had my 32 week ultrasound yesterday, baby is healthy, 4lbs, has hair! and i got some GREAT pics!! And we caved in & found out what baby is ~~~ we are gonna have a little GIRL!!!! Chris & I are soo thrilled! He's already calling her his little princess!!! i'll share some ultrasound pics soon!
Pics are awesome! Is this your 2nd ultrasound or your 3rd? I've had 2 so far, but unless my doctor orders another one, I don't know if I'll get another. I really want a 3rd one though!
I found out the sex as well, I really wanted to know, we are also having a girl!
Is your due date still Aug. 5th or have they moved it up?
You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
Annabelle Elizabeth is here!!!!!!! She was born Monday morning (June 5) at 9:51 AM via emergency C-section. (Her heartrate was dropping dramatically during contractions, most likely due to cord compression. I tried laying in every different position under the sun to remedy that, and unfortunately nothing would help.) Luckily my doctor, who wasn't even on call that morning, just happened to be walking through the hospital on her way to her office hours and saw my name on the board and was able to take me through the whole thing and deliver the baby!
And for the record, after going through a c-section, I would not have chosen this voluntarily! I'm incredibly sore!
CONGRATS!!!!! She is soooo cute!! I love her little face!! And what a cute cute cute outfit!! hahah & i agree w/ your hubby.. that would be a pretty funny photoshop! if you do it, be sure to share!
And i like her name ~ very pretty! When was your due date? I didn't think you were due till the end of June/early July? Guess i was wrong! How was your labor? And how are you feeling now? Still sore? How is little Annabelle? Sleeping well? Any nicknames you've started calling her yet? ~ sorry so many questions.. just curious! Congratulations again to you & your family! She looks precious! I cant wait to meet my little girl!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
i was wondering that too.. but its not just here, i know 3 girls in my hometown expecting girls around August/September & a good friend of mine just had a girl in April!! And of course theres a few celebs that just recently gave birth to girls!! its sorta crazy!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Speaking of pregnant women. What are some of your cravings ladies? my mom use to eat peanutbutter/banana sammies when she was pregnant with me. i love them YUM YUMM
Annabelle Elizabeth is here!!!!!!! She was born Monday morning (June 5) at 9:51 AM via emergency C-section. (Her heartrate was dropping dramatically during contractions, most likely due to cord compression. I tried laying in every different position under the sun to remedy that, and unfortunately nothing would help.) Luckily my doctor, who wasn't even on call that morning, just happened to be walking through the hospital on her way to her office hours and saw my name on the board and was able to take me through the whole thing and deliver the baby!
And for the record, after going through a c-section, I would not have chosen this voluntarily! I'm incredibly sore!
Speaking of pregnant women. What are some of your cravings ladies? my mom use to eat peanutbutter/banana sammies when she was pregnant with me. i love them YUM YUMM
I never had any cravings.
But I did know a girl who liked to have a bowl
of ice cream and some doritos at the same time.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Annabelle Elizabeth is here!!!!!!! She was born Monday morning (June 5) at 9:51 AM via emergency C-section. (Her heartrate was dropping dramatically during contractions, most likely due to cord compression. I tried laying in every different position under the sun to remedy that, and unfortunately nothing would help.) Luckily my doctor, who wasn't even on call that morning, just happened to be walking through the hospital on her way to her office hours and saw my name on the board and was able to take me through the whole thing and deliver the baby!
And for the record, after going through a c-section, I would not have chosen this voluntarily! I'm incredibly sore!
Im soooo excited!
I squeeled when i read that post.:D:D:D:D:D
Tell us everything when you get the chance.
How are you? Hows baby?
Hows feeding? How are those Meconium poops?(or did you not have to deal with those cause the nurses were changing her)
Hows the incision? And sleeping....
I could go on for ever.
Thanks for all of the well-wishes, everyone!! EddiesGurl, congrats on finding out about/seeing your little girl!!! I'm certainly enjoying mine!!! Those pics were really cool!
We're doing really well, thanks! She was a little jaundiced so we had to bring a bili blanket home with her for one day but now her levels are getting back to normal and we can take her off of it. Feeding was not going so well in the hospital, despite working with basically EVERY lactation consultant available, and then because of the jaundice I decided to start pumping and feeding for a few days. (Basically, the phototherapy helps to get rid of the jaundice but the most important thing is pushing the fluids like crazy to get it through her system, and she just wasn't getting that from nursing.) However, she's still eager for the breast every time we try it and I think it'll still work for us. (If anything, she's calmer now when I put her to my breast because she's not starving!) If breastfeeding ultimately doesn't work, I'll get a hospital-grade pump and just feed pumped milk, because I'm determined to feed her breast milk for at least 6 months. It'll be a hassle, but she's totally worth it...
Meconium poops are so gross! But again, she's worth it. It's amazing how tollerable the most disgusting/uncomfortable things are in the name of taking care of your baby!
My incision is not too bad. The muscles around it are pretty sore but it's honestly not as painful as I expected it would be. However, it is still VERY painful and I'm definitely not moving around as much as I could be if I had had a vaginal delivery. And sleeping is going pretty well! She's really sleepy right now and she really only cries when it's time to be fed. Most of the time, we get her fed before she can ask for it because we're keeping her on a schedule of feeding every 2 hours.
Overall, things are great and I'm feeling better and more like myself every day! Here are some more pics....I'm bursting at the seams to show her off!
sounds like the 2 of you are doing pretty good! i bet every day gets better & better! I'm happy for you!! i think i already asked this ~ but i dont think you answered, how close to your due date were you?
im prepared for those nasty poos ~ i saw my God-Daughters 2 yrs ago & thought they were pretty gross... now i know what to expect!! heheh...loved the pics! shes a cutie-pie!!! Congrats again!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
sounds like the 2 of you are doing pretty good! i bet every day gets better & better! I'm happy for you!! i think i already asked this ~ but i dont think you answered, how close to your due date were you?
im prepared for those nasty poos ~ i saw my God-Daughters 2 yrs ago & thought they were pretty gross... now i know what to expect!! heheh...loved the pics! shes a cutie-pie!!! Congrats again!!!
Sorry about that! I was 38 weeks and 2 days when my water broke. I was due on June 17.
Congrats Brain of JLo!!!! I love the name Annabelle!
EddiesGurl, how cute is your little bubba?!?!?!? I can't believe how much you can see on ultrasounds now. Gorgeous!
I get clucky everytime I read this thread!!!! Still got another 12 to 18 months to go until Leigh and I want to start trying. Got to get married and buy a house first! Been together for 8 years and been too slack to do the marriage thing! Too much to organise!! That's the plan, anyway...if it was up to LEigh, I would have been pregnant a year ago!!! :eek: I'm glad I'm with someone who REALLLLY wants to be a dad! I can't wait to show him those ultrasound photos!
PBW is still sick on a daily (hourly ) basis, but not as bad as a few weeks ago.
We're heading to Cincy next weekend, so obviously I'm concerned for her well-being. We'll sit during a few of the slower ones, so she doesn't get too tired.
Any advice from experienced mothers-to-be about attending concerts?
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
PBW is still sick on a daily (hourly ) basis, but not as bad as a few weeks ago.
We're heading to Cincy next weekend, so obviously I'm concerned for her well-being. We'll sit during a few of the slower ones, so she doesn't get too tired.
Any advice from experienced mothers-to-be about attending concerts?
i went to tons while preggo.
comfy shoes.
lotsa water.
losta potty breaks.
rest feet often.
No caffeine or pop.
Rock out Hard!!!
Wont be going to too many for at least a few months after baby.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
PBW is still sick on a daily (hourly ) basis, but not as bad as a few weeks ago.
We're heading to Cincy next weekend, so obviously I'm concerned for her well-being. We'll sit during a few of the slower ones, so she doesn't get too tired.
Any advice from experienced mothers-to-be about attending concerts?
thats too bad about her being sick! :( have you told her doc? sometimes they can give you something to help w/ being sick... i dont know much about that tho b/c i was lucky... i haven't been sick once!
anyway ~ i'll be at that Cincy show! 35 weeks & all. I'm a little nervous just b/c of how far along i am, how hot it is right now in that area & how hot & loud it is going to be in US Bank Arena.... and also about having to waddle back to the bathroom 3 times an hour...THAT is gonna SUCK. But.. its all worth it, and i'm going to go & stick it out & try to jam out as much as i can. If i start feeling faint or dizzy (b/c that does happen to me if i'm on my feet to much), then we'll just leave early.... as much as i dont want to...i've got to do whats best for me & my baby.
otherwise ~ i'm doing good... everyday is pretty much the same.. and going slower & slower. Ugh! I'm just ready to meet this little girl & be done w/ being pregnant!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Let us know how you are doing when you get a chance JLo.
Hope alls well.
How bout the rest of you?
Annabelle is thriving! The jaundice is all gone and she's a beautiful pinky baby color now! She's awake more and more every day. She's starting to interact more with her surroundings and it's so exciting to see how she changes every day! Last night she figured out how to grab my hair...which is cute right now since she's a little weakling...but I can imagine the novelty of that will wear off.
I, on the other hand, am not doing as well! My incision has one little spot that's sort of infected...and I have to get it packed DAILY until it's better! GROSS! This really blows... I have to take an antibiotic, too.
Ziggy Star, if you're still reading this thread, please reconsider giving birth vaginally! The recovery from this is not worth the ease of letting someone else do the work to get the baby out!
thats too bad about her being sick! :( have you told her doc? sometimes they can give you something to help w/ being sick... i dont know much about that tho b/c i was lucky... i haven't been sick once!
anyway ~ i'll be at that Cincy show! 35 weeks & all. I'm a little nervous just b/c of how far along i am, how hot it is right now in that area & how hot & loud it is going to be in US Bank Arena.... and also about having to waddle back to the bathroom 3 times an hour...THAT is gonna SUCK. But.. its all worth it, and i'm going to go & stick it out & try to jam out as much as i can. If i start feeling faint or dizzy (b/c that does happen to me if i'm on my feet to much), then we'll just leave early.... as much as i dont want to...i've got to do whats best for me & my baby.
otherwise ~ i'm doing good... everyday is pretty much the same.. and going slower & slower. Ugh! I'm just ready to meet this little girl & be done w/ being pregnant!!!
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I was going completely insane a few weeks ago! The only thing that kept me sane was savoring the last few weeks that the baby was all "mine." There's a part of me that misses feeling her little kicks and hiccups, so savor those moments just like you will savor all of the moments you'll have once she's here!
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I was going completely insane a few weeks ago! The only thing that kept me sane was savoring the last few weeks that the baby was all "mine." There's a part of me that misses feeling her little kicks and hiccups, so savor those moments just like you will savor all of the moments you'll have once she's here!
very true! and i really do enjoy having all those feelings to myself...i share them w/ my family & w/ Chris when they are around... but really, right now, she is allll 'mine'...and i'm going to try to keep that atitude & just try to really enjoy these last weeks!!
glad to hear that baby Annabelle is doing so well! Good luck w/ you incision!! i hope it gets better for you soon! Just take it easy & realx (as much as possible!)..are you on maternity leave?
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I was going completely insane a few weeks ago! The only thing that kept me sane was savoring the last few weeks that the baby was all "mine." There's a part of me that misses feeling her little kicks and hiccups, so savor those moments just like you will savor all of the moments you'll have once she's here!
I know.
I miss feeling the little sqirms and kicks.
Now when Adria has the hiccups I remember when she had them inside and how funny they were.
People say arent you gonna try to get rid of them?
I say "why she had em for 9 mos inside and I couldnt do a damn thing!"
TAke care of that incision and rest as much as possible JLo.
Kick it in the ass and be done with it. Then everything will be perfect.
*Hugs* to all the moms and moms to be.
*Kisses* to all the babies.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
thanks!! thats what my mom kept saying! she was there, so she got to see her live on the screen! she was loving it! we did get some great pics!
and thanks PBM ~ we are both sooo anxious! i cant wait to meet her!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Welcome to the club!!!
Isnt that so cool.
It never gets boring the whole way through
hearing that heartbeat. Hubby loved it too.
Your having a girl!
Our two little PJ pricesses.
Maybe one day they will meet.
Such an awsome week for everyone.
Adria is doing really well.
She has just started to smile. (not gas)
Very cute. Melts everyones hearts who sees it.
Pics are awesome!
I found out the sex as well, I really wanted to know, we are also having a girl!
Is your due date still Aug. 5th or have they moved it up?
The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
wait.....sorry...i just had to burp.
-Big Fish
And for the record, after going through a c-section, I would not have chosen this voluntarily!
Here is one pic, from the hospital. http://www.infantxpress.com/depot/20093/announcement/8d6ec3f273935a8399097f6f80f96bae My husband wants to photoshop a giant cookie in her hands, because of the way they are positioned...lol.
And i like her name ~ very pretty! When was your due date? I didn't think you were due till the end of June/early July? Guess i was wrong! How was your labor? And how are you feeling now? Still sore? How is little Annabelle? Sleeping well? Any nicknames you've started calling her yet? ~ sorry so many questions.. just curious! Congratulations again to you & your family! She looks precious!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Im soooo excited!
I squeeled when i read that post.:D:D:D:D:D
Tell us everything when you get the chance.
How are you? Hows baby?
Hows feeding? How are those Meconium poops?(or did you not have to deal with those cause the nurses were changing her)
Hows the incision? And sleeping....
I could go on for ever.
Did Eddie give out baby girl vibes last tour?:D
i was wondering that too.. but its not just here, i know 3 girls in my hometown expecting girls around August/September & a good friend of mine just had a girl in April!! And of course theres a few celebs that just recently gave birth to girls!! its sorta crazy!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
I never had any cravings.
But I did know a girl who liked to have a bowl
of ice cream and some doritos at the same time.
Congrats lady!! I'm so happy for you and Greg! I can't believe that I missed it earlier, I'm so sorry!
Thanks for all of the well-wishes, everyone!! EddiesGurl, congrats on finding out about/seeing your little girl!!! I'm certainly enjoying mine!!!
We're doing really well, thanks! She was a little jaundiced so we had to bring a bili blanket home with her for one day but now her levels are getting back to normal and we can take her off of it. Feeding was not going so well in the hospital, despite working with basically EVERY lactation consultant available, and then because of the jaundice I decided to start pumping and feeding for a few days. (Basically, the phototherapy helps to get rid of the jaundice but the most important thing is pushing the fluids like crazy to get it through her system, and she just wasn't getting that from nursing.) However, she's still eager for the breast every time we try it and I think it'll still work for us. (If anything, she's calmer now when I put her to my breast because she's not starving!) If breastfeeding ultimately doesn't work, I'll get a hospital-grade pump and just feed pumped milk, because I'm determined to feed her breast milk for at least 6 months. It'll be a hassle, but she's totally worth it...
Meconium poops are so gross! But again, she's worth it.
My incision is not too bad. The muscles around it are pretty sore but it's honestly not as painful as I expected it would be. However, it is still VERY painful and I'm definitely not moving around as much as I could be if I had had a vaginal delivery. And sleeping is going pretty well! She's really sleepy right now and she really only cries when it's time to be fed. Most of the time, we get her fed before she can ask for it because we're keeping her on a schedule of feeding every 2 hours.
Overall, things are great and I'm feeling better and more like myself every day! Here are some more pics....I'm bursting at the seams to show her off!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/vandelay316/P1010244.jpg (She's "smiling" in this one.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/vandelay316/annabelle_1.jpg (This is one of the very first photos we took in the hospital.)
sounds like the 2 of you are doing pretty good! i bet every day gets better & better! I'm happy for you!! i think i already asked this ~ but i dont think you answered, how close to your due date were you?
im prepared for those nasty poos ~ i saw my God-Daughters 2 yrs ago & thought they were pretty gross... now i know what to expect!! heheh...loved the pics! shes a cutie-pie!!! Congrats again!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Sorry about that! I was 38 weeks and 2 days when my water broke.
Dont give up on the boob!
She will figure things out.
It took a while for Adria too.
She is soooo cute.
Thanks for the pics.
Gurl how are you doing?
Are we making you super excited?:D
Cant wait to see some pics from you eventually.
Ill post some more recent photos of Adria soon.
Take care everyone.
EddiesGurl, how cute is your little bubba?!?!?!? I can't believe how much you can see on ultrasounds now. Gorgeous!
I get clucky everytime I read this thread!!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
So is this where PJ men come to check on thier ladies?
Hope alls well.
How bout the rest of you?
We're heading to Cincy next weekend, so obviously I'm concerned for her well-being. We'll sit during a few of the slower ones, so she doesn't get too tired.
Any advice from experienced mothers-to-be about attending concerts?
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
i went to tons while preggo.
comfy shoes.
lotsa water.
losta potty breaks.
rest feet often.
No caffeine or pop.
Rock out Hard!!!
Wont be going to too many for at least a few months after baby.
thats too bad about her being sick! :( have you told her doc? sometimes they can give you something to help w/ being sick... i dont know much about that tho b/c i was lucky... i haven't been sick once!
anyway ~ i'll be at that Cincy show! 35 weeks & all. I'm a little nervous just b/c of how far along i am, how hot it is right now in that area & how hot & loud it is going to be in US Bank Arena.... and also about having to waddle back to the bathroom 3 times an hour...THAT is gonna SUCK. But.. its all worth it, and i'm going to go & stick it out & try to jam out as much as i can. If i start feeling faint or dizzy (b/c that does happen to me if i'm on my feet to much), then we'll just leave early.... as much as i dont want to...i've got to do whats best for me & my baby.
otherwise ~ i'm doing good... everyday is pretty much the same.. and going slower & slower. Ugh! I'm just ready to meet this little girl & be done w/ being pregnant!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Annabelle is thriving! The jaundice is all gone and she's a beautiful pinky baby color now!
I, on the other hand, am not doing as well! My incision has one little spot that's sort of infected...and I have to get it packed DAILY until it's better! GROSS! This really blows... I have to take an antibiotic, too.
Ziggy Star, if you're still reading this thread, please reconsider giving birth vaginally! The recovery from this is not worth the ease of letting someone else do the work to get the baby out!
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I was going completely insane a few weeks ago! The only thing that kept me sane was savoring the last few weeks that the baby was all "mine." There's a part of me that misses feeling her little kicks and hiccups, so savor those moments just like you will savor all of the moments you'll have once she's here!
very true! and i really do enjoy having all those feelings to myself...i share them w/ my family & w/ Chris when they are around... but really, right now, she is allll 'mine'...and i'm going to try to keep that atitude & just try to really enjoy these last weeks!!
glad to hear that baby Annabelle is doing so well!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
I know.
I miss feeling the little sqirms and kicks.
Now when Adria has the hiccups I remember when she had them inside and how funny they were.
People say arent you gonna try to get rid of them?
I say "why she had em for 9 mos inside and I couldnt do a damn thing!"
TAke care of that incision and rest as much as possible JLo.
Kick it in the ass and be done with it. Then everything will be perfect.
*Hugs* to all the moms and moms to be.
*Kisses* to all the babies.
these are a couple recent pics of Adria.