that what you want?
i have no idea why i wouldn't use true events and creative writing based on fact to make dramatic writing.
it is an art-form and i love it.
i own at least 19 dictionaries and 7 thesauruses
(ok, ok i lied, i own 4 dictionaries and 1 thesaurus and the collection is growing)
not all killers deserve execution.
torture, rape and murder is different than shooting a dude in a bad drug deal in east st. louis.
one crack freak blowing away another crack freak is very far from torturing a 2 year old for a week while molesting them.
gang members shooting and killing other gang members is not skinning women alive and wearing their flesh.
torturing, raping and murdering women for entertainment purposes is not a random act.
extreme evil = death penalty.
wake the fuck up.
no L.A. gang banger is executed in my prison for selling crack and shooting some other gang banger to death.
they can rot in prison.
you said before murder is murder....can anyone say double standard?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
um, I don't twist anything. someone else said it and you cheekily admitted it. the picture you paint is directly from fucking movies. Your "inmates throwing (ejaculate) at the guards" thing was directly from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not saying it didn't happen. But we all know to take your statements with a grain of salt.
you are out of your mind.
i grew up with prison guards from several prisons in iowa.
you are telling me that immates do not throw shit, piss, and cum on guards?
you are telling me a mop ringer is not ever used to cave in a guards skull?
you make me laugh.
one of my best friends saved a fellow officer from being beat to death with said mop ringer.
he is one of the bravest and toughest men i know.
he enjoys hurting evil monsters and he has saved more than one correctional officer from being killed.
im pretty sure you live in a make believe soft candy world.
not all killers deserve execution.
torture, rape and murder is different than shooting a dude in a bad drug deal in east st. louis.
one crack freak blowing away another crack freak is very far from torturing a 2 year old for a week while molesting them.
gang members shooting and killing other gang members is not skinning women alive and wearing their flesh.
torturing, raping and murdering women for entertainment purposes is not a random act.
extreme evil = death penalty.
wake the fuck up.
no L.A. gang banger is executed in my prison for selling crack and shooting some other gang banger to death.
they can rot in prison.
you said before murder is murder....can anyone say double standard?
i never said murder is murder
there is a difference
not much but there is
Frankly, I think the "I'm a writer" bullshit excuse is getting old.
Someone answer Ed's question. What would you do with a healthy dog that kills some child? Throw it in prison, or put it down? Is it any life you are talking about that is so precious, or just human life? Because dogs are put down all the time, and usually not for any real good reason other than the jail is full.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
um, I don't twist anything. someone else said it and you cheekily admitted it. the picture you paint is directly from fucking movies. Your "inmates throwing (ejaculate) at the guards" thing was directly from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not saying it didn't happen. But we all know to take your statements with a grain of salt.
you are out of your mind.
i grew up with prison guards from several prisons in iowa.
you are telling me that immates do not throw shit, piss, and cum on guards?
you are telling me a mop ringer is not ever used to cave in a guards skull?
you make me laugh.
one of my best friends saved a fellow officer from being beat to death with said mop ringer.
he is one of the bravest and toughest men i know.
he enjoys hurting evil monsters and he has saved more than one correctional officer from being killed.
im pretty sure you live in a make believe soft candy world.
I gotta say, I used to recruit and test correctional officers and be privy to their personnel issues (HR guy) and daily work lives. Prisons are an extremely ugly environment, where often times the guards are almost as scary as the prisoners. Walk into one and have those bars close behind you and tell me how you feel when you look into the eyes of certain salivating dogs.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Frankly, I think the "I'm a writer" bullshit excuse is getting old.
Someone answer Ed's question. What would you do with a healthy dog that kills some child? Throw it in prison, or put it down? Is it any life you are talking about that is so precious, or just human life? Because dogs are put down all the time, and usually not for any real good reason other than the jail is full.
she already answered.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Frankly, I think the "I'm a writer" bullshit excuse is getting old.
Someone answer Ed's question. What would you do with a healthy dog that kills some child? Throw it in prison, or put it down? Is it any life you are talking about that is so precious, or just human life? Because dogs are put down all the time, and usually not for any real good reason other than the jail is full.
she already answered.
Oops, missed it. But that wasn't really an answer so much as a tap dance around the question. Nothing personal, SCB, you seem like a fine dancer.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I gotta say, I used to recruit and test correctional officers and be privy to their personnel issues (HR guy) and daily work lives. Prisons are an extremely ugly environment, where often times the guards are almost as scary as the prisoners. Walk into one and have those bars close behind you and tell me how you feel when you look into the eyes of certain salivating dogs.
it takes a different kinda dude to walk the yard with hundreds of immates.
it takes a different typea dude to escort a convict to the shower who wants to stab you in the neck.
yet all my stuff i have typed on here is made up and a bullshit joke.
prison guards are nuttier than a fruit cake.
i wonder about the blow torching eye balls in arizona prison, or was that nevada or new mexico?
their brains exploded and leaked out of their heads.
that was during a riot.
best not to be a snitchin convict or a guard in the wrong place at the wrong time.
the animals will come get you.
For the record, I avoid killing bugs, slugs, snails, and chipmunks. Hell, I would even rather let a flower grow than pick it.
I agree with Scb, I would put down a dog if it was in pain and inevitably dying. That's it.
So I answered your questions.
Here's some for you:
1. Are you aware of the case of the West Memphis 3? Will you be so happy if/when Damien Echols is executed?
if you arent aware of the story, answer here first, then google it. He and three others were convicted of murdering and torturing 3 eight year old boys.
2. Lets say you are in a convenience store buying something, when all of a sudden someone comes in and strangles the clerk and kills him. You are left standing there and someone calls the police. Then you are implicated. Then some old person with poor vision says you matched the description of the person entering the store. Holy shit, now you're on Death Row! Still like the Death Penalty? I doubt it.
um, I don't twist anything. someone else said it and you cheekily admitted it. the picture you paint is directly from fucking movies. Your "inmates throwing (ejaculate) at the guards" thing was directly from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not saying it didn't happen. But we all know to take your statements with a grain of salt.
you are out of your mind.
i grew up with prison guards from several prisons in iowa.
you are telling me that immates do not throw shit, piss, and cum on guards?
you are telling me a mop ringer is not ever used to cave in a guards skull?
you make me laugh.
one of my best friends saved a fellow officer from being beat to death with said mop ringer.
he is one of the bravest and toughest men i know.
he enjoys hurting evil monsters and he has saved more than one correctional officer from being killed.
im pretty sure you live in a make believe soft candy world.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
For the record, I avoid killing bugs, slugs, snails, and chipmunks. Hell, I would even rather let a flower grow than pick it.
I agree with Scb, I would put down a dog if it was in pain and inevitably dying. That's it.
So I answered your questions.
Here's some for you:
1. Are you aware of the case of the West Memphis 3? Will you be so happy if/when Damien Echols is executed?
if you arent aware of the story, answer here first, then google it. He and three others were convicted of murdering and torturing 3 eight year old boys.
2. Lets say you are in a convenience store buying something, when all of a sudden someone comes in and strangles the clerk and kills him. You are left standing there and someone calls the police. Then you are implicated. Then some old person with poor vision says you matched the description of the person entering the store. Holy shit, now you're on Death Row! Still like the Death Penalty? I doubt it.
Oh goodie...we get to make up stories now.
haha, you're funny. Maybe you could add something of substance...
notice noboy answered either question because they are very nice analogies of how poorly the system is and how sad the DP can be.
Someone answer Ed's question. What would you do with a healthy dog that kills some child? Throw it in prison, or put it down? Is it any life you are talking about that is so precious, or just human life? Because dogs are put down all the time, and usually not for any real good reason other than the jail is full.
she already answered.
Oops, missed it. But that wasn't really an answer so much as a tap dance around the question. Nothing personal, SCB, you seem like a fine dancer.
How is saying I would not put the dog down anything but a direct answer??
For the record, I avoid killing bugs, slugs, snails, and chipmunks. Hell, I would even rather let a flower grow than pick it.
I agree with Scb, I would put down a dog if it was in pain and inevitably dying. That's it.
So I answered your questions.
Here's some for you:
1. Are you aware of the case of the West Memphis 3? Will you be so happy if/when Damien Echols is executed?
if you arent aware of the story, answer here first, then google it. He and three others were convicted of murdering and torturing 3 eight year old boys. NO.
2. Lets say you are in a convenience store buying something, when all of a sudden someone comes in and strangles the clerk and kills him. You are left standing there and someone calls the police. Then you are implicated. Then some old person with poor vision says you matched the description of the person entering the store. Holy shit, now you're on Death Row! Still like the Death Penalty? I doubt it.
NO, there was an episode of 21 JumpStreet like this, with- Rosie Perez.
How is saying I would not put the dog down anything but a direct answer??
That's not what you said. This is...
It depends on the circumstances and I'm sure it would be a tough situation regardless. I'd probably give the dog away. But thankfully I don't have a kid or a dog so I'm not going to be in that situation.
However, I will take you at your word. You wouldn't put the dog down. Just give it away and hope it doesn't kill another child?
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
How is saying I would not put the dog down anything but a direct answer??
That's not what you said. This is...
It depends on the circumstances and I'm sure it would be a tough situation regardless. I'd probably give the dog away. But thankfully I don't have a kid or a dog so I'm not going to be in that situation.
However, I will take you at your word. You wouldn't put the dog down. Just give it away and hope it doesn't kill another child?
bill and scb
you would give a violent dog, who has attacked a child, away to someone
what the fuck kind of answer is that
The whole world will be different soon... - EV
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
For the record, I avoid killing bugs, slugs, snails, and chipmunks. Hell, I would even rather let a flower grow than pick it.
I agree with Scb, I would put down a dog if it was in pain and inevitably dying. That's it.
So I answered your questions.
Here's some for you:
1. Are you aware of the case of the West Memphis 3? Will you be so happy if/when Damien Echols is executed?
if you arent aware of the story, answer here first, then google it. He and three others were convicted of murdering and torturing 3 eight year old boys.
2. Lets say you are in a convenience store buying something, when all of a sudden someone comes in and strangles the clerk and kills him. You are left standing there and someone calls the police. Then you are implicated. Then some old person with poor vision says you matched the description of the person entering the store. Holy shit, now you're on Death Row! Still like the Death Penalty? I doubt it.
Oh goodie...we get to make up stories now.
haha, you're funny. Maybe you could add something of substance...
notice noboy answered either question because they are very nice analogies of how poorly the system is and how sad the DP can be.
Something of substance like making up a ridiculous scenario to try and prove your point? No thanks. I've seen a lot of good reasons mentioned for not having the death penalty, yours...not one of them.
Something of substance like making up a ridiculous scenario to try and prove your point? No thanks. I've seen a lot of good reasons mentioned for not having the death penalty, yours...not one of them.
thanks for your professional opinion on the matter. Fact is, shit like this does happen. I just love it when people read through all this stuff and add comments that amout to nothing, like most of your other posts.
Ok, how about a REAL one? A guy was executed because he was believed to have set his house on fire killing his children. Later it was proven otherwise, that he was asleep when the fire started. sound like a CSI episode or another ridiculous scenario?
Also, I found my neighbor dead in 2004. I was considered a person of interest and held by the police for hours. What if someone who was out to get me claimed they saw me next door the night before? oh wait, I'm not allowed to make hypothetical analogies, cause that could never happen right? Same shit with Damien Echols. That is a TRUE story my friend... but you chose not to comment on that...
How is saying I would not put the dog down anything but a direct answer??
That's not what you said. This is...
It depends on the circumstances and I'm sure it would be a tough situation regardless. I'd probably give the dog away. But thankfully I don't have a kid or a dog so I'm not going to be in that situation.
However, I will take you at your word. You wouldn't put the dog down. Just give it away and hope it doesn't kill another child?
bill and scb
you would give a violent dog, who has attacked a child, away to someone
what the fuck kind of answer is that
I think they were giving quick answers because this analogy had too many holes from the start. To make a good decision about what to do, it would depend on how old the dog is. It would depend on whether or not the child was poking the dogs eyes out like many kids do. Was it a provoked attack, or it it just a viscious dog in general? I have a few friends that run animal rescues that would probably take the dog and train it or give it away to a family that is responsible without kids.
My brothers dog attacked my three year old neice once. Bit her face. They didnt see if she provoked it or not. They gave the dog to my parents and it has lived happily ever after.
Something of substance like making up a ridiculous scenario to try and prove your point? No thanks. I've seen a lot of good reasons mentioned for not having the death penalty, yours...not one of them.
thanks for your professional opinion on the matter. Fact is, shit like this does happen. I just love it when people read through all this stuff and add comments that amout to nothing, like most of your other posts.
Ok, how about a REAL one? A guy was executed because he was believed to have set his house on fire killing his children. Later it was proven otherwise, that he was asleep when the fire started. sound like a CSI episode or another ridiculous scenario?
Also, I found my neighbor dead in 2004. I was considered a person of interest and held by the police for hours. What if someone who was out to get me claimed they saw me next door the night before? oh wait, I'm not allowed to make hypothetical analogies, cause that could never happen right? Same shit with Damien Echols. That is a TRUE story my friend... but you chose not to comment on that...
Hey, some real stories...awesome. And thanks for your input about my posts, I appreciate all the feedback I get.
So, was the guy on death row?
And you, were you on death row?
Anyhow, like I said, I certainly understand some of the points others have made regarding the death penalty and the troubles with the legal system. It does make sense. If it's a true no brainer case though...that is where I currently still can support the death penalty. But, this thread has been good (at times anyhow) for examining this position.
If it were my kid, which it wouldn't, because I'd never own a vicious dog, but if it happened, then I'd do my best to give it away.
If one of my daughter's killed the other, would I want the killer daughter to be put to death? Of course not. Why would I kill a daughter because she killed the other one?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
you admitted not 5 minutes ago to using words for dramatic effect because you "are a writer".
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
torture, rape and murder is different than shooting a dude in a bad drug deal in east st. louis.
one crack freak blowing away another crack freak is very far from torturing a 2 year old for a week while molesting them.
gang members shooting and killing other gang members is not skinning women alive and wearing their flesh.
torturing, raping and murdering women for entertainment purposes is not a random act.
extreme evil = death penalty.
wake the fuck up.
no L.A. gang banger is executed in my prison for selling crack and shooting some other gang banger to death.
they can rot in prison.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
It depends on the circumstances and I'm sure it would be a tough situation regardless. I'd probably give the dog away. But thankfully I don't have a kid or a dog so I'm not going to be in that situation.
I actually do have a somewhat vicious cat though. (I know, it's not the same.) The vets refuse to see him for their own safety. He once "attacked" my best friend's 3-year-old. Nearly got his eye (but he's fine now, without even a scar). You know what I did? I told my friend to teach her kids to not crawl face-first under small tables with animals and block them into corners.
I agree with Scb, I would put down a dog if it was in pain and inevitably dying. That's it.
So I answered your questions.
Here's some for you:
1. Are you aware of the case of the West Memphis 3? Will you be so happy if/when Damien Echols is executed?
if you arent aware of the story, answer here first, then google it. He and three others were convicted of murdering and torturing 3 eight year old boys.
2. Lets say you are in a convenience store buying something, when all of a sudden someone comes in and strangles the clerk and kills him. You are left standing there and someone calls the police. Then you are implicated. Then some old person with poor vision says you matched the description of the person entering the store. Holy shit, now you're on Death Row! Still like the Death Penalty? I doubt it.
So if the murdered person had it coming then it's okay?
sure, why not use one's own mind to create an intelligent sentence?
so should i type out a paragraph like an uneducated moron, is that what you want?
i have no idea why i wouldn't use true events and creative writing based on fact to make dramatic writing.
it is an art-form and i love it.
i own at least 19 dictionaries and 7 thesauruses
(ok, ok i lied, i own 4 dictionaries and 1 thesaurus and the collection is growing)
executing evil is best.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i never said murder is murder
there is a difference
not much but there is
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Someone answer Ed's question. What would you do with a healthy dog that kills some child? Throw it in prison, or put it down? Is it any life you are talking about that is so precious, or just human life? Because dogs are put down all the time, and usually not for any real good reason other than the jail is full.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
i hope i am wrong.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I gotta say, I used to recruit and test correctional officers and be privy to their personnel issues (HR guy) and daily work lives. Prisons are an extremely ugly environment, where often times the guards are almost as scary as the prisoners. Walk into one and have those bars close behind you and tell me how you feel when you look into the eyes of certain salivating dogs.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Oops, missed it. But that wasn't really an answer so much as a tap dance around the question. Nothing personal, SCB, you seem like a fine dancer.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
it takes a different kinda dude to walk the yard with hundreds of immates.
it takes a different typea dude to escort a convict to the shower who wants to stab you in the neck.
yet all my stuff i have typed on here is made up and a bullshit joke.
prison guards are nuttier than a fruit cake.
i wonder about the blow torching eye balls in arizona prison, or was that nevada or new mexico?
their brains exploded and leaked out of their heads.
that was during a riot.
best not to be a snitchin convict or a guard in the wrong place at the wrong time.
the animals will come get you.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Oh goodie...we get to make up stories now.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
haha, you're funny.
notice noboy answered either question because they are very nice analogies of how poorly the system is and how sad the DP can be.
How is saying I would not put the dog down anything but a direct answer??
That's not what you said. This is...
It depends on the circumstances and I'm sure it would be a tough situation regardless. I'd probably give the dog away. But thankfully I don't have a kid or a dog so I'm not going to be in that situation.
However, I will take you at your word. You wouldn't put the dog down. Just give it away and hope it doesn't kill another child?
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
maybe we can give away an evil predator to another society.
sounds like a wonderful idea.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
bill and scb
you would give a violent dog, who has attacked a child, away to someone
what the fuck kind of answer is that
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
Something of substance like making up a ridiculous scenario to try and prove your point? No thanks. I've seen a lot of good reasons mentioned for not having the death penalty, yours...not one of them.
Ok, how about a REAL one? A guy was executed because he was believed to have set his house on fire killing his children. Later it was proven otherwise, that he was asleep when the fire started. sound like a CSI episode or another ridiculous scenario?
Also, I found my neighbor dead in 2004. I was considered a person of interest and held by the police for hours. What if someone who was out to get me claimed they saw me next door the night before? oh wait, I'm not allowed to make hypothetical analogies, cause that could never happen right? Same shit with Damien Echols. That is a TRUE story my friend... but you chose not to comment on that...
I think they were giving quick answers because this analogy had too many holes from the start. To make a good decision about what to do, it would depend on how old the dog is. It would depend on whether or not the child was poking the dogs eyes out like many kids do. Was it a provoked attack, or it it just a viscious dog in general? I have a few friends that run animal rescues that would probably take the dog and train it or give it away to a family that is responsible without kids.
My brothers dog attacked my three year old neice once. Bit her face. They didnt see if she provoked it or not. They gave the dog to my parents and it has lived happily ever after.
Hey, some real stories...awesome. And thanks for your input about my posts, I appreciate all the feedback I get.
So, was the guy on death row?
And you, were you on death row?
Anyhow, like I said, I certainly understand some of the points others have made regarding the death penalty and the troubles with the legal system. It does make sense. If it's a true no brainer case though...that is where I currently still can support the death penalty. But, this thread has been good (at times anyhow) for examining this position.