Glad to see you pop in! I was kind of worried since we hadn't heard from you lately, but I'm glad to see everything is going well! That's awesome that you get an extra ultrasound. It's always fun to take another peek at the baby! I had like...13 or 14 by the end of my I found them very reassuring, though. It sounds like your doctor is taking very good care of you and the baby. I think that's the key, you know? Just watching everything closely can make a big difference.
It's funny that you guys can't agree on a boy's name. We couldn't agree on a middle name for the LONGEST time. When I was around 37 weeks, I said that I thought the baby would come as soon as we decided on a middle name. The day after I hit 38 weeks, we decided on one around 4 in the afternoon...and my water broke at 11:15 that night!
Yes, I'm definately not complaining about the extra ultrasound, I love being able to see the baby. And yes, this doctor is taking good care of me, which is a real relief because I wasn't comfortable with my GP, who I had to see up until about 20 weeks. She never once felt my belly to check the size of the baby or checked for the baby's heart beat, which is the first thing my new doctor did when I started seeing her at the hospital where I will give birth. It was really cool hearing the heart beat for the first time and reassuring to have the doctor say that the baby is the right size, because I wasn't looking very big at all. Actually up until a week ago I was complaining that my belly didn't look round, it still looked the same shape as my regular belly, just out further so you couldn't tell if I was pregnant or just fat, but then one day it just popped out and went round, which makes me feel better. I don't really know how big I am supposed to look at this stage but I feel that I look like I am on the small side. I think that maybe because I have broad hips and a pretty big build, maybe the baby just fits in my body easier than a small person who has their belly poking a metre out in front of them.
I've been pretty lucky so far, only mild morning sickness, no moodswings, no cravings. I've been pretty tired and my hips and feet have started aching, but that's about the worst of it.
Can everyone please tell me when you started to get stretchmarks? For me, so far so good.
As for the boys names, maybe we can't agree on one because we are not having one??? But everyone thinks we are having a boy. I started off thinking of the baby as a girl, but then with everyone saying it's a boy I started thinking of it as a boy, and now I am thinking girl again. But it's a 50/50 chance, so who knows? My other half had a dream last night based in the future and in it we had four girls. My sister has three girls so it's not to far fetched. I don't think I would mind all girls.
Well pacifier if you are anything like me you will have a girl.
I was very compact till the end. I dadnt have any sickness or nasty stuff either.
And everyone who had boys after talking to me would say...its gotta be a girl.
But no mater, as long as its healthy.
I was lucky with names. Hubbie and I agreed on names and middle names
long before we ever had Adria. So no worries in that department.
As for stretchmarks Im super prone to them and got tons on my belly.
Probably started around this time for me. Good luck.
But dont worry I know soooo many girls that never even got them.
But I say for how easy my pregnancy and deliviery was Ill take the stretchmarks!
Keep us posted!
I check here everyday in case theres some news.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Hey Ladies ~ sorry to leave you all hanging... and i'm still prenant!!! Ugh! Its 100 degrees & freaking miserable here! I haven't been on these past 2 weeks because I got taken off of work early & i dont have a computer at home, but i'm using my mom & dads right now. Anyway.. I had been having really bad knee pain & my knees were even swelling up. And with my job i'm on my feet up & down all day. With stairs to climb & i stand in one spot for a while, it was killing my ankles & knees! So i told the doc & she took me off work like that!
..i had an appointment yesterday & i am currently 75% thinned & 2cm dialated ... she said the baby has definitely dropped & could even feel her head!!! hahah..... i hadn't gained any weight since last week, so she said that was a good sign that baby is on the way...she ended with saying that IF i make it to next monday, then we will talk about inducing. Which sorta scares me.. i'd really rather go on my own... so HOPEFULLY i will have her before Monday!! Other than my legs/knees hurting me, i've been feeling pretty good... been spending lots of time in my Aunts pool... that does wonders for my legs. I've been enjoying these last few weeks of "freedom" & i've been enjoying these last hiccups that i can feel & her stretches & movements .... i just cant wait to meet her!!! I'll be sure to update you all once i have her. My parents only live 5 min away, but its been so damn hot & i've been at my Aunts pool, i've only been up here in the evenings to chat & visit... but i'll come up here more once i have her & they wont be paying any attention to me then! So i'll be on here!
btw ~ i loved looking at both of your girls pics Gen & jlo! beautiful!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Hey Ladies ~ sorry to leave you all hanging... and i'm still prenant!!! Ugh! Its 100 degrees & freaking miserable here! I haven't been on these past 2 weeks because I got taken off of work early & i dont have a computer at home, but i'm using my mom & dads right now. Anyway.. I had been having really bad knee pain & my knees were even swelling up. And with my job i'm on my feet up & down all day. With stairs to climb & i stand in one spot for a while, it was killing my ankles & knees! So i told the doc & she took me off work like that!
..i had an appointment yesterday & i am currently 75% thinned & 2cm dialated ... she said the baby has definitely dropped & could even feel her head!!! hahah..... i hadn't gained any weight since last week, so she said that was a good sign that baby is on the way...she ended with saying that IF i make it to next monday, then we will talk about inducing. Which sorta scares me.. i'd really rather go on my own... so HOPEFULLY i will have her before Monday!! Other than my legs/knees hurting me, i've been feeling pretty good... been spending lots of time in my Aunts pool... that does wonders for my legs. I've been enjoying these last few weeks of "freedom" & i've been enjoying these last hiccups that i can feel & her stretches & movements .... i just cant wait to meet her!!! I'll be sure to update you all once i have her. My parents only live 5 min away, but its been so damn hot & i've been at my Aunts pool, i've only been up here in the evenings to chat & visit... but i'll come up here more once i have her & they wont be paying any attention to me then! So i'll be on here!
btw ~ i loved looking at both of your girls pics Gen & jlo! beautiful!!!
Glad to hear from you Gurl!!! Sorry you are still pregnant in this heat, and I know it's so hard at the end, but it sounds like you've made excellent progress! At my last dr. visit before the baby I was 50% thinned and 1.5 cm dialated, and I had the baby about 5 days after that! It's awesome that you have a pool to spend time in, I've heard that is the BEST relief when you are pregnant!
Regarding induction, just stick to your guns if you want to wait it out a little longer before inducing! Most doctors won't make you get one until like 42 weeks and they can do non-stress tests to check on the baby's well-being in the meantime.
pacifier glad to hear alls well.
Cant wait to see some of your pics too.
Awsome pics.
Sooo cute.
Shes pretty long and lean hey?
How did you do the black and white?
Was it on the camera or did you do it on the computer?
She looks deceptively long and lean in that sofa pic! She's actually getting kinda chunky right now. Her little legs are so fat and her face is getting wider every But she's still really small. She is just now fitting into her newborn clothes! Oh, and the black and white pics are from black and white film on a good old-fashioned 35mm camera! I love the way they turned out and after seeing these pics, I want to take more!
Gurl so glad to hear you are alive.
No bay yet?
Oh well I guess Im just impatient.
I need to simmer down a bit.
Dont be a stranger.
Im glad you are off work if you were swelling like that.
Damn you no stretch marks girls.
Just kidding. Ive never been a bikini person anyhow.
yeah, i've never been a bikini person either so i didn't really care either way if i ended up with stretch marks. i was more concerned that i'd end up with tons of extra flabby skin, but i think i was worrying for nothing.
yeah, i've never been a bikini person either so i didn't really care either way if i ended up with stretch marks. i was more concerned that i'd end up with tons of extra flabby skin, but i think i was worrying for nothing.
Well Im certainley not back to prime form yet.
But Im hopeing by christmas I will be back to normal.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Well Im certainley not back to prime form yet.
But Im hopeing by christmas I will be back to normal.
Christmas is my goal, too. I've lost a good chunk of the weight but I still have a long way to go both losing more weight and just getting back in shape. 3 months of bed rest really made my muscles turn to mush and I have flab in places I've never had flab before! But I know if I work hard enough I'll be ok!
I am pregnant with my third child. I have an 11 year old girl and a 3 year old girl - Shannon and Megan. SO is Irish in case you can't tell with the name choices. My due date is January 1st but I think it will be a December baby since both of my others were early.
I was sick as a dog the 1st pregnancy and had gestational diabetes the second one. I also have had IBS for about 10 years so far this one has me pretty miserable - showing earlier, carrying the baby lower, my allergies are bugging me alot, and the usual tired, achy, and my lower back is hurting. It feels like the baby pretty much lays on my bladder constantly. Sorry, I guess I am a miserable pregnant person, can't say any of them have been that enjoyable but the end result is all well worth it and I do like to feel the baby moving inside sometimes.
I can find out tomorrow what I am having but my SO doesn't want us to find out so I haven't decided yet. I am really hoping for a boy but the way I am carrying this one I have a feeling it is another girl. No names picked out yet, we were thinking about making it a family effort and having our other 2 girls pick the name. I hope the oldest doesn't pick Kagome or something like that (she is into Animae cartoons right now), that doesn't go well with the Irish theme.
As far as stretch marks, I did not show that I was pregnant with the 1st one until I was 6 mths. along and did not notice stretch marks until the 7th-8th months when the baby went through a major growth spurt. She was a month early but still weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. so she was "fully cooked". I thought I was getting lucky with none but they were hiding under my stomach that I couldn't see when I was larger. Nothing worked or prevented mine but the doctor told me to look at my mom and I would know if I get them, my mom has horrible strech marks so I definately got some too.
This is cool, I did not know this thread was out there, thanks Pacifier!
Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
I am pregnant with my third child. I have an 11 year old girl and a 3 year old girl - Shannon and Megan. SO is Irish in case you can't tell with the name choices. My due date is January 1st but I think it will be a December baby since both of my others were early.
I was sick as a dog the 1st pregnancy and had gestational diabetes the second one. I also have had IBS for about 10 years so far this one has me pretty miserable - showing earlier, carrying the baby lower, my allergies are bugging me alot, and the usual tired, achy, and my lower back is hurting. It feels like the baby pretty much lays on my bladder constantly. Sorry, I guess I am a miserable pregnant person, can't say any of them have been that enjoyable but the end result is all well worth it and I do like to feel the baby moving inside sometimes.
I can find out tomorrow what I am having but my SO doesn't want us to find out so I haven't decided yet. I am really hoping for a boy but the way I am carrying this one I have a feeling it is another girl. No names picked out yet, we were thinking about making it a family effort and having our other 2 girls pick the name. I hope the oldest doesn't pick Kagome or something like that (she is into Animae cartoons right now), that doesn't go well with the Irish theme.
As far as stretch marks, I did not show that I was pregnant with the 1st one until I was 6 mths. along and did not notice stretch marks until the 7th-8th months when the baby went through a major growth spurt. She was a month early but still weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. so she was "fully cooked". I thought I was getting lucky with none but they were hiding under my stomach that I couldn't see when I was larger. Nothing worked or prevented mine but the doctor told me to look at my mom and I would know if I get them, my mom has horrible strech marks so I definately got some too.
This is cool, I did not know this thread was out there, thanks Pacifier!
congratulations and welcome to our thread! I love that more people keep joining's exciting! I hope the pregnancy goes well for you! It is hard when there are complications, and sometimes it can be scary, but I agree, it is all worth it in the end!
I am pregnant with my third child. I have an 11 year old girl and a 3 year old girl - Shannon and Megan. SO is Irish in case you can't tell with the name choices. My due date is January 1st but I think it will be a December baby since both of my others were early.
I was sick as a dog the 1st pregnancy and had gestational diabetes the second one. I also have had IBS for about 10 years so far this one has me pretty miserable - showing earlier, carrying the baby lower, my allergies are bugging me alot, and the usual tired, achy, and my lower back is hurting. It feels like the baby pretty much lays on my bladder constantly. Sorry, I guess I am a miserable pregnant person, can't say any of them have been that enjoyable but the end result is all well worth it and I do like to feel the baby moving inside sometimes.
I can find out tomorrow what I am having but my SO doesn't want us to find out so I haven't decided yet. I am really hoping for a boy but the way I am carrying this one I have a feeling it is another girl. No names picked out yet, we were thinking about making it a family effort and having our other 2 girls pick the name. I hope the oldest doesn't pick Kagome or something like that (she is into Animae cartoons right now), that doesn't go well with the Irish theme.
As far as stretch marks, I did not show that I was pregnant with the 1st one until I was 6 mths. along and did not notice stretch marks until the 7th-8th months when the baby went through a major growth spurt. She was a month early but still weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. so she was "fully cooked". I thought I was getting lucky with none but they were hiding under my stomach that I couldn't see when I was larger. Nothing worked or prevented mine but the doctor told me to look at my mom and I would know if I get them, my mom has horrible strech marks so I definately got some too.
This is cool, I did not know this thread was out there, thanks Pacifier!
Well another lady has joined!
Congrats hope all goes well.
Gotta keep us posted.
If nothing else here you can bitch and moan.
Or tell us exciting things you just wan to share.
I had to put this thead up when I got preggo cuase I knew I wouldnt be the only one on the pit that was expecting. Turns out I was right!:D
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Doctor put PBW on bedrest...her nausea continues, though not as bad as a month ago. Also, her blood pressure is a little high. She is on medication that will help lower it.
Everything else is going well. We go in next week to find out whether it's a boy or a girl!
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Thanks for the welcome! There seems to be a baby boom around be. My office mate is due Jan. 31st with her first baby, my friend across the hall had a baby about 4 mths. ago and I know of 4 other pregnant women, 3 of which are having their first babies. There is a joke about the water around here and I told my boss to stear clear from coming out of his office, he is in danger of crazy hormones and moodiness with both of us being pregnant. I look forward to reading the posts and sharing too! )
Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
Doctor put PBW on bedrest...her nausea continues, though not as bad as a month ago. Also, her blood pressure is a little high. She is on medication that will help lower it.
Everything else is going well. We go in next week to find out whether it's a boy or a girl!
Too bad about PBWs nausea.
How many weeks is she now?
Are you guys gonna find out what you are having?
I wanted to. We were told if the tech was a betting man it was a girl.
I didnt belive it cause everyone said oh for sure it a boy!
I even packed a little boy outfit for her to come home in!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
The doctor is unable to find heart tones with Doplar device because of the we have to get ultrasounds done ever visit to monitor everything.
Our tech said she could probably tell us already about the sex, but wanted to make sure...thus, we find out next week.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Thanks for the welcome! There seems to be a baby boom around be. My office mate is due Jan. 31st with her first baby, my friend across the hall had a baby about 4 mths. ago and I know of 4 other pregnant women, 3 of which are having their first babies. There is a joke about the water around here and I told my boss to stear clear from coming out of his office, he is in danger of crazy hormones and moodiness with both of us being pregnant. I look forward to reading the posts and sharing too! )
I know!
I had a baby.
My friend had one 2mos before.
Another friend 1month later.
Another friend had hers last week.
Another is due in march.
Plus the ladies here.
And all the friends Ive made through my prenatal program.
out of 12 only 2 were NOT having a first baby!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
My wife is due any day now. YeeHaw!!!!
She just went on maternity leave so we are pretty much ready for this little angel go come into this world.
She wil be our first. I was just painting the room and my wife is right now upstairs watching Baby Story.
Holy Shit this is exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Well pacifier if you are anything like me you will have a girl.
I was very compact till the end. I dadnt have any sickness or nasty stuff either.
And everyone who had boys after talking to me would say...its gotta be a girl.
But no mater, as long as its healthy.
I was lucky with names. Hubbie and I agreed on names and middle names
long before we ever had Adria. So no worries in that department.
As for stretchmarks Im super prone to them and got tons on my belly.
Probably started around this time for me. Good luck.
But dont worry I know soooo many girls that never even got them.
But I say for how easy my pregnancy and deliviery was Ill take the stretchmarks!
Keep us posted!
I check here everyday in case theres some news.
Well I had an ultrasound yesterday and we decided to find out the sex. You theory is right we are having a girl! It's the weirdest thing because absolutely everyone that had an opinion on the sex thought it was a boy except for my partner and I, so everyone was shocked when we told them. Mum had already gone out and bought blue jumpsuits but that's ok because blue is my favourite colour.
Glad to see you pop in! I was kind of worried since we hadn't heard from you lately, but I'm glad to see everything is going well! That's awesome that you get an extra ultrasound. It's always fun to take another peek at the baby! I had like...13 or 14 by the end of my I found them very reassuring, though. It sounds like your doctor is taking very good care of you and the baby. I think that's the key, you know? Just watching everything closely can make a big difference.
It's funny that you guys can't agree on a boy's name. We couldn't agree on a middle name for the LONGEST time. When I was around 37 weeks, I said that I thought the baby would come as soon as we decided on a middle name. The day after I hit 38 weeks, we decided on one around 4 in the afternoon...and my water broke at 11:15 that night!
Well it looks like I'm in for more ultrasounds still, which is ok by me. Apparently these ultrasound are to keep a track of the baby's growth because of my kidneys, but I don't know what the connection is. I will have to ask the doctor more about it next time I see her. The lady who did my ultrasound yesterday indicated that the baby was a little bit on the small side, and that I needed further ultrasounds for them to keep an eye on it's size, but everything else seemed perfectly normal and healthy. My next ultrasound is in 4 weeks. This time we had the ultrasound done at the hospital and it was heaps better than the other place that we had had the previous ultrasound. We were able to buy a video of the ultrasound and they printed up about 8 pictures for us. The only problem is once we bought the video we had to go out and buy a video player to watch it on which we did and it was worth it to see our little girl again There were some good images of her face as well so we had to pause it a few times just to have a good look at her. We won't watch it too much because we don't want to damage it, we just thought it would be a nice little keepsake for the baby to have.
I am pregnant with my third child. I have an 11 year old girl and a 3 year old girl - Shannon and Megan. SO is Irish in case you can't tell with the name choices. My due date is January 1st but I think it will be a December baby since both of my others were early.
I was sick as a dog the 1st pregnancy and had gestational diabetes the second one. I also have had IBS for about 10 years so far this one has me pretty miserable - showing earlier, carrying the baby lower, my allergies are bugging me alot, and the usual tired, achy, and my lower back is hurting. It feels like the baby pretty much lays on my bladder constantly. Sorry, I guess I am a miserable pregnant person, can't say any of them have been that enjoyable but the end result is all well worth it and I do like to feel the baby moving inside sometimes.
I can find out tomorrow what I am having but my SO doesn't want us to find out so I haven't decided yet. I am really hoping for a boy but the way I am carrying this one I have a feeling it is another girl. No names picked out yet, we were thinking about making it a family effort and having our other 2 girls pick the name. I hope the oldest doesn't pick Kagome or something like that (she is into Animae cartoons right now), that doesn't go well with the Irish theme.
As far as stretch marks, I did not show that I was pregnant with the 1st one until I was 6 mths. along and did not notice stretch marks until the 7th-8th months when the baby went through a major growth spurt. She was a month early but still weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. so she was "fully cooked". I thought I was getting lucky with none but they were hiding under my stomach that I couldn't see when I was larger. Nothing worked or prevented mine but the doctor told me to look at my mom and I would know if I get them, my mom has horrible strech marks so I definately got some too.
This is cool, I did not know this thread was out there, thanks Pacifier!
Hi T1, I'm glad you decided to share your story on here. It sucks that you have experienced some tough pregnancies, but I guess the final product makes it all worth while. Keep us all updated, it's great to hear how you are going.
Hello Everyone, I am so happy to be on this thread and read about everyone's experiences. I am sorry to hear about the hard things and the little things that make it a little more complicated. They may not run smoothly but when you get to hold them, you forget about all the hardship. I personally have found when your baby is sleeping on your chest and you can feel their heartbeat and listen to their breathing there is nothing like it, you can't believe how much you love that little person and their need for you is scary and wonderful at the same time, you would give them the world if you could, they have your heart right off the bat.
On another note, I had my sonogram done yesterday. It was my SO's birthday and a nice surprise. I am finally getting the boy I wanted! Yeah!!! After 2 girls I am getting a boy! Daddy was beaming, not completely outnumbered in the house anymore. They also moved up my due date to Dec. 26th. I will be 20 weeks on Aug. 8th. The baby is about 1 lb. right now and appears to be fine. I am carrying really low though so they could not look at the brain completely so I may have to go back for another sonogram.
I'll keep you posted and look forward to reading about other's experiences also!
Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
Well it looks like I'm in for more ultrasounds still, which is ok by me. Apparently these ultrasound are to keep a track of the baby's growth because of my kidneys, but I don't know what the connection is. I will have to ask the doctor more about it next time I see her. The lady who did my ultrasound yesterday indicated that the baby was a little bit on the small side, and that I needed further ultrasounds for them to keep an eye on it's size, but everything else seemed perfectly normal and healthy. My next ultrasound is in 4 weeks. This time we had the ultrasound done at the hospital and it was heaps better than the other place that we had had the previous ultrasound. We were able to buy a video of the ultrasound and they printed up about 8 pictures for us. The only problem is once we bought the video we had to go out and buy a video player to watch it on which we did and it was worth it to see our little girl again There were some good images of her face as well so we had to pause it a few times just to have a good look at her. We won't watch it too much because we don't want to damage it, we just thought it would be a nice little keepsake for the baby to have.
Wow, another girl!!! That's awesome!! Congratulations. It was so exciting to find out what Annabelle was. Do you have a name picked out yet?
I had to get monthly ultrasounds to track Annabelle's growth, too. For me, it was because of my blood pressure. Plus I had biophysical profiles every week from week 28 - 32 and then an amniotic fluid index every week after that until I delivered. How many weeks are you now? It was fun taking a peek at my little girl every friday. Since I was on bed rest, going to that appointment was the highlight of my week.
Hello Everyone, I am so happy to be on this thread and read about everyone's experiences. I am sorry to hear about the hard things and the little things that make it a little more complicated. They may not run smoothly but when you get to hold them, you forget about all the hardship. I personally have found when your baby is sleeping on your chest and you can feel their heartbeat and listen to their breathing there is nothing like it, you can't believe how much you love that little person and their need for you is scary and wonderful at the same time, you would give them the world if you could, they have your heart right off the bat.
On another note, I had my sonogram done yesterday. It was my SO's birthday and a nice surprise. I am finally getting the boy I wanted! Yeah!!! After 2 girls I am getting a boy! Daddy was beaming, not completely outnumbered in the house anymore. They also moved up my due date to Dec. 26th. I will be 20 weeks on Aug. 8th. The baby is about 1 lb. right now and appears to be fine. I am carrying really low though so they could not look at the brain completely so I may have to go back for another sonogram.
I'll keep you posted and look forward to reading about other's experiences also!
Congratulations on finding out about your boy!! That's so exciting. I hope to have one of each, but I won't be disappointed if my next one is a little girl too. They're awfully sweet. And so are little boys!! Do you guys have a name picked out yet?
You're right, there is nothing that compares to the feeling of your little baby sleeping on your chest. Annabelle loves to be held upright against my chest and although it's not good to get her in the habit of falling asleep that way, it's hard for me to give up because she's just so cuddly.
Well I had an ultrasound yesterday and we decided to find out the sex. You theory is right we are having a girl! It's the weirdest thing because absolutely everyone that had an opinion on the sex thought it was a boy except for my partner and I, so everyone was shocked when we told them. Mum had already gone out and bought blue jumpsuits but that's ok because blue is my favourite colour.
I have lotsa boyish stuff for Adria.
I love blue too.
Way more than pink.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Glad you are both alive.
I bet Gurl had the baby.
pacifier glad to hear alls well.
Cant wait to see some of your pics too.
Awsome pics.
Sooo cute.
Shes pretty long and lean hey?
How did you do the black and white?
Was it on the camera or did you do it on the computer?
Yes, I'm definately not complaining about the extra ultrasound, I love being able to see the baby. And yes, this doctor is taking good care of me, which is a real relief because I wasn't comfortable with my GP, who I had to see up until about 20 weeks. She never once felt my belly to check the size of the baby or checked for the baby's heart beat, which is the first thing my new doctor did when I started seeing her at the hospital where I will give birth. It was really cool hearing the heart beat for the first time and reassuring to have the doctor say that the baby is the right size, because I wasn't looking very big at all. Actually up until a week ago I was complaining that my belly didn't look round, it still looked the same shape as my regular belly, just out further so you couldn't tell if I was pregnant or just fat, but then one day it just popped out and went round, which makes me feel better. I don't really know how big I am supposed to look at this stage but I feel that I look like I am on the small side. I think that maybe because I have broad hips and a pretty big build, maybe the baby just fits in my body easier than a small person who has their belly poking a metre out in front of them.
I've been pretty lucky so far, only mild morning sickness, no moodswings, no cravings. I've been pretty tired and my hips and feet have started aching, but that's about the worst of it.
Can everyone please tell me when you started to get stretchmarks? For me, so far so good.
As for the boys names, maybe we can't agree on one because we are not having one??? But everyone thinks we are having a boy. I started off thinking of the baby as a girl, but then with everyone saying it's a boy I started thinking of it as a boy, and now I am thinking girl again. But it's a 50/50 chance, so who knows? My other half had a dream last night based in the future and in it we had four girls. My sister has three girls so it's not to far fetched. I don't think I would mind all girls.
I was very compact till the end. I dadnt have any sickness or nasty stuff either.
And everyone who had boys after talking to me would say...its gotta be a girl.
But no mater, as long as its healthy.
I was lucky with names. Hubbie and I agreed on names and middle names
long before we ever had Adria. So no worries in that department.
As for stretchmarks Im super prone to them and got tons on my belly.
Probably started around this time for me. Good luck.
But dont worry I know soooo many girls that never even got them.
But I say for how easy my pregnancy and deliviery was Ill take the stretchmarks!
Keep us posted!
I check here everyday in case theres some news.
..i had an appointment yesterday & i am currently 75% thinned & 2cm dialated ... she said the baby has definitely dropped & could even feel her head!!! hahah..... i hadn't gained any weight since last week, so she said that was a good sign that baby is on the way...she ended with saying that IF i make it to next monday, then we will talk about inducing. Which sorta scares me.. i'd really rather go on my own... so HOPEFULLY i will have her before Monday!! Other than my legs/knees hurting me, i've been feeling pretty good... been spending lots of time in my Aunts pool... that does wonders for my legs. I've been enjoying these last few weeks of "freedom" & i've been enjoying these last hiccups that i can feel & her stretches & movements .... i just cant wait to meet her!!! I'll be sure to update you all once i have her. My parents only live 5 min away, but its been so damn hot & i've been at my Aunts pool, i've only been up here in the evenings to chat & visit... but i'll come up here more once i have her & they wont be paying any attention to me then! So i'll be on here!
btw ~ i loved looking at both of your girls pics Gen & jlo! beautiful!!!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Glad to hear from you Gurl!!! Sorry you are still pregnant in this heat, and I know it's so hard at the end, but it sounds like you've made excellent progress! At my last dr. visit before the baby I was 50% thinned and 1.5 cm dialated, and I had the baby about 5 days after that! It's awesome that you have a pool to spend time in, I've heard that is the BEST relief when you are pregnant!
Regarding induction, just stick to your guns if you want to wait it out a little longer before inducing! Most doctors won't make you get one until like 42 weeks and they can do non-stress tests to check on the baby's well-being in the meantime.
She looks deceptively long and lean in that sofa pic! She's actually getting kinda chunky right now. Her little legs are so fat and her face is getting wider every
15lbs! I know a 1yr old whos 21lbs. Sheesh. oh well shes a happy baby.
No bay yet?
Oh well I guess Im just impatient.
I need to simmer down a bit.
Dont be a stranger.
Im glad you are off work if you were swelling like that.
Damn you no stretch marks girls.
Just kidding. Ive never been a bikini person anyhow.
yeah, i've never been a bikini person either so i didn't really care either way if i ended up with stretch marks. i was more concerned that i'd end up with tons of extra flabby skin, but i think i was worrying for nothing.
Well Im certainley not back to prime form yet.
But Im hopeing by christmas I will be back to normal.
Christmas is my goal, too. I've lost a good chunk of the weight but I still have a long way to go both losing more weight and just getting back in shape. 3 months of bed rest really made my muscles turn to mush and I have flab in places I've never had flab before! But I know if I work hard enough I'll be ok!
I was sick as a dog the 1st pregnancy and had gestational diabetes the second one. I also have had IBS for about 10 years so far this one has me pretty miserable - showing earlier, carrying the baby lower, my allergies are bugging me alot, and the usual tired, achy, and my lower back is hurting. It feels like the baby pretty much lays on my bladder constantly. Sorry, I guess I am a miserable pregnant person, can't say any of them have been that enjoyable but the end result is all well worth it and I do like to feel the baby moving inside sometimes.
I can find out tomorrow what I am having but my SO doesn't want us to find out so I haven't decided yet. I am really hoping for a boy but the way I am carrying this one I have a feeling it is another girl. No names picked out yet, we were thinking about making it a family effort and having our other 2 girls pick the name. I hope the oldest doesn't pick Kagome or something like that (she is into Animae cartoons right now), that doesn't go well with the Irish theme.
As far as stretch marks, I did not show that I was pregnant with the 1st one until I was 6 mths. along and did not notice stretch marks until the 7th-8th months when the baby went through a major growth spurt. She was a month early but still weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. so she was "fully cooked". I thought I was getting lucky with none but they were hiding under my stomach that I couldn't see when I was larger. Nothing worked or prevented mine but the doctor told me to look at my mom and I would know if I get them, my mom has horrible strech marks so I definately got some too.
This is cool, I did not know this thread was out there, thanks Pacifier!
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
congratulations and welcome to our thread! I love that more people keep joining's exciting!
Well another lady has joined!
Congrats hope all goes well.
Gotta keep us posted.
If nothing else here you can bitch and moan.
Or tell us exciting things you just wan to share.
I had to put this thead up when I got preggo cuase I knew I wouldnt be the only one on the pit that was expecting. Turns out I was right!:D
My fellow new moms and I call it "trucker belly"
A not so affectionate term we have decided suits that part of our gut region.
Doctor put PBW on bedrest...her nausea continues, though not as bad as a month ago. Also, her blood pressure is a little high. She is on medication that will help lower it.
Everything else is going well. We go in next week to find out whether it's a boy or a girl!
Wishlist Foundation:
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
Too bad about PBWs nausea.
How many weeks is she now?
Are you guys gonna find out what you are having?
I wanted to. We were told if the tech was a betting man it was a girl.
I didnt belive it cause everyone said oh for sure it a boy!
I even packed a little boy outfit for her to come home in!
18 weeks yesterday.
The doctor is unable to find heart tones with Doplar device because of the we have to get ultrasounds done ever visit to monitor everything.
Our tech said she could probably tell us already about the sex, but wanted to make sure...thus, we find out next week.
Wishlist Foundation:
I know!
I had a baby.
My friend had one 2mos before.
Another friend 1month later.
Another friend had hers last week.
Another is due in march.
Plus the ladies here.
And all the friends Ive made through my prenatal program.
out of 12 only 2 were NOT having a first baby!
She just went on maternity leave so we are pretty much ready for this little angel go come into this world.
She wil be our first. I was just painting the room and my wife is right now upstairs watching Baby Story.
Holy Shit this is exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Well I had an ultrasound yesterday and we decided to find out the sex. You theory is right
Well it looks like I'm in for more ultrasounds still, which is ok by me. Apparently these ultrasound are to keep a track of the baby's growth because of my kidneys, but I don't know what the connection is. I will have to ask the doctor more about it next time I see her. The lady who did my ultrasound yesterday indicated that the baby was a little bit on the small side, and that I needed further ultrasounds for them to keep an eye on it's size, but everything else seemed perfectly normal and healthy. My next ultrasound is in 4 weeks. This time we had the ultrasound done at the hospital and it was heaps better than the other place that we had had the previous ultrasound. We were able to buy a video of the ultrasound and they printed up about 8 pictures for us. The only problem is once we bought the video we had to go out and buy a video player to watch it on
Hi T1, I'm glad you decided to share your story on here. It sucks that you have experienced some tough pregnancies, but I guess the final product makes it all worth while. Keep us all updated, it's great to hear how you are going.
On another note, I had my sonogram done yesterday. It was my SO's birthday and a nice surprise. I am finally getting the boy I wanted! Yeah!!! After 2 girls I am getting a boy! Daddy was beaming, not completely outnumbered in the house anymore. They also moved up my due date to Dec. 26th. I will be 20 weeks on Aug. 8th. The baby is about 1 lb. right now and appears to be fine. I am carrying really low though so they could not look at the brain completely so I may have to go back for another sonogram.
I'll keep you posted and look forward to reading about other's experiences also!
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
Wow, another girl!!! That's awesome!! Congratulations.
I had to get monthly ultrasounds to track Annabelle's growth, too. For me, it was because of my blood pressure. Plus I had biophysical profiles every week from week 28 - 32 and then an amniotic fluid index every week after that until I delivered. How many weeks are you now? It was fun taking a peek at my little girl every friday. Since I was on bed rest, going to that appointment was the highlight of my week.
Congratulations on finding out about your boy!!
You're right, there is nothing that compares to the feeling of your little baby sleeping on your chest. Annabelle loves to be held upright against my chest and although it's not good to get her in the habit of falling asleep that way, it's hard for me to give up because she's just so cuddly.
I have lotsa boyish stuff for Adria.
I love blue too.
Way more than pink.