Lifted the intensity majorly today and got thru ok
15 burpees and 500m row - 6 sets
Each set had a 5 min timeframe and if you finished before that then you could take the time as a break.
So each round the burpees were taking 45secs then the rower I got the first coupla sets out in 1.50min so had over 2 min break. By the last set I had a 90break then the row took me 2.25
Straight from here into a:
front side plank hold - 8 sets - 20secs hold/ten secs break
side holds - 4 sets each side - 20secs hold/ten secs break
The 20 sec hold were pretty easy and and only started shaking with about 2 sets to go but gut will be sore tomorrow me thinks....the only action its seen of late is beer
jay has decided he needs to bulk up (actually he prob has his eye on a girl :roll: but he's a boy .... what can i expect ...)
he's 15, 68.9kg and 180 cms tall. he's pretty lean, although you can see him just starting to fill out around his shoulders/upper body - atm he only plays sport .... hes in swim club, squash and basketball.
now prob is - im a girl, and im his mother. so obviously i know nothing ....
quick list of what would be good for him to start with.
This is gonna be pretty boring....tell him to go hang with the steroid boys and just lift cardio
He sounds like he's in shape/fit so he's just gonna have to pump iron (gee that makes me laugh that term)
So keeping it simple
Chest - pushups and benchpress to fatigue
Shoulders - press (like u do), lat pull downs
Back - chins (haha good luck). Joking. Bent over rows like you do and for lower back - deadlifts are a ripper (more than just back - good for hammies and glutes
And last but not least.....for his biceps he's just gonna have to sit there and do curls with all the other meatheads
you shouldnt go asking open questions like that - never know what you'll get hit up for
nah - thats all good - kind of what i figured anyway - when i show him your answer he'll be annoyed some of it is 'like i do' but meh .....
so what weight would you start him off at?? i only do 10kg. he's already stronger than me, but i dont want to let him do himself some damage.
and me .... same old same old with the weights, ..... but, i went back up to 5km on the elliptical today. im doing the brisbane version of even flow in about 1.8kms it's a good song to work to that one, fast, happy, makes you want to work, and you finish your 5km run before you even realise youve started if you loose yourself in it .... but geeez sweat!!! i think i must sweat out 1kg every time i get on that thing in this heat - its not a good look :shock:
and tried on all the old jeans/dresses last night - all fit even a pair of designer jeans i bought ages ago when i was working a lot thinking id get into them. i think im about 6kg down, but ive only been weighing myself on the c/health scales at work, and i havent been on them for a week or so. ive lost 8cm off my waist tho very happy. why didnt i pull my finger out of my butt like this before i went on tour huh?????
he still stands...... the above the shoulder would be called a shoulder press :P and 60kg is heavy - nice work
Hi Zenith :P
Ramped it up a little today. Still only about 60% of last years stuff but Im getting better. Only having minor breaks (maybe 1-2 mins) between rounds and none during each round.
10 x 40kg clean and press
20 V Sit Ups
10 wide grip chins
600m run
4 sets
I'd call it a "military press"... either way is correct.
I was referring to the tricep excersize where you take a dumbell with both hands, lift it above your head, and lower it behind your head, then extend it back to overhead. Still can't remember what it's called...
Not to brag... but I was impressed with my chest strength yesterday. I maxed out on bench... put on 225 lbs and did it 11 times. I've just been using 185 as I get my strength back from my 2 year hiatus and was pleasantly surprised.
SQUATS today. :( Objective: 6 SETS @ 225 (10 - 15 reps), then lunges until I PUKE. :twisted:
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Ran into an old friend today at the gym - she has just moved offices. So stupid me got talked into doing a spin class on the bikes. Got bored after about 25mins.......
10 x 70kg deadlifts
10 x 10kg wall balls
20 pushups
10 burpees
4 sets
Going out for a big one tonight so Im gonna strap the backpack on and jog home from the office....maybe 5km!?!?!
Don't normally post in here. But thought it might be good for some motivation.
Ran for 4kms, I was totally fucked.
Then cycled for about 8km. I wanted to do more. But I kinda felt my lunch was going to come up. So all up, about 45mins of cardio
Been working on my cardio as of late. Haven't done a good weight session in months. Might do one tomorrow if I get motivated. '
Can anyone suggest some exercises? I think I might work on my chest. Bench/inclines etc.
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Been working on my cardio as of late. Haven't done a good weight session in months. Might do one tomorrow if I get motivated. '
Can anyone suggest some exercises? I think I might work on my chest. Bench/inclines etc.
If you're lifting for the first time in awhile, keep it basic.
Bench press (chest, arms)
Military Press (shoulders, arms)
Pull-ups (back, biceps)
Deadlifts (back, legs, pretty much every muscle in your body!)
Squats (hammies, glutes, quads)
Lunges (hams, glutes, quads)
Do each one, 3 sets of each. High reps (12-15), low weight (50% of max or lower). Rest 1 minute between each. Should be about a 40-45 minute low-intensity workout, but you'll need at least 3 days rest before you lift again.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
wow I had a FUN weekend in the city and just got back to the gym today. LOTS of alcohol, cigarettes, and even some other "stuff" that I do once every few years for a good story I am still hurting and today's workout was pathetic.
Bench, Incline Bench, Pushups, Pullups, Lat Pull Downs, Bent-over Rows, another Lat excersize ?
3 sets of 30 sit ups...
didn't even get to curls and other bicep excersizes.
now I feel like I'm gonna get sick.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
he still stands....I dabble in a little stuff here and there and besides feeling like crap I always find that my legs are very heavy for a few days after. Its worth it at the time but damn it hurts afterwards
Did some deadlifts and squats just to warm up and get the hammies ready.
20mins for number of sets ( I got 6 out). A mate got 8.5 (lifting 60kg) - he is a freak
10 x 50kg power cleans
9 burpees
12 pushups
Funny thing was......the hardest part was the pushups. Got the first two sets out straight and then the rest I stopped at least once. Last set I was doing the pushups in lots of 3's
he still stands....I dabble in a little stuff here and there and besides feeling like crap I always find that my legs are very heavy for a few days after. Its worth it at the time but damn it hurts afterwards
"excess in moderation" is the key.
ran 5 miles today. 9minute miles @ a 2% incline. just needed to burn 800 calories or so cuz I'm feeling FAT. I'm trying to stop smoking and that means I am stress eating... ugh.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Been keeping up with the workouts since I last posted. Work has been busy but I have been able to make it to the gym 3-4 times a week. Been running a mile and half or so, lifting and finishing with about 6 miles on a bike. Feeling good.
i've cut back on running and just focused on turning my workout into one giant superset focusing on varying the angles i'm hitting my groups. lots of core and box jumping.
i'll throw sprints in some days. no more distance running for me
my chub has melted away.
hhmmm - ok this week i was rather slack i guess - far too busy with work to do much at all - and the fact that work sucked a bit extra hard didnt help either .....
so - 5 km walk daily to work and back, plus all the running around there. thats it. :oops: ill make up for it this week
:roll: i actually had a rather large trainee nurse look at me one afternoon, in bare feet because id taken my heels off and was going to put my joggers on - she wondered why the bare foot, so i told her i walked to work. The look of shock was a bit amazing. why? dont you own a car?? so i explained that yea, but its healthy and its good for the environment, yadda yadda. she honestly thought i was mental.
of course, she would have been about 120 id guess. working in healthcare. dissing voluntary exercise. :roll:
1998 ~ Barrie
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
sorry been a litte slack on my posting but i have been working out , been braking in a pair of five fingers and I gotta say I look foward to going for a run in the tomorrow!
A light workout today as I may still be drunk, had a little too much wine yesterday
walk to gym (45 mins)
leg press 3 * 20 sets (150kg,190kg,190kg)
lat pulll down 3*20 (40,45,50kg)
single arm dumbell chest press 15kg * 8 reps * 3 sets (was shaking a little due to being hung over)
dual pulley row 3 * 12 (40,45,50kg)
sit ups on a swiss ball 2 * 12
will walk home tonight (45 mins)
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
ran some hills today. this embankment over a freeway. dear god it was awful. anyone want a good work out go run up a steep hill. i only made it up 6 times then could barely run the mile home. ouch
I couldn't slow down during lifting today. I lifted faster than I wanted and couldn't make myself take long enough breaks between, and I burned out fast. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
I'm up to 4 miles non-stop on a treadmill. I created a nice schedule so that I am comfortable with 10-miles outsides by April 11th.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I think I'm expecting too much out of myself at this point. I'm trying to lift like I did 5 months ago, when I was where I want to be now. I'm trying the push day/ pull day, 4 on 1 off rotation, but I certainly didn't start like that last year. I'm just getting worn out too fast, wonder if I should go to a combination everyother day for a while.
I think I'm expecting too much out of myself at this point. I'm trying to lift like I did 5 months ago, when I was where I want to be now. I'm trying the push day/ pull day, 4 on 1 off rotation, but I certainly didn't start like that last year. I'm just getting worn out too fast, wonder if I should go to a combination everyother day for a while.
you would know your body the best. every other day is always good. that's what i started with a few months ago when i got back into it. even now i still find myself going back to every other day with lifting. but i'm working more of an all around circuit/core everytime. i don't really isolate much. i've been mixing in lifting then the next day i'll do sprints/plyo or play ball. just gotta keep interested. being burnt out just sucks
15 burpees and 500m row - 6 sets
Each set had a 5 min timeframe and if you finished before that then you could take the time as a break.
So each round the burpees were taking 45secs then the rower I got the first coupla sets out in 1.50min so had over 2 min break. By the last set I had a 90break then the row took me 2.25
Straight from here into a:
front side plank hold - 8 sets - 20secs hold/ten secs break
side holds - 4 sets each side - 20secs hold/ten secs break
The 20 sec hold were pretty easy and and only started shaking with about 2 sets to go but gut will be sore tomorrow me thinks....the only action its seen of late is beer
This is gonna be pretty boring....tell him to go hang with the steroid boys and just lift cardio
He sounds like he's in shape/fit so he's just gonna have to pump iron (gee that makes me laugh that term)
So keeping it simple
Chest - pushups and benchpress to fatigue
Shoulders - press (like u do), lat pull downs
Back - chins (haha good luck). Joking. Bent over rows like you do and for lower back - deadlifts are a ripper (more than just back - good for hammies and glutes
And last but not least.....for his biceps he's just gonna have to sit there and do curls with all the other meatheads
Anything else?
you shouldnt go asking open questions like that - never know what you'll get hit up for
nah - thats all good - kind of what i figured anyway - when i show him your answer he'll be annoyed some of it is 'like i do' but meh .....
so what weight would you start him off at?? i only do 10kg. he's already stronger than me, but i dont want to let him do himself some damage.
and tried on all the old jeans/dresses last night - all fit
I'd call it a "military press"... either way is correct.
I was referring to the tricep excersize where you take a dumbell with both hands, lift it above your head, and lower it behind your head, then extend it back to overhead. Still can't remember what it's called...
Not to brag... but I was impressed with my chest strength yesterday. I maxed out on bench... put on 225 lbs and did it 11 times. I've just been using 185 as I get my strength back from my 2 year hiatus and was pleasantly surprised.
SQUATS today. :( Objective: 6 SETS @ 225 (10 - 15 reps), then lunges until I PUKE. :twisted:
10 x 70kg deadlifts
10 x 10kg wall balls
20 pushups
10 burpees
4 sets
Going out for a big one tonight so Im gonna strap the backpack on and jog home from the office....maybe 5km!?!?!
AND then it will be beer time
5 ring dips
10 burpees
15 push ups
20 V Sit Ups
5 sets. Easy monday.
Fuck those ring dips are hard
i just got home from work
and i had a shit day, so i should go rant about it in the aus thread ....
nothing today - it'd do me good to get it out .... but, i couldnt be fucked
Ran for 4kms, I was totally fucked.
Then cycled for about 8km. I wanted to do more. But I kinda felt my lunch was going to come up. So all up, about 45mins of cardio
Been working on my cardio as of late. Haven't done a good weight session in months. Might do one tomorrow if I get motivated. '
Can anyone suggest some exercises? I think I might work on my chest. Bench/inclines etc.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
If you're lifting for the first time in awhile, keep it basic.
Bench press (chest, arms)
Military Press (shoulders, arms)
Pull-ups (back, biceps)
Deadlifts (back, legs, pretty much every muscle in your body!)
Squats (hammies, glutes, quads)
Lunges (hams, glutes, quads)
Do each one, 3 sets of each. High reps (12-15), low weight (50% of max or lower). Rest 1 minute between each. Should be about a 40-45 minute low-intensity workout, but you'll need at least 3 days rest before you lift again.
1km run
20 burpees
20 sit ups on ball
600 run
20 burpees
20 sit ups on ball
400m run
20 burpees
20 sit ups on ball
Ran 4km last night too at a good clip (sub 20mins) so fitness levels coming back. Whoooohoooo
Bench, Incline Bench, Pushups, Pullups, Lat Pull Downs, Bent-over Rows, another Lat excersize ?
3 sets of 30 sit ups...
didn't even get to curls and other bicep excersizes.
now I feel like I'm gonna get sick.
Did some deadlifts and squats just to warm up and get the hammies ready.
20mins for number of sets ( I got 6 out). A mate got 8.5 (lifting 60kg) - he is a freak
10 x 50kg power cleans
9 burpees
12 pushups
Funny thing was......the hardest part was the pushups. Got the first two sets out straight and then the rest I stopped at least once. Last set I was doing the pushups in lots of 3's
"excess in moderation" is the key.
ran 5 miles today. 9minute miles @ a 2% incline. just needed to burn 800 calories or so cuz I'm feeling FAT. I'm trying to stop smoking and that means I am stress eating... ugh.
15 burpees
5 x 50kg clean & press
15 sit ups
800m run
15 burpees
5 x 50kg clean & press
15 sit ups
600m run
15 burpees
5 x 50kg clean & press
15 sit ups
A few core holds.
Good session - moved thru with very little break.
Finally getting some decent workouts in
i'll throw sprints in some days. no more distance running for me
my chub has melted away.
3.5 mile run.
standing military press. 135 lbs. 5 sets, 12, 12, 10, 8, 8
dips. 3 sets of 15
pushups. 30
lateral raises 2 sets of 20. 20 lbs.
next week I have to be more serious about the SITUATION!!!
so - 5 km walk daily to work and back, plus all the running around there. thats it. :oops: ill make up for it this week
:roll: i actually had a rather large trainee nurse look at me one afternoon, in bare feet because id taken my heels off and was going to put my joggers on - she wondered why the bare foot, so i told her i walked to work. The look of shock was a bit amazing. why? dont you own a car?? so i explained that yea, but its healthy and its good for the environment, yadda yadda. she honestly thought i was mental.
of course, she would have been about 120 id guess. working in healthcare. dissing voluntary exercise. :roll:
jeez ive turned into a cynical bitch this week.
4 weight lifting exercises - chest / back / shoulders / bi-ceps
10 min cross-trainer
abs cruncher machine
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
A light workout today as I may still be drunk, had a little too much wine yesterday
walk to gym (45 mins)
leg press 3 * 20 sets (150kg,190kg,190kg)
lat pulll down 3*20 (40,45,50kg)
single arm dumbell chest press 15kg * 8 reps * 3 sets (was shaking a little due to being hung over)
dual pulley row 3 * 12 (40,45,50kg)
sit ups on a swiss ball 2 * 12
will walk home tonight (45 mins)
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Today is day 3 of my routine, a "push" day focussing on tricepts and bit on shoulders too.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird