The 2011 New Year Diet Resolution Thread



  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    everyone please stop worrying about one pound here or there in a week.

    i literally have lost a pound takin a wee
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    jones wrote:
    i literally have lost a pound takin a wee

    Nah - surely not. Poo yes, wee no.
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    The Science of Fat Loss:

    Check it out, very interesting stuff.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    jones wrote:
    everyone please stop worrying about one pound here or there in a week.

    i literally have lost a pound takin a wee

    no one is 'worrying'......we are looking long term, and at fluctuations....some of us DO have weight loss goals. i want to lose pounds. yes, i want to be healthy and look and feel good....but part of that is losing pounds. i saw you recommend not weighing yourself, and that is certainly a viable option for many. however, i have already discussed my personal reasons, and ideas/facts behind them, for what i do. i works for me. so while i am not worried, i am focused on my progress. and sure, hitting certain goals is motivating.

    i've 'lost' 4 pounds overnight...i've gained 2 pounds overnight. daily fluctuations can be extreme, no doubt!
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  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    just trying to help. just sick of scales... and P90X talk
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    jones wrote:
    Lizardjam wrote:
    jones wrote:
    it's not a diet is a lifestyle.

    don't give up even after a "slip"

    one doughnut is not the end of the world


    Hmmm i can't remember the last time i had a donut....up half a pound today after eating really well yesterday! Guess no donuts for me anytime in the near future. :(

    i've lost 5 pounds after a bender of whiskey and burger king and gained weight after being real healthy for a few days.
    i advise not weighing yourself doesn't mean much. actually i wouldn't weigh yourself at all. i do just to see where i'm at for fun but it doesn't mean anything. i like the way i look and have actually put on 7 lbs this month. it could be water. some could be muscle. as long as you're happy with how you feel, that's all that matters. seeing your weight everyday can be discouraging

    good luck :D

    my brother just came into my office and taunted me with gorditas. just slammed a bottle of water to kill any temptation (it works)
    gonna have a turkey salad for lunch. maybe some cottage cheese and fruit too!!!
    wooo fuckin whooo

    Whiskey and BK! EEEK!! Well, I have had KFC and Flame Broiler lately but never any sides, and always grilled(except for they screwed up at kfc and gave me one fried, i ate it :oops: )

    I've heard about not weighing myself daily but really, for me, it helps. If i gain anything it helps to make me pay closer attention to what I eat. If i lose it helps motivate me to keep avoiding temptation because it's paying off. I am such an impatient person that if I had to wait a week for the weighing, I'd probably give up. My clothes are definitely loser and my legs look skinner than they have in ages, i love it. But for some reason I am still a slave to that number on the scale. Not to where it ruins my day but yeah, it'll bum me out a bit in the morning but then just motivate me to keep drinking that water and eating my healthy snacks and meals....and it is paying off like i never imagined! Thank you for the help!
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    jones wrote:
    just trying to help. just sick of scales... and P90X talk

    i hear ya! :thumbup:
    not down on the advice....just different things work for different people.
    as lizardjam explained, i am very much the same. also, in my research, i have read both pros/cons for daily or weekly weighing, and overall.....seems that at the very least, weekly weighing is recommended for staying on track, especially long-term. also have read more than a few times that daily and/or weekly weighers usually lose more long-term AND are more apt to keep it off. again, i think in a way it 'keeps me honest' i see where i really am at, etc. however, i know for others it just depresses them, kills motivation, etc. so you bet, got to do what works best for you!

    and, this is a diet/weight-loss really....pounds up/down...maintaining or else would we talk about here? :D

    and hell yea....feels great to have previous snug clothes fit....some even loose! :shock:
    breaking out the spring/summer clothes and they are fitting a LOT nicer than last year. great feeling!
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    well, hello to another monday!

    so, starting off week 12 for me here today, and down 18 pounds. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
    VERY happy! not quite where i wanted to be, but none the's all good. i really wanted to hit that 20 pound mark by april 1st, but whatever....i'm VERY close, so if i can't manage it for thursday, hopefully by next monday...and just keep on going! hope everyone is doing well with all their goals! seems we've lost a good # of people along the way, so cmon back and check in, let us all know how things are going. :)
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  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    12oz off, not quite the full amount I put on last week - buy hey ho, it's better than nothing.

    Any suggestions on how to survive the chocolate fest this next weekend - I know I'm going to struggle!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    12oz off, not quite the full amount I put on last week - buy hey ho, it's better than nothing.

    Any suggestions on how to survive the chocolate fest this next weekend - I know I'm going to struggle!

    good on you! :thumbup:

    ahhhhhhh......easter candy. that's a tough one. maybe just plan for it? ya know, eat less of other stuff to semi-offset the chocolate cals you're bound to consume? :| that's about all i can think of if you are going to be confronted with it. allow yourself to indulge, in moderation - if at all possible. ;) luckily, i don't have that worry, no easter candy of any sort will be in my path. having an entirely adult easter holiday, dinner out, so still have to be mindful but worries of chocolate easter bunny landmines! good luck!
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  • canoegirlcanoegirl Posts: 295
    water with a wedge of lemon good stuff, listen to your body it tells you what it needs, dont waste time on iceberg lettuce, wheat and wholegrains over white, beans and rices over potatoes, steamed veggies retain their nutrients and taste, and when it comes to sodas, lol i think its the fizz not the taste because its like sugar water in the end, didnt drink it for two yrs now i have it at times again, add that to my someday list, just stop pause listen to yourself listen to your body esp. true for us females our cycles tell us when to bump up the iron we start getting tired a wk before it comes, so yeah it is ok to eat red meat just in moderation, heck that is true for all we choose to consume ugh dont get me started on consumption. treat your body as a friend as i light this cigarette in my hand, once again why did i start this smoking wtf frick not f*** gosh darn it, this smoking thing needs to end its not my friend, lol and to think i didnt start smoking until 3 yrs ago i dont want to say four, ugh double ugh, one thing at a time
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    interesting read:

    junk food "addiction" may be real ... n_20100331
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  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    i'm gonna start "chewing" chocolate like chewing tobacco. no one would notice. both black and gross looking :D
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    jones wrote:
    i'm gonna start "chewing" chocolate like chewing tobacco. no one would notice. both black and gross looking :D

    I couldn't do that I'd have to swallow.
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    Claireack wrote:
    jones wrote:
    i'm gonna start "chewing" chocolate like chewing tobacco. no one would notice. both black and gross looking :D

    I couldn't do that I'd have to swallow.

    that's what she said :shock:
  • Alright! I am already anxious about this weekend... too many good things at get togethers and in my basket :D

    I am going to try to throw it all away or send it home with other people that have some self-control. Pb eggs are my absolute weakness- already recieved some, already tossed them!!! Damn those people!!! I need to lose another 3 pounds by next week in order to reach my goal of 30 in 3 months... Unfortunately, this weekend will NOT be so condusive in doing so.

    Anyone else already feel the gaining, even before Sunday? :evil:
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977 candy orgy i have to worry about, haha.
    however, i am going to be indulging in wine, and a great meal at our fave italian place. i do plan on being mindful the rest of the weekend tho, so i hope that offsets whatever damage easter dinner and all the wine may cause. :lol:

    i had wanted to hit 20 pounds for april 1st...i hit 19 today....close enough, i am happy! :D hope i can manage the 20 for monday, fingers crossed!
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    good read:

    Health News You Can Use
    Rosalyn Carson-DeWitt, MD
    A Healthy Point of View
    March 25, 2010
    A New Weight-Loss Prescription

    OK, here’s a question for all the women readers out there. Do you have 420 minutes a week to commit to exercising? I’ll save you the trouble of pulling out your calculator – that’s an hour a day, seven days a week.

    You ask why? Because that’s the latest recommendation on exercise for women who want to avoid mid-life weight gain. According to a new study just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, those 420 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise are necessary to avoid the slow-but-steady creep of poundage that accompanies middle age. In the study, only women who got at least an hour of moderate exercise daily were able to maintain their weight over time. Women who participated in higher intensity exercise (such as jogging) were able to cut their weekly exercise time down by about half; the more vigorous the exercise, the shorter time required to burn the same number of calories.

    These new recommendations are considerably higher than previous guidelines. Past recommendations from very reputable groups have been as follows:

    The American College of Sports Medicine teamed with the American Heart Association to offer the choice of one of these two exercise prescriptions:

    * Moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week (150 minutes)
    * Vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days (60 minutes) a week and eight to 10 strength-training exercises, eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week
    * The Centers for Disease Control recommended the choice of one of these three possible programs:
    * 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., brisk walking) every week and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms)
    * 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., jogging or running) every week and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms)
    * An equivalent mix of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms)

    But unfortunately, the new study says that these programs weren’t sufficiently calorie-burning enough to help women avoid weight gain, let alone to help women who actually need to LOSE weight.

    And avoiding weight gain (or losing weight down to a healthy weight, and then maintaining that healthy weight) is a crucial goal. Our country has a staggering problem with obesity, with over 64% of adult women in the overweight or obese range. Health-care costs for people struggling with obesity are about 42% more than for people of normal weight.

    Women who are overweight have an increased risk of all kinds of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers (endometrial, breast, colon, for example), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, sleep apnea, arthritis, abnormal menstrual periods, infertility. We’re talking problems that will decrease quality of life, if not longevity itself.

    So maybe a better question should be: Can you afford not to find 420 minutes a week for exercise??
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    well, another monday and i had an AWESOME weekend!
    i mean, just fantastic. and, with that....regained 3 pounds. :? ouch. hahaha.
    i knew the damage was being done, but was a GREAT weekend. so, down 16 pounds after 12 weeks. still not too shabby, but i need to get focused to reach my goals, especially by our anniversary.

    however, bit of happy news is that i've been measuring myself since the beginning and i am happy to say have made some nice improvements, waist down 1", hips down half inch, upper arms down half inch and thighs down 2 yea for progress there!

    i was truly hoping to be 24 pounds down by now so not quite on target, but whatever....still doing well, nice weight-loss balanced with enjoyment, so no complaints. might take me longer to reach my ultimate goal, but that's a-ok if i can manage to lose and still enjoy eating. :)

    how's every body doin'?
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  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Didn't put too much on just 10 oz in a week. Which means that after last weeks 12 oz loss I'm still ahead for the last 2 weigh ins (only just). :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    Didn't put too much on just 10 oz in a week. Which means that after last weeks 12 oz loss I'm still ahead for the last 2 weigh ins (only just). :D

    back down 1 (so 17 overall), but still up by 2 from my all-time low of to get movin' on this! past 3 weeks have had progress, but when i look over the fluctuations, really need to keep pushing forward. lost the first 10 in 21 days, and then only 7 more in 2 months....time to get serious! :twisted: :D:mrgreen:
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  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    Mets Home Openers and Diets do not mix well :?
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Mets Home Openers and Diets do not mix well :?

    drinkin all weekend isn't advisable either.
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    interesting read:

    THURSDAY, April 8 (HealthDay News) -- If losing weight feels like a never-ending battle, new research may explain why: Diets that restrict calories can actually make it harder to lose weight and keep it off.

    Cutting calories increases production of cortisol, the stress hormone, which is linked to added belly fat, a new study finds.

    "For the first time in humans, we are finding out that cutting your calories increases cortisol," said lead researcher A. Janet Tomiyama, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholar at the University of California, San Francisco.

    "We think this may be one reason dieters tend to have a hard time keeping weight off in the long-term," she said.

    People who count calories feel stressed, she said, but it's the reduction in calories that increases cortisol, which, in turn, stresses the body and leads to weight retention.

    "No matter how you cut calories, whether that's doing it on your own, or doing something like Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig, it doesn't matter, it's still going to increase your cortisol level," she said.

    At any given time, 47 percent of U.S. adults are dieting, but up to 64 percent gain back more weight than they lost, according to background information in the report published online April 6 in Psychosomatic Medicine.

    For the study, Tomiyama's team randomly assigned 121 women to one of four diets. One group tracked their calories, keeping them to 1,200 a day; another group ate normally but recorded the number of calories they consumed; a third group ate 1,200 calories a day, but did not have to record them, and the fourth group ate normally without any calorie-tracking.

    At the start and end of the three-week trial, the researchers measured each woman's cortisol and stress levels. When calories were restricted, cortisol levels increased. In addition, calorie-counting also increased the women's perceived stress, the researchers found.

    "The term 'dieting' brings to mind deprivation, starvation, being miserable and uncomfortable and ultimately failing in weight loss efforts," Samantha Heller, a dietitian, nutritionist and exercise physiologist who is familiar with the study, said.

    Burning more calories than you consume is how your body loses weight, she said. "However, severe calorie restriction, diet fads, pills and potions, detox cleanses and other quacky approaches to weight loss only contribute to people's diet failures and, in fact, may increase the likelihood of regaining even more weight than what was lost -- if any," Heller added.

    The best way to drop unwanted pounds is to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors that include eating a variety of healthy foods, physical activity, patience and a game plan, she said.

    "Many people want to lose weight and do not know how to begin. Creating a step-by-step plan is one piece of the puzzle a lot of people forgo," Heller said.

    Starting a weight-loss program takes discipline, motivation and a desire to make behavioral changes and finding support can be very helpful, Heller added.

    Another expert, Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., said while dieting isn't easy, certain strategies can help reduce stress and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

    "Food itself, a reliable source of immediate gratification, may be used to relieve stress," Katz said. "When food intake is restricted, something else should replace it."

    In general, dieting alone is not all that useful, Katz added. "Eating well and being active for life is the way to go," he said.

    "By eating foods of higher overall nutritional quality, fullness can generally be achieved on fewer calories, eliminating the need for deprivation," Katz said. "In addition, physical activity can accelerate weight loss, promote health and alleviate stress in the bargain."
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    and, seeing as it IS monday.....start of week 14, down 19 pounds. :)
    so sure, had a bit of a stall in there last week, but back on track. 1 more pound to hit that 20 loss! had hoped to reach it by april 1st, but c'est la long as i'm on my way, it's all good. this gorgeous weather has me a lot more active outdoors.....but also so tempting with grilling and yea, more drinking. however, managed to balance it well over the weekend and keep losing, so there is hope! :mrgreen:

    how's everybody doin'?
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  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    Terrible. Don't even ask me. :? :x

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Lost 14oz this week, seem to be going up and down, up and down over the same ground everyweek. But yes a bit of sunshine does help, and hopefully I won't cave and eat ice cream.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    ok, i know it's only wednesday but i just had to share the happy news - i, finally, reached my first BIG goal! i've now lost 20.5 pounds! woooohoooooooo! :D:D:D the last 1.5 pounds were hard to reach, i was fluctuating 1-2 pounds for like 2 weeks, and never dipping below the 19.5 loss. so i am VERY happy. and yes, i know it's just a number, and can change tomorrow....but none the's a milestone for me in my healthy eating plan. so a couple days beyond 3 months since i started. happy, happy! i have more to go, but this is just even more motivating.....and the sunny days just make me more active and motivated too!

    hang in there everyone...just keep at it and you WILL reach your goals! just focus on the big picture!
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  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    congrats! :)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    jones wrote:
    congrats! :)

    grazie mille!

    i'm still on a high about it :lol: ......yay.
    just had a yummy clementine too....mmmmmmm.
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    I am myself like you somehow

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