Yeah Ive done it about 10 times. I do
* 25 chin ups
* 50 deadlifts 60kg (I think from memory)
* 50 push-ups
* 50 box jumps- 24-inch box
* 50 floor wipes (the easiest bit)
* 50 clean & press 30kg (meant to be 40 but too hard
* 25 more chin ups
I remember the first time I did it about 3 years ago it took around 50mins. Pretty sure the last time I did it was around 28mins but I could be mixing that up with 'Filthy Fifties". Ill check when next at the gym
Can you tell me what a "floor wipe" is?
How much rest do you take in between each exercize?
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
3 sets of
- sumo deadlifts with 35kg
- 3 stair runs
3 sets of
- static lunges 10 each leg with 10kg dumb bells
- 250 meters on the rowing machine (was meant to be 500m, but i was only doing 250 in 54 seconds)
4 prone holds on a swiss ball for 30 seconds (3 reps of this on single leg for 15 seconds each)
last weights workout for the year :( , will try and do some cardio over the next two weeks. But there will be booze
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
same, same .... getting a bit easy cept for the overhead / extensions .... will have to add a set next week
cept i turned the tension up by 2 on the elliptical ... only 5kms in 21mins .... and it hurt:( .... whos idea was it to do that???!!!!
Haha thats a little slower
Good to hear you are improving. Im still feeling very average and for the first time in years Ive been getting a little sore in the muscles the day after. Its as if Ive just started training for the first time in my life.
Yeah Ive done it about 10 times. I do
* 25 chin ups
* 50 deadlifts 60kg (I think from memory)
* 50 push-ups
* 50 box jumps- 24-inch box
* 50 floor wipes (the easiest bit)
* 50 clean & press 30kg (meant to be 40 but too hard
* 25 more chin ups
I remember the first time I did it about 3 years ago it took around 50mins. Pretty sure the last time I did it was around 28mins but I could be mixing that up with 'Filthy Fifties". Ill check when next at the gym
Can you tell me what a "floor wipe" is?
How much rest do you take in between each exercize?
Breaks? :? The whole idea of exercises like this is to do them for time and better yourself over the years. I must admit though that I do sorta plan each exercise aka......its impossible to do 50 pushups straight (well maybe Ziggy can ) and although I may be able to do 25 in one go, in order to no smash myself Ill do say 15, rest for 2-3 secs and then pop out another 10. Its just so that your time under tension is reduced. Same with the deadlifts and your grip!!!
Im still feeling very average and for the first time in years Ive been getting a little sore in the muscles the day after. Its as if Ive just started training for the first time in my life.
your human .....
same ... same ..... im sounding boring i know, but, oh well. added a set today just to be a pain .... & elliptical still hurts untill 10 mins in & then i zone out a bit. conflict does wonders for your motivation :roll:
Good work on the one legged prone holds Wookie. After my sesh today I remembered how hard some of that ball/oneleg/ring shit really is. But its damn fun
About a year back I went thru a stage of doing one leg deadlifts . About 40kg from memory and fark you had to concentrate
I was one of the thousands of runners who are randomly selected to run the 2010 10-mile Cherry Blossom Run on April 11th. I've signed up for it 3 times before, and never hit the starting line. However, I'm determined this time! This is the first year of the lottery, so I feel extra special.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I was one of the thousands of runners who are randomly selected to run the 2010 10-mile Cherry Blossom Run on April 11th. I've signed up for it 3 times before, and never hit the starting line. However, I'm determined this time! This is the first year of the lottery, so I feel extra special.
i drove to canberra, battled christmas shopping filled malls, spent money, loaded groceries in a car in 40plus hot wind, dragged 2 teenage boys around who thought it was unfair that i wouldnt buy them a new xbox controller on top of all the pressies i just bought, and dodged random speed checks and cops the whole way home ..... thats enough isnt it ...
i was good and only ate sushi for lunch tho :roll:
squat plus lunge x 4 sets
overhead plus extension x 3 sets because i hate hate hate hate hate them
crunchs plus obliques x 4 sets
and i took off 1 minute :roll: to get back down to 20 mins for 5kms on the elliptical still at the higher resistance .... dont think ill ever get back to that 6km mark at this setting tho :?
ok, im really starting to wonder if im the only one thats going to post in here?? :? either that or ive had a very boring week .... back to work tomorrow, so that will all change (& yea, what a great week to go back :roll: )
so i really had to hold a knife to my throat and force myself y/day & today. im obviously starting to hit a bit of a hump motivation wise. tomorrow im planning on getting up an hour earlier and do this all then, before work. it remains to be seen if this does happen tho ..... perhaps im going to have to start bribing people to txt taunt me into doing it??
same same, except swapped bent over rows & overheads for the o/heads etc.
plus i kept my time down to 20mins still, so today i decided to go an extra 1/2 km because i liked the song that was playing & wanted to finish it .....
Yeah I hear ya. Ive been struggling too and Im so outta form that Ive lost about 90% of any confidence I had. Maybe you need to vary your routines significantly??
I HATE the fact of knowing how much Ive got to do to get anywhere near back to where I was.
good thing - got up this morning am as planned & did all before work
bad thing - ate chocolates bought for the office when i got there
yea, i need to vary things - the elliptical gives me a cardio workout, but i need to get some other circuits going ... see, this is where i fall down - i need someone to stand there and 'do this, do that'
might put the mits on and give jay a flogging tommorrow after work
Went for a brief session today. Just did some treadmill crap and a few sets of pushups. Stretced the old back for a while.
Having first beer tonight for two weeks and now wish Christmas would just hurry the fark up and finish....determined to hit the ground running in the new year.
Last few weeks Ive felt the worst I ever have and been in a shitty mood......all due to lack of fitness/training :evil:
eeerrrrg ... so, for all here that dont know - i woke up at 1am on xmas night with prob the worse bout of gastro ive ever had in my life .... it lasted 5 days, i had cramps that i honestly rate right up there with labour pains .... and i ate nothing, drank water (when i managed to keep it down) had to get anti nausea injections, had the doc chuck a tanty at me because i chucked a tanty at him and refused to be admitted on a drip .....
nye id only just started getting back on track - food still tasted weird and sat funny in my belly, so i drank water all night and was the lucky driver .... all up i lost about 4.5kg. no xmas food/grog damage done .... but all the work i did fitness level wise is gone too.
so today - very slow start back into things...
2 sets squats/lunges.
2 sets crunches/obliques
15 mins on the elliptical, taking it very easy and about only about 3kms ... got the head swims from that, so i hoped off and had a nap
ill work to/home from work tomorrow and see how i feel :? not happy .... but like i said, no chrissy damage done either :roll:
actually one of the worst things is ive gone down a bra size - the first thing i loose when i loose weight is the girls :(
Well I reckon Ive walked into my gym no more than 6 times since the start of the Aussie tour. Poor form.
Still been running about 5km every second day and feel like a little bit of fitness is coming back.
Decided Im gonna start the new year and try to put a bit of muscle back on...reckon Im way too lean. So without being a deadbeat steroid head and just pumping iron Im gonna mix it up with some intense cardio stuff as well. First week get back into heavy deadlifts and cleans.
Hit the intensity stuff around Feb once I get used to it again. Cant believe Im actually gonna start getting sore after the gym
This week
M- 45 minutes of lap swimming, 50 treadmill
T- 50 swimming, 20 bike, 25 running
W- 50 swimming, 20 bike, 20 running
Th- 65 minutes swimming
Friday- Snow, school delayed, no workout yet.
Finally joined a gym, not a new years resolution or anything, just something that has been needed for a few years. Played soccer in college and once that was over I had no interest in working out, but damn if felt good to get back into it today. Really looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.
Today's workout consisted of something like:
Mile warmup run on a treadmill
Incline Dumbbells
Flat bench dumbbells
Pec Dec
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Mile cooldown
3 sets squats plus lunges
3 sets of bent over rows & overheads
4 sets crunches plus obliques with 5kgs weight this time .... 5 kgs, i know :roll: so big .... but stick one of those behind your head & try - your core notices its there
5kms on the elliptical
next monday body pump class starts up again at our gym after the xmas break - so ill go to that again .... she's a bit vicious, the trainer for that, so it's a damned good workout.
and geeeeez its still hot here .... adelaide needs to take this hot weather back!!!!
Cliffy double thumbs up for joining the gym. Sounds like you already know what you are doing
he still stands...... the above the shoulder would be called a shoulder press :P and 60kg is heavy - nice work
Hi Zenith :P
Ramped it up a little today. Still only about 60% of last years stuff but Im getting better. Only having minor breaks (maybe 1-2 mins) between rounds and none during each round.
10 x 40kg clean and press
20 V Sit Ups
10 wide grip chins
600m run
4 sets
jay has decided he needs to bulk up (actually he prob has his eye on a girl :roll: but he's a boy .... what can i expect ...)
he's 15, 68.9kg and 180 cms tall. he's pretty lean, although you can see him just starting to fill out around his shoulders/upper body - atm he only plays sport .... hes in swim club, squash and basketball.
now prob is - im a girl, and im his mother. so obviously i know nothing ....
quick list of what would be good for him to start with.
except - only 4kms on the elliptical today - it really is seriously hot here - didnt get under 30 last night, and the room with my gear is the only one without a air con duct .... by 4kms i was so hot & sweaty i was dying ... had a cold shower and within 10mins i was sweating again!
i love hot wether, but even im starting to call time on this
edit .... (& shit the new page - donjon, look back for my ?? post please)
same, same .... getting a bit easy cept for the overhead / extensions .... will have to add a set next week
cept i turned the tension up by 2 on the elliptical ... only 5kms in 21mins .... and it hurt:( .... whos idea was it to do that???!!!!
Can you tell me what a "floor wipe" is?
How much rest do you take in between each exercize?
walk to gym
warm up
pt session
3 sets of
- sumo deadlifts with 35kg
- 3 stair runs
3 sets of
- static lunges 10 each leg with 10kg dumb bells
- 250 meters on the rowing machine (was meant to be 500m, but i was only doing 250 in 54 seconds)
4 prone holds on a swiss ball for 30 seconds (3 reps of this on single leg for 15 seconds each)
last weights workout for the year :( , will try and do some cardio over the next two weeks. But there will be booze
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Haha thats a little slower
Good to hear you are improving. Im still feeling very average and for the first time in years Ive been getting a little sore in the muscles the day after. Its as if Ive just started training for the first time in my life.
This would be a floor wipe Sir
Its both a shoulder and gut exercise.
Breaks? :? The whole idea of exercises like this is to do them for time and better yourself over the years. I must admit though that I do sorta plan each exercise aka......its impossible to do 50 pushups straight (well maybe Ziggy can
Give it a go one day
your human .....
same ... same ..... im sounding boring i know, but, oh well. added a set today just to be a pain .... & elliptical still hurts untill 10 mins in & then i zone out a bit. conflict does wonders for your motivation :roll:
droped 2kgs since i got home
Pushups on the rings (no incline) for max reps. 2.5min break between sets (10x harder than normal pushups
Got out 22,15,11,8
Dips on the rings (wobble wobble) 2.5 min breaks
9 :? ,8,7,7 (fuck they were hard. Gymnasts are freaks!!!)
Core/plank holds with feet in the rings with 2 min breaks
2.10min, 1.42min,1.35min
A day of stability. Was pretty impressed with that part I did ok
About a year back I went thru a stage of doing one leg deadlifts
When April 11th comes around, wish me luck!
I'll be blogging about my running thoughts at
Yippeee a goal, I LOVE goals!
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
You've got lots of time to prep for it...haha nearly 4 years
Make sure you pop in and remind us closer to the date Ms
i drove to canberra, battled christmas shopping filled malls, spent money, loaded groceries in a car in 40plus hot wind, dragged 2 teenage boys around who thought it was unfair that i wouldnt buy them a new xbox controller on top of all the pressies i just bought, and dodged random speed checks and cops the whole way home ..... thats enough isnt it ...
i was good and only ate sushi for lunch tho :roll:
squat plus lunge x 4 sets
overhead plus extension x 3 sets because i hate hate hate hate hate them
crunchs plus obliques x 4 sets
and i took off 1 minute :roll: to get back down to 20 mins for 5kms on the elliptical still at the higher resistance .... dont think ill ever get back to that 6km mark at this setting tho :?
so i really had to hold a knife to my throat and force myself y/day & today. im obviously starting to hit a bit of a hump motivation wise. tomorrow im planning on getting up an hour earlier and do this all then, before work. it remains to be seen if this does happen tho ..... perhaps im going to have to start bribing people to txt taunt me into doing it??
same same, except swapped bent over rows & overheads for the o/heads etc.
plus i kept my time down to 20mins still, so today i decided to go an extra 1/2 km because i liked the song that was playing & wanted to finish it .....
I HATE the fact of knowing how much Ive got to do to get anywhere near back to where I was.
10 x 18kg kettle bell swings
15 pushups
500 row
5 rounds
bad thing - ate chocolates bought for the office when i got there
yea, i need to vary things - the elliptical gives me a cardio workout, but i need to get some other circuits going ... see, this is where i fall down - i need someone to stand there and 'do this, do that'
might put the mits on and give jay a flogging tommorrow after work
Having first beer tonight for two weeks and now wish Christmas would just hurry the fark up and finish....determined to hit the ground running in the new year.
Last few weeks Ive felt the worst I ever have and been in a shitty mood......all due to lack of fitness/training :evil:
stretched for 15 minutes.
4x this week... doubt if I'll do 5 since I'm going to be hungover as SHIT tomorrow. I kinda like hangovers...
nye id only just started getting back on track - food still tasted weird and sat funny in my belly, so i drank water all night and was the lucky driver .... all up i lost about 4.5kg. no xmas food/grog damage done .... but all the work i did fitness level wise is gone too.
so today - very slow start back into things...
2 sets squats/lunges.
2 sets crunches/obliques
15 mins on the elliptical, taking it very easy and about only about 3kms ... got the head swims from that, so i hoped off and had a nap
ill work to/home from work tomorrow and see how i feel :?
actually one of the worst things is ive gone down a bra size - the first thing i loose when i loose weight is the girls :(
Still been running about 5km every second day and feel like a little bit of fitness is coming back.
Decided Im gonna start the new year and try to put a bit of muscle back on...reckon Im way too lean. So without being a deadbeat steroid head and just pumping iron Im gonna mix it up with some intense cardio stuff as well. First week get back into heavy deadlifts and cleans.
Hit the intensity stuff around Feb once I get used to it again. Cant believe Im actually gonna start getting sore after the gym
20 pushups
30 V sit ups
10 dips
4 sets
Hahah Im so outta form I really struggled to even get the 10 dips out each set. Useless
3km walk each way ... yea walk :roll: ..... to & from work
4kms on the trusty crosstrainer
and thats it - im hot & tired, and its so damned humid here atm i feel like im in cairnes
ill do some weights in the am when its cool
I got a standing ovation from the trainers when I walked not only me who noticed my fat arse aint been there much.
Mind you my motivation levels are definitely back
25 V Sit Ups
10 pushups
5 sets with short breaks
2.5km on the rower
This week
M- 45 minutes of lap swimming, 50 treadmill
T- 50 swimming, 20 bike, 25 running
W- 50 swimming, 20 bike, 20 running
Th- 65 minutes swimming
Friday- Snow, school delayed, no workout yet.
skull crushers - 4 sets @ 12-15 reps
dips - 15, 12, 12, 11.5
60 lb barbell behind the head extension (whats that called???) - 3 sets of 10 or so
rope pull downs - 4 sets
lower abs - "leg pull ups" (my terminology is horrid) - 2 sets of 30
sit ups w/ a medicine ball - 4 sets of 25 - 30
400m @ 10mph (fast as it would go)
Weird workout cause I didn't have time to do triceps yesterday... so I hit them extra hard today.
Today's workout consisted of something like:
Mile warmup run on a treadmill
Incline Dumbbells
Flat bench dumbbells
Pec Dec
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Mile cooldown
3 sets of bent over rows & overheads
4 sets crunches plus obliques with 5kgs weight this time .... 5 kgs, i know :roll: so big .... but stick one of those behind your head & try - your core notices its there
5kms on the elliptical
next monday body pump class starts up again at our gym after the xmas break - so ill go to that again .... she's a bit vicious, the trainer for that, so it's a damned good workout.
and geeeeez its still hot here .... adelaide needs to take this hot weather back!!!!
he still stands...... the above the shoulder would be called a shoulder press :P and 60kg is heavy - nice work
Hi Zenith :P
Ramped it up a little today. Still only about 60% of last years stuff but Im getting better. Only having minor breaks (maybe 1-2 mins) between rounds and none during each round.
10 x 40kg clean and press
20 V Sit Ups
10 wide grip chins
600m run
4 sets
jay has decided he needs to bulk up (actually he prob has his eye on a girl :roll: but he's a boy .... what can i expect ...)
he's 15, 68.9kg and 180 cms tall. he's pretty lean, although you can see him just starting to fill out around his shoulders/upper body - atm he only plays sport .... hes in swim club, squash and basketball.
now prob is - im a girl, and im his mother. so obviously i know nothing ....
quick list of what would be good for him to start with.
except - only 4kms on the elliptical today - it really is seriously hot here - didnt get under 30 last night, and the room with my gear is the only one without a air con duct .... by 4kms i was so hot & sweaty i was dying ... had a cold shower and within 10mins i was sweating again!
i love hot wether, but even im starting to call time on this
edit .... (& shit the new page - donjon, look back for my ?? post please)