O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • pearlmuttpearlmutt Posts: 392
    me and my mate are preggers!

    :):):):) :-)

    we're very happy. we didn't think we could. seven years . . . nothing except some nasty bad cells and surgery on my cervix, so last year we gave up and then we started working on adoption papers. i went to honduras came back throwing up, tired, and having back pains. i thought i'd caught my death or at least a worm. . . turns out i was just 8 weeks pregnant. oddly enough part of my job in honduras was to ask, "embarazada?" (pregnant?) before giving out meds to women.

    "Still...I'm on edge. I imagine you're this way anyway during a pregnancy, but I'm even more so."

    i feel for you, my husband's been way more freaked out about stuff than i've been; he's been more emotional than i and just as sick. . . i think it's that way for some men, sort of sympathy pregnancy.

    about the nausea, raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help. i've drunk it quite a bit -- not been sick much, i think maybe three weeks grand total i've been sick and i'm almost out of the first trimester. also ginger ale and saltines! but now, i've got to eat as soon as my mouth starts watering -- that's the trick for me. i can't be hungry and not get sick, i figured out that i wasn't eating enough and that made me salivate and that made me throw up.

    i think everyone's different though.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    pearlmutt wrote:
    me and my mate are preggers!

    :):):):) :-)

    we're very happy. we didn't think we could. seven years . . . nothing except some nasty bad cells and surgery on my cervix, so last year we gave up and then we started working on adoption papers. i went to honduras came back throwing up, tired, and having back pains. i thought i'd caught my death or at least a worm. . . turns out i was just 8 weeks pregnant. oddly enough part of my job in honduras was to ask, "embarazada?" (pregnant?) before giving out meds to women.

    "Still...I'm on edge. I imagine you're this way anyway during a pregnancy, but I'm even more so."

    i feel for you, my husband's been way more freaked out about stuff than i've been; he's been more emotional than i and just as sick. . . i think it's that way for some men, sort of sympathy pregnancy.

    about the nausea, raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help. i've drunk it quite a bit -- not been sick much, i think maybe three weeks grand total i've been sick and i'm almost out of the first trimester. also ginger ale and saltines! but now, i've got to eat as soon as my mouth starts watering -- that's the trick for me. i can't be hungry and not get sick, i figured out that i wasn't eating enough and that made me salivate and that made me throw up.

    i think everyone's different though.

    Congratulations!!!! :D
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259

    He is SO cute!! I just love the shape of his face. It's perfect! The one where he's "leaning" on his side is my favorite. :D
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    Yeah, I don't really care if I look huge; I'm just thrilled that she's growing at exactly the rate she is supposed to be growing!

    And yes, Adria is pretty damn cute! :D

    I'll be there myself in the next few weeks and I'm going to tell people it's all baby, and not fat! :)
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009

    very cute. I wish we could see the pictures bigger. How old is he now?
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166

    awww!!!! very cute little guy!! how old is he? he's a cutie!! thanks for sharing!

    pearlmutt ~ Congrats!! :D And welcome to your new fav thread! ;)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • thanks. You can see some bigger pics at: mysite.verizon.net/seangroark
    Haven't updated in a few weeks, but there are some good pics there. He is now 8 weeks, and one day
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    I can feel some serious expansion the last few days, stomach feels a bit tight, but from the inside. It's just the weirdest thing. Anyone else been experiencing this?
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    Looking good Hellfish!
    Hes a cutie. :D

    Congrats to the newly expecting.
    Im glad this thread is still going.

    I can only remember my skin feeling super tight at the end.
    It was really itchy! I put cream on it every chance I had.
    And dont get me started on stretch marks.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Moonchild wrote:
    I can feel some serious expansion the last few days, stomach feels a bit tight, but from the inside. It's just the weirdest thing. Anyone else been experiencing this?

    Well...my belly feels tighter and tighter every day, both inside and out...but I'm about 20 days away from my due date now, so I think that's to be expected! :D

    I started to really feel the weight of everything around 20 weeks or so; up until that point I dont think I really felt any different on the inside, even though I had started showing. I think that feeling could probably be described as tightening.
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    Well...my belly feels tighter and tighter every day, both inside and out...but I'm about 20 days away from my due date now, so I think that's to be expected! :D

    I started to really feel the weight of everything around 20 weeks or so; up until that point I dont think I really felt any different on the inside, even though I had started showing. I think that feeling could probably be described as tightening.

    I'm in my 23rd week now and until 2 or 3 weeks ago I didn't notice much change. But it's the same for me now. I notice the heaviness of my stomach, I can't bend over anymore, I have to crouch down, it feels like I have a mini sandbag attached to my stomach if I do.
    I guess there's been growth of the baby the last couple of weeks and my stomach is popping out a bit now as a result! :)
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    my belly feels pretty tight...more so after i eat...oh my goodness! it gets hard as a rock! hah...and the baby gets soo active after i eat! ... especially ice cream.....and yea, i definitely can't bend down the same way i used to be able to.. and putting on & taking off my tennis shoes is a pain in the ass! Thank-God for flip-flops!! I'm in my 31st week this week, unless i'm still measuring 3 weeks bigger .... we'll see at my next appt. (June 1st) I may get another ultrasound! (yay!! :) ) Anyway ~ it'll be late July, early August for me... i'm praying for July!!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    my belly feels pretty tight...more so after i eat...oh my goodness! it gets hard as a rock! hah...and the baby gets soo active after i eat! ... especially ice cream.....and yea, i definitely can't bend down the same way i used to be able to.. and putting on & taking off my tennis shoes is a pain in the ass! Thank-God for flip-flops!! I'm in my 31st week this week, unless i'm still measuring 3 weeks bigger .... we'll see at my next appt. (June 1st) I may get another ultrasound! (yay!! :) ) Anyway ~ it'll be late July, early August for me... i'm praying for July!!

    I have a similar experience with eating. I have to eat small meals now. I get full really fast and have to stop. Then it feels like my stomach is going to burst! :)
    It's going to be a warm summer for those of us who are in the later stages of pregnancy!
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    genevieve wrote:
    This is my first baby.
    I thought us ladies could swap info and so-on its always nice to have support.

    enjoy that mssg board time now, after the baby and you're on here, you'll be labeled a horrible mother.
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • not in the first few months. In the 1 st month the cycle is
    sleep---new diaper---eat---sleep 4 hours---new diaper---eat---sleep 4 hours
  • Quiet RhythmQuiet Rhythm Posts: 104
    not in the first few months. In the 1 st month the cycle is
    sleep---new diaper---eat---sleep 4 hours---new diaper---eat---sleep 4 hours

    I wish my son did that when he was a baby. He hardly ever slept and when he did it was for a max of 2 hours and this lasted until he was 3 months old and he ate as if he was a starved baby, and he was formula fed too which supposedly makes them feel fuller quicker.
    Fast Forward almost 5 years and now he finally sleeps all the way thru the night but still eats like a starved child.
  • Obsidian22Obsidian22 Posts: 298
    Hello beautiful Goddesses, I just wanted to inform you about pregnancy massage therapy. It's great for low back pain, shooting pain down legs and edema(swelling) and relaxation(lowering blood pressure).
    I am not pregnant, but I am a registered Massage Therapist and work with
    expecting mothers all the time, and fathers.
    Make sure you find a therapist that has experience with side lying massage.

    I was at the Toronto, May 9 2006 pearl jam show. Many highlights, but I was wondering if anyone knows about the woman who was at the show and fully pregnant. She wore a bright red t-shirt that said in white letters
    " Pearl Jam's Littlest fan" and had arrows pointing to her belly. Priceless. She and her man were on the subway going home later that night.
    If you're on this thread , I hope all goes well with your labour and delivery.
    Cheers to you all, T ps. loud grunts and moans and even screaming help alot during the transition phase of labour, let it all out. Peace and Love
    Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's Soul remains Unawakened.
    Anatole France
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    YUCK! If I found out I were pregnant today I wouldn't be pregnant for long..why would you do that to your body? Oh, good luck!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • Tek MoneyTek Money Posts: 642
    YUCK! If I found out I were pregnant today I wouldn't be pregnant for long..why would you do that to your body? Oh, good luck!

    You are kidding right?
    Cock Fight.
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    Tek Money wrote:
    You are kidding right?

    Uhhhhhh, no! Why would I be kidding about that?
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • stonesgstringstonesgstring Posts: 4,613
    YUCK! If I found out I were pregnant today I wouldn't be pregnant for long..why would you do that to your body? Oh, good luck!

    LOL, I was thinking along similar lines actually :D
    20/04/06 ~ 23/08/06 ~ 09/09/06

    14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour

    18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing

    04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~

    Rockin' out to Creadles
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46

    Yeah, I said the same thing until I hit 30 and then things started to change, priorities, maturity level. Hey don't knock it, you could be like the rest of us in a few years.
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    Moonchild wrote:
    Yeah, I said the same thing until I hit 30 and then things started to change, priorities, maturity level. Hey don't knock it, you could be like the rest of us in a few years.

    the thought of someone calling me mom gives me the creeps...it isn't a good thing!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    the thought of someone calling me mom gives me the creeps...it isn't a good thing!

    Well, that's the beauty of it, it's a personal choice, it's not something any of us has to do. I know lots of people that never want to have children and are quite happy without them. It's what works for you.
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    Moonchild wrote:
    Well, that's the beauty of it, it's a personal choice, it's not something any of us has to do. I know lots of people that never want to have children and are quite happy without them. It's what works for you.

    REALLY? People make me out to be an asshole or something just because I choose not to f**k up my body and go into the poor house for some cryin baby who will bother you the rest of your life..I've lost lots of friends because they chose to have a bunch of kids and live paycheck to paycheck..they get pissed because they couldn't take ME down with them!! Anyway, Im the baby of six kids and all my sisters and brothers have children and they tell me I'm the smartest woman EVER!!!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • Tek MoneyTek Money Posts: 642
    REALLY? People make me out to be an asshole or something just because I choose not to f**k up my body and go into the poor house for some cryin baby who will bother you the rest of your life..I've lost lots of friends because they chose to have a bunch of kids and live paycheck to paycheck..they get pissed because they couldn't take ME down with them!! Anyway, Im the baby of six kids and all my sisters and brothers have children and they tell me I'm the smartest woman EVER!!!

    See I LOVE being a Mom. And I don't live paycheck to paycheck. Not everyone does. And I am glad you think I fucked up my body. Maybe you should think before you say such things.
    Cock Fight.
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    I did think, therefore I posted! I didn't say people didn't love being a mom..I would hope you do love being a mom. For the kid's sake that is...Motherhood isn't for everybody!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • Tek MoneyTek Money Posts: 642
    No it definitely is not for people that are selfish and obsessed with their appearance.
    Cock Fight.
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