Oh and I did not see but did they say what happened to the Robb's Uncle who got married... They took him off to the bedding... If he had to go that way then
But wondering if he was in on it? The thought he was stupid and wondering if that got him angry...
Oh and I did not see but did they say what happened to the Robb's Uncle who got married... They took him off to the bedding... If he had to go that way then
But wondering if he was in on it? The thought he was stupid and wondering if that got him angry...
That does get answered in the books, so I would guess it will be next week.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I got a decent amount of reading in this weekend but wasn't able to catch up to this mess. When I first saw someone mention the Red Wedding, I assumed it would have something to do with Melisandre. Boy was I wrong.
My mouth didn't shut for 20 minutes and I couldn't sleep for hours afterward. Blown away is the best that can describe it. I didn't see this coming at all. I guess the main question is, were Edmure and The Blackfish involved. Blackfish went to take a piss and that was the last we saw. I kept expecting Catelyn to pound on the door and say "I hope you had a hell of a piss Blackfish".
I wonder why they didn't show Jon pick up on the fact that there were 2 direwolves present at his fight.
Leaving Ygrite behind??????
I felt it was pretty stupid to have that look on Jorah's face when Dany asked him about Dario since he was still alive.
Arya just needs to kill EVERYONE!!! and start a new civilization with Hot Pie.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: fuckt!!what was that?????????????// :shock: :shock: :shock:
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I wonder why they didn't show Jon pick up on the fact that there were 2 direwolves present at his fight.
Leaving Ygrite behind??????
Arya just needs to kill EVERYONE!!! and start a new civilization with Hot Pie.
I agree. It has been a while since i read it but i thought there was some internal dialogue on both subjects. Leaving Ygritte is not an easy thing for Jon i wish they could have portrayed that a bit more on screen.
Arya killing everyone would be awesome
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I guess the main question is, were Edmure and The Blackfish involved. Blackfish went to take a piss and that was the last we saw. I kept expecting Catelyn to pound on the door and say "I hope you had a hell of a piss Blackfish".
Ahhh I forgot about Blackfish too ... Yeah this doesn't feel right :nono:
What is the significance of the episode title "The Rains of Castamere"?
That's the song that the band started playing when the doors were being locked and Catelyn got worried. It's a song dedicated to House Lannister. It's also the song Cersei was telling Margery about in the previous episode. Bronn sung it before battle last season.
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
What is the significance of the episode title "The Rains of Castamere"?
That's the song that the band started playing when the doors were being locked and Catelyn got worried. It's a song dedicated to House Lannister. It's also the song Cersei was telling Margery about in the previous episode. Bronn sung it before battle last season.
Another thing I liked in this episode, that sort of gets lost with the wedding, is we see the fist signs of how powerful Bran may come to be. Always nice to get some direwolf action.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
Another thing I liked in this episode, that sort of gets lost with the wedding, is we see the fist signs of how powerful Bran may come to be. Always nice to get some direwolf action.
Another thing I liked in this episode, that sort of gets lost with the wedding, is we see the fist signs of how powerful Bran may come to be. Always nice to get some direwolf action.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
HOLY FUCK... that was possibly the most emotional scene I've ever seen on a television show. I am not a book reader, though when this season is over I plan on starting.
Ok, so to go through a bit here. I predicted that Robb would be killed and this wedding would not go as smooth as planned and be some part of a scheme. I love Robb and thought he honestly was the fairest and best person to be king, although, we all know that gets you nowhere in thrones, as it is what killed him. I DID NOT see them killing Catelyn. That fucked me up. Stabbing Talisa in the stomach? God damn! This shit was beyond tragic. I NEVER TRUSTED THAT FUCK ROOSE BOLTON. MY theories on him must be correct too. Being one of Robb's banner men in the war, for him to send Jamie Lannister to Tywin and whatnot, I knew he was not to be trusted and had some sort of alliance forming with Tywin, whether for money or glory. I caught some glimpses of the 'X' symbol on some of Theon's torturers the first time we saw him getting tortured. We know Theon is in the north. It ain't the Karstark's, as the torturer said. Not the Umbers. Obviously not in Winterfell or Pyke. Where is he? My guess? The dreadfort and the torturer is a Bolton. Fucking Roose wants the North and planned this shit with Tywin and Walder Frey..
THIS IS PURELY MY SPECULATION. WHETHER I AM WRONG OR RIGHT I HAVE NO IDEA. But putting the pieces together that is what I think...
Arrya really does just need to fucking kill everyone. Curious to see her story unfold with the Hound... I honestly have no idea where that is going but I'm very intrigued.
I thought the John Snow scene was fucking awesome I'm glad it's clear to everyone he's a crow again. Fuck Ygritte, honestly. I could care less about her. I hope John stays loyal all the way to the Night's Watch. And the fact that he saw his brothers' wolves... Hopefully he knows they're around now and can get Bran (because Rickon left) safe. This plot should get a lot better now. Too much time was spent beyond the wall with Snow dicking around.
I love ANYTHING with Dany. I thought this weeks was awesome, but for the first time not really because of her at all. Who knew my boy Jorah was a fucking jedi knight? He looked like god damn Skywalker out there with that sword. Daario and Grey Worm were cool too... I just want to get her to Westeros.
Other plots not shown that I have future hopes for:
With Littlefinger lord of the Vale now, I want revenge for Cat's death. He is a snakey fuck and certainly has some bad tricks up his sleeve, but he may actually do this as she is the only person he ever cared about basically.
I would love to see the Tyrell's be in an uproar over this whole Red Wedding and how it was completely unethical because of the rights of eating with your guests thing etc etc... I want to see the Tyrell / Lannister inside struggle keep growing but something happen soon.
Stannis, Millessandre, Davos, and Gendry.... exrtremely interesting.... I want to understand more Red God stuff. I don't know what to make of its truth, importance, goodness, or badness yet.
I also hope we see the Brotherhood without Banners again. Thoros was the shit.
Oh and obviously we all want Joffrey to croke.
2006: Hartford
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
What a gut wrenching episode. Like alot of other stuff, the Red Wedding was pretty predictable when you think back on what happened before, but man what a shocker. I knew there was trouble as soon as we seen Bolton. Didn't immediately recognize the music, but the wedding setup seemed shifty, with the way Frey was acting. Went from some of the most lighthearted lowbrow one liners early in the show to probably the most stirring scene I've ever watched on tv. And that's mentioning just the stuff from this episode.
I have to think Cat's family was in on it, or at least her brother.
Poor Arya, she was so close. Especially emotional after the exchange between her and the Hound early in the episode about getting closer/more scared. She's basically the only one left to avenge, as it seems the others are tied up in other arcs.
Bran warging out was freaking awesome. Awful to see him and Rickon get separated.
Pretty heavy way to deal with all the near Stark reunions.
Can't wait to see the fallout next week. If it's as shocking as last night I don't think I'll be sleeping again next sunday. My mind was just racing after that end scene last night.
Were there 2 or 3 Direwolves? Bran, Rickon and Jon's? I thought I saw Ghost, which is Jon's correct?
I seen 2 last night, but there are 4 left or unaccounted for...Nymeria(Arya's),Ghost(Snow's), Shaggydog(Rickon's) and Summer(Bran's).
Pretty sure Ghost is still north of the Wall. I thought it was Ghost at first, but I didn't notice the red eyes, so I'm assuming it was Shaggydog and Summer. I wonder if Jon Snow recognized the direwolves before he rode off, but just had to get the hell out of there.
I had a feeling something bad was going to go down at that wedding. I thought maybe they'd poison Robb's wife or something as a payback for his not honoring his word. Seeing Bolton at the wedding...you knew something was going down. I didn't immediately connect the song to the Lannisters. It sounded familiar, but when the door closed, you knew shit was about to go down. Even then I figured there would at least be a battle, not an ambush.
I had a hunch a while back that Robb was going to get killed. Him getting married, then her getting pregnant...he was just "too happy". I never read the books, but I do know that the author has no problem taking out important/leading characters (from what I've heard). Going forward I think if any character is happy, they are probably close to getting killed. I was just shocked at how it happened! I was also shocked that Cat got killed too. I really want to know what Blackfish had to do with it, if anything.
I also loved the scenes with Arya and the Hound. Clearly he cares for her and I loved their back and forth. I'd love to see them get closer and have the Hound take out every last Frey....and Bolton for that matter. The Hound has nobody. He has nowhere to go, he's shown that he cares for Arya and he did with Sansa....I hope he sticks around as Arya's muscle. I found it interesting too that Arya, who has gotten so "dark", told the Hound to spare that guy's life on the road. After what went down at the wedding, I wonder if any bit of honor is left in her. Maybe she'll see the use in the Hound rather than wanting him dead.
I wonder if Jon noticed his brother's wolves during that fight? Clearly he had to get the hell out of there, and I'm glad he left Igrette behind.
I found it interesting and kinda cheesy at the same time how Dany has become a smitten school girl over Daario. She didn't even seem to care when Jorah came back from battle that he was ok, just wanting to know how Daario was.
God, so much happened in that damn episode!
Last thought...so Bran is now understanding his Warg power better. I wonder to what extent that power goes? Does a Warg for example have the power to...take over....dragons? :think: Just a thought because that could get interesting!
Last thought...so Bran is now understanding his Warg power better. I wonder to what extent that power goes? Does a Warg for example have the power to...take over....dragons? :think: Just a thought because that could get interesting!
I would think it's within the realm of possibility. The others seemed shocked that he could take over Hodor's mind. Wonder if it's people in general or if it's Hodor's mental issues make it harder. The ability to warg through people kinda surprised me, so I was kinda thinking more in that direction. Either way, he clearly has the most powerful warg capabilities.
Speaking of Hodor, I think it's hilarious when he says "Hodor" in the show, but I find it much more funny in the books when it says "Hodor", Hodor said.
Can't wait for Bran to find the 3 eyed raven.
I wonder if Rickon is gonna end up a pretty dangerous character. He keeps getting ditched, and I just keep thinking back to that scene where he's cracking the walnuts with this crazy look.
Reading everyone's reaction is great. It reminds me of when i first read it and the powerful reaction i had to it. thanks for sharing.
the idea of bran controlling a dragon is very very interesting. I kind of think that he could and it would be totally wild.
Wow that is a totally cool idea, didn't think of that. The reactions to the show are great. I remember being completely floored the first time I read ASOS. And there is still soooo much shit to go down!! This is without a doubt the best TV I've ever seen, and only one episode left before the long ass wait:(
Game of Thrones' star and fans left in tears after Red Wedding
Tears at a wedding are not unusual, but the sobs at the nuptials of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey on Sunday's "Game of Thrones" were far from happy as Lord Frey exacted his revenge by killing the Starks and Tullys at the celebration.
The stunning scene had a strong impact on Richard Madden, the man behind the now deceased King in the North, Robb Stark. "I cried the whole way" home, the actor told AccessHollywood.com of his reaction after finishing shooting his death scene.
He wasn't the only cast member upset after the Red Wedding. "I've never been that emotionally exhausted before -- ever," Michelle Fairley, who plays Catelyn Stark, told AH.
The stars weren't the only ones who reacted strongly to the death-filled episode. Fans of the show -- including those who had read the novels and were expecting the bloody onslaught -- were stunned by how the scene played out.
"I was so shocked," wrote reader Pamela Frank Huckabee on our Facebook page. "I sat here with my mouth open while the credits rolled. I couldn't say anything so posted HOLY CRAP on my Facebook page. Wow, I may not sleep a wink tonight."
"I'm totally traumatized after watching the episode. I didn't read the books yet so this took me by surprise," wrote Sumi Moon. "Game of thrones is insanely awesome and Michelle Fairley's acting in this episode was just perfect. This is the second time this series make me cry like a baby, the first one was when Eddard died."
"I'm still reeling from the utter surprise and violence of it all," wrote Katy Richard. "Talisa's demise most shocking of all. All I could do was scream and cry out in horror. There is no central conflict now! The repulsive Lannisters have won. A most depressing reality."
"Honestly I think they took it too far. His wife isn't pregnant or at the red wedding in the book. I read the books and I wasn't prepared for the brutality of it. It was the most brutal thing I ever saw on a TV show," wrote Michael Poretti.
Some were so upset by the turn of events on "Game of Thrones" they took to HBO's website to complain:
"I have never seen anything as vile, disheartening, hurtful, and revelous in the bloodshed of heroes as this episode," wrote David on HBO.com. "Yeah, winter is coming HBO ... to your ratings."
"So - when you eliminate just about every character that I care about, then continue to kill anyone with any sense of moral compass with such vengeance so as to punish them for even thinking that principles mattered, allow the wretched and evil to win over and over again and gain more power, and basically remove any and all hope of anything good ever happening (because how can I enjoy a show when every character I liked is now dead,) why is it exactly that I should continue watching?" wrote Tony.
But wondering if he was in on it? The thought he was stupid and wondering if that got him angry...
That does get answered in the books, so I would guess it will be next week.
My mouth didn't shut for 20 minutes and I couldn't sleep for hours afterward. Blown away is the best that can describe it. I didn't see this coming at all. I guess the main question is, were Edmure and The Blackfish involved. Blackfish went to take a piss and that was the last we saw. I kept expecting Catelyn to pound on the door and say "I hope you had a hell of a piss Blackfish".
I wonder why they didn't show Jon pick up on the fact that there were 2 direwolves present at his fight.
Leaving Ygrite behind??????
I felt it was pretty stupid to have that look on Jorah's face when Dany asked him about Dario since he was still alive.
Arya just needs to kill EVERYONE!!! and start a new civilization with Hot Pie.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I agree. It has been a while since i read it but i thought there was some internal dialogue on both subjects. Leaving Ygritte is not an easy thing for Jon i wish they could have portrayed that a bit more on screen.
Arya killing everyone would be awesome
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
That's the song that the band started playing when the doors were being locked and Catelyn got worried. It's a song dedicated to House Lannister. It's also the song Cersei was telling Margery about in the previous episode. Bronn sung it before battle last season.
Thanks. I want to click on the other thread soooooo bad right now.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I had the same problem. Don't do it until you finish the 5th book. There is so much more stuff that is going to come into play.
It sets up the curve ball you may think ep 9 was going to be the lannisters squashing tyrells when in fact it is the lannisters squashing the starks.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Now I'll need to watch that scene again.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Ok, so to go through a bit here. I predicted that Robb would be killed and this wedding would not go as smooth as planned and be some part of a scheme. I love Robb and thought he honestly was the fairest and best person to be king, although, we all know that gets you nowhere in thrones, as it is what killed him. I DID NOT see them killing Catelyn. That fucked me up. Stabbing Talisa in the stomach? God damn! This shit was beyond tragic. I NEVER TRUSTED THAT FUCK ROOSE BOLTON. MY theories on him must be correct too. Being one of Robb's banner men in the war, for him to send Jamie Lannister to Tywin and whatnot, I knew he was not to be trusted and had some sort of alliance forming with Tywin, whether for money or glory. I caught some glimpses of the 'X' symbol on some of Theon's torturers the first time we saw him getting tortured. We know Theon is in the north. It ain't the Karstark's, as the torturer said. Not the Umbers. Obviously not in Winterfell or Pyke. Where is he? My guess? The dreadfort and the torturer is a Bolton. Fucking Roose wants the North and planned this shit with Tywin and Walder Frey..
THIS IS PURELY MY SPECULATION. WHETHER I AM WRONG OR RIGHT I HAVE NO IDEA. But putting the pieces together that is what I think...
Arrya really does just need to fucking kill everyone. Curious to see her story unfold with the Hound... I honestly have no idea where that is going but I'm very intrigued.
I thought the John Snow scene was fucking awesome I'm glad it's clear to everyone he's a crow again. Fuck Ygritte, honestly. I could care less about her. I hope John stays loyal all the way to the Night's Watch. And the fact that he saw his brothers' wolves... Hopefully he knows they're around now and can get Bran (because Rickon left) safe. This plot should get a lot better now. Too much time was spent beyond the wall with Snow dicking around.
I love ANYTHING with Dany. I thought this weeks was awesome, but for the first time not really because of her at all. Who knew my boy Jorah was a fucking jedi knight? He looked like god damn Skywalker out there with that sword. Daario and Grey Worm were cool too... I just want to get her to Westeros.
Other plots not shown that I have future hopes for:
With Littlefinger lord of the Vale now, I want revenge for Cat's death. He is a snakey fuck and certainly has some bad tricks up his sleeve, but he may actually do this as she is the only person he ever cared about basically.
I would love to see the Tyrell's be in an uproar over this whole Red Wedding and how it was completely unethical because of the rights of eating with your guests thing etc etc... I want to see the Tyrell / Lannister inside struggle keep growing but something happen soon.
Stannis, Millessandre, Davos, and Gendry.... exrtremely interesting.... I want to understand more Red God stuff. I don't know what to make of its truth, importance, goodness, or badness yet.
I also hope we see the Brotherhood without Banners again. Thoros was the shit.
Oh and obviously we all want Joffrey to croke.
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I have to think Cat's family was in on it, or at least her brother.
Poor Arya, she was so close. Especially emotional after the exchange between her and the Hound early in the episode about getting closer/more scared. She's basically the only one left to avenge, as it seems the others are tied up in other arcs.
Bran warging out was freaking awesome. Awful to see him and Rickon get separated.
Pretty heavy way to deal with all the near Stark reunions.
Can't wait to see the fallout next week. If it's as shocking as last night I don't think I'll be sleeping again next sunday. My mind was just racing after that end scene last night.
I seen 2 last night, but there are 4 left or unaccounted for...Nymeria(Arya's),Ghost(Snow's), Shaggydog(Rickon's) and Summer(Bran's).
Pretty sure Ghost is still north of the Wall. I thought it was Ghost at first, but I didn't notice the red eyes, so I'm assuming it was Shaggydog and Summer. I wonder if Jon Snow recognized the direwolves before he rode off, but just had to get the hell out of there.
Ghost was not with Jon last night, just Summer and Shaggydog.
Pretty much sums up last night's episode...
I had a feeling something bad was going to go down at that wedding. I thought maybe they'd poison Robb's wife or something as a payback for his not honoring his word. Seeing Bolton at the wedding...you knew something was going down. I didn't immediately connect the song to the Lannisters. It sounded familiar, but when the door closed, you knew shit was about to go down. Even then I figured there would at least be a battle, not an ambush.
I had a hunch a while back that Robb was going to get killed. Him getting married, then her getting pregnant...he was just "too happy". I never read the books, but I do know that the author has no problem taking out important/leading characters (from what I've heard). Going forward I think if any character is happy, they are probably close to getting killed.
I also loved the scenes with Arya and the Hound. Clearly he cares for her and I loved their back and forth. I'd love to see them get closer and have the Hound take out every last Frey....and Bolton for that matter. The Hound has nobody. He has nowhere to go, he's shown that he cares for Arya and he did with Sansa....I hope he sticks around as Arya's muscle. I found it interesting too that Arya, who has gotten so "dark", told the Hound to spare that guy's life on the road. After what went down at the wedding, I wonder if any bit of honor is left in her. Maybe she'll see the use in the Hound rather than wanting him dead.
I wonder if Jon noticed his brother's wolves during that fight? Clearly he had to get the hell out of there, and I'm glad he left Igrette behind.
I found it interesting and kinda cheesy at the same time how Dany has become a smitten school girl over Daario. She didn't even seem to care when Jorah came back from battle that he was ok, just wanting to know how Daario was.
God, so much happened in that damn episode!
Last thought...so Bran is now understanding his Warg power better. I wonder to what extent that power goes? Does a Warg for example have the power to...take over....dragons? :think: Just a thought because that could get interesting!
I would think it's within the realm of possibility. The others seemed shocked that he could take over Hodor's mind. Wonder if it's people in general or if it's Hodor's mental issues make it harder. The ability to warg through people kinda surprised me, so I was kinda thinking more in that direction. Either way, he clearly has the most powerful warg capabilities.
Speaking of Hodor, I think it's hilarious when he says "Hodor" in the show, but I find it much more funny in the books when it says "Hodor", Hodor said.
Can't wait for Bran to find the 3 eyed raven.
I wonder if Rickon is gonna end up a pretty dangerous character. He keeps getting ditched, and I just keep thinking back to that scene where he's cracking the walnuts with this crazy look.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
the idea of bran controlling a dragon is very very interesting. I kind of think that he could and it would be totally wild.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Bran needs to control a Dragon while Hodor is riding it screaming HODOR!!
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I'm calling it now, my guess is at the end of the series, Hodor will have won the game of thrones. He's playing the long con.
Wow that is a totally cool idea, didn't think of that. The reactions to the show are great. I remember being completely floored the first time I read ASOS. And there is still soooo much shit to go down!! This is without a doubt the best TV I've ever seen, and only one episode left before the long ass wait:(
http://www.today.com/entertainment/game ... 6C10168068
Game of Thrones' star and fans left in tears after Red Wedding
Tears at a wedding are not unusual, but the sobs at the nuptials of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey on Sunday's "Game of Thrones" were far from happy as Lord Frey exacted his revenge by killing the Starks and Tullys at the celebration.
The stunning scene had a strong impact on Richard Madden, the man behind the now deceased King in the North, Robb Stark. "I cried the whole way" home, the actor told AccessHollywood.com of his reaction after finishing shooting his death scene.
He wasn't the only cast member upset after the Red Wedding. "I've never been that emotionally exhausted before -- ever," Michelle Fairley, who plays Catelyn Stark, told AH.
The stars weren't the only ones who reacted strongly to the death-filled episode. Fans of the show -- including those who had read the novels and were expecting the bloody onslaught -- were stunned by how the scene played out.
"I was so shocked," wrote reader Pamela Frank Huckabee on our Facebook page. "I sat here with my mouth open while the credits rolled. I couldn't say anything so posted HOLY CRAP on my Facebook page. Wow, I may not sleep a wink tonight."
"I'm totally traumatized after watching the episode. I didn't read the books yet so this took me by surprise," wrote Sumi Moon. "Game of thrones is insanely awesome and Michelle Fairley's acting in this episode was just perfect. This is the second time this series make me cry like a baby, the first one was when Eddard died."
"I'm still reeling from the utter surprise and violence of it all," wrote Katy Richard. "Talisa's demise most shocking of all. All I could do was scream and cry out in horror. There is no central conflict now! The repulsive Lannisters have won. A most depressing reality."
"Honestly I think they took it too far. His wife isn't pregnant or at the red wedding in the book. I read the books and I wasn't prepared for the brutality of it. It was the most brutal thing I ever saw on a TV show," wrote Michael Poretti.
Some were so upset by the turn of events on "Game of Thrones" they took to HBO's website to complain:
"I have never seen anything as vile, disheartening, hurtful, and revelous in the bloodshed of heroes as this episode," wrote David on HBO.com. "Yeah, winter is coming HBO ... to your ratings."
"So - when you eliminate just about every character that I care about, then continue to kill anyone with any sense of moral compass with such vengeance so as to punish them for even thinking that principles mattered, allow the wretched and evil to win over and over again and gain more power, and basically remove any and all hope of anything good ever happening (because how can I enjoy a show when every character I liked is now dead,) why is it exactly that I should continue watching?" wrote Tony.