Nice workout Jwmcc. Sound like you moved thru it a a good pace. Wall sits aka leg burners
10 x 24” box jumps
10 chin ups
20 sit ups
500m row
3 sets today. Easy stuff but I blew like Makybe Diva after the Melbourne Cup. This weather and flu is killing me. Felt today like Id been smoking a pack of ciggies everyday for 10 years
walked to gym, 25 minutes on treadmill, pt session, extra stuff after pt session to finish off stuff i should have done durring pt session.
overall not real happy with todays effort, could have been a lot better.
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Nice workout Jwmcc. Sound like you moved thru it a a good pace. Wall sits aka leg burners
Thanks, pretty decent pace overall. I normally try to keep the rest periods down as low as possible especially with the pyrometrics(sp) stuff so my heart rate stays up. But towards the end of sets like that I slow the pace down to recover.
Yeah the second set of wall sits was brutal. The burn was so bad I did a light jog up and down the gym floor so I wouldn't cramp up.
I survived Augusta IronMan 70.3 - at least two thirds of it (friend did the run). Swam downstream in the Savannah River in Augusta, GA. The river was dirty, deep and fast due to all of the rain in North Georgia so I set a PR for a 1.2 mile swim. Of course, I was still slower than everyone else. I am going to take some swim lessons this winter to figure out what the heck I am doing wrong. The 56 mile bike was long rolling hills - only one that I considered steep. We had almost 30 miles of head wind or cross/head wind. It was brutal. I'd much rather do hills than wind I think. My average for the 56 mile bike was 16.72 miles per hour or something like that. My friend who did the run for me is fast but is recovering from IronMan Louisville. But even with that she did the 13.1 mile run in 1:51.
So now back to the gym to get started on a real strengthening program. And try to get this damn stress fracture healed!
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Spent the day on the cable machine doing one arm push/squats 18kg and one arm archers 21kg.
In between sets I was doing chin ups swings. Yep no actual chin just the swing. Trying to relearn my entire kipping process. Can be terribly frustrating
Finished with 10burpees/15 sit ups. 3 sets straight thru to test out the fitness. It hurt!!! :?
i do this abs exercise with a 3kg ball and hold it on my sides whilst i sit on my butt with my legs crossed and slightly raised.. is there a technical term for this? i noticed by holding it for longer instead of right-left quickly, it hurts more..
I'm still doing well. Eating extremely well (also helps I've totally lost my appetite haha). Not doing enough walking or jogging but still doing the sit ups, push ups and other exercises.
Fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years. I'm definitely the skinniest I've been a few years....and loving it!
I'm still doing well. Eating extremely well (also helps I've totally lost my appetite haha). Not doing enough walking or jogging but still doing the sit ups, push ups and other exercises.
Fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years. I'm definitely the skinniest I've been a few years....and loving it!
19 weeks pregnant, so can't go too heavy on the weights, but today:
30 minutes on the squash court
45 lb. Squats 4 sets 10 reps
45 lb. calf extensions 4 sets 10 reps
2 minutes on the eliptical to get my heart rate back up
35 lb. leg extensions 5 sets 10 reps
30 lb. leg curls 4 sets 10 reps each leg
lunges 4 sets 10 reps
70 situps
I wimped out this week because I did 100 lunges on Saturday and was still somehow sore!
Thank you! I find out the sex of the baby in one week
That's exciting!
I think the ultrasounds are amazing because if you look at the baby's face later you can see their features even in the blurry pictures taken of them in the womb! :shock:
Just some more cable work along with a few short sets of burpees and core holds.
Reckon Ive lost 30% of my fitness thru this damn flu.
Not happy :evil:
I am really sorry that you've been sick and had such a long recovery. However, I think we, as athletes, sometimes think we have lost more fitness than we have. I bet you will get it back rather quickly. Just make sure you don't push it too soon.
Did you have H1N1 by any chance? It is spreading quickly in our area. A lot of school kids sick with it.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Wednesday: walked 1 hour with wife (she took a sick day!)
Thursday: 60 minutes of lap swimming
Friday: 60 minutes of swimming.
Also reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and getting the itch to trail run again. I always thought those days were behind me but the desire to punish the body is back. We'll see, I just might take my Five Finger shoes out to a trail this weekend.
Random Wookie, I finally did it, ran 9.5 miles today in my Vibram KSO 5 Finger shoes.
It was a blast. I took off a bit too fast but held a very fast pace throughout the run. I finished in 88 minutes.
At about the 45 minute mark my left calf became real tight, so I walked for about 3 minutes. I was running very high on the balls of my feet with the heel barely touching the ground. I then adjusted and let more of my foot hit the ground and the tightness went away.
THIS IS HUGE and lends me to really believe what I am reading in Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. His and many doctors feel that running barefoot (on in sandals, Vibram, etc) lets the foot hit naturally and adjust.
Running shoes don't let the foot do this and almost force you to heel strike. This leads to knee and foot injuries.
I walked for 1 hour with my wife and Wednesday and my ITB was hurting by the end of the walk, which I did in Asic Gels. Thus giving more weight to the theory that running shoes are killing us.
The trail beast in me was awoken today, I gave him a feeding but he wants more. Time to look for an ultra.
If you haven't pick up the book, it is a great read and inspirational beyond belief.
After finishing breakfast I while getting ready of towards run my wife noted that I seemed to be in race mode.
Just some more cable work along with a few short sets of burpees and core holds.
Reckon Ive lost 30% of my fitness thru this damn flu.
Not happy :evil:
I am really sorry that you've been sick and had such a long recovery. However, I think we, as athletes, sometimes think we have lost more fitness than we have. I bet you will get it back rather quickly. Just make sure you don't push it too soon.
Did you have H1N1 by any chance? It is spreading quickly in our area. A lot of school kids sick with it.
Yeah thanks mate. I know it will only take a couple of good sessions and Ill feel better about myself. Reckon I was the fittest Ive ever been about 3 months ago and its just disappointing to feel you've lost it. Something to aim for I suppose.
Was chatting to my best mate last night and made a few good points. Most people if they had what I did would have taken a week off work. Im a stubborn bastard and just go to work regardless of how I feel. Been studying late every night, plus work is THE busiest Ive ever been. Throw that in with weddings and bucks parties to which you have to go....and I really wasn’t in the best space to defeat a cold.
At least Im feeling 75% better today. Got exams in two weeks cant afford to be sick
Back to gym tomorrow will go for a 3km shorty tonight to try clear the airways
Random Wookie, I finally did it, ran 9.5 miles today in my Vibram KSO 5 Finger shoes.
It was a blast. I took off a bit too fast but held a very fast pace throughout the run. I finished in 88 minutes.
At about the 45 minute mark my left calf became real tight, so I walked for about 3 minutes. I was running very high on the balls of my feet with the heel barely touching the ground. I then adjusted and let more of my foot hit the ground and the tightness went away.
THIS IS HUGE and lends me to really believe what I am reading in Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. His and many doctors feel that running barefoot (on in sandals, Vibram, etc) lets the foot hit naturally and adjust.
Running shoes don't let the foot do this and almost force you to heel strike. This leads to knee and foot injuries.
I walked for 1 hour with my wife and Wednesday and my ITB was hurting by the end of the walk, which I did in Asic Gels. Thus giving more weight to the theory that running shoes are killing us.
The trail beast in me was awoken today, I gave him a feeding but he wants more. Time to look for an ultra.
If you haven't pick up the book, it is a great read and inspirational beyond belief.
After finishing breakfast I while getting ready of towards run my wife noted that I seemed to be in race mode.
She was right, these shoes rock!
thats awesome to hear I just bought yet another pair of new balance shoes and I am still getting pains when I run, will look into getting a pair of these shoes soon. Thanks for the heads up.
As for todays work so far:
walk to gym
walked 1.5km on the treadmill for warmup
sessions with personal trainer
did the current usual work out for a wednesday except for using heavier weights
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Should heard me coughing and spitting in the shower If there is any crap left on this chest Ill be shocked
I'm still getting smaller and's fucking great! Each week I'm pulling more clothes out of the closet that I haven't worn in years and years and they fit perfectly or nearly fit!
Been a bit slack with exercise the last week or so....will get back into it though.
10 x 24” box jumps
10 chin ups
20 sit ups
500m row
3 sets today. Easy stuff but I blew like Makybe Diva after the Melbourne Cup. This weather and flu is killing me. Felt today like Id been smoking a pack of ciggies everyday for 10 years
overall not real happy with todays effort, could have been a lot better.
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Thanks, pretty decent pace overall. I normally try to keep the rest periods down as low as possible especially with the pyrometrics(sp) stuff so my heart rate stays up. But towards the end of sets like that I slow the pace down to recover.
Yeah the second set of wall sits was brutal. The burn was so bad I did a light jog up and down the gym floor so I wouldn't cramp up.
mine are only 50 seconds :shock: :shock: :shock:
did 5 last week to make up for the 1 preceding! feeling good
Ran 4km in 19 mins last night. Didnt know I could do that
Back to gym Wednesday for a pretty light session
So now back to the gym to get started on a real strengthening program. And try to get this damn stress fracture healed!
In between sets I was doing chin ups swings. Yep no actual chin just the swing. Trying to relearn my entire kipping process. Can be terribly frustrating
Finished with 10burpees/15 sit ups. 3 sets straight thru to test out the fitness. It hurt!!! :?
no bitching! :x
i do this abs exercise with a 3kg ball and hold it on my sides whilst i sit on my butt with my legs crossed and slightly raised.. is there a technical term for this? i noticed by holding it for longer instead of right-left quickly, it hurts more..
not bitching :?
Fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years. I'm definitely the skinniest I've been a few years....and loving it!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
30 minutes on the squash court
45 lb. Squats 4 sets 10 reps
45 lb. calf extensions 4 sets 10 reps
2 minutes on the eliptical to get my heart rate back up
35 lb. leg extensions 5 sets 10 reps
30 lb. leg curls 4 sets 10 reps each leg
lunges 4 sets 10 reps
70 situps
I wimped out this week because I did 100 lunges on Saturday and was still somehow sore!
Thank you! I find out the sex of the baby in one week
That's exciting!
I think the ultrasounds are amazing because if you look at the baby's face later you can see their features even in the blurry pictures taken of them in the womb! :shock:
long weekend r8 bad
Reckon Ive lost 30% of my fitness thru this damn flu.
Not happy :evil:
I am really sorry that you've been sick and had such a long recovery. However, I think we, as athletes, sometimes think we have lost more fitness than we have. I bet you will get it back rather quickly. Just make sure you don't push it too soon.
Did you have H1N1 by any chance? It is spreading quickly in our area. A lot of school kids sick with it.
Thursday: 60 minutes of lap swimming
Friday: 60 minutes of swimming.
Also reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and getting the itch to trail run again. I always thought those days were behind me but the desire to punish the body is back. We'll see, I just might take my Five Finger shoes out to a trail this weekend.
It was a blast. I took off a bit too fast but held a very fast pace throughout the run. I finished in 88 minutes.
At about the 45 minute mark my left calf became real tight, so I walked for about 3 minutes. I was running very high on the balls of my feet with the heel barely touching the ground. I then adjusted and let more of my foot hit the ground and the tightness went away.
THIS IS HUGE and lends me to really believe what I am reading in Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. His and many doctors feel that running barefoot (on in sandals, Vibram, etc) lets the foot hit naturally and adjust.
Running shoes don't let the foot do this and almost force you to heel strike. This leads to knee and foot injuries.
I walked for 1 hour with my wife and Wednesday and my ITB was hurting by the end of the walk, which I did in Asic Gels. Thus giving more weight to the theory that running shoes are killing us.
The trail beast in me was awoken today, I gave him a feeding but he wants more. Time to look for an ultra.
If you haven't pick up the book, it is a great read and inspirational beyond belief.
After finishing breakfast I while getting ready of towards run my wife noted that I seemed to be in race mode.
She was right, these shoes rock!
Yeah thanks mate. I know it will only take a couple of good sessions and Ill feel better about myself. Reckon I was the fittest Ive ever been about 3 months ago and its just disappointing to feel you've lost it. Something to aim for I suppose.
Was chatting to my best mate last night and made a few good points. Most people if they had what I did would have taken a week off work. Im a stubborn bastard and just go to work regardless of how I feel. Been studying late every night, plus work is THE busiest Ive ever been. Throw that in with weddings and bucks parties to which you have to go....and I really wasn’t in the best space to defeat a cold.
At least Im feeling 75% better today. Got exams in two weeks cant afford to be sick
Back to gym tomorrow will go for a 3km shorty tonight to try clear the airways
i slaped a guy while i was out on saturday night - it got my heart rate up a bit - that'll have to count
Legs and abs tomorrow..30 min cardio...down 60 lbs since march
Hit the pool again today 60 minutes of laps.
thats awesome to hear I just bought yet another pair of new balance shoes and I am still getting pains when I run, will look into getting a pair of these shoes soon. Thanks for the heads up.
As for todays work so far:
walk to gym
walked 1.5km on the treadmill for warmup
sessions with personal trainer
did the current usual work out for a wednesday except for using heavier weights
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Oceansmademe just ordered the book you speak of cheers for that.
Righto Im partly back...thought Id hammer myself today to see how I went. Done this exact workout several times and usually do it in around 16 mins
Today I set my self the goal of 18mins and a penalty of 30 burpees every minute I went over that.
1km row
150 wall balls (10kg and 10foot press)
1km row
I did both the rows in 4 mins, the later a real struggle. Instead of the wall balls taking about 8mins they took 12 :?
Therefore I was left with 60 burpees. These took 8 mins
All said and done that was the first high intensity session Ive had for a while so was a good achievement.
Should heard me coughing and spitting in the shower
I'm still getting smaller and's fucking great!
Been a bit slack with exercise the last week or so....will get back into it though.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★