i think it's awesome when someone says they've seen the states...and all the ever visited was disney world for a week. 50 states, thousands of miles apart...most bigger than most european countries...states, hell even cities...with bigger populations than entire countries....but all has been seen by a visit to disney. hell, even NYC isn't seeing nearly enough to say you've really 'experienced' the US. :P it indeed goes both ways.
difference is, i DO respect the differences...and i couldn't care less that someone sings from the rooftops that their country is the geatest on the planet. it has zero bearing on my life.
i do care that someone sings that... please respect that difference.
and as to the flag -waving in the US, it's funny...i went to 8 pj shows in europe, over 20 in the US and canada, and all the flags i see at all these shows? from all over thw world. i wonder why anyone wants to wave their flag at a rock concert?
to represent their country abroad? they wont do it at home where they already know they live in Ireland... but i don't know... i've never done it. and if you remember i had a thread on the old board actually asking that question... why do people take flags to a rock concert? .... its as confusing to me as why people hold up lighters during slow songs.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i think it's awesome when someone says they've seen the states...and all the ever visited was disney world for a week. 50 states, thousands of miles apart...most bigger than most european countries...states, hell even cities...with bigger populations than entire countries....but all has been seen by a visit to disney. hell, even NYC isn't seeing nearly enough to say you've really 'experienced' the US. :P it indeed goes both ways.
I bet I've seen more of the U.S than you.
Obviously living in a country is a different thing from traveling in a country. But if were talking about traveling in a country then I bet I've seen more of the U.S than you.
i wonder why anyone wants to wave their flag at a rock concert?
to represent their country abroad? they wont do it at home where they already know they live in Ireland... but i don't know... i've never done it. and if you remember i had a thread on the old board actually asking that question... why do people take flags to a rock concert? .... its as confusing to me as why people hold up lighters during slow songs.
Actually, I don't mind the flag waving at concerts. It makes sense. It's good to see a lot of different nationalities represented at concerts. It also adds to the colour/spectacle/e.t.c.
But as far as having a flag flying outside your home...different ballgame altogether. I mean, why do it? Seems to me like a case of insecurity, or immaturity.
But as far as having a flag flying outside your home...different ballgame altogether. I mean, why do it? Seems to me like a case of insecurity, or immaturity.
Proud of the country, maybe? Love the country maybe? You do realize that flying a flag isn't the same as putting up a sign that says "Byrnzie's country sucks!", right? If they aren't doing something offensive, why do you care what someone else does?
and i have said i dont think it is... and that's my opinion...
as i've said... i've given this opinion on quite a few threads.. and each time it goes on to 10-20 pages full of americans having a go at me and telling me to shut up and wear my skirt.
this forum is called "non pearl-jam discussion" ... it'd be pretty shit if everyone came on and said
"god does/doesnt exist. thats my opinion. big fucking deal."
and then when someone offers a discussion as to why that may or not be the case, that person gets shot down for even attempting the discussion part of the forum title. :?
Shot down? I'd call it discussing back, and challenging your views. That's what discussion is. It's your right to voice your opinion but we can't respond or dispute it?
Yes shot down... the amount of lazy debating going on here is ridiculous... like 'if you're bored, why are ya debating it', how many people have said that now????? I'm bored with plenty of stuff... but I don't get bored debating it That's like saying 'go on... post one more time... if you do, you're obviously not bored with it' it's just retarded.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
this is so off-topic, but i have to address this point. i have NO idea where you get this idea. maybe years ago, when america viewed itself and was seen as a 'melting pot'...but it hasn't been like that in a LONG time. cultural diversity is well celebrated here and i know this first hand. i spent 10 years teaching in minority schools, and each student had pride in their home country, celebrated their cutures and traditions...and sure...also enjoyed purely 'american' culture as well. you will see flags of all nations, not just the american flag, hanging proudly on many homes within the US. perhaps that has much to do with all the 'patriotism' in the states that somehow seems to offend others. we are still a relatively 'young' nation.....and most of our citizens are immigrants, the descendants of immigrants....so this patriotism, is a connecting tie for people of various cultures to unite together in some way....celebrate their individulaity, and yet still identify with the 'whole.' my father was a rah-rah american. he was an italian immigrant, i am a first-born american....he was proud to become a citizen, he was proud to vote, to start his business here, fight in WWII, marry someone of a different culture, raise a family here...learn about his new country thru travel and experience. we, as a society, do not expect assimilation, not at all. spend any amount of time in any of the major cities and you would see that, clearly.
Actually... you may well have inadvertently hit the nail on the head. PERHAPS the reason this attitude exists in America is simply because a huge percentage of Americans are third or fourth generation ex pat. All they know is that their ancestors left Europe.... probably cos it was shit... probably cos they couldn't do what they wanted in that country at that particular time... and probably cos America was lauded as 'land of the free' by people who hadn't even been there. So NOW these grandkids, greatgrandkids, whatever, simply believe that America MUST be the best country in the world... and they don't need to go outside of America to know that. They seem to forget that it's actually a country BUILT on immigration from the beginning.. much like Australia... just cos the natives have been pushed aside and everyone they know is also an immigrant, well I'm sure I'D start to believe my country was the best too Hmm... ok I've got it now... carry on
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Its pretty sad when people spend their lives hating one man for 8 years. I Just hope the Republicans show more class than the Democrats and don't spend the next 4 years hating him if they disagree with his policies.
oh don't be silly... I've hated PLENTY of people in the past 8 years Bush just made it easier than most.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Question for folks who don't like flag waving and/or folks putting flags outside of their houses:
What do you think of the Cuban immigrants in Florida who wave/display Cuban flags?
because they're showing their nationality in ANOTHER country... probably as a homing beacon for any displaced cubans. There's no need to show your nationality in your OWN country
I wore the irish flag at lollapalooza... cos it's a kinda novelty thing... I love talking to random people and for some reason, it attracts people who wanna talk to an Irish person so I don't have to keep approaching random people myself. Fact is, most people help their own in another country. So if for some reason, I was away and in some kinda trouble and then saw a street with plenty of irish flags I'd go into a pub on that street and let them know I was in trouble. There are plenty of reasons... tbh if i were living in another country (which I am... for the third time) I wouldn't and don't feel the need to fly my flag cos I think it's silly but if I WERE to see an irish flag in somebody's window it would make me feel a little warm inside . Now if there were Union Jack's flying everywhere, it would emphasise the point that I'm in another country and I'm an outsider and it would probably make me quite sad and miss home even more.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I agree with everything you are saying. Their flying a Cuban flag says "I'm Cuban and I'm proud of it!" I don't see it as "I'm Cuban and I hate America!" (although there are Americans who take it that way, just as Dunk is bothered by Americans displaying American flags).
In summary, I don't believe there is anything wrong with being proud of your heritage or wherever you are from, nor is expressing such pride in unoffensive way. That goes for the majority or the minority. I don't really have anything else to say about the subject.
i have traveled a great deal, never have uttered ANY country, or anything else for that matter...to be the 'greatest in the world'...b/c i just don't think like that. some people do. it's personal persepctive, or maybe YOU missed that point.
It may be 'personal perspective' but that doesn't mean it's not worthy of discussion.
Just what is this obsession you have with 'personal perspective' anyway? Why do you keep dragging it into every thread topic that you post in? Seems like you think that because people are different we should just accept every viewpoint out there and not comment on, or discuss, them. Sounds like a major cop-out to me. Maybe silence and a sanctimonious attitude is acceptable to someone living a cozy life free of any significant trouble, but that isn't the case for everybody. Your apathy is a middle-class luxury. It's also incredibly irritating and un-constructive.
Sounds like you have your own alter of perfection to step down from.
Personally I don't really understand why people want to fly their countries flag all over the place, and I also don't understand why it would bother someone if others fly their country's flag. Seems pretty silly.
The one exception is when that flag has become a symbol for something terrible..ie Confederate flag = Racism in my opinion, etc.
I agree with everything you are saying. Their flying a Cuban flag says "I'm Cuban and I'm proud of it!" I don't see it as "I'm Cuban and I hate America!" (although there are Americans who take it that way, just as Dunk is bothered by Americans displaying American flags).
Cubans flying their flag whilst in America is not an issue for me... its a recognition of your 'homeland' whilst living in another land.
flying the US flag whilst living in the US is the height of tedium and narcissism to me.
and i have noticed that there is a guy in my hometown who has the Scottish flag flying in his back garden... i think that guy needs help.. so its not just an american thing i hope you'll see.
if I ever see that guy in his garden and he has a god bless scotland tattoo/tshirt/sticker... well then i'll be on the news the next day ... but hopefully when i'm serving my 4 life sentences i'll be seen as some sort of 'common sense martyr'
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I agree with everything you are saying. Their flying a Cuban flag says "I'm Cuban and I'm proud of it!" I don't see it as "I'm Cuban and I hate America!" (although there are Americans who take it that way, just as Dunk is bothered by Americans displaying American flags).
In summary, I don't believe there is anything wrong with being proud of your heritage or wherever you are from, nor is expressing such pride in unoffensive way. That goes for the majority or the minority. I don't really have anything else to say about the subject.
I never said it was cos they're proud to be Cuban... they probably are... but I never said that.
And, tbh, if I ever feel the need to put the Irish flag on my porch (don't have one but whatever ) it probably WOULD be because I'm pissed off with the country I'm in and feel the need to show I'm from somewhere else. I can't imagine it's something I'd ever do but I'm trying to figure out reasons that I might.
Now is probably the time to bring up the example of Northern Ireland. EVERY housing estate has a flag at the entrance... flags on the lamp posts... flags in their windows. Whether it's the union jack or the tricolour... and, while it's become tradition there, it's extremely intimidating. E.g. I would NOT go into an estate with the union jack on the entrance... it might be fine... but it could be one of those estates where southerners are simply not welcome. On both sides, the flag represents who's welcome in that estate. This is a direct throwback from 'the troubles'. There is nothing GOOD or progressive about it. All it does is serve to remind that things are still not ok. This is probably why I DO have issues with the union jack more than any other flag... but also why I have issues with flag waving in the home.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i just want to add that its not JUST the flag thing...
• the sheer amount of flags.
• the reverence in which its held (i.e. a scottish guy could burn a scottish flag and we'd just think he's mental... an american burning it in a border town such as mine would most likely be ... well ... lets leave it there)
• The 'God Bless America' whole thing... the 'fuck you' to other countries that might actually need 'blessed' if such a thing existed.. blessing that is.
• and the one that really 'irks' me ...seeing as 'irks' is an ok word to use.. is the "greatest country in the world™" phrase... which has no truth whatsoever and is completely and wholly subjective. no other country ever says it with such alarming regularity! :? no country in the world is the greatest... its an unquantifiable claim which is bombastic in its superbia.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I agree with everything you are saying. Their flying a Cuban flag says "I'm Cuban and I'm proud of it!" I don't see it as "I'm Cuban and I hate America!" (although there are Americans who take it that way, just as Dunk is bothered by Americans displaying American flags).
In summary, I don't believe there is anything wrong with being proud of your heritage or wherever you are from, nor is expressing such pride in unoffensive way. That goes for the majority or the minority. I don't really have anything else to say about the subject.
That's probably because you just about summed it up and I don't think there's anything else to be said on it. Hats off.
I'm not a supporter of blind, ignorant patriotism or the kind of nationalism that people like Stalin and Hitler encouraged to help their parties rise to power. To an extent, I saw a lot of the same problems here in America with the republican reaction to 9/11. But hanging a flag off your house or saying "God bless America" are not the problem and have nothing to do with the problem of dangerously blind nationalism.
• The 'God Bless America' whole thing... the 'fuck you' to other countries that might actually need 'blessed' if such a thing existed.. blessing that is.
Ah dunk, you're so detached from reality. God bless you lad! Oh shit, I just told every single other human being in the world to go fuck themselves didn't I? Shit, that logic just can't be denied, it's flawless!
I agree with everything you are saying. Their flying a Cuban flag says "I'm Cuban and I'm proud of it!" I don't see it as "I'm Cuban and I hate America!" (although there are Americans who take it that way, just as Dunk is bothered by Americans displaying American flags).
In summary, I don't believe there is anything wrong with being proud of your heritage or wherever you are from, nor is expressing such pride in unoffensive way. That goes for the majority or the minority. I don't really have anything else to say about the subject.
That's probably because you just about summed it up and I don't think there's anything else to be said on it. Hats off.
I'm not a supporter of blind, ignorant patriotism or the kind of nationalism that people like Stalin and Hitler encouraged to help their parties rise to power. To an extent, I saw a lot of the same problems here in America with the republican reaction to 9/11. But hanging a flag off your house or saying "God bless America" are not the problem and have nothing to do with the problem of dangerously blind nationalism.
Really?????? See my post on northern ireland... didn't the nazi's fly the swastika everywhere too? What about the Chinese... don't they also love their flag? Flags are not just a symbol of 'god bless america'. They can symbolise hatred, oppression, everything wrong that that country has done.
So no, fanch did not sum it up and that's not all that has to be said on it.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Really?????? See my post on northern ireland... didn't the nazi's fly the swastika everywhere too? What about the Chinese... don't they also love their flag? Flags are not just a symbol of 'god bless america'. They can symbolise hatred, oppression, everything wrong that that country has done.
So no, fanch did not sum it up and that's not all that has to be said on it.
They can also symbolize diversity, unity, progressive ideals, and everything great that country has done. And while Americans might view the flag more reverently or display it more prominently than they do in the UK, it's nowhere near the level it was used by the Nazis and their ilk. Furthermore, while some people in your neighborhood might be offended if you burned a flag, you would not be arrested or lynched for it.
• The 'God Bless America' whole thing... the 'fuck you' to other countries that might actually need 'blessed' if such a thing existed.. blessing that is.
Ah dunk, you're so detached from reality. God bless you lad! Oh shit, I just told every single other human being in the world to go fuck themselves didn't I? Shit, that logic just can't be denied, it's flawless!
america blesses itself..
you blessed me..
2 different things. 1st one is self-congratulatory and the other is a blessing to another human.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
• The 'God Bless America' whole thing... the 'fuck you' to other countries that might actually need 'blessed' if such a thing existed.. blessing that is.
Ah dunk, you're so detached from reality. God bless you lad! Oh shit, I just told every single other human being in the world to go fuck themselves didn't I? Shit, that logic just can't be denied, it's flawless!
america blesses itself..
you blessed me..
2 different things. 1st one is self-congratulatory and the other is a blessing to another human.
Uh, not really. America does not bless "itself." It's a country, an abstract idea of borders. I can't bless anything. Individual people bless America. How is it that when someone does that, it clearly means they're telling the rest of the world to fuck off, but if they bless YOU, it's just akin to wishing you well?
'John Doe' and Alyosha Witness appeared in Jackson County Court today on charges stemming from Saturday's flag burning at an anti-war rally in the Ashland Plaza. The two men are each charged with 2 counts of Reckless Endangerment and 1 count of Disorderly Conduct.
The charges of Reckless Endangerment each carry fines of $5000 and/or 1 year in jail. The charges of Disorderly Conduct carry fines of $2000 and/or 6 months in jail. The charges of Reckless Endangerment stem from allegations that an unnamed woman and child were "willfully and maliciously endangered" by the actions of the defendents.
Paula and Noah Sohl were present in the courtroom and gave a statement to the press about their experience on Saturday. They claim to be the "unnamed woman and child" present at the protest, as they were sitting in the bench near the flag burners. Mrs. Sohl said the individuals went to, "an empty space on the plaza to burn the flag." She said the act was "done carefully" and with respect.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
so you like reading headlines but not the stories huh dunk?
"The three are being charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, breach of peace, criminal mischief in the third-degree, arson in the second-degree, conspiracy for arson, conspiracy for breach of peace, conspiracy for mischief and conspiracy for reckless endangerment. They were not charged with flag burning."
so, umm....yeah....the media is pretty biased towards obama huh? ....cuz that was the whole point of this thread........yeah.......alright, back to the alt board!
Uh, not really. America does not bless "itself." It's a country, an abstract idea of borders. I can't bless anything. Individual people bless America. How is it that when someone does that, it clearly means they're telling the rest of the world to fuck off, but if they bless YOU, it's just akin to wishing you well?
so why bless an abstract idea of borders... seems pretty futile... so why bother.
surely if blessing is the act of bestowing or wishing hope to someone, something or some abstract idea of borders and surely if America is the self appointed "greatest country in the world™" then wouldnt it be more charitable/christian/whatever to wish for hope for mankind, the world... why, if its the greatest country in the world™, does it needs it citizens to bless it...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
so you like reading headlines but not the stories huh dunk?
"The three are being charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, breach of peace, criminal mischief in the third-degree, arson in the second-degree, conspiracy for arson, conspiracy for breach of peace, conspiracy for mischief and conspiracy for reckless endangerment. They were not charged with flag burning."
typical dumb scottsman...
trust me... if they had burned some bras they wouldnt have even got a caution.
scotsman has one 't' amigo
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
That first story I agree with. They went onto someone's property and set fire to their property. I don't care what you're burning, that's arson, period. They deserved to be arrested. The only reason you posted it was out of desperation to find relevant stories, and if they'd set fire to anything else you'd call it a crime, but for your purposes here... well, common sense can be bent right?
The second story is appalling, but it's also a year and a half old. I'm willing to bet money those charges were all tossed out.
trust me... if they had burned some bras they wouldnt have even got a caution.
scotsman has one 't' amigo
Trust me, if they'd gone onto their property in the dead of night, into their house, rifled through the underwear drawer to find her bras, and then burned them... they'd have been arrested.
I thought you were big on bragging about your common sense? Those kids could have caught the whole house on fire... they burned a flag hanging on a porch. You don't see the problem with that?
trust me... if they had burned some bras they wouldnt have even got a caution.
scotsman has one 't' amigo
Trust me, if they'd gone onto their property in the dead of night, into their house, rifled through the underwear drawer to find her bras, and then burned them... they'd have been arrested.
I thought you were big on bragging about your common sense? Those kids could have caught the whole house on fire... they burned a flag hanging on a porch. You don't see the problem with that?
if they had set fire to a sheet hanging from a washing line they wouldnt have... they might have got a knuckle rapping... but thats it... they never entered the property, rifled through the guys cupboards to find a flag, and then spent a few minutes hoisting it on the pole/wire on the porch... so it was quite different to your bra search scenario.
still 30seconds of searching and a 1 out of 2 hit rate wasnt too bad... i'm quite sure more people will have been arrested for flag burning.. i'm sure some people have been assualted for desecrating the flag...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
kids could have caught the whole house on fire... they burned a flag hanging on a porch. You don't see the problem with that?[/quote]
if they had set fire to a sheet hanging from a washing line they wouldnt have... they might have got a knuckle rapping... but thats it... they never entered the property, rifled through the guys cupboards to find a flag, and then spent a few minutes hoisting it on the pole/wire on the porch... so it was quite different to your bra search scenario....[/quote]
dude. they went onto this person's property and lit a flag, that was hanging on their porch, on fire. the house would have burned to the ground and people cold have died if it wasn't caught in time. that is arson. you're smarter than this...i think.
no-ones said that :?
i do care that someone sings that... please respect that difference.
to represent their country abroad? they wont do it at home where they already know they live in Ireland... but i don't know... i've never done it. and if you remember i had a thread on the old board actually asking that question... why do people take flags to a rock concert? .... its as confusing to me as why people hold up lighters during slow songs.
I bet I've seen more of the U.S than you.
Obviously living in a country is a different thing from traveling in a country. But if were talking about traveling in a country then I bet I've seen more of the U.S than you.
I'm not sure where you got the Disney thing from?
Actually, I don't mind the flag waving at concerts. It makes sense. It's good to see a lot of different nationalities represented at concerts. It also adds to the colour/spectacle/e.t.c.
But as far as having a flag flying outside your home...different ballgame altogether. I mean, why do it? Seems to me like a case of insecurity, or immaturity.
Proud of the country, maybe? Love the country maybe? You do realize that flying a flag isn't the same as putting up a sign that says "Byrnzie's country sucks!", right? If they aren't doing something offensive, why do you care what someone else does?
Insecurity? Immaturity? How?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
What do you think of the Cuban immigrants in Florida who wave/display Cuban flags?
I wore the irish flag at lollapalooza... cos it's a kinda novelty thing... I love talking to random people and for some reason, it attracts people who wanna talk to an Irish person
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
In summary, I don't believe there is anything wrong with being proud of your heritage or wherever you are from, nor is expressing such pride in unoffensive way. That goes for the majority or the minority. I don't really have anything else to say about the subject.
Sounds like you have your own alter of perfection to step down from.
Personally I don't really understand why people want to fly their countries flag all over the place, and I also don't understand why it would bother someone if others fly their country's flag. Seems pretty silly.
The one exception is when that flag has become a symbol for something terrible..ie Confederate flag = Racism in my opinion, etc.
Cubans flying their flag whilst in America is not an issue for me... its a recognition of your 'homeland' whilst living in another land.
flying the US flag whilst living in the US is the height of tedium and narcissism to me.
and i have noticed that there is a guy in my hometown who has the Scottish flag flying in his back garden... i think that guy needs help.. so its not just an american thing i hope you'll see.
if I ever see that guy in his garden and he has a god bless scotland tattoo/tshirt/sticker... well then i'll be on the news the next day ... but hopefully when i'm serving my 4 life sentences i'll be seen as some sort of 'common sense martyr'
And, tbh, if I ever feel the need to put the Irish flag on my porch (don't have one but whatever
Now is probably the time to bring up the example of Northern Ireland. EVERY housing estate has a flag at the entrance... flags on the lamp posts... flags in their windows. Whether it's the union jack or the tricolour... and, while it's become tradition there, it's extremely intimidating. E.g. I would NOT go into an estate with the union jack on the entrance... it might be fine... but it could be one of those estates where southerners are simply not welcome. On both sides, the flag represents who's welcome in that estate. This is a direct throwback from 'the troubles'. There is nothing GOOD or progressive about it. All it does is serve to remind that things are still not ok. This is probably why I DO have issues with the union jack more than any other flag... but also why I have issues with flag waving in the home.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
• the sheer amount of flags. • the reverence in which its held (i.e. a scottish guy could burn a scottish flag and we'd just think he's mental... an american burning it in a border town such as mine would most likely be ... well ... lets leave it there) • The 'God Bless America' whole thing... the 'fuck you' to other countries that might actually need 'blessed' if such a thing existed.. blessing that is. • and the one that really 'irks' me ...seeing as 'irks' is an ok word to use.. is the "greatest country in the world™" phrase... which has no truth whatsoever and is completely and wholly subjective. no other country ever says it with such alarming regularity! :? no country in the world is the greatest... its an unquantifiable claim which is bombastic in its superbia.
That's probably because you just about summed it up and I don't think there's anything else to be said on it. Hats off.
I'm not a supporter of blind, ignorant patriotism or the kind of nationalism that people like Stalin and Hitler encouraged to help their parties rise to power. To an extent, I saw a lot of the same problems here in America with the republican reaction to 9/11. But hanging a flag off your house or saying "God bless America" are not the problem and have nothing to do with the problem of dangerously blind nationalism.
Ah dunk, you're so detached from reality. God bless you lad! Oh shit, I just told every single other human being in the world to go fuck themselves didn't I? Shit, that logic just can't be denied, it's flawless!
So no, fanch did not sum it up and that's not all that has to be said on it.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
They can also symbolize diversity, unity, progressive ideals, and everything great that country has done. And while Americans might view the flag more reverently or display it more prominently than they do in the UK, it's nowhere near the level it was used by the Nazis and their ilk. Furthermore, while some people in your neighborhood might be offended if you burned a flag, you would not be arrested or lynched for it.
america blesses itself..
you blessed me..
2 different things. 1st one is self-congratulatory and the other is a blessing to another human.
Uh, not really. America does not bless "itself." It's a country, an abstract idea of borders. I can't bless anything. Individual people bless America. How is it that when someone does that, it clearly means they're telling the rest of the world to fuck off, but if they bless YOU, it's just akin to wishing you well?
and another
http://www.mountainx.com/news/2007/flag ... buse_by_bu
so you like reading headlines but not the stories huh dunk?
"The three are being charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, breach of peace, criminal mischief in the third-degree, arson in the second-degree, conspiracy for arson, conspiracy for breach of peace, conspiracy for mischief and conspiracy for reckless endangerment. They were not charged with flag burning."
typical dumb scottsman...
so why bless an abstract idea of borders... seems pretty futile... so why bother.
surely if blessing is the act of bestowing or wishing hope to someone, something or some abstract idea of borders and surely if America is the self appointed "greatest country in the world™" then wouldnt it be more charitable/christian/whatever to wish for hope for mankind, the world... why, if its the greatest country in the world™, does it needs it citizens to bless it...
trust me... if they had burned some bras they wouldnt have even got a caution.
scotsman has one 't' amigo
That first story I agree with. They went onto someone's property and set fire to their property. I don't care what you're burning, that's arson, period. They deserved to be arrested. The only reason you posted it was out of desperation to find relevant stories, and if they'd set fire to anything else you'd call it a crime, but for your purposes here... well, common sense can be bent right?
The second story is appalling, but it's also a year and a half old. I'm willing to bet money those charges were all tossed out.
Trust me, if they'd gone onto their property in the dead of night, into their house, rifled through the underwear drawer to find her bras, and then burned them... they'd have been arrested.
I thought you were big on bragging about your common sense? Those kids could have caught the whole house on fire... they burned a flag hanging on a porch. You don't see the problem with that?
if they had set fire to a sheet hanging from a washing line they wouldnt have... they might have got a knuckle rapping... but thats it... they never entered the property, rifled through the guys cupboards to find a flag, and then spent a few minutes hoisting it on the pole/wire on the porch... so it was quite different to your bra search scenario.
still 30seconds of searching and a 1 out of 2 hit rate wasnt too bad... i'm quite sure more people will have been arrested for flag burning.. i'm sure some people have been assualted for desecrating the flag...
trust me... if they had burned some bras they wouldnt have even got a caution.
scotsman has one 't' amigo
i'm an american. i will spell it anyway i damn well please.
if they had set fire to a sheet hanging from a washing line they wouldnt have... they might have got a knuckle rapping... but thats it... they never entered the property, rifled through the guys cupboards to find a flag, and then spent a few minutes hoisting it on the pole/wire on the porch... so it was quite different to your bra search scenario....[/quote]
dude. they went onto this person's property and lit a flag, that was hanging on their porch, on fire. the house would have burned to the ground and people cold have died if it wasn't caught in time. that is arson. you're smarter than this...i think.