The 2011 New Year Diet Resolution Thread



  • I broke the 200 barrier!!!!!!!!!!

    :D Man I am sure it will last only an hour or two but seeing a 1 in front of the results was very satisfying :D


    seriously - congrats!
    kudos to you - well done!

    still holding steady, 10 pounds down. still trying to stay focused on being happy about it. i mean, not bad for 4 weeks, just looking forward to more progress now that i'm in week 5.
    10 pounds is amazing and keeping it off is the real battle :D

    yea, but it's been a week already - time for more forward progress! :mrgreen:
    damn sunday.... ;)

    i've got a lot more to go and sure, can't rush it.....but i would really like to keep up the momentum, 2 pounds a week. don't think i'll be able to reach my 2nd goal by march 1st, but that's ok. i just want to keep up the 2 pounds/week loss. granted, i didn't lose it like that exactly, but that's how it averages out, overall....well a bit more, an extra 2 pounds no complaints there. :mrgreen:

    Vday looms this weekend too! i plan on being good, good, good.....and evn Vday don't plan for anything crazy, food-wise anyway ;).....but none the less, still will be indulgent some, so i don't want to move backwards, and really...i want some forward progress AND to maintain it. that would be the best Vday gift. 8-)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • well, start of a new week and......i'm up a half pound. :?
    damn valentine's day. ;) haha. it was sooooooo good tho.
    so yea, still down....9.5 pounds. thus far, february hasn't been much progress. also taking next week off which could be dangerous, but i'm going to remain hopeful. i WILL reach my weight-loss and health goals.

    hope all are doing well!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Amazingly lost weight this weekend. Down 11 and a couple of pounds below 200. Trying to be really good :)
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Wooo Hooo!! Just got weighed at my friends down 1lb 10oz, which takes off what I put back on and goes down a bit! Heading in the right direction again :D
  • Claireack wrote:
    Wooo Hooo!! Just got weighed at my friends down 1lb 10oz, which takes off what I put back on and goes down a bit! Heading in the right direction again :D
    Woo hoo!!! Maybe V day was dietic :lol:
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    I lost three more pounds this weekend. :)
  • wow - congrats all!
    doing so well!

    even with my lack of progress recently, i know i am on the right track. we went out for a wonderful dinner on saturday, and i consumed the equivalent of 2 bottles of wine over the weekend :? so yea, i realize.....not gonna lose. haha. however, holiday over and back on track!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Woo hoo!!! Maybe V day was dietic

    Maybe ;)
  • Claireack wrote:
    Woo hoo!!! Maybe V day was dietic

    Maybe ;)


    well, back on track!
    10.5 pounds down total. even with vacation next week, going to be diligent in following my healthy eating plan with a few extra indulgences. obviously no way i am going to reach my february goal this month, but that's long as i make forward progress, i am happy. so if i can hit a 5 pound loss for february, i will be totally thrilled!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    edited February 2010
    yay, yay, yay!
    12 pounds down!

    not quite where i wanted to be by now, but forward progress so i am quite happy....and hopefully can hit the 15 pound mark by march a total down of 5 this month! next week is staycation, but i am going to do my BEST to balance healthy eating and enjoyment. 8-)

    hubby made spectacular chicken fajitas last night with onions, red peppers, jalapenos and fresh guacamole on whole wheat tortillas.....delicious! we have been eating soooo well, and definitely saving some serious $$$ too! win-win!


    edit - actually, was just thinking...i said as my initial goal that i wanted to lose 2 pounds a week. i started my healthy eating plan 01.10, so really.....i am right on target! i'm in the midst of week 6 right now, so while i had bigger progress when i first started, still averages out to 2 a week, so's all good!
    Post edited by decides2dream on
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Awesome D2D!!!!

    Me at 12 too and your a lady so way more difficult. Got into a 36" waist jeans last night :mrgreen:
  • Awesome D2D!!!!

    Me at 12 too and your a lady so way more difficult. Got into a 36" waist jeans last night :mrgreen:

    who you callin' a lady?


    nice work BD!

    yea...i was feeling pretty damn happy this morning on the scale. :D
    i really want to lose (at least) 3 more by march 1st. it is doable.....just have to be careful. being off all next week a total blessing, but dangerous territory for staying focused....but hey, i've got 10 days for 3 pounds....i can make that happen!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • hey BD (or anyone)....

    what kind of food are you eating?
    are you still eating a lot of the packaged diet foods, or are you embracing new recipes, techniques?
    i LOVE everything about it, so i love to talk about it too. :lol:

    i'm very, very fortunate that my husband is an excellent cook, and he cooks for us daily. he has always been the chef in our relationship, but eating out was a LOT more prominent in our not too distant past. it most definitely had contributed a lot to my expanding waistline and ass :lol: and also sucked up a LOT of our disposable income. we still love to eat out, but instead of going 1-2x a week, plus takeout :o .....we've been keeping ourselves to once a month. big change, but thus far...enjoying it! tho this month we'll go out 2x, b/c went out for vday and will go out once on our staycation. :)

    hubby had a pretty decent repertoire of healthy recipes, but we've amped up the nutrition, tweaked portions to be the proper size and i have become quite the new recipe whore :P ...always researching online. it really has been excellent. when i read over my food diary, i am so pleased with my eating habits. added bonus, hubby thinks i am looking awesome :mrgreen: .....and not just and skin, etc. i think this eating well IS really improving me, overall, inside and out.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • chicken
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • I resolve to lose the 10 pounds I put on over the holidays.

    So far so good, I'm about halfway there. I have been pathetically reduced to walking
    in the mall since there is 2 feet of snow on the ground, not ideal but better than nothing.

    Can't wait to get back outside and do it right.
    Nice shirt.
  • I resolve to lose the 10 pounds I put on over the holidays.

    So far so good, I'm about halfway there. I have been pathetically reduced to walking
    in the mall since there is 2 feet of snow on the ground, not ideal but better than nothing.

    Can't wait to get back outside and do it right.

    kudos quarter!
    and yea....better than nothing for sure. the snow definitely puts a halt on a lot of things. i walk outside daily simply b/c i have no choice :D but you bet, it IS soooo much nicer being outside if/when ya can!

    btw - a friend recommended these to me: ... earch-_-09

    and i have to say, they are awesome. i only got to wear them to/from work for about a week before we too got buried in snow and thus boots became necessary, but i think they definitely amp up the workout of walking. feel great. :D (also can be had much cheaper eslewhere)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I resolve to lose the 10 pounds I put on over the holidays.

    So far so good, I'm about halfway there. I have been pathetically reduced to walking
    in the mall since there is 2 feet of snow on the ground, not ideal but better than nothing.

    Can't wait to get back outside and do it right.
    Dont forget to wear shoes.....

    And dont forget to put on a pair of pants.......
    And dont forget your glasses......
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • hey BD (or anyone)....

    what kind of food are you eating?
    are you still eating a lot of the packaged diet foods, or are you embracing new recipes, techniques?
    i LOVE everything about it, so i love to talk about it too. :lol:

    i'm very, very fortunate that my husband is an excellent cook, and he cooks for us daily. he has always been the chef in our relationship, but eating out was a LOT more prominent in our not too distant past. it most definitely had contributed a lot to my expanding waistline and ass :lol: and also sucked up a LOT of our disposable income. we still love to eat out, but instead of going 1-2x a week, plus takeout :o .....we've been keeping ourselves to once a month. big change, but thus far...enjoying it! tho this month we'll go out 2x, b/c went out for vday and will go out once on our staycation. :)

    hubby had a pretty decent repertoire of healthy recipes, but we've amped up the nutrition, tweaked portions to be the proper size and i have become quite the new recipe whore :P ...always researching online. it really has been excellent. when i read over my food diary, i am so pleased with my eating habits. added bonus, hubby thinks i am looking awesome :mrgreen: .....and not just and skin, etc. i think this eating well IS really improving me, overall, inside and out.
    Chicken Breast
    Making Salad for dinner
    Lots of Veggies for snacks
    And a regular BD diet on the weekends :D
  • I resolve to lose the 10 pounds I put on over the holidays.

    So far so good, I'm about halfway there. I have been pathetically reduced to walking
    in the mall since there is 2 feet of snow on the ground, not ideal but better than nothing.

    Can't wait to get back outside and do it right.
    Dont forget to wear shoes.....

    And dont forget to put on a pair of pants.......
    And dont forget your glasses......

    Pants? No wonder i get funny looks from the rest of the mall walkers.

    And I thought it was because I was lapping them.

    Thanks Speedy!
    Nice shirt.
  • I resolve to lose the 10 pounds I put on over the holidays.

    So far so good, I'm about halfway there. I have been pathetically reduced to walking
    in the mall since there is 2 feet of snow on the ground, not ideal but better than nothing.

    Can't wait to get back outside and do it right.
    Dont forget to wear shoes.....

    And dont forget to put on a pair of pants.......
    And dont forget your glasses......

    Pants? No wonder i get funny looks from the rest of the mall walkers.

    And I thought it was because I was lapping them.

    Thanks Speedy!

    And dont forget, when you go walking...


    RIGHT FOOT......


    You should be fine...But feel free to call if you have any problems...

    Actually if you want, I could send you the great wiki article I read....It was titled "How to walk in a straight line"

    It was fucking fascinating.......
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • hey BD (or anyone)....

    what kind of food are you eating?
    are you still eating a lot of the packaged diet foods, or are you embracing new recipes, techniques?
    i LOVE everything about it, so i love to talk about it too. :lol:

    i'm very, very fortunate that my husband is an excellent cook, and he cooks for us daily. he has always been the chef in our relationship, but eating out was a LOT more prominent in our not too distant past. it most definitely had contributed a lot to my expanding waistline and ass :lol: and also sucked up a LOT of our disposable income. we still love to eat out, but instead of going 1-2x a week, plus takeout :o .....we've been keeping ourselves to once a month. big change, but thus far...enjoying it! tho this month we'll go out 2x, b/c went out for vday and will go out once on our staycation. :)

    hubby had a pretty decent repertoire of healthy recipes, but we've amped up the nutrition, tweaked portions to be the proper size and i have become quite the new recipe whore :P ...always researching online. it really has been excellent. when i read over my food diary, i am so pleased with my eating habits. added bonus, hubby thinks i am looking awesome :mrgreen: .....and not just and skin, etc. i think this eating well IS really improving me, overall, inside and out.
    Chicken Breast
    Making Salad for dinner
    Lots of Veggies for snacks
    And a regular BD diet on the weekends :D

    glad you gave up the lean cuisines and packaged shit. :P sure, it's good portion control, but most aren't so healthy. usually loaded with sodium. besides, who the hell would ever want to eat that stuff for life? :? so yea, temporary fix at best. nice that you are eating whatever you want on weekends and still losing. i do indulge with wine, and more caloric meals on weekends, but still try to remain pretty focused on 'healthy.' honestly, mr. dream has been cooking up some pretty damn awesome stuff, 7 days a week! flavorful and healthy.....i love spicy, good. and yea, i make my own breakfast/lunch/snacks M-F....really good stuff. about the only packaged foods i eat at all is my cereal, my greek yogurt and my single serve soups....all the rest, whole, fresh foods. yummmmm. :mrgreen:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Could you recommend a good healthy cook book for a COMPLETE beginner?? I think I might want to try it out.

    Or you could invite me over... :mrgreen:
  • Anytime...

    And dont forget, when you go walking...


    RIGHT FOOT......


    You should be fine...But feel free to call if you have any problems...

    Actually if you want, I could send you the great wiki article I read....It was titled "How to walk in a straight line"

    It was fucking fascinating.......

    It's that left foot, right foot thing I seem to have trouble with.

    No wonder I end up walking in circles for an hour and never seem to get
    any further than Victoria's Secret.

    And sure, send the article. I need all the help I can get.
    Nice shirt.
  • Could you recommend a good healthy cook book for a COMPLETE beginner?? I think I might want to try it out.

    Or you could invite me over... :mrgreen:

    *I* am a complete beginner!
    hubby is a self-taught cook, tho he does like to experiment with recipes, and i am the one who tells him to tweak em. i'm great at suggestions. :D so yea, we don't use cookbooks. however, i find a LOT of recipes online...and they few we've used, have been excellent. i get a couple of daily emails from women's health magazine, some healthy living site, etc. all have links to recipes. so, i might suggest you visit men's health, the brother publication so you don't feel like a pansy looking at a site for a women's mag ;). they have a TON of recipes!

    also, just general reading about nutrition, portion sizes...helps with planning. know what foods you like, flavors you like...then look for ways to make those same foods, replicate the new, healthier ways. honestly, cooking at home reins in the calories and portions big-time. we are both huge ethnic food especially thai, mexican and italian. all are easily made healthy. a lot has to do with switching up ingredients and the rest is portions.

    we've tried recently:
    thai peanut noodles with shrimp & veggies
    spicy shrimp with angel hair (the 'sauce' is an awesome base for a LOT of things - such as chicken/prosciutto whole wheatravioli from butoni - yum! - throw in some brocolli and healthy, healthy!)
    salmon with mango salsa - fantastic!
    morningstar spicy black bean burgers with pico de gallo (my own little thought up recipe....sooo easy and unbelievably delish!)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    hey BD (or anyone)....

    what kind of food are you eating?
    are you still eating a lot of the packaged diet foods, or are you embracing new recipes, techniques?
    i LOVE everything about it, so i love to talk about it too. :lol:

    i'm very, very fortunate that my husband is an excellent cook, and he cooks for us daily. he has always been the chef in our relationship, but eating out was a LOT more prominent in our not too distant past. it most definitely had contributed a lot to my expanding waistline and ass :lol: and also sucked up a LOT of our disposable income. we still love to eat out, but instead of going 1-2x a week, plus takeout :o .....we've been keeping ourselves to once a month. big change, but thus far...enjoying it! tho this month we'll go out 2x, b/c went out for vday and will go out once on our staycation. :)

    hubby had a pretty decent repertoire of healthy recipes, but we've amped up the nutrition, tweaked portions to be the proper size and i have become quite the new recipe whore :P ...always researching online. it really has been excellent. when i read over my food diary, i am so pleased with my eating habits. added bonus, hubby thinks i am looking awesome :mrgreen: .....and not just and skin, etc. i think this eating well IS really improving me, overall, inside and out.

    Eating out once a month eh? A few weeks before starting the SB diet we were eating out at least one meal almost DAILY. You can understand why I want to lose some weight! heheh Well, we tried to stop and in the three weeks following that nuttiness we only went out to eat 2 times. What a change. We used to drive to work and I'd be thinking...hmmmm where can i go for lunch? In the last 4 weeks i've made our lunches daily and it's really good! I don't even think about eating out. Ok once in a while I think about IN N OUT!

    So, i'm on my fourth day of the SB diet and they have some really good recipes. I"m hoping to keep it up. I like this thread! That's decides for the link! I still can't wait to make that peanut noodles one!
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • Lizardjam wrote:
    Eating out once a month eh? A few weeks before starting the SB diet we were eating out at least one meal almost DAILY. You can understand why I want to lose some weight! heheh Well, we tried to stop and in the three weeks following that nuttiness we only went out to eat 2 times. What a change. We used to drive to work and I'd be thinking...hmmmm where can i go for lunch? In the last 4 weeks i've made our lunches daily and it's really good! I don't even think about eating out. Ok once in a while I think about IN N OUT!

    So, i'm on my fourth day of the SB diet and they have some really good recipes. I"m hoping to keep it up. I like this thread! That's decides for the link! I still can't wait to make that peanut noodles one!

    yep, that's the plan!
    we used to eat out 1-3x a week, plus takeout. :shock: insane!
    took up a big chunk of our discretionary spending. i have a love-hate relationship with eating out. i have always loved eating out - everything about it. i still do. however, i have come to truly love eating at home. you've got to get into the 'ceremony' of it if you will. we sit down at the table, every night. we play music. light candles. use nice napkins. always eat on real plates. have actual conversation. :shock: kinda like eating out. except save a few thousand calories...keep the arteries clearer...and more than few extra bucks in our pocket. win-win. this way too, when we DO eat out....we really think where we truly want to go and savor it. like vday. man, we went to one of our most fave places and it was sooooooooooo good. we always love and enjoy it, but i think we loved and enjoyed it even more.

    as for lunch, never really did eat out tho hubby used to often. now, no more. or, only very rarely. so for me, breakfast and lunch have been easy. actually, always have been. how i eat M-F, 7:30-6pm, i would weigh nothing. it's all the time outside of work that got me into trouble. :lol:

    btw - i get links to women's health/men's health...with that whole eat this, not that stuff. amazing. :shock: if you really start reading up on restaurant portion sizes....and most especially calories....fat and sodium content......yeeeeeeeaaaaaa. illuminating! even things that appear 'healthy'.......! informative and really helps you figure out what to eat, where, and how much!

    and yay for liz joining in!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Could you recommend a good healthy cook book for a COMPLETE beginner?? I think I might want to try it out.

    Or you could invite me over... :mrgreen:

    Sounds like you need to hire a personal chef! I can cook you know! *flutters eyelashes and looks straight at BD* 8-)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • ZiggyStar wrote:
    Could you recommend a good healthy cook book for a COMPLETE beginner?? I think I might want to try it out.

    Or you could invite me over... :mrgreen:

    Sounds like you need to hire a personal chef! I can cook you know! *flutters eyelashes and looks straight at BD* 8-)
    Invitation always open...
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Invitation always open...

    Oh yeah, you're paying all travelling expenses too. And tell C or L to clean their bloody room up....Auntie Sus is moving in! 8-)

    *starts madly throwing shit into a bag while booking a flight at the same time before BD changes his mind*

    I can cook though....I eat low fat and healthy all the time.
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    yep, that's the plan!
    we used to eat out 1-3x a week, plus takeout. :shock: insane!
    took up a big chunk of our discretionary spending. i have a love-hate relationship with eating out. i have always loved eating out - everything about it. i still do. however, i have come to truly love eating at home. you've got to get into the 'ceremony' of it if you will. we sit down at the table, every night. we play music. light candles. use nice napkins. always eat on real plates. have actual conversation. :shock: kinda like eating out. except save a few thousand calories...keep the arteries clearer...and more than few extra bucks in our pocket. win-win. this way too, when we DO eat out....we really think where we truly want to go and savor it. like vday. man, we went to one of our most fave places and it was sooooooooooo good. we always love and enjoy it, but i think we loved and enjoyed it even more.

    as for lunch, never really did eat out tho hubby used to often. now, no more. or, only very rarely. so for me, breakfast and lunch have been easy. actually, always have been. how i eat M-F, 7:30-6pm, i would weigh nothing. it's all the time outside of work that got me into trouble. :lol:

    btw - i get links to women's health/men's health...with that whole eat this, not that stuff. amazing. :shock: if you really start reading up on restaurant portion sizes....and most especially calories....fat and sodium content......yeeeeeeeaaaaaa. illuminating! even things that appear 'healthy'.......! informative and really helps you figure out what to eat, where, and how much!

    and yay for liz joining in!

    I am the opposite about the work eating. If i ate just like i ate outside work, i'd be thin. i eat ALL DAY at work. out of sheer mental boredom. The vending machine was my friend!!!
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
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