O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    awww!!! she is too cute!!! beautiful! :D

    i am doing well... just getting ready to get in the shower & get ready for the show tonight!!! wish me luck!! ~ also i got a digital camera a couple days ago & just finished loading some pics on my cpu & thought i'd share!

    me a few min ago:


    & me & Chris a couple days ago:


    and i just love cows ~ these are my uncles cows just down the road from my parents house...:D

    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Wow looking good!
    Theres definatley a baby in there! :D

    Have fun at the show.
    The last PJ show I was at Adria was a tiny embryo.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    I like to say, I am 13 weeks pregnant w/my first child, and this little one has already been to one PJ show and a Sleater-Kinney show :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    I like to say, I am 13 weeks pregnant w/my first child, and this little one has already been to one PJ show and a Sleater-Kinney show :)

    Congrats to you!!! PBW is also in week 13...sickness hasn't subsided yet, but I'm remaining optomistic.

    We were worn out from the Cincy show, but we had lots of fluids to her to drink and we sat down from time to time (sorry Robert Pollard ;))

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    Congrats to you!!! PBW is also in week 13...sickness hasn't subsided yet, but I'm remaining optomistic.

    We were worn out from the Cincy show, but we had lots of fluids to her to drink and we sat down from time to time (sorry Robert Pollard ;))


    sorry i missed you and PBW at the pre party....we had a busy fun day and didn't arrive at the pre party until almost 6 and most everyone was gone

    it was a lovely spot....beautiful evening

    sorry to hear PBW is still feeling the effects of morning sickness....

    and you should remain optimistic...it will pass eventually i promise

    best of luck to you both

    one hellava show :D
    Nice shirt.
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Congrats to you!!! PBW is also in week 13...sickness hasn't subsided yet, but I'm remaining optomistic.

    We were worn out from the Cincy show, but we had lots of fluids to her to drink and we sat down from time to time (sorry Robert Pollard ;))


    awww thanks PBM :) Awww poor PBW, i've read that it should go away by the 3rd month. My morning sickness stopped last week.

    I have to make sure when I go to the gorge to take my nalgene bottle with me:)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDeal wrote:
    I like to say, I am 13 weeks pregnant w/my first child, and this little one has already been to one PJ show and a Sleater-Kinney show :)

    WHOOOHOO!! Congrats Nadi!!!! ((big hugs))
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    PBM ~ she should be feeling better very soon! have you guys talked to the DR about it?? they usually have good advice.

    i'm getting closer & closer!! only 4 wks left till i'm 40 weeks.. could be less than 4 weeks. i've already had cramping all weekend & she has officially dropped!! i'm thinking it will only be 2-3 more weeks! my baby shower is this weekend ~ so i'll have some pics to post!

    here is one of me last weekend - burnt!



    congrats btw nadi!! :D its a WONDERFUL experience!!!! i've had such a GREAT pregnancy! i'm one of the lucky ones that didn't get sick at all, not once, still, to this day do not have a single stretch mark & NO swelling!!! its been one easy, short ride!! and i've loved every kick, roll, stretch & bump from my sweet little girl! and knowing that every movement is all mine right now makes me cherish it THAT much more!! Hope yours goes well! (the same goes to PBW!!!!)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    WHOOOHOO!! Congrats Nadi!!!! ((big hugs))

    Thanks Mel! :D So you'll be seeing me w/a little bump in a few weeks :)

    and EddiesGurl, you look TOO cute!! I can't wait for you to have your little girl!!! *giggles w/excitement*
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • More CoffeeMore Coffee Posts: 607
    EG I'm glad you made your show and both you and the baby are doing well. Your little girl we be here before you know it. Genevieve your little one is adorable. I hope she is sleeping for you. We had a scare on Friday because my wife started having contractions. She is 32 weeks along now. We went to the hospital and they got them to stop. The rest of the weekend was uneventful...whew! My wife had a doctor's appointment on Moday and they are estimating the baby to be 3.5 pounds...45th %tile for growth. That is a low number, but our first two children were small as well. My wife is tiny, 5'2". If you were to look at her, you would not believe what stage of the pregnancy she is in now. She is very compact with her perfect little "Bump." Our daughter was born at 34 weeks and our son at 36. We are hoping that this one can hold out to 36 weeks as well. Aside from Friday, it has been smooth sailing for us considering the issue with the two vessel cord. Just give us 4 or 5 more weeks of development and we will be so happy. :) My wife started her "nesting" last week to begin to get ready. We still don't know if we are having a boy or a girl, and it doesn't matter. I'm getting really excited now.
    support The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Wow everyone seems to be doing really good.

    Adria is on her first big vacation.
    A big drive from Edmonton to Winnipeg 15hrs in between of driving.
    We split the trip into 2 days on the way out and will do that again on the way home.
    So she went to Saskatchewan, Manitoba and we spent the long weekend in Kenora(northern Ontario).
    So she is getting to know Canada! We hope to go to Quebec next year.
    And I know we will make it to BC yet this year.

    She is doing really well and we are just taking our time and not worrying if she
    needs to stop and eat. She is a little fussier than her normal self but I dont
    blame her Im tired and hot too. She will go swimming this weekend at the
    beach I spent my childhood at. Im soooo excited to get some pictures of her
    first time in the water! :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    genevieve wrote:
    Wow everyone seems to be doing really good.

    Adria is on her first big vacation.
    A big drive from Edmonton to Winnipeg 15hrs in between of driving.
    We split the trip into 2 days on the way out and will do that again on the way home.
    So she went to Saskatchewan, Manitoba and we spent the long weekend in Kenora(northern Ontario).
    So she is getting to know Canada! We hope to go to Quebec next year.
    And I know we will make it to BC yet this year.

    She is doing really well and we are just taking our time and not worrying if she
    needs to stop and eat. She is a little fussier than her normal self but I dont
    blame her Im tired and hot too. She will go swimming this weekend at the
    beach I spent my childhood at. Im soooo excited to get some pictures of her
    first time in the water! :D
    Yahhh...she lives!!!
    Glad to hear you and bambinha are doing well....
    Have you guys been listening to some PJ on your road trip?
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    wow..this thread has been around a long time...I wish i was preggers so i can share some stories....
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Hi everyone! Congratulations, MeddleDeal!! :) You are in for a wonderful and exciting ride!

    EG, your time is almost here!! I'm so excited for you!

    Genevieve, Adria is so cute! I love the little hat! :) I'm glad she's doing so well! I'm inspired to post some more recent pics of Annabelle, so I'll do that later!

    More Coffee - I'm glad you're wife is doing well after the scare! Nothing is scarier than thinking your baby will have to come too early! And don't worry too much about the slightly low size estimate, because they can be off by as much as 2 lbs!

    Annabelle is a month old today and I can't believe it! She's changed so much and she's really starting to fill out and get chubby! I love her little fat cheeks! I'm already feeling like it's going too fast, though.

    My incision problem is *almost* all healed up now. I still have to have a nurse come EVERY single day to pack/dress it. Ugh! But she said today that it's just a matter of days now until it closes up. In spite of all that, I've bounced back really well and I'm taking walks every day with no abdominal pain. I'm finally getting back some of the muscle tone I lost while on bed rest!! Yesterday we left Annabelle w/my sister for about 4 hours to go see My Morning Jacket and it was awesome to be out and about for the first time since March, but I talked about the baby the entire time...lol :D
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    J Lo so glad to hear things are getting back to normal.
    I definatley want to see some newer pictures!

    Of course we are listening to tonnes of PJ while on the road.
    Over half of our IPod is Pearl Jam.

    We actuallt went to a loud band practice for a friend and she fell asleep!!! :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hey is everyone doing good?

    We are back from our big trip and Adria did really good.
    She actually slept 5hrs straight on the drive home yesterday.

    She has changed alot these past couple weeks. She is starting be much
    more alert when things are going on. And shes really starting to smile.
    Shes always really smiley in the morning too! Its great to wake up and
    get huuuuge smiles! :D

    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    hey guys ~ i'm doing good... still hanging in there! so far no baby!!! now its just a waiting game.. i'm officially 37 weeks this week... so it could be any day now!
    i've been feeling pretty good... not sleeping very well the past week or so, just cant get comfy!! and i can tell that she has dropped b/c i've had get up more thru-out the night to pee... its like every 2-3 hours i'm awake... i guess its just my body getting ready for her!...which i cant wait to meet her!! i'm sooo anxious!!
    we had the big baby shower last weekend, and i got a TON of stuff! I have everything i need! My work is having a shower for me tomorrow... i'll probably get more clothes! i have so many already, i dont know how shes going to wear all those cute outfits!! I'm going to post some pics this weekend of my shower last weekend & we got her room finished, painted & the border is up.. the furniture is all where i want it... now all we need is a baby!! :D

    Gen ~ Adria is too cute!!! :D she looks very happy! how old is she now?

    Jlo ~ we want more pics!! i wanna see the little cutie!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Gurl trust me some stuff she wont even get the chance to wear!
    Ive already gone through all our clothes and given stuff away twice.
    Plus she grew out of 5 different outfits while we were away.

    She was 9 weeks on monday.
    I cant belive how much she changes every week.

    Yeah Jlo! where are new pics?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Hi everyone! EG, you are SO close now! I'm so excited for you! The night I went into labor and the day I delivered were two of the most, if not THE most, exciting and happy days of my life. I would relive them if I could! :)

    Right now Annabelle is in the hospital with a urinary tract infection. :( She had a fever and after running a ton of tests (including a spinal tap, which completely horrified me) they determined that it it's a UTI. Now they just have to run a couple of tests to make sure her kidneys are ok, so I'm still worried but they said that baby girls are prone to getting UTI's because of wearing diapers and all of that business, so I'm trying to stay positive. (As a child, I actually had to have the same tests and they turned out fine, so that is reassuring to me.)

    She's doing much better and her fever was gone after only a few hours of antibiotics. She is now her usual perky little self and has no idea the fuss that's going on around her! I stayed with her last night and my husband will stay tonight. (They won't let both parents stay at night...which I think is a load of crap.)

    I'm just sitting here missing her and looking at pics so here are a couple of recent ones taken last week. Send us good vibes, please!! :)

    Caught the beginning of a smile in this one: http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h169/Baby_Annabelle/7.jpg
    Just chillin' in her boppy: http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h169/Baby_Annabelle/5.jpg
    This one is just funny. She had a little acne breakout last week, and in this picture she looks rather stressed out by that fact. :Dhttp://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h169/Baby_Annabelle/2.jpg
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Im glaqd to hear shes on the mend but man I cant imagine the stress you have been going through.

    Those pictures are awsome! I like the boppy and the first one the best.

    Gurl you popped that baby out yet? :D

    My friend is going through some stress. After needing a ceasarian birth after a long labor she has found out her little baby needs surgery.
    He has fused blates in his skull. So when hes 15lbs he has to go have them
    cut apart. Apperently its really common in boy babies. Especially first born
    males. The hospital it will be done at is doing about 4 a month. 1 in a 1000
    is what they say get it. Thats crazy often. Soooo scary.

    Adria had her first shots yesterday. I had them split the shots up so she only
    had one yesterday instead of 3. I just couldnt see the reason to overload her
    all in one day. We will go back and get the rest next week. She was and is
    pretty fussy. I feel so bad for her. Plus we all have colds since coming home
    from vacation. So we are all sniffly and snuffly.

    Ill post a few more pics later this week.
    Get better Annabelle!!! :)
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • More CoffeeMore Coffee Posts: 607
    J.Lo I'm glad your little girl is feeling a little better and the fever has gone.
    I'm sure she will be back to 100% soon. My best wishes to you and your family.
    She is beautiful.
    The pictures are adorable. :)
    support The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Hi everyone. :) We are home from the hospital! They ruled out all of the scarier infections and decided that Annabelle has a UTI and she seems to be responding very well to the meds. Also, the ultrasound of her kidneys looks fine and it seems that the infection was just a random incident that shouldn't happen again. The doc said that if she has another before 6 months, they'll do further testing but for now we are ok. What a relief! :D

    Thanks for the good vibes Gen and Coffee! :)

    I would be terrified if my baby needed surgery on her skull, but in some ways, it's got to be a little reassuring that it's so common. I didn't realize that happened so often! I will send good vibes to your friends little guy!
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Welcome home.
    Get some rest and have some cuddles. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    Just read some of your posts...you guys are great, thanks for keeping in touch. I love the picture's sooo sweet!!! Stay stong mama's...;)
    Much luv to you all
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    have you popped?
    hope alls well.
    hope alls good with everyone.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Just checking on the ladies.:D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Just checking on the ladies.:D

    Gurl must have popped!!! She hasn't been around in so long! I can't wait to see pics and hear the story! :)

    Here are some new pics of Annabelle! We finally caught her smile on film! :)

    Smilin'. :)

    Chillin'. :cool:

    Just looking funny. :D

    I know that's a lot of pictures to post, but I'm a proud mama and it's my job to show her off! :)

    How is everyone doing? Has anyone heard from Pacifier lately? I haven't seen her post in this thread in a while.
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    I'm still here. I've just not had too much exciting stuff happening compared to all the births that have been occurring, so I've just been sitting back reading everyone elses post and looking at all of the very cute baby pics.

    I'm 27 weeks pregnant at the moment. All is going well so far. As I'm sure I have said earlier, I have a slight kidney problem but the doctors think that it should not interfer with the pregnancy and the pregnancy should not make my kidney problem worse. Their main concern is if I get pre-eclampsia because that can be especially bad for me, so my main concern is having to have the baby early. But I have been going to the doctor every two weeks to have my blood pressure checked and it has been ok, actually last time I went it was really good.

    The doctor wants me to have a third ultrasound at 28 weeks, which is slightly unusual because most people just have an ultrasound at around 12 weeks and a second one around 20 weeks. I guess she is just being extra cautious, but now we have to make the decision all over again of whether we want to find out the sex or not. Considering we are yet to agree on a single boys name, maybe we should find out the sex just incase we are having a boy so that we are forced to come up with at least one name we can agree on, otherwise if we have a boy it may not be named until well after birth.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    pacifier wrote:
    I'm still here. I've just not had too much exciting stuff happening compared to all the births that have been occurring, so I've just been sitting back reading everyone elses post and looking at all of the very cute baby pics.

    I'm 27 weeks pregnant at the moment. All is going well so far. As I'm sure I have said earlier, I have a slight kidney problem but the doctors think that it should not interfer with the pregnancy and the pregnancy should not make my kidney problem worse. Their main concern is if I get pre-eclampsia because that can be especially bad for me, so my main concern is having to have the baby early. But I have been going to the doctor every two weeks to have my blood pressure checked and it has been ok, actually last time I went it was really good.

    The doctor wants me to have a third ultrasound at 28 weeks, which is slightly unusual because most people just have an ultrasound at around 12 weeks and a second one around 20 weeks. I guess she is just being extra cautious, but now we have to make the decision all over again of whether we want to find out the sex or not. Considering we are yet to agree on a single boys name, maybe we should find out the sex just incase we are having a boy so that we are forced to come up with at least one name we can agree on, otherwise if we have a boy it may not be named until well after birth.

    Glad to see you pop in! :) I was kind of worried since we hadn't heard from you lately, but I'm glad to see everything is going well! That's awesome that you get an extra ultrasound. It's always fun to take another peek at the baby! I had like...13 or 14 by the end of my pregnancy...lol. I found them very reassuring, though. :) It sounds like your doctor is taking very good care of you and the baby. I think that's the key, you know? Just watching everything closely can make a big difference.

    It's funny that you guys can't agree on a boy's name. We couldn't agree on a middle name for the LONGEST time. When I was around 37 weeks, I said that I thought the baby would come as soon as we decided on a middle name. The day after I hit 38 weeks, we decided on one around 4 in the afternoon...and my water broke at 11:15 that night! :D
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