wow, Yoke! 30 lbs in 2 1/2 months?? that's impressive! good job!
thanks, still working on getting lower. I was never heavy but I just lost control in the last year or so. Time to get in control again.
Yeah it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be(it is hard but worth it). I tell you the big thing was Soda and all. I think that alone I lost 10 pounds.
wow, Yoke! 30 lbs in 2 1/2 months?? that's impressive! good job!
thanks, still working on getting lower. I was never heavy but I just lost control in the last year or so. Time to get in control again.
Yeah it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be(it is hard but worth it). I tell you the big thing was Soda and all. I think that alone I lost 10 pounds.
i agree. i used to be a big fan of diet coke for some reason. i still have one every once in awhile, but mainly stick with water. that & not eating out as much combined with running had the same effect. as soon as i cut the crap out of my diet, it came right off.
Yoke you deserve a massive congratulations!!! I love hearing stories like that and you should be fuckin proud of yourself. Sounds like you treat your body how its meant to be treated. Keep up the good work.
Fran....because its friday
21 thrusters
21 chins
15 thrusters
15 chins
9 thrusters
9 chins.
Didnt use the clock and did 30kg on the thrusters. Reckon it was around the 4 min mark
800m treadmill and a few plank holds
Was meant to be may day off but I snuck out of the office for 30mins
Oh, but I LOVE food, beer and wine! And let me tell you, the middle age female metabolism really, really sucks! Unless there is a famine, of course! Then I'd die last.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
5 weeks into gym! gained 300g and effin proud haha! increased muscle mass fo sho clothes are looser and my heart rate has improved.. feeling so much better
I've signed up for the Run for the Cure at the beginning of June as my incentive to keep up with the training!
Congrats on starting a training plan and registering for a race. It is addicting and so much fun.
Thanks. I'm pretty excited about it. The brisk walk tonight had to be canceled though due to the friggin' snow storm we're experiencing. Looks like my program will have to start tomorrow! :(
ok - so this thread used to be huge on the old pit ... and is on the alt pit too :?
ok, last month started getting right back into daily workouts - no more lazy arse, its too dark/cold/late/early/what the fuck .. :roll:
so this morn, same - 20mins weights, then 40 mins on the cross trainer. wendsday nite ill box for 1/2 hour then 1/2 hour circuit
now - donjon ... your the regular on here - ??? for you - i got this xtrainer last month - my core strength is not too bad, and i didnt think my cardio was either. (i can do that boxing/circuit hour without any trouble.) but this xtrainer has me sweating like ive never seen - like puddles of sweat. ive been doing swaps of 15 up to 23 mph (i think its in miles ... perhaps its kms??) over a song (average about 4 minutes) so i get a slow/fast heartrate ... and im ok with it all - but sweat!!! ive not done a lot of work on one of these before - is this normal???
Good to hear you are committing big time. Does the cross trainer have arm movement? All I can offer is that its more 'entire' body than just running?!?!? And when boxing your downstairs was not moving as much as it now is on the trainer.!?!?!
All I can think is you are moving 'more' body parts than previously. Either that or you've started drinking the same amount of beer I do. I row 1km to warm up and my face is lathered!
5 burpees
10 reverse chins
10 dips
400m row
5 sets. Easy peasy Japanesy.
Doing a beep test today about 8 of us so this morning was just a warm up. A little nervous about the beep test coz I FUCKIN HATE RUNNING!
Good to hear you are committing big time. Does the cross trainer have arm movement? All I can offer is that its more 'entire' body than just running?!?!? And when boxing your downstairs was not moving as much as it now is on the trainer.!?!?!
All I can think is you are moving 'more' body parts than previously. Either that or you've started drinking the same amount of beer I do. I row 1km to warm up and my face is lathered!
5 burpees
10 reverse chins
10 dips
400m row
5 sets. Easy peasy Japanesy.
Doing a beep test today about 8 of us so this morning was just a warm up. A little nervous about the beep test coz I FUCKIN HATE RUNNING!
yea its the full body movement
but, boxing is kick - (so legs too)
ah well - its doing something i guess
so - today, hour long walk already & box/circuit tonight
Not too sure about the time but Ive been told the result is pretty high. Up to about 10 was just like a slow jog. The 11s and 12s were a fast jog and once I hit 13.4 (or there abouts) I remember thinking "fuck Id better concentrate here" and from that point it was pretty much head down and sprint.
can tell ya now last time i did the test (yr 10 PE?) i didn't get 10 haha! you did damn good!
did you do it alone or with others? i read somewhere with others you're likely to go further.. interesting
gym-ing it 3-4 times a week, choosing stairs instead of lifts, knocking down those bloody slow-walkers in my 15min power walk from the train station to work.. all good!! apparently my ass looks good too hahahahaa
can tell ya now last time i did the test (yr 10 PE?) i didn't get 10 haha! you did damn good!
did you do it alone or with others? i read somewhere with others you're likely to go further.. interesting
gym-ing it 3-4 times a week, choosing stairs instead of lifts, knocking down those bloody slow-walkers in my 15min power walk from the train station to work.. all good!! apparently my ass looks good too hahahahaa
I did it with others (trainers) who got a 15.8 and the other gent (a commando so he had no excuse) got mid 16s. Yeah a group Id agree would help. What would help even more (and you can definity get ready for these things) is when you get to each end, turn and crouch in the sprint position. I just sorta stood sideways then turned and ran on the buzzer. That split second became crucial during the last part where I just couldnt find the 'pace'....mind you I was hurting heavily in the breathing by then. Def could have doen a few more points if I was prepared but Ill leave that till whenever I decide to try again....probably in 5 years.
"stairs not lifts" Love it!!!3-4 is great Im so stoked about what you are doing.
As for your arse, well (and this is coming from the king of arses!) what a wonderful little added bonus but Id have to judge that to confirm your friends estimations . I doubt you not tho.
I went for a paddle this morning then walked to work on this fine morning. Left the study books at home - day off. Gonna go and for dinner tonight and completely forget about study for a day after my 25 hours on the weekend.
Double thumbs up on the walkers....may have to recruit you to come help me in Chinatown one day
thanks, still working on getting lower. I was never heavy but I just lost control in the last year or so. Time to get in control again.
Yeah it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be(it is hard but worth it). I tell you the big thing was Soda and all. I think that alone I lost 10 pounds.
i agree. i used to be a big fan of diet coke for some reason. i still have one every once in awhile, but mainly stick with water. that & not eating out as much combined with running had the same effect. as soon as i cut the crap out of my diet, it came right off.
Fran....because its friday
21 thrusters
21 chins
15 thrusters
15 chins
9 thrusters
9 chins.
Didnt use the clock and did 30kg on the thrusters. Reckon it was around the 4 min mark
800m treadmill and a few plank holds
Was meant to be may day off but I snuck out of the office for 30mins
Beginners, I suggest you purchase "Starting Strength" 2nd Edition, Mark Rippetoe
It's basic barbell techniques etc. Learn it, love it.
Also, stop eating like pigs
The Sentence Above Is False
Oh, but I LOVE food, beer and wine! And let me tell you, the middle age female metabolism really, really sucks! Unless there is a famine, of course! Then I'd die last.
400 run
15 reverse chins
15 push ups
10 push press 30kg
15 ball sit ups
4 rounds
Worked my balls off today and had no more than a 20 sec break on about 3 occasions
Best my endurance has been for a while and I finished only 2mins behind my old trainer
20 burpees
20 reverse chins
400m row
5 rounds 32.26mins
First set I did in 4.20. 2nd around high 5's. Set 3 I started my breaks and did 8min. The last two sets were around 7min
how the hell do you do that with a 20 sec breather?
Barbell Bench Press, 175 lbs, 3x10
Dumbbell Lunges, 35 lbs each, 3x10
Pull-ups (using body weight), 3x5
Standing Calf-raises, 200 lbs, 3x10
Military Press Machine, 90 lbs, 3x10
Bent-over Lat Rows, 75 lbs, 3x10
Bicep curl machine, 70 lbs, 3x10
Dips (using body weight), 3x10
Monday evening after work:
30 minute run
75 push-ups (50 before run & 25 after)
Cut & moved storm debris
Ran 10 miles.
Sunday: cut & moved storm debris - too tired to do much else.
Monday: Swam 1,000 yards (pool)
Road Ride - 21 miles w/ lots of headwind.
Tuesday: Ran 3.5 miles including 2 miles speed work.
Plan to go to the gym - we shall see.
12 x 60kg bench press (its been a while)
12 reverse chins
8 sets in 30.20....was meant to be under 30
3 x 20 sits up with 10kg medicine ball...30sec break in between
Shoulders are rooted
15 push-ups, 3 sets
20 squats, 3 sets
25 sit-ups, 3 sets
30 jumping jacks, 3 sets
15 minute run
4 times a week.
I like to keep it simple. Keep the body moving without over doing it. I'm not trying to loose weight or anything.
Went to watch the Aussie Crossfit games on the weekend. 3 mates were in it. Some absolute freaks in there Ill tell you
The first heat was
10Clean & Press 60kg
15 dips on the gymnastic rings
20 kettle bell swings 24kg
3 sets had to be done in 15mins
The fella that won it (ex SAS although I reckon he's still serving) did his heat in 5.49 minutes. UNBELIEVABLE
Second heat
Pull Ups,
400m Row
He did in 8.06
Compare that to my fat arse!!!! I had close to the best workout Ive ever had.
Sets 21-18-15-12-9 (aka 5 sets)
kettle bell swings
600m run
The first set of burpees (21) I got out in 1min ... ogram.aspx
I've signed up for the Run for the Cure at the beginning of June as my incentive to keep up with the training!
GO ME!!!
Congrats on starting a training plan and registering for a race. It is addicting and so much fun.
Thanks. I'm pretty excited about it. The brisk walk tonight had to be canceled though due to the friggin' snow storm we're experiencing. Looks like my program will have to start tomorrow! :(
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
ok, last month started getting right back into daily workouts - no more lazy arse, its too dark/cold/late/early/what the fuck .. :roll:
so this morn, same - 20mins weights, then 40 mins on the cross trainer. wendsday nite ill box for 1/2 hour then 1/2 hour circuit
now - donjon ... your the regular on here - ??? for you - i got this xtrainer last month - my core strength is not too bad, and i didnt think my cardio was either. (i can do that boxing/circuit hour without any trouble.) but this xtrainer has me sweating like ive never seen - like puddles of sweat. ive been doing swaps of 15 up to 23 mph (i think its in miles ... perhaps its kms??) over a song (average about 4 minutes) so i get a slow/fast heartrate ... and im ok with it all - but sweat!!! ive not done a lot of work on one of these before - is this normal???
Good to hear you are committing big time. Does the cross trainer have arm movement? All I can offer is that its more 'entire' body than just running?!?!? And when boxing your downstairs was not moving as much as it now is on the trainer.!?!?!
All I can think is you are moving 'more' body parts than previously. Either that or you've started drinking the same amount of beer I do. I row 1km to warm up and my face is lathered!
5 burpees
10 reverse chins
10 dips
400m row
5 sets. Easy peasy Japanesy.
Doing a beep test today about 8 of us so this morning was just a warm up. A little nervous about the beep test coz I FUCKIN HATE RUNNING!
yea its the full body movement
but, boxing is kick - (so legs too)
ah well - its doing something i guess
so - today, hour long walk already & box/circuit tonight
Well Dr StellaPants I just did my first beep test to the sound of that monotonous CD and scored a 15.1 which apparentely means Im
64.36 ml/kg/min
Care to explain that one Miss Academia?
They suck and are so boring. My mate did 15.8 and another trainer 16.5
But I am told that 15 is fantazmagorical score. Considering my pissed mate the other week was telling me Id be lucky to do a 10. DICKHEAD
21 chins
21 knees to elbows
6 sets
Felt like shit today. One of my worst ever
the rest - don't ask haha
i've been doing gmy for a good 7 weeks now, gained 3kg and dropped many cm's.. i bloody better not need new clothes
feeling GREAT
Oops yep you are correct
The first 12 mins was a walk in the park and the last 3.5 to 4 mins were so much quicker and intense. It really catches up with you.
Great to hear your efforts and Im so glad you feel better for it. How many times you training a week?
did you do it alone or with others? i read somewhere with others you're likely to go further.. interesting
gym-ing it 3-4 times a week, choosing stairs instead of lifts, knocking down those bloody slow-walkers in my 15min power walk from the train station to work.. all good!! apparently my ass looks good too
I did it with others (trainers) who got a 15.8 and the other gent (a commando so he had no excuse) got mid 16s. Yeah a group Id agree would help. What would help even more (and you can definity get ready for these things) is when you get to each end, turn and crouch in the sprint position. I just sorta stood sideways then turned and ran on the buzzer. That split second became crucial during the last part where I just couldnt find the 'pace'....mind you I was hurting heavily in the breathing by then. Def could have doen a few more points if I was prepared but Ill leave that till whenever I decide to try again....probably in 5 years.
"stairs not lifts" Love it!!!3-4 is great Im so stoked about what you are doing.
As for your arse, well (and this is coming from the king of arses!) what a wonderful little added bonus but Id have to judge that to confirm your friends estimations
I went for a paddle this morning then walked to work on this fine morning. Left the study books at home - day off. Gonna go and for dinner tonight and completely forget about study for a day after my 25 hours on the weekend.
Double thumbs up on the walkers....may have to recruit you to come help me in Chinatown one day