Thanks for looking! I know I posted a ton. I can't help it. I'm her mom. lol
She has about 8 teeth now, and our sleep still hasn't been interrupted! I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. She will probably wake up screaming tonight because I said that. lol
She is starting to repeat a lot of words, and is starting to do animal sounds on command. Her favorite one is the elephant, because it's loud. She's also really getting into making faces, which is hilarious. I think she is trying to do a forward roll, but hasn't quite figured out how to roll over yet. We're going to start taking her to The Little Gym once a week, because I think she will love having a place to expend some of her energy.
Changing diapers is a total nightmare right now, because all she wants to do is get up and run away... I make Greg help me change her whenever he is home, but during the day, I just cringe when it comes time to change her! Another thing we are stressing over right now is the fact that she figured out how to lower the side of her crib. I think we might have to get one of those net things for over the top of
Awww Brain, Annabelle is TOO cute and that pic of her wearing that Smiths shirt, stole my heart! (I didn't know you were a Smiths fan...they indeed ROCK!! ) keep those pics of her coming, once I have time, i'll share pics of Chloe w/you all.
YAY for Annabelle for having 8 teeth and for celebrating her first b-day...happy belated b-day Annabelle
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Jocelyn gave birth to Molly Lynn early this morning at 1:42 AM. She weighed in at 5 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches. Both mom and baby are doing fine.
I had to come home to take care of our dogs so I figured I would share the news. OK, I've been up for 26 hrs straight now so I'm gonna take a quick nap and head back to the hospital.
We'll share more later.
Awww CONGRATS!!!! I was thinking about her too, very beautiful name btw. I hope you all get some rest and enjoy the ride of parenthood.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Jocelyn gave birth to Molly Lynn early this morning at 1:42 AM. She weighed in at 5 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches. Both mom and baby are doing fine.
I had to come home to take care of our dogs so I figured I would share the news. OK, I've been up for 26 hrs straight now so I'm gonna take a quick nap and head back to the hospital.
We'll share more later.
Congrats sooo excited for you oth.
Hope all is well.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Jocelyn gave birth to Molly Lynn early this morning at 1:42 AM. She weighed in at 5 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches. Both mom and baby are doing fine.
I had to come home to take care of our dogs so I figured I would share the news. OK, I've been up for 26 hrs straight now so I'm gonna take a quick nap and head back to the hospital.
We'll share more later.
9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
Boston 1
awwww Jocelyn, u and Ringo made a very BEAUTIFUL baby girl...she is absolutely 'prettiful"
I echo Brain's sentiments, enjoy this moment when she is a newborn, b/c the next minute, she'll be 6 months old and you'll be thinking, 'where did it all go?!'
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Teagan Aileen
July 24, 2007 @ 9:00 p.m. sharp. 6lbs. 15 oz. She came right on her due date. It was almost too convenient because I was scheduled for a non-stress test that afternoon at the hospital due to slightly elevated blood pressure. My doctor was being cautious because I had pregnancy induced hypertension with my first pregnancy, and she wanted to monitor the baby. About an hour before my appointment the braxton hicks contractions I had been feeling off and on seemed to get kinda intense. I thought, "Could I be in labor?" When I got to the hospital I had a big one while getting out of my car so I thought I'd better tell the nurse when I got in. Sure enough they were 4-5 min. apart and I was dilated 4 cm! The told me to just stay and they put me in a room. My older dd was already with her grandpa so they just grabbed her suitcase and took her to their house. Teagan was born 7 hrs later. They broke my water at 6 cm. and the fun began. The last stage of labor flew by and was really intense. I only pushed for 15 min. but luckily it was over quickly.
My husband is home for a few weeks and it's been a tremendous help. Big sis Audrey is 2 years old. She's handling it pretty well most of the time, though she gets jealous. She likes to get into trouble when I'm holding the baby because my hands are tied and I can't just get up and chase her!
P.S. Her name is pronounced (TEE-Gan) just like Tegan and Sara, who coincidentally released their new album the day she was born. How funny!
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
Teagan Aileen
July 24, 2007 @ 9:00 p.m. sharp. 6lbs. 15 oz. She came right on her due date. It was almost too convenient because I was scheduled for a non-stress test that afternoon at the hospital due to slightly elevated blood pressure. My doctor was being cautious because I had pregnancy induced hypertension with my first pregnancy, and she wanted to monitor the baby. About an hour before my appointment the braxton hicks contractions I had been feeling off and on seemed to get kinda intense. I thought, "Could I be in labor?" When I got to the hospital I had a big one while getting out of my car so I thought I'd better tell the nurse when I got in. Sure enough they were 4-5 min. apart and I was dilated 4 cm! The told me to just stay and they put me in a room. My older dd was already with her grandpa so they just grabbed her suitcase and took her to their house. Teagan was born 7 hrs later. They broke my water at 6 cm. and the fun began. The last stage of labor flew by and was really intense. I only pushed for 15 min. but luckily it was over quickly.
My husband is home for a few weeks and it's been a tremendous help. Big sis Audrey is 2 years old. She's handling it pretty well most of the time, though she gets jealous. She likes to get into trouble when I'm holding the baby because my hands are tied and I can't just get up and chase her!
P.S. Her name is pronounced (TEE-Gan) just like Tegan and Sara, who coincidentally released their new album the day she was born. How funny!
Congratulations!!! We would love to see pics...of both of your little girls!
About 2 months. So far seems to be easier the second time around because I know what to expect this time and can even imagine the end product The first time was all a bit more scarey because of the unknown and every month there was some new symptom to deal with that I didn't know was part of the package of being pregnant.
WOW!!!! !!!! That is awesome!!!! Congratulations!! I was wondering who would be the first to get pregnant again! That is awesome!
Well baby number one is only 9 months old and I am two months pregnant! I'm bound to have my hands full with a 16 month old and a new born once March comes around, but I'm looking forward to it. Luckily our first child, Anna, has a wonderful personality, so hopefully she will be an excellent big sister and not be too mischievious while I am trying to look after her little brother or sister at the same time.
Well baby number one is only 9 months old and I am two months pregnant! I'm bound to have my hands full with a 16 month old and a new born once March comes around, but I'm looking forward to it. Luckily our first child, Anna, has a wonderful personality, so hopefully she will be an excellent big sister and not be too mischievious while I am trying to look after her little brother or sister at the same time.
You will have your hands full!! My first two were 20 months was so aweful that....I went on the have two more after that! I think having them close together was a ton of fun, a lot of work, and you need a ton of patience....but I can look back on it and know it was right for us.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Teagan Aileen
July 24, 2007 @ 9:00 p.m. sharp. 6lbs. 15 oz. She came right on her due date. It was almost too convenient because I was scheduled for a non-stress test that afternoon at the hospital due to slightly elevated blood pressure. My doctor was being cautious because I had pregnancy induced hypertension with my first pregnancy, and she wanted to monitor the baby. About an hour before my appointment the braxton hicks contractions I had been feeling off and on seemed to get kinda intense. I thought, "Could I be in labor?" When I got to the hospital I had a big one while getting out of my car so I thought I'd better tell the nurse when I got in. Sure enough they were 4-5 min. apart and I was dilated 4 cm! The told me to just stay and they put me in a room. My older dd was already with her grandpa so they just grabbed her suitcase and took her to their house. Teagan was born 7 hrs later. They broke my water at 6 cm. and the fun began. The last stage of labor flew by and was really intense. I only pushed for 15 min. but luckily it was over quickly.
My husband is home for a few weeks and it's been a tremendous help. Big sis Audrey is 2 years old. She's handling it pretty well most of the time, though she gets jealous. She likes to get into trouble when I'm holding the baby because my hands are tied and I can't just get up and chase her!
P.S. Her name is pronounced (TEE-Gan) just like Tegan and Sara, who coincidentally released their new album the day she was born. How funny!
There's the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
I had to have a c-section, which felt like nothing, because by that time I was numb from my lower jaw to my toes. (It hurt like a bastard, though, after the epidural and the morphine wore off!) Contractions feel very crampy, though. Like really really looooong, drawn-out cramps. (Are you a woman? If not, menstrual cramps are not a good point of reference, I guess! )
I had to have a c-section, which felt like nothing, because by that time I was numb from my lower jaw to my toes. (It hurt like a bastard, though, after the epidural and the morphine wore off!) Contractions feel very crampy, though. Like really really looooong, drawn-out cramps. (Are you a woman? If not, menstrual cramps are not a good point of reference, I guess! )
not a woman; when someone was describing how dilated they were it made me wonder what the feeling is like to push something out of an opening so small
more i think about it i really dont wanna know
2005: Borgata 2, Philly
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
My husband and I are expecting our first baby on January 25th. Due to my 'advanced maternal age' (they kick you when you're down huh?) of 38, I had the CVS choromosomal test done and know for sure that he is a boy! We are so excited! I am 16 weeks along today and finally got to hear his heartbeat for the first time. We also got to see hands, feet, fingers and toes. I love technology! Having a hard time with names, everyone knows that I'm a huge PJ fan and they keep suggesting PJ related names but I'm just not that forward!
morning of her birthday...
leading daddy around by the
playing with the big girls at her birthday party
showing her love for the
"I'm 1!"
looking so damn proud of herself for using a
Thanks for looking! I know I posted a ton. I can't help it. I'm her mom. lol
She has about 8 teeth now, and our sleep still hasn't been interrupted! I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. She will probably wake up screaming tonight because I said that. lol
She is starting to repeat a lot of words, and is starting to do animal sounds on command. Her favorite one is the elephant, because it's loud. She's also really getting into making faces, which is hilarious. I think she is trying to do a forward roll, but hasn't quite figured out how to roll over yet. We're going to start taking her to The Little Gym once a week, because I think she will love having a place to expend some of her energy.
Changing diapers is a total nightmare right now, because all she wants to do is get up and run away... I make Greg help me change her whenever he is home, but during the day, I just cringe when it comes time to change her! Another thing we are stressing over right now is the fact that she figured out how to lower the side of her crib. I think we might have to get one of those net things for over the top of
I hope everyone is doing well!!
YAY for Annabelle for having 8 teeth and for celebrating her first b-day...happy belated b-day Annabelle
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Awww CONGRATS!!!! I was thinking about her too, very beautiful name btw. I hope you all get some rest and enjoy the ride of parenthood.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Yes, we are big Smiths fans around here! We're actually seeing Morrissey on Monday night...I'm so excited!!
And yes, we need more Chloe pics! I haven't seen pics of her in so long!
Congrats sooo excited for you oth.
Hope all is well.
Hope all is well.
I will have a ton of new pics myself right away.
Boston 1
Boston 1
HETHAAAAA!!! I've missed you!
Hows your little bun in the oven!?
Here's a link to some pics....
Oh wow, those pics really made me want another newborn...
We were looking at newborn pics of Annabelle last night. It's incredible how much they change!
Enjoy every moment with little Molly, because they all go so fast!
awwww Jocelyn, u and Ringo made a very BEAUTIFUL baby girl...she is absolutely 'prettiful"
I echo Brain's sentiments, enjoy this moment when she is a newborn, b/c the next minute, she'll be 6 months old and you'll be thinking, 'where did it all go?!'
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
she just turned 6 months last week. I still can't believe she used to be like this:
at a week old
to now!!
here's my favorite that her daddy took:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I had my baby girl over a week ago.
Teagan Aileen
July 24, 2007 @ 9:00 p.m. sharp. 6lbs. 15 oz. She came right on her due date. It was almost too convenient because I was scheduled for a non-stress test that afternoon at the hospital due to slightly elevated blood pressure. My doctor was being cautious because I had pregnancy induced hypertension with my first pregnancy, and she wanted to monitor the baby. About an hour before my appointment the braxton hicks contractions I had been feeling off and on seemed to get kinda intense. I thought, "Could I be in labor?" When I got to the hospital I had a big one while getting out of my car so I thought I'd better tell the nurse when I got in. Sure enough they were 4-5 min. apart and I was dilated 4 cm! The told me to just stay and they put me in a room. My older dd was already with her grandpa so they just grabbed her suitcase and took her to their house. Teagan was born 7 hrs later. They broke my water at 6 cm. and the fun began. The last stage of labor flew by and was really intense. I only pushed for 15 min. but luckily it was over quickly.
My husband is home for a few weeks and it's been a tremendous help. Big sis Audrey is 2 years old. She's handling it pretty well most of the time, though she gets jealous. She likes to get into trouble when I'm holding the baby because my hands are tied and I can't just get up and chase her!
P.S. Her name is pronounced (TEE-Gan) just like Tegan and Sara, who coincidentally released their new album the day she was born. How funny!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
OMG! CONGRATS!! how far along are you sweetie?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Congratulations!!! We would love to see pics...of both of your little girls!
About 2 months. So far seems to be easier the second time around because I know what to expect this time and can even imagine the end product
Well baby number one is only 9 months old and I am two months pregnant! I'm bound to have my hands full with a 16 month old and a new born once March comes around, but I'm looking forward to it. Luckily our first child, Anna, has a wonderful personality, so hopefully she will be an excellent big sister and not be too mischievious while I am trying to look after her little brother or sister at the same time.
You will have your hands full!! My first two were 20 months was so aweful that....I went on the have two more after that!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Monday, the 13th, I find out the sex! Cant wait!
I wish I had gone to the Vic or to Lolla so that my baby could have gone as well
I think those two shows would have been too much for a pregnant lady
oh well, Im sure he or she will see Pj once or twice
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Boo work! Those two weeks just went by say too fast :(
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
I have no idea.
I had to have a c-section, which felt like nothing, because by that time I was numb from my lower jaw to my toes. (It hurt like a bastard, though, after the epidural and the morphine wore off!) Contractions feel very crampy, though. Like really really looooong, drawn-out cramps. (Are you a woman? If not, menstrual cramps are not a good point of reference, I guess!
not a woman; when someone was describing how dilated they were it made me wonder what the feeling is like to push something out of an opening so small
more i think about it i really dont wanna know
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
btw, did anyone see pics of my little girl Chloe? (yeah, i'm a mom and i love to show people pics of her
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn