'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8



  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    culot4 wrote:
    Yeah tonights episode was a little stale

    i think last night was sort of a set-up episode for future crazy shit that's gonna hit the fan. i think it's understood that vito has or will kill himself, and i get the impression that before the end of the season, christopher is going to rise to greater power in the family. i know he's a captain, but tony definitely sees him as a threat, and i think he sees himself as a threat to tony as well. he's got ambition, balls and he's reckless enough that he just might make a crazy play to "overthrow" the big guy. especially if tony continues to look weak. chris could make it seem like he's doing it for the family, like he's rescuing them from embarassment by stepping up to the plate if/when tony falters.

    even though tony beat up that (fucking HOTTTTTTT, btw...) driver kid, i think in the eyes of the men, he's still got a long way to go to get back into the top dog position. look how they all went about their business when he arrived. i mean, after the bialy & coffee fuss, that was it. they didn't seem all that impressed with his presence.

    i'll be interested to see how the rusty hit plays out, too. that's got some serious political implications if it gets connected to tony's crew.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • even though tony beat up that (fucking HOTTTTTTT, btw...) driver kid, i think in the eyes of the men, he's still got a long way to go to get back into the top dog position. look how they all went about their business when he arrived. i mean, after the bialy & coffee fuss, that was it. they didn't seem all that impressed with his presence.

    That was the point of beating that kid up. The crew was not showing him any respect, the scene that you speak of took place before Tony pounded the youngster. In that final scene he sized up all the men, and decided to start something with the youngest/strongest male. That will set him as the alpha male again.

    I don't think Vito is a suicide. It looks to me like he's going to try to keep these guys quiet. I don't think he's ready to quit.
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    That was the point of beating that kid up. The crew was not showing him any respect, the scene that you speak of took place before Tony pounded the youngster. In that final scene he sized up all the men, and decided to start something with the youngest/strongest male. That will set him as the alpha male again.

    I don't think Vito is a suicide. It looks to me like he's going to try to keep these guys quiet. I don't think he's ready to quit.

    i realize the order of the scenes. my point is that i don;t think the ass-kicking changed anything, not really. also, the fact that it made him physically ill afterwards tells me that he's not all that comfortable with the whole scene, and maybe he even feels like a fraud.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • i realize the order of the scenes. my point is that i don;t think the ass-kicking changed anything, not really. also, the fact that it made him physically ill afterwards tells me that he's not all that comfortable with the whole scene, and maybe he even feels like a fraud.

    I was under the impression that he became ill because of the physical exertion. I originally thought that it was because he was uncomfortable with what he did, but when he was at the sink inbetween puking, he was smiling at himself in the mirror like he was pleased with what he just did, like he proved he's still got it, especially since he was so fixated on the whole losing muscle all episode.
    Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy. -Ernest Benn
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    I agree Tony had to prove that not only to all his cronies, but to himself also. ( smiling in the mirror and all that )

    I think Vito may have already commited suicide, we just havent seen it yet or he hasnt been discovered yet. Why would he check into a hotel if he was gonna " off " that guy Sal ? The phonecall to Silvio @ 3am to see if they had leaked him being dressed like a Village People member at the gay bar ,...
    At Satriales, they said " a few days " or " couple of days " since anyone had heard from him. I guess we will see next week,..

    How about Meadow ?
    I believe they are setting it up that she may be getting involved one way or another in the mob lifestyle . Perhaps she will pursue law school, and be involved that way - but however Chase decides to write it in,...she clearly wasnt happy at the Government when they went inside to Johnny Sacks daughter Alegras wedding .
    "..... The Government did that .......? "

    I thought last night was a decent episode . Like someone mentioned earlier- theyre setting up more events to unfold .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • i realize the order of the scenes. my point is that i don;t think the ass-kicking changed anything, not really. also, the fact that it made him physically ill afterwards tells me that he's not all that comfortable with the whole scene, and maybe he even feels like a fraud.

    I think the vomit was from the effort it took out of him, not his distaste for the situation. His smile said it all, it must have felt good for Tony to beat up a young buck like that. It showed that he's still got it. None of the crew saw him afterwards, all they saw was Tony kick a kids' ass that all of them would have trouble with. Any way you slice it, that was impressive.
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    In all reality of the scenario-
    who on earth is going to fight back against :

    1 ) a guy just out of the hospital( who cant even bend down to take off his shoes let alone walk a flight of stairs without hyperventilating )
    2 ) the " skip " ?

    I dont think anyone who wants to stick around .......:rolleyes:
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    As my wife pointed out, which me being a dumb ass and not noticing, it appeared tony was pukin Blood!
  • moster78moster78 Posts: 1,591
    As my wife pointed out, which me being a dumb ass and not noticing, it appeared tony was pukin Blood!

    It did look a little pinkish. Its been awhile since I've had the joy of vomiting, so I have no basis for comparison.
  • mookie dmookie d Posts: 43
    my favorite exchange was

    chris: so it's like part 1?
    tony: no, if it was like part 1 i'd be asking HIM for something.
    chris: then ask him to not do this (the hit)...

    if you think vito being a fag isn't coming out you're crazy. whether he kills himself or not that ship has sailed. in fact, the word was probably out before those two got to the car.

    also, johnny sack is gonna get shanked. you can bank on it. phil and the guys are getting nervous.

    finally, i can't see chris turning on tony. he owes too much to him to do it. paulie...maybe. vito...def, if he didn't off himself. anyways, i think this episode was setting up the fireworks for the next episode.
    my love for you is ticking clock BERZERKER! would you like some making fuck BERZERKER?!

    why will you take by force what you may have quietly by love? - Powhatan
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    I think the vomit was from the effort it took out of him, not his distaste for the situation. His smile said it all, it must have felt good for Tony to beat up a young buck like that. It showed that he's still got it. None of the crew saw him afterwards, all they saw was Tony kick a kids' ass that all of them would have trouble with. Any way you slice it, that was impressive.

    i disagree. it think it looked like exactly what it was, an act of desperation by a guy who's power is in question. i know they didn't see him throw up, i never said they did. i just think they were left with the impression that he is feeling like he's lost some control over things.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    I agree Tony had to prove that not only to all his cronies, but to himself also. ( smiling in the mirror and all that )

    I think Vito may have already commited suicide, we just havent seen it yet or he hasnt been discovered yet. Why would he check into a hotel if he was gonna " off " that guy Sal ? The phonecall to Silvio @ 3am to see if they had leaked him being dressed like a Village People member at the gay bar ,...
    At Satriales, they said " a few days " or " couple of days " since anyone had heard from him. I guess we will see next week,..

    How about Meadow ?
    I believe they are setting it up that she may be getting involved one way or another in the mob lifestyle . Perhaps she will pursue law school, and be involved that way - but however Chase decides to write it in,...she clearly wasnt happy at the Government when they went inside to Johnny Sacks daughter Alegras wedding .
    "..... The Government did that .......? "

    I thought last night was a decent episode . Like someone mentioned earlier- theyre setting up more events to unfold .

    I think he's just doing what Melfi suggested he do- acting "as if". As if he's really "back", in charge, the same guy he was before, etc. It's all an act, for now.

    I think Vito's dead but soon everyone will know about his secret,

    I think that Meadow will pursue the law degree and out of love and concern for her father will become the family's consigliere.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    mookie d wrote:
    my favorite exchange was

    chris: so it's like part 1?
    tony: no, if it was like part 1 i'd be asking HIM for something.
    chris: then ask him to not do this (the hit)...

    it's funny how they never directly refer to the godfather movies by name. like, we're LIVING it, why talk about it?? :D
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    moster78 wrote:
    It did look a little pinkish. Its been awhile since I've had the joy of vomiting, so I have no basis for comparison.

    you guys need to get an HDTV... that shit was bright red coming out of tony
    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    bostonlou wrote:
    you guys need to get an HDTV... that shit was bright red coming out of tony

    helloooooooo... he's italian. prolly just last night's spaghetti & meatballs. :eek: plus a bit of blood.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Last night's episode made me realize something:

    They're extremely concerned about family and loyalty, but there are a lot of insecure people in that line of work.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    helloooooooo... he's italian. prolly just last night's spaghetti & meatballs. :eek: plus a bit of blood.

    you're right... it may have just been carmelas gravy

    ewww... carmelas gravy... nasty

    did she get fake boobs? they were bouncing on the way out of the bathroom... and i know she had cancer and one or both removed?? not trying to be funny here... cancer is not amusing... just curious
    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    bostonlou wrote:
    you're right... it may have just been carmelas gravy

    ewww... carmelas gravy... nasty

    did she get fake boobs? they were bouncing on the way out of the bathroom... and i know she had cancer and one or both removed?? not trying to be funny here... cancer is not amusing... just curious

    who, edie falco? i didn't know that!
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    who, edie falco? i didn't know that!

    yes in 2003

    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    bostonlou wrote:

    huh, i had no idea. she's such a great actress, i love her.

    i dunno, maybe post-op she had them replaced, but perkier! i know I would. wtf. :)
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • Either way she looked great last night.

    By the Way, that was blood Tony was vomitting last night. Come on, the guy just got shot in the belly.
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    Either way she looked great last night.

    By the Way, that was blood Tony was vomitting last night. Come on, the guy just got shot in the belly.

    what are you, a puke expert? :D coulda been a combination of both gravy and blood. imHo... :p
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • what are you, a puke expert? :D coulda been a combination of both gravy and blood. imHo... :p

    After college, I think I became as close to a puke expert as I could be! :)
    I just think that it was blood, I had no idea I would strike such a nerve.
    Purely speculation.
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    After college, I think I became as close to a puke expert as I could be! :)
    I just think that it was blood, I had no idea I would strike such a nerve.
    Purely speculation.

    ahh, then perhaps you are.

    I just thought it looked a bit *chunky* to be only blood. :p

    eeew, gawd, i just made myself nauseous. :D
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • I just thought it looked a bit *chunky* to be only blood. :p

    I honestly never thought I would spend this much time discussing another mans' vomit.

    Only the Sopranos. :D
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    i find it amazing people think it's anything other than blood

    puke is never red... even if you've just chugged a bottle of ragu

    i should know ;)
    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    bostonlou wrote:
    i find it amazing people think it's anything other than blood

    puke is never red... even if you've just chugged a bottle of ragu

    i should know ;)

    you ragu-chugger, you! :D

    that's what you get for not eating homemade gravy. f*ckin' RAGU. JEESH!
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • natureboy46natureboy46 Posts: 165
    bostonlou wrote:
    you guys need to get an HDTV... that shit was bright red coming out of tony

    Agreed...very bloody vomit.

    IMO the episode was the weakest of this season so far - still miles better than most stuff on TV. It just felt like a bridge being built for the rest of the season.

    I've said for the past four years or so that I think the show will end with Meadow as the head of the family...still think it's heading that way.
    In the land of the little kings
    Profit is the only thing
    And everywhere the little kings
    Are getting away with murder
    - Paul Kelly

  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    another thought crossed my mind- non-puke related- it seems that chase and the writers are giving us many reminders these days that despite how loving these guys can be with their families, etc, and how much they get us to actually like and care about these characters, the business they're in is cuthroat- sometimes literally- and they are all ruthless bastards. i mean, you can see the mean streak in tony as he beats this kid in front of everyone, just a day or so before he so genuinely talks about life being a gift and how he looks forward to holding his grandkids on his lap.

    and last season, when they took out adrianna with barely a second thought. they didn't even try to talk to her to find out how much she told the feds, or see if maybe the situation could be manipulated to their favor, like have her give them false info, whatever. nope, just shot her in the back. f*ckers!
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    I've said for the past four years or so that I think the show will end with Meadow as the head of the family...still think it's heading that way.

    now THAT would be awesome. :D
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
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