Too funny about the car alarm. As much as I think you are nuts I can totally understand your passion....just dont know how you go for sooo long. Awesome effort - that is brilliant stuff. Congrats!!!
40kg cleans
24 inch box jumps
Knees to elbows
250 row (under 1 min)
5 sets of 21,18,15,12,9
Took me ages today I even turned the clock off much to my partners disgust. I suck dogs ball today.
My grip felt weak and for some reason I kept getting psyched out on the box jumps. Whilst it is very high, Ive used this height for 2 year. Dont know what it was today. Lack of confidence
where'd you get your box. i was gonna build one. think it's easier to just purchase one?
I use the ones at the gym so they are pretty sturdy. Other than that you could get em from a gym/fitness supplier. I personally wouldnt trust building my own 24" coz if you catch yourself you are gonna get an arse kicking
10 reverse chins
10 x 60kg front squats
10 burpees
5 sets 26mins
Ive got bruises on my shoulders from the friggin bar
Got all chins and burpees out. The squats I was basically doing 5, breaking for 20 secs then doing the other 5
bike to the gym... 5 miles round trip
run 2 miles in 14.5 minutes
leg press
calf extension
quad extension
hamstring crunch or whatever
side crunches with a 25lb weight 25 times each side
sit ups on a slanted bench with a 10lb weight 2x 25
i've *just* started as of monday, riding my bike for about a half hour each morning before work on my back porch with the use of a resistance trainer. might seem counter-intuitive to 'ride' my hybrid bike stationary, especially in good weather, haha. for me tho, it just makes it so easy. i can roll out of bed, throw on some clothes, head out on the porch, ride, do intervals, and then right back in the kitchen to grab my cereal. i LIKE being outdoors to do so, far more enjoyable....and hope to do so year round, even in the cold! we have a treadmill in our basement, and i really, really tried to use it....but firstly, i find jogging/running not really my thing, secondly, very boring doing so on a treadmill and thirdly, our unfinished basement filled with crap is simply a very depressing atmosphere. thus why i am liking my back porch/bike idea. am hoping it keeps me motivated.
also, each workday i walk about 45 minutes in total, to/from work.....brisk walk, nice amount of stairs, dodging people while i've not seen it actually affect my waistline, i do think it must at least do my heart some good. hoping the biking and healthy eating will work on the waistline.
Not sure why I avoided this thread earlier but I guess time to start contributing. I don't want to post my setlist for tonight until I actually do the work but it will be on here after I get home
Pec flys 60 lbs dumbells, two sets 10 reps each
Prisoner squats, 2 sets 30 reps each
Inverted Leg Presses 270 lbs 2 sets 10 reps each
Standard pushups 2 sets 25 reps each
Compound seated rows 140 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Lat Pulldowns 170 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Rotary calf raises 300 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Seated iso bi-cep curls 45 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Tricep dips on captain's chair 2 sets 25 reps each
I know a couple of co-workers who have tried it and have said it's great, especially for those who work a lot of hours and can only spend so much time working out.
Ive been looking into it and it sounds pretty outstanding.
Looks interesting. Ive never heard of it.
World Record Today. I did "Fran" today in 4min 20secs and got straight thru it. I got all my thrusters out and the second set of chins I stupidly let go of the bar on 9.......goose!!!
Theres a catch though (embarrassed to say). I did my thrusters with 30kg instead of 40kg hahaha. Last time I used 40kg it took me about 9mins. Oh well. Sometimes cheating makes you fell good.
10 x 80kg deadlifts
10 dips
10 pushups.
3 sets
Next "Fran" will be in another 6 months. Fuck its tough. One of my mates did it in 3.55 with correct weight. FREAK!
Pec flys 60 lbs dumbells, two sets 10 reps each
Prisoner squats, 2 sets 30 reps each
Inverted Leg Presses 270 lbs 2 sets 10 reps each
Standard pushups 2 sets 25 reps each
Compound seated rows 140 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Lat Pulldowns 170 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Rotary calf raises 300 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Seated iso bi-cep curls 45 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Tricep dips on captain's chair 2 sets 25 reps each
Start Position
1. Stand with feet straight and shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands behind ears.
1. Squat, bending knees and keeping feet straight.
2. Keep chest up; squeeze butt muscles and press through heels to return to start, fully extend legs.
Get out of bed around 11 - 11:30am
Watch "Dog Whisperer" at 1pm CST... God I love that show.
Remain on the couch, possibly drift off into a nap
Laugh hysterically because other people are actually working
Cry because I know I'll have to go back to work eventually
Check out the Internet
Go to bed around 2am
Get out of bed around 11 - 11:30am
Watch "Dog Whisperer" at 1pm CST... God I love that show.
Remain on the couch, possibly drift off into a nap
Laugh hysterically because other people are actually working
Cry because I know I'll have to go back to work eventually
Check out the Internet
Go to bed around 2am
do you have a dvd of your workout so i can follow this routine?
im up for the challenge
run a mile ..hard as possible(mix in sprints)
3 sets 12 choppin wood
3 sets 10-12 incline alternating dumbbell press superset with reverse pushups..(just hangin under squat bar and pullup)
3 sets 14(7 each leg) weighted walking lunges superset with pushups on dumbbells
30 hanging reverse situps
7 sets 10 single leg sitting calf raises(try for 10 sets w/ 10 secs rest)
2 sets 10 each curl, reverse curl, bar upright row
2 sets 10 each dumbbell lateral raise, front raise, alternating military
2 sets 5 each pilate between legs reverse situp into left twist back to right, alternating
throw medicine ball into air until dead(kinda like granny toss just straight up)
try and run a mile
basically same routine everyday just switching angles and style i hit groups
1. morning - Stretch my body after waking up
2. afternoon - Some wrestlig with my patiets
3. evening - Thinking about stomach gym (I read that thinking of gym makes 30% of doing the gym).
Not 10c member? Have sth to say? write to me - I'll put it on the forum
I'm still around - still swimming and cycling. I've had to take time off from running for shin splints. I am starting to stress as it has been about 3 weeks - the half IronMan is in September. I've got to get on the ball.
The pool at our gym is still closed and the lake I have been swimming in is now covered in scum and algea. So I have to find another pond/lake. I swam at the Memphis YMCA when we were there over the weekend for Ed's solo show (awesome show by the way).
It has been up to 97 degrees this past weekend, this week (with very high humidity), and looks like it will continue into this coming weekend. We rode only 18 miles last evening. It didn't feel bad actually. We were supposed to do 20 but we got back to town and I didn't feel like circling around town for 2 miles so called it quits.
I even did a little strenghthening yesterday morning!!!
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Swam 2500 yards this morning. Having a hard time finding a pond or lake without scum. I guess the 95+ degree weather everyday this past week encourages scum. Finally drove 10 miles out into the country to our friends' pond (big deep pond) and no scum. It was muddy as heck though.
Tonight I have to ride (bike) 25 miles and do 8 x 2 min. hill repeats at some point in that 25 miles. It will be hot out on that pavement!
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Hoping to get a Central Park run in tonight, 3 laps around the trail below the reservoir, good for slightly under 5 miles to prepare for the 5 mile run in the Park this coming Sunday.
Hoping to get a Central Park run in tonight, 3 laps around the trail below the reservoir, good for slightly under 5 miles to prepare for the 5 mile run in the Park this coming Sunday.
We had tickets to the MSG concerts last year and were looking forward to running in Central Park. Neither my husband nor I had ever done that. Unfortunately we had to cancel the trip.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
This may sound dumb, but what's the "world trail?" Just guessing I would say it is one of those courses with exercise stations located on the course, but it doesn't seem like it would be 10 miles long, and mostly I thought they were situated on running/walking paths.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
where'd you get your box. i was gonna build one. think it's easier to just purchase one?
10 reverse chins
10 x 60kg front squats
10 burpees
5 sets 26mins
Ive got bruises on my shoulders from the friggin bar
Got all chins and burpees out. The squats I was basically doing 5, breaking for 20 secs then doing the other 5
there is no simulating game speed!
run 2 miles in 14.5 minutes
leg press
calf extension
quad extension
hamstring crunch or whatever
side crunches with a 25lb weight 25 times each side
sit ups on a slanted bench with a 10lb weight 2x 25
that was yesterday
today will be arms but its rainy so no biking=\
still going hard at the gym..
i have guns
80kg deadlifts
70kg bench press
20 kg dumbell cleans (both arms)
Sets 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,
55 V sit ups (gotta keep reps similar:D)...and believe it or not I gottem all out in one go
Toughy today
also, each workday i walk about 45 minutes in total, to/from work.....brisk walk, nice amount of stairs, dodging people
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Pec flys 60 lbs dumbells, two sets 10 reps each
Prisoner squats, 2 sets 30 reps each
Inverted Leg Presses 270 lbs 2 sets 10 reps each
Standard pushups 2 sets 25 reps each
Compound seated rows 140 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Lat Pulldowns 170 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Rotary calf raises 300 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Seated iso bi-cep curls 45 lbs 2 sets 10 reps
Tricep dips on captain's chair 2 sets 25 reps each
Got all that in in a half hour.
Ive been looking into it and it sounds pretty outstanding.
Looks interesting. Ive never heard of it.
World Record Today. I did "Fran" today in 4min 20secs and got straight thru it. I got all my thrusters out and the second set of chins I stupidly let go of the bar on 9.......goose!!!
Theres a catch though (embarrassed to say). I did my thrusters with 30kg instead of 40kg hahaha. Last time I used 40kg it took me about 9mins. Oh well. Sometimes cheating makes you fell good.
10 x 80kg deadlifts
10 dips
10 pushups.
3 sets
Next "Fran" will be in another 6 months. Fuck its tough. One of my mates did it in 3.55 with correct weight. FREAK!
i love launching a medicine ball into the sky
gonna dunk on everyone
what are prinsoner squats?
Start Position
1. Stand with feet straight and shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands behind ears.
1. Squat, bending knees and keeping feet straight.
2. Keep chest up; squeeze butt muscles and press through heels to return to start, fully extend legs.
Everyday I do 100 Russian twist, 20 elevated push ups, 40 dips
As far as running goes I run about 4 times a week. I run my local park (which is 3.3 miles and hilly) in 23 mins.
Hello Pants
30 box jumps 24"
20 reverse chins
10 clean & press 45kg
5 burpees
400m run
3 sets.
Nice and cruisy
Get out of bed around 11 - 11:30am
Watch "Dog Whisperer" at 1pm CST... God I love that show.
Remain on the couch, possibly drift off into a nap
Laugh hysterically because other people are actually working
Cry because I know I'll have to go back to work eventually
Check out the Internet
Go to bed around 2am
2000: 8/15, 8/18, 10/9, 10/11, 10/12
2003: 6/18, 6/21, 6/22
2005: 9/9, 9/28
2006: 5/16, 5/17, 6/26, 6/27
2007: 8/5
2009: 8/23, 8/24
2010: 5/3, 5/4, 5/21
2011: 9/3, 9/4, 9/11, 9/12
2013: 7/19, 11/16
2014: 10/3, 10/9, 10/12, 10/17
2016: 4/16, 8/20, 8/22
2018: 8/18, 8/20, 9/2
2022: 9/18
2023: 8/31, 9/2, 9/5
2024: 5/18, 6/29
do you have a dvd of your workout so i can follow this routine?
im up for the challenge
10 Deadlifts 80kg
10 box jumps
12 reverse chins
20 V Sit Ups
10 burpees
400m run
3 sets.No clock. Easy Friday
BEER TIME!!!!!!!
3 sets 12 choppin wood
3 sets 10-12 incline alternating dumbbell press superset with reverse pushups..(just hangin under squat bar and pullup)
3 sets 14(7 each leg) weighted walking lunges superset with pushups on dumbbells
30 hanging reverse situps
7 sets 10 single leg sitting calf raises(try for 10 sets w/ 10 secs rest)
2 sets 10 each curl, reverse curl, bar upright row
2 sets 10 each dumbbell lateral raise, front raise, alternating military
2 sets 5 each pilate between legs reverse situp into left twist back to right, alternating
throw medicine ball into air until dead(kinda like granny toss just straight up)
try and run a mile
basically same routine everyday just switching angles and style i hit groups
2. afternoon - Some wrestlig with my patiets
3. evening - Thinking about stomach gym (I read that thinking of gym makes 30% of doing the gym).
50 x 30kg thrusters
30 reverse chins
1km treadmill
Weird workout this one. Not sure why we did it
The pool at our gym is still closed and the lake I have been swimming in is now covered in scum and algea. So I have to find another pond/lake. I swam at the Memphis YMCA when we were there over the weekend for Ed's solo show (awesome show by the way).
It has been up to 97 degrees this past weekend, this week (with very high humidity), and looks like it will continue into this coming weekend. We rode only 18 miles last evening. It didn't feel bad actually. We were supposed to do 20 but we got back to town and I didn't feel like circling around town for 2 miles so called it quits.
I even did a little strenghthening yesterday morning!!!
5 pushups
5 kettle bell swings 26kg
5 ball slams
5 Squat/press with ball
500 row
5 Sets
Reps 5,10,15,20,25
Rows 500, 700, 900, 1100,1300
Took around 45-50min. No clock
It was all fine except for the rowing. Man that shit sucks
Tonight I have to ride (bike) 25 miles and do 8 x 2 min. hill repeats at some point in that 25 miles. It will be hot out on that pavement!
We had tickets to the MSG concerts last year and were looking forward to running in Central Park. Neither my husband nor I had ever done that. Unfortunately we had to cancel the trip.
world trail x2
This may sound dumb, but what's the "world trail?" Just guessing I would say it is one of those courses with exercise stations located on the course, but it doesn't seem like it would be 10 miles long, and mostly I thought they were situated on running/walking paths.