How about this: 5 months before the tour announce at least 85% of the cities and dates, like any other band.
Pearl Jam is not every other band, you would think diehards would know this by now. They do things they way they want to do them, they always have. Dont like it? The door is over there...
You are the biggest PJ fanboy here. People have legitimate complaints, like someone earlier from SLC who hasn't seen a show in 10 years and finds out in a random show announcement that a show has been added in SLC after he's already paid for a San Diego trip. Yes, it is great that he can afford that trip, but not everyone wants to travel to see the band if they can help it.
Stop being an a**clown and listen to people instead of drinking PJ's kool-aid.
I didn't want to be the one to say it, and I probably would have chosen my words a bit more carefully.... but yes.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Typically, the way it works for most any other band is this. You see that said band is coming to your city and/or area ... you buy tickets to said show.
It doesn't matter if they are also playing a gig five hours away. You didn't care about that one. You weren't going. You might not have even known about it.
So it doesn't matter when they announced the show in your town. That's the only one you care about.
The problem, as it is, with Pearl Jam is that some of you dorks want to go to a half dozen different shows. That's the only way this tour-announcing policy makes a damn to anyone.
So, the solution is simple: Next time, only go to shows in your area, or don't go at all. Treat them like every other band. I don't care how Green Day announces their tour. If they play in my town or area, I will go. If not, I don't.
It makes life simpler.
Or, go to your half dozen out-of-state shows (I would recommend traveling to a city you'd like to visit regardless of if PJ were playing there) ... but don't bitch when they add a date in your backyard later. Nobody says you have to be in the building every time Pearl Jam plays a show.
I agree with this. But I do still travel to see them. I wouldn't do that for any other band. For the most part I try to travel to cities I have never been to before or enjoy visiting.
And mark it down, you will never hear me complain about a Dallas show after I spend money to travel somewhere else. I would be thrilled if they came back here regardless of the circumstances.
But I still don't like the way they trickle out the dates. It's not cool and everyone knows it. Well almost everyone. There are the kool-aid drinkers that defend every move they make no matter what.
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low.
Aren't you whining about having to purchase tickets all at once? Yep, I think you are whiner. You should give up your membership too.
Announce a tour like a normal band, wtf? This is AWFUL! I need to sell my Austin City Limit ticket now...
Anyone book a flight to Philly before they announced these shows?
After this year, I may not renew my membership, and I highly doubt I'll bother seeing my favorite band anymore, it's just too frustrating!
I'm just glad they still aren't hitting the south!
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low.
I don't mean to pick a fight here, but wouldn't you find it obnoxious if someone made that exact statement towards you? This "don't like this? Don't renew your membership" crap is pretty petty in my opinion.
Post edited by benjs on
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Typically, the way it works for most any other band is this. You see that said band is coming to your city and/or area ... you buy tickets to said show.
It doesn't matter if they are also playing a gig five hours away. You didn't care about that one. You weren't going. You might not have even known about it.
So it doesn't matter when they announced the show in your town. That's the only one you care about.
The problem, as it is, with Pearl Jam is that some of you dorks want to go to a half dozen different shows. That's the only way this tour-announcing policy makes a damn to anyone.
So, the solution is simple: Next time, only go to shows in your area, or don't go at all. Treat them like every other band. I don't care how Green Day announces their tour. If they play in my town or area, I will go. If not, I don't.
It makes life simpler.
Or, go to your half dozen out-of-state shows (I would recommend traveling to a city you'd like to visit regardless of if PJ were playing there) ... but don't bitch when they add a date in your backyard later. Nobody says you have to be in the building every time Pearl Jam plays a show.
While I agree with your points (shocking, isn't it?) the method that band management uses to announce a tour and it's dates, is more than just a bit strange. What are they hiding? What's their reasons for insisting on keeping things secretive? Because the marketing strategy they're currently using, simply makes no sense and does not do the fans justice. If anything, by dropping a few dates here and there rather than publicize a complete tour, they're not getting as great of ticket sales they could probably be getting. I can see them doing this for additional dates in one city, but explain why Portland and SLC had to wait til now. It makes no sense.
Oh, but I do agree that people freak out like they're going to miss something if they're not at every. single. show. they possibly can get to.
Announce a tour like a normal band, wtf? This is AWFUL! I need to sell my Austin City Limit ticket now...
Anyone book a flight to Philly before they announced these shows?
After this year, I may not renew my membership, and I highly doubt I'll bother seeing my favorite band anymore, it's just too frustrating!
Well, I'd wish that they'd announce all the dates up front too....but you don't have to cry like a little baby over it. Would you rather they add shows or take shows away?
I have said this before. Whoever agrees with this method is either rich, naive or just plain ignorant. This doesn't affect me because I purchase tickets and make travel plans based on where we want to vacation and see PJ regardless of future announcements. However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band. I especially feel for those who have purchased tickets and accomodations far away from home only to find out a month or so later that the band will be in their hometown. Something needs to be done about this. There are not many flaws in this band or organization but this is DEFINITELY one of them! Thanks.
I have said this before. Whoever agrees with this method is either rich, naive or just plain ignorant. This doesn't affect me because I purchase tickets and make travel plans based on where we want to vacation and see PJ regardless of future announcements. However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band. I especially feel for those who have purchased tickets and accomodations far away from home only to find out a month or so later that the band will be in their hometown. Something needs to be done about this. There are not many flaws in this band or organization but this is DEFINITELY one of them! Thanks.
I have said this before. Whoever agrees with this method is either rich, naive or just plain ignorant. This doesn't affect me because I purchase tickets and make travel plans based on where we want to vacation and see PJ regardless of future announcements. However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band. I especially feel for those who have purchased tickets and accomodations far away from home only to find out a month or so later that the band will be in their hometown. Something needs to be done about this. There are not many flaws in this band or organization but this is DEFINITELY one of them! Thanks.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
I agree with this too.
I think it is something that could be easily prevented but has been ignored for too long. Being upset about this does not equal demeaning the band or being a whiny bitch. This is an inconvenience that can is extremely annoying, has happened on multiple occasions and causes financial stress during a time when we need less of it. Of course it is just a concert experience and we should be lucky they're playing at all, but considering how easy it would be to fix this problem (announce all tour dates at once) ... it makes it all the more frustrating.
I haven't been affected by this (I'm 50/50 on buying a 10/31 ticket because I am in college and last time I traveled for a show during the week I ended up having a test the next day and it was not fun). However, I would be extremely upset if I had taken off from work/school to attend one of the original Philadelphia shows (I live in Pittsburgh) during the week only to have them announce a Pittsburgh show yesterday. This is a similar problem to those from Vancouver/Portland that decided to attend Seattle only to get their own hometown shows.
I have said this before. Whoever agrees with this method is either rich, naive or just plain ignorant. This doesn't affect me because I purchase tickets and make travel plans based on where we want to vacation and see PJ regardless of future announcements. However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band. I especially feel for those who have purchased tickets and accomodations far away from home only to find out a month or so later that the band will be in their hometown. Something needs to be done about this. There are not many flaws in this band or organization but this is DEFINITELY one of them! Thanks.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
I agree with this too.
I think it is something that could be easily prevented but has been ignored for too long. Being upset about this does not equal demeaning the band or being a whiny bitch. This is an inconvenience that can is extremely annoying, has happened on multiple occasions and causes financial stress during a time when we need less of it. Of course it is just a concert experience and we should be lucky they're playing at all, but considering how easy it would be to fix this problem (announce all tour dates at once) ... it makes it all the more frustrating.
I haven't been affected by this (I'm 50/50 on buying a 10/31 ticket because I am in college and last time I traveled for a show during the week I ended up having a test the next day and it was not fun). However, I would be extremely upset if I had taken off from work/school to attend one of the original Philadelphia shows (I live in Pittsburgh) during the week only to have them announce a Pittsburgh show yesterday. This is a similar problem to those from Vancouver/Portland that decided to attend Seattle only to get their own hometown shows.
Glad we're all in agreement here! For those saying we should just accept this because the almighty, all-powerful Pearl Jam management deems this the right way to go about it - give me a great answer to this question, and that'll be the end from me: why? I feel like a broken record, but there are ways the band can maximize profit AND be considerate of their fan base, and they seriously need to work on finding that.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Glad we're all in agreement here! For those saying we should just accept this because the almighty, all-powerful Pearl Jam management deems this the right way to go about it - give me a great answer to this question, and that'll be the end from me: why? I feel like a broken record, but there are ways the band can maximize profit AND be considerate of their fan base, and they seriously need to work on finding that.
I'm saying accept it because, as this thread title now says, it is what it is. On the list of "Things in the World Worth Complaining About," how some rock band chooses to announce its tours is very, very low on the list.
I would hope that the people on this thread who are spending so much time bitching about the tour (and ticket prices, and "The Fixer" and so on and so on) are equally as vocal when it comes to things that matter -- like the health care debate, or the mid-term congressional elections, etc etc.
There's not much that can be done about the way PJ announces their tour. It doesn't seem to make much sense to complain about it. The only dude on this thread who really is making sense is the dude from SLC who vows never again to travel to a Pearl Jam show. At least he's putting his money where his mouth is, voting with his wallet.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
and yet, none the less....the majority of bands manage to make a full tour announcement rather than piece-meal. i think that is all it comes down to, for most of us, whether we want to travel to shows, or we want to see shows only at home, etc.
Glad we're all in agreement here! For those saying we should just accept this because the almighty, all-powerful Pearl Jam management deems this the right way to go about it - give me a great answer to this question, and that'll be the end from me: why? I feel like a broken record, but there are ways the band can maximize profit AND be considerate of their fan base, and they seriously need to work on finding that.
I'm saying accept it because, as this thread title now says, it is what it is. On the list of "Things in the World Worth Complaining About," how some rock band chooses to announce its tours is very, very low on the list.
I would hope that the people on this thread who are spending so much time bitching about the tour (and ticket prices, and "The Fixer" and so on and so on) are equally as vocal when it comes to things that matter -- like the health care debate, or the mid-term congressional elections, etc etc. .
Ridiculous. In order for me to say I don't like how PJ announces my tour, I've gotta be throwing blood on woman wearing fur coats. Ridiculous. Why can't you just accept that Pearl Jam's method for announcing tours is flawed compared to 90% of the other bands out there?
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
On the other hand, the fan base is what it is, and DOES travel for the band. Phish is a band which has a following which do travel for them quite a bit as well, and they announce a tour all at once, and that's that. This is something that they do which is respectful of their fan base, and pretty easy to do. Not to mention, if unconfirmed shows are the issue, I see no reason why they couldn't simply do what they did for the unconfirmed dates for the EV tour.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
I don't think that any band these days, particularly with such a passionate fanbase, reasonably books dates expecting only local fans to show up. Are there really enough PJ fans in Philly alone to sell out 4 nights? You only need to have a quick peruse of this board to realise that PJ fans (like most band's fans these days) are travelling long distances to see shows.
Leaving weeks in between announcing shows in one city is poor form I think, but it's becoming increasingly typical of big acts to release tour dates in a trickle.
One of my favourite acts announced a show in Dublin last year, and when it sold out in a matter of minutes two more were added within an hour. Obviously pre-planned shows, but the intention was clearly to stoke huge interest in the first show, and, if the reaction was strong enough, commit to two more. All three sold out, as did the two that were done this year, using the same marketing strategy (announce one, sell it out in a few mins, then announce a second). All tickets on sale in one day, so fans could make travel plans as necessary.
When we found the things we loved,
They were crushed and dying in the dirt.
We tried to pick up the pieces,
And get away without getting hurt,
But they caught us at the state line,
And burned our cars in one last fight,
And left us running burned and blind,
Chasing something in the night.
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
I don't think that any band these days, particularly with such a passionate fanbase, reasonably books dates expecting only local fans to show up. Are there really enough PJ fans in Philly alone to sell out 4 nights? You only need to have a quick peruse of this board to realise that PJ fans (like most band's fans these days) are travelling long distances to see shows.
Do you really think Green Day fans or Black Eyed Peas Fans or Beyonce fans are traveling to see multiple dates? Because I don't.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Whether you have fans that follow you or don't, other bands find a way to announce their tour at one time, instead of piece-meal. There are no valid arguments supporting the way PJ does it. None. SLC was rumored in April. It could have been announced 4 weeks ago.
Ridiculous. In order for me to say I don't like how PJ announces my tour, I've gotta be throwing blood on woman wearing fur coats. Ridiculous. Why can't you just accept that Pearl Jam's method for announcing tours is flawed compared to 90% of the other bands out there?
You can say whatever you want. I don't care. I'm just saying, it doesn't seem like something worth getting worked up over.
I don't get pissed about the way other bands do business. Why should I get pissed about this? Something about learning to accept the things you cannot change, and all that.
I often wonder about folks on this board (and others) who spend most of their time going apeshit over various things that, in the scheme of things, are completely insignificant. I always wonder how those people would react if they had some real problems.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Whether you have fans that follow you or don't, other bands find a way to announce their tour at one time, instead of piece-meal. There are no valid arguments supporting the way PJ does it. None. SLC was rumored in April. It could have been announced 4 weeks ago.
That's fine. That's not how Pearl Jam chooses to do it. I'm sure they aren't doing it to piss you off in particular.
Again, accept the things you cannot change. Go with the flow. It's a simpler way to live life.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
I agree that they don't plan around people traveling or else they would rent me and my crew a tour bus. However, this needs to be addressed and taken into consideration because as the band grows and becomes more legendary, people are going to see them away from home and make a vacation out of it. I would like to think we are different than Beyonce and/or Green Day so lets not use bands or performers like these as comparison
Ridiculous. In order for me to say I don't like how PJ announces my tour, I've gotta be throwing blood on woman wearing fur coats. Ridiculous. Why can't you just accept that Pearl Jam's method for announcing tours is flawed compared to 90% of the other bands out there?
You can say whatever you want. I don't care. I'm just saying, it doesn't seem like something worth getting worked up over.
I don't get pissed about the way other bands do business. Why should I get pissed about this? Something about learning to accept the things you cannot change, and all that.
I often wonder about folks on this board (and others) who spend most of their time going apeshit over various things that, in the scheme of things, are completely insignificant. I always wonder how those people would react if they had some real problems.
do you really think the majority of people who discuss this, and other, topics, are truly going "apeshit" over it? i know i'm not. i agree, in the scheme of's quite insignificant. here's the thing tho, we re all hanging around a rock band's message board in the middle of the workday, currently in the forum for discussing all things related to said rock band, so call me crazy but....i think it's a pretty legit conversation to be having right here. many of us are passing the time, and sure, i'd guess most of us truly love pj and seeing em live. even people who seem rather 'excitable' here, well some may be :P but most...i think it's simply conversation, and sure....sharing opinions. imo, that's exactly why pearl jam even have an official board - for fans to gather together and share their thoughts.
and is what it is. but like anything else, if one hopes for change, well it's good to express your pov. hell, sometimes it's simply healthy to vent.
Announce a tour like a normal band, wtf? This is AWFUL! I need to sell my Austin City Limit ticket now...
Anyone book a flight to Philly before they announced these shows?
After this year, I may not renew my membership, and I highly doubt I'll bother seeing my favorite band anymore, it's just too frustrating!
I'm just glad they still aren't hitting the south!
I'm glad their doing it like this. Not all of us are independently wealthy and can purchase the tickets all at once. If they announce the shows a little at at time it gives you a chance to come up with the money.
I'm glad one more whiner will be giving up his membership. I hope your number is low.
I don't mean to pick a fight here, but wouldn't you find it obnoxious if someone made that exact statement towards you? This "don't like this? Don't renew your membership" crap is pretty petty in my opinion.
I'm going to have to disagree with ya for the first time, benjs. The only way PJ or Ten Club would really take note of an issue like this is if people decided it was no longer worth the 20 bucks to go through this "hassle" of not knowing dates all at once (I believe that the poster said "I may have to not renew my memebership"). I revert back to my original statement that each individual ten club member has to put the responsibility on their own shoulders.
It was pretty obvious that A) there would be additional shows added during some of the breaks btwn shows on this tour. B)That there will be a more extensive tour in 2010 where they hit more major cities.
People who broke down and bought tickets to a show they had to travel to, made that decision on their own and now they whine because what was a very apparent possibiltiy came true. Pearl Jam has made the decision to announce shows in this fashion. Use your brains and work with the system or cancel your membership.
If you want to log a complaint, don't come on the fan board (write a letter to management, this will have a greater affect if there are numbers who agree), and complain aboout having to pay for a pearl jam vacation and having to pay for a show in your backyard. You made the choice to take a pearl jam vacation which means you had the expendable monies to do this, most people don't. If you chose to travel beyond your expenses to a friggin rock n roll concert, you my friend are an idiot and don't deserve a forum to complain. TAKE SOME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! Has this concept been completely lost in our country?
However, this method is very inconsiderate of those trying to make their summer plans and see their favorite band.
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
I agree that they don't plan around people traveling or else they would rent me and my crew a tour bus. However, this needs to be addressed and taken into consideration because as the band grows and becomes more legendary, people are going to see them away from home and make a vacation out of it. I would like to think we are different than Beyonce and/or Green Day so lets not use bands or performers like these as comparison
I see your point. Really I do.
But I also have trouble mustering sympathy for people whose big problem is they booked a trip to see Pearl Jam play someplace cool, and now they might have to go to an additional show because Pearl Jam is now playing in their backyard.
It's like bitching about hitting the lottery twice. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.[/quote]
I don't think that any band these days, particularly with such a passionate fanbase, reasonably books dates expecting only local fans to show up. Are there really enough PJ fans in Philly alone to sell out 4 nights? You only need to have a quick peruse of this board to realise that PJ fans (like most band's fans these days) are travelling long distances to see shows.
Do you really think Green Day fans or Black Eyed Peas Fans or Beyonce fans are traveling to see multiple dates? Because I don't.[/quote]
No idea about those acts. I know for a fact that Metallica, Springsteen and U2 fans to name a few will attend multiple shows in multiple countries. PJ fans obviously do the same.
Abbreviated tour announcements don't help their travel plans is the point being made here. I'm dumbfounded by how much money and time some people spend to see a band, but that's the way they are.
It's hardly a convincing argument to state that some fan groups might not travel, when you know that this particular community does.
When we found the things we loved,
They were crushed and dying in the dirt.
We tried to pick up the pieces,
And get away without getting hurt,
But they caught us at the state line,
And burned our cars in one last fight,
And left us running burned and blind,
Chasing something in the night.
do you really think the majority of people who discuss this, and other, topics, are truly going "apeshit" over it? i know i'm not. i agree, in the scheme of's quite insignificant. here's the thing tho, we re all hanging around a rock band's message board in the middle of the workday, currently in the forum for discussing all things related to said rock band, so call me crazy but....i think it's a pretty legit conversation to be having right here. many of us are passing the time, and sure, i'd guess most of us truly love pj and seeing em live. even people who seem rather 'excitable' here, well some may be :P but most...i think it's simply conversation, and sure....sharing opinions. imo, that's exactly why pearl jam even have an official board - for fans to gather together and share their thoughts.
and is what it is. but like anything else, if one hopes for change, well it's good to express your pov. hell, sometimes it's simply healthy to vent.
If you're not going apeshit, then I'm not talking to you. But every thread about every topic contains these people (usually the same people) ... bitching about the way the tour was announced .... bitching about the places they chose to play .... bitching about the places they chose not to play ... bitching about the songs they chose to play ... bitching about the cost of tickets ... bitching about Target ... bitching about the length of the upcoming album ... and so on and so forth.
One doesn't have to "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak and agree with everything in order to be a part of the fan base, but some of these people ... I wonder why they are fans of something that obviously causes such great consternation in their lives.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
If you want to log a complaint, don't come on the fan board (write a letter to management, this will have a greater affect if there are numbers who agree), and complain aboout having to pay for a pearl jam vacation and having to pay for a show in your backyard. You made the choice to take a pearl jam vacation which means you had the expendable monies to do this, most people don't. If you chose to travel beyond your expenses to a friggin rock n roll concert, you my friend are an idiot and don't deserve a forum to complain. TAKE SOME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! Has this concept been completely lost in our country?
First, I think that this board is a great place to voice your opinion and log your complaint. Second, I don't think that management wants to receive winey messages every time someone has a complaint. Lastly, please don't assume that people are spending over their means to travel to see PJ(That's THEIR business )
Anyway, I am just asking PJ to rethink their strategy when it comes to touring, thats all. If they don't, thats fine too, we will all get along and travel to some kickass places to see them. I ended up getting tickets to go to Italy in 06 to see them after I had already seen them play earlier in the year in PHilly. Turns out, we made a trip out of it and became engaged in a secluded corridor in Venice! Not to mention the three shows, the band, people and the culture were incredible.
do you really think the majority of people who discuss this, and other, topics, are truly going "apeshit" over it? i know i'm not. i agree, in the scheme of's quite insignificant. here's the thing tho, we re all hanging around a rock band's message board in the middle of the workday, currently in the forum for discussing all things related to said rock band, so call me crazy but....i think it's a pretty legit conversation to be having right here. many of us are passing the time, and sure, i'd guess most of us truly love pj and seeing em live. even people who seem rather 'excitable' here, well some may be :P but most...i think it's simply conversation, and sure....sharing opinions. imo, that's exactly why pearl jam even have an official board - for fans to gather together and share their thoughts.
and is what it is. but like anything else, if one hopes for change, well it's good to express your pov. hell, sometimes it's simply healthy to vent.
If you're not going apeshit, then I'm not talking to you. But every thread about every topic contains these people (usually the same people) ... bitching about the way the tour was announced .... bitching about the places they chose to play .... bitching about the places they chose not to play ... bitching about the songs they chose to play ... bitching about the cost of tickets ... bitching about Target ... bitching about the length of the upcoming album ... and so on and so forth.
One doesn't have to "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak and agree with everything in order to be a part of the fan base, but some of these people ... I wonder why they are fans of something that obviously causes such great consternation in their lives.
well some people are just....nuts.
however, it seems most discussing this topic aren't going apeshit, and are legitimately airing their personal greivances, and i see nothing wrong with that. i guess it irks me a wee bit when some seem to try and stifle conversation, especially by saying there are more important things, etc. well yea....errrrrr.......i think most of us know that! :P and yet, here we all are.....on the porch. and hey, it's not even an important topic to you, and yet here you are.....recalling psalms for us, helping us get our lives back in balance. seriously....we wouldn't be here having 98% of the discussions we have here, both positive and negative, if we all only focused on what is *important*....
anyhoo, there is very, very little i find worthy of complaint within the pj camps, but yes, i have to agree....the way they've been handling show announcements, sucks. one can agree, disagree, whatever....but yes....this is the place to have such discussions.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I agree with this. But I do still travel to see them. I wouldn't do that for any other band. For the most part I try to travel to cities I have never been to before or enjoy visiting.
And mark it down, you will never hear me complain about a Dallas show after I spend money to travel somewhere else. I would be thrilled if they came back here regardless of the circumstances.
But I still don't like the way they trickle out the dates. It's not cool and everyone knows it. Well almost everyone. There are the kool-aid drinkers that defend every move they make no matter what.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Aren't you whining about having to purchase tickets all at once? Yep, I think you are whiner. You should give up your membership too.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
While I agree with your points (shocking, isn't it?)
Oh, but I do agree that people freak out like they're going to miss something if they're not at every. single. show. they possibly can get to.
Well, I'd wish that they'd announce all the dates up front too....but you don't have to cry like a little baby over it. Would you rather they add shows or take shows away?
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
You should have seen my first draft!
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
I agree with this too.
I think it is something that could be easily prevented but has been ignored for too long. Being upset about this does not equal demeaning the band or being a whiny bitch. This is an inconvenience that can is extremely annoying, has happened on multiple occasions and causes financial stress during a time when we need less of it. Of course it is just a concert experience and we should be lucky they're playing at all, but considering how easy it would be to fix this problem (announce all tour dates at once) ... it makes it all the more frustrating.
I haven't been affected by this (I'm 50/50 on buying a 10/31 ticket because I am in college and last time I traveled for a show during the week I ended up having a test the next day and it was not fun). However, I would be extremely upset if I had taken off from work/school to attend one of the original Philadelphia shows (I live in Pittsburgh) during the week only to have them announce a Pittsburgh show yesterday. This is a similar problem to those from Vancouver/Portland that decided to attend Seattle only to get their own hometown shows.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I'm saying accept it because, as this thread title now says, it is what it is. On the list of "Things in the World Worth Complaining About," how some rock band chooses to announce its tours is very, very low on the list.
I would hope that the people on this thread who are spending so much time bitching about the tour (and ticket prices, and "The Fixer" and so on and so on) are equally as vocal when it comes to things that matter -- like the health care debate, or the mid-term congressional elections, etc etc.
There's not much that can be done about the way PJ announces their tour. It doesn't seem to make much sense to complain about it. The only dude on this thread who really is making sense is the dude from SLC who vows never again to travel to a Pearl Jam show. At least he's putting his money where his mouth is, voting with his wallet.
for the least they could possibly do
One of the points I was trying to make in a previous posts is that no band plans its tour announcements around people traveling to see shows. The shows are for people that live in and around that particular city.
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.
for the least they could possibly do
and yet, none the less....the majority of bands manage to make a full tour announcement rather than piece-meal. i think that is all it comes down to, for most of us, whether we want to travel to shows, or we want to see shows only at home, etc.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Ridiculous. In order for me to say I don't like how PJ announces my tour, I've gotta be throwing blood on woman wearing fur coats. Ridiculous. Why can't you just accept that Pearl Jam's method for announcing tours is flawed compared to 90% of the other bands out there?
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I don't think that any band these days, particularly with such a passionate fanbase, reasonably books dates expecting only local fans to show up. Are there really enough PJ fans in Philly alone to sell out 4 nights? You only need to have a quick peruse of this board to realise that PJ fans (like most band's fans these days) are travelling long distances to see shows.
Leaving weeks in between announcing shows in one city is poor form I think, but it's becoming increasingly typical of big acts to release tour dates in a trickle.
One of my favourite acts announced a show in Dublin last year, and when it sold out in a matter of minutes two more were added within an hour. Obviously pre-planned shows, but the intention was clearly to stoke huge interest in the first show, and, if the reaction was strong enough, commit to two more. All three sold out, as did the two that were done this year, using the same marketing strategy (announce one, sell it out in a few mins, then announce a second). All tickets on sale in one day, so fans could make travel plans as necessary.
They were crushed and dying in the dirt.
We tried to pick up the pieces,
And get away without getting hurt,
But they caught us at the state line,
And burned our cars in one last fight,
And left us running burned and blind,
Chasing something in the night.
Do you really think Green Day fans or Black Eyed Peas Fans or Beyonce fans are traveling to see multiple dates? Because I don't.
for the least they could possibly do
You can say whatever you want. I don't care. I'm just saying, it doesn't seem like something worth getting worked up over.
I don't get pissed about the way other bands do business. Why should I get pissed about this? Something about learning to accept the things you cannot change, and all that.
I often wonder about folks on this board (and others) who spend most of their time going apeshit over various things that, in the scheme of things, are completely insignificant. I always wonder how those people would react if they had some real problems.
for the least they could possibly do
That's fine. That's not how Pearl Jam chooses to do it. I'm sure they aren't doing it to piss you off in particular.
Again, accept the things you cannot change. Go with the flow. It's a simpler way to live life.
for the least they could possibly do
I agree that they don't plan around people traveling or else they would rent me and my crew a tour bus. However, this needs to be addressed and taken into consideration because as the band grows and becomes more legendary, people are going to see them away from home and make a vacation out of it. I would like to think we are different than Beyonce and/or Green Day so lets not use bands or performers like these as comparison
do you really think the majority of people who discuss this, and other, topics, are truly going "apeshit" over it? i know i'm not. i agree, in the scheme of's quite insignificant. here's the thing tho, we re all hanging around a rock band's message board in the middle of the workday, currently in the forum for discussing all things related to said rock band, so call me crazy but....i think it's a pretty legit conversation to be having right here. many of us are passing the time, and sure, i'd guess most of us truly love pj and seeing em live. even people who seem rather 'excitable' here, well some may be :P but most...i think it's simply conversation, and sure....sharing opinions. imo, that's exactly why pearl jam even have an official board - for fans to gather together and share their thoughts.
and is what it is. but like anything else, if one hopes for change, well it's good to express your pov. hell, sometimes it's simply healthy to vent.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm going to have to disagree with ya for the first time, benjs. The only way PJ or Ten Club would really take note of an issue like this is if people decided it was no longer worth the 20 bucks to go through this "hassle" of not knowing dates all at once (I believe that the poster said "I may have to not renew my memebership"). I revert back to my original statement that each individual ten club member has to put the responsibility on their own shoulders.
It was pretty obvious that A) there would be additional shows added during some of the breaks btwn shows on this tour. B)That there will be a more extensive tour in 2010 where they hit more major cities.
People who broke down and bought tickets to a show they had to travel to, made that decision on their own and now they whine because what was a very apparent possibiltiy came true. Pearl Jam has made the decision to announce shows in this fashion. Use your brains and work with the system or cancel your membership.
If you want to log a complaint, don't come on the fan board (write a letter to management, this will have a greater affect if there are numbers who agree), and complain aboout having to pay for a pearl jam vacation and having to pay for a show in your backyard. You made the choice to take a pearl jam vacation which means you had the expendable monies to do this, most people don't. If you chose to travel beyond your expenses to a friggin rock n roll concert, you my friend are an idiot and don't deserve a forum to complain. TAKE SOME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! Has this concept been completely lost in our country?
I see your point. Really I do.
But I also have trouble mustering sympathy for people whose big problem is they booked a trip to see Pearl Jam play someplace cool, and now they might have to go to an additional show because Pearl Jam is now playing in their backyard.
It's like bitching about hitting the lottery twice. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
for the least they could possibly do
If you're traveling, you're traveling at your own risk.[/quote]
I don't think that any band these days, particularly with such a passionate fanbase, reasonably books dates expecting only local fans to show up. Are there really enough PJ fans in Philly alone to sell out 4 nights? You only need to have a quick peruse of this board to realise that PJ fans (like most band's fans these days) are travelling long distances to see shows.
Do you really think Green Day fans or Black Eyed Peas Fans or Beyonce fans are traveling to see multiple dates? Because I don't.[/quote]
No idea about those acts. I know for a fact that Metallica, Springsteen and U2 fans to name a few will attend multiple shows in multiple countries. PJ fans obviously do the same.
Abbreviated tour announcements don't help their travel plans is the point being made here. I'm dumbfounded by how much money and time some people spend to see a band, but that's the way they are.
It's hardly a convincing argument to state that some fan groups might not travel, when you know that this particular community does.
They were crushed and dying in the dirt.
We tried to pick up the pieces,
And get away without getting hurt,
But they caught us at the state line,
And burned our cars in one last fight,
And left us running burned and blind,
Chasing something in the night.
If you're not going apeshit, then I'm not talking to you. But every thread about every topic contains these people (usually the same people) ... bitching about the way the tour was announced .... bitching about the places they chose to play .... bitching about the places they chose not to play ... bitching about the songs they chose to play ... bitching about the cost of tickets ... bitching about Target ... bitching about the length of the upcoming album ... and so on and so forth.
One doesn't have to "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak and agree with everything in order to be a part of the fan base, but some of these people ... I wonder why they are fans of something that obviously causes such great consternation in their lives.
for the least they could possibly do
First, I think that this board is a great place to voice your opinion and log your complaint. Second, I don't think that management wants to receive winey messages every time someone has a complaint. Lastly, please don't assume that people are spending over their means to travel to see PJ(That's THEIR business
Anyway, I am just asking PJ to rethink their strategy when it comes to touring, thats all. If they don't, thats fine too, we will all get along and travel to some kickass places to see them. I ended up getting tickets to go to Italy in 06 to see them after I had already seen them play earlier in the year in PHilly. Turns out, we made a trip out of it and became engaged in a secluded corridor in Venice!
well some people are just....nuts.
however, it seems most discussing this topic aren't going apeshit, and are legitimately airing their personal greivances, and i see nothing wrong with that. i guess it irks me a wee bit when some seem to try and stifle conversation, especially by saying there are more important things, etc. well yea....errrrrr.......i think most of us know that! :P and yet, here we all are.....on the porch. and hey, it's not even an important topic to you, and yet here you are.....recalling psalms for us, helping us get our lives back in balance.
anyhoo, there is very, very little i find worthy of complaint within the pj camps, but yes, i have to agree....the way they've been handling show announcements, sucks. one can agree, disagree, whatever....but yes....this is the place to have such discussions.
i've got some if you need it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow