
let's talk dirt...



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    redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    D2D... after your very tidy garden, here is mine.... you might recognise the apple tree!!!! My beds may not be so neat as yours but I have stuff growing and I also managed to pack loads in a lil' space!!!! ;);) OK.. so the netting is a bit dodgy but it's because of the cats... There are still loads of large pots on the bits not in the pic!

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    redrock wrote:
    D2D... after your very tidy garden, here is mine.... you might recognise the apple tree!!!! My beds may not be so neat as yours but I have stuff growing and I also managed to pack loads in a lil' space!!!! ;);) OK.. so the netting is a bit dodgy but it's because of the cats... There are still loads of large pots on the bits not in the pic!



    just seeing your garden brings back great memories...i have a few snapshots of it myself after that father's day-pearl jam fan garden party. ;) looks like you trimmed some of the lower apple tree limbs and expanded your gardening space under it - looks GREAT!

    and hey, what truly MATTERS is all that yummy fresh produce! :mrgreen:

    can't wait to plant my own stuff soon....and to see lots of pics of everyone's gardens, and all the yummy stuff growing in em all!

    btw - LOVE the cat-tail just on the bottom-edge of the pic! :lol:

    nice to see you girl!
    and retiring?! wtf? you must tell me your secret....i'd love to be able to retire so young! :D
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    stuckinlinestuckinline Posts: 3,359

    very impressive!!!!
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    JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    i kill every living plant known to mankind.

    kudos to you gardeners!!! must be great!
    Me too. Decides2Dream, I love your beds, and want to try doing something like that, but am scared shitless I'll kill everything. I think I may just stay with container gardening this season, see if I can keep things green.

    I bought a couple blueberry bushes, we'll see how they do. I'd better get some nets on them soon to keep the animals away.
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    Riot_MacRiot_Mac Posts: 473
    We planted this weekend. It was a lot of hard work, but worth it. We planted 4 cucumbers, 2 kinds of lettuce, 12 broccoli, 1 honeydew, 1 hot pepper, 6 bell peppers (red, green and yellow), 5 tomatoes, 8 cauliflower, and we had a bunch of strawberries that came back from last year.

    Here is a pic of what the garden looked like before we extended it and got it ready.

    Here is the garden now.
    "hear my name, take a good look, this could be the day."
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    OooOOooOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo....loooks like someone just about DOUBLED the size of their veggie garden! well done! 8-) all that yummy fresh produce! :mrgreen:

    tonight we head over to home depot to pick up all our mulch and then tomorrow night we will more than likely head back there to pick up all our plant starts, flowers and veggies alike so that finally this saturday i can PLANT MY GARDEN! :D :geek: :ugeek: 8-):mrgreen:

    oh and to jeanwah:
    the biggest concern with container gardening is MOISTURE, as in...be SURE you have enough of it. plants in pots, especially at the height of summer out in full sun can dry out VERY quickly. you may want to use potting mix especially designed for containers with moisture-retention properties and/or hydromats or crystals that hold onto water. plants in the garden are actually a bit *easier* in regards to water, b/c they have more soil to get water from and also more nutrients. containers are easier b/c of placement issues, can move em around for best light, easily change soil and sure....cut down on garden pests. also, be sure to use bigger containers so your veggies in particular have ample room for root growth. also, crushed soda cans (and no they do not rust b/c alum does not rust - what they are made of), packing popcorn, etc....are great for using less soil, keeping pots lighter. good luck and enjoy!
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    JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Thanks for the tips D2D! I need all I can get. :) I'm asking my husband to build me a small bed so I can try the real thing, as I really want to grow some veggies!
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Thanks for the tips D2D! I need all I can get. :) I'm asking my husband to build me a small bed so I can try the real thing, as I really want to grow some veggies!

    go for it! :)
    growing a veggie garden really is NOT difficult, at all. just be certain the bed your husband builds is in FULL sun for best growth, and sure, till the soil well to be sure it's rich in organic matter to best grow your plants. if you get plant starts it is pretty much a no brainer. space your plants out and then just be sure they are well-watered, but do not overwater! i usually water right after planting, and then we have a sprinkler system that runs every other day, and we set it for 30 minutes each zone in the spring and at the height of summer, 45 minutes. obviously, if you water by hand you just give a deep soak at least every other day, perhaps every day. i know the peppers we grow in pots i usually water a bit more simply b/c they are in pots, so dry out faster than the garden beds. growing plants outside is really easy, especially veggies and annuals....perennials, shrubs, trees, etc.....since they grow year round or come back year after year, they can be more difficult...but veggies/annuals, only one growing season....so easy! you may also want to feed your plants with fertilizer/plant food, but we don't as we compost leaves in the beds every year so they are rich all on their own. however, i do know people who like to supplement with fertilizer for poor soil conditions and/or simply to increase harvest, etc. we like to keep it all natural.

    good luck!
    let us know how it goes, perhaps share pics!
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,630
    18 tomato plants in the ground.

    best stuff ever...

    Nice shirt.
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    JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    So, I found some tomato and brocilli seeds down the back of the fridge, so I decided to plant them. In retrospect, I shouldn't have thrown a whole batch into a small container and the garden is mostly tiled over :oops:
    Anywho, I'm growing mainly so that my bunny can eat some really fresh veg! He looooves his carrots, basil and dandelion leaves.
    I aim to have a bit of a garden in my next house, so I can grow proper veg and fruit (as much as you can in Ireland).
    This is me:

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    finally got all my plant starts last night !
    hopefully the weather will remain cooperative tomorrow - meant to be partly sunny with thunderstorms - i hope to get everything planted, mulched, the works. 8-) try to snap a few picks of the garden just getting started. sunday we have a first birthday party to go to :roll: ...joy....so i really, really hope i can get it done tomorrow!

    quarter.....on your recommendation, we bought that tomato fertilizer. :)
    after the best batch of sauce that hubby made last summer, he's excited to have high yields of tomatoes so he can make a ton of sauce, and sure, some salsa.

    soooooo....veggies to be planted:

    6 roma tomatoes
    1 eggplant
    1 sweet red bell pepper
    1 sweet yellow bell pepper
    1 jalapeno
    1 thai chili
    1 poblano pepper
    1 habenero
    1 zucchini
    2 cucumbers
    (still need to pick up a yellow squash as they were all out)

    2 varieties of basil
    1 cilantro
    1 lemon balm
    1 peppermint
    1 spearmint
    1 italian parsley
    (chives are perennial so already growing like mad)


    6 huge begonias for my hanging baskets
    bright lime sweet potato vine, multi-orange/red coleus and bright pink geraniums for my window boxes
    white and light pink impatiens to be mixed in with the shade gardens
    purplish new guinea impatiens for a few containers
    dianthus(already there/perennial) and mix of pinks impatiens for flower boxes on the porch
    yellow marigolds to accompany plants in the veggie beds and the few sunny spots we have
    forgot - 2 variegated ivys for 2 topiaries that died off over the winter

    only bought 3 new plants this year
    1 yellow coreopsis
    1 brilliant pink/silver dianthus
    1 fountain grass

    think that's it....can't wait to get planting!!!

    jenny, i LOVE that you dredged up seeds from the back of your fridge - priceless! 8-)
    let us know if they grow!
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    well.....it's done!

    finally, EVERYthing is planted in the garden, got it all set between friday and saturday. sooooo happy. :) i did snap quite a few pics, but i have yet to upload em to my computer, nevermind getting em over to photobucket. ;) hopefully i'll get to it sometime this week.

    i did actually go out and get 3 huge pots and planted hokanoe grass in each to place in the garden beds where it's very shady, but also an area that gets continually trampled by the dogs - despite our best efforts to keep them out - and also b/c not much will grow there with any height. the pots add just the ehight i want in the spot, so much so that i want to get 3 more to fill out the rest of that very shady corner. did this all after i snapped my pics, so will have to take more. :) also, still have to go and get a yellow squash, and i want to get some trellis grids to grow the cucumbers, zucchini and squash off the ground...so have to see about that. have looked at a few local nurseries and nothing, going to hit up home depot and if i don't score any there.....will go the mail order route.

    anyhooo....happy, happy, happy! :)
    garden is set....veggies....flowers....containers.....flowerboxes and windowboxes.......and this memorial 3 day weekend is shaping up to be GORGEOUS! i plan on spending the bulk of it in my hammock, glass of wine in hand, enjoying the garden...... :mrgreen:
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Munched on the first radishes to be ready yesterday.....
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    redrock wrote:
    Munched on the first radishes to be ready yesterday.....


    as we only grow hot weather crops, and only got em in the ground friday/saturday - right on time for our area...we won't see any produce until late july, early august more than likely.......

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    I am myself like you somehow

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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    D2d, I can't wait to see the pictures of your garden! :)
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    justam wrote:
    D2d, I can't wait to see the pictures of your garden! :)


    yes, hopefully soon i'll actually get em on the computer. :P
    i really want to see MORE GARDENS! getting started, already growing, whatever...i love to see what people do with the dirt in their yards. ;) i look forward to seeing pics of your new place - whole new garden zone! :D

    i'm psyched, i just ordered a bunch of new garden grids, going to try the out for growing my cucumbers, zucchini and yellow squash on.....hopefully have em in a week. also stocked up on the hydro-mats i mentioned earlier, seems i am always changing containers, adding more pots, etc.....every year i use more and more. i also treated myself to what seems to be a beautiful kinetic garden sculpture of oak leaves. it was on sale....... :mrgreen:

    check out:
    http://www.gardeners.com/on/demandware. ... C=XNET8037
    for great stuff for the garden!
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402


    yes, hopefully soon i'll actually get em on the computer. :P
    i really want to see MORE GARDENS! getting started, already growing, whatever...i love to see what people do with the dirt in their yards. ;) i look forward to seeing pics of your new place - whole new garden zone! :D

    i'm psyched, i just ordered a bunch of new garden grids, going to try the out for growing my cucumbers, zucchini and yellow squash on.....hopefully have em in a week. also stocked up on the hydro-mats i mentioned earlier, seems i am always changing containers, adding more pots, etc.....every year i use more and more. i also treated myself to what seems to be a beautiful kinetic garden sculpture of oak leaves. it was on sale....... :mrgreen:

    check out:
    http://www.gardeners.com/on/demandware. ... C=XNET8037
    for great stuff for the garden!

    Sounds great! :D

    I am excited about my new garden. It's in a tropical zone, and the plants thrive there. (So do the bugs!)

    I'll send you some pictures once we move in. :) The house also has a very sunny courtyard for large pots... I'm already scheming about what I'll put in them. ;)
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    justam wrote:


    yes, hopefully soon i'll actually get em on the computer. :P
    i really want to see MORE GARDENS! getting started, already growing, whatever...i love to see what people do with the dirt in their yards. ;) i look forward to seeing pics of your new place - whole new garden zone! :D

    i'm psyched, i just ordered a bunch of new garden grids, going to try the out for growing my cucumbers, zucchini and yellow squash on.....hopefully have em in a week. also stocked up on the hydro-mats i mentioned earlier, seems i am always changing containers, adding more pots, etc.....every year i use more and more. i also treated myself to what seems to be a beautiful kinetic garden sculpture of oak leaves. it was on sale....... :mrgreen:

    check out:
    http://www.gardeners.com/on/demandware. ... C=XNET8037
    for great stuff for the garden!

    Sounds great! :D

    I am excited about my new garden. It's in a tropical zone, and the plants thrive there. (So do the bugs!)

    I'll send you some pictures once we move in. :) The house also has a very sunny courtyard for large pots... I'm already scheming about what I'll put in them. ;)

    oOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooOOoooooooo....a courtyard! sounds awesome!
    the bugs...not so much. ;)
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    ok, let's see if this works here....i'll try a few and add more....








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    I am myself like you somehow

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    wow, so far...so good! :D
    here's the veggie & herb garden planted & mulched 8-) .....still not *finished* tho, need to add the garden grids to support the cukes and zucchini....will come later...and of course...needs to GROW!





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    I am myself like you somehow

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    alrighty, whatever *bugs* within the matrix in dealing with posting pics...seems the gremlins are gone! wooohooo! just a couple more since i'm on a roll.....;)


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    I am myself like you somehow

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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    Your garden is so pretty!! :) :ugeek:
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    justam wrote:
    Your garden is so pretty!! :) :ugeek:

    at least the photo imbed function seems to be working correctly...;)

    my garden grids arrived yesterday - yay! - so my cukes and zucchini will have something to climb. set it up this weekend, looks to be another gorgeous one!

    i really want to see MORE GARDENS! getting started, already growing, whatever...i love to see what people do with the dirt in their yards :D

    let's see em!
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    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    Right now I have to go outside and trim my shaggy hedges! :?
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    Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    I'll take some pics of my little veggie garden this weekend. I gotta say, D2D, your garden intimidates my garden. :D
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    I'll take some pics of my little veggie garden this weekend. I gotta say, D2D, your garden intimidates my garden. :D

    when i saw that you posted, i was JUST going to ask, where are the pics of your veggies!
    your little seedlings were fantastic! 8-)
    and puh-leeesssseee....... :oops: i simply LOVE gardening, have been doing it a long time....i also was a photo major so love taking pics, and sure....know how to make things look good ;)....so no intimidation! you're in a brand-new garden aren't you? that's EXCITING. just thinking to what my yard once looked like :shock: ...and my very first veggie garden :o .......yea.........but hey, it's all a journey, and filled with yummy produce! :mrgreen:

    AM....we just trimmed our shaggy shrubs!

    btw - just looking at the pics, some are about a month old (especially the ones with the tree in bloom)....even others taken when i *just* planted, which was may 16th, i cannot get over just how MUCH everything has kicked into gear, GROWING! gotta love it!

    and you bet....as things really start to grow, MORE PICS!
    even since these pics, i bought/planted over 7 containers and placed them within my shade gadren(behind the hammock) b/c it's SO shady back there, can't get much to grow with any height, so i made my own height with containers! :ugeek: the garden is a constant work in progress........
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,976
    sooooooooooo...where are all the gardens?
    cmon folks, they all are GROWING now, let's see the progress!

    i am happy to report i set up the new garden grids over the weekend, easy....my plan for utilization worked perfectly, quite happy with myself. :lol: think they are going to be great! still no yellow squash tho :(....sad....no one seems to have plant sarts this year, would've gone the seed route had i known, still might...b/c the zucchini is looking rather lonely solo in the one bed.

    i snapped a few pics of my new veggie garden contraption, the new containers in the shade beds, and the overall growth of everything thus far. as usual, need to upload em. ;) that said...it's not as much fun if more don't share! :P
    Stay with me...
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    I am myself like you somehow

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    Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    I've been doing some major projects in my flower garden during the past 2 weeks, things I didn't set out to do but one thing would lead to another . . . . The biggest was deciding to dig up and divide my red spider lily bulbs, which I hadn't done in about 8 years. I knew they needed to be divided but I kept postponing it. So now that I've finished digging them up (more or less) I have over 600 bulbs. :shock: :shock: :shock:

    I'm giving them away to everyone I know and trying to figure out where else to plant them. If I ever get finished I'll post a few pics of some of the flowers in my garden. I've been trying to spend less time on the computer. :)
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
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    justamjustam Posts: 21,402
    sooooooooooo...where are all the gardens?
    cmon folks, they all are GROWING now, let's see the progress!

    Well, I haven't been doing much to mine this Spring since I'm so busy with moving chores. I've just been trimming what's there already, mowing, and keeping the weeds out. Mostly. :P
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    stuckinlinestuckinline Posts: 3,359
    can anyone recommend an organic mulch for a community veggie garden?

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