'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8



  • akuzedakuzed Posts: 63
    Yeah the Vito thing is a bit sad, because he'd do anything for the crew. Problem is though it's so entrenched in old world Sicily and honour that it's just the done thing to kill him.
    Astoria - April 20th 2006
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    Wembley - June 18th 2007
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    I dont know how true this guys column is ( i think its a gay orientated magazine in NY/NJ area )
    he's from Steppin' Out Magazine and his name is Chaunce Hayden
    ( Chaunce100@aol.com)

    [size=+4]DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW[/size]

    A very reliable Sopranos source has been sharing inside info to yours truly for years. But this weeks juicey advance is particularly enthralling since it seems to be the biggest question of the season." Is Vito Spatafore going to get whacked for being gay and if so , WHEN ? "
    Well, Sopranos lovers, I've got the answer.
    Unfortunately , its bye- bye Vito . The loveable gimpy gay mobster ( played by Joseph Gannascoli ) - whos been hiding out in the liberal " Live Free Or Die " Stateof New Hampshire since being outed by fellow mobsters- will be whacked during the May 7th Episode. Vito gets it by a body builder type character who apparently wins his affections before putting a bullet in his head.However, dont be surprised if you happen to see the heartless hitman around town. The actor who plays the hulking homo hating trigger-man is a gym rat from the 19th Street Gym in Manhattan.
    Of course, my source could be 100% wrong . So dont send me hate e- mail if this fat guy bastard doesnt end up getting whacked thius Sunday. After all, you wouldnt shoot the messenger, would you ?
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166

    hmmmm.... interesting..... who is this "body builder" type of guy??
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    bye bye,

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    so much for that " spoiler "

    the only thing spoiled was this writers reputation!

    d' oh !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Hands boundHands bound Posts: 534
    Last night's episode was horrible...flat out horrible.
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
  • Atomic PunkAtomic Punk Posts: 2,941
    This show has become one big soap opera joke.
  • Hands boundHands bound Posts: 534
    This show has become one big soap opera joke.

    You hit 6,000 posts...and I'm getting to 3,000...we have no life.
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    i hate seeing christopher on the junk.
    now hes having a kid, a new wife, and a new large home .
    Tony didnt help any letting him drink the wine , either.
    anyone see the coming attractions to next week?
    who the hell are they beating the crap outta & was that an axe they were using ?

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    I LOVED last nights episode. Lot of abstract work. BRILLIANT!
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    So much for character development...I seem to remember hearing Christopher had a girlfriend, but they never made much of it. So, now he's not only married, but having a child.

    They kind of sprung that on us at once.

    They've done that kind of thing several times this season.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    I dont know how true this guys column is ( i think its a gay orientated magazine in NY/NJ area )
    he's from Steppin' Out Magazine and his name is Chaunce Hayden
    ( Chaunce100@aol.com)
    A very reliable Sopranos source has been sharing inside info to yours truly for years. But this weeks juicey advance is particularly enthralling since it seems to be the biggest question of the season." Is Vito Spatafore going to get whacked for being gay and if so , WHEN ? "
    Well, Sopranos lovers, I've got the answer.

    Chaunce is an annoying bitch who only has a name from sucking off Howard Stern... cute prediction

    a little soap opera-ey but not a bad episode

    i was scared for a lot fo the hour... especially when they were stealing the wine.... i kept waiting for something awful to happen but it never really went that far

    oh and Janice is a CUNT... please... someone kill her and bobby ... maybe one of bobby's kids??

    i loved chris petting the dog... was that some sort of adrianna reference?
    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • vmfuryvmfury Posts: 1,091
    Tony and Christopher cracked me up last night. I liked that they finally touched on what happened the day Christopher told Tony about Adrianna talking to the feds. Last night's episode began a little boring, but certainly picked up as it went on.
    We’ll meet again, but not yet…not yet. 
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Favorite moment came when they were talking about lawsuits from the carnival accident.

    Tony looks right at Janice and says, "Don't even think about it".

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • moster78moster78 Posts: 1,591
    I'm still waiting on Finn getting it in the behind from Vito.
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    one thing which was shocking last night

    3 episodes left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    even if it sucks it can't suck if it's not on anymore :(

    although seeing tony get out of the truck at the end of the opening credits reminded me how good this show used to be
    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    theres still 7 ( or so ) more episodes to air next season, isnt that correct ?
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    A Shot in the Dark

    In a brilliant, bleak episode of ''The Sopranos,'' Christopher, newly married, with a baby on the way, does heroin again by Lisa Schwarzbaum

    H BOMB Christopher could become addicted again

    For us, it's springtime. But for those friends of ours on The Sopranos, there's a chill in the air and autumnal melancholy blowing down every street. No gold hats for anybody, whether a plaster saint or a ''rehabilitated'' user. Same lazy-ass bully Paulie, same sour, conniving Janice, same p-whipped shlub Bobby, same weak-willed, bewildered Christuhfuh, same selectively clueless Carmela. Same bored strippers with fake tits, same lousy shakedown businesses, same menu at Artie's. Groundhog Day in North Jersey. Jeez, episode 9 was the saddest story every told, no? Itchy, out-of-sorts, trippy — and am I wrong, or was that jarring scene between Tony and his nephew in the Soprano basement the first use of non-dream and non-coma dramatic flashback ever in all our years together with the family? It's as if David Chase and Company themselves momentarily couldn't bear to go forward.

    Tony tells Dr. Melfi, ''Every day is a gift; it just doesn't have to be a pair of socks.'' Yet the episode that writer Terence Winter and director Alan Taylor gave us was, pointedly, all socks, Tony's idea of workplace excitement has been reduced to boosting cases of wine with Chris, guns blazing (''f---in' old school sh--''), as if the two were hotheaded teens, not a Mob big shot and a captain. (Proof he's not a kid anymore: Middle-aged Tony sprains his ankle.) The saint's feast has become a chintzy racket, with the young Spanish-speaking priest (who replaced the old Italian cleric) all too savvy at negotiating contribution rates and quid pro quos with Paulie. Hey, was that Julianna the real estate broker Tony spotted fleetingly, far away and unreachable dangling in a midway ride? The tea-cup ride malfunctions; people get hurt (about which Tony confronts Paulie with the episode's prize line: ''You're doin' a heckuva job there, Brownie''). Carmela crosses paths with Adriana's mother, hears the bitter woman's theory that Chris killed Ade, and manages yet again to tune out any truth she doesn't want to hear.

    Chris. Ah, Chris. Poor, weak, lost, impulsive, self-destructive Chris. For one brief moment, seeing him strung out on H and lying amid the tinselly garbage of the street fair, didn't you think he was dead? As Chris the romantic, he looks at the charmless McMansion he's about to buy with his knocked-up wife, Kelly, and he sees Stately Wayne Manor. As Chris the movie fantasist, he greets his loving (and addiction-enabling) uncle Tony with ''Whoa, it's the Bad Lieutenant!''

    As a symbol of everything that doesn't change — not from one generation to the next, not in this family — Chris may be the lostest sheep of all. ''He's doin' great,'' Tony says about the existentially drowning man. ''He's a different person, married, kid on the way. Don't sabotage his progress.''

    And then Tony sabotages Chris' progress, one proffered glass of wine at a time. The unsafe, badly rigged rides keep spinning. In the end, Tony whirls his baby niece around in the air, and the little girl laughs, trusting the big guy stuck on a merry-go-round.

    Stop me before I begin weeping, and tell me where Paulie's Ma got the TV to watch Lawrence Welk reruns, since the old flat screen is, as we know, kaput.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Not a huge fan of last weeks show. Just a little boring to me, but it was OK. I loved the scenes with Christopher and Tony. The wine stealing, the wine drinking, the meeting in the basement, and most of all the basement meeting about Adriana. Their relationship is the most interesting in the show IMO.

    Janice is such a bitch, when I saw her in that neck brace I was so pissed. It's funny how Tony just can't stand her. She just sucks and is so selfish.

    Line of the night from my boy Paulie:
    "I'd rather face ten guys with shivs than something I can't see."

    If anyone knows about shivs, it's Paulie.
    P.S. Glad to see Paulie make up w/ his mommy (aunty).
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • PorchsitterPorchsitter Loganville, GA Posts: 1,082
    I hate to say this but I can't remember an episode that was so bad as last night's episode. I've been watching this show since the first season, and I remember just a few episodes where I was somewhat disappointed, but I have never been as disappointed with an episode as I was last night. Hell, I woke up this morning still thinking about what a bad episode it was.
    We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.--Bill Hicks
  • alpittalpitt Posts: 91
    Yea, I've been pretty unimpressed with this season. How can they tout that there's 3 episodes left when there's barely anything going on! I honestly don't care about Vito at all. I hope he gets whacked and all but I still don't see him as an important character. They threw Chris's new marriage/baby at us pretty fast, I mean Jesus talk about lack of character development. The Chris high montage was kinda funny though.
    "I'm an ideas man Michael, I think I proved that with F*ck Mountain" -GOB
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    the only scene that was really " rivetting " was the scene with the flashback to when Christopher told Tony about Adrianna singing to the feds - ( and the subsequent outcome we all remember ). that was one of the only memorable scenes last night :(
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • rhinomagicrhinomagic Charlottesville, VA Posts: 2,552
    Maybe this was a calm-before-the-storm episode?

    It wasn't the most earth-shattering, but for Chris and Paulie it was necessary to get their plotlines established.

    Too bad there wasn't a lot of action, though Tony and Chris stealing the wine from the bikers was kinda funny.

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  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    i thought last nights episode was pretty good..i cant believe Christopher is getting back into the drugs again..... well... actually, i guess i sorta can. i loved the end of the show how Tony was w/ his sisters little girl.. that was cute... next weeks episode looks good.. i'm anxious to see it!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • i guess i'm in the minority because i have really enjoyed this season a lot. this weekend's episode was no exception...from tony and chris's strained attempt at finding something to talk about when tony was putting the wine away...and they just end up awkwardly talking about the same thing over again (all those scenes with chris and tony were so well acted) to christopher's dreamy drug sequnece, to paulie's insecurities, and janice being an idiot as usual...i really thought it was well done. i can't believe how quickly the season has flown by!
  • culot4culot4 Posts: 775
    i guess i'm in the minority because i have really enjoyed this season a lot. this weekend's episode was no exception...from tony and chris's starined attempt at finding something to talk about when tony was putting the wine away...and they just end up awkwardly talking about the same thing over again (all those scenes with chris and tony were so well acted) to christopher's dreamy drug sequnece, to paulie's insecurities, and janice being an idiot as usual...i really thought it was well done. i can't believe how quickly the season has flown by!

    You don't think that Chris was there because he wanted to tell Tony that he relapsed? I really liked the episode too. Those scenes were extremely well acted and when Chris tells Tony about Adriana that was very chilling. The show is coming to an end and this was the episode that made you realize that. They're starting to wrap everything up and how the last 3 episodes lead into the concluding mini-season will be very intriguing.
    Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
  • culot4 wrote:
    You don't think that Chris was there because he wanted to tell Tony that he relapsed? I really liked the episode too. Those scenes were extremely well acted and when Chris tells Tony about Adriana that was very chilling. The show is coming to an end and this was the episode that made you realize that. They're starting to wrap everything up and how the last 3 episodes lead into the concluding mini-season will be very intriguing.

    i just think we've seen so many cracks in tony and chris's relationship over the seasons that they say how much they care for each other, but when it comes down to it, another small rift could easily and quickly change the relationship back to chris wanting to shoot tony, or tony taking chris out to the middle of a road somewhere and threatening to kill him again (one of the best scenes ever in the sopranos!!!) i think there's a deeply seeded contempt there, and any event that was fun for them gets talked about to the point of strain because there really aren't that many of them.

    also, i think it was a scene that illustrates how little substance there is to this "family" sometimes and how little they truly have to look back on as good memories, if you know what i mean. i like how chase and the directors show how little glamour there is in the lifestyle, using scenes like that.

    i don't know, he very well could have been there to tell him though...that's just the way i took it. part of the beauty of the show is how open it is to interpretation at times.

    i'm really looking forward to the final three too...like you said this episode had a sense of lead in to finality...should be good!
  • rhinomagicrhinomagic Charlottesville, VA Posts: 2,552
    New episode tomorrow.

    What did the preview clips reveal? I didn't get to see them last week.

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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    rhinomagic wrote:
    New episode tomorrow.

    What did the preview clips reveal? I didn't get to see them last week.


    they are always edited such that before you really can make out what you just saw, ( or think you saw ) its over !

    it did look like maybe this week is it for Vito , but who knows.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Episode: Moe ' n 'Joe

    Tony leverages Johnnys misfortune into a domestic upgrade,

    Bobby Bacala has impaired vision

    thats all on the digital guide info.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
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