O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Well after Adrias flu which she got better from now we have a cold.
    Went to the doctor on the weekend cause she was coughing lots and got him to check her ears.
    Turns out she has a beginning of an ear infection too.
    So shes on some meds for that.
    Oh I cant wait till shes better.
    Shes just wanting to be held all the time.
    Poor girl.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Wish that your family gets healthy fast soon!!!!
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • genevieve wrote:
    Well after Adrias flu which she got better from now we have a cold.
    Went to the doctor on the weekend cause she was coughing lots and got him to check her ears.
    Turns out she has a beginning of an ear infection too.
    So shes on some meds for that.
    Oh I cant wait till shes better.
    Shes just wanting to be held all the time.
    Poor girl.

    Awww, poor little thing. The one time Annabelle has had a cold was the LONGEST week of our lives since she's been here! The hard part was that we were all sick, so we weren't even up to giving her as much attention as she needed. I hope she feels better soon, and it's good that she got some meds for the ear. That should help a lot, and fast. I had a ton of ear infections as a kid and usually felt significantly better within about 24 hours of taking the meds.
  • Hi! I've been kind of lurking on this thread for a little while, but I've been too paranoid to post until I got to a certain point in the pregnancy. We JUST started telling "the masses" (i.e. work people, large extended family) but we've known for what seems like forever!

    I'm 18 weeks pregnant, due July 20thish. This is our first baby. My husband posts on the boards, too sometimes. He said he'd post in the thread with me, but we'll see!

    ANYway....I'm just starting to get excited about being pregnant, but I still get scared about stuff going wrong, etc, etc.

    Does that let up after a while?

    "I can only be as good as you'll let me."
  • ringoringo Posts: 504
    jocelyn wrote:
    Hi! I've been kind of lurking on this thread for a little while, but I've been too paranoid to post until I got to a certain point in the pregnancy. We JUST started telling "the masses" (i.e. work people, large extended family) but we've known for what seems like forever!

    I'm 18 weeks pregnant, due July 20thish. This is our first baby. My husband posts on the boards, too sometimes. He said he'd post in the thread with me, but we'll see!

    ANYway....I'm just starting to get excited about being pregnant, but I still get scared about stuff going wrong, etc, etc.

    Does that let up after a while?


    woo hoo, you posted! I told ya I'd post too!
  • Wow! You really are slow at work today!! :)
    "I can only be as good as you'll let me."
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    jocelyn wrote:
    ANYway....I'm just starting to get excited about being pregnant, but I still get scared about stuff going wrong, etc, etc.

    Does that let up after a while?

    Congrats guys!!!

    It's an exciting time...helped me evaluate things in my life and helped me get all my finances in order. I cleaned like never before.

    Keep the faith that everything will go well...take care of yourself and don't over do anything.

    PissBottleWoman had a hard pregnancy...but after she saw Xavier for the first time...she said she'd do it all over again because she loves him so much.

    Hearing the heartbeat for the first time...it's like nothing else.

    Going for the ultrasounds and finding out the sex of the baby...one of the highlights.

    It's a fun time...enjoy it.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • ringoringo Posts: 504
    Thanks PBM!

    We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time a couple weeks ago. We go for the detailed ultrasound on March 6th and we should find out the sex then. Good times indeed.
  • I've know I'm going to be a dad for quite a while now, but since last week I know I'm having a son.

    And now here's the thing: I can't help but feel dissapointed. I absolutely hate myself for it. But I can't help it. I just had this aching for a girl.

    Fact is: one of the reason I kept holding a pregnancy off, is because I was afraid it was gonna be a son.

    I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.

    I have days where I tell - and convince - myself how great and amazing it's gonna be with my boy, but then all I need is one dad with a beautiful baby girl and the thought is gone.

    I hope - and I know - that as soon as he will be born, Ill' love him so much, I'll forget all about this and feel very ashamed I ever had thoughts like this, but now they're there - and I hate it....
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    jocelyn wrote:
    Hi! I've been kind of lurking on this thread for a little while, but I've been too paranoid to post until I got to a certain point in the pregnancy. We JUST started telling "the masses" (i.e. work people, large extended family) but we've known for what seems like forever!

    I'm 18 weeks pregnant, due July 20thish. This is our first baby. My husband posts on the boards, too sometimes. He said he'd post in the thread with me, but we'll see!

    ANYway....I'm just starting to get excited about being pregnant, but I still get scared about stuff going wrong, etc, etc.

    Does that let up after a while?


    Hi Jocelyn, welcome to the thread :D Congrats on the pregnancy. :)

    I totally understand about "lurking' on this thread, I did it too during the first month, b/c I wanted to be sure everything was alright w/my child. From my point of view, even when I found out my baby was okay, I still thought about the worst, of course, my friends and my boyfriend kept telling me that she was okay. :D

    I know finding out the sex of the baby is going to be exciting since you get to see your little one moving like crazy and see what is going on in your uterus. *sighs* I tell ya, going through the morning sickness, backaches, etc. it was worth it all to see that little face on the screen :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    casper leblanc,

    I can kind of see where you're coming from. I honestly didn't care either way...as long as the baby was healthy I was going to be happy. I had different reasons for having a boy or a girl.

    I'm overjoyed that we had a little boy though. I look forward to playing ball with him, teaching him about music, movies and tv (the things I know ;)), rough housing in the backyard and all the other things that come with it.

    I don't think I bonded with Xavier immediately. Understand, I loved him from moment one, but I was a little overwhelmed at the time. I was sleep deprived, I was entertaining family and I was still a little new to the whole concept of being a dad. A few late night feedings, diaper changes and a Sunday afternoon with just us together helped bring me closer to him.

    I looked forward to going home everyday to see him and I check our photobucket site hourly to see his various pictures.

    Anyway, I hope I've helped. It's an emotional time...you will develop a bond with your son and you'll be extremely happy...I know I am.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    I've know I'm going to be a dad for quite a while now, but since last week I know I'm having a son.

    And now here's the thing: I can't help but feel dissapointed. I absolutely hate myself for it. But I can't help it. I just had this aching for a girl.

    Fact is: one of the reason I kept holding a pregnancy off, is because I was afraid it was gonna be a son.

    I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.

    I have days where I tell - and convince - myself how great and amazing it's gonna be with my boy, but then all I need is one dad with a beautiful baby girl and the thought is gone.

    I hope - and I know - that as soon as he will be born, Ill' love him so much, I'll forget all about this and feel very ashamed I ever had thoughts like this, but now they're there - and I hate it....

    I think most parents if they are honest will admit that they wanted one or the other sex. I for one wanted all sons, and I got them. My hubby wanted a daughter at some point...never got one, but ask him if he is disappointed now....He will tell you HELL NO! He doesn't envy all his friends having so much fun with their teenage daughters, every single one of them is getting a run for their money!! No need to feel guilty.....you will fall madly in love with your precious baby boy.


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I was sure I was going to have a boy.
    All signs and everyone said. Its gonna be a boy.
    So I prepared myself for a boy.
    I really wanted a girl.
    I wanted a girl soooo bad.
    I packed clothes for baby to come home in.
    A little blue checkered sleeper with a baseball theme.
    And a little matching hat.
    When baby was born I didint even check the sex as I held it in the tub.
    And then my doula said "well Gen what did you have?"
    Oh right! I thought and checked...
    Ta Da! a girl!
    Trust me once you see that baby it doesnt matter.

    And now you can re write your families history.
    I have a crappy relationship with my folks.
    And Im determined to cuddle this kid till I cant cuddle no more!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    I've know I'm going to be a dad for quite a while now, but since last week I know I'm having a son.

    And now here's the thing: I can't help but feel dissapointed. I absolutely hate myself for it. But I can't help it. I just had this aching for a girl.

    Fact is: one of the reason I kept holding a pregnancy off, is because I was afraid it was gonna be a son.

    I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.

    I have days where I tell - and convince - myself how great and amazing it's gonna be with my boy, but then all I need is one dad with a beautiful baby girl and the thought is gone.

    I hope - and I know - that as soon as he will be born, Ill' love him so much, I'll forget all about this and feel very ashamed I ever had thoughts like this, but now they're there - and I hate it....

    Buy a book called "Raising Boys" by Steve Biddulph. It will help you break the cycle of poor father/son relationships and help you treasure you son. It will also help you understand yourself better, did me.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by DinghyDog on
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    All these happy papas!
    Makes me all melty inside.
    Men are just as soft as us girls. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hope everyone has a grrrrreat weekend.

    We will be recovering from colds.
    Adria has finished with hers and passed it along to us.
    Heres hopeing she is immune to it now and doesnt get it from us.

    Been trying to work on some sign language with her.
    Dont know if shes getting it quite yet.
    Also teaching her to wave bye bye, seems to be going better.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Hey Gen, I was going to ask you about how she was doing w/her cold. I'm glad that she has recovered from it, but I hope u and your hubby do get better. :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn

  • I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.


    They only way the trend will continue is if you let it continue. If you're on here talking about, it probably means you don't want it to continue, and therefore won't LET it coontinue. There is no great rule or anything that says your relationship with your son has to be a certain way because of the way you were with your father, or your father, and his father, or whatever. It is entirely up to you.

    finally had some time to catch up on this thread. We just overcame our first bout with dreaded diarrhea. It wasn't the 6 or 7 poops per day that was the worst. It was the sore butt. I couldn't even touch Jack with a wipe without him screaming. We did learn a few things though:

    1. Always have a can of Triple Butt Paste on hand. It works, and really quickly

    2. Always have a supply of Soy formula on hand also. We use Similac, so it was Isomil, for diarrhea. That, along with bananas and oatmeal binded things right up in a day or 2. The Dr. told me about the Isomil so I had to go out and get a few bottles. Now we'll be keeping it in the house, just in case

    3. Diarrhea, while a fun word to say, is not a fun thing to have
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Adria had a nasty rash when she had her flu.
    NAsty acid poops.
    I went and got this Polysporin Kids.
    Would put that on and let it dry a bit and then a ton of 18% Zinc oxide creme
    called Penaten.
    Also lotsa naked time.
    Did I mention I got peed on? :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevieve wrote:
    Adria had a nasty rash when she had her flu.
    NAsty acid poops.
    I went and got this Polysporin Kids.
    Would put that on and let it dry a bit and then a ton of 18% Zinc oxide creme
    called Penaten.
    Also lotsa naked time.
    Did I mention I got peed on? :D

    :D I had to laugh when I read this. We have been battling Annabelle's first bout with diaper rash this week and so there has been a lot of extra naked time... And yesterday, she peed twice on our (brand new!!) carpet and once on her daddy...lol! :D
  • I've know I'm going to be a dad for quite a while now, but since last week I know I'm having a son.

    And now here's the thing: I can't help but feel dissapointed. I absolutely hate myself for it. But I can't help it. I just had this aching for a girl.

    Fact is: one of the reason I kept holding a pregnancy off, is because I was afraid it was gonna be a son.

    I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.

    I have days where I tell - and convince - myself how great and amazing it's gonna be with my boy, but then all I need is one dad with a beautiful baby girl and the thought is gone.

    I hope - and I know - that as soon as he will be born, Ill' love him so much, I'll forget all about this and feel very ashamed I ever had thoughts like this, but now they're there - and I hate it....

    Soooo many people go through this! You are not alone! Please don't feel bad or guilty or hate yourself for it.

    I didn't really have a preference, but even before I was pregnant, I just pictured my husband and I having a little boy. I would see little guys out with their moms and dads, and it would just melt my heart. If I walked by the baby department in a store, I would go straight to the little boy clothes to gush about how cute they were, especially a tiny suit or some other mini version of adult clothes. I pictured a tiny little version of my husband, who I absolutely adore, and it just made me so happy.

    Then, once I got pregnant, I continued to imagine this little "mini Greg". Then we had our ultrasound, and the tech said "It's a little girl!!" I have to admit, I felt something at that moment...not disappointment, because I was thrilled to know what we were having...but I guess it was just a surprise to find out that it wasn't going to be the way I'd imagined it. But very quickly I stopped imagining "mini Greg" and started to imagine the little girl we were actually going to have and I was more excited than ever. And by the time she got here, I couldn't even remember feeling anything but excitement.

    The thing I learned is that you don't love your child because it's something you've been longing for and it feels so great. It's not like when you've wanted a certain car or breed of dog and then finally get it and you're thrilled that it's here. You love your child because you fall in love with the individual that they are, and you will start to see what an awesome little person your son is as soon as you first meet him. :) I'm confident that your feelings will dissolve as you get closer and closer to your little guy's birth and when you start to get to know him, you will forget you ever pictured it any other way. It'll be better than you ever imagined. :)

  • I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.


    They only way the trend will continue is if you let it continue. If you're on here talking about, it probably means you don't want it to continue, and therefore won't LET it coontinue. There is no great rule or anything that says your relationship with your son has to be a certain way because of the way you were with your father, or your father, and his father, or whatever. It is entirely up to you.

    finally had some time to catch up on this thread. We just overcame our first bout with dreaded diarrhea. It wasn't the 6 or 7 poops per day that was the worst. It was the sore butt. I couldn't even touch Jack with a wipe without him screaming. We did learn a few things though:

    1. Always have a can of Triple Butt Paste on hand. It works, and really quickly

    2. Always have a supply of Soy formula on hand also. We use Similac, so it was Isomil, for diarrhea. That, along with bananas and oatmeal binded things right up in a day or 2. The Dr. told me about the Isomil so I had to go out and get a few bottles. Now we'll be keeping it in the house, just in case

    3. Diarrhea, while a fun word to say, is not a fun thing to have

    The sore butt is the worst. Annabelle hasn't had diarrhea, but since she has started eating a lot more solids recently, she has gone from 1 poop per day to usually 4 and that has thrown her for a loop. We are currently trying the Boedreaux's Butt Paste (since this afternoon) and it already looks a little better...but it's so much more expensive than the generic Target brand stuff we were using, so I hope it really does work! And I agree, diaper changes are hell. Yesterday, she was crying so hard that her hands would shake. I thought my husband was going to cry after he changed her one time. :( It was so sad!
  • I've know I'm going to be a dad for quite a while now, but since last week I know I'm having a son.

    And now here's the thing: I can't help but feel dissapointed. I absolutely hate myself for it. But I can't help it. I just had this aching for a girl.

    Fact is: one of the reason I kept holding a pregnancy off, is because I was afraid it was gonna be a son.

    I don't know why, really, but I think it's cause I'm afraid of the the father-son relationship, and how that evolves. I had a pretty fucked up one with my own father (a trend in my families history).

    Now I know that doesn't mean anything, I know that, but it doesn't take away the feeling I have.

    And I just always saw myself with a little girl, I really cherished the softness of it, a little girl and her dad. Maybe I am idealising it, sure, but I can't help it.

    I have days where I tell - and convince - myself how great and amazing it's gonna be with my boy, but then all I need is one dad with a beautiful baby girl and the thought is gone.

    I hope - and I know - that as soon as he will be born, Ill' love him so much, I'll forget all about this and feel very ashamed I ever had thoughts like this, but now they're there - and I hate it....

    We wanted and had a girl, but I realize now that if it had been a boy, I would have loved him just as much. :) It's all so foreign at first. Having a baby in your home, when before it was just the two of you, a HUGE adjustment. But the amazing thing is that as each day goes by, you love that child more and more and he will become more precious to you, until you can't imagine your life without him.
    After a while they do more than eat and sleep too! Our little girl is five months now and every day she is doing something new. She holds her own bottle now and is starting to sit up on her own.
    My childhood wasn't the greatest either, but because you're aware of how it affected you, you'll probably make an extra effort to make sure it doesn't happen with your own child. I didn't know if I could rise to the challenge of being a good parent, but I've surprised myself. History doesn't have to repeat itself. :)
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    We got through the first round of shots on Thursday. Xavier did really well...he cried when they stuck him with the needles, but only for a few seconds. I was proud of him.

    I was also proud of PissBottleWoman...I thought for sure she would be in tears as her little boy got stuck with those needles. She held up.

    All is well.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    My wife had her first doctor visit for baby number 2. Due date is Sep. 4. Heartbeat is good. Wife's blood pressure and weight gain are both good too. So much fun starting this crazy cycle all over again!
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Did anyone circumcise their little boys?

    Someone told me it's really hard to get it done nowadays (in Australia anyway). My boyfriend is circumcised and my little brother who is a year younger that me is circumcised so I grew up thinking circumcised penises are the norm -- and because of my boyfriend I still have that opinion....little elephant trunks look weird to me. :o Before I was with my boyfriend and was with other guys, uncircumcised penises were a bit of a turn off to be honest.

    Is it bad to want to circumcise my future son???
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by DinghyDog on
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