O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    What PJ related names have you used so far?

    my almost 13 year old son is Jeremy and my 3 yr old daughter's name is Megan which means Pearl ;):)
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    Hi, everybody, how are you all doing? So I had my ultrasound yesterday. Everything was fine and we're having another girl. Since this is probably going to be our last kid, I was sort of hoping for a boy so we could have one of each. It doesn't really matter, though. It's a good thing because we have a 2 bedroom house so we don't have to change anything (room is pink) and we can use all those adorable girl outfits my dd hardly got to wear. The due date is still July 24th. I think someone else on this thread is due the same week (Jocelyn?) Good luck, everyone!

    Congrats on your baby girl!
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • As for the circumcision issue, I don't have any sons but if I did I would leave him intact. My hubby and I talked about it before and he said he wouldn't have it done. He's uncircumcised and never had any issue with it. I think in this country people have misconceptions about foreskin. Parents are told they need to pull it back and clean it vigorously or the boy will get infections, but this kind of treatment can actually cause infections and other problems. Then the doctor will say, "Oh, now we have to circ. him" years later when it's not really necessary.

    Of course this is a personal decision and their are social reasons to get it done. For example to have a son look like his dad or like other boys. It's a pretty safe and routine medical procedure. I just think more people should start to accept foreskin and not be so quick to label it unnecessary or even harmful.
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
  • pjhunz28 wrote:
    my almost 13 year old son is Jeremy and my 3 yr old daughter's name is Megan which means Pearl ;):)

    Cool. Good luck coming up with something.
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Hi, everybody, how are you all doing? So I had my ultrasound yesterday. Everything was fine and we're having another girl. Since this is probably going to be our last kid, I was sort of hoping for a boy so we could have one of each. It doesn't really matter, though. It's a good thing because we have a 2 bedroom house so we don't have to change anything (room is pink) and we can use all those adorable girl outfits my dd hardly got to wear. The due date is still July 24th. I think someone else on this thread is due the same week (Jocelyn?) Good luck, everyone!

    congrats!! :D great to finally hear from you! Good luck throughout your pregnancy and keep us tabs!

    as for me and Chloe we are doing great!! Chloe JUST turned 6 weeks old yesterday and we just found out that our friend's brother had a baby boy a few days ago. Babies everywhere I tell ya. Chloe started to smile at the beginning of this week. This morning, while I was changing her, I was saying 'chloe needs a changin'. Who has a dirty diaper?' and tickle her tummy. She started to laugh. haha. TOO cute!! i'm going to miss her once i start working again which i think will be on March 12th since my boyfriend and I are on a tight budget. My money that I saved from last year is all but gone, now I have $200 and we so need to go get a playpen for her so she doesn't have to be confided in a stroller :(

    how is everyone else doing?
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Wow, that's awesome. Even teething doesn't wake her up?

    So far, so good! We know there is bound to be a time when this changes, but we're just enjoying it while it lasts! :) I'm sure she'll probably be the kid who wants to sleep between us every night when she's like 3. And I'm a softy, and so is my husband, so we'll probably let her. :D
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    congrats!! :D great to finally hear from you! Good luck throughout your pregnancy and keep us tabs!

    as for me and Chloe we are doing great!! Chloe JUST turned 6 weeks old yesterday and we just found out that our friend's brother had a baby boy a few days ago. Babies everywhere I tell ya. Chloe started to smile at the beginning of this week. This morning, while I was changing her, I was saying 'chloe needs a changin'. Who has a dirty diaper?' and tickle her tummy. She started to laugh. haha. TOO cute!! i'm going to miss her once i start working again which i think will be on March 12th since my boyfriend and I are on a tight budget. My money that I saved from last year is all but gone, now I have $200 and we so need to go get a playpen for her so she doesn't have to be confided in a stroller :(

    how is everyone else doing?

    Meddle, the laughing was one of my favorite milestones!!! There is no sweeter sound than a giggling baby. Pretty soon she will be doing it all the time, and you know what? It'll still sound just as sweet to you. :) I don't think it'll ever get old.

    Do you have one of those little "gym" things? It's like a mat with two arches that intersect over it, with toys hanging down. We got one of those for Annabelle when she was about Chloe's age, and she really liked staring up at the toys (and then eventually reaching for them). I was just thinking, maybe you could get one of those instead of a playpen right now, and then that would be another place to "park" the baby when you're not holding her...lol. Here is one that looks cute: http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=br_1_2/602-9115905-7205415?ie=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B000B5PC20

    (btw, I'm so not trying to tell you what to do! I just really sympathize with the tight budget thing!! :D)
  • MeddleDeal wrote:

    as for me and Chloe we are doing great!! Chloe JUST turned 6 weeks old yesterday and we just found out that our friend's brother had a baby boy a few days ago. Babies everywhere I tell ya. Chloe started to smile at the beginning of this week. This morning, while I was changing her, I was saying 'chloe needs a changin'. Who has a dirty diaper?' and tickle her tummy. She started to laugh. haha. TOO cute!! i'm going to miss her once i start working again which i think will be on March 12th since my boyfriend and I are on a tight budget. My money that I saved from last year is all but gone, now I have $200 and we so need to go get a playpen for her so she doesn't have to be confided in a stroller :(

    Wow, 6 weeks already! Seeing your kids smile is so rewarding. She's laughing already? That's sweet.
    My dd is 20 mos. old and she just started giving out hugs all the time. It's so precious. I remember one time when she was about 3 mos. I really scared her by speaking in a different voice. Putting her jammies on I got carried away and said "It's Jammy Time!" in a monster truck announcer type voice. I thought I was being funny, but she burst into tears and was hysterical for like 5 minutes, as if she didn't know who i was anymore. I felt like such a meanie. lol
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    You might get lucky schedule-wise, PBM! It seems like nothing disrupts Annabelle's schedule or keeps her from sleeping through the night. Since she started sleeping through at 6 weeks, I can count on one hand the amount of times she has gotten me up in the middle of the night. It happened twice when she had a cold back in January, and the others have been random flukes that I couldn't explain.

    The most amazing thing was when we were moving and drove from Chicago to NJ, which took us about 13 hours spread over two days. We stopped at about 8:30 the first night, set up the pack n play in the hotel room so she could hang out for a while and play outside of her carseat, and then at 10:30 we turned the lights off, crossed our fingers and put her back in the pack n play... She went to sleep without making a peep! :D

    But I take no credit for this; it's obviously just a personality trait of hers because I haven't done anything to establish her routine. I'm the queen of accidental parenting...lol. :D But it's working quite well so far! I can't believe she will be 9 months on Monday!

    I was thinking about this very thing earlier tonight. Lily is 5 months old and has been sleeping through the night since about 3 months. Very little disrupts her sleep either. She has already cut her two front bottom teeth with lots of pain and crankiness during the daytime, but she still slept through the night! :)
    She's cutting her front top teeth now, but rarely wakes up with pain. (except tonight :() On the rare occasion she does, we give her a little infants Tylenol to take the edge off, and she's back to sleep again for the rest of the night (6am).
    The public health nurse told me that babies are either sleepers or they're not, but this seems like a huge generalization to me. There are so many factors at work!
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    my date has changed ..it´s now 11th of july and meddle i will really stay now 1 year home no matter what...it´s sad that your goverment doesn´t support family´s
  • I must say.....I've never opened this thread until now...since I'm not pregnant and all but....what I want to know is, is the subject still the same or has this thread been hyjacked, I'm much to lazy to read,:)
  • pjhunz28 wrote:
    my 3 yr old daughter's name is Megan which means Pearl ;):)

    you have just made my day!

    MY name is Megan. and until now i never knew that it means Pearl! i was always told that its a welsh form of Margaret. so i never really liked my name!


    (nice choice by the way)

    and congrats on the new baby!
    I'd rather be with an animal.
  • Nothingman54Nothingman54 Posts: 2,251
    My wife is pregent. Its funny because I made a joke in here last year sometime and now my wife is pregent. Karmas a bitch.
    I'll be back
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    Look at all the future PJ fans that are coming this year!
  • jocelynjocelyn Posts: 67
    Yep....our due date is July 20th at least as far as we know. Congrats to you, a girl! Our big ultrasound is on Tuesday. I'm really excited/nervous about it since we're going to a different place than the usual hospital I have my regular appointments, but it should be cool.

    On another, random note, always being the designated driver has its advantages. DH (aka as Ringo on this board) and I played in a few poker tourneys last night (15 ppl) and except for the cash game, I did really well. Before pregnancy, I used to play much looser because I was drinking.

    I'll post more info about the ultrasound on Tuesday.
    Hi, everybody, how are you all doing? So I had my ultrasound yesterday. Everything was fine and we're having another girl. Since this is probably going to be our last kid, I was sort of hoping for a boy so we could have one of each. It doesn't really matter, though. It's a good thing because we have a 2 bedroom house so we don't have to change anything (room is pink) and we can use all those adorable girl outfits my dd hardly got to wear. The due date is still July 24th. I think someone else on this thread is due the same week (Jocelyn?) Good luck, everyone!
    "I can only be as good as you'll let me."
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    congrats!! :D great to finally hear from you! Good luck throughout your pregnancy and keep us tabs!

    as for me and Chloe we are doing great!! Chloe JUST turned 6 weeks old yesterday and we just found out that our friend's brother had a baby boy a few days ago. Babies everywhere I tell ya. Chloe started to smile at the beginning of this week. This morning, while I was changing her, I was saying 'chloe needs a changin'. Who has a dirty diaper?' and tickle her tummy. She started to laugh. haha. TOO cute!! i'm going to miss her once i start working again which i think will be on March 12th since my boyfriend and I are on a tight budget. My money that I saved from last year is all but gone, now I have $200 and we so need to go get a playpen for her so she doesn't have to be confided in a stroller :(

    how is everyone else doing?

    Any recent pics of Chloe? She's real cute! :D It's too bad you have to go back to work so soon, but I understand the financial part of it. Will she be going to daycare?
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    Recent pics of Lily. Not sure if this is going to work or not!

    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • jocelynjocelyn Posts: 67
    Moonchild wrote:
    Recent pics of Lily. Not sure if this is going to work or not!


    So cute! Want to pinch her cheeks!
    "I can only be as good as you'll let me."
  • MoonchildMoonchild Posts: 46
    jocelyn wrote:
    So cute! Want to pinch her cheeks!

    Thanks, she gets those from her dad! :D
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Moonchild wrote:
    Any recent pics of Chloe? She's real cute! :D It's too bad you have to go back to work so soon, but I understand the financial part of it. Will she be going to daycare?

    Thanks Moonchild :D yeah, we have been taking a bunch of pics of her lately. Her dad has gone crazy picture taken w/her since she was born :)

    Here are some recent photos of her we took a few weeks ago :D

    She won't be going into daycare. We talked about how much we want to raise our child ourselves instead of strangers taking care of her. :/ I have to call my boss tomorrow and let him know I am going back to work next Monday. We talked about it before I had Chloe and he said we can work out a schedule for me :) so I can work half a day. My boyfriend's work place understands as well, so he is going to work nights. i'm going to miss her while I am at work. Sometimes I wished I could work at home.
    my date has changed ..it´s now 11th of july and meddle i will really stay now 1 year home no matter what...it´s sad that your goverment doesn´t support family´s

    awww congrats girl!! You are so lucky to have a year off...i wish, here in the U.S. could offer this for us, but sadly we don't. :(
    Do you have one of those little "gym" things? It's like a mat with two arches that intersect over it, with toys hanging down. We got one of those for Annabelle when she was about Chloe's age, and she really liked staring up at the toys (and then eventually reaching for them). I was just thinking, maybe you could get one of those instead of a playpen right now, and then that would be another place to "park" the baby when you're not holding her...lol. Here is one that looks cute: http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html...sin=B000B5PC20

    (btw, I'm so not trying to tell you what to do! I just really sympathize with the tight budget thing!! )

    Brain of J.Lo, rhanks for your advice girl. :D we don't have one of those things. you know, a funny thing is that I put something similar to that in my target registry, (I think it was the Baby Edison one) but no one got it for me. :( I might have to pick one up sometime this week. :)

    nocode23, thanks for your advice too on the airplane thing. :D What you said did make sense :) thanks again!
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • So far, so good! We know there is bound to be a time when this changes, but we're just enjoying it while it lasts! :) I'm sure she'll probably be the kid who wants to sleep between us every night when she's like 3. And I'm a softy, and so is my husband, so we'll probably let her. :D

    Wow, lucky you. I thought I had it good. Hope I don't jinx you.
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Moonchild wrote:
    Recent pics of Lily. Not sure if this is going to work or not!


    haha. TOO cute!! Your daughter, Lily looks adorable Moonchild :D love the last pic. It reminds me whenever I change Chloe too :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Man Ive been missing the thread!
    Just been busy.
    Soooo many things I want to comment on. :D

    I can still remember Adrias first giggle.
    It was after her bath and I was drying her armpits.
    Now she has some days where she is an absolute giggle monster.

    I always talk to Adria in different voices and now she tries to copy me.
    I willeven make faces and she will try to do the same.
    So I will growl and and grrrr and gnash my teeth and scrunch up my face and she will do it back. Really super funny.

    I have flown twice with her and its free for a baby to fly under the age of two pretty much anywhere on your lap.
    The babies are usually allowed one peice of luggage checked, one carry on and another oversized item checked (carseat, stroller)
    And if you take your stroller up to the gate with baby they will have it ready for you when you come off. And if you have a stroller/carseat combo you can even wheel those up together and its still usually counted just as the stroller.
    A tip is feed (nurse or bottle) on the way up and down.
    Adria has never fussed about her ears yet.

    As for shedule Adria has one but the issue I have is she nurses to sleep.
    I know, I know its a bad thing. But we do ok with it.
    I say its fine 95% of the time and the other 5% its doesnt work for me it sucks.
    But she will not take a bottle to save her life.
    Doesnt suck her thumb or take a soother...
    Oh well. :)

    She just got her 5th tooth this past week and Im waiting for signs of another to appear. This last one snuck up on me.
    We are going to the dentist tomorrow just to make sure everything is on track and they can show me how to brush her teeth properly.
    I know most people dont take kids in till about 3 yrs but I want to be sure to be on the right track.

    Lastly just wanted to share that her new game is prying my mouth open to stare down my throat.
    And then she sticks her other hand in to feel around...
    Gags me all the time but its just sooo freakin hilarious to have her face pressed up against mine trying to see whats in there. :D

    Congrats to all the new parents to be!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    you have just made my day!

    MY name is Megan. and until now i never knew that it means Pearl! i was always told that its a welsh form of Margaret. so i never really liked my name!


    (nice choice by the way)

    and congrats on the new baby!

    your welcome. you have a GREAT name :D
    thanks :)
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    Moonchild wrote:
    Recent pics of Lily. Not sure if this is going to work or not!


    she's adorable!!!
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    Thanks Moonchild :D yeah, we have been taking a bunch of pics of her lately. Her dad has gone crazy picture taken w/her since she was born :)

    Here are some recent photos of her we took a few weeks ago :D

    she's beautiful!!!
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    Keep the pics coming!
    I need to post some new ones of Adria.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Great pictures everyone.


    How You Doin'

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Hands boundHands bound Posts: 534
    Great pictures everyone.


    How You Doin'


    He is absolutely too cute!!
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
  • Great pics
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