Post your daily workout



  • yesterday, spent whole day in bed

    this morning had a pt session

    3 sets of
    - 15 * lat pull down @ 50kg
    - 15 * chest press on swiss ball @ 37.5kg

    3 sets of
    - 8 push ups
    - 15 bent over rows with 37.5kg bar

    30mins of streching focusing on the back as it is still a bit tight! grr as i need to start running again!
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Good work wookie and Zig

    RR good to hear about the stress news. Keep me informed on the accuracy of the heart monitor can you. Im interested in getting one and have been for a while.

    WELCOME theoceansmademe and double thumbs up for the triathlon. Let us know how you do.

    10 x 90kg deadlifts
    500 row (in under 1.50min) aka a sprint
    5 sets with a 2 min break after row.

    I laughed when I was told we were having breaks (coz I never do) after the row. Well fark me. This just drained me big time. Ive had HEAPS harder workouts but by the end of this I had nothing left. SPENT

    Going from heavy lifting to VO2 max straight after one another!!!

    Considering I did a VO2 type test one day to see how quick I could row 500m and from memory it was 1.33min, then doing the sub 1.50 each set after deadlifts….hmmm

    Dare someone to give that a go and report back
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJon wrote:
    Good work wookie and Zig

    RR good to hear about the stress news. Keep me informed on the accuracy of the heart monitor can you. Im interested in getting one and have been for a while.

    WELCOME theoceansmademe and double thumbs up for the triathlon. Let us know how you do.

    10 x 90kg deadlifts
    500 row (in under 1.50min) aka a sprint
    5 sets with a 2 min break after row.

    I laughed when I was told we were having breaks (coz I never do) after the row. Well fark me. This just drained me big time. Ive had HEAPS harder workouts but by the end of this I had nothing left. SPENT

    Going from heavy lifting to VO2 max straight after one another!!!

    Considering I did a VO2 type test one day to see how quick I could row 500m and from memory it was 1.33min, then doing the sub 1.50 each set after deadlifts….hmmm

    Dare someone to give that a go and report back

    sounds like a fun work donjon, will try it on the weekend. though I am struggling to hang onto 80kg when i do deadlifts without the use of straps.

    forgot to add to my workout I had to stop as I was very close to throwing up
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Yeah dont use the straps coz you wont have time to get em off before the row. Gotta go straight into the row...not even 5 secs break. Maybe try it with 70kg?!?!?!

    Ive ripped my callouses (sp?) apart from the DL's. Set 4 and 5 I had to regrip on rep 6.

    The aim of this was to be as strict as possible with breaks..

    Hahaha you're gonna die 8-)
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191
    you two are kidding right?? 90kgs ... 70kgs ....

    im happy that i do a 10kgs bar reguarly .... :?
    impatience is a gift ........
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    I think thats what got me so hard. 90kg is close to my max (especially when doing functional training) so to go straight to a 500m sprint was a ball tearer.

    This workout would not even rate to me as hard (mainly coz its so short) but I couldnt have done much more afterwards. It was just the combination!!!!!

    EG I can do 90kg deadlifts then 15 chin ups and carrying that for 5 sets with NO break. This would be close to impossible to do 3 sets with even 30 sec breaks. Just the two different exercises together.

    It shocked me BIG TIME...and thats coming from a seasoned veteran
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • Don Jon, thanks for the welcome and damn you guys are putting up some serious weight.

    I have always been an endurance guy and never got into the upper body weight training. Maybe some day.

    The legs and feet were a bit heavy this AM so taking the day off from running. I recently purchased Vibram fivefinger shoes. If you are unfamiliar it a rubber sole with coverage over the top of your foot and five toe holes.

    The are design to give you the barefoot feeling when running.

    Like any type of exercise one needs to take it slowly. I have been wearing them a few hours each day and about 3 weeks from now I'll take them on a trail run.

    I came across these after reading reviews of the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Chris McDougall. I will read the book once it's available at my local library.

    After years of foot pain the author "discovered" a native tribe in Mexico who ran in sandals without pain. He also explored the link between the modern running shoe and knee injuries. Pre-1970 runners used leather flats which lead to stronger feet. Which I am trying to achieve with my Vibram shoes.

    The modern shoes are forcing our feet to land in position there aren't meant too, thus the injuries. I haven't experienced any major knee or foot injuries, but would like to avoid them.

    Sorry for the rant, but worth exploring for the runners in the crowd.

    Hoping to get some laps in today or later tonight.

    Have a good one.
  • Reston Triathlon.

    Northern Virginia, about 26 miles west of Washington, D.C.

    1 mile swim

    22 mile bike

    6.2 mile run

    My first triathlon after 12 years of marathons and ultra marathons

    Just skipping over the sprints and right into the Olympic distance huh? I think I did a little indoor tri before I did the Memphis in May Olympic Distance. Which would have been o.k. if I knew how to swim. So I swam this way and that way and then this way again and finally finished! I have improved my swim but still slow.

    Have you been doing some open water swims in preparation?

    Is the swim in a lake or river?
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • Don Jon, thanks for the welcome and damn you guys are putting up some serious weight.

    I have always been an endurance guy and never got into the upper body weight training. Maybe some day.

    The legs and feet were a bit heavy this AM so taking the day off from running. I recently purchased Vibram fivefinger shoes. If you are unfamiliar it a rubber sole with coverage over the top of your foot and five toe holes.

    The are design to give you the barefoot feeling when running.

    Like any type of exercise one needs to take it slowly. I have been wearing them a few hours each day and about 3 weeks from now I'll take them on a trail run.

    I came across these after reading reviews of the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Chris McDougall. I will read the book once it's available at my local library.

    After years of foot pain the author "discovered" a native tribe in Mexico who ran in sandals without pain. He also explored the link between the modern running shoe and knee injuries. Pre-1970 runners used leather flats which lead to stronger feet. Which I am trying to achieve with my Vibram shoes.

    The modern shoes are forcing our feet to land in position there aren't meant too, thus the injuries. I haven't experienced any major knee or foot injuries, but would like to avoid them.

    Sorry for the rant, but worth exploring for the runners in the crowd.

    Hoping to get some laps in today or later tonight.

    Have a good one.

    I have read about the show theories too, although I thought the tribe in Mexico ran barefooted. I have had injury after injury, let's see, plantar fasciitis (sp?), IT band inflammation, hip flexor issues, three sprained ankles, posterior tibial tendonitis, and now stress fracture. I would like to see a picture of your shoes. And then keep me updated on how they work out.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • riverrunner,

    It's a lake swim for the triathlon.

    This May I did a mile swim in the same lake, actually 1.5 miles if all my misdirections were taken into account.

    It was a horrible experience at first. After 50 or so yards I wanted to get out, panic had set in. Thankfully my family and a neighbor were there cheering me on.

    As you well know open water swimming is much different than the pool.

    Unfortunately here in Northern Virginia open water swimming on lakes is not allowed. I believe mostly due to run-off concerns.

    So all my training is done in the pool.

    At the moment I am also concerned about water temperature. August was hot, near 90 degrees everyday, but the past 3 nights have been chilly. So I am sure the water temp is getting closer to 70 than 80. I want to avoid the wet suit, but that might not be realistic.

    I thought about doing a sprint but have have done a few workouts at that distance and felt a better challenge would be the longer race.

    In addition I have done 50 mile trail races, so my endurance is not in question.

    However, I do realize swimming and biking will require different muscle groups than running alone.

    My main goal is to finish in comfort with a secondary goal of trying to come in under 4 hours and maybe even under 3:30.

    It will all depend upon my swim time. In May my time was 42:48. In the pool I am closer to 32:00.

    Thanks for the interest.

    How about you any races coming up?

    How about shows? I will be attending 10/27 in Philadelphia.
  • river,

    here's a link to the shoes I have, KSO or keep stuff out line:

    Like you I have dealt with ITB issues, which was a result of too much down hill running. My first case came after a trip to Breckenridge, CO and the second after running hills in upstate New York. Time heals this but I now think the shoes played a role.

    Also, I have experienced Plantar issues too. I am hoping these vibram's strengthen my foot.

    The 2nd link has a photo of Scott Jurek (Ultra marathoning god) running with a mexican native, who is were sandals.
  • river,

    here's a link to the shoes I have, KSO or keep stuff out line:

    Like you I have dealt with ITB issues, which was a result of too much down hill running. My first case came after a trip to Breckenridge, CO and the second after running hills in upstate New York. Time heals this but I now think the shoes played a role.

    Also, I have experienced Plantar issues too. I am hoping these vibram's strengthen my foot.

    The 2nd link has a photo of Scott Jurek (Ultra marathoning god) running with a mexican native, who is were sandals.

    All I can say is WOW. I will be checking that out. Before the stress fracture I was running in the Injinji toe socks and liked them.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • riverrunner,

    It's a lake swim for the triathlon. This May I did a mile swim in the same lake, actually 1.5 miles if all my misdirections were taken into account. It was a horrible experience at first. After 50 or so yards I wanted to get out, panic had set in. Thankfully my family and a neighbor were there cheering me on. As you well know open water swimming is much different than the pool. Unfortunately here in Northern Virginia open water swimming on lakes is not allowed. I believe mostly due to run-off concerns. So all my training is done in the pool. At the moment I am also concerned about water temperature. August was hot, near 90 degrees everyday, but the past 3 nights have been chilly. So I am sure the water temp is getting closer to 70 than 80. I want to avoid the wet suit, but that might not be realistic. I thought about doing a sprint but have have done a few workouts at that distance and felt a better challenge would be the longer race. In addition I have done 50 mile trail races, so my endurance is not in question. However, I do realize swimming and biking will require different muscle groups than running alone. My main goal is to finish in comfort with a secondary goal of trying to come in under 4 hours and maybe even under 3:30. It will all depend upon my swim time. In May my time was 42:48. In the pool I am closer to 32:00. Thanks for the interest. How about you any races coming up?

    How about shows? I will be attending 10/27 in Philadelphia.

    Too bad that you can't do more open water swimming. We have several options here in Southern Illinois/ Western Kentucky including Kentucky Lake/Barkley Lake/Ohio River if brave enough. I have been doing my open water swims in a nearby subdivision lake and a friend's pond (long and deep) in the morning before work. We did an open water swim in Lake Michigan while there for the PJ shows last week. Temp was 65 - no wetsuit. I did a sprint tri in Carbondale, IL (Doc Spackman) at the end of April where the water was very, very cold too. No wetsuit. In shorter distances you can make it in cold water without a wetsuit. I really don't mind swimming in cold water. The Memphis in May Tri's are usually right on the edge of wetsuits being allowed. Of course most people want to use the wetsuits because you have the buoyancy edge and the aero edge. Why don't you want to use your wetsuit? And yes, they are a pain in the butt.

    Hubby and I have been training for the Augusta Half IronMan, but due to the stress fracture I won't be able to run (my best discipline - my swimming really sucks - my biking is mediocre). However, the IronMan powers that be let me convert to a team tri so a friend who just finished IronMan Kentucky will be running for me. Husband will be completing the entire tri - hopefully. He doesn't train - he just muddles through triathlons.

    Have you been doing brick workouts? I usually do, but haven't bothered this summer since I can't run. I don't think it does any good to do a swim to bike brick. If you haven't been doing them, I would recommend that you do some bricks - bike to run. I think it helps because it is very difficult to get off the bike and start running. Amazingly so.

    As to PJ shows we have been under some intense peer pressure to go to Philly, but I am still reluctant. We went to Chicago, and are going to St. Louis for the Tour of Missouri this next week, and then to Augusta for the Half IronMan at the end of September. We need to stay home some.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • river,

    here's a link to the shoes I have, KSO or keep stuff out line:

    Like you I have dealt with ITB issues, which was a result of too much down hill running. My first case came after a trip to Breckenridge, CO and the second after running hills in upstate New York. Time heals this but I now think the shoes played a role.

    Also, I have experienced Plantar issues too. I am hoping these vibram's strengthen my foot.

    The 2nd link has a photo of Scott Jurek (Ultra marathoning god) running with a mexican native, who is were sandals.

    do the shoes help? as my feet suffer badly when I train for marathons? I always thought it was the shoes not having enough support?
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Don Jon, thanks for the welcome and damn you guys are putting up some serious weight.

    I have always been an endurance guy and never got into the upper body weight training. Maybe some day.

    The legs and feet were a bit heavy this AM so taking the day off from running. I recently purchased Vibram fivefinger shoes. If you are unfamiliar it a rubber sole with coverage over the top of your foot and five toe holes.

    The are design to give you the barefoot feeling when running.

    Like any type of exercise one needs to take it slowly. I have been wearing them a few hours each day and about 3 weeks from now I'll take them on a trail run.

    I came across these after reading reviews of the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Chris McDougall. I will read the book once it's available at my local library.

    After years of foot pain the author "discovered" a native tribe in Mexico who ran in sandals without pain. He also explored the link between the modern running shoe and knee injuries. Pre-1970 runners used leather flats which lead to stronger feet. Which I am trying to achieve with my Vibram shoes.

    The modern shoes are forcing our feet to land in position there aren't meant too, thus the injuries. I haven't experienced any major knee or foot injuries, but would like to avoid them.

    Sorry for the rant, but worth exploring for the runners in the crowd.

    Hoping to get some laps in today or later tonight.

    Have a good one.

    Hahaha thats no rant. My mate is the main distributor of them here in Sydney and I set up his company for him to trade in such. :lol: And yes I have a pair myself..

    Yep Im like you....never really been a weights man aka to bulk up. Unfortunately not a runner either...I get too bored.

    I train Crossfit style and have for about 2 yeears
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089

    here's a link to the shoes I have, KSO or keep stuff out line:

    Like you I have dealt with ITB issues, which was a result of too much down hill running. My first case came after a trip to Breckenridge, CO and the second after running hills in upstate New York. Time heals this but I now think the shoes played a role.

    Also, I have experienced Plantar issues too. I am hoping these vibram's strengthen my foot.

    The 2nd link has a photo of Scott Jurek (Ultra marathoning god) running with a mexican native, who is were sandals.

    This thread is thriving...I love it

    Wookie the shoes are 'different' and they took me a while to get used to. To be honest I still use my trainers ....just a personal choice but MOST of the trainers at my gym wear them.

    I suppose its just like a new pair of shoes in the sense of getting used to....maybe a little more than average.

    If you want a pair let me know

    do the shoes help? as my feet suffer badly when I train for marathons? I always thought it was the shoes not having enough support?
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    ^^^^^ :lol:
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • donjon will let you know, will do a little more research first. As i would love to be able to run without some of the pain i endure to do so! :D
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    Shit, I came back drunk again tonight..gotta hit it up hard tomorrow in preparation for the weekend..
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • Ran again this Am. 50 minutes, pushed a bit so must have done 6 miles.

    Plan on swimming 15-30 minutes later today.
  • donjon will let you know, will do a little more research first. As i would love to be able to run without some of the pain i endure to do so! :D

    Random Wookie,

    I wore my five fingers again yesterday, kicked around for about 4 hours in them.

    My 6 year old woke me up around 1:30 this AM, bad dream, and my feet were stiff.

    When I woke again around 6 I made sure to stretch my feet before walking and it made a world of difference.

    I think my first run in them is about 2 weeks away.
  • riverrunner,

    It's a lake swim for the triathlon. This May I did a mile swim in the same lake, actually 1.5 miles if all my misdirections were taken into account. It was a horrible experience at first. After 50 or so yards I wanted to get out, panic had set in. Thankfully my family and a neighbor were there cheering me on. As you well know open water swimming is much different than the pool. Unfortunately here in Northern Virginia open water swimming on lakes is not allowed. I believe mostly due to run-off concerns. So all my training is done in the pool. At the moment I am also concerned about water temperature. August was hot, near 90 degrees everyday, but the past 3 nights have been chilly. So I am sure the water temp is getting closer to 70 than 80. I want to avoid the wet suit, but that might not be realistic. I thought about doing a sprint but have have done a few workouts at that distance and felt a better challenge would be the longer race. In addition I have done 50 mile trail races, so my endurance is not in question. However, I do realize swimming and biking will require different muscle groups than running alone. My main goal is to finish in comfort with a secondary goal of trying to come in under 4 hours and maybe even under 3:30. It will all depend upon my swim time. In May my time was 42:48. In the pool I am closer to 32:00. Thanks for the interest. How about you any races coming up?

    How about shows? I will be attending 10/27 in Philadelphia.

    Too bad that you can't do more open water swimming. We have several options here in Southern Illinois/ Western Kentucky including Kentucky Lake/Barkley Lake/Ohio River if brave enough. I have been doing my open water swims in a nearby subdivision lake and a friend's pond (long and deep) in the morning before work. We did an open water swim in Lake Michigan while there for the PJ shows last week. Temp was 65 - no wetsuit. I did a sprint tri in Carbondale, IL (Doc Spackman) at the end of April where the water was very, very cold too. No wetsuit. In shorter distances you can make it in cold water without a wetsuit. I really don't mind swimming in cold water. The Memphis in May Tri's are usually right on the edge of wetsuits being allowed. Of course most people want to use the wetsuits because you have the buoyancy edge and the aero edge. Why don't you want to use your wetsuit? And yes, they are a pain in the butt.

    Hubby and I have been training for the Augusta Half IronMan, but due to the stress fracture I won't be able to run (my best discipline - my swimming really sucks - my biking is mediocre). However, the IronMan powers that be let me convert to a team tri so a friend who just finished IronMan Kentucky will be running for me. Husband will be completing the entire tri - hopefully. He doesn't train - he just muddles through triathlons.

    Have you been doing brick workouts? I usually do, but haven't bothered this summer since I can't run. I don't think it does any good to do a swim to bike brick. If you haven't been doing them, I would recommend that you do some bricks - bike to run. I think it helps because it is very difficult to get off the bike and start running. Amazingly so.

    As to PJ shows we have been under some intense peer pressure to go to Philly, but I am still reluctant. We went to Chicago, and are going to St. Louis for the Tour of Missouri this next week, and then to Augusta for the Half IronMan at the end of September. We need to stay home some.

    That's great you and your husband are able to race together.

    My wife does road races, but due to 2 children (4&6), and injuries to both of us we haven't raced together in a long while.

    But we each have cheered each other on, along with the kids.

    I have done some brick training, and yes it does hurt and the sensation is weird. I should get 2 more in before the race.

    My swim in May was done in 72 degree water so I am thinking no wetsuit should be a go.

    I am now thinking it would be nice having a PJ team at a triathlon. Any takers? I open to traveling.
  • donjon will let you know, will do a little more research first. As i would love to be able to run without some of the pain i endure to do so! :D

    Random Wookie,

    I wore my five fingers again yesterday, kicked around for about 4 hours in them.

    My 6 year old woke me up around 1:30 this AM, bad dream, and my feet were stiff.

    When I woke again around 6 I made sure to stretch my feet before walking and it made a world of difference.

    I think my first run in them is about 2 weeks away.

    i am VERY curious about this as well!
    i read your earlier post with links embedded, and have passed on the info to a few runner friends. very, very interesting....and look forward to reading about your experiences. i am not a runner by any stretch of the imagination, but i am considering getting started as the weather cools.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I am now thinking it would be nice having a PJ team at a triathlon. Any takers? I open to traveling.

    I'm game and I'll make Butch (hubby) do it too. :) However, it has to be next year, and no long distance for me. Olympic will be my longest next year unless I succumb to peer pressure again. It takes too much time and I need to devote some time to our house - we have totally ignored it the past couple of years.

    An acquaintance who lives in North Carolina has been wanting us to come out there and do a tri with him. That is sort of in your neck of the woods, right?
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi

  • I am now thinking it would be nice having a PJ team at a triathlon. Any takers? I open to traveling.

    I'm game and I'll make Butch (hubby) do it too. :) However, it has to be next year, and no long distance for me. Olympic will be my longest next year unless I succumb to peer pressure again. It takes too much time and I need to devote some time to our house - we have totally ignored it the past couple of years.

    An acquaintance who lives in North Carolina has been wanting us to come out there and do a tri with him. That is sort of in your neck of the woods, right?

    Next year sounds great.

    Yes, NC is just down I-95. I have a friend in the Raleigh whom I recently did a half-marathon with and 1 other runner from that race does tri's.

    I'd also be open to some trail running races.

    So keep the suggestions coming and I'll post mine.

  • thanks theoceansmademe for the information.

    today I did a very light cardio workout,

    6 minutes cross trainer
    20 minutes treadmill, (jog for 4 minutes up an incline, walked the rest)

    back is still a little stiff, but I am looking foward to attempting a long run tomorrow 15km +
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • thanks theoceansmademe for the information.

    today I did a very light cardio workout,

    6 minutes cross trainer
    20 minutes treadmill, (jog for 4 minutes up an incline, walked the rest)

    back is still a little stiff, but I am looking foward to attempting a long run tomorrow 15km +

    Walking is GREAT!

    My PR in a marathon was achieved by walking for 1 minute every mile.

    Just use caution running and don't be afraid to walk.

    I had to take 18 months off from running due to a severe back strain. It sucked, but time finally cured it.

    I still use the run walk approach during trail races. I also rely on a heart rate monitor during long races.

    I keep my HR in the low fat burning range. This is achieved by running flat sections and walking hills.

    During my ultras I always walk the hills and then wait for my HR to go under 125 before running. The result is by the 3rd hill, in the later stages of the race, I pass people for good who run the hills or even walk then run right away.

    A good read on exercising within lower heart rates is Slow Burn: Burn Fat Faster by Exercising Slower by Stu Mittleman.

    Happy running.
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    I've done nothing for two days.... :oops: But have been eating extremely well....but still, I feel so guilty!

    Will have to do 5 days straight now.
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • ZiggyStar wrote:
    I've done nothing for two days.... :oops: But have been eating extremely well....but still, I feel so guilty!

    Will have to do 5 days straight now.

    a few days rest is also good, but at least you have kept eating well. its were i tend to fall over, because donuts and other cakes are oh so yummy. :). Mate ya off to a flyer, keep up the good work!
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • iv lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. 180 to 160 iv been eatting alot less not much junk food and doing push ups sit ups.
    I'll be back
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