I think it was because it knew Rob was in trouble. I doubt it smelled Arya....unless she had just started her "bleeding".
uncalled for.
ridiculous reaction....Like Hugh mentioned, they talked about it on the show!.....you're taking these made up, fantasy stories WAYYYY to seriously
i'm no expert but im pretty sure mocking a child over a likely future life-changing biological event is in fact, uncalled for. particularly in the context of being smelled by a wolf.
The joking in the show not so much.
I don't want this thread to be derailed by something I find boorish. it was said, I didn't like it, i said so... lets move on. this really isn't the thread to hash out mens attitudes towards women.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Very curious to see what John Snow will do next. The whole scene with Dani and the siege was very anticlimactic. I was really thinking there would be a big battle.
Very curious to see what John Snow will do next. The whole scene with Dani and the siege was very anticlimactic. I was really thinking there would be a big battle.
want me to tell you?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Get over yourselves with the bleeding joke. Some people are too touchy. Youre watching a show that has murder, torture, and rape, and you wanna cause a stink about reference joke based on that show, in a thread discussing yet again that same show.
The reaction to the 'bleeding' joke is even funnier. You just look like a spoiled hypocritical brat....'oh that offends me what you said but every week i watch a show where babies could get killed and i find that entertaining.'
GRRM watches the youtube video with Conan with fans reacting to the red wedding :corn:
I know Neil Gaimen told us long ago GRRM is not our bitch, but i can't help it everytime i see him out on the publicity circuit i want to ask him why are you not writing winds of winter
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
Get over yourselves with the bleeding joke. Some people are too touchy. Youre watching a show that has murder, torture, and rape, and you wanna cause a stink about reference joke based on that show, in a thread discussing yet again that same show.
The reaction to the 'bleeding' joke is even funnier. You just look like a spoiled hypocritical brat....'oh that offends me what you said but every week i watch a show where babies could get killed and i find that entertaining.'
on what show do babies get killed every week? cause whatever that show is, if it indeed exists... and the news does not count. ...i am unaware of it. as for being a spoiled hypocritical brat.... all I can say is come sit by my side and you will soon discover how flimsy that perception is.
the fact that you called it 'the bleeding joke' tells me you are unaware of the insidiousness of pejorative language directed towards women and excused as humour.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
GRRM watches the youtube video with Conan with fans reacting to the red wedding :corn:
I know Neil Gaimen told us long ago GRRM is not our bitch, but i can't help it everytime.....i see him out on the publicity circuit i want to ask him why are you not writing winds of winter
yes.. why isn't he writing. I don't want to rush him and risk the next book being a pile of shit but im sitting idle in the world of westeros waiting... waiting for the continuance of a story im deeply engrossed in. all I n say is thank goodness for my imagination and my faith in jon snow.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
GRRM watches the youtube video with Conan with fans reacting to the red wedding :corn:
I know Neil Gaimen told us long ago GRRM is not our bitch, but i can't help it everytime i see him out on the publicity circuit i want to ask him why are you not writing winds of winter
I used to laugh when he would occasionally post his updates on Dances, basically telling people he was working as quickly as he could and to please stop asking. Now he is so busy I dont know how the poor guy will find the time to sleep with all of the editing, writing, traveling, signing, interviewing, etc.
Good for him; just hope everyone keeps watching and he can write ahead of the show so that we can see all of what he wants to play out in the books also play out on the screen.
GRRM watches the youtube video with Conan with fans reacting to the red wedding :corn:
I know Neil Gaimen told us long ago GRRM is not our bitch, but i can't help it everytime i see him out on the publicity circuit i want to ask him why are you not writing winds of winter
I used to laugh when he would occasionally post his updates on Dances, basically telling people he was working as quickly as he could and to please stop asking. Now he is so busy I dont know how the poor guy will find the time to sleep with all of the editing, writing, traveling, signing, interviewing, etc.
Good for him; just hope everyone keeps watching and he can write ahead of the show so that we can see all of what he wants to play out in the books also play out on the screen.
Did Conan ask him? Anytime he is interviewed now, that should be the first question asked
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I'm 70 pages from the RW now. I must be past it by Sunday night 9pm. I MUST!!!!! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but I'm lucky to get in 20 pages a night.
I think there should be a thread for each book rather than a blanket one for all books so you can enter the ones in which you've read and not be spoiled.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I'm 70 pages from the RW now. I must be past it by Sunday night 9pm. I MUST!!!!! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but I'm lucky to get in 20 pages a night.
I think there should be a thread for each book rather than a blanket one for all books so you can enter the ones in which you've read and not be spoiled.
I would not worry too much, I really don't think any more major events will happen in season 3. They will let the RW be the defining moment and set the stage for season 4 this week.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I'm 70 pages from the RW now. I must be past it by Sunday night 9pm. I MUST!!!!! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but I'm lucky to get in 20 pages a night.
I think there should be a thread for each book rather than a blanket one for all books so you can enter the ones in which you've read and not be spoiled.
I would not worry too much, I really don't think any more major events will happen in season 3. They will let the RW be the defining moment and set the stage for season 4 this week.
Bring on the Red Viper?
Yes please!
Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
I think there should be a thread for each book rather than a blanket one for all books so you can enter the ones in which you've read and not be spoiled.
I think youre right but knowing how we all tend to 'forget' our heads were likely to mesh one book into the next anyway. and someone will say something they shouldnt have without realising it and all hell will break loose.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I'm 70 pages from the RW now. I must be past it by Sunday night 9pm. I MUST!!!!! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but I'm lucky to get in 20 pages a night.
I think there should be a thread for each book rather than a blanket one for all books so you can enter the ones in which you've read and not be spoiled.
I would not worry too much, I really don't think any more major events will happen in season 3. They will let the RW be the defining moment and set the stage for season 4 this week.
Bring on the Red Viper?
Yes please!
I did read his introduction the other night.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I'm curious to see who they case for the characters from Dorne. I would think they would need to be casting them soon, filming has to start later this summer.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I'm curious to see who they case for the characters from Dorne. I would think they would need to be casting them soon, filming has to start later this summer.
So you don't think any of them will be introduced this Sunday or will it kind of be a wrap up of some story lines?
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I'm curious to see who they case for the characters from Dorne. I would think they would need to be casting them soon, filming has to start later this summer.
So you don't think any of them will be introduced this Sunday or will it kind of be a wrap up of some story lines?
I think it would be a nice surprise if they are, but I think Sunday will just deal with the fallout of the wedding and where the main characters are heading for next season. I think Dorne gets introduced episode 1 next year.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I'm curious to see who they case for the characters from Dorne. I would think they would need to be casting them soon, filming has to start later this summer.
So you don't think any of them will be introduced this Sunday or will it kind of be a wrap up of some story lines?
I think it would be a nice surprise if they are, but I think Sunday will just deal with the fallout of the wedding and where the main characters are heading for next season. I think Dorne gets introduced episode 1 next year.
dorne will be introduced when it needs to be.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
They put the chapter up on facebook today and i re read it. Those last few pages... Catelyn's thoughts as she watches her son die. The details of he fight.... and the little note about how she worries about her hair and hopes they don't ruin it because ned always loved her hair....
It is a nice read if you haven't read it and won't spoil anything in the future, but it was harder for me to re read it then it was to watch it. All the emotion you get from being inside Cat's head is just crazy
sHOOT, I'm like 150 pages away from it. I wish there was a way to read while on the treadmill
The pic at the end of the chapter shows 6 books. Aren't there only 5?
F it. I just read it. Awesome. Totally awesome.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Not to sound like a book snob (although i am ) but i thought the book version was even more powerful then the visual image.
You know all of rob's bannermen who are non existent in the show and you see them die too. After i read it i felt empty because i was like well who is left in the north? Very few of the lords were not there.
glad you were able to get caught up to it.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
Not to sound like a book snob (although i am ) but i thought the book version was even more powerful then the visual image.
You know all of rob's bannermen who are non existent in the show and you see them die too. After i read it i felt empty because i was like well who is left in the north? Very few of the lords were not there.
glad you were able to get caught up to it.
I didn't catch up. I cheated and just read the chapter from that link.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Not to sound like a book snob (although i am ) but i thought the book version was even more powerful then the visual image.
You know all of rob's bannermen who are non existent in the show and you see them die too. After i read it i felt empty because i was like well who is left in the north? Very few of the lords were not there.
glad you were able to get caught up to it.
Agree about the book snob thing, me too. Thought the Red Wedding was great on TV, but more powerful reading it.
And naturally I had to drag out the book and read the very very ending - NO SPOILERS COMING DON'T WORRY - and I was glad I read it, that's all I'll say.
Except that watching the series makes me want to read all the books again, from beginning to end. There's so much more detail that's just delicious - Sam, for example. His backstory is so interesting.
Get over yourselves with the bleeding joke. Some people are too touchy. Youre watching a show that has murder, torture, and rape, and you wanna cause a stink about reference joke based on that show, in a thread discussing yet again that same show.
The reaction to the 'bleeding' joke is even funnier. You just look like a spoiled hypocritical brat....'oh that offends me what you said but every week i watch a show where babies could get killed and i find that entertaining.'
on what show do babies get killed every week? cause whatever that show is, if it indeed exists... and the news does not count. ...i am unaware of it. as for being a spoiled hypocritical brat.... all I can say is come sit by my side and you will soon discover how flimsy that perception is.
the fact that you called it 'the bleeding joke' tells me you are unaware of the insidiousness of pejorative language directed towards women and excused as humour.
Could....the word could is important for context so i used it. Seems you missed that.... So what should i have called the joke? 'The joke that offended some women cause they could not find the humor in a gender specific function?" That's too long winded so i refereed to by the simplest, clearest name.
Also im a clown, not as a profession but in character. I can separate a joke from mean-spirited words and treat it as such. But either way i laugh. I'm either laughing with or at but im still laughing. Better than being angry at something that doesnt matter. Its all just words, just relax. Laugh a little more and dont take anything seriously, cause it's not taking you serious either.
I'll take you up on sitting by your side, maybe at some PJ we will have to meet up. Trust me you'll be to tight-wound for me. I am too carefree and comical to ever get upset with a stupid joke. I was just told today at my new job (2 months) they don't know how they did it before with out me there cause I'm always cracking jokes. Ive gotten more than a fun rolled-eyes for lame puns but i at least found them funny.
Lastly, I'm glad to see others on board for the Red Viper!!! my biggest complaint this season was he didnt make it. I think every post for this season i mentioned the Red Viper. Less than a year till season 4....
Get over yourselves with the bleeding joke. Some people are too touchy. Youre watching a show that has murder, torture, and rape, and you wanna cause a stink about reference joke based on that show, in a thread discussing yet again that same show.
The reaction to the 'bleeding' joke is even funnier. You just look like a spoiled hypocritical brat....'oh that offends me what you said but every week i watch a show where babies could get killed and i find that entertaining.'
on what show do babies get killed every week? cause whatever that show is, if it indeed exists... and the news does not count. ...i am unaware of it. as for being a spoiled hypocritical brat.... all I can say is come sit by my side and you will soon discover how flimsy that perception is.
the fact that you called it 'the bleeding joke' tells me you are unaware of the insidiousness of pejorative language directed towards women and excused as humour.
I have never uttered that phrase in my life until I saw this fucking show. This is a thread about the show. it was a joke. this show is full of dark humour like that. lighten up.
I'll also add that if you've ever even smirked at a teenage boy's cracking voice or his awkward moustache, then I call you a hypocrite.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Get over yourselves with the bleeding joke. Some people are too touchy. Youre watching a show that has murder, torture, and rape, and you wanna cause a stink about reference joke based on that show, in a thread discussing yet again that same show.
The reaction to the 'bleeding' joke is even funnier. You just look like a spoiled hypocritical brat....'oh that offends me what you said but every week i watch a show where babies could get killed and i find that entertaining.'
on what show do babies get killed every week? cause whatever that show is, if it indeed exists... and the news does not count. ...i am unaware of it. as for being a spoiled hypocritical brat.... all I can say is come sit by my side and you will soon discover how flimsy that perception is.
the fact that you called it 'the bleeding joke' tells me you are unaware of the insidiousness of pejorative language directed towards women and excused as humour.
I have never uttered that phrase in my life until I saw this fucking show. This is a thread about the show. it was a joke. this show is full of dark humour like that. lighten up.
I'll also add that if you've ever even smirked at a teenage boy's cracking voice or his awkward moustache, then I call you a hypocrite.
I just read an interesting theory along the same lines about Bran controlling the dragons.... What if Bran can control the white walkers.....!?
We'll see what he can grow into. Right now he has only done it to hodor who has a very simple mind. I'd like to see him actually take over a regular human mind before i start to seriously consider the dragon/white walker thing.
It makes for an intersting part of the story. I'm sure they will expore the moral ambiguity of taking over someone else.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
i'm no expert but im pretty sure mocking a child over a likely future life-changing biological event is in fact, uncalled for. particularly in the context of being smelled by a wolf.
The joking in the show not so much.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
want me to tell you?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
just got to watch the episode tonight.
I knew the scene was coming the whole episode, and was on the edge of my seat...
even though it wasn't anywhere near as gruesome as the book, that was still something to see... definitely going to have to watch it again...
time for bed now... we'll talk more tomorrow.
The reaction to the 'bleeding' joke is even funnier. You just look like a spoiled hypocritical brat....'oh that offends me what you said but every week i watch a show where babies could get killed and i find that entertaining.'
GRRM watches the youtube video with Conan with fans reacting to the red wedding :corn:
I know Neil Gaimen told us long ago GRRM is not our bitch, but i can't help it everytime i see him out on the publicity circuit i want to ask him why are you not writing winds of winter
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
on what show do babies get killed every week? cause whatever that show is, if it indeed exists... and the news does not count.
the fact that you called it 'the bleeding joke' tells me you are unaware of the insidiousness of pejorative language directed towards women and excused as humour.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
yes.. why isn't he writing. I don't want to rush him and risk the next book being a pile of shit but im sitting idle in the world of westeros waiting... waiting for the continuance of a story im deeply engrossed in. all I n say is thank goodness for my imagination and my faith in jon snow.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I used to laugh when he would occasionally post his updates on Dances, basically telling people he was working as quickly as he could and to please stop asking. Now he is so busy I dont know how the poor guy will find the time to sleep with all of the editing, writing, traveling, signing, interviewing, etc.
Good for him; just hope everyone keeps watching and he can write ahead of the show so that we can see all of what he wants to play out in the books also play out on the screen.
Did Conan ask him? Anytime he is interviewed now, that should be the first question asked
I think there should be a thread for each book rather than a blanket one for all books so you can enter the ones in which you've read and not be spoiled.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I would not worry too much, I really don't think any more major events will happen in season 3. They will let the RW be the defining moment and set the stage for season 4 this week.
Bring on the Red Viper?
Yes please!
I think youre right but knowing how we all tend to 'forget' our heads were likely to mesh one book into the next anyway. and someone will say something they shouldnt have without realising it and all hell will break loose.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
and now you have more questions, right? I know I have. bloody theon.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
So you don't think any of them will be introduced this Sunday or will it kind of be a wrap up of some story lines?
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I think it would be a nice surprise if they are, but I think Sunday will just deal with the fallout of the wedding and where the main characters are heading for next season. I think Dorne gets introduced episode 1 next year.
dorne will be introduced when it needs to be.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
You know all of rob's bannermen who are non existent in the show and you see them die too. After i read it i felt empty because i was like well who is left in the north? Very few of the lords were not there.
glad you were able to get caught up to it.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I didn't catch up. I cheated and just read the chapter from that link.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Agree about the book snob thing, me too. Thought the Red Wedding was great on TV, but more powerful reading it.
And naturally I had to drag out the book and read the very very ending - NO SPOILERS COMING DON'T WORRY - and I was glad I read it, that's all I'll say.
Except that watching the series makes me want to read all the books again, from beginning to end. There's so much more detail that's just delicious - Sam, for example. His backstory is so interesting.
Could....the word could is important for context so i used it. Seems you missed that.... So what should i have called the joke? 'The joke that offended some women cause they could not find the humor in a gender specific function?" That's too long winded so i refereed to by the simplest, clearest name.
Also im a clown, not as a profession but in character. I can separate a joke from mean-spirited words and treat it as such. But either way i laugh. I'm either laughing with or at but im still laughing. Better than being angry at something that doesnt matter. Its all just words, just relax. Laugh a little more and dont take anything seriously, cause it's not taking you serious either.
I'll take you up on sitting by your side, maybe at some PJ we will have to meet up. Trust me you'll be to tight-wound for me. I am too carefree and comical to ever get upset with a stupid joke. I was just told today at my new job (2 months) they don't know how they did it before with out me there cause I'm always cracking jokes. Ive gotten more than a fun rolled-eyes for lame puns but i at least found them funny.
Lastly, I'm glad to see others on board for the Red Viper!!! my biggest complaint this season was he didnt make it. I think every post for this season i mentioned the Red Viper. Less than a year till season 4....
I have never uttered that phrase in my life until I saw this fucking show. This is a thread about the show. it was a joke. this show is full of dark humour like that. lighten up.
I'll also add that if you've ever even smirked at a teenage boy's cracking voice or his awkward moustache, then I call you a hypocrite.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Stop it!!! You're are being "Boorish!"
It makes for an intersting part of the story. I'm sure they will expore the moral ambiguity of taking over someone else.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2