Everyone seems to have an idea on what sex the baby will be.
Some say "Oh for sure its a boy"
Others " Just wait... its a girl!"
How do people think they can tell?
As for dreams Ive had dreams Im having both.
Last night I dreamt it was a girl. I just have to wait and see.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Everyone seems to have an idea on what sex the baby will be.
Some say "Oh for sure its a boy"
Others " Just wait... its a girl!"
How do people think they can tell?
As for dreams Ive had dreams Im having both.
Last night I dreamt it was a girl. I just have to wait and see.
They say:
Girls take the mother's beauty
Boys are all up front (like a basketball under your shirt)
who know's...:rolleyes:
If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
Everyone seems to have an idea on what sex the baby will be.
Some say "Oh for sure its a boy"
Others " Just wait... its a girl!"
How do people think they can tell?
As for dreams Ive had dreams Im having both.
Last night I dreamt it was a girl. I just have to wait and see.
we heard it all. there are all sorts of theories. though most people said boy cause of how she carried.
edit... the best is when we would tell people we want to be surprised. then they would say, oh. it's definately a boy
They say:
Girls take the mother's beauty
Boys are all up front (like a basketball under your shirt)
who know's...:rolleyes:
if thats true ~ then i'm having a boy...i look like i have basketball under my shirt..i'm 6months along & still wearing my regualr jeans! I'm carrying super high, and its all in my belly!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
More Coffee ~ i just want to wish you & your wife the best of luck...i hope everything turns out ok for you two! whatever happens ~ happens for a reason....good luck w/ everything!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Well I can still fit my old pants.
But Im carrying very compact.
No basketball here.
So Im really not sure.
I ran into a few moms with thier 3month old babies the other day.
3 moms 3 baby boys. And thaey asked when I was due and I said 3
weeks and they said Im carrying small. And asked how the pregnancy
had been so far and I said really good. They all said "Girl!"
One woman had a planned c-sec. I asked her how that went and she said
"I dont want to talk about it"
Okey dokey...
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Come on ladies I know theres a few of us on here...
Ive seen the posts.
My husband and I became foster parents last summer, after tons of paperwork. Well, we now have a baby girl, she came to live with us at the end of Sept., she is now 16 months old and soooo sweet. The petition to adopt has been filed, we think/hope the court date will be set soon, we're thinking beginning of August. Parental rights have been severed, so no chance that will be an issue. We got really lucky because she is a sweet and beautiful little girl. We call her Sophie!!
So, I highly recommend adoption, the whole time I always said, I'm expecting, I just don't know when or what!
We only have her, we may be in for a second, I'm not sure yet.
My husband and I became foster parents last summer, after tons of paperwork. Well, we now have a baby girl, she came to live with us at the end of Sept., she is now 16 months old and soooo sweet. The petition to adopt has been filed, we think/hope the court date will be set soon, we're thinking beginning of August. Parental rights have been severed, so no chance that will be an issue. We got really lucky because she is a sweet and beautiful little girl. We call her Sophie!!
So, I highly recommend adoption, the whole time I always said, I'm expecting, I just don't know when or what!
We only have her, we may be in for a second, I'm not sure yet.
Good luck with yours!
:cool: thats awesome!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
One woman had a planned c-sec. I asked her how that went and she said
"I dont want to talk about it"
Okey dokey...
I kinda see her point. After I had my son, everyone and thier mothers wanted to know how the delivery went and wanted to know every single detail. I personally didnt think it was any of their business and I kept it to myself.
Even after 4 years, I still prefer to keep most of it to myself and when asked I give a generic response like "it went great, did it all in 8 hours" and leave it at that.
What annoyed me more when I was pregnant is that amount of people that wanted to touch my stomach. Rubbing my stomach doesnt give you good luck!
All those theories about carrying high means a boy etc are just theories. But then again, people thought I was having twins (which I wasnt) I got so big.
I kinda see her point. After I had my son, everyone and thier mothers wanted to know how the delivery went and wanted to know every single detail. I personally didnt think it was any of their business and I kept it to myself.
Even after 4 years, I still prefer to keep most of it to myself and when asked I give a generic response like "it went great, did it all in 8 hours" and leave it at that.
What annoyed me more when I was pregnant is that amount of people that wanted to touch my stomach. Rubbing my stomach doesnt give you good luck!
All those theories about carrying high means a boy etc are just theories. But then again, people thought I was having twins (which I wasnt) I got so big.
i get weirded out by strangers rubbing my belly..even a few people at work just think its ok to rub my belly. i dont care if my boyfriend does it, or my mom or sister....or basically family...but people in line at the grocery store & stuff like that just piss me off. makes you sorta feel like buddah!
and i'm 6 months (26wks) & i have had people ask me ALL the freaking time if i am sure that i am not having TWINS!!! i'm like 'SHUT UP!!!' i think its really really freaking rude to say something like that. Why dont they just say "Holy Shit! you look like a house!!"...lol...i personally just think i look so big b/c i am just all belly! i honestly look like i have a freakin basketball under my shirt!! i'm short, and small framed...so it sticks out way far on me! its just annoying to hear comments like that. Ugh!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
I kinda see her point. After I had my son, everyone and thier mothers wanted to know how the delivery went and wanted to know every single detail. I personally didnt think it was any of their business and I kept it to myself.
Even after 4 years, I still prefer to keep most of it to myself and when asked I give a generic response like "it went great, did it all in 8 hours" and leave it at that.
What annoyed me more when I was pregnant is that amount of people that wanted to touch my stomach. Rubbing my stomach doesnt give you good luck!
All those theories about carrying high means a boy etc are just theories. But then again, people thought I was having twins (which I wasnt) I got so big.
Well it started with me asking if they all had thier babies at the hospital
we were standing outside of. Its where Im going. And two of the girls
said yes. The other said no, she went to another that did c-sec.
I asked her if it was a planned one. She said yes. I asked how it went.
She adis she didnt want to talk about it. If it was just something
she didnt feel like sharing I would have just said. oh fine...
But saying she didnt want to talk about it leads people to belive it went
not so fine.
I agree lotsa people overstep boundaries. And births are very personal.
And so is the touching of the tummy. People shouldnt touch unless
first told something along the lines of " Oohh its really moving! Feel here!"
Strangers shouldnt touch bellys, Its like walking up to a woman and grabbing her
breasts and asking if they are real.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
hope you are all well ladies~ i'm good here...sleepy...but good.
26 weeks along this week....i'll probably have some pics to share w/ you all this coming weekend...show off my belly!
aaaaand this coming Monday, May 1st ~ i have that blood sugar test thingy done. Ugh. i am absolutely dreading it!!! you know..where you get your blood drawn, drink some thick nasty stuff & then wait an hour & get your blood drawn again....eeeek!!! i have a MAJOR problem w/ getting my blood drawn. i am really freaking out over this! and you cant eat or DRINK anything 2hrs prior to your testing!!! i'm like a camel over here! and i can't drink ANYTHING???? not even water??? joy joy joy. i'm sooooo excited.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
How's it going, preggos? Just thought I'd check in with you all and see what's up!
I had my first non-stress test this morning, which is all part of my extra-close supervision. (In case you haven't read about that, it's where they monitor the baby for 30-45 minutes to make sure that her heart rate raises to an appropriate level after a kick.) Baby passed with flying colors! My blood pressure is still stable and low, so I'm happy about that! And I got to take a little peek at the baby today, because along with the non-stress test they check the fluid level, which was also perfect. I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow and I'm so happy! It's amazing to think that just a short while ago my doctor was telling me she "hoped" I'd make it to 32 weeks!
We had another childbirth class last night and in an act of poor timing, they served snacks right before popping in a very graphic video. My husband looked a little pale after the video; he had never seen anything like that! But overall he felt reassured, mentioning that the whole process seemed a lot calmer than he had thought it would be. Thanks to all that you see on tv and movies, he had this idea that I would suddenly announce that I was in labor and then we'd rush to the hospital and frantically give birth just minutes later. (I only WISH it were that quick! lol)
hope you are all well ladies~ i'm good here...sleepy...but good.
26 weeks along this week....i'll probably have some pics to share w/ you all this coming weekend...show off my belly!
aaaaand this coming Monday, May 1st ~ i have that blood sugar test thingy done. Ugh. i am absolutely dreading it!!! you know..where you get your blood drawn, drink some thick nasty stuff & then wait an hour & get your blood drawn again....eeeek!!! i have a MAJOR problem w/ getting my blood drawn. i am really freaking out over this! and you cant eat or DRINK anything 2hrs prior to your testing!!! i'm like a camel over here! and i can't drink ANYTHING???? not even water??? joy joy joy. i'm sooooo excited.
Yeah, don't stress about the blood sugar test! I freaked out about not being able to drink anything for an hour, too, but it went really fast. I took my husband along to distract/entertain me, too. The stuff they made me drink tasted exactly like orange soda, which I like from time to time. It wasn't as nasty as I expected it to be.
Yeah, don't stress about the blood sugar test! I freaked out about not being able to drink anything for an hour, too, but it went really fast. I took my husband along to distract/entertain me, too. The stuff they made me drink tasted exactly like orange soda, which I like from time to time. It wasn't as nasty as I expected it to be.
I read somewhere they are looking into making an equivalent in jelly beans.
No word of a lie. For those women who cant to the drink. Personally I think
I would be waaay more thirsty after eating a handful of jelly beans.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I read somewhere they are looking into making an equivalent in jelly beans.
No word of a lie. For those women who cant to the drink. Personally I think
I would be waaay more thirsty after eating a handful of jelly beans.
wow! that doesn't surprise me; I know a lot of people really can't stand the drink!
On the pregnancy board where I post sometimes, there were a few women who didn't have to do the drink. Instead, their doctors instructed them to eat a king-sized candy bar and a soda! Seriously! It seems so unscientific to me, but I would have rather done that.
Just read a couple of pages to stay up dated on my fellow Moma Jammers:)
Glad to hear everyone's doing well!!
I just had my girlfriend's baby shower over the weekend...she was so surprised, but not as surprised as when she opened up a special little gift...I put together a Pearl Jam onesie and I burned a copy of "Strung Out on Pearl Jam"
It was awsome seeing her jaw drop:o...she's 39 weeks, she's planning on attending the Boston show with me on the 24th and 25th...I don't know how she's gonna do it!!! :eek:
Peace ya'll...
Much Luv...;)
If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
I hope everyone is feeling well. I thought I'd drop a quick note and leave an update on our condition. My wife had an amnio done last Tuesday and the preliminary results came back with a 95% certainty that our little one is healthy. The complete results should come in next week. Everything has been very positive for us so far. We are feeling really good right now. I'll be following along with you here with your progressions and will check back later. Rest up and keep drinking your water!
Glad to hear everyone is well.
Especially your hunny Coffee.
Had my shower this weekend.
It went well and I think all we really need to get is some more recieving
blankets and when its out and know the sez some more clothes.
I will probably pick up some more onzies this week too. just to make sure.
Oh and some ladies things for when I get home from th hospital.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Glad to hear about your wife Coffee!! I hope everything keeps looking up for you guys! And i am drinking TONS of water..its been my fav drink since i've been preggo!
I had my appointment yesterday...the sugar drink wasn't bad at all! It tasted just like Fruit Punch & it wasn't all thick & nasty either! I was very pleasently suprised! And the blood draw went well to..the lady did an excellent job! i barely even felt it!
I also had my check up w/ the doc & when she measured my belly to see how far along i was measuring, she got 30 weeks!!! According to her & my previous ultrasounds, i should be at 27 weeks! Sooo ~ i'm measuring 3 weeks sooner than we all though! My original due date was August 5th, but this would push it up to July 15th! Eeeek! I haven't even had my shower yet or anything! I need those 3 extra weeks! So, i am seeing her again in 4weeks, and she said if i am still measuring big, then we will do an ultrasound....but she thinks that i just had a big growth spurt & that i wont grow much more in the next few weeks...so we shall see in about 4 weeks where i'm at!!
I got some pics online if you ladies would like to take a peek ~
Coffee, that all sounds very positive!! You must feel so great hearing those results. I'm sure everything will turn out great.
And EddiesGurl, you look great!! I'm glad your blood sugar test was good and that it wasn't too nasty to drink! I remember before I went for that test I was more worried about drinking something gross than I was about getting the blood drawn...lol.
That's amazing that they might change your due date by that much! I've been measuring correctly for my due date for my entire pregnancy, and the baby has been measuring correctly in the ultrasounds, too. I'm not surprised though; I'm pretty sure I know exactly when I got pregnant. (Let's just say that it was the same night we realized Durex condoms aren't all that reliable. ) I think I'd be thrilled if they changed my due date, though! I'm just so anxious to hold my little baby!
All is well here. I had shoulder surgery two weeks ago, so all I can do with Jack is hold him. Last Dr's appt, he had already gained 2 pounds, up to 9 lbs, 10 oz. He is still the most well tempered baby I've been around. Only cries if he's hungry, or needs a new diaper. He is beginning to fight going to sleep, like he's afraid he'll miss something. His favorite things are our chandelier in the living room, and ceiling fan in the reading room
Some say "Oh for sure its a boy"
Others " Just wait... its a girl!"
How do people think they can tell?
As for dreams Ive had dreams Im having both.
Last night I dreamt it was a girl. I just have to wait and see.
Girls take the mother's beauty
Boys are all up front (like a basketball under your shirt)
who know's...:rolleyes:
we heard it all. there are all sorts of theories. though most people said boy cause of how she carried.
edit... the best is when we would tell people we want to be surprised. then they would say, oh. it's definately a boy
if thats true ~ then i'm having a boy...i look like i have basketball under my shirt..i'm 6months along & still wearing my regualr jeans! I'm carrying super high, and its all in my belly!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
But Im carrying very compact.
No basketball here.
So Im really not sure.
I ran into a few moms with thier 3month old babies the other day.
3 moms 3 baby boys. And thaey asked when I was due and I said 3
weeks and they said Im carrying small. And asked how the pregnancy
had been so far and I said really good. They all said "Girl!"
One woman had a planned c-sec. I asked her how that went and she said
"I dont want to talk about it"
Okey dokey...
My husband and I became foster parents last summer, after tons of paperwork. Well, we now have a baby girl, she came to live with us at the end of Sept., she is now 16 months old and soooo sweet. The petition to adopt has been filed, we think/hope the court date will be set soon, we're thinking beginning of August. Parental rights have been severed, so no chance that will be an issue. We got really lucky because she is a sweet and beautiful little girl. We call her Sophie!!
So, I highly recommend adoption, the whole time I always said, I'm expecting, I just don't know when or what!
We only have her, we may be in for a second, I'm not sure yet.
Good luck with yours!
:cool: thats awesome!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
I would love to do this. Ill just wait a while after this one.
I kinda see her point. After I had my son, everyone and thier mothers wanted to know how the delivery went and wanted to know every single detail. I personally didnt think it was any of their business and I kept it to myself.
Even after 4 years, I still prefer to keep most of it to myself and when asked I give a generic response like "it went great, did it all in 8 hours" and leave it at that.
What annoyed me more when I was pregnant is that amount of people that wanted to touch my stomach. Rubbing my stomach doesnt give you good luck!
All those theories about carrying high means a boy etc are just theories. But then again, people thought I was having twins (which I wasnt) I got so big.
i get weirded out by strangers rubbing my belly..even a few people at work just think its ok to rub my belly. i dont care if my boyfriend does it, or my mom or sister....or basically family...but people in line at the grocery store & stuff like that just piss me off. makes you sorta feel like buddah!
and i'm 6 months (26wks) & i have had people ask me ALL the freaking time if i am sure that i am not having TWINS!!! i'm like 'SHUT UP!!!' i think its really really freaking rude to say something like that. Why dont they just say "Holy Shit! you look like a house!!"...lol...i personally just think i look so big b/c i am just all belly! i honestly look like i have a freakin basketball under my shirt!! i'm short, and small framed...so it sticks out way far on me! its just annoying to hear comments like that. Ugh!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Sounds exactly like me. Im short and small framed as well so I know what your going through!
Well it started with me asking if they all had thier babies at the hospital
we were standing outside of. Its where Im going. And two of the girls
said yes. The other said no, she went to another that did c-sec.
I asked her if it was a planned one. She said yes. I asked how it went.
She adis she didnt want to talk about it. If it was just something
she didnt feel like sharing I would have just said. oh fine...
But saying she didnt want to talk about it leads people to belive it went
not so fine.
I agree lotsa people overstep boundaries. And births are very personal.
And so is the touching of the tummy. People shouldnt touch unless
first told something along the lines of " Oohh its really moving! Feel here!"
Strangers shouldnt touch bellys, Its like walking up to a woman and grabbing her
breasts and asking if they are real.
26 weeks along this week....i'll probably have some pics to share w/ you all this coming weekend...show off my belly!
aaaaand this coming Monday, May 1st ~ i have that blood sugar test thingy done. Ugh. i am absolutely dreading it!!! you know..where you get your blood drawn, drink some thick nasty stuff & then wait an hour & get your blood drawn again....eeeek!!! i have a MAJOR problem w/ getting my blood drawn. i am really freaking out over this! and you cant eat or DRINK anything 2hrs prior to your testing!!! i'm like a camel over here! and i can't drink ANYTHING???? not even water??? joy joy joy. i'm sooooo excited.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
I had to go for 3 of these. The last one being a 2hr one, fasted from the night before.
Where they take your blood 3 times. Consider yourself lucky.
I had my first non-stress test this morning, which is all part of my extra-close supervision. (In case you haven't read about that, it's where they monitor the baby for 30-45 minutes to make sure that her heart rate raises to an appropriate level after a kick.) Baby passed with flying colors!
We had another childbirth class last night and in an act of poor timing, they served snacks right before popping in a very graphic video.
Yeah, don't stress about the blood sugar test! I freaked out about not being able to drink anything for an hour, too, but it went really fast. I took my husband along to distract/entertain me, too.
I read somewhere they are looking into making an equivalent in jelly beans.
No word of a lie. For those women who cant to the drink. Personally I think
I would be waaay more thirsty after eating a handful of jelly beans.
wow! that doesn't surprise me; I know a lot of people really can't stand the drink!
On the pregnancy board where I post sometimes, there were a few women who didn't have to do the drink. Instead, their doctors instructed them to eat a king-sized candy bar and a soda! Seriously! It seems so unscientific to me, but I would have rather done that.
Glad to hear everyone's doing well!!
I just had my girlfriend's baby shower over the weekend...she was so surprised, but not as surprised as when she opened up a special little gift...I put together a Pearl Jam onesie and I burned a copy of "Strung Out on Pearl Jam"
It was awsome seeing her jaw drop:o...she's 39 weeks, she's planning on attending the Boston show with me on the 24th and 25th...I don't know how she's gonna do it!!! :eek:
Peace ya'll...
Much Luv...;)
I hope everyone is feeling well. I thought I'd drop a quick note and leave an update on our condition. My wife had an amnio done last Tuesday and the preliminary results came back with a 95% certainty that our little one is healthy. The complete results should come in next week. Everything has been very positive for us so far. We are feeling really good right now. I'll be following along with you here with your progressions and will check back later.
Especially your hunny Coffee.
Had my shower this weekend.
It went well and I think all we really need to get is some more recieving
blankets and when its out and know the sez some more clothes.
I will probably pick up some more onzies this week too. just to make sure.
Oh and some ladies things for when I get home from th hospital.
This is a test...
sorry .
I had my appointment yesterday...the sugar drink wasn't bad at all! It tasted just like Fruit Punch & it wasn't all thick & nasty either! I was very pleasently suprised! And the blood draw went well to..the lady did an excellent job! i barely even felt it!
I also had my check up w/ the doc & when she measured my belly to see how far along i was measuring, she got 30 weeks!!! According to her & my previous ultrasounds, i should be at 27 weeks! Sooo ~ i'm measuring 3 weeks sooner than we all though! My original due date was August 5th, but this would push it up to July 15th! Eeeek! I haven't even had my shower yet or anything! I need those 3 extra weeks! So, i am seeing her again in 4weeks, and she said if i am still measuring big, then we will do an ultrasound....but she thinks that i just had a big growth spurt & that i wont grow much more in the next few weeks...so we shall see in about 4 weeks where i'm at!!
I got some pics online if you ladies would like to take a peek ~
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v625/PJzGirlMeg/Me%20Pregnant/?action=view¤t=89510022.jpg - me about a month ago
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v625/PJzGirlMeg/Me%20Pregnant/?action=view¤t=89510016.jpg - a few weeks ago
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v625/PJzGirlMeg/Me%20Pregnant/?action=view¤t=89510010.jpg - bare belly shot a week or so ago
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v625/PJzGirlMeg/Me%20Pregnant/?action=view¤t=89510002.jpg - a few nights ago
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
And EddiesGurl, you look great!! I'm glad your blood sugar test was good and that it wasn't too nasty to drink! I remember before I went for that test I was more worried about drinking something gross than I was about getting the blood drawn...lol.
That's amazing that they might change your due date by that much! I've been measuring correctly for my due date for my entire pregnancy, and the baby has been measuring correctly in the ultrasounds, too. I'm not surprised though; I'm pretty sure I know exactly when I got pregnant. (Let's just say that it was the same night we realized Durex condoms aren't all that reliable.
You are a brave girl for putting pics out there for all to see.
I didnt find the drink that bad either.
And i dont have a problem having blood drawn.
It was getting poked so often that sucked.
Well its two weeks away for me now.
I guess I can pop any day now.
But my next appt. isnt till friday.
Hope to make it till then.
All is well here. I had shoulder surgery two weeks ago, so all I can do with Jack is hold him. Last Dr's appt, he had already gained 2 pounds, up to 9 lbs, 10 oz. He is still the most well tempered baby I've been around. Only cries if he's hungry, or needs a new diaper. He is beginning to fight going to sleep, like he's afraid he'll miss something. His favorite things are our chandelier in the living room, and ceiling fan in the reading room
i dont feel so "brave" for putting up a few pics! i'm proud of my buldging belly! i love it! Chris loves it too...he cant keep his paws off it!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well! And good luck Gen ~ you are getting close! I didn't realize you were due so soon!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.