Annabelle Elizabeth is so pretty! And congrats. on her laugh, how wonderful. I love the firsts and you will get a kick out of so much she does and be in awe. It is truly wonderful and amazing to watch them grow.
Regarding morning sickness, I definately would recommend not letting your stomach get empty. Crackers never did anything for me. I had really bad morning sickness for the first one and nausea for the 2nd and now 3rd one. I had to see a dietician for the 2nd one when I got gestational diabetes and had to eat a diet for that which is the completely opposite diet of someone who has IBS like I do. My stomach can't tolerate protein very well so I live on alot of carbs which are high in sugar. I had to eat protein anyway to help the baby and just deal with the IBS acting up. It can be kinda tricky and each person is different in what helps them with nausea, there is some trial and error in it to find something that helps. I heard the medicine they have now for nausea works great but makes you tired which I thought, "wow, if I got anymore tired than I already am I could be in a coma!" I try to avoid medicine if at all possible and look for other alternatives such as changes in diet. I would recommend trying different foods to see if one seems to help. Like I said, nothing helped it go away because of my unique issues but keeping something on my stomach made it less severe. Good luck with that, I hope you find something that helps!
Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
We first heard a little giggle on Saturday morning. I said something sarcastic to her daddy, we both laughed and she let out a quiet little giggle right after! Because it was so quiet, we kind of wrote it off as cooing and decided we were just delusional and that she wasn't really laughing. However, this evening, she has been laughing her head off at everything! It's so exciting to see her start interacting with us!!
Aww im so jealous!
Im still waiting for a giggle.
Adria has been doing little "hoo hoo" s
but no giggles yet. I cant wait.
Is Annabelle really happy in the morning?
Adria is all smiles. She talks away and smiles and I love it.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Regarding morning sickness, I definately would recommend not letting your stomach get empty. Crackers never did anything for me. I had really bad morning sickness for the first one and nausea for the 2nd and now 3rd one. I had to see a dietician for the 2nd one when I got gestational diabetes and had to eat a diet for that which is the completely opposite diet of someone who has IBS like I do. My stomach can't tolerate protein very well so I live on alot of carbs which are high in sugar. I had to eat protein anyway to help the baby and just deal with the IBS acting up. It can be kinda tricky and each person is different in what helps them with nausea, there is some trial and error in it to find something that helps. I heard the medicine they have now for nausea works great but makes you tired which I thought, "wow, if I got anymore tired than I already am I could be in a coma!" I try to avoid medicine if at all possible and look for other alternatives such as changes in diet. I would recommend trying different foods to see if one seems to help. Like I said, nothing helped it go away because of my unique issues but keeping something on my stomach made it less severe. Good luck with that, I hope you find something that helps!
Wow that would suck.
I was afraid of being put on a GD diet and I dont have IBS!
How are you feeling this time around?
Are you concerned at all about GD this time?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
The doctor is unable to find heart tones with Doplar device because of the we have to get ultrasounds done ever visit to monitor everything.
Our tech said she could probably tell us already about the sex, but wanted to make sure...thus, we find out next week.
OMG!!! I had no idea you & PBW were expecting!!! That is SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you guys! Keep us posted!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I'm not pregnant....or anywhere even NEAR pregnant (not even married!) but I love this thread!!! It's so fun reading the updates everyone posts throughout their pregnancy and then the pics of when the lil PJ fans finally show up!
I hope you guys don't mind a non-mommy lurking in on your thread!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Aww im so jealous!
Im still waiting for a giggle.
Adria has been doing little "hoo hoo" s
but no giggles yet. I cant wait.
Is Annabelle really happy in the morning?
Adria is all smiles. She talks away and smiles and I love it.
I'm sure a giggle is just around the corner! I've only gotten one out of her today, but last night she was full of them! I think she started giggling because my husband is such a goofball that she couldn't hold in her laughter anymore.
Yes, she always greets me with a bunch of smiles in the morning and is SO happy! Good thing, too, because I'm not a morning person. I think it would be a lot harder to get an early wake up call from an unhappy baby! A lot of times she'll already be smiling up at the bears on her mobile before she even sees me. It's adorable how much she likes that thing; we don't even have to turn it on for her to be
Yeah every baby is different but I cant wait till she does!
How are you doing with all the adjustments and sore tummy?
I'm doing really well now! I'm so much stronger now than I was in the beginning; it helps that I've been taking progressively longer/faster walks since about 2 weeks after the baby. That spot that popped on my incision is FINALLY completely closed! I was still having to cover it until last week, for god's sake... But I stopped having the home healthcare nurse come during the second week of July...which was nice! As far as the c-section goes, I feel totally back to normal except my tummy isn't strong enough to do crunches yet. It doesn't hurt, but it feels so weak!
What are you doing for birth control now, if you don't mind me asking? I just found out, after taking the pill for about 10 years, that it's not safe for me because of the types of migraines I have! I can't believe no one ever mentioned that before... I can do the mini pill, the shot or an IUD. I'm considering the IUD because I'm scared that I won't remember to take the mini pill at the right time and I really don't want to get pregnant again for a few years! I've never known anyone that used the IUD, though, and it kind of freaks me out (for reasons I can't explain).
Yeah every baby is different but I cant wait till she does!
How are you doing with all the adjustments and sore tummy?
I'm doing really well now! I'm so much stronger now than I was in the beginning; it helps that I've been taking progressively longer/faster walks since about 2 weeks after the baby. That spot that popped on my incision is FINALLY completely closed! I was still having to cover it until last week, for god's sake... But I stopped having the home healthcare nurse come during the second week of July...which was nice! As far as the c-section goes, I feel totally back to normal except my tummy isn't strong enough to do crunches yet. It doesn't hurt, but it feels so weak!
What are you doing for birth control now, if you don't mind me asking? I just found out, after taking the pill for about 10 years, that it's not safe for me because of the types of migraines I have! I can't believe no one ever mentioned that before... I can do the mini pill, the shot or an IUD. I'm considering the IUD because I'm scared that I won't remember to take the mini pill at the right time and I really don't want to get pregnant again for a few years! I've never known anyone that used the IUD, though, and it kind of freaks me out (for reasons I can't explain).
I'm doing really well now! I'm so much stronger now than I was in the beginning; it helps that I've been taking progressively longer/faster walks since about 2 weeks after the baby. That spot that popped on my incision is FINALLY completely closed! I was still having to cover it until last week, for god's sake... But I stopped having the home healthcare nurse come during the second week of July...which was nice! As far as the c-section goes, I feel totally back to normal except my tummy isn't strong enough to do crunches yet. It doesn't hurt, but it feels so weak!
What are you doing for birth control now, if you don't mind me asking? I just found out, after taking the pill for about 10 years, that it's not safe for me because of the types of migraines I have! I can't believe no one ever mentioned that before... I can do the mini pill, the shot or an IUD. I'm considering the IUD because I'm scared that I won't remember to take the mini pill at the right time and I really don't want to get pregnant again for a few years! I've never known anyone that used the IUD, though, and it kind of freaks me out (for reasons I can't explain).
I hate them.
till I go and get the mini pill.
Im waiting till in sept. to go to the doctor for the pill.
Im too afaid of getting an IUD.
Theres always abstinence!
I have a friend who has a baby the same age as Adria and got her period already.
Can you imagine if her and her hubby hadnt used protection?!?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Everything is going smoothly at home. The baby is 5lbs 8ozs(biggest yet) and could arrive at any time now. We've passed the critical weeks and the tiny boy/girl has nothing left to do now but grow. This third go around has been crazy to say the least. I've been checking in and at times it seemed like it was a race between EG and my wife. It seems EG has won? LOL I'd be surprised if we make it through this weekend. I was hoping for a 876 birthday but no luck. Take care all.
After my son was born I went on Depo-Provera. I noticed Canada and the US see the shot a little differently than each other. I kinda wish I would have known about the shot, more effective then the Pill I was on when I got pregnant.
Anyways, I have no trouble with the shot. Ive been on it for nearly 4 years now, weight gain is a side effect, but it never happened to me, I lost nearly 100lbs while on Depo. I havnt had a visit from Aunt Flo in nearly 4 years as well. She does come by every now and then for tea (basically, I just have a period for a few hours or one night nothing more).
Overall tho, Im glad Im on the shot, and I would recommend it to any woman who is thinking of going on it. However, Depo is really only for those women who dont want anymore (or any) kids, so keep that in mind.
The doc says that if i make it to Monday then we will go ahead & schedule an induction date! But i really dont want to be induced!! I would muuuuch rather go before Monday! I would love it if she was born on the 11th, b/c my bday is 5-11 & my Daddy is keep your fingers crossed for me!
i've drank the raspberry leaf tea, i've had my 'membranes stripped', i've lost my plug... i went for a walk last night... it was a full moon last night AND i even had sex...which isn't the best thing in the world for me right now... its NOT to comfortable!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
The doc says that if i make it to Monday then we will go ahead & schedule an induction date! But i really dont want to be induced!! I would muuuuch rather go before Monday! I would love it if she was born on the 11th, b/c my bday is 5-11 & my Daddy is keep your fingers crossed for me!
i've drank the raspberry leaf tea, i've had my 'membranes stripped', i've lost my plug... i went for a walk last night... it was a full moon last night AND i even had sex...which isn't the best thing in the world for me right now... its NOT to comfortable!
Poor thing! You must be miserable! Backache??
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
a little yea... not to bad tho. my back usually doesn't hurt till i lay down at night, then my lower back just throbs!!! i'm mostly just growing impatient & SO damn anxious!!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
a little yea... not to bad tho. my back usually doesn't hurt till i lay down at night, then my lower back just throbs!!! i'm mostly just growing impatient & SO damn anxious!!!!
Is this your first baby?
(Sorry, I could go back and read through the previous pages, but I'm not!)
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
haha.. yea, thank God for epidurals!! ... but really im not too scared... i'm just more anxious to get it over with!!!! And i know that i will be ok. Its what our bodies are made to do! (women that is!)... i am just ready to not have this big belly! i want my wasit back! i want to drink more than one glass of wine! i just want to be me again!!! argh!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
haha.. yea, thank God for epidurals!! ... but really im not too scared... i'm just more anxious to get it over with!!!! And i know that i will be ok. Its what our bodies are made to do! (women that is!)... i am just ready to not have this big belly! i want my wasit back! i want to drink more than one glass of wine! i just want to be me again!!! argh!
When is your due date?
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I was 13 days late....I know how your feeling Gurl. For the back pain, I found going on my hands and knees really helped a bit. *hugs* It'll happen soon!.
I was 13 days late....I know how your feeling Gurl. For the back pain, I found going on my hands and knees really helped a bit. *hugs* It'll happen soon!.
So does vicodin!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I was 13 days late....I know how your feeling Gurl. For the back pain, I found going on my hands and knees really helped a bit. *hugs* It'll happen soon!.
makes sense & im sure it does wonders... BUT.... small problem... my knees are holding water, so i can't put any pressure on them what-so-ever. I cant even do any damn squats!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
makes sense & im sure it does wonders... BUT.... small problem... my knees are holding water, so i can't put any pressure on them what-so-ever. I cant even do any damn squats!!!
Umm....I've never been prego, so maybe I'm totally ignorant...but I have a question, feel free not to answer if it's too personal.
How is it possible to have sex with a big huge prego belly if you're know...on your knees?
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Regarding morning sickness, I definately would recommend not letting your stomach get empty. Crackers never did anything for me. I had really bad morning sickness for the first one and nausea for the 2nd and now 3rd one. I had to see a dietician for the 2nd one when I got gestational diabetes and had to eat a diet for that which is the completely opposite diet of someone who has IBS like I do. My stomach can't tolerate protein very well so I live on alot of carbs which are high in sugar. I had to eat protein anyway to help the baby and just deal with the IBS acting up. It can be kinda tricky and each person is different in what helps them with nausea, there is some trial and error in it to find something that helps. I heard the medicine they have now for nausea works great but makes you tired which I thought, "wow, if I got anymore tired than I already am I could be in a coma!" I try to avoid medicine if at all possible and look for other alternatives such as changes in diet. I would recommend trying different foods to see if one seems to help. Like I said, nothing helped it go away because of my unique issues but keeping something on my stomach made it less severe. Good luck with that, I hope you find something that helps!
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
Aww im so jealous!
Im still waiting for a giggle.
Adria has been doing little "hoo hoo" s
but no giggles yet. I cant wait.
Is Annabelle really happy in the morning?
Adria is all smiles. She talks away and smiles and I love it.
Wow that would suck.
I was afraid of being put on a GD diet and I dont have IBS!
How are you feeling this time around?
Are you concerned at all about GD this time?
OMG!!! I had no idea you & PBW were expecting!!! That is SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you guys don't mind a non-mommy lurking in on your thread!
I'm sure a giggle is just around the corner! I've only gotten one out of her today, but last night she was full of them! I think she started giggling because my husband is such a goofball that she couldn't hold in her laughter anymore.
Yes, she always greets me with a bunch of smiles in the morning and is SO happy! Good thing, too, because I'm not a morning person.
How are you doing with all the adjustments and sore tummy?
I'm doing really well now! I'm so much stronger now than I was in the beginning; it helps that I've been taking progressively longer/faster walks since about 2 weeks after the baby. That spot that popped on my incision is FINALLY completely closed! I was still having to cover it until last week, for god's sake... But I stopped having the home healthcare nurse come during the second week of July...which was nice! As far as the c-section goes, I feel totally back to normal except my tummy isn't strong enough to do crunches yet. It doesn't hurt, but it feels so weak!
What are you doing for birth control now, if you don't mind me asking? I just found out, after taking the pill for about 10 years, that it's not safe for me because of the types of migraines I have! I can't believe no one ever mentioned that before... I can do the mini pill, the shot or an IUD. I'm considering the IUD because I'm scared that I won't remember to take the mini pill at the right time and I really don't want to get pregnant again for a few years! I've never known anyone that used the IUD, though, and it kind of freaks me out (for reasons I can't explain).
I'm doing really well now! I'm so much stronger now than I was in the beginning; it helps that I've been taking progressively longer/faster walks since about 2 weeks after the baby. That spot that popped on my incision is FINALLY completely closed! I was still having to cover it until last week, for god's sake... But I stopped having the home healthcare nurse come during the second week of July...which was nice! As far as the c-section goes, I feel totally back to normal except my tummy isn't strong enough to do crunches yet. It doesn't hurt, but it feels so weak!
What are you doing for birth control now, if you don't mind me asking? I just found out, after taking the pill for about 10 years, that it's not safe for me because of the types of migraines I have! I can't believe no one ever mentioned that before... I can do the mini pill, the shot or an IUD. I'm considering the IUD because I'm scared that I won't remember to take the mini pill at the right time and I really don't want to get pregnant again for a few years! I've never known anyone that used the IUD, though, and it kind of freaks me out (for reasons I can't explain).
I hate them.
till I go and get the mini pill.
Im waiting till in sept. to go to the doctor for the pill.
Im too afaid of getting an IUD.
Theres always abstinence!
I have a friend who has a baby the same age as Adria and got her period already.
Can you imagine if her and her hubby hadnt used protection?!?
Everything is going smoothly at home. The baby is 5lbs 8ozs(biggest yet) and could arrive at any time now. We've passed the critical weeks and the tiny boy/girl has nothing left to do now but grow. This third go around has been crazy to say the least. I've been checking in and at times it seemed like it was a race between EG and my wife. It seems EG has won? LOL I'd be surprised if we make it through this weekend. I was hoping for a 876 birthday but no luck. Take care all.
I do NOT smell like cat pee and raisins either.
Anyways, I have no trouble with the shot. Ive been on it for nearly 4 years now, weight gain is a side effect, but it never happened to me, I lost nearly 100lbs while on Depo. I havnt had a visit from Aunt Flo in nearly 4 years as well. She does come by every now and then for tea (basically, I just have a period for a few hours or one night nothing more).
Overall tho, Im glad Im on the shot, and I would recommend it to any woman who is thinking of going on it. However, Depo is really only for those women who dont want anymore (or any) kids, so keep that in mind.
Argh!!!!!!!!! :x
The doc says that if i make it to Monday then we will go ahead & schedule an induction date! But i really dont want to be induced!! I would muuuuch rather go before Monday! I would love it if she was born on the 11th, b/c my bday is 5-11 & my Daddy is keep your fingers crossed for me!
i've drank the raspberry leaf tea, i've had my 'membranes stripped', i've lost my plug... i went for a walk last night... it was a full moon last night AND i even had sex...which isn't the best thing in the world for me right now... its NOT to comfortable!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Poor thing! You must be miserable! Backache??
a little yea... not to bad tho. my back usually doesn't hurt till i lay down at night, then my lower back just throbs!!! i'm mostly just growing impatient & SO damn anxious!!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Is this your first baby?
(Sorry, I could go back and read through the previous pages, but I'm not!)
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
I'd be scared too. Morphine is your friend
haha.. yea, thank God for epidurals!! ... but really im not too scared... i'm just more anxious to get it over with!!!! And i know that i will be ok. Its what our bodies are made to do! (women that is!)... i am just ready to not have this big belly! i want my wasit back! i want to drink more than one glass of wine! i just want to be me again!!! argh!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
When is your due date?
it was August 5th.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
And you're aiming for the 11th??
that... or ANY DAMN DAY NOW!!! .... like right now would be nice too... but the 11th would be nice yea.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Well, I'm sending "pushing" vibes your way!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
So does vicodin!
makes sense & im sure it does wonders... BUT.... small problem... my knees are holding water, so i can't put any pressure on them what-so-ever. I cant even do any damn squats!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Umm....I've never been prego, so maybe I'm totally ignorant...but I have a question, feel free not to answer if it's too personal.
How is it possible to have sex with a big huge prego belly if you're know...on your knees?
its possible.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.