Perth Pre Show Meet - 10C ??



  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    Jo wrote:
    Yea, nice avatar and I bet your misses loves it. :lol:
    How are you going to have a pre-party at The Brisbane, when you are off getting merch for everyone and stashing it somewhere safely and guaranteed personaly by you ? You'll be far too busy to join us. 8-)
    And I do believe someone here put thier hand up to Keep Your Spot while you do all of the above, thanks :D

    After a fantastic weekend my hair is sometimes dreadlocked.
    I have no Tatts.
    Sucubus is f*#@king hilarious.
    Childbirth???? don't get me started.
    I am wishing my life away for this concert. :mrgreen:

    My missus was not surprised at all when I got hat pic taken in LA. She'd have expected nothing less - the things you do on Hollywood Blvd. Although the next thing I did was have her name tattooed on my ring finger. That probably got me off the hook.

    No-one has taken my up on the merch offer and no word from 10c, so I figured that one was going to slide, although, my hotel is now 5 mins from the venue so I can stash it for people.

    Looks like I'll be seeing you all at the Brissy and then at the front of the 10c line :)
    Yea, the front line scares me. I recon I will get a bunch of Big, Smelly, Sweaty, Tall Men push me out the way, and if I refuse to go, they are going to stand on me. I need tips on survival. thanks. :?
  • Jo wrote:
    Yea, the front line scares me. I recon I will get a bunch of Big, Smelly, Sweaty, Tall Men push me out the way, and if I refuse to go, they are going to stand on me. I need tips on survival. thanks. :?

    That was kinda the idea of having 10c people meet somewhere first, get to know each other. If things go to plan and we're allowed in 15 mins before the rest of Fixer GA, then arriving together and helping each other out, before the line, once in the arena and then even holding spots while people do drink and dunny runs and we should be fine. I'm more than happy to stand a couple deep to allow smaller women (and my 11 year old) to be up against the rail.

    I doubt the pit will be anywhere near as insane as it was in the 90s at the Ent Cent.
  • Jo wrote:
    Yea, the front line scares me. I recon I will get a bunch of Big, Smelly, Sweaty, Tall Men push me out the way, and if I refuse to go, they are going to stand on me. I need tips on survival. thanks. :?

    That was kinda the idea of having 10c people meet somewhere first, get to know each other. If things go to plan and we're allowed in 15 mins before the rest of Fixer GA, then arriving together and helping each other out, before the line, once in the arena and then even holding spots while people do drink and dunny runs and we should be fine. I'm more than happy to stand a couple deep to allow smaller women (and my 11 year old) to be up against the rail.

    I doubt the pit will be anywhere near as insane as it was in the 90s at the Ent Cent.

    I reckon I might only be as tall as your 11 yr old - I know my 12 year old is taller than me!!!!
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    Hmmm a drink or 10 before hand hey? ;) lol
  • every single day i go down beaufort street as part of my daily routine, for the past few days i've been thinking about the hoards of crowds that are going to be bursting out of all the bars down that street. I'll probably end up at brissy bar anyway since it's only a 3 min walk from my place, but i'm not going to drink before the show, otherwise i'll break the seal.
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    MMmmm Mosh Pit...Alcohol induced mood...and a Pearl Jam concert sounds like the perfect day for me ;) haha
  • i_lov_it wrote:
    MMmmm Mosh Pit...Alcohol induced mood...and a Pearl Jam concert sounds like the perfect day for me ;) haha

    perfect day indeed - so long as no one tries to budge me from where I plan on being which would be against the barrier at the front - then a perfect day for me too!!! Bring it on!!!!! ;)
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    No one's going to 'budge' me from the Barrier lol ;)
  • I didn't get GA cause I'm too short and I don't wanna queue up for hours! I got reserved seating; E4, at the side. Is that pretty close to the stage?
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    KevDylan wrote:
    I didn't get GA cause I'm too short and I don't wanna queue up for hours! I got reserved seating; E4, at the side. Is that pretty close to the stage?

    Um...Ah...I'm not quite sure! :)
  • i_lov_it wrote:
    No one's going to 'budge' me from the Barrier lol ;)

    Then we should stand together, cause I am only short and quite budgeable!!! ;)
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    i_lov_it wrote:
    No one's going to 'budge' me from the Barrier lol ;)

    Then we should stand together, cause I am only short and quite budgeable!!! ;)

    lol sounds like a good idea! maybe a better advantage...sit on my shoulders haha i'm 6"1 :D
  • i_lov_it wrote:
    i_lov_it wrote:
    No one's going to 'budge' me from the Barrier lol ;)

    Then we should stand together, cause I am only short and quite budgeable!!! ;)

    lol sounds like a good idea! maybe a better advantage...sit on my shoulders haha i'm 6"1 :D

    Allllright!!!! I'm only 5"2' if I stand on tiptoes, (for the extra half an inch!) you're on buddy!!!!! :D But it's ok, cause I don't weigh much -I won't break your back!!
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    wow 5"2...i better start preparing my shoulders lol ;)
  • i_lov_it wrote:
    wow 5"2...i better start preparing my shoulders lol ;)

    Hey, it's not like I can help being a short-arse!!!! :)
  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    Hello? What is this Thread doing all the way back on page 4?
  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    Jo wrote:
    Hello? What is this Thread doing all the way back on page 4?
    Well, thats better.
  • Maybe we need to have Aussie Pre show threads stickied for the next couple of weeks. How do we make them official 10c gatherings?
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Hey kids. So whats the final prognosis? The Brisbane?
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • The Brissy would be the obvious choice i think being so close and a pretty nice place to boot. Would be nice to all meet there and head over together and then help eaqch other in the GA area. I'm sure we could enable those shorter to see and those taller and stronger can help protect them from the usual moshpit madness plus holding spots while we go for drinks to toilet runs during the afternoon and support acts.

    All for one and one for all.
  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    Maybe we need to have Aussie Pre show threads stickied for the next couple of weeks. How do we make them official 10c gatherings?

    Maybe you just edit the Title and put "Official" in it :D , or else we just got to keep coming here and keep it bumped.
    The Brissy will be great.
    Can anyone tell me what time the last train runs to Armadale?
  • Uummm, not sure - know we have to get the Armadale line from the city to get to ME stadium...but not sure how late they run - check the Transperth website...should have timetables up.....
  • The Brissy would be the obvious choice i think being so close and a pretty nice place to boot. Would be nice to all meet there and head over together and then help eaqch other in the GA area. I'm sure we could enable those shorter to see and those taller and stronger can help protect them from the usual moshpit madness plus holding spots while we go for drinks to toilet runs during the afternoon and support acts.

    All for one and one for all.

    YEP........ :)
  • joely_91joely_91 Posts: 795
    Pretty sure last train along all lines is at about 2am on saturdays....well sunday mornings?
  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    So peoples, do you think we should phone The Brisbane and have some tables set aside? It would suck if we all rock up and told "sorry, no room for you because a heap of non-10c members are taking up all the room" :evil:
    If so, how many to book for?
    So far there's me........
  • And me plus 3....... 8-)

    Actually add two more onto that.....
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Posts: 4,007
    Jo wrote:
    Hello? What is this Thread doing all the way back on page 4?

    I'll try my best to keep it on page 1 hehe ;)
  • 10 days to go - all overseas travellers welcome - PM me if you need help with accommodation, transport, venue etc.
  • 10 days to go - all overseas travellers welcome - PM me if you need help with accommodation, transport, venue etc.

    10 days to go!!! Woo Hoo.....

    lol, and here I was thinking I was the only nut on the computer at this time in the morning!!!!! :lol:
  • I start work at about 4am. So you can usaually find me close to a computer from there on in. As the songs says..

    Estimated time of arrival 9.30 a.m.
    Been up before the sun and now I'm tired before I even begin.
    (Now you're flying) I got so much work in front of me,
    (Really flying) it stretches out far as the eye can see.
    I can see.
    Spend half my life in airports doing crosswords and attempting to sleep,
    And when the bar is open then you'll often find me warming a seat.
    (Now you're flying) I never find a place where I can stay
    (Really flying) I'd rather be a thousand miles away.
    Thousand miles away.
    Working for yourself sometimes ain't all that it's cracked up to be.
    It can be as lonely at the top as at the bottom of that corporate tree
    (Now you're flying) I'm told I'm going places - who can say ?
    (Really flying) I might arrive but I'll be gone the very next day.
    I must be on my way
    A thousand miles away.
    Promised to myself someday I'd take the time and try to make sense
    Out of all those opportunities I've lost from trying to sit on the fence
    (Now you're flying) But right now I've got no time for yesterday
    (Really flying) Yesterday's a thousand miles away.
    A thousand miles away.
    What was that that you were trying to say ?
    I guess I was a thousand miles away.

    In my case it's I'll be chained to a computer...

    Two at home, one in the office, one goes almost everywhere I go (the nuclear football), plus 3g phone. Now you see why I love it when I'm Amongst The Waves - no computers out there. Going surfing with my brother at Yallingup this afternoon - I'm hanging out!!! Hopefully the local dolphins will pay me a visit like they did just before I left for the US last month.
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