The 2011 New Year Diet Resolution Thread



  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Posts: 3,635
    I have a gynormous turkey breasticle in the oven....

    I have a feeling this will be lunch and dinner for the next 5-7 days............

    Sounds scrumptious. Love turkey, and never, ever get tired of it.

    It's the mashed potatoes and dressing that get me in trouble.
    Tell me about it...

    Was just looking at a stuffing recipe.....

    1/2 stick of butter??? hehehehehe

    Oh well...No stuffing for me....

    I may have to have a helping of potatoes though.....Since Kathy looks like she is about to cook the entire 10# bag of potatoes....hehehehehehehehe

    Only a half a stick? But your not eating the entire recipe yourself, right?
    It's all about the portions. bleh haha

    To me, stuffing is glorified bread and butter.

    And i f'n love bread and butter. and potatoes.

    No carb is safe in my house.
    Nice shirt.
  • WhizbangWhizbang Posts: 1,314
    I haven't posted in here for a bit but I'm continuing on my track of healthy eating with some spoiling/junk food mixed in (had pizza and spicy curly fries last night!). Hit the gym this morning for a good leg and shoulder work out....banana as a follow-up; berries, yogurt & granola for brunch. Kashi snack bar and I have a tuna steak with cauliflower for dinner. Good stuff!!!!
    believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.

    I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
  • well, here we are february 1st, and i missed my goal... :| eh well.
    i actually hit it saturday and was thrilled, but didn't manage to maintain it over the whole weekend, and in fact gained back a pound. still, down 7.5 pounds overall in 21 days, not bad at focusing on the positive. just makes me that much more determined to stick with it and reach my next goal. :) drank a bit more wine this weekend and ate well overall, but probably more than i have it all adds up. todays a new day/week onwards! :mrgreen:

    hope everyone is doing well!

    (claire - your bust-line is usually one of the first places weight comes off. usually the first area you usually gain weight is also the last place you usually lose, and vice versa - last place you usually gain, first place to lose - and so it goes)

    They say its bad to loose more than 5 lbs a month, but I don't buy it. I have a crazy metabolism. I dropped 10 lbs this past month just by cutting out a few hundred extra calories a day.. two eggs instead of three, no fries with my burger, pasta instead of pizza.. and I didn't even make a resolution. Just wanted to eat a little healthier... Thank god for genetics. 8-)

    actually, "they" say it's perfectly good/safe to lose 2 pounds a week, which comes out to about 8-10 pounds a nothing crazy there at all. the way you lost weight is exactly the way to do it, by cutting a couple hundred calories a nothing out of the ordinary there, at all. if you want to thank your genetics, sure...but did it entirely by altering your eating habits/consumption.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I have plateu-ed over the past two weeks and stuck at 7 lbs., which frankly with all that has been going on is a win in my book.

    Trying to be good today and have had my Special K and good snacks :D
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Well last week was a bit of a disaster, but going back on track today.

    Put weight on 4 oz :cry: Not too bad though so I'm not going to beat myself up. :)
  • sounds like we all are kinda in the same boat. :lol:
    glad we're all still positive and focused on our goals tho. :thumbup:
    and hey, we're all still down weight, so it's all good!

    my husband is trying a new recipe tonight, salmon with mango salsa. i'm psyched!
    we went to whole foods yesterday and picked up some great produce and wild alaskan salmon.....we've both DLed a bunch of new recipes to try out....i think it's all good, excited about healthy eating. honestly, i've been enjoying the past 3 weeks dinners at home enormously!

    and oooooooooo...i have pomegranate avrils in my mixed baby greens salad for lunch today (along with hard-boiled egg white and mozzarella.....yum for new stuff!)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • sounds like we all are kinda in the same boat. :lol:
    glad we're all still positive and focused on our goals tho. :thumbup:
    and hey, we're all still down weight, so it's all good!

    my husband is trying a new recipe tonight, salmon with mango salsa. i'm psyched!
    we went to whole foods yesterday and picked up some great produce and wild alaskan salmon.....we've both DLed a bunch of new recipes to try out....i think it's all good, excited about healthy eating. honestly, i've been enjoying the past 3 weeks dinners at home enormously!

    and oooooooooo...i have pomegranate avrils in my mixed baby greens salad for lunch today (along with hard-boiled egg white and mozzarella.....yum for new stuff!)

    LIE or Northern State? I'll be there about 7...
  • sounds like we all are kinda in the same boat. :lol:
    glad we're all still positive and focused on our goals tho. :thumbup:
    and hey, we're all still down weight, so it's all good!

    my husband is trying a new recipe tonight, salmon with mango salsa. i'm psyched!
    we went to whole foods yesterday and picked up some great produce and wild alaskan salmon.....we've both DLed a bunch of new recipes to try out....i think it's all good, excited about healthy eating. honestly, i've been enjoying the past 3 weeks dinners at home enormously!

    and oooooooooo...i have pomegranate avrils in my mixed baby greens salad for lunch today (along with hard-boiled egg white and mozzarella.....yum for new stuff!)

    LIE or Northern State? I'll be there about 7...

    heheh...either will get ya here!
    (tho i prefer northern state, no trucks)

    it does sound awesome, doesn't it?
    our fave mexican place, and my fave meal there...has this shrimp, mango salsa and boniato entree that is fresh and delicious! i am hoping this is similarly good. ;) we've got a nice fresh mango, fresh cilantro, red onion, pomegranate avrils...other good stuff......yeeeaaaaaa..... 8-)

    we've been eating soooo well!
    sooooo healthy AND yummy!
    plus sitting down to dinner together EVERY night, at the table, candles, music. yea, it's ALL good.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • heheh...either will get ya here!
    (tho i prefer northern state, no trucks)

    it does sound awesome, doesn't it?
    our fave mexican place, and my fave meal there...has this shrimp, mango salsa and boniato entree that is fresh and delicious! i am hoping this is similarly good. ;) we've got a nice fresh mango, fresh cilantro, red onion, pomegranate avrils...other good stuff......yeeeaaaaaa..... 8-)

    we've been eating soooo well!
    sooooo healthy AND yummy!
    plus sitting down to dinner together EVERY night, at the table, candles, music. yea, it's ALL good.

    Great marriage and great healthy food... Perfect together...
  • chimechime Posts: 7,838
    So healthy eating went out the window this weekend :oops: I blame Sian ;)

    Probably just went back to where I was a couple of weeks ago so no biggy
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?

  • heheh...either will get ya here!
    (tho i prefer northern state, no trucks)

    it does sound awesome, doesn't it?
    our fave mexican place, and my fave meal there...has this shrimp, mango salsa and boniato entree that is fresh and delicious! i am hoping this is similarly good. ;) we've got a nice fresh mango, fresh cilantro, red onion, pomegranate avrils...other good stuff......yeeeaaaaaa..... 8-)

    we've been eating soooo well!
    sooooo healthy AND yummy!
    plus sitting down to dinner together EVERY night, at the table, candles, music. yea, it's ALL good.

    Great marriage and great healthy food... Perfect together...

    always a work in progress.
    also, great for the wallet too!
    our goals for 2010....get 'healthy' all the way around. physically, emotically, financially.....and eating well and healthy works towards em all.

    just got this in one of my nutrition emails:

    When you're the chef, the power to eat healthy is in your hands.

    "The more that people eat at home and prepare their own meals, the better they do at losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight," which decreases your risk of heart attack and stroke, says Judith Wylie-Rosett, Ed.D., R.D., a spokesperson for the American Heart Association.

    That's because restaurant meals tend to include few vegetables and contain high amounts of calories, artery-clogging fat, and blood-pressure-elevating sodium.


    chime...i blame sian too. ;)
    seems we all got a bit side-tracked this weekend.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    I stayed steady but didn't lose anything this weekend.
  • justam wrote:
    I stayed steady but didn't lose anything this weekend.
    I think we have an official trend...
  • justam wrote:
    I stayed steady but didn't lose anything this weekend.
    I think we have an official trend...

    isn't it bizarre?

    eh well...we can all still cheer each other on.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justam wrote:
    I stayed steady but didn't lose anything this weekend.
    I think we have an official trend...

    isn't it bizarre?

    eh well...we can all still cheer each other on.
    Status quo works for me :D
  • I think we have an official trend...

    isn't it bizarre?

    eh well...we can all still cheer each other on.
    Status quo works for me :D

    one of the important things to focus.....not 'worry' about the day to day, but to focus long-term. obviously, have to monitor the day-to-day, try and keep on track.....but even when one gets a bit off track or stalled, just keep on goin' b/c you'll still get there - your goals - eventually. i think being 'positive' about it, even the stalls/plateaus, is important to long-term success.

    as winston churchill said...

    give up.

    course, i he was talking about war and not weight-loss ;)....but fits. :lol:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • my husband is trying a new recipe tonight, salmon with mango salsa. i'm psyched!
    we went to whole foods yesterday and picked up some great produce and wild alaskan salmon.....we've both DLed a bunch of new recipes to try out....i think it's all good, excited about healthy eating. honestly, i've been enjoying the past 3 weeks dinners at home enormously!

    :shock: :shock: :shock:
    this was freakin' unbelievably good! yummm!
    one of his best meals ever, and he makes some awesome stuff!

    and yay, yay, yay! back on track and hit my first goal - 10 pounds! woooooohoooo!
    as i said, i hit it saturday, and then the last 2 days it fluctuated upwards, guess whatever that was about...right back. :) yeeeeaaaaa! very happy. yes, it's just a number on a scale, but as it was my first mini-goal nice to hit it pretty much on track. very motivating. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    from Women's Health:

    Weigh Yourself Regularly

    Why it works:
    Few things keep your weight-loss goal front and center better than seeing those big glowing numbers on the scale. Regular weigh-ins also make it easier to notice extra pounds creeping on, so you can slash and burn immediately. In fact, when researchers at the University of Minnesota analyzed more than 1,800 people who successfully shed pounds in weight-loss programs, they found that about 40 percent weighed themselves daily or weekly. And the more frequently they stepped on the scale, the more they lost: 12 pounds on average for daily weighers, compared with six for weekly weighers. (Scale shunners, meanwhile, gained an average of five pounds.)

    But remember: "Don't get discouraged if the numbers aren't always the ones you want to see. Your clothing, the time of day, and how much water you're retaining affect weight," Jones says. "Contestants on reality shows might drop 11 pounds a week, but for a normal woman, one to two is more realistic." To improve your odds of slimming down, break your goal weight into several smaller targets—first aim for five pounds, then after you hit that, go for another five. A study at the College of Public Health at the University of Iowa found that the more frequent and specific your weight-loss objectives, the better your chances of sticking to them. And achieving one goal will motivate you to hang on for the next one—something we've all experienced and that research has shown to be true.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    But remember: "Don't get discouraged if the numbers aren't always the ones you want to see. Your clothing, the time of day, and how much water you're retaining affect weight," Jones says. "Contestants on reality shows might drop 11 pounds a week, but for a normal woman, one to two is more realistic." To improve your odds of slimming down, break your goal weight into several smaller targets—first aim for five pounds, then after you hit that, go for another five. A study at the College of Public Health at the University of Iowa found that the more frequent and specific your weight-loss objectives, the better your chances of sticking to them. And achieving one goal will motivate you to hang on for the next one—something we've all experienced and that research has shown to be true.

    That's good, I'm sort of hoping for 1 or 2 per week, obviously this week didn't do so well. Mood seems to affect my eating, been in a definite slump the last week so diving into the biscuits & chocolate. Also struggling with my mind a lot, which keeps telling me that it isn't so bad to be a bit chubby, which it isn't, but isn't what I want right now. Not getting enough exercise either, which also would help my mood.

    Definately walking to work tommorrow. :D
  • Posts: 362
    I jsut bought some red quinoa. Read about it a while back and saw it in the store today! I know vegans love it. Now I just have to figure out how to cook it.
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561 wrote:
    I jsut bought some red quinoa. Read about it a while back and saw it in the store today! I know vegans love it. Now I just have to figure out how to cook it.

    I walked around for a very long time pronouncing this wrong, quinn-o-a, which seemed right, until my friend told me it was pronounced keenwa. I stick to cous cous.
  • well, starting off week 5 today, and maintaining my 10 pound loss. :)
    after the weekend i've had, it's amazing!
    i had actually lost another 1.5 pounds by saturday, but yea.....the weekend wiped that out. actually, i was great friday and saturday the damage was all sunday. i'd love to blame the superbowl, a party....but we watched movies just the 2 of us. :P tho we did go to the market yesterday and we had planned on tilapia for dinner last night but seeing everyone load up on wings, etc....hubby wanted nachos and wings, how could i say no to that? :? :lol: so omg...hubby made nachos loaded up with black olives and jalapenos and fresh guacamole...then he bbq-ed up a ton of wings, nice and spicy.....i ate 12. yikes. oh, and did i mention i drank a bottle of wine, solo? :oops: yea.....totally off the wagon yesterday! eh well....glad i managed to keep off the 10, and we all need a mega splurge now and again. man, it was soooo yummy, tho my body is most definitely NOT used to eating that much, or drinking that much, even after only a month of being yes, good lesson there. onwards to more weight-loss! :mrgreen:

    how's everybody doin'?
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    You are doing so well D2D!! :D

    I had another bad week and put 12oz on :( . But I did have a lovely lunch out Friday and a fantastic Turkish feast on Sat night. I was doing fine til then.

    Still fresh start this week - ever optimistic!!
  • Damn Super Bowl parties!!! Wiped out a good week. Still at 8 but still on the diet :D
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    I'm holding to the three pounds I lost a week ago. I haven't been able to exercise all week though because I've been ill. I'm just managing to get my work done and sleeping like a sick, wheezing, coughing thing in between... :| :oops:
  • Claireack wrote:
    You are doing so well D2D!! :D

    I had another bad week and put 12oz on :( . But I did have a lovely lunch out Friday and a fantastic Turkish feast on Sat night. I was doing fine til then.

    Still fresh start this week - ever optimistic!!


    i'll tellya, honestly...when i stepped on the scale this morning, i was so relieved i only regained a pound! (i had regained 1/2 a pound sunday) i truly thought the numbers this AM would be really ugly, so yes....i am thrilled i maintained my 10 pound loss. sure, i destroyed the last week's progress i made, but c'est la vie eh? my gawd those nachos were awesome....and the wings....and the wine. tho as i said, not so great this morning, so in a way helps me see how much better i feel when i don't over-indulge.

    i want to be extra good this week b/c Vday is this coming weekend, and yes....we're going out and i plan to enjoy! however, i also want to make some forward progess, especially since none carried forward from last week, i really would like to hit my monthly goal, or at the very least close to it. it's a shorter month too so have to be ever vigilant. :D

    BD you lost another pound!
    good for you!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justam wrote:
    I'm holding to the three pounds I lost a week ago. I haven't been able to exercise all week though because I've been ill. I'm just managing to get my work done and sleeping like a sick, wheezing, coughing thing in between... :| :oops:

    sorry to read you're feeling so ill AM!
    and hey, being may lose a few more. :lol:

    feel better!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    Thanks. :)
  • I broke the 200 barrier!!!!!!!!!!

    :D Man I am sure it will last only an hour or two but seeing a 1 in front of the results was very satisfying :D
  • I broke the 200 barrier!!!!!!!!!!

    :D Man I am sure it will last only an hour or two but seeing a 1 in front of the results was very satisfying :D


    seriously - congrats!
    kudos to you - well done!

    still holding steady, 10 pounds down. still trying to stay focused on being happy about it. i mean, not bad for 4 weeks, just looking forward to more progress now that i'm in week 5.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I broke the 200 barrier!!!!!!!!!!

    :D Man I am sure it will last only an hour or two but seeing a 1 in front of the results was very satisfying :D


    seriously - congrats!
    kudos to you - well done!

    still holding steady, 10 pounds down. still trying to stay focused on being happy about it. i mean, not bad for 4 weeks, just looking forward to more progress now that i'm in week 5.
    10 pounds is amazing and keeping it off is the real battle :D
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