Post your daily workout



  • hey zenthin, sorry to hear about the kneck and the modem thats gotta suck.

    any way today i had session with my pt so it was a case of throwing my arms and legs arround like a crazy person and then for good measure he throw in some lunges and a couple of sprints on the rowing machine
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • JwmccJwmcc Posts: 451
    Been a while since I've posted here as well. My old trainer moved out but I found a replacement who has set me up on a Crossfit regimen.

    So for today:

    Squats into Ball throws with 20 lbs medicine ball, ball must hit the wall 10 feet up to count, 20 reps.
    Jumping Burpees from one end of the gym to the other
    20 situps

    5 rounds for time, finished it in 11:50

    100 alternating single arm swings with 16kg KB
    50 snatches, 25 each arm with same KB for time, finished in about 4:58
  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191
    ditto .... i get a bit sick of typing the same thing
    impatience is a gift ........
  • Posts: 362
    I see a lot of people in the gym writing stuff down after sets. I assume they're making a log of their workout, and I've heard thats good, but I don't feel that I need to do that. I have a mental schedule of what I'm doing.

    I'm in "Phase 1", working my target groups split into "push" days and "pull" days, I usually try to hit the weight at something I can do a max of 8 to 10 times, always go to exhaustion, try to get cardio once or twice a week on hikes.... and I'm seeing the results I expect.

    I'll be ready for Phase 2 in about 3 weeks, a good shock of curcuit training and core exercises with less resistence but many more reps and more cardio.

    That will last about 3 weeks, then I'll really put the weight on in phase 3!

    So looking forward to Saturday's workout which will be a comprehensive day that hits all my target groups, those days feel so good!
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • fallen


  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    I started again today!

    20 minute dog walk/jog (minimal jogging)
    20 minute stretch routine, sit ups, push ups, planks etc

    Will do easy stuff for a few days and then start jumping rope again, jogging etc!

    Wooo hoooo!!! Going to be smoking hot in no time! :clap:
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • I still struggle to finish sets.

    Overhead press
    Chest press
    Preacher curls
    Lat Pull Downs

    4 sets like this:


    Should I do less reps/sets?
    I've only started weights.
    Not lifting super heavy.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    I still struggle to finish sets.

    Overhead press
    Chest press
    Preacher curls
    Lat Pull Downs

    4 sets like this:


    Should I do less reps/sets?
    I've only started weights.
    Not lifting super heavy.

    that's hard to say w/o really knowing you. since you're just starting with weights i'd say just do what's comfortable. it's not a bad thing to have trouble long as you can finish and maintain form. it's all about keeping form so you don't hurt yourself. the weights will get easier over time...all patience my friend.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Jwmcc wrote:
    Been a while since I've posted here as well. My old trainer moved out but I found a replacement who has set me up on a Crossfit regimen.

    So for today:

    Squats into Ball throws with 20 lbs medicine ball, ball must hit the wall 10 feet up to count, 20 reps.
    Jumping Burpees from one end of the gym to the other
    20 situps

    5 rounds for time, finished it in 11:50

    100 alternating single arm swings with 16kg KB
    50 snatches, 25 each arm with same KB for time, finished in about 4:58

    Been training Crossfit style for 3 years. Get into champ its a great way to train and lots of variation
    "Our warm up is your workout"


    10 x 70kg deadlifts
    5 vert pushups
    1min plank hold
    1 km row

    Some gut shit

    3 sets. Easy one monday and didnt push too hard on the rows.

    Gonna ramp it up in about an hour with some heavy lifts - cleans and thrusters
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • today had a pt session but before it started i ran 1.3km on the treadmill in 10 minutes

    for the session

    2 sets of
    55kg chest press * 12
    10kg db's fly's * 12
    push ups (on knees as i suck at theses) * 12

    2 sets of
    lat pull down with wide grip @ 40kg * 12
    triceps @ 20kg * 12
    200m sprint on the rowing machine

    2 sets of
    10 squats with 10kg db's on shoulders
    10 walking lunges holding 10kg db's
    10 squats with 10kg db's on shoulders
    10 walking lunges holding 10kg db's
    1 minute sprint on cross trainer @ level 15

    was a fun work out, looking foward to going for a run tomorrow
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • My PT told me to always do 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 reps to build muscle.
    But reading online muscle building sites it says 4-6 reps and 3-4 sets.
    I am a bit confused here.
    What do you muscle builders on here do.
    I have just started doing weights about 2 weeks ago and have been going every second day to the gym.

    I am doing work on strengthening equipment, no free weights, doing:
    Overhead press (23-30kgs)
    Chest press (30kgs)
    Lat Pull Down (43-50kgs)
    Preacher Curls (23-30kgs)
    Ab Crunch (30-36kgs)
    Leg Press (127kgs)
    Leg Extension (45-50kgs)

    As you can see light weights, shame shame shame.
    I am fine with my legs, just struggling with arms, especially doing the overhead press and preacher curls.
    I get halfway through my sets and my arms tire and I cannot do no more.
    I get frustrated because I cannot finish the sets/reps my PT told me to do.
    With overhead press I get to my 5th rep and my arms just go like jelly and cannot lift no more.
    Also, I go straight to the gym from work so I don't eat anything, I go hungry, have lunch but that is not enough. Surely I need a big carbs boost?
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • Posts: 362
    My PT told me to always do 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 reps to build muscle.
    But reading online muscle building sites it says 4-6 reps and 3-4 sets.
    I am a bit confused here.
    What do you muscle builders on here do.
    I have just started doing weights about 2 weeks ago and have been going every second day to the gym.

    I am doing work on strengthening equipment, no free weights, doing:
    Overhead press (23-30kgs)
    Chest press (30kgs)
    Lat Pull Down (43-50kgs)
    Preacher Curls (23-30kgs)
    Ab Crunch (30-36kgs)
    Leg Press (127kgs)
    Leg Extension (45-50kgs)

    As you can see light weights, shame shame shame.
    I am fine with my legs, just struggling with arms, especially doing the overhead press and preacher curls.
    I get halfway through my sets and my arms tire and I cannot do no more.
    I get frustrated because I cannot finish the sets/reps my PT told me to do.
    With overhead press I get to my 5th rep and my arms just go like jelly and cannot lift no more.
    Also, I go straight to the gym from work so I don't eat anything, I go hungry, have lunch but that is not enough. Surely I need a big carbs boost?

    Everything I've read in the last year has said 8 to 12 reps are the best range for building muscle. You want to target a weight that you will fail at in that range. I used to think that the more weight and fewer reps the better for building muscle, but apparently thats not so. Doing a weight that you can only get 3 to 6 times will do more for increasing strength than size.

    That being said, I think its good to shock yourself sometimes and have a day or a week in which you lift heavier with less reps or lighter with more reps than the 8 to 12 range. Plus, lifting heavier can build the strength you need to lift a heavier weight in the building 8 to 12 range.

    I'm about to do a two or three week shock. I'm a "hardgainer", and the shock is definitely the best thing to break through your typical limits. Remember though: Nutrition is 80% of your goal!
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • Thanks for the tips.
    I want to increase strength and put on some size, doesn't have to be huge huge.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • Posts: 362
    My PT told me to always do 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 reps to build muscle.
    But reading online muscle building sites it says 4-6 reps and 3-4 sets.
    I am a bit confused here.
    What do you muscle builders on here do.
    I have just started doing weights about 2 weeks ago and have been going every second day to the gym.

    I am doing work on strengthening equipment, no free weights, doing:
    Overhead press (23-30kgs)
    Chest press (30kgs)
    Lat Pull Down (43-50kgs)
    Preacher Curls (23-30kgs)
    Ab Crunch (30-36kgs)
    Leg Press (127kgs)
    Leg Extension (45-50kgs)

    As you can see light weights, shame shame shame.
    I am fine with my legs, just struggling with arms, especially doing the overhead press and preacher curls.
    I get halfway through my sets and my arms tire and I cannot do no more.
    I get frustrated because I cannot finish the sets/reps my PT told me to do.
    With overhead press I get to my 5th rep and my arms just go like jelly and cannot lift no more.
    Also, I go straight to the gym from work so I don't eat anything, I go hungry, have lunch but that is not enough. Surely I need a big carbs boost?

    I'd say you definitely need to get more carbs in before your workout. Often, I go straight to the gym after work as well. I take a tubberware of rice and beans with me to work and eat it immediately after work. I also take a protien shake made with orange juice and have that about 20 minutes after the starches. Then I wait about 20,30 minutes before working out. Which works out because the gym is always crazy from 5 to 6 o'clock. I don't know if you can do that or not, I usually find an errand to run or something. I guess you could start eating your starches at work in your last hour depending on what you do for a job... I spend MUCHO time eating :lol: but its what I have to do to acheive my goals. One of the biggest difference makers for me has been dextrose after the workout. I found this great site once about nutrition for building muscle, if I come accross it, I'll post it.
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • Thanks again ;)
    Yeah I need to pig out about 2.30-3 at work, on what?
    Bit of an effort to prepare lunch and pre gym meal each day.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • My PT told me to always do 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 reps to build muscle.
    But reading online muscle building sites it says 4-6 reps and 3-4 sets.
    I am a bit confused here.
    What do you muscle builders on here do.
    I have just started doing weights about 2 weeks ago and have been going every second day to the gym.

    Stick to what your trainer says. Higher reps/lower weight is perfect for you with your experience. Keep increasing the weight that you do every week and maintain the 10-12 reps.

    Once you have been lifting for say... 6-12 months... then if you decide you want to get HUGE you can start taking in 5000 calories per day and doing the 4-6 rep thing with a lot more weight. Otherwise, stick with higher reps and a lower calorie diet to get ripped and fit.

    Personally, I alternate. I will do the GET HUGE thing during the fall/winter and then starting about March 1, I will start to get cut... take out the mass gainer protein shakes and peanut butter before bedtime and eat lean meat and lots of vegetables. I'll also run a few miles every other day.

    Also, take in 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weight. I weight 215 lbs and take in 215 grams of protein (at least) every day regardless of whether I am getting big or getting ripped.

    The guys at the gym tell me I should enter a bodybuilding competition... sorry but it is a little too um... err... weird. I just like to look good at the beach and enjoy being healthy. :mrgreen:
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    here is a fun tool for men.
    just answer these questions about your weight, target weight, height and age and it gives you the calorie totals you want to eat.

    i'm sure it's not an exact science but it seems pretty good to me ... de_men.htm
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    6 x 65kg back squats
    3 sets

    6 x 55kg front squats
    3 sets

    6 x 30kg overhead squats (fuck me!!)
    3 sets

    3 x 10 chin ups on the rings

    1.5km row
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    150 dead-hang clean pull-ups...max set each with 45 second rest in-between (sit-ups during rest)..yes, it took a fucking while....and now I'm piss ass drunk ready for bed ;) ...
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • My PT told me to always do 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8 reps to build muscle.
    But reading online muscle building sites it says 4-6 reps and 3-4 sets.
    I am a bit confused here.
    What do you muscle builders on here do.
    I have just started doing weights about 2 weeks ago and have been going every second day to the gym.

    Stick to what your trainer says. Higher reps/lower weight is perfect for you with your experience. Keep increasing the weight that you do every week and maintain the 10-12 reps.

    Once you have been lifting for say... 6-12 months... then if you decide you want to get HUGE you can start taking in 5000 calories per day and doing the 4-6 rep thing with a lot more weight. Otherwise, stick with higher reps and a lower calorie diet to get ripped and fit.

    Personally, I alternate. I will do the GET HUGE thing during the fall/winter and then starting about March 1, I will start to get cut... take out the mass gainer protein shakes and peanut butter before bedtime and eat lean meat and lots of vegetables. I'll also run a few miles every other day.

    Also, take in 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weight. I weight 215 lbs and take in 215 grams of protein (at least) every day regardless of whether I am getting big or getting ripped.

    The guys at the gym tell me I should enter a bodybuilding competition... sorry but it is a little too um... err... weird. I just like to look good at the beach and enjoy being healthy. :mrgreen:

    I am not taking protein powder at the moment.
    I go gym every second day, today I went higher in weights, did everything okay except the overhead press, I always struggle with that grrrrr.
    I set the weights higher but did less reps, hit about 6-8 reps per set (3 sets).
    Hopefully I pull up sore tomorrow so I know I did something to get muscle growing.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • 2miles
    7% grade
  • Posts: 362
    I am not taking protein powder at the moment.
    I go gym every second day, today I went higher in weights, did everything okay except the overhead press, I always struggle with that grrrrr.
    I set the weights higher but did less reps, hit about 6-8 reps per set (3 sets).
    Hopefully I pull up sore tomorrow so I know I did something to get muscle growing.

    Let me ask you dude, are you the type of guy that gains weight easily? Or are you a skinny guy that has a hard time building mass? Because, I've heard many people testify to using the same types of methods as He Still Stands reported. Friends I've had that competed in "Mr. Dallas" muscle competitions have used the same get big and then "cut into it" method. But those guys are usually not thinner built people. If you're a "hard gainer" it just doesn't work like that. You've got to be consuming those massive calories the whole time because you are building straight into muscle. I've read lots about it and am having and have had success, but damn do I eat A LOT. If I were to just consume this much food without lifting like I do, I'd never ever get fat, just take massive craps. And guys who don't have this body type, usually don't understand how different it is. I'm certainly not complaining though, and no one ever feels sorry for me when I say that I get skinny when I get lazy.

    About the reps, I remember the idea going around in high school that fewer reps added size. I used to think that till I read about it actually being the 8 to 12 range from several sources. Reading this thread caused me to look that up again, and every thing I found still backs up what I said. I read that it was a myth about the fewer sets thing, and that mostly increases strength. Of course, everybody's body does react differently. And I'm a big believer in the "shock". One thing I read the other day came from a body builder that reported doing sets of 12, 8, 6, 6. And sometimes I'll fail before 8 on my last sets too. I think thats the important part - going to failure!
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • wrote:
    I am not taking protein powder at the moment.
    I go gym every second day, today I went higher in weights, did everything okay except the overhead press, I always struggle with that grrrrr.
    I set the weights higher but did less reps, hit about 6-8 reps per set (3 sets).
    Hopefully I pull up sore tomorrow so I know I did something to get muscle growing.

    Let me ask you dude, are you the type of guy that gains weight easily? Or are you a skinny guy that has a hard time building mass? Because, I've heard many people testify to using the same types of methods as He Still Stands reported. Friends I've had that competed in "Mr. Dallas" muscle competitions have used the same get big and then "cut into it" method. But those guys are usually not thinner built people. If you're a "hard gainer" it just doesn't work like that. You've got to be consuming those massive calories the whole time because you are building straight into muscle. I've read lots about it and am having and have had success, but damn do I eat A LOT. If I were to just consume this much food without lifting like I do, I'd never ever get fat, just take massive craps. And guys who don't have this body type, usually don't understand how different it is. I'm certainly not complaining though, and no one ever feels sorry for me when I say that I get skinny when I get lazy.

    About the reps, I remember the idea going around in high school that fewer reps added size. I used to think that till I read about it actually being the 8 to 12 range from several sources. Reading this thread caused me to look that up again, and every thing I found still backs up what I said. I read that it was a myth about the fewer sets thing, and that mostly increases strength. Of course, everybody's body does react differently. And I'm a big believer in the "shock". One thing I read the other day came from a body builder that reported doing sets of 12, 8, 6, 6. And sometimes I'll fail before 8 on my last sets too. I think thats the important part - going to failure!

    I don't gain weight easily, I am a skinny dude finding it hard to add mass.
    I am sore from gym but it doesn't turn to mass, just stays the same.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • Posts: 362 wrote:
    I am not taking protein powder at the moment.
    I go gym every second day, today I went higher in weights, did everything okay except the overhead press, I always struggle with that grrrrr.
    I set the weights higher but did less reps, hit about 6-8 reps per set (3 sets).
    Hopefully I pull up sore tomorrow so I know I did something to get muscle growing.

    Let me ask you dude, are you the type of guy that gains weight easily? Or are you a skinny guy that has a hard time building mass? Because, I've heard many people testify to using the same types of methods as He Still Stands reported. Friends I've had that competed in "Mr. Dallas" muscle competitions have used the same get big and then "cut into it" method. But those guys are usually not thinner built people. If you're a "hard gainer" it just doesn't work like that. You've got to be consuming those massive calories the whole time because you are building straight into muscle. I've read lots about it and am having and have had success, but damn do I eat A LOT. If I were to just consume this much food without lifting like I do, I'd never ever get fat, just take massive craps. And guys who don't have this body type, usually don't understand how different it is. I'm certainly not complaining though, and no one ever feels sorry for me when I say that I get skinny when I get lazy.

    About the reps, I remember the idea going around in high school that fewer reps added size. I used to think that till I read about it actually being the 8 to 12 range from several sources. Reading this thread caused me to look that up again, and every thing I found still backs up what I said. I read that it was a myth about the fewer sets thing, and that mostly increases strength. Of course, everybody's body does react differently. And I'm a big believer in the "shock". One thing I read the other day came from a body builder that reported doing sets of 12, 8, 6, 6. And sometimes I'll fail before 8 on my last sets too. I think thats the important part - going to failure!

    I don't gain weight easily, I am a skinny dude finding it hard to add mass.
    I am sore from gym but it doesn't turn to mass, just stays the same.
    check you PMs!
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • Legend! ;)
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Good work on all the info being handed out in this thread. Its finally come to life and Ive been in here the least over the past few weeks.


    Filthy Fifties - no clock just moved thru at a reasonable pace....probably took about 40mins. Aiming for under 30 in a week or two

    50 Box jump, 24 inch box
    50 Jumping pull-ups
    50 Kettlebell swings, 18kg
    Walking Lunge, 50 steps
    50 Knees to elbows
    50 Push press, 30kg
    50 Back extensions
    50 Wall ball shots, 10 kg ball
    50 Burpees
    50 Double unders


    10 x 30kg shoulder press (strict)
    30 squats
    5 sets

    10 x pushups (with 10kg ball on back)
    30 walking lunges (with 18kg kettlebell)
    4 sets 15mins exact

    50 V sit ups straight into 90sec plank hold (just made it!!)
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • Posts: 362
    I really don't feel my lats at all when I do rows. I know its a pretty standard exercise for lats but I just don't feel it there. So I've stuck to pull-ups (wide grip), lat-cable pull downs behind my back, and a free motion machine that has the hands start out wide and the elbows pull down directly to the lats. And instead of rows I've been throwing in more pull-ups with hands close and palms inside. This time, I'm happier with my lats than I've been since high school. I talked to a trainer about the rows, and he showed me the best form for doing them and where to focus, but I still don't feel as though I'm getting as the pump I'm getting from the other moves.

    Anyone here really believe in Rows? or what are you doing for your lats?
    Twenty-ten watch it go to fire!!!
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    I've just added water excersice (3) times per week !!! :D
    ********************************************************************************************* image
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089 wrote:
    I really don't feel my lats at all when I do rows. I know its a pretty standard exercise for lats but I just don't feel it there. So I've stuck to pull-ups (wide grip), lat-cable pull downs behind my back, and a free motion machine that has the hands start out wide and the elbows pull down directly to the lats. And instead of rows I've been throwing in more pull-ups with hands close and palms inside. This time, I'm happier with my lats than I've been since high school. I talked to a trainer about the rows, and he showed me the best form for doing them and where to focus, but I still don't feel as though I'm getting as the pump I'm getting from the other moves.

    Anyone here really believe in Rows? or what are you doing for your lats?

    Agree 100% mate. Ive only ever rowed as a form of cardio....i reckon it does stuff all compared to the exercises you mention.

    I do wide reverse grip chin ups or wide lat pulldowns
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Posts: 7,258
    I'm transferring my running number for the Cherry Blossom run to a co-worker as I have not trained as consistently as I would like to have a good 10 mile race by April 11th. I have to say I wasn't looking forward to walking to the DC metro at 5am, and run a 10-mile race with no family to cheer me on.

    I do this every time! This is like the 4th or 5th time, and I don't do it for the same reason. Oh well, one day i will run it.

    However, this is still my running year. I'm looking forward to running on the treadmill 5k or 10k consistently for the rest of the year. :)
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
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