O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Yeah shes not too bad.
    Just sorta bitchy. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Quiet RhythmQuiet Rhythm Posts: 104
    Here in Ontario, they don't recommend the chicken pox vaccine until the age of 5. My doctor isnt completely sold on the idea of the vaccine but if I want Joey to start grade one in september, then he must have the vaccination or he wont be let into school until he does.

    I do hope Adria feels better, I had chicken pox at 13, not only did I miss Grade 8 graduation, I had to deal with them in the summer heat =(

    My 52 year old father in law, has NEVER had the chicken pox once, despite being surrounded by 13 brothers and sisters who had them when they were kids, hes never been vaccinated, he didnt know you could get vaccinated against them lol. Makes you wonder sometimes!
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    My 52 year old father in law, has NEVER had the chicken pox once, despite being surrounded by 13 brothers and sisters who had them when they were kids, hes never been vaccinated, he didnt know you could get vaccinated against them lol. Makes you wonder sometimes!

    I've never had Chicken Pox either...if X ever gets them...I need to stay far away.

    Oh yeah, I uploaded some of his Professional Pictures at our photobucket account.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    genevieve wrote:
    Yeah shes not too bad.
    Just sorta bitchy. :D

    LOL...that never goes away! i always thought we aquired that but turns out it's something we're born with lol. my 3 yr old has such an attitude on her!!
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    I've never had Chicken Pox either...if X ever gets them...I need to stay far away.

    Oh yeah, I uploaded some of his Professional Pictures at our photobucket account.


    that is just TOO cute!!!
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I've never had Chicken Pox either...if X ever gets them...I need to stay far away.

    Oh yeah, I uploaded some of his Professional Pictures at our photobucket account.


    Thats an awsome pic.
    We had some done for Adria too.
    But alas I do not have a scanner.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    hi i just want to drop a small message over here:D
    i am ok .Very glad if the baby is out;)
    i can´t move that well anymore...
    went out with my girls last night and we talked ...got small stuffs for my baby...
    now i´ve kind of everything ...the baby must be a lucky one:)
    hope everybody is fine over here...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    hi i just want to drop a small message over here:D
    i am ok .Very glad if the baby is out;)
    i can´t move that well anymore...
    went out with my girls last night and we talked ...got small stuffs for my baby...
    now i´ve kind of everything ...the baby must be a lucky one:)
    hope everybody is fine over here...

    Glad to hear you are well.
    I was thinking of posting that we hadent had a post from you in a while and thougth maybe that baby had come.
    But no luck.
    Keep us posted ok?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    genevieve wrote:
    Well she got her shot the 28th of May.
    And about 3 days later she got a spot on her face.
    I thougth it was a mosquito bite.
    But now there are about 4 on that cheek and a few more on her face and neck.
    Some on her arms and legs and hands.
    She doesnt seem too bothered by them.
    Just outa sorts in general.
    Between teeth and the pox she is having a rough go of things.
    But we are coping.

    Had a bit of a meltdown the other day cause I was so tired.
    Poor hubby.
    But I just need to remember to not push myself beyond what I can do.

    Thanks for asking Meddle.

    How are you and baby doing?
    How are all the mommies and babies and mommies to be?

    that is great Gen that Adria is being a little trooper with the chicken poxs. :) She is a strong little girl.

    Chloe and I are doing great. She is going to be 5 months on Monday, which I still can't believe how much she has grown. We are moving into our own place next week, which we are excited about. Just me, my bf, and our daughter, which we really need to have our own place. so that is why I wasn't here that much b/c of that.

    I have a current pic of Chloe.

    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Aww she is getting big.
    How big is she? How much does she weigh now?

    Adrias pox have slowed down a bit.
    She still gets a new one here and there.
    Our bigger problem today is the huuuuge bump on her forehead.
    She crashed in to our rocking chair cause she wasnt looking while walking around holding a toy. Ouch! ;)

    You must be sooo excited to be heading towards your own place.
    Better have a computer!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    genevieve wrote:
    Glad to hear you are well.
    I was thinking of posting that we hadent had a post from you in a while and thougth maybe that baby had come.
    But no luck.
    Keep us posted ok?

    sure i will ...sorry i am to busy sometimes to post over here ...lots to do...papers etc.
    by the way the baby has gone down ...i see my doc in 2 days than i can say more...
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    that is great Gen that Adria is being a little trooper with the chicken poxs. :) She is a strong little girl.

    Chloe and I are doing great. She is going to be 5 months on Monday, which I still can't believe how much she has grown. We are moving into our own place next week, which we are excited about. Just me, my bf, and our daughter, which we really need to have our own place. so that is why I wasn't here that much b/c of that.

    I have a current pic of Chloe.


    wow 5 months already .Can´t belive that.Time is running so fast.Cute picture...
  • Alex_CoeAlex_Coe Posts: 762
    I was pregnant, gave birth today... to a big 'ol poopie. I tried to squeeze that spicy sum bitch out and my cheeks were red and ripped for days on end. Labor took upwards of fifteen minutes, give or take five hours. I think my bumhole will never be the same again.

    By the way, I did keep him. His name is Spicy Vesuvius.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Did we really need this?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    genevieve wrote:
    Well she got her shot the 28th of May.
    And about 3 days later she got a spot on her face.
    I thougth it was a mosquito bite.
    But now there are about 4 on that cheek and a few more on her face and neck.
    Some on her arms and legs and hands.
    She doesnt seem too bothered by them.
    Just outa sorts in general.
    Between teeth and the pox she is having a rough go of things.
    But we are coping.

    Had a bit of a meltdown the other day cause I was so tired.
    Poor hubby.
    But I just need to remember to not push myself beyond what I can do.

    Thanks for asking Meddle.

    How are you and baby doing?
    How are all the mommies and babies and mommies to be?

    Back in the day.....there was no shot for chicken pox.....three of my sons all came down with it....each 3 weeks apart.....we were prisoners in our own home for better then 6 weeks. No one could come or go! My kids were 1, 3 & 4.5 years old....what a nightmare!!!! My poor 3 year old had his birthday party cancelled.

    How is your little girl.


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    PJaddicted wrote:
    Back in the day.....there was no shot for chicken pox.....three of my sons all came down with it....each 3 weeks apart.....we were prisoners in our own home for better then 6 weeks. No one could come or go! My kids were 1, 3 & 4.5 years old....what a nightmare!!!! My poor 3 year old had his birthday party cancelled.

    How is your little girl.


    that doesn´t sound good...i am so sorry
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    that doesn´t sound good...i am so sorry

    No need for sorry....it was a long time ago....and now a funny story! Didn't feel that way when I was going through it though!! The early days of parenthood seem so long and hard sometimes, and you worry about the littlest things....what I learned along the way...Little kids, little problems...Big kids....bigger problems!

    What I can tell you all....ENJOY EACH MOMENT....it really goes so quickly and you will wish they were little again! Don't waste time keeping your home perfect....spend it with your babies!

    Lots of love to you all!


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    PJaddicted wrote:
    No need for sorry....it was a long time ago....and now a funny story! Didn't feel that way when I was going through it though!! The early days of parenthood seem so long and hard sometimes, and you worry about the littlest things....what I learned along the way...Little kids, little problems...Big kids....bigger problems!

    What I can tell you all....ENJOY EACH MOMENT....it really goes so quickly and you will wish they were little again! Don't waste time keeping your home perfect....spend it with your babies!

    Lots of love to you all!


    ah ok i thought it just happend now...i understand that.that´s right ..i think;)
    thanx for that advice!!!
  • corycory Posts: 736
    Update: I took my boy back in to make sure his jaundice was clearing up. Turns out, he's perfect. Long story short, the doctor said his goober was roughly the size of Massachusetts.

    *pounds chest like gorilla*
    Revive the heart of the heartless...

    Why would you start was has no end?
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    genevieve wrote:
    Aww she is getting big.
    How big is she? How much does she weigh now?

    Adrias pox have slowed down a bit.
    She still gets a new one here and there.
    Our bigger problem today is the huuuuge bump on her forehead.
    She crashed in to our rocking chair cause she wasnt looking while walking around holding a toy. Ouch! ;)

    You must be sooo excited to be heading towards your own place.
    Better have a computer!

    awww TOO cute! Poor little girl. I'm glad that her chicken poxs have gone down a bit and also glad that you have catched it as well Gen. :)

    Chloe, at the last doctor's visit, which was a month ago, she weighed 14 lbs. i think she gain 3 lbs. so far. We'll find out in July. :) she is 24 inches long and growing each and every day. I'm totally amazed how fast babies grow ya know?! :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    cory wrote:
    Update: I took my boy back in to make sure his jaundice was clearing up. Turns out, he's perfect. Long story short, the doctor said his goober was roughly the size of Massachusetts.

    *pounds chest like gorilla*


    that reminded me of what I read on babycenter.com about babies vaginas and penises how they enlarge and swell up for almost a week or so then they decrease over time.

    Congrats on your baby boy! BTW, HAPPY BELATED FATHERS' DAY to you Cory and to all the fathers out there...you all ROCK and thanks for being there for the mommies whenever they needed someone. :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Well if its not one thing its another this month.
    No biggie but heres my story for the week.

    On monday Adria was toddling around not looking where she was going and tripped and fell into the rocking chair. Smacked the middle of her forehead really good and has a nasty bump.
    Well that night at 12am she woke with a bleeding nose.
    So we call the local hotline where nurses answer questions 24/7.
    And she says we have to take her to the hospital.
    Well by the time we get there its after 1am.
    And the nurse says Adria looks really good asks a few questions and says we migth as well go home there is a 4 hr wait to see someone.
    Whew! :D
    But man what a scare.
    She musta just stuck her finger up there when she woke up or something.
    The bruise is going down and we are all fine.

    No new pox in the past few days. :D

    And on the lighter side of life shes trying to say thank you when I say it.
    Sorta sounds like "Tink ew". Very cute.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • jocelynjocelyn Posts: 67
    Okay...so the baby's due in about 5 weeks and we just had the baby shower. Hello! Can anyone say overwhelming amount of stuff!? Wow.

    Anyway, I've been spending gift card $$ and was thinking about buying a baby carrier/sling.

    Do any of you current parents use them? Is it worth it? Are they hot? Which one is best?

    "I can only be as good as you'll let me."
  • PatrickBatemanPatrickBateman Posts: 2,243
    gift cards = diapers

    btw my wife and I are expecting our 3rd in October
    If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    jocelyn wrote:
    Okay...so the baby's due in about 5 weeks and we just had the baby shower. Hello! Can anyone say overwhelming amount of stuff!? Wow.

    Anyway, I've been spending gift card $$ and was thinking about buying a baby carrier/sling.

    Do any of you current parents use them? Is it worth it? Are they hot? Which one is best?


    oh gosh! Congrats on the gift cards! I didn't even get any during my baby shower. :p

    I actually have the Baby Bjorn carrier, but the downside of that one is that you can't use it until the baby is 8 lbs and over since they are too small and might slip off the carrier. i've heard the slings are pretty good for newborns. I actually have one that someone sent me (long after I moved out of my apt) but wasn't given to me until recently. I tried to put Chloe on there, but she slumped too low :p I think I need to adjust the straps then i'll try again. haha.

    My recommendation, get one that will allow you to carry your baby in front of you and on your back. :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I have a carrier.
    I wanted a sling but just never got around to it.
    I have the "snuggabye" brand. It was very good.
    But you can only use it till a certain weight.
    And only after they are a certain weight.
    So its limited on the time you get to use it.

    I did try my friends new sling on Adria just the other day.
    And Im considering still getting one for the summer.
    For outdoor concerts and stuff.
    She is too big for a carrier.
    And the slings are good till they are quite big.
    And people around the world use them.
    I mean most babies are carried in slings till like 2 years old while mom works the fields in some countries.

    Good luck!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • tooferztooferz Posts: 135
    jocelyn wrote:
    Okay...so the baby's due in about 5 weeks and we just had the baby shower. Hello! Can anyone say overwhelming amount of stuff!? Wow.

    Anyway, I've been spending gift card $$ and was thinking about buying a baby carrier/sling.

    Do any of you current parents use them? Is it worth it? Are they hot? Which one is best?


    i have a new native sling and i love love love it. http://www.newnativeinc.com/ they are a bit expensive but i have custody of my 3 month old grandson after an accident that left him with major brain trauma. hes doing much better than expected but he felt so "lost" if he wasnt swaddled tightly or held all the time when he first came home. since i also have his 18 month old brother, i didnt have time to hold the baby 24/7....so i 'wore' him n he was happy and i had 2 hands again to deal with his brother n life.

    he doesnt 'need' it so much anymore but its still great. he can kind of sit up in it now and i dont have to carry him in the heavy car seat everywhere we go. and i can also carry his brother in it when i dont take the baby with me...he sits up in it, butt in the sling part, slung on my hip...hands free. they hold up to 45 lbs...but your back would be in agony carrying a kid that big lol.
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    tooferz wrote:
    i have a new native sling and i love love love it. http://www.newnativeinc.com/ they are a bit expensive but i have custody of my 3 month old grandson after an accident that left him with major brain trauma. hes doing much better than expected but he felt so "lost" if he wasnt swaddled tightly or held all the time when he first came home. since i also have his 18 month old brother, i didnt have time to hold the baby 24/7....so i 'wore' him n he was happy and i had 2 hands again to deal with his brother n life.

    he doesnt 'need' it so much anymore but its still great. he can kind of sit up in it now and i dont have to carry him in the heavy car seat everywhere we go. and i can also carry his brother in it when i dont take the baby with me...he sits up in it, butt in the sling part, slung on my hip...hands free. they hold up to 45 lbs...but your back would be in agony carrying a kid that big lol.

    Wow...how are you handling it all? You are a good person to take both those babies and take care of them! Lots of love coming your way!


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • jocelynjocelyn Posts: 67
    Thanks for the info! I need to see if any of my friends with babies would be willing to lend me their carriers so I can see if the baby likes it or not.

    It's amazing to me how expensive some of them are...I mean $100 bucks? I saw one that looked like a hiking pack go for almost $200!

    Diapers might be the better choice for the gift cards; you're right!
    "I can only be as good as you'll let me."
  • I bought a baby sling at Target by a brand called Hotslings. I have to wait till the baby comes before i can make sure she'll fit in it. They have different sizes so i kept the receipt in case I need to end up exchanging for a bigger one. They cost 40 bucks, and I'll have to wait and see if it's any good.

    To Genevieve and all the moms whose kids are becoming toddlers, try not to get stressed out. The next year will probably be challenging. There will be screaming and tantrums and you might even wonder if you're doing something wrong to cause this behavior, but it's totally normal. One and a half is a rough age, especially. Audrey just turned two and she's slowly becoming more patient and willing to communicate with words instead of screaming and hitting. She also loves her books and brings them to me constantly. When I won't read one she screams and hits me with it, so I have to take it away. But the really important thing is that Adria likes being read to. It's the best way to encourage language development. Audrey was real late to speak so I just decided to start reading to her all the time and for a while it didn't seem to be helping until all the sudden her speech developed so fast i can't keep track of the new words anymore. Don't worry about the milestones until she gets closer to age 2, and just keep reading and interacting. That's the best thing you can do at this age.
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
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