O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    CONGRATS everyone on their pending births of their little one. :D

    btw, did anyone see pics of my little girl Chloe? (yeah, i'm a mom and i love to show people pics of her :o)

    Oh my god, it's weird that you posted this. I was driving home from some errands today, and out of nowhere, it hit me that the other day, when I looked at Chloe's pics and then replied to some other people, I completely missed replying to you and telling you how cute she is!!!!! And I felt like such an ass, especially since I requested them! ...lol.

    Anyway, she is beautiful! My favorites are the ones where she is sitting on your lap that her daddy took...especially the one with the little frowny face! ;) It's amazing to look at that first pic of her and then see how much she has changed...yet you can still see that little glimmer in her eye that makes her her, you know? (I'm not sure if that makes sense!)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Yeah the Chloe pics were awsome.
    Shes gettin sooo big!

    Hope everyone is well.
    Hope everyones summers are going good.

    We have been super busy.
    But thats good. Adria seems to like being busy. :D

    I have a reply to whoever asked about what birth feels like.
    Dilating from 5-10 cm is the hardest. Its not your "bits" that hurt so much as your muscles in your stomach contracting and heaving. Its very tiring.
    But pushing is a different thing all together.
    I hurts like nothing else but you know it will be over soon.
    And expect the "ring of fire" it burns down there...
    But its over in a bit and then its all worth it.

    I ve said it a few times already on here but when I started to feel the burn for a bit at one point I felt in between my legs and ther was this soft little head down there and I knew it wouldnt be too much more and It really gave me strength to go on cause by that point you are pretty tired.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    congrats to the newly pregnant and new babies :)
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    K here are some new ones of Adria.

    There are quite a few but some are doubles cause I goofed.
    Enjoy. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hope everyone is well.
    Summer is almost over and Im staring to wonder how I will keep Adria occupied this winter...
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • i have once again made it thru another week without getting pregnant.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • brainofjbbrainofjb Boston Posts: 381
    I had my ultrasound today. I am having a girl!!!!
    So exciting!!!!!
    There's the moon asking to stay
    Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
  • Congratulations!!!! When are you due? I'm due January 25th with a boy!
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Oh my god, it's weird that you posted this. I was driving home from some errands today, and out of nowhere, it hit me that the other day, when I looked at Chloe's pics and then replied to some other people, I completely missed replying to you and telling you how cute she is!!!!! And I felt like such an ass, especially since I requested them! ...lol.

    Anyway, she is beautiful! My favorites are the ones where she is sitting on your lap that her daddy took...especially the one with the little frowny face! ;) It's amazing to look at that first pic of her and then see how much she has changed...yet you can still see that little glimmer in her eye that makes her her, you know? (I'm not sure if that makes sense!)

    haha. that is okay. :) And I know what you mean by that. she is one smart cookie I can tell you that much and I seriously miss her a lot when I'm at work. *sighs* I always look forward to coming home to her. :)

    and this friday, me and the baby are going on our first trip back to my home town in Texas...it should be interesting how things will go on the plane ride and also getting to my connecting flight.
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • brainofjbbrainofjb Boston Posts: 381
    Congratulations!!!! When are you due? I'm due January 25th with a boy!

    January 19th!!! CANT WAIT!!!!!

    we picked out our little girls name and tomorrow we are going to buy her first gift :)
    There's the moon asking to stay
    Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
  • brainofjbbrainofjb Boston Posts: 381
    Congratulations!!!! When are you due? I'm due January 25th with a boy!

    oh.. and CONGRATS TO YOU TOO!! good luck!

    Maybe our kids will see pj shows together :)
    There's the moon asking to stay
    Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Awww congrats on the good news of a healthy girl.

    Wel since "someone" made a big deal about people not responding to thier posted pics I will too! ;)
    Anyone see mine?

    I wondered if the photobucket link was working.

    Anyone heard from lady yet?
    Is she well?

    Laaaaadyyyyy are you ouuuut therrrre????....
    Hope you are good.
    Hope baby is well.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Jack is going to be a big brother. The new baby's due date is 16 days after Jack's 2nd birthday
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Congrats to the newbies of the thread! Looking forward to updates along the way!! :)

    And congrats, Hellfish!!! I wonder who'll be the next "repeat offender" in our thread!! ;) I hope it's not me...lol. Then again, I hope it is. :D I totally have baby fever, even though we are not ready to start all over again. Annabelle is keeping us busy enough.

    Gen, I meant to mention this to you before....the link didn't work. Actually, it sent us to a page where it asked for a password. (I was in a hurry when I checked it before, so I didn't get to say anything.) I will check it again. I can't wait to see how grown up she has gotten. :)

    Meddle, I think the flight will go just fine! Judging my her age, and the fact that you have a seat for her, I think you will have no problems. And don't be shy about grabbing an an airport employee to ask for an extra hand when you are going through security. If they don't offer, just make them help you!That is why they are there. :) Have a safe trip!
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    genevieve wrote:
    Awww congrats on the good news of a healthy girl.

    Wel since "someone" made a big deal about people not responding to thier posted pics I will too! ;)
    Anyone see mine?

    I wondered if the photobucket link was working.

    Anyone heard from lady yet?
    Is she well?

    Laaaaadyyyyy are you ouuuut therrrre????....
    Hope you are good.
    Hope baby is well.

    hehe. well, I was going to mention that, before Chloe started to fuss :p silly little girl. I clicked on your link and it told me to type in the password. Do you have it set to private?

    and I was also wondering about her too. I wonder how Lady is doing and what she had. I want to know too how everything went.
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    oh and CONGRATS to all the new parents to be out there. WOW! I wonder how many boys and girls we've had in this thread alone! i think we have more girls than boys!
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    K so for some reason it was set to private.
    But now it should be working.

    Congratulations to Hellfish and Mama Hellfish.
    JAck is gonna have some competition.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:

    K so for some reason it was set to private.
    But now it should be working.

    Congratulations to Hellfish and Mama Hellfish.
    JAck is gonna have some competition.

    Gen, she is so cute! :) Her eyes are just beautiful! My husband was looking with me and he said "wow, she looks like a kid, not a baby!" :D And he agreed that she was adorable. She looks so angelic with the blonde hair and the icy blue eyes! :)

    What size is she wearing now? Annabelle is still wearing some 6-12 month stuff, but is starting to grow out of it.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Everyone comments on her eyes.
    I love some of the pictures in this last batch.
    We take an absolute ton of pictures of her.

    Adria is wearing size 2 shirts for length.
    Some are a bit baggy but she is really tall.

    As for pants it depends.
    But if they are bigger jeans I definatley need an adjustible waist.
    I really like Gap, Old Navy, Gymboree, Please Mum and The Childrens Place for clothes.
    I dont know if you have all of those places where you are and some are quite pricey.
    But I always watch for sales.
    I also go to kid swap meets and garage sales.
    You can find some really new stuff, some not even worn. For less than half of what you might pay at the stores.
    Dont get me wrong I have a ton of second hand clothes and theyget used.
    But it seems I like to make sure Adria is well dressed.

    I can go out in sweat pants still needing a shower.
    But Adria needs to be well dressed. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Everyone comments on her eyes.
    I love some of the pictures in this last batch.
    We take an absolute ton of pictures of her.

    Adria is wearing size 2 shirts for length.
    Some are a bit baggy but she is really tall.

    As for pants it depends.
    But if they are bigger jeans I definatley need an adjustible waist.
    I really like Gap, Old Navy, Gymboree, Please Mum and The Childrens Place for clothes.
    I dont know if you have all of those places where you are and some are quite pricey.
    But I always watch for sales.
    I also go to kid swap meets and garage sales.
    You can find some really new stuff, some not even worn. For less than half of what you might pay at the stores.
    Dont get me wrong I have a ton of second hand clothes and theyget used.
    But it seems I like to make sure Adria is well dressed.

    I can go out in sweat pants still needing a shower.
    But Adria needs to be well dressed. :D

    Never heard of Please Mum, but we have all the others. I love Gymboree, but it is so expensive! I buy things there on sale, and then splurge once in a blue moon. I got Annabelle a whole birthday outfit there -- a dress and shoes. And actually, I got like 20% off because of a sale they were having that day, which was a stroke of luck! :)

    I need to hit up some garage sales. We have only recently had to start buying clothes for Annabelle, because my husband's aunts and cousins literally went crazy buying outfits for her as soon as they found out we were having a girl. So we were pretty well-stocked with clothes for the first year. And now that we are buying stuff, I have trouble controlling myself! And we have just gotten into really buying her some real shoes, other than Robeez, which she started wearing at 6 months. I have the cutest little pair of sneakers for her and now I want to get her a pair of slightly dressier shoes.

    And I am with you... I put way more effort into selecting her outfits when we go out...lol. I always make sure she looks cute. :D
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Ohh shoes.
    Adria loves shoes.
    So much so that her first word was "shoes". :D
    And I gotta say I looove buying her shoes.

    I just got her 2 new pairs at Payless last week cause she had a growth spurt and shot up a size.
    I got her a really cute pair of sneakers (pink plaid) airwalks. For $10.
    And a pair of brown leather dressier ones. $10.

    But there was the cutest pair of sneakers at the Gap that Eric convinced me not to get but I still really want for her. $25.
    So I think I will still get them.

    And I also really like that Gap has the "Red" line out for kids too.
    We have bought Adria a few things knowing that half is going to help someone.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I just want to say Im so glad I have all of my teeth.
    Cause Im pretty sure life sucks for Adria right now.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    Jack is going to be a big brother. The new baby's due date is 16 days after Jack's 2nd birthday

    congats. when is that? Our second baby is due in March 2008. Baby #1, Anna, won't even be 1 and a half yet. yikes ! :) but we are looking forward to it. 2 years is a good age gap for growing up to be close brothers and sisters. I think after about 3 years or so it creates to big an age difference for the kids to really be able to get along as friends with similar interests and stuff. Congratulation again!
  • genevieve wrote:

    K so for some reason it was set to private.
    But now it should be working.

    Congratulations to Hellfish and Mama Hellfish.
    JAck is gonna have some competition.

    Oh wow...she has the most beautiful eyes. Such a cutie.
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    pacifier wrote:
    congats. when is that? Our second baby is due in March 2008. Baby #1, Anna, won't even be 1 and a half yet. yikes ! :) but we are looking forward to it. 2 years is a good age gap for growing up to be close brothers and sisters. I think after about 3 years or so it creates to big an age difference for the kids to really be able to get along as friends with similar interests and stuff. Congratulation again!

    Wow so many people I know are having another kid right away.

    Im still happy with just the one.
    Right now since she is still being weened its hard somedays getting her to sleep without breastfeeding. But we are working on it.

    Is cold turkey gonna be the end result?
    Only time will tell...
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hope everyone is well.

    Lady Im throwing good wishes your way too.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifier wrote:
    congats. when is that? Our second baby is due in March 2008. Baby #1, Anna, won't even be 1 and a half yet. yikes ! :) but we are looking forward to it. 2 years is a good age gap for growing up to be close brothers and sisters. I think after about 3 years or so it creates to big an age difference for the kids to really be able to get along as friends with similar interests and stuff. Congratulation again!

    Thanks, same to you. April 15 is the due date, Jack was born March 30, 2006. I agree about there being a big difference between 2 years apart, and 3 or more
  • happy to say....that i have made it thru another week....

    and i am still NOT pregnant............
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Well Speedy if you are happy then I am happy for you.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    I just want to say Im so glad I have all of my teeth.
    Cause Im pretty sure life sucks for Adria right now.

    How are Adria's little chompers doing these days? Did the new one(s) break through yet?

    Annabelle has been DROOLING like a dog for the past week, but hasn't exhibited any teething behavior...so I'm sure it'll hit when we go down the shore on Tuesday...lol. It doesn't keep her up at night, but it makes her pretty grouchy during the day.
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