O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • lol! @ "little elephant trunks" :D

    I don't know if I would circ or not. Luckily, I didn't have to think of that yet. ;)
  • ZiggyStar wrote:
    Did anyone circumcise their little boys?

    Someone told me it's really hard to get it done nowadays (in Australia anyway). My boyfriend is circumcised and my little brother who is a year younger that me is circumcised so I grew up thinking circumcised penises are the norm -- and because of my boyfriend I still have that opinion....little elephant trunks look weird to me. :o Before I was with my boyfriend and was with other guys, uncircumcised penises were a bit of a turn off to be honest.

    Is it bad to want to circumcise my future son???

    I'm not sure what the norm is in Australia, you mentioned it's hard to have it done nowadays, but here in Canada it's only done if there is a medical reason to have it done. I don't think doctor's will perform the procedure here for aesthetic reasons (unless you're an adult paying out of pocket for your own removal). I don't know if it's viewed the same way in the US or not! :)
    I would say do a little research, check with your family doctor, he will know all the latest info on circumcision.
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • knittedknitted Posts: 244
    circumcision - well, i didn't even consider it with my wee boy - BUT - you are the parent and it should be your decision, as long as it is an informed one. doctors should give you good balanced information but should not talk you out of what you decide is best for your child. (i have found that doctors are quite fond of their own worldview and it can be hard to get round that - especially if you live in a small town).

    and can i just say that this is the sweetest thread in the entire pit!


    when my ears ring, my heart beats
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    nocode23 wrote:
    My wife had her first doctor visit for baby number 2. Due date is Sep. 4. Heartbeat is good. Wife's blood pressure and weight gain are both good too. So much fun starting this crazy cycle all over again!

    Congrats!!! :D when is your wife going to get the ultrasound?

    Chloe is now a month old. She is holding her head more and looking around. people tell me that she is very alert for her age. :)

    I have a question for all you mothers and fathers out there...when you go travel by plane, how much does the plane ticket costs for a infant w/a car seat? my boyfriend and i are planning to take a trip back to my home state of Texas to visit my family. I tried looking online to see how much it would cost, but they said when purchasing a ticket you have to call the airline. :/

    I hope everyone and their little ones are doing well.

    and i hope Ladygodiva's pregnancy is going well :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    Congrats!!! :D when is your wife going to get the ultrasound?

    Chloe is now a month old. She is holding her head more and looking around. people tell me that she is very alert for her age. :)

    I have a question for all you mothers and fathers out there...when you go travel by plane, how much does the plane ticket costs for a infant w/a car seat? my boyfriend and i are planning to take a trip back to my home state of Texas to visit my family. I tried looking online to see how much it would cost, but they said when purchasing a ticket you have to call the airline. :/

    I hope everyone and their little ones are doing well.

    and i hope Ladygodiva's pregnancy is going well :)

    Not sure when the ultrasounds gonna happen, but i can't wait! As for your travel question, we've taken Riley on planes twice now. Both times we chose the child on lap option and just checked the car seat at the gate. Most airlines allow children under a certain age to travel for free, unless you want them to have their own seat. Luckily for us there were extra seats on the plane and the flight attendants let us take three seats so we could have more room. I'd say just check with the specific airline and see what they can do. Sorry if that wasn't much help!

    By the way, I think Chloe is a beautiful name,and it is actually one of the names we like if we have another girl. That's awsome that she is holding her head and checking stuff out (ahhh memories...) Riley is now 17 months and is walking and talking up a storm. Kids are so fantastic! I'm so excited that my little girl is going to be a big sister!
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Here's what I dislike about Baby Books: "Sleep when your baby sleeps".

    That's sounds great...in theory.

    Case in point...Xavier was up most of the night on Saturday. So, I finally got him to sleep just after lunch. I layed down on the couch...got situated...tried to relax...finally (after about 30 minutes), I feel asleep...3 minutes later...crying...time to get back up.

    Also, when Xavier is asleep, I can get so much done. I can pay bills, upload/order photos, clean the house, etc.

    I am always tired...but I'm not always sleepy. Does that make sense?

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • hey i am back ...did the test i had to do (long story) and everything is fine :):):)
    baby is moving around and nobody can see what this baby gonna be!!!
    hope everybody is fine here!!!
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    Here's what I dislike about Baby Books: "Sleep when your baby sleeps".

    That's sounds great...in theory.

    Case in point...Xavier was up most of the night on Saturday. So, I finally got him to sleep just after lunch. I layed down on the couch...got situated...tried to relax...finally (after about 30 minutes), I feel asleep...3 minutes later...crying...time to get back up.

    Also, when Xavier is asleep, I can get so much done. I can pay bills, upload/order photos, clean the house, etc.

    I am always tired...but I'm not always sleepy. Does that make sense?


    You will be amazed at how little sleep you can get by with. Plus it's just too wonderful to see that little face staring up at you.

    As far as the tired but not sleepy, I know exactly how that feels.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    nocode23 wrote:
    You will be amazed at how little sleep you can get by with.

    That is indeed true. PBW wonders how I'm able to get up and go to work on such little sleep (she's still on maternity leave). Actually, I'm more awake if I get up and get out of the house. If I stay inside (like I do on the weekends), I'm more tired.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Ziggy,

    I never circumcised my son when he was born and I dont ever plan too (hes 5 now so might hurt quite a bit) Im a firm believer that its there for a reason.

    I let Krohn handle this one at the time, I figured Dad is probably the best person to make that decision. My family doctor said if Dad is, then son should be too so when it comes to puberty time, its easier to talk about and theres no 'how come I have this and dad doesnt'.

    I honestly felt it was a week argument and like I said, passed the issue along to Krohn to handle.

    As far as infections go, (many people believe that uncircumcised boys have tons of infections) Joey has had NONE in 5 years.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    You can get 30 free prints from CVS (good for all those baby photos) when you sign up.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Here's what I dislike about Baby Books: "Sleep when your baby sleeps".

    That's sounds great...in theory.

    Case in point...Xavier was up most of the night on Saturday. So, I finally got him to sleep just after lunch. I layed down on the couch...got situated...tried to relax...finally (after about 30 minutes), I feel asleep...3 minutes later...crying...time to get back up.

    Also, when Xavier is asleep, I can get so much done. I can pay bills, upload/order photos, clean the house, etc.

    I am always tired...but I'm not always sleepy. Does that make sense?


    I was like that, and still am. But now that Jack is 11 months old, it's really catching up to me. I've taken more naps (After putting him down for a nap) in the last month than I did in the previous 25 years. The constant tiredness becomes constant sleepiness after a while. He's also been getting up earlier. He used to get up between 9 and 10, now it's between 7 and 8. Stll going to bed around 11 though.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    He used to get up between 9 and 10, now it's between 7 and 8. Stll going to bed around 11 though.

    I think we've finally settled into a nice schedule.

    Bath time at 7.

    Feeding (Rice cereal/forumla) at 8.

    Bed time at 9.

    We usually go to bed between 9 and 10. PBW will go upstairs to bed while I stay downstairs on the couch (we have a bassinets upstairs and downstairs)

    Xavier sleeps until 2 or 3. I usually get up to feed him then.

    I take him upstairs and then PBW handles the next feeding at 6/7.

    It's been working for the past week or so. We split up the duties and have been getting much more sleep this way.

    It took a while to figure things out, but I think we have a rhythm going now.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    It's good to get a schedule down. It helps so much. Riley is almost 16 months now and she has a pretty regular routine. Our next one is due in September so we get to start all over! I can't wait though. Being a parent is the absolute best.
  • Steve DunneSteve Dunne Posts: 4,965
    Wow I'm late in joining this thread, but congrats to all who are going through this phase of your life. I have 3 (all under the age of 6) and I'm in the zone defense (basketball term for those unfamiliar). For those who still want kids - don't forget to have FUN in bed!!!!!!!! I'm jealous!

    PBM - not sure how old you little one is (wasn't going to read 96 pages of thread), but don't expect the schedule to last. I say that not sarcastically, but as a parent of 3. Just expect something to totally throw the baby off schedule. Either travel, illness, growth spurts, teeth, you name it. Again, not sure how old your's is, and if you have any others, but just wanted to offer that. Oh yeah, beer helps to calm the nerves, and all nursing moms should drink at least 1 glass of wine per night! :)
    I love to turn you on
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    cilcia wrote:
    but don't expect the schedule to last.

    Yeah, I can see how things can go off course very easily. But, we are Creatures of Habit, so if I can impliment some sort of structured schedule maybe we can keep our sanity for a while. :)

    Oh, Xavier is 10 weeks old.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Steve DunneSteve Dunne Posts: 4,965
    Yeah, I can see how things can go off course very easily. But, we are Creatures of Habit, so if I can impliment some sort of structured schedule maybe we can keep our sanity for a while. :)

    Oh, Xavier is 10 weeks old.


    I love to turn you on
  • That's been my experience with schedules too. Everything is a phase. From 4 weeks old, jack slept thru the night. He would take a bunch of quick naps thru the day. Then around 7-8 months, he started getting up in the middle of the night again, almost always between 2 & 2:30. (Which our Dr. forewarned us about) Quick bottle and back to bed, and he'd sleep until 10 or 11. Now he 's back to sleeping thru. Like I said earlier, he gets up around 7 or 8. Eats, plays for an hour or 2, and then back to sleep for 2 hours. Hopefully this schedule lasts for you, but don't get too used to it.
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    well add me to the people here that are pregnant. i just found out that I'm pregnant with our third baby
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • Steve DunneSteve Dunne Posts: 4,965
    pjhunz28 wrote:
    well add me to the people here that are pregnant. i just found out that I'm pregnant with our third baby

    congrats to you and your family!
    I love to turn you on
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    pjhunz28 wrote:
    well add me to the people here that are pregnant. i just found out that I'm pregnant with our third baby
    heather thats so fucking awesome, congrats.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    thanks....now to figure out another Pearl Jam related name LOL :D
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    heather thats so fucking awesome, congrats.

    thanks hun
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    You might get lucky schedule-wise, PBM! It seems like nothing disrupts Annabelle's schedule or keeps her from sleeping through the night. Since she started sleeping through at 6 weeks, I can count on one hand the amount of times she has gotten me up in the middle of the night. It happened twice when she had a cold back in January, and the others have been random flukes that I couldn't explain.

    The most amazing thing was when we were moving and drove from Chicago to NJ, which took us about 13 hours spread over two days. We stopped at about 8:30 the first night, set up the pack n play in the hotel room so she could hang out for a while and play outside of her carseat, and then at 10:30 we turned the lights off, crossed our fingers and put her back in the pack n play... She went to sleep without making a peep! :D

    But I take no credit for this; it's obviously just a personality trait of hers because I haven't done anything to establish her routine. I'm the queen of accidental parenting...lol. :D But it's working quite well so far! I can't believe she will be 9 months on Monday!
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    pjhunz28 wrote:
    thanks....now to figure out another Pearl Jam related name LOL :D

    congratulations! How are you feeling and when are you due? :)

    Keep us posted on your progress! I love hearing about this stuff ever since I"ve gone through it myself! :)

  • But I take no credit for this; it's obviously just a personality trait of hers because I haven't done anything to establish her routine. I'm the queen of accidental parenting...lol. :D But it's working quite well so far! I can't believe she will be 9 months on Monday!

    Wow, that's awesome. Even teething doesn't wake her up?
  • pjhunz28 wrote:
    thanks....now to figure out another Pearl Jam related name LOL :D
    What PJ related names have you used so far?
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    we turned the lights off, crossed our fingers

    So, that's a universal thing then. ;) Add holding my breath in addition to crossing my fingers.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Hi, everybody, how are you all doing? So I had my ultrasound yesterday. Everything was fine and we're having another girl. Since this is probably going to be our last kid, I was sort of hoping for a boy so we could have one of each. It doesn't really matter, though. It's a good thing because we have a 2 bedroom house so we don't have to change anything (room is pink) and we can use all those adorable girl outfits my dd hardly got to wear. The due date is still July 24th. I think someone else on this thread is due the same week (Jocelyn?) Good luck, everyone!
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
  • pjhunz28pjhunz28 Posts: 206
    congratulations! How are you feeling and when are you due? :)

    Keep us posted on your progress! I love hearing about this stuff ever since I"ve gone through it myself! :)

    Thanks. I'm due nov 2nd (so i am very early right now....which stinks cuz it'll take longer lol) ive been feeling ok. just real icky after i eat and at nights! and im SOOOO tired
    9/26/96, 9/15/98, 8/29/00, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 7/23/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08
    Boston 1
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