Interesting point. But not to change the subject or sound racist here...look at the plight of the Jews (persecuted through the history of mankind) versus the plight of the African Americans and American Indians.
The difference between the Jews and the other groups is that they have risen above the atrocities committed against them and have gone on to be quite the successful, if not one of the most successful (financially), ethnic/religious groups. In the US at least, it seems like they dominate medicine, law, big business, and the entertainment fields.
What drives them? Money? Power? Revenge? Success? All of the above?
I've always wondered if when you're a little Jew, your grandfather, father, or all older family members, take you aside for "the secret discussion" about how we as a people must work harder than the average man, rise up, and rebuild our army of Jews to take over the world.
Any truth to my hypotheses my Jewish friends? I suposse I could try to ask my uncle who married a Jew and has half Jewish kids.
Actually, I heard from my brother who works at Daimler Chrysler that the Germans have a similar long term plan of world domination again.
Same deal probably for the Chinese, and possibly India.
Who is going to knock the US off it's perch, or at least take their place if or when we fall backwards?
i'm not jewish but i do believe in some of their teachings.
first; if the mother is jewish the children are jewish. your brothers children are jewish; not half jewish.
next; the jewish people are not one to sit and cry; bo hoo; poor me. they; like many other successful people accept the challenge and soldier on. many blacks are doctors; lawyers; etc because they refused to let history hold them down. they are not the ones with their hands out. the lazy are.
hitler enslaved part of my family and killed some. i don't expect the german people to repay me for the misdoings of a madman.
slavery is not an american idea. it was accepted in europe and that acceptance was brought over with the immigrants. wasn't it america that fought to abolish slavery in the civil war? shouldn't the blacks be thanking america for freeing them? shouldn't the blacks be repaying the white americans whose ansestors died fighting for their freedom?
just wanted to get a different perspective going here. don't jump on me for bringing a new perspective to the mix.
wasn't it america that fought to abolish slavery in the civil war? shouldn't the blacks be thanking america for freeing them? shouldn't the blacks be repaying the white americans whose ansestors died fighting for their freedom?
You make it sound like government-sanctioned racism ended the exact second that the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.
Why do the descendants of Union soldiers deserve reparations? They were paid by the government for their services.
The notion of thanking someone for freeing you after they enslaved you is almost funny.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
Of course it is. Its just jews are white (primarily) and black slavery (in this conversation) happened in America.
Blacks were not the only ethnic group that were shat upon and payed nothing during that time period.
And I'm not sure who said it, but 150 years is a long time. A blink in the big scheme of things, but a longtime in this case IMO.
black slavery happened in america??? hummmm; so the european slaves were in black face then? and the black slaves prior to the discovery of america are worthless because they were not american slaves???
You make it sound like government-sanctioned racism ended the exact second that the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.
Why do the descendants of Union soldiers deserve reparations? They were paid by the government for their services.
The notion of thanking someone for freeing you after they enslaved you is almost funny.
no thanks necessary. we're used to it. just piss and moan about how bad your life is and blame it on something that happened 141 years ago. bo hoo; i can't work because a family member was enslaved 141 years ago. almost every people have been enslaved at one point or another. white slavery still exists. just talk to young girls forced to be hookers.
Of course it is. Its just jews are white (primarily) and black slavery (in this conversation) happened in America.
Blacks were not the only ethnic group that were shat upon and payed nothing during that time period.
And I'm not sure who said it, but 150 years is a long time. A blink in the big scheme of things, but a longtime in this case IMO.
I'll refer you back to VG's post. Tell me about the millions of Jewish people who were brought to America against their will and separated from their families and forced into a life of hard labor with no compensation whatsoever.
The racism that resulted from slavery didn't end the second Emancipation went into effect. Jim Fucking Crow laws were still in effect in this country only 43 years ago.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
black slavery happened in america??? hummmm; so the european slaves were in black face then? and the black slaves prior to the discovery of america are worthless because they were not american slaves???
Read what I wrote again. In regaurd to this thread and about reparations. Decendents of European slaves arent inquiring about reparations today.
I'll refer you back to VG's post. Tell me about the millions of Jewish people who were brought to America against their will and separated from their families and forced into a life of hard labor with no compensation whatsoever.
The racism that resulted from slavery didn't end the second Emancipation went into effect. Jim Fucking Crow laws were still in effect in this country only 43 years ago.
Again, black people were not the only ones shat upon during the infancy of this country.
Its just that Jews, Chinese, Irish, Indian, and whoever the fuck else didn't have a movie named ROOTS that let everyone know about it (great movie by the way), and they also do not have "civil rights leaders" rubbing the past in the face of everyone nowa days. And people like yourself do not help anything on either side of the issue by offering up special treatment to the 1 group of people that constantly moan and groan. (group of people not meaning the entire black race, so pls dont take that route)
no thanks necessary. we're used to it. just piss and moan about how bad your life is and blame it on something that happened 141 years ago. bo hoo; i can't work because a family member was enslaved 141 years ago. almost every people have been enslaved at one point or another. white slavery still exists. just talk to young girls forced to be hookers.
I'm not "pissing and moaning" about my life. I have a job. I have no family members that I know of who were slaves.
For someone who came into this thread asking others not to jump on him, you seem awful touchy. "bo hoo", as you might say.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
Read what I wrote again. In regaurd to this thread and about reparations. Decendents of European slaves arent inquiring about reparations today.
of course not. they; as my enslaved family and other enslaved people; used the knowledge they obtained and put it to use.
for example; those forced to work hitlers farms to feed the soldiers became successful farmers. those forced to work in factories became machinists and some now own their own factories.
no one told me that threads had to follow a script strictly so the author looks right. i'm sorry that i didn't follow YOUR rules. it just seemed that starting another thread about the same subject would be redundant.
of course not. they; as my enslaved family and other enslaved people; used the knowledge they obtained and put it to use.
for example; those forced to work hitlers farms to feed the soldiers became successful farmers. those forced to work in factories became machinists and some now own their own factories.
no one told me that threads had to follow a script strictly so the author looks right. i'm sorry that i didn't follow YOUR rules. it just seemed that starting another thread about the same subject would be redundant.
Dude, you came into this thread when we're talking about american black slavery. WTF you think I'm going to say? Go hijack another thread.
Again, black people were not the only ones shat upon during the infancy of this country.
Its just that Jews, Chinese, Irish, Indian, and whoever the fuck else didn't have a movie named ROOTS that let everyone know about it (great movie by the way), and they also do not have "civil rights leaders" rubbing the past in the face of everyone nowa days. And people like yourself do not help anything on either side of the issue by offering up special treatment to the 1 group of people that constantly moan and groan. (group of people not meaning the entire black race, so pls dont take that route)
I don't recall ever "offering up special treatment". Find the post where I specifically endorsed reparations. I was only trying to make the point that the effects of slavery didn't end the day that slavery ended, in society or in the government.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
I'm not "pissing and moaning" about my life. I have a job. I have no family members that I know of who were slaves.
For someone who came into this thread asking others not to jump on him, you seem awful touchy. "bo hoo", as you might say.
i'm only putting the conversation into perspective. everyone wants equality when they speak but don't put it into practice. why is a black slave entitled and not american chinese slaves? or any other people enslaved? i can't seem to find the entitlement here. should a black doctor making over $100K/yr be "reimbursed" and a chinese man making under $15K/yr not? i'm only trying to find where equality for all comes in.
I don't recall ever "offering up special treatment". Find the post where I specifically endorsed reparations. I was only trying to make the point that the effects of slavery didn't end the day that slavery ended, in society or in the government.
do we pay reparations to this generation; then again to the next; and the next? paying this generation and not the next is not fair. what entitles mr X to recieve reparations and not his son or grandson?
i'm only putting the conversation into perspective. everyone wants equality when they speak but don't put it into practice. why is a black slave entitled and not american chinese slaves? or any other people enslaved? i can't seem to find the entitlement here. should a black doctor making over $100K/yr be "reimbursed" and a chinese man making under $15K/yr not? i'm only trying to find where equality for all comes in.
Where did anyone say that descendants of black slaves are the only group of people who deserve to be part of this discussion?
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
do we pay reparations to this generation; then again to the next; and the next? paying this generation and not the next is not fair. what entitles mr X to recieve reparations and not his son or grandson?
Check Kenny Olav's post. It contains an article that might help you out. Last two paragraphs.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
I don't recall ever "offering up special treatment". Find the post where I specifically endorsed reparations. I was only trying to make the point that the effects of slavery didn't end the day that slavery ended, in society or in the government.
if the mother is jewish the children are jewish. your brothers children are jewish; not half jewish.
That's open for debate...Jewish is a religion, but it's odd, because it transcends more than that. You would think it's an actual nationality with how people bring religion into the equation and proclaim themselves "Jewish" instead of saying my forefathers were from Isreal or Poland, hence I'm an Isrealite/Isreali (sp?) or Polish.
I'm 50% Polish, and officially (in my Mom's eyes at least), I'm a Catholic. Albeit I really consider myself an Agnostic non-practicing Catholic...once again, only to appease my mother.
When somebody asks me what I am I don't say Catholic. Why do Jews? Or do the true Jews who say that really refer to where they're descended from - Isreal...not particulary proclaiming their faith. uncle is probably not very religious, so yes, the kids may very well grow up "Jewish"...but they still get Christmas gifts too, so they kind of are half Christian, half Jewish (religiously). But taking religion out of the equation they really are Dutch/Swedish/German (my uncle) and Isreali/Polish (not sure where exactly my aunt's family came from).
It's a bit confusing.
1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point); 2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
people are arguing that the work the slaves did was uncompensated. putting the issue aside that the slaves were never even given the right to be paid, who pays the money? would it be taxes? probably... that those receiving the money would have to pay also. and what about the people whose ancestors didnt have slaves? that would be the overwhelming majority of the country.. paying reparations for people whose families weren't even enslaved by the families paying the taxes
to single out white people as being the ones who oppressed blacks during the time of slavery is kind of ridiculous. yeah, it's almost safe to say that all slave owners were white. but most people didnt have slaves at all
i thought i'd import this from another thread as it seems to fit here.
i thought it was white union soldiers fighting and dying for african american rights during the civil war. and a white president too. and it was IKE'S wife fighting for their civil rights while he was president. during the '60's when we accepted everyone as equal; we (the younger generation) helped blacks obtain that equality.
That's open for debate...Jewish is a religion, but it's odd, because it transcends more than that. You would think it's an actual nationality with how people bring religion into the equation and proclaim themselves "Jewish" instead of saying my forefathers were from Isreal or Poland, hence I'm an Isrealite/Isreali (sp?) or Polish.
I'm 50% Polish, and officially (in my Mom's eyes at least), I'm a Catholic. Albeit I really consider myself an Agnostic non-practicing Catholic...once again, only to appease my mother.
When somebody asks me what I am I don't say Catholic. Why do Jews? Or do the true Jews who say that really refer to where they're descended from - Isreal...not particulary proclaiming their faith. uncle is probably not very religious, so yes, the kids may very well grow up "Jewish"...but they still get Christmas gifts too, so they kind of are half Christian, half Jewish (religiously). But taking religion out of the equation they really are Dutch/Swedish/German (my uncle) and Isreali/Polish (not sure where exactly my aunt's family came from).
It's a bit confusing.
under jewish law; if the mother is jewish; the children are jewish. there may be many opinions about that but i'm only quoting jewish law.
i'm not jewish but i do believe in some of their teachings.
first; if the mother is jewish the children are jewish. your brothers children are jewish; not half jewish.
next; the jewish people are not one to sit and cry; bo hoo; poor me. they; like many other successful people accept the challenge and soldier on. many blacks are doctors; lawyers; etc because they refused to let history hold them down. they are not the ones with their hands out. the lazy are.
hitler enslaved part of my family and killed some. i don't expect the german people to repay me for the misdoings of a madman.
slavery is not an american idea. it was accepted in europe and that acceptance was brought over with the immigrants. wasn't it america that fought to abolish slavery in the civil war? shouldn't the blacks be thanking america for freeing them? shouldn't the blacks be repaying the white americans whose ansestors died fighting for their freedom?
just wanted to get a different perspective going here. don't jump on me for bringing a new perspective to the mix.
Of course it is. Its just jews are white (primarily) and black slavery (in this conversation) happened in America.
Blacks were not the only ethnic group that were shat upon and payed nothing during that time period.
And I'm not sure who said it, but 150 years is a long time. A blink in the big scheme of things, but a longtime in this case IMO.
You make it sound like government-sanctioned racism ended the exact second that the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.
Why do the descendants of Union soldiers deserve reparations? They were paid by the government for their services.
The notion of thanking someone for freeing you after they enslaved you is almost funny.
black slavery happened in america??? hummmm; so the european slaves were in black face then? and the black slaves prior to the discovery of america are worthless because they were not american slaves???
no thanks necessary. we're used to it. just piss and moan about how bad your life is and blame it on something that happened 141 years ago. bo hoo; i can't work because a family member was enslaved 141 years ago. almost every people have been enslaved at one point or another. white slavery still exists. just talk to young girls forced to be hookers.
I'll refer you back to VG's post. Tell me about the millions of Jewish people who were brought to America against their will and separated from their families and forced into a life of hard labor with no compensation whatsoever.
The racism that resulted from slavery didn't end the second Emancipation went into effect. Jim Fucking Crow laws were still in effect in this country only 43 years ago.
Read what I wrote again. In regaurd to this thread and about reparations. Decendents of European slaves arent inquiring about reparations today.
Again, black people were not the only ones shat upon during the infancy of this country.
Its just that Jews, Chinese, Irish, Indian, and whoever the fuck else didn't have a movie named ROOTS that let everyone know about it (great movie by the way), and they also do not have "civil rights leaders" rubbing the past in the face of everyone nowa days. And people like yourself do not help anything on either side of the issue by offering up special treatment to the 1 group of people that constantly moan and groan. (group of people not meaning the entire black race, so pls dont take that route)
I'm not "pissing and moaning" about my life. I have a job. I have no family members that I know of who were slaves.
For someone who came into this thread asking others not to jump on him, you seem awful touchy. "bo hoo", as you might say.
of course not. they; as my enslaved family and other enslaved people; used the knowledge they obtained and put it to use.
for example; those forced to work hitlers farms to feed the soldiers became successful farmers. those forced to work in factories became machinists and some now own their own factories.
no one told me that threads had to follow a script strictly so the author looks right. i'm sorry that i didn't follow YOUR rules. it just seemed that starting another thread about the same subject would be redundant.
What a joke. I'm done with this thread before I get banned.
That like the 10th time you said your done here because someone says something you dont agree w/.
Dude, you came into this thread when we're talking about american black slavery. WTF you think I'm going to say? Go hijack another thread.
I don't recall ever "offering up special treatment". Find the post where I specifically endorsed reparations. I was only trying to make the point that the effects of slavery didn't end the day that slavery ended, in society or in the government.
i'm only putting the conversation into perspective. everyone wants equality when they speak but don't put it into practice. why is a black slave entitled and not american chinese slaves? or any other people enslaved? i can't seem to find the entitlement here. should a black doctor making over $100K/yr be "reimbursed" and a chinese man making under $15K/yr not? i'm only trying to find where equality for all comes in.
do we pay reparations to this generation; then again to the next; and the next? paying this generation and not the next is not fair. what entitles mr X to recieve reparations and not his son or grandson?
Where did anyone say that descendants of black slaves are the only group of people who deserve to be part of this discussion?
Check Kenny Olav's post. It contains an article that might help you out. Last two paragraphs.
so everyone should get a check then. there's the equality i was looking for.
peace out
In that sense I agree w/ you.
That's open for debate...Jewish is a religion, but it's odd, because it transcends more than that. You would think it's an actual nationality with how people bring religion into the equation and proclaim themselves "Jewish" instead of saying my forefathers were from Isreal or Poland, hence I'm an Isrealite/Isreali (sp?) or Polish.
I'm 50% Polish, and officially (in my Mom's eyes at least), I'm a Catholic. Albeit I really consider myself an Agnostic non-practicing Catholic...once again, only to appease my mother.
When somebody asks me what I am I don't say Catholic. Why do Jews? Or do the true Jews who say that really refer to where they're descended from - Isreal...not particulary proclaiming their faith. uncle is probably not very religious, so yes, the kids may very well grow up "Jewish"...but they still get Christmas gifts too, so they kind of are half Christian, half Jewish (religiously). But taking religion out of the equation they really are Dutch/Swedish/German (my uncle) and Isreali/Polish (not sure where exactly my aunt's family came from).
It's a bit confusing.
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
to single out white people as being the ones who oppressed blacks during the time of slavery is kind of ridiculous. yeah, it's almost safe to say that all slave owners were white. but most people didnt have slaves at all
i thought it was white union soldiers fighting and dying for african american rights during the civil war. and a white president too. and it was IKE'S wife fighting for their civil rights while he was president. during the '60's when we accepted everyone as equal; we (the younger generation) helped blacks obtain that equality.
under jewish law; if the mother is jewish; the children are jewish. there may be many opinions about that but i'm only quoting jewish law.