Show Announcement Method: It is what it is



  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363

    Curtis Management
    1423 34th Ave
    Seattle, WA 98122-3300

    Phone: (206) 329-4200

    There y'all go. Put your money where your mouth is and contact the person in charge.

    Thanks for the address. But rather than complain to management, who's only interests is in the bottom line, I'd rather direct my concerns who should really hear it the most. The band, individually. Write them, not Curtis. I'm sure he doesn't really give a rat's ass what people think about how he runs the business. He should however, if he cared about good customer service.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,681
    Jeanwah wrote:

    Curtis Management
    1423 34th Ave
    Seattle, WA 98122-3300

    Phone: (206) 329-4200

    There y'all go. Put your money where your mouth is and contact the person in charge.

    Thanks for the address. But rather than complain to management, who's only interests is in the bottom line, I'd rather direct my concerns who should really hear it the most. The band, individually. Write them, not Curtis. I'm sure he doesn't really give a rat's ass what people think about how he runs the business. He should however, if he cared about good customer service.

    Do you think securing MORE 10C tickets than usual for the 2 Philly shows is bad customer service? Do you feel that taking the extra time to negotiate that and announcing the shows is a bad thing? A reasonable person can put it together that at least some of that extra time was spent securing more tickets for US. As a local fan shut out of tickets to the 30th show I am very greatful for their efforts in this matter.
  • pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    can we get a price on SLC tix?
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