But I also have trouble mustering sympathy for people whose big problem is they booked a trip to see Pearl Jam play someplace cool, and now they might have to go to an additional show because Pearl Jam is now playing in their backyard.
It's like bitching about hitting the lottery twice. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
I agreed with that. I addressed that earlier. If you are interested in visiting a place of interest , by all means, do it but don't bitch after you have committed to seeing them in a foreign city. However, I have been following this band for well over 10 years and have seen far better methods for announcing shows/tours. I am going to CHicago, Seattle and PHilly(hometown shows) so I think I hit the lottery 3 times!
But I also have trouble mustering sympathy for people whose big problem is they booked a trip to see Pearl Jam play someplace cool, and now they might have to go to an additional show because Pearl Jam is now playing in their backyard.
It's like bitching about hitting the lottery twice. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
well how about people who aren't even bitching about that, or truly bitching at all (since when is expressing a dissenting opinion, especially respectfully, always labelled as 'bithcing'....?)....but merely would like to know ALL the cool places pearl jam is planning on hitting up, so then they can choose just what cool place fits within their work schedule, when they can manage time off, is a place they'd like to go, what would fit in their budget best, etc. it's simply the desire to make a truly informed decision, that is all. since you seem keen on us all being sensible ....well that's all many of us are wishing to do.
i was seriously considering sydney (i've now knocked it out of contention for various reasons) or hawaii. i am still considering hawaii. if/when i was still considering sydney, it definitely would be an either/or scenario for me, sydney or hawaii...not both. i would've very much liked to know the hawaii date(s) before the end of the oz presale....make the best, most informed decision. luckily for me, i already changed my mind :P but none the less.....still would've been nice to know beforehand if/when hawaii is happening. you're right, it's a great *problem* to have....thus why i am not 'bitching'...but you bet, throwing in my agreement that there are better ways of announcing your tour plans. that is all.
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
If you want to log a complaint, don't come on the fan board (write a letter to management, this will have a greater affect if there are numbers who agree), and complain aboout having to pay for a pearl jam vacation and having to pay for a show in your backyard. You made the choice to take a pearl jam vacation which means you had the expendable monies to do this, most people don't. If you chose to travel beyond your expenses to a friggin rock n roll concert, you my friend are an idiot and don't deserve a forum to complain. TAKE SOME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! Has this concept been completely lost in our country?
First, I think that this board is a great place to voice your opinion and log your complaint. Second, I don't think that management wants to receive winey messages every time someone has a complaint. Lastly, please don't assume that people are spending over their means to travel to see PJ(That's THEIR business )
Anyway, I am just asking PJ to rethink their strategy when it comes to touring, thats all. If they don't, thats fine too, we will all get along and travel to some kickass places to see them. I ended up getting tickets to go to Italy in 06 to see them after I had already seen them play earlier in the year in PHilly. Turns out, we made a trip out of it and became engaged in a secluded corridor in Venice! Not to mention the three shows, the band, people and the culture were incredible.
Uh...ok. Who can I complain to that you got to travel to Italy to see PJ? Are you on Facebook? I think I'll start there :roll:
I'm not assuming anything, only going by what people have been saying for 12-13 pages. There is nothing to discuss amongst fans with this issue. If you have a suggestion for the band, suggest it to the band. Don't whine to my broke ass about how inconvenienced you are by your travelling all over the planet to see a rock band. They make it my business when they post that they have been put out by this method!
Uh...ok. Who can I complain to that you got to travel to Italy to see PJ? Are you on Facebook? I think I'll start there :roll:
I'm not assuming anything, only going by what people have been saying for 12-13 pages. There is nothing to discuss amongst fans with this issue. If you have a suggestion for the band, suggest it to the band. Don't whine to my broke ass about how inconvenienced you are by your travelling all over the planet to see a rock band.
I guessed you missed the point. I am not complaining and am completely grateful for seeing PJ. I just feel for the broke-ass people like yourself who may or may not plan on seeing shows in other lands prematurely(i am not saying that you do this If there are never suggesstions to change things that people don't like or deem inconvenient, we would never improve our methods or business
It's a numbers game and one can't satisfy everybody. If a stadium holds 18,000 people, how many of them travel. Given any city. I bet it is very few as a percentage of a venue's capacity. I believe the people who travel around following the band and planning vacations around the tour are few and far in-between. Given this is a PJ forum, the number of people in this forum who travels with the band is many. So I think while the concern about piecemeal announcements affects more people as a percentage here, in the general scheme, it is a very low number of people. There are many factors in planning a tour. Of all the variables needing to be addressed, thinking about people traveling with the band is probably important and is considered but probably carries a relatively low weight compared with other issues that need to be addressed. I'm sure that if factors lend themselves to a situation where all or most shows get announced at once, they would announce at once. In 2003, there were several rollover shows added later than the original tour announcement based on demand. Remember, no 10c tickets for those shows. Everything is give and take, many factors come into play. I think PJ travelers are an ultimate example of an extreme special interest group. An extreme minority. I don't think they can handle every special interest group's desires to everybody's satisfaction. I think SlightofJeff makes excellent points. I feel for the travelers concerns but understand what is going on here.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
If you're not going apeshit, then I'm not talking to you. But every thread about every topic contains these people (usually the same people) ... bitching about the way the tour was announced .... bitching about the places they chose to play .... bitching about the places they chose not to play ... bitching about the songs they chose to play ... bitching about the cost of tickets ... bitching about Target ... bitching about the length of the upcoming album ... and so on and so forth.
One doesn't have to "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak and agree with everything in order to be a part of the fan base, but some of these people ... I wonder why they are fans of something that obviously causes such great consternation in their lives.
preach brother!!
is the way pj announces tours lame? yes
will you get an answer as to why? probably not
ranting and raving like a petulant child here gonna help? not really
sending an intelligent, well thought out letter/email to the band a better way to go? i think so
If you're not going apeshit, then I'm not talking to you. But every thread about every topic contains these people (usually the same people) ... bitching about the way the tour was announced .... bitching about the places they chose to play .... bitching about the places they chose not to play ... bitching about the songs they chose to play ... bitching about the cost of tickets ... bitching about Target ... bitching about the length of the upcoming album ... and so on and so forth.
One doesn't have to "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak and agree with everything in order to be a part of the fan base, but some of these people ... I wonder why they are fans of something that obviously causes such great consternation in their lives.
preach brother!!
is the way pj announces tours lame? yes
will you get an answer as to why? probably not
ranting and raving like a petulant child here gonna help? not really
sending an intelligent, well thought out letter/email to the band a better way to go? i think so
way to take the fun out of it.
seriously....did people send emails about altering seniority, or how posters were sold, or requesting presales for posters, etc, etc...? idk...maybe people did, i just know i didn't. however, i certainly discussed ALL those topics, right here, and quite often. both are good. i also think 10c does check out this official forum from time to time as well.
however, you bet....when i wanted to get MoTH played in milan, i took no chances and utlized all written methods of communication.
It's a numbers game and one can't satisfy everybody. If a stadium holds 18,000 people, how many of them travel. Given any city. I bet it is very few as a percentage of a venue's capacity. I believe the people who travel around following the band and planning vacations around the tour are few and far in-between.
An excellent point. I prefer they went back to only giving ten club members 1 set of tickets per tour. I guess I could start another thread about how I feel like I am being shafted. You can't please everyone.
If you're not going apeshit, then I'm not talking to you. But every thread about every topic contains these people (usually the same people) ... bitching about the way the tour was announced .... bitching about the places they chose to play .... bitching about the places they chose not to play ... bitching about the songs they chose to play ... bitching about the cost of tickets ... bitching about Target ... bitching about the length of the upcoming album ... and so on and so forth.
One doesn't have to "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak and agree with everything in order to be a part of the fan base, but some of these people ... I wonder why they are fans of something that obviously causes such great consternation in their lives.
preach brother!!
is the way pj announces tours lame? yes
will you get an answer as to why? probably not
ranting and raving like a petulant child here gonna help? not really
sending an intelligent, well thought out letter/email to the band a better way to go? i think so
way to take the fun out of it.
seriously....did people send emails about altering seniority, or how posters were sold, or requesting presales for posters, etc, etc...? idk...maybe people did, i just know i didn't. however, i certainly discussed ALL those topics, right here, and quite often. both are good. i also think 10c does check out this official forum from time to time as well.
however, you bet....when i wanted to get MoTH played in milan, i took no chances and utlized all written methods of communication.
of course 10c forwards complaints and ideas that come up here...and of course it should be discussed here...but a lot of people seems to assume that be lodging their complaint here (usually in a very entitled tone) that the band will immediately change the way they do things...honestly, if i were in the band or part of it's management and read some of the comments by "fans", i'd close the fan club and tell us all to fuck off...it is bizarre as to why they put together their tours...no one is disputing that....but at this point and on, people should factor this in and decide before they purchase tickets if they really want to travel to see the band or wait and hope a show closer to them come up...i did in 08...i thought they'd announce some shows on the west coast after the east coast gigs...they didn't and life went on...now i'll see them 5 times locally...i didn't buy toronto or chicago or philly tix...i waited and was rewarded...if they didn't play here, then i might have traveled...life is made of choices
of course 10c forwards complaints and ideas that come up here...and of course it should be discussed here...but a lot of people seems to assume that be lodging their complaint here (usually in a very entitled tone) that the band will immediately change the way they do things...honestly, if i were in the band or part of it's management and read some of the comments by "fans", i'd close the fan club and tell us all to fuck off...it is bizarre as to why they put together their tours...no one is disputing that....but at this point and on, people should factor this in and decide before they purchase tickets if they really want to travel to see the band or wait and hope a show closer to them come up...i did in 08...i thought they'd announce some shows on the west coast after the east coast gigs...they didn't and life went on...now i'll see them 5 times locally...i didn't buy toronto or chicago or philly tix...i waited and was rewarded...if they didn't play here, then i might have traveled...life is made of choices
Some examples of items debated in this forum where 10c made a change. Here is what I remember, there is probably more:
2000- the desire to have 10c tickets to more than 1 show, 2003- 10c tickets to all except rollover shows
2003- displeasure of block ticket assignments, you had to arrive early to get a better seat in your block, result was specific seat assignments
2003- high 10c numbers were in the rear of the floor and couldn't see, result in later tours was up the side seating for higher 10c numbers
Discussion about being stuck with a particular 10c number and being doomed to the seating relative to others for life based on that number, result is random row 1 and 2, and 9 and 10 seat assignments for high 10c number people.
I'm sure there is more. I think many can reflect back at massive discussion threads like this one on the aforementioned topics. I remember these. 10c does listen. I don't think they can do everything to accommodate everybody. I think their hearts are in the right place and they try to improve things to the extent practicable. That's what I appreciate the most.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
of course 10c forwards complaints and ideas that come up here...and of course it should be discussed here...but a lot of people seems to assume that be lodging their complaint here (usually in a very entitled tone) that the band will immediately change the way they do things...honestly, if i were in the band or part of it's management and read some of the comments by "fans", i'd close the fan club and tell us all to fuck off...it is bizarre as to why they put together their tours...no one is disputing that....but at this point and on, people should factor this in and decide before they purchase tickets if they really want to travel to see the band or wait and hope a show closer to them come up...i did in 08...i thought they'd announce some shows on the west coast after the east coast gigs...they didn't and life went on...now i'll see them 5 times locally...i didn't buy toronto or chicago or philly tix...i waited and was rewarded...if they didn't play here, then i might have traveled...life is made of choices
of course.
however, i think it merely is a matter of focus. i think a LOT more people discuss this, and other topics, respectfully....then those who do so with a sense of entitlement/arrogance. that is all. and yes, the obvious....this IS a discussion board, for pearl jam, so it all simply makes sense to discuss pearl jam here. :P
i do agree...at times when things really go off here, one can only cringe. haha. but then again, pj/10c have been at this game a good long while, so i suppose they are used to it, and sure, still see the benefits of this place, the fan club, etc....far outweigh the negatives.
absolutely, i only travel when i want to travel, tho i will admit, i'd not have gone to philly if any NYC shows were around but sure...my choice, and close enough. however, that said...i still far prefer that they'd announce all shows at once simply b/c i think it's the nice thing to do. i am the first to admit pj/10c is gonna do what they are gonna do, and rightfully so....but still, i'll always share my pov. and you bet, i sure as shit wish they'd announce hawaii.
I'm sure there is more. I think many can reflect back at massive discussion threads like this one on the aforementioned topics. I remember these. 10c does listen. I don't think they can do everything to accommodate everybody. I think their hearts are in the right place and they try to improve things to the extent practicable. That's what I appreciate the most.
...yes exactly. add wristbands for posters, now the presales for posters, bootlegs availalbe in CD, mp3 and flac formats....all generated by discussions.....here. that was my point a couple of posts in this thread. it IS good to discuss here.
i can't believe people are complaining about 10C holding off on the Philly announcements - do you people realize that 10C secured more tickets FOR 10C MEMBERS to these 2 new shows. Clearly a reasonable person can assume that the delay in these 2 shows was for 10C to negotiate for these extra tickets after gauging interest in the shows and interest from the general public. Waiting on these 2 shows was a very positive thing for 10C Members. As a local who got shut out of tickets for the 30th I am very grateful for 10C securing more tickets to these 2 shows. Again a good thing.
also I don't think anyone says you shouldn't be allowed to voice opinions and complaints - the problem seems to be in many of these threads is the tone of the complaints. you don't need to act like a petulant child to get your point across. you can lodge complaints in a reasonable adult manner and i think people would respond in a much healthier fashion.
Some examples of items debated in this forum where 10c made a change. Here is what I remember, there is probably more:
2000- the desire to have 10c tickets to more than 1 show, 2003- 10c tickets to all except rollover shows
2003- displeasure of block ticket assignments, you had to arrive early to get a better seat in your block, result was specific seat assignments
2003- high 10c numbers were in the rear of the floor and couldn't see, result in later tours was up the side seating for higher 10c numbers
Discussion about being stuck with a particular 10c number and being doomed to the seating relative to others for life based on that number, result is random row 1 and 2, and 9 and 10 seat assignments for high 10c number people.
I'm sure there is more. I think many can reflect back at massive discussion threads like this one on the aforementioned topics. I remember these. 10c does listen. I don't think they can do everything to accommodate everybody. I think their hearts are in the right place and they try to improve things to the extent practicable. That's what I appreciate the most.
The Ten Club does not plan Pearl Jam's tours. They cannot make any decision on how shows are announced since they don't make the deals. When tour time comes around Curtis Management plans the tour. I hope you are all sending Kelly letters and not the Ten Club.
All those things you mentioned that were changed were things that the Ten Club has some sort of control of. Which is how they choose to distribute their allotted tickets, they have no control over how and when show deals are made. Its like calling the police to put out our fire.
The Ten Club deals with retail Pearl Jam, selling us trinkets and providing us with tickets. The big deals are done elsewhere. Like the Target deal? Also tours are big deals. Big deals also don't tend to take a small, VERY vocal, minority into account when making these deals. It's about maximizing ticket sales, not making the tour convenient for a handful of people.
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low. [/quote
Aren't you whining about having to purchase tickets all at once? Yep, I think you are whiner. You should give up your membership too.[/quote
I'm not whining about the method which they chose to sell the tickets. It's their band their choice. I'm glad about the method they have chosen .
Little boy. does your mommy buy all your tickets, make and pay for all your travel arrangements for you????
Come into the real world where everone doesn't have a never ending supply of cash. Maybe when you give up your tenclub membership you Mommy can buy you a fan club membership to the Jonas Brothers. I bet they announce their tour all at once and Mommy will be able to buy the tickets and travel all at once.
Announce a tour like a normal band, wtf? This is AWFUL! I need to sell my Austin City Limit ticket now...
Anyone book a flight to Philly before they announced these shows?
After this year, I may not renew my membership, and I highly doubt I'll bother seeing my favorite band anymore, it's just too frustrating!
I'm just glad they still aren't hitting the south!
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low.
I don't mean to pick a fight here, but wouldn't you find it obnoxious if someone made that exact statement towards you? This "don't like this? Don't renew your membership" crap is pretty petty in my opinion.
Uh... If you actually read what he stated "After this year, I may not renew my membership, and I highly doubt I'll bother seeing my favorite band anymore, it's just too frustrating!" You would understand why I said that.
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low. [/quote
Aren't you whining about having to purchase tickets all at once? Yep, I think you are whiner. You should give up your membership too.[/quote
I'm not whining about the method which they chose to sell the tickets. It's their band their choice. I'm glad about the method they have chosen .
Little boy. does your mommy buy all your tickets, make and pay for all your travel arrangements for you????
Come into the real world where everone doesn't have a never ending supply of cash. Maybe when you give up your tenclub membership you Mommy can buy you a fan club membership to the Jonas Brothers. I bet they announce their tour all at once and Mommy will be able to buy the tickets and travel all at once.
Oh..looky the resorting to the Mommy post...nice. You are an ass.
Some examples of items debated in this forum where 10c made a change. Here is what I remember, there is probably more:
2000- the desire to have 10c tickets to more than 1 show, 2003- 10c tickets to all except rollover shows
2003- displeasure of block ticket assignments, you had to arrive early to get a better seat in your block, result was specific seat assignments
2003- high 10c numbers were in the rear of the floor and couldn't see, result in later tours was up the side seating for higher 10c numbers
Discussion about being stuck with a particular 10c number and being doomed to the seating relative to others for life based on that number, result is random row 1 and 2, and 9 and 10 seat assignments for high 10c number people.
I'm sure there is more. I think many can reflect back at massive discussion threads like this one on the aforementioned topics. I remember these. 10c does listen. I don't think they can do everything to accommodate everybody. I think their hearts are in the right place and they try to improve things to the extent practicable. That's what I appreciate the most.
The Ten Club does not plan Pearl Jam's tours. They cannot make any decision on how shows are announced since they don't make the deals. When tour time comes around Curtis Management plans the tour. I hope you are all sending Kelly letters and not the Ten Club.
All those things you mentioned that were changed were things that the Ten Club has some sort of control of. Which is how they choose to distribute their allotted tickets, they have no control over how and when show deals are made. Its like calling the police to put out our fire.
The Ten Club deals with retail Pearl Jam, selling us trinkets and providing us with tickets. The big deals are done elsewhere. Like the Target deal? Also tours are big deals. Big deals also don't tend to take a small, VERY vocal, minority into account when making these deals. It's about maximizing ticket sales, not making the tour convenient for a handful of people.
I appreciate what you're saying but I think there is more integration between 10c and Curtis Management. I remember Tim getting pretty active in the forum in 2003, saying things about MSG 2003. With the mail-in cards, there was concern whether there would be enough 10c seats for all who applied. I remember Tim (Rubysdad) getting in here and updating us. Saying things like (paraphrase) "I think we have gotten all 10c demand for MSG taken care of but the seats may not be the greatest". He also chimed in on the seating in blocks, etc. I'll bet you 10c is pretty much integrated with the band's business. I think, I guess, where there is little or no integration is in the talent side. What the players do or play or whatever.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
The Ten Club does not plan Pearl Jam's tours. They cannot make any decision on how shows are announced since they don't make the deals. When tour time comes around Curtis Management plans the tour. I hope you are all sending Kelly letters and not the Ten Club.
I dont think many grasp that concept though. :?
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
I appreciate what you're saying but I think there is more integration between 10c and Curtis Management. I remember Tim getting pretty active in the forum in 2003, saying things about MSG 2003. With the mail-in cards, there was concern whether there would be enough 10c seats for all who applied. I remember Tim (Rubysdad) getting in here and updating us. Saying things like (paraphrase) "I think we have gotten all 10c demand for MSG taken care of but the seats may not be the greatest". He also chimed in on the seating in blocks, etc. I'll bet you 10c is pretty much integrated with the band's business. I think, I guess, where there is little or no integration is in the talent side. What the players do or play or whatever.
Yeah but that doest necessarily mean they have a say on how things are done, Im sure the 10C guys read the board and see the suggestions and the nonsense and they pass it on, I don’t think 10C decides how the tour is announced.
As far as the tkts I think the decision is made by more people than just the 10C guys I think more heads sit down and try to figure out the best way to do things though it is impossible to please everyone. Just plain impossible.
Just now, they have 4 shows in Philly and people are bitching because the 2 that they are going to are not the first or last and they got a “raw deal” if it was only 1 show people would be bitching about them not having a rollover so that more people have the chance to get tkts and see the band at least one night, there is always going to be a bunch of people that are not happy and do not like the way things are done.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
Yeah but that doest necessarily mean they have a say on how things are done, Im sure the 10C guys read the board and see the suggestions and the nonsense and they pass it on, I don’t think 10C decides how the tour is announced.
Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm trying to say. I think 10c has input like a seat at the table, not the head of the table, but I think they do provide input. I would think this forum is the main source for fan-based input.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
Yeah but that doest necessarily mean they have a say on how things are done, Im sure the 10C guys read the board and see the suggestions and the nonsense and they pass it on, I don’t think 10C decides how the tour is announced.
Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm trying to say. I think 10c has input like a seat at the table, not the head of the table, but I think they do provide input. I would think this forum is the main source for fan-based input.
I don’t think 10C has any say on how the tour is announced though.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
Yeah but that doest necessarily mean they have a say on how things are done, Im sure the 10C guys read the board and see the suggestions and the nonsense and they pass it on, I don’t think 10C decides how the tour is announced.
Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm trying to say. I think 10c has input like a seat at the table, not the head of the table, but I think they do provide input. I would think this forum is the main source for fan-based input.
I don’t think 10C has any say on how the tour is announced though.
I would agree. The face of the band to fans, though, is the Ten Club. Thus, the Ten Club is where we go to with praise or criticism. If anyone knows of a message board that Kelly Curtis runs, please let us know.
Curtis Management
1423 34th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122-3300
Phone: (206) 329-4200
There y'all go. Put your money where your mouth is and contact the person in charge.
Is there a message board where fans can discuss? Nope. Do the Ten Club message board comments get to the people they need to? Yep. Is there a need to email Kat or Kelly Curtis personally? Nope.
Do the Ten Club message board comments get to the people they need to? Yep. Is there a need to email Kat or Kelly Curtis personally? Nope.
I'm sure 10C is in touch with Curtis Management but I'm not going to ASSUME that every complaint is communicated. For all I know, mr. Curtis said "i don't want to hear another fucking thing about concert announcements" so 10C doesn't mention it to him.
If you feel strongly about the subject, call or write Curtis Management. Posting here isn't enough. It's old and annoying.
I forgot that this is 2009 and communicating without the internet is sooooo 1980. Some of you would probably be too scared to complain over the phone.
Do the Ten Club message board comments get to the people they need to? Yep. Is there a need to email Kat or Kelly Curtis personally? Nope.
I'm sure 10C is in touch with Curtis Management but I'm not going to ASSUME that every complaint is communicated. For all I know, mr. Curtis said "i don't want to hear another fucking thing about concert announcements" so 10C doesn't mention it to him.
If you feel strongly about the subject, call or write Curtis Management. Posting here isn't enough. It's old and annoying.
I forgot that this is 2009 and communicating without the internet is sooooo 1980. Some of you would probably be too scared to complain over the phone.
This is a message board. This is why they created message boards. So we can talk about the band, concerts, etc.. (good or bad). You don't have to open the thread. The very fact that people are posting on the message board and not calling Curtis Management is that they aren't "crazy" like some of you say and are using the message board for what it is for, a place to vent sometimes.
I'm not going to email Eddie and ask how "Get Right" was put on Riot Act. I'm going to post here that the song blows.
The Ten Club does not plan Pearl Jam's tours. They cannot make any decision on how shows are announced since they don't make the deals. When tour time comes around Curtis Management plans the tour. I hope you are all sending Kelly letters and not the Ten Club.
All those things you mentioned that were changed were things that the Ten Club has some sort of control of. Which is how they choose to distribute their allotted tickets, they have no control over how and when show deals are made. Its like calling the police to put out our fire.
The Ten Club deals with retail Pearl Jam, selling us trinkets and providing us with tickets. The big deals are done elsewhere. Like the Target deal? Also tours are big deals. Big deals also don't tend to take a small, VERY vocal, minority into account when making these deals. It's about maximizing ticket sales, not making the tour convenient for a handful of people.
Yes but the entire Pearl jam organization is run in one building. Everything is connected. So while the Ten Club isn't necessarily in the "Big deals", they are still there per say in the building. I think it is a pretty tight operation.
I agreed with that. I addressed that earlier. If you are interested in visiting a place of interest , by all means, do it but don't bitch after you have committed to seeing them in a foreign city. However, I have been following this band for well over 10 years and have seen far better methods for announcing shows/tours. I am going to CHicago, Seattle and PHilly(hometown shows) so I think I hit the lottery 3 times!
well how about people who aren't even bitching about that, or truly bitching at all (since when is expressing a dissenting opinion, especially respectfully, always labelled as 'bithcing'....?)....but merely would like to know ALL the cool places pearl jam is planning on hitting up, so then they can choose just what cool place fits within their work schedule, when they can manage time off, is a place they'd like to go, what would fit in their budget best, etc. it's simply the desire to make a truly informed decision, that is all. since you seem keen on us all being sensible
i was seriously considering sydney (i've now knocked it out of contention for various reasons) or hawaii. i am still considering hawaii. if/when i was still considering sydney, it definitely would be an either/or scenario for me, sydney or hawaii...not both. i would've very much liked to know the hawaii date(s) before the end of the oz presale....make the best, most informed decision. luckily for me, i already changed my mind :P but none the less.....still would've been nice to know beforehand if/when hawaii is happening. you're right, it's a great *problem* to have....thus why i am not 'bitching'...but you bet, throwing in my agreement that there are better ways of announcing your tour plans. that is all.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Uh...ok. Who can I complain to that you got to travel to Italy to see PJ? Are you on Facebook? I think I'll start there :roll:
I'm not assuming anything, only going by what people have been saying for 12-13 pages. There is nothing to discuss amongst fans with this issue. If you have a suggestion for the band, suggest it to the band. Don't whine to my broke ass about how inconvenienced you are by your travelling all over the planet to see a rock band. They make it my business when they post that they have been put out by this method!
I guessed you missed the point. I am not complaining and am completely grateful for seeing PJ. I just feel for the broke-ass people like yourself who may or may not plan on seeing shows in other lands prematurely(i am not saying that you do this
preach brother!!
is the way pj announces tours lame? yes
will you get an answer as to why? probably not
ranting and raving like a petulant child here gonna help? not really
sending an intelligent, well thought out letter/email to the band a better way to go? i think so
way to take the fun out of it.
seriously....did people send emails about altering seniority, or how posters were sold, or requesting presales for posters, etc, etc...? idk...maybe people did, i just know i didn't. however, i certainly discussed ALL those topics, right here, and quite often.
however, you bet....when i wanted to get MoTH played in milan, i took no chances and utlized all written methods of communication.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
An excellent point. I prefer they went back to only giving ten club members 1 set of tickets per tour. I guess I could start another thread about how I feel like I am being shafted. You can't please everyone.
of course 10c forwards complaints and ideas that come up here...and of course it should be discussed here...but a lot of people seems to assume that be lodging their complaint here (usually in a very entitled tone) that the band will immediately change the way they do things...honestly, if i were in the band or part of it's management and read some of the comments by "fans", i'd close the fan club and tell us all to fuck off...it is bizarre as to why they put together their tours...no one is disputing that....but at this point and on, people should factor this in and decide before they purchase tickets if they really want to travel to see the band or wait and hope a show closer to them come up...i did in 08...i thought they'd announce some shows on the west coast after the east coast gigs...they didn't and life went on...now i'll see them 5 times locally...i didn't buy toronto or chicago or philly tix...i waited and was rewarded...if they didn't play here, then i might have traveled...life is made of choices
Some examples of items debated in this forum where 10c made a change. Here is what I remember, there is probably more:
2000- the desire to have 10c tickets to more than 1 show, 2003- 10c tickets to all except rollover shows
2003- displeasure of block ticket assignments, you had to arrive early to get a better seat in your block, result was specific seat assignments
2003- high 10c numbers were in the rear of the floor and couldn't see, result in later tours was up the side seating for higher 10c numbers
Discussion about being stuck with a particular 10c number and being doomed to the seating relative to others for life based on that number, result is random row 1 and 2, and 9 and 10 seat assignments for high 10c number people.
I'm sure there is more. I think many can reflect back at massive discussion threads like this one on the aforementioned topics. I remember these. 10c does listen. I don't think they can do everything to accommodate everybody. I think their hearts are in the right place and they try to improve things to the extent practicable. That's what I appreciate the most.
of course.
however, i think it merely is a matter of focus. i think a LOT more people discuss this, and other topics, respectfully....then those who do so with a sense of entitlement/arrogance. that is all. and yes, the obvious....this IS a discussion board, for pearl jam, so it all simply makes sense to discuss pearl jam here. :P
i do agree...at times when things really go off here, one can only cringe. haha. but then again, pj/10c have been at this game a good long while, so i suppose they are used to it, and sure, still see the benefits of this place, the fan club, etc....far outweigh the negatives.
absolutely, i only travel when i want to travel, tho i will admit, i'd not have gone to philly if any NYC shows were around but sure...my choice, and close enough. however, that said...i still far prefer that they'd announce all shows at once simply b/c i think it's the nice thing to do. i am the first to admit pj/10c is gonna do what they are gonna do, and rightfully so....but still, i'll always share my pov. and you bet, i sure as shit wish they'd announce hawaii.
...yes exactly. add wristbands for posters, now the presales for posters, bootlegs availalbe in CD, mp3 and flac formats....all generated by discussions.....here. that was my point a couple of posts in this thread. it IS good to discuss here.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
also I don't think anyone says you shouldn't be allowed to voice opinions and complaints - the problem seems to be in many of these threads is the tone of the complaints. you don't need to act like a petulant child to get your point across. you can lodge complaints in a reasonable adult manner and i think people would respond in a much healthier fashion.
As a OU fan I don't know if I can give Austin TX the amazing status either!
I leave day after tomorrow! Woo Hoo! Can't wait. Doing Chicago as soon as I get back.
The Ten Club does not plan Pearl Jam's tours. They cannot make any decision on how shows are announced since they don't make the deals. When tour time comes around Curtis Management plans the tour. I hope you are all sending Kelly letters and not the Ten Club.
All those things you mentioned that were changed were things that the Ten Club has some sort of control of. Which is how they choose to distribute their allotted tickets, they have no control over how and when show deals are made. Its like calling the police to put out our fire.
The Ten Club deals with retail Pearl Jam, selling us trinkets and providing us with tickets. The big deals are done elsewhere. Like the Target deal? Also tours are big deals. Big deals also don't tend to take a small, VERY vocal, minority into account when making these deals. It's about maximizing ticket sales, not making the tour convenient for a handful of people.
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low.
Aren't you whining about having to purchase tickets all at once? Yep, I think you are whiner. You should give up your membership too.[/quote
I'm not whining about the method which they chose to sell the tickets. It's their band their choice. I'm glad about the method they have chosen .
Little boy. does your mommy buy all your tickets, make and pay for all your travel arrangements for you????
Come into the real world where everone doesn't have a never ending supply of cash. Maybe when you give up your tenclub membership you Mommy can buy you a fan club membership to the Jonas Brothers. I bet they announce their tour all at once and Mommy will be able to buy the tickets and travel all at once.
want to be enlightened"
want to be enlightened"
Oh..looky the resorting to the Mommy post...nice. You are an ass.
I appreciate what you're saying but I think there is more integration between 10c and Curtis Management. I remember Tim getting pretty active in the forum in 2003, saying things about MSG 2003. With the mail-in cards, there was concern whether there would be enough 10c seats for all who applied. I remember Tim (Rubysdad) getting in here and updating us. Saying things like (paraphrase) "I think we have gotten all 10c demand for MSG taken care of but the seats may not be the greatest". He also chimed in on the seating in blocks, etc. I'll bet you 10c is pretty much integrated with the band's business. I think, I guess, where there is little or no integration is in the talent side. What the players do or play or whatever.
I dont think many grasp that concept though. :?
Yeah but that doest necessarily mean they have a say on how things are done, Im sure the 10C guys read the board and see the suggestions and the nonsense and they pass it on, I don’t think 10C decides how the tour is announced.
As far as the tkts I think the decision is made by more people than just the 10C guys I think more heads sit down and try to figure out the best way to do things though it is impossible to please everyone. Just plain impossible.
Just now, they have 4 shows in Philly and people are bitching because the 2 that they are going to are not the first or last and they got a “raw deal” if it was only 1 show people would be bitching about them not having a rollover so that more people have the chance to get tkts and see the band at least one night, there is always going to be a bunch of people that are not happy and do not like the way things are done.
Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm trying to say. I think 10c has input like a seat at the table, not the head of the table, but I think they do provide input. I would think this forum is the main source for fan-based input.
I don’t think 10C has any say on how the tour is announced though.
I would agree. The face of the band to fans, though, is the Ten Club. Thus, the Ten Club is where we go to with praise or criticism. If anyone knows of a message board that Kelly Curtis runs, please let us know.
Curtis Management
1423 34th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122-3300
Phone: (206) 329-4200
There y'all go. Put your money where your mouth is and contact the person in charge.
Is there a message board where fans can discuss? Nope. Do the Ten Club message board comments get to the people they need to? Yep. Is there a need to email Kat or Kelly Curtis personally? Nope.
I'm sure 10C is in touch with Curtis Management but I'm not going to ASSUME that every complaint is communicated. For all I know, mr. Curtis said "i don't want to hear another fucking thing about concert announcements" so 10C doesn't mention it to him.
If you feel strongly about the subject, call or write Curtis Management. Posting here isn't enough. It's old and annoying.
I forgot that this is 2009 and communicating without the internet is sooooo 1980. Some of you would probably be too scared to complain over the phone.
This is a message board. This is why they created message boards. So we can talk about the band, concerts, etc.. (good or bad). You don't have to open the thread. The very fact that people are posting on the message board and not calling Curtis Management is that they aren't "crazy" like some of you say and are using the message board for what it is for, a place to vent sometimes.
I'm not going to email Eddie and ask how "Get Right" was put on Riot Act. I'm going to post here that the song blows.
edit-FYI, I opened the thread because I adore the phrase 'it is what it is'.
in this case, it isn't.
Yes but the entire Pearl jam organization is run in one building. Everything is connected. So while the Ten Club isn't necessarily in the "Big deals", they are still there per say in the building. I think it is a pretty tight operation.